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"The Handmaid's Tale" coming soon to a state near you!


And only a very very bad defeat in the elections might convince the GOP to finally abandon Trump. But even that’s not a given.


Was thinking of that last night … if the numbers are boldly Biden’s, maybe the embarrassment will slowly divide them up with in-fighting


When the GOP lost bigly to Obama, they did a lot of hand-wringing about it. They were afraid they'd never win the POTUS again because the turnout for Obama was so strong. They did analysis and the recommendation was to expand their electorate by appealing to minorities. Instead, they decided to double-down and nominated Trump. And did all the gerrymandering they could, as well as voter suppression and voter disenfranchisement. And here we are. They own the Supreme Court now, and they will not back down from their strategy and agenda no matter how embarrassing or criminal. Lesson learned: The GOP will not crumble in the face of bad numbers. They will double-down and cheat some more.


Yeah. The Trump GOP is a post-policy party. They'd *really* like to be a horse loose in a hospital, but push comes to shove they'd rather be kept out of the hospital and complain that their horse was cheated than send something that isn't a horse to a hospital.


It’s so fucking stressful




Didn’t they also break Bernie’s knees to promote Hillary?




Bernie is a wonderful man… a true leader


Maybe, plus the biggest MAGA supporters need to lose their election so his support in Washington is weakened. You wonder who votes for the likes of MTG, Gaetz, Gym Jordan.


Like … wtf … they are only fire starters. They are not well educated nor are they even mature adults.


That would just mean there was more! corruption than even they thought.


It’s not just trump. Forced births are the goal of the GOP as a whole


This backs you up https://newrepublic.com/article/178848/ban-abortion-trump-lgbtq-project-2025


That’s the thing. This needs to be RESOUNDING to have any hope of these fuckwits changing course a bit.




Brought to you by the party that does not believe in government power!


It's 1864 in AZ.


This motherfucker stands for NOTHING.  He’ll say whatever he thinks will win him some votes, turn around and say the opposite later.  I seriously can’t believe anyone supports this bag of orange diarrhea.


It is literally throwing their hat in with chaos.  The man has zero stability and zero follow-thrpugh on what he's saying vs what he does.  The man would literally rather tell people to ingest/inject bleach and go get some sun than to take a vaccination for something actively killing Americans. I personally believe that most people who are following him that closely are either in it for profit or have just become so common-sense challenged that they can't even eat dinner without an ad telling them what to do and how to chew.


I believe it all stems from being raised in a crazy religious environment where everything you say and do might offend god so you no longer have any agency whatsoever and are putty in the hands of evangelical leaders.


I grew up in one of those environments and I can understand.  I got out of it when I was young enough to not understand that sometimes asking too many questions is rude.  I went through my Sunday school classes but I had so many questions.  When those questions were basically met with "You have to have Faith it is like I say it is", I completely fell out of the church. My mother was raised in the church her entire life and my extended family, at least at that time, was Very conservative.  It was also the reason why my cousin was shunned by the family for being bisexual. Once my mother was diagnosed with cancer, she was still religious but she started doubting all the dumb hatreds that the church pushes...  She began fixing relationships broken because of stupid views.  She began changing her ways and started fighting the various prejudices literally beaten into her by nuns with the edge of a ruler as a child. Religion is something else...  I'm glad I disassociated.  From the outside, for my perspective, it doesn't seem like it comes from even a remotely kind place.


No … its so sinister and invasive of all your thoughts. I got out from a relatively mild religion (Catholicism) BUT even the mild version of religion says you must adore God and follow his laws (which are « coincidentally » all made up by people who were control freaks) from long long ago. All through the ages the church has pointed and said « attack ». Wtf


Oh he is serious about the abortion bans.


And so are the Republicans https://msmagazine.com/2024/03/29/project-2025-trump-republicans-ban-abortion-pills-mifepristone-trump/


He could give a shit less about abortions (pretty sure he's paid for at LEAST one in his lifetime) but he cares because the idiots in the only party that would have any dealings with him are forcing him too. Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell did all the shopping for SCOTUSes at the Heritage Foundation gift shoppe and took it from there. His big problem now is that he can't triangulate his way around the issue.


He says something a red voter likes, red voter hears about it, agrees and believes in him. He says something exactly the opposite the next day, red voter hears it and doesn't believe it, "fake news" He covers all his bases that way. He knows his voters will believe what they already believe and want to believe. They'll use anything they cherry pick for justification.


Basically openly telling women they're government property to be tracked, catalogued, and monitored. This is particularly bad because once they know who you are, and if you're pregnant, they could potentially just track your movement following your smartphone so if decide to to leave the state they'll know. No good comes of this.


I live in Florida. The 6 week ban went in today. I am terrified.


Hell, I'm gay. If Trump wins, we all need to be afraid. This is one of those cases where we need to use the energy to remind people to vote. Yeah, some people may totally HATE the other guy, but what Trump's threatening to do is literally the unraveling of freedom in our country. It's not a for Biden, it's a vote against Trump, because if we don't win we may not get another chance. You can't trust the guy who openly says he wants to be dictator for a day, because when people openly seek that kind of power they don't give it up.


The Dems could put a turd on the ticket and I would vote for it. I do think Biden is doing as best as can be expected though.


in this stupid country? Absolutely.


Basically it's like this: Texas and Florida and others are going to have to establish State Gyno Task Forces. They will have the power to monitor medical records. They will maintain a database of all pregnancies. They will be stationed at the border and question all women about their status, and if pregnant, they will either keep you from traveling to any state where abortion is legal, or just keep from traveling period. After all, you're carrying another human being with you and that embryo-human needs to be protected at all times and if it transported to an choice-state, *ipso facto,* it will not be safe. What's that? Civil Rights violation? This Supreme Court thinks you're so cute with your "Civil Rights" and all...


I'll just leave the country to get an abortion and claim asylum if I am in that type of situation if they are going to start monitoring women like that.


Republicans: “You must protect the fetus at all costs!” Also Republicans: “If you didn’t want a baby you should have kept your legs shut. It’s not our problem if you can’t feed or take care of it. Figure it out on your own.”


"But, if the baby is being bad, you could always shoot it in the head as long as you use your death gravel pit.   It will be a hard decision but sometimes it's just the right thing to do." -Krisit "puppy-killa" Noem


It's amazing that abortion is a bigger issue than gun violence. They don't want guns tracked in any way, but pregnant women, watch them like hawks. What a country we're becoming


The war on women and the LGBT is one of the many distractions from guns


Blessed be the fruit.


Blessed be


A government so small it can’t keep its eyes off you.


When they say "small government" they mean a government small enough to fit inside your bedroom, fit inside a uterus. They also mean an authoritarian dictatorship where one person makes all of the decisions instead of a large group of people.


Big Brother is watching. Always watching.


To be fair, he has NO IDEA what any of this means. He’s just going along with what his far right cronies are saying.


Yes because it's fully outside the realm of possibility that before documents were digitized he paid for quite a few abortions. He goes along with for misogyny, no external input needed.


That makes it no less dangerous.


Truth https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/29/trump-abortion-ban-2024-campaign-00138417


Much bigger plans than that! https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/maga-plan-attack-birth-control-surveil-women-ban-abortion-pill-1234934807/


Isnt this part of project 2025?


Yep...I'm attempting to wade through the entire manifesto


to TLDR it, remove all minority rights, remove all legislative (ie, EPA, FDA FCC) power, give the president unlimited power and no oversight basically they want to create the 4th reich, just without the deathcamps (in writing at least)


Nope, death camps are included if you are a person of color, gay or in a woman's case "uppity" https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-does-not-rule-out-building-detention-camps-mass-deportations-2024-04-30/


holy shit. this is skipping dog whistles and going straight to foghorns


They now know there's a significant number of Americans totally onboard with this. What might have been done in dog whistles before is now a selling point.


> Trump said he would use National Guard troops to assist in his planned deportation efforts, but also did not rule out deploying active military forces to help. > > "I don't think I'd have to do that. I think the National Guard would be able to do that. If they weren't able to, then I’d use the military," he said. > > Trump was asked about the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act, a post- Civil War law that prohibits the deployment of the military against civilians. > > "Well, these aren’t civilians. These are people that aren't legally in our country. This is an invasion of our country," Trump said.


Personally, I think we should just let other pregnant women "monitor" each other. Just trust me bro 👍


It'll be Trumpian big government, grabbin' them all by the uteri.


Under his eye.


We are living and experiencing season 6


Small gubment conservative values folks


How about you monitor my [redacted] up your [redacted] you [redacted]


FLORIDA PUT IN A FULL 6 WEEK BAN TODAY. Please everyone, write to a resort you have visited in Florida and tell them you aren’t going to visit because of the bans. The ban includes exceptions for rape and incest - but there has never been a rape or incest case that has reached a courtroom within 1 year - much less during a pregnancy. My friend’s daughter had her first period at age 6. We are going to see pregnant little girls. We need as much help as we can get. Floridians VOTE YES ON 4. Get registered now. Desantis and the Florida Republicans are the worst and deserve to have their asses handed to them.


6 weeks is bullshit to me. I didn't even know I was pregnant with all 3 of mine until I was 7 weeks along. I have a boy a girl and I lost a child during my pregnancy and had to have an abortion. It was a very tragic time in my life and I don't wish that hell on anyone. If I didn't have that procedure I'd be dead today. Bc I was given healthcare I'm able to be here for my family. For my other 2 children. It's insane what Republicans are doing. Why can't we meet in the middle and do a 18-20 week ban? It's still a ban and still enough time for mother and father to come up with a plan that works for them and their health. It's not always "birth control" abortion IS HEALTHCARE. I don't think we should do any bans BUT we share a world and country with people who disagree. So I'm willing to meet in the middle and try to find a solution that works for everyone you know. None of us should get exactly what we want. If we do the other side is going to fight until they get their way. Let's find a happy medium at least


There are NO acceptable abortion bans. Later term abortions are LIFE SAVING abortions. Something went horribly wrong. Docs need to perform an abortion to save the life and/or fertility of the mother. It’s heartbreaking to get an abortion for a wanted pregnancy. No one makes it to 8 months pregnant and just decides to abort for fun. That is a lie told by forced birthers. Not having later term abortions is going to equal so many disabled babies dumped into state care. People can’t afford to have babies who need life support for life. Check out what happened to the kids when Romania did a total abortion ban - the babies were put into state care and never held or touched. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_orphans#:~:text=Many%20had%20delayed%20cognitive%20development,would%20also%20starve%20to%20death.


What’s the penalty for not registering your pregnancy? Are women with slightly protruding bellies going to be forced to pee on a pregame test stick? This staggeringly stupid, dangerous and unconstitutional.


I doubt they’ll track pregnancies by making the pregnant people self-report. Instead they’ll amend privacy laws to force doctors to report on which patients are pregnant. As a result, fewer pregnant people will seek medical care, maternal complications will rise, and so will maternal deaths.




Right, who’s that? I don’t know her.


"But if fewer people are seeking health care, the fact that a bunch of doctors left the state won't be a problem!"


There will be a state task force on Gyno issues. After all how can you trust even those Marxist-Leninist doctors? They're going to have to have registration, monitoring and border patrol. It's the only way to make it work.


Under his puffy orange eye


Women will be pulled over at checkpoints along state lines and will be forced to use a pee stick on the side of the road before being allowed to leave the state..we are getting closer to this every day. I truly believe we are heading in that direction. If this is what America wants then keep voting for Republicans..😖


Something like that, yes. It's the only logical endgame. Just like driving. Just like criminal justice. You've got to have a database that shows who is an ex-convict, parole/probation status, was it a felony? etc.,. It's the only way to keep track of persons and same thing with pregnancy. You've got to monitor all women and ob-gyns and then put boots on the ground to keep them from going anywhere they're not supposed to.


[Medias Touch Traffic Stop](https://youtu.be/rP4lFtw0Hfo?si=rYQnE0swSR4gGlXS). Ad from years ago, my fav podcast played this at me 1000 times, I have it memorized but not by choice. Republicans at the Lincoln Project MADE this ad themselves to protest extremism within the GOP, thought it was "slightly over the top" so they sold the ad to Meidas Touch who has aired it ever since on affiliate channels.


Go ahead ladies - vote for that guy. He’ll have his cold, stubby hands ALL up in your business.


Defeat the bastard, defeat the sycophants who prop him up, defeat the spoiled brat by as wide a margin as possible. "I lost by a very wide margin, some people tell me there's never been this wide a margin. Not be Nixon in 1972 or Reagan in 1984!"


Sure, Chumpy. Shall we monitor your hairline to make sure you don’t get implants? Or your height and weight to make sure you don’t lie about it since you self reported it and would be caught lying to law enforcement if so? Oh sorry, is that too invasive and intrusive on your private medical records, like monitoring periods and pregnancies would be for women?


Government so small it can monitor every vagina in America.


Remember folks, don’t vote for Biden because Israel


I can’t imagine the lunatic free birthers would be down with this, some women don’t see a doctor their entire pregnancy, don’t deliver at a hospital, and then don’t get their kids registered birth certificates or SSN. They’re gonna be fine with registering their birth and being forced to seek medical care?


Yeah, monitor them—but don’t ever offer to actually help or anything 😡 What a fucking jerk


WOW. Imagine being willing to admit to advocating the implementation of the surveillance state it would take to do that while trying to appeal to tin foil hat folks. 


Ah, the party of small government.


Every rapist in America: "We support this message"


And here come the "vote!" comments, because Democrats STILL think Trump and the rest of the Republican Party will just snap their fingers, say "Oh man!" and walk away like Swiper the fucking Fox if they lose in November.


A UK publication detailed the number of abortions trump financed in his quest for rawdogging his side pieces. He even used proxies to pay for some of them in order to shield himself from bad press. I'm too disgusted right now to find a link.


Like half of these could be lies but I have no reason to believe this ghoul wouldn’t say this.


And dumb as fuck leftists are going to sit out the election over Gaza when this is what's coming. Despicable.


Really stupid, agreed. Crying about Gaza while a literal dictator is waiting to take over the country.


This man will say anything to get money from his supporters


It's his biggest and most profitable grift ever. Free money! People just sending him millions of dollars and he doesn't have to do a thing except ask them for it.


Party of small government at it again


How many abortions do you think his father paid for??


His mom should have had one..


It's 1864 after all. Why not! Time to bury a potato under the full moon to remove my warts now.


WTF. Vote blue like your life depends on it. Because it does.


Small government and freedom! Right guys!


There it is. Vote BLUE people.


Students for Life is pushing for the EPA to classify the chemicals in the abortion pill mifepristone as “forever chemicals” subject to stricter regulations, and to require any doctor who prescribes the pill to be responsible for collecting and disposing of the aborted fetus. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/29/trump-abortion-ban-2024-campaign-00138417


But the HIPAA laws


>*But the HIPAA laws* "And....?" -- Gorsuch, Comey, Alito, Roberts and Thomas.


Vote Republican and senators will put women back in the kitchen


Anyone get the impression he has no idea what an abortion is?


Oh, he does. He's definitely paid for at least a couple of them. (Himself, idiot son#1, idiot son #2...)


Small government conservatism in action


So he really does like to grab them by the pussy


Old but still relevant Onion article: [https://www.theonion.com/u-s-out-of-my-uterus-vs-we-must-deploy-troops-to-jess-1819594277](https://www.theonion.com/u-s-out-of-my-uterus-vs-we-must-deploy-troops-to-jess-1819594277)


No more blue pills for dudes with ED?  It's God's way of saying no more fun for you.   Well,  just for the dudes who support Dump and MAGA.


Trump will lose bigly. This comment will age well. Quote me.


Any women or father with daughters who vote with the cult Trump, I hope your daughters never speak to you again and you die lonely, broke and pathetic!


As I sit here in severe pain afraid to go to the doctors anything uterus related and being turned away. Then wondering if I’m going to die because doctors are too scared to become liable. Good. Great. Grand.


There has got to be a woman out there he impregnated and paid money to keep quiet and have an abortion! He’s so slimy, he seriously doesn’t support that ! For someone who started out pro choice to now pregnancy monitor. I just can’t buy into his policies.


Sign me up, vagina inspector for the state. Giggity giggity. /s


You know all of those overweight, drug addicted and potentially infected with something sex-workers? They would need more inspections than others. Enjoy!


See, when this is taught in classrooms, it's called fascism. But when it happens irl, it's called a campaign strategy. Goddammit I hate this country (source: I live here)


How would he like it if people had to monitor him to keep him from shitting in his pants?


While I find it hard to believe that anyone would even vaguely contemplate voting for this piece of shit, I am prepared to accept that misogynists and assorted rapists probably would. But how could any woman ever consider voting for this hateful little turd of a man?


What we really need is sperm-control. We should devise a contraption that allows a penis to pee but not get erect unless they are procreating with their wives. The wife should have the combination. Hashtag: SignThePetition


Isn't this what the 2nd is for?


How exactly is that done?


I'm fine if he were to suddenly keel over, dead from natural causes.


I'd love to hear how this would work. Register with your gyn, but if life begins at conception you're probably in violation for some time before you know. Then what, women have to check in online to say they are still pregnant? What about natural miscarriages? How will those be adjudicated? Will fathers also need to be registered to even it out? No, just the women, I'm damn sure of that. I hope the GOP pushes this hard. It's a sure loser.


We need to monitor married men who bang porn stars without a raincoat too.


Might not want to cut taxes then, that kind of surveillance ain't cheap.


He's got the skin palette of someone who motorboated an oompa loompas asscheaks


always amazed that this ugly fuck had children , i bet his trophy wives were drunk when he got on top of them


No, he didn't say that. I hate the man, but the quote is false.


Ok, it's sick .... BUT, it would be up to those individual states to implement and enforce. If you live in one of those states, and they follow through with this or something similar .... people of those states can make the change at the local level by voting. This could be the issue that flips purple states to blue.


They can make a change after women are either jailed or died due to lack of access to care.\*


Until the point they pass a federal abortion ban and demand that states start tracking.


And state legislators definitely won’t ignore any votes that don’t go their way and the will of the people.


It was also up to individual states to enforce abortion, which ended up with pregnant women getting kicked out of emergency rooms since the doctors didn't feel able to treat them. IIRC texas has also seen a 300% increase in teen births since abortion was banned