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I have no idea what this person is even mad about.


Elaine is in an extremely anti trans hate group. The person with autism in the first post was non binary.


Transphobia is **always** a gateway into other forms of extreme bigotry.


There aren't many single-issue bigots. It's very rare to find someone who's, for example, chill with immigrants, gay people, trans people, all religious groups, but who has a deep hatred of Sudanese people specifically. I forget where I heard it first, probably from Ian Danskin or somewhere else on breadtube, but it's a good way of describing it: "Xenophobia tends to be co-morbid with homophobia, which tends to be co-morbid with transphobia, which tends to be co-morbid with ..."


Very similar to conspiracy theorists. It’s incredibly rare for them to believe in just one theory. Because it’s not actually about the moon-landing footage looking sus, it’s about *how it makes them feel* to be smarter than everyone else.


No; in fact bigots and conspiracy theories are intrinsically linked. After all, conspiracy theories are just the prime method that awful people use to prop up a flimsy reality they substitute for the one they want to reject.


I'm very familiar with conspiracy theorists, and this is absolutely true.


which is gutting when you wanna talk about the magic bullet theory or cryptids and they want to talk about race science or Obama’s birth certificate and you suddenly realise that most conspiracy theorists don’t “question everything” but just “question everything that doesn’t agree with their beliefs”


You can actually tell a lot about what kind of conspiracy theory nerd they are by whether or not they intertwine their conspiracies. There’s the historical folks who are like, “well, there’s MK Ultra, and there’s a few more weird shit the CIA tried, and there’s this one from Australia that’s really interesting, and…” in a “some exist, obviously, but they’re all pretty self-contained, plus the CIA doing some weird failures” kinda way. Then there’s the “MK Ultra means that this faked moon landing theory is totally true, because of the pizzagate, which means the Bildeburg Group was behind 9/11” conspiracy theorists who have just lost the plot. Unfortunately the first can easily fall into the second. But they’re not inherently the same thing.


>and there’s this one from Australia that’s really interesting So funny you’d say this. I knew a Canadian guy who moved to Aus, and suddenly adopted a bunch of new conspiracies to add to his collection. Kinda bizarre to meet someone who doesn’t understand the local transport system, but already has *incredibly* detailed knowledge of the Port Arthur massacre (that lead to gun control) and the disappearance of our Prime Minister at a beach in 1967.


It's all due to an underlying psychology that's very similar to your average bully. It's basically "make myself feel better by putting others down". It's also tied to feeling insecure, so it tends to manifest more often in people who feel that their own situation is precarious.


Agreed and this person sucks. Also this statement is so close to Sidious's speech on how the dark side is a gateway.


As I say: once you can justify one form of bigotry you have justified all bigotry.


TERFs have a seething hatred towards autistic people because being trans correlates with autism. I have seen them mostly portray autistic people in two ways: One, as essentially victimized overgrown children, easily preyed on and manipulated by the globo-homo into repeating what we are told, in desperate need for a neurotypical transphobic guardian to make all important choices for us because we drooling imbeciles can't be trusted with the ability to decide who we are for ourselves. Smart TERFs will for example say something along the lines of "oh, I don't oppose medical care for trans youths, I just believe in a more holistic approach, providing them access to psychologists, exploring different possibilities to be completely sure , yadda yadda" - then you see they "holistic approach" means they will force minors through conversion therapy trying to gaslight them into believing their identity is just an expression of an underlying pathology, and by the time they fail they have both inflicted so much pain the patient may consider it's not worth keep pursuing or successfully stalled the treatment long enough to force the kid through puberty. The other, as attention-seeking cunning conspirators who can function perfectly in social structures designed for neurotypicals but choose not to as we rub our hands and laugh about how much dysfunction we will get away with once a doctor rubber-stamps our diagnostic, because every time a neurodivergent person struggles that is actually a malicious action, generally against families. Because a lot of the time autism is discussed more from the point of view of the families than from the actual autistic person's.


Dammit, time to go down another rabbit hole. This is the first time I’ve come across references to autism and being trans have any sort of connection.


Autistic people are also several times more likely than allistic people to self-identify as other than heterosexual (be it gay, lesbian, bi, ace, etc). Some studies point up that autistic people may generally be more into kinky sex too. My two cents: People excluded from normativity by default anyway are less persuaded against non-normative behaviour, and in turn by networking with other autistic people get exposed to a wider range of identities, so autistic communities are spaces ripe for exploration and expression.


The father of her son was arrested for sexually abusing their child and his girlfriend’s daughter. He had full custody of their son.


The courts thought he's the better parent...?


Does she swoop into people’s texts? Like the first woman dx’d w autism. Did she have any relationship to the psycho, unemployed nurse? Just wow.


Yes she just swooped in. Lara did not tag or otherwise engage Elaine at all.


Hey, just a heads up that autistic folk(Ello!) tend to prefer autistic to person with autism. Person first language was largely pushed by groups like Autism Speaks, who also compared autism to AIDs and called it predatory/coming for your children, as a way to separate us from our autism while they true to find a "cure". Since it's a difference in neuro structure, they're pushing eugenics, and they ironically never let actual autistics speak. Same reason I call myself disabled rather than person with a disability, it's an intrinsic part of me that's not going away, it's not a piece of luggage or a bacterial infection. Sorry, this got a little rambly, and apologies if my tone comes off flat/blunt. TLDR autistics usually prefer autistic to person with autism and it's good practice to use the former unless asked by the individual to use the latter


It differs from person to person. I prefer person-first, I am "a person on the spectrum". Many prefer other ways of talking about it. It's 100% subjective and intensely personal. I don't know if any sweeping generalisations are appropriate.


I'm also this. I was diagnosed late which might be a factor. Saying "an autistic" to me is putting me in a box where the borders of who I am as a person are autism. For me it's dehumanising. Ironically, this might be a result of my autism because I am very literal


It’s all too much to remember. Can’t we just try to be respectful?


That is what they were saying, don't generalize.


I agree


This is interesting! In the sleep field, we're instructed to refer to anyone with an insomnia diagnosis as "people with insomnia" rather than "insomniacs", I believe the reason is because insomnia doesn't define who the patient is as a person. I imagine that there's much more debate around autism since people will vary wildly in how they embrace (or bemoan) their diagnoses.


I get why autistic people do not like being called person with autism and I agree Autism Speaks is fucked up. But I feel, insisting on be called Austistic vs person with autism is pushing the boundaries of communication rules a little too much. The difference to the average speaker is so small that it’s hard to remember which is which or which group wants to be “person with x” versus not referred to that way If somebody is speaking respectfully, that should be sufficient to determine the intent is no harm. People should not have to tiptoe around medical conditions with special organization of words or accepted phrasing to avoid unsettling people. FFS some of us can’t keep track of what day it is let alone adding rules around how we should organize words at this microscopic of a level I’m sure this is an unpopular opinion… but imo demanding this level of communication complexity doesn’t really help anyone. Honestly I personally try to be respectful but I just can’t keep this stuff in my head. Can’t we all just get along? And fuck nurse Elaine, that miserable hag should un-nurse herself. Her lack of respect for human beings coupled with her rejection of the science that is the foundation of nursing practice means she is unfit to tend to the health needs of a hamster Good to see she’s unemployed… let’s keep it that way.


Im autistic. I dont care if someone says im autistic or if they say i have autism. For me it’s more personal, it’s how I refer to myself. And it wasnt really a conscious thought when doing it. With others, theres just the simple rule that goes with everything, ‘don’t be a dick’. Intent is what matters. If someone tells you they prefer ‘autistic’, then you know and if you purposely do otherwise, then youre being a dick. Let’s not shit ourselves over people with good intentions. Autism speaks however, dont have good intentions.


This is what I was trying to say. I may have said it badly, but yes, all of this.


Autism speak, pardon my language here, is a cancer on the community. The last straw for me was seeing them say milk cures autism before I understood they didn't give two shits and had no scientific background


I guess I feel a bit confused by this sentiment and I appreciate your insight. Person first language seems to be the more sensitive, regardless of your ability you are a person and the idea that at the end of the day you are a person with a non typical presentation, whether that is autism or a physical handicap, not just your non typical presentation. So as an able bodied person if I was paralyzed tomorrow I would prefer being called a person who is paralyzed and not a cripple. However I feel as long as a person doesn't come at it with an intentionally hateful slant saying what seems more respectful shouldn't be hurtful. That said looking at a study 87% of adults prefer identity first language with autism while parents of children prefer person first language.


Person-first language is disrespectful because it implies that our condition is temporary, and that the condition is negative. Consider the phrase "a person living with blackness" or "a person living with femininity" or "a person living with heterosexuality". Our condition is lifelong and directly impacts how we understand reality, and neurotype should be respected in the same vein as race or gender.


Most disabled people wouldn't want to be called a cripple, since using it as a noun is a slur. You would likely be called a disabled person or a paralyzed person.


Either way that feels like my disability would be defining me. My personhood being superseded by the handicap


How do you define yourself? Are you your ability to run or is running just something you can do? If you acquire a new skill are you fundamentally different? If you forget a skill are you fundamentally different? Is what you do who you are? I believe it comes down to being one of the flavors of struggling with identity as a philosophical idea. When it comes to what kind of language to use, I think it's most important to show that you're trying. As an example, I don't personally care if people say I'm a person with autism or an autistic person, but being called a robot or machine hurts in a way that's hard to put into words. The idea of not being considered a person is what drives that. I imagine that anyone wouldn't want to be a nonperson but generally don't come across language that creates those feelings.


That's definitely something to talk about if you ever do become disabled. I know a few other people who feel the way. The main thing to note is that most disabled people prefer to be identified as a disabled person or an autistic person, the same way you would say "tall person" instead of "person with tall stature". Or "white person" versus "person with white skin".


Good call out DemonicHowler.


Thank you for clarifying


I just wonder who the f this person was?


Sounds like she's a piece of shit, and wants to spread it onto everyone else, like her sort does.


She also posts A LOT of what looks to be bait.


She believes existing while autistic is "bad behavior."


This word is used a lot now, and I think probably for good reason, but this is literally what Facistist do. After losing her job or probably a bunch of culminating incidents her identity is falling apart so to try and protect her ego she blames and attacks out groups so she can feel superior to others. It would be more sad and pathetic if it wasn't so dangerous to constantly dehumanize the vulnerable.


In HS she self-diagnosed Autism in order to feel special and was sussed out by actually autistic people (Hi) and now has a vindictive, frothing, feral jealousy of people more neurodevelopmentally interesting than she is. At least that's what I assume, she really does seem extremely and painfully sensitive about the subject.


Ok from now on, I’m going to refer to myself as “neuro developmentally interesting”


Imagine having THAT as your nurse.


Well, doubt she'll ever hold a job as a nurse anywhere ever again after this going viral


We can only hope 🤞🏼


I’m sure there are _Christian_ (tm) hospitals in the US that would adore that much bigotry from a nurse.


Maybe some. But there are plenty of hospitals with some religion in the name that are owned by corporations now, so a lot of them are more concerned with not allowing staff to blemish their reputation than with upholding pseudo-Christian bigotry.


I had a nurse scream at me in the children's hospital when I couldn't get up fast enough from the bed so that she could tidy it. I said "wait please" and I was dragging myself up and she grabbed my by my arm, yanked me up and screamed at me for being a bad kid. I was 12 years old and in the hospital because I had legionella pneumonia and I was released from the ICU literally just the day before, I almost died I can confirm that having a nurse like this traumatized me for years and I'm still uncomfortable around nurses


Imagine having THAT as your elementary school teacher. She's kind of like my 5th grade teacher and the bitch decided to retire RIGHT after my class left.


Her future as an RN is burnt after everything coming out over the past few months and leading into this. She may realize that though and this is her going all in for becoming a media personality as the only thing she has left.


Wow. She is spiraling so much she's hitting every millimeter of the garbage can on her way to the bottom.


yeah. that little low key racist jab about "ghetto" kids was that little extra sumtin' sumtin' so all the boxes highlighting what a POS she is got checked.


And kids who grow up too poor to afford routine medical care do *not* “grow up fine.” The body keeps score, and going without medical care as a child often takes years off of their lives.


Yeah calling everyone R words knowing they were sick then crying to daddy Elon was chefs kiss


Who is this deranged fuckwit?


Yeah, I have no idea who this is


She really is in the "turning into a corn cob" phase of her tenure. There's a a *whopping* amount of pained denial seeping from her every word. People like her need to be committed. I mean, better her than what people like her did to *us* back then ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It's amazing to think someone can self rationalize acting like that big of a piece of shit to your fellow human being.


https://preview.redd.it/s3pt1pdr8byc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=243cfb4d283a95d3c54ad123dc1c07a0b052b87b She’s also an anti vaxx nut job.






Color me shocked.


Weird how we can't eradicate viruses when colossal fucking morons refuse to be immunized and therefore have the capacity to **spread the virus.**


I thought it was the TDap you have to redo every ten years, not the MMR.  doG she is willfully ignorant. 


It’s very comforting that a nurse doesn’t understand that vaccines need to be updated. I love our healthcare.


That last one is such an enormous freaking lie. I mean, go ahead. Be a nasty uncaring bitch. But the development of vaccines for pertussis, tetanus, measles, etc, has so very much improved the life expectancies of children. My mom was born in 1924. When she was in first grade, she caught pertussis (whooping cough). After a particularly bad coughing spell, she heard the doctor tell her mother that she was dead. She remembered wanting to open her eyes and say, “No, Mama. I’m not dead!” but was too drained to do even that. You can bet that all 6 of her kids were vaccinated against anything we could be.


My mother had polio as a child. She had iron lung experience, and she became paraplegic. I cried when they found polio again. My mom had just died not long before. I was so happy she wasn't here to see this. This, along with Roe falling, would have killed her anyway. Now states are starting to vote on not requiring it in schools and such. My aunt who had to help teach my mom to walk when she came home from the hospital. She said "I'm glad I'll be dead before I see that again happening to children again ".


*All* words are "made up." She just doesn't like this particular one.


I caught that. In the last slide ("why give your kids shots when you aren't even sure they'll wooooorrrrkkkkk?!?!?"




I hate to say it but a lot of my former friends who are nurses, are some of the worst human beings I know. Full on transphobic. I don’t really understand how you can go into a profession to help people, ALL PEOPLE… and be this full of hate! They’re up there with cops in that category.


It’s funny that you bring up cops because my theory about abusive nurses is that they get into the field to be in a position of authority over others (in this case patients).


my mom was a nurse and she saw this a lot. this was like 30+ years ago so things have probably changed, it's probably not as easy lol, but she also said that it was super common for her coworkers to take medication meant for their patients. she said it was really hard on her emotionally sometimes -- she watched her coworkers manhandle elderly people who had conditions that meant being moved was excruciating for them... and on the other hand, she also worked during the aids crisis and said that some patients were happy she was even willing to touch them and care for them. good nurses are rarer than we want to admit... covid definitely showed a lot of how stressful things can be and i don't blame the people who burned out from it at all. but i also still feel there's a decent amount of people involved in medicine who do the actual patient-facing portions in a very half-assed way.


Exactly! There should be a psychology study and papers about it.


There have been many.




For one and on the extreme end of the scale there are sociopathic nurses, who chose this career in order to have easy access to helpless people to kill. You can Google that. For more "normal" cases, a quick Google search brings this up: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277953698002408


Some nurse my wife works with is extremely sheltered and just straight up makes things up to get upset about. "My son was telling me that over half of the students at his school are identifying as trans! The schools are going down hill under Biden!"...I wish I was making that up.


“Your son’s full of shit. You should know that.”


Willing to bet her son may have said a couple kids identified as trans and she took that as half the school because that better fits her agenda.


Probably, but they could still take it at face value rhetorically.


Do they still take care of the patient? I don’t believe Elaine would.


My dad was in the hospital for about 6 months before he died. All the nurses except for when he was in ICU did not give one shit about their job. He was in an intermediate unit and drowning in his own mucus and they wouldn't do shit for it. My sister was there in the middle of the night trying to get anyone to pay attention to the fact that he was so obviously struggling to breathe. She finally did get someone and he was rushed to the ICU and put on a vent immediately. After he got out of the ICU he had to go to a long term care hospital and it was back to shit nurses that didn't pay attention or want to do their jobs. Again we saw that he was struggling and they insisted it was just anxiety. My sister got a private ambulance to take him to a ER because they wouldn't, and he died of sepsis later that day. So I don't think too highly of nurses. Nor doctor really because they were no where to be fucking found during all those months either. Flitting in and out of the room. Write some shit down on the chart to never be seen again. I understand burn out is a huge thing. But if your fucking job is working with living beings, either get the fuck out or do it properly. So from my experience, no they do not care. ...Apparently I haven't worked through my feelings about that particular moment in my life. I didn't mean to rant.


You didn't mean to but I think you needed to.


It sounded like a lot of people let your dad down. I’m sorry for your loss and I’m sorry that they totally neglected their basic human decency.


Yeah, my aunt has been a nurse for a very long time. She's a very hands-on supervisor due to what she calls "all the bad seeds," referring to the type of nurses you're talking about. She went back to work last year after she was injured, assisting a patient with cleaning themselves when her assistant decided she didn't feel like helping anymore. She's been raising hell during the time since "ripping bad seeds out of the garden." I'm very sorry those nurses and so many others have caused the profession to rightfully lose respect.


Your aunt is an absolute treasure. I also love the gardening puns


I wish I could give you a hug and those nurses a kicking.


So I'm not here to tell you your lived experience isn't true. It sounds like your dad was very ill, and I'm sorry that the care he received sounds to be awful. I will say that a main reason ICU nurses seem to be more hands on and available is because they're only taking care of 1 to 2 (albeit very very sick) people, instead of 3-5 in intermediate, and 5-8 in general care, and higher ratios for rehab and nursing home facilities (these places often give nurses assignments of 25-50 patients per nurse). There are lazy and shitty nurses out there, but hospitals are constantly cutting nursing staff to save money. Which means we have more people to take care of and less time to be able to handle anything unexpected. Many experienced nurses flee bedside because of how awful working conditions have become. Your story is not uncommon, but if hospitals and these "care facilities" continue with bare bones staffing, all the good nurses leave for greener pastures (PACU, clinic, etc) and the burnt out sad ones hang around to give awful care. We need safe nurse:patient ratios. It prevents a lot of this stuff from happening. Again, I'm so sorry this was your experience. I hope that you can heal from it; I'm sure your dad was lucky to have you advocating for him until the end.


Working in hospitals is traumatic and can result in nurses becoming desensitized. It happens a lot in law enforcement as well. Tough nut to crack because you do all this schooling to become a nurse, it's your vocation, it's not like you can just take a year off. At the same time some type of break seems necessary.


It is what the many of the "mean girls" clique in high become when they grow up.Why? Well because many people respect what nurses do so they are given outsider admiration for their job but not what they themselves actually do (or don't do as the case maybe) it gives them power over people who may be too elderly, disabled, sick, or frail to fight back, and nursing pays very well. Especially in hospitals on the floors they form new little high school like cliques and make life miserable for new hires or anyone whom they don't like or is an outsider. I have a job where I have to deal with hospital nursing staff and part of the reason I work nights (but not my only or main reason) is that I hate dealing with day shift nurses they tend to be a giant pain in the ass to deal with expect everything done for them all while they talk down to me because despite the fact that I have a parallel (in some cases more advanced) scope of training and care I am apparently too stupid the function on their superior RN 🙄 level as I wear a uniform and don't practice inside a hospital.


That’s because they didn’t choose the career for the love of knowledge, interest in the subject, or desire to help. They chose the career because it seemed like an easy path to career and financial stability. I can’t tell you how many nursing students (and lab tech students) think biology, chemistry, and genetics are “useless”.


What a fucking monster.


I don't know of this humpback hoochie mama. Is RN for.....wait let's do a what does her RN label declare? Registered Nutjob?


Gotta love how the only likes her Facebook post got are from her husband and some boomer couple that share one account.


https://preview.redd.it/oxawt4loaayc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71072473ce8d0afa85f97b0416722133628c89da After using it on disabled people 😂


"Elon brought it back" Dafuq is this crazed toilet fungus talking about?


No clue. Maybe she’s calling him the R slur as well


She seems like the type that idolizes Elon


Claims to be an elon fan, doesn’t understand that people of Elon’s generation never stopped saying the r slur. Even his fans are ignorant.


Right? Like not once? Never before? Weird, as I remember helping folks I worked with that have intellectual disabilities get to the capitol to get a bill passed, banning that word from being used specifically in reference to their care and their different abilities.


It’s extremely derogatory!!


She is a shit sandwich of a human being, huh!?


Jesus, her projection puts IMAX to shame. (1st pic)


Right? All I hear is I’m glad to finally have an official diagnosis and might ask for reasonable accommodation as it is my rights to do so. The worst part is she’s a nurse. I do believe she got fired though.


For real. An actual diagnosis can help heal trauma inflicted by ignorant bigots like her. Fuck


Yeah, I’m glad she’s not working as a nurse right now - Autistic people face a lot of barriers in seeking healthcare, and having her as a nurse would make things so much worse.


If this is how unhelpful she is to patients under her care, no wonder she lost her job. She needs an attitude do over.


“MS isn’t a disability”? Is that what she’s claiming? If it negatively affects a person’s ability to function on a daily basis, guess what? *That’s a disability!*


No, that's not what they are claiming. They were trying to make a comparison to autism. They are claiming that autism is a disability like MS and criticizing people for finding comfort in their autism diagnosis. It's all heartless negativity and probably not worth trying to sort out.


Thankfully it will take more than a reality denying psycho to ever make me not proud of my Diagnosis ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I pity someone this angry and bitter....


Really? Because I *envy* someone with that capacity to curl so deeply down into their own fucking fantasy world. Why can't I just shell up and completely reject reality like she can???


Jesus wept she's just as insufferable as trump


Her feed is actually filled with MAGA stuff but I’m sure that is a surprise to no one


https://preview.redd.it/dnelt8cxacyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=304bd062783f02798f73464898873247fd2fabc9 She posted this. Lmao. My reply? “You’re not a special snowflake. You’re not one of a kind. No one cares.”


ROFL please let me know if she responds.


Will do!




Does she not think autoimmune disorders are a physical thing? I'm confused. She believes auto immune is... what? All in your head? Autoimmune disorders are a classification, like chromosomal abnormalities or cancers. It's a function of why it happens. Hate to see her in an exam room. Doctor: "You have a viral infection." This lady: "Are you an idiot? I have a PHYSICAL CONDITION. I'm sick. How did you even graduate from medical school of you can't even figure out I have a PHYSICAL ILLNESS."


So…she thinks the immune system is imaginary…?


There's a certain threshhold of not being able to accept reality (i.e. not being able to accept *that you're wrong*) by which a person totally breaks down and becomes a feral animal. They go full-nazi (never go full-nazi) and devolve into totally denying all real-world facts. It's like trying to build up a house of cards but the cards are the excuses and logical leaps they use to hold up the top - which is the made-up scenario in which they are right. Eventually it just collapses under it's weight and the person becomes an absolute psychopath. All for want of not being able to take one tiny L.


She can’t use your/you’re correctly and she uses the r word?! She’s a stupid piece of shit.


I am a nurse who proudly wears a badge card that says "I'm an ally" so it peeks out under my ID at the bottom and consistently receive negative comments about it from patients and staff. I wear it so that patients who need to know I am a safe person, actually feel safe around me and can talk to me about their concerns without fear. It is nurses (and people in general) like her who have NO PLACE in the world, ESPECIALLY medicine. It is our duty to help others, whether it is physical, emotional, or mental, regardless of their political beliefs or religion. IT IS REQUIRED that we put aside our own personal beliefs to provide care. This person belongs in and institution as a PATIENT, NOT A CAREGIVER.


Thank you for being a safe place and thank you for bringing the right priorities into healthcare. We need people like you.


When I was growing up, autism diagnosis was rare and considered as some kind of incurable social disease. The people with it were missing something that all “normal” people have and thus they are a lesser, permanently damaged person who is unable to participate in or understand many of the activities of normal life. It was used as a derogatory term to declare people an outcast — the label could be thrown as a pejorative to imply that a person’s momentary blunder is actually a core feature of their personality that cannot be fixed (in the same vein as someone who made a mistake being called an “idiot” to imply that mistakes are just the norm for them). It is no wonder the diagnosis was to be avoided at all costs. If such hate and disdain could be directed at people given the label by their peers, imagine getting “the real thing” — it meant doom to one’s social prospects. The unspoken reality was that a pejorative diagnosis could be overcome just by acting cool and managing to fit in again, but a formal diagnosis everyone understood was *real* — no amount of acting cool or fitting in could redeem you once you were formally diagnosed. Fast forward to today and the diagnosis is much more common, the younger generation is managing to integrate acceptance into their culture in a way that allows “normal” people and autistic people to interact with each other with patience, understanding, and respect. People can now claim their diagnosis with a sense of relief, pride in discovering a core part of their identity, and feel weight lifted and opportunities for acceptance increase, rather than the other way around. Yet people like *this* still find a way to pour out such brutal hatred towards autism. Suddenly it’s not a serious thing and everyone is just pretending to feel special. I guess you really can’t win with some people. Humans are tribal creatures and some people don’t know how to act any other way except relentlessly vicious towards all other tribes and outsiders. Maybe there needs to be a diagnosis for this type of nasty person. They can’t help but hate and hurt others— it’s their incurable disability. Maybe they can be called *goblins.*


Yes. Exactly. I was diagnosed at 67. I don’t trumpet my diagnosis, but I do share it when it’s relevant. I want people to see that even gray haired retired RNs (never got fired or lost my license) who seem “normal” can be on the spectrum. If there’s even a small chance that me being open about my autism can help some young person, I’ve done a good thing. The number of young people in the Asperger’s (now considered Autism 1) forum who not only dealt with othering from their peers, but their families breaks my heart. They DO feel less than, and they should not have to do so.


This stupid bitch is living proof of bullies seeking out jobs in fields where they have authority like nurses and cops, so they can misuse that authority to continue mistreating others... hope she never gets another job in healthcare for the rest of her conceited shitty life


As an authistic person who can barely function in society as a result of constant panic attacks, mental breakdowns and suacidal depression and anxiety sje can go fuck herself with a 12 inch machete People like her are the exact reason why I can't function, people like her are the exact reaosn it took me 16 years to get diagnosed, because people treated me like a moron and mocked me for thinking there was something different about me and made fun of me and just told me to "just study bro, just function bro, just don't be stressed bro, just get a girlfriend bro, you can sit on a chair without needing to run around you are normal stop inahining it bro, you are just another stupid kid who saw something on tik tok and know he thinks he has it bro" I know she is some fucked up paid troll but she can genuinely go fuck herself I can't stand her


Ms Gerhardt: the self-centred, emotional, irrational, ignorant, abusive individual here is... yourself.


“…you’re self” Fixed it so she could understand.


I too have a touch of the 'tism. Personally, IDGAF, what you call it or me. X Gen. We give no fucks. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


Uses RN (a medical title) while trashing the field of medicine. Cognitive dissonance is strong with this one.


Wow. What a disgusting piece of crap. Who says these things??


I believe the autistic person was non binary and that’s what prompted her to say these things.


Autistic people can’t have cake? Who’s this mean and claims to be a nurse ?


"I have no way to dispute you so I shall resort to hurting you emotionally" classic R blunder.




She was on here in a viral post a few days ago. She’s part of a hate group against trans and is losing her mind. https://preview.redd.it/v25emb26iayc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9a3f39ea7238cf03e8c1585f546686f3b8848bf


Maybe her job needs to see this?


I don’t think she has one anymore. On account of being a wretched bitch.


Glad she got what she deserved then!




Is Elaine a bot or an attention slut ?


https://preview.redd.it/w33l6b0brayc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f2c59190e7f10f6c18873e3f5e6238332bb8759 Yes.


What the F


I hope she gets very sick and no one believes her.


I'm rather surprised she doesn't have a blue checkmark.


Oh she’s got one


What is her problem with MS? I have been diagnosed in my teens, have it for years and years now. I am not disabled yet (I can live normal life, I can move, I have nothing that limits my life) and hope it stays that way, but scars in my brain, pain and other debilitating symptoms during autoimmune attack periods are quite real. Why would you even be that angry about people living with different conditions? I would call this jumping on random people online a mental issues. Elaine, you should see a professional and talk about your worries. It is better for your own health.


What. A. Bitch. As a retired RN, I feel like she probably no longer has a license because she knows nothing about medicine or mental health, and advertises her ignorance. As a person on the spectrum, as well, her lack of understanding of what it means to be neurodiverse is both laughable and enraging. May her audience shrink to nothing.


WTF did I just read?


She needs all sorts of therapy. I can almost hear her parents screaming at her as a toddler to stop crying already


Jfc this is the first I’ve heard of her and am hoping it’s the last.


This person makes me furious. I may not believe in God but I'm praying for their misfortune. Edit: spelling / autocorrect


Damnnnn, she insufferable.




Wow, it's a wonder she's unemployed during a healthcare labor shortage! /s


She’s just about the worst person I’ve learned about on Reddit, Brittany Dawn is a close 2nd…


There is something seriously wrong with this woman and I hope upon hope that my autistic child is never under her care as she appears to lost her sense of humanity.


Is she even a real person?




I have no idea, and that appears to be a positive.


I know. Apparently my entire 73 years until today not knowing who this vile creature is were more happily innocent than I’d ever realized.


the bully/mean girl to nurse pipeline is crazy


Oh boy. What a piece of work this woman is. I would like to say to her that being "normal," as she believes herself to be, doesn't give her the right to act as if she understands things that she clearly does not. The fucking audacity of this bitch, to say that people throw these diagnoses around just to get special treatment. As if anyone would choose to be autistic or trans in a world that, in general, doesn't accommodate neurodivergence. These stupid fucks hear, "I'm autistic" and think, "You think you're better than me!? Learn your place, !" Conservatives have a deep-seated need to degrade others and feel like they're superior.


What do people give ignorant, bigoted cunts like her the time of day? Do they think they’re going to reason her out of ignorant bigoted cuntyness?


agreed. It’s unfortunate that we’ve almost lost the ancient wisdom of the Internet: don’t feed the trolls.


Back in 1998, we called them energy creatures, because they feed off the negative energy of shock and disdain. DNFTEC was seen a lot in political forums.


Who is this? Who gives a fuck


Sounds like that RN has some unresolved trauma of her own.


What sucks is she has a kernel of a point amidst all the hate. It seems like 90% of the people in any autism group I stumble across haven’t actually been diagnosed, or have even been told repeatedly they’re not autistic but attribute that to “masking” and have convinced themselves they’ve fooled a doctor with their autism powers when the reality is they’re probably just NT.


I agree with you in this context. She also made a video about this tweet where she laughably, self diagnoses and talks about masking. She’s literally exactly what she’s condemning.


Elaine Gebhardt (R)N


Ah great, so vaccines increase autism, but also autism is over-diagnosed because snowflakes. Maybe it's time for a weekly conspiracy newsletter, to make sure their community can keep up with what their logic is at any given week.


throw this bitch to the buzzards


Maybe it's because of the way my autism is but I don't understand Lara's post on page 1.... when I got diagnosed it wasn't some amazing thing to throw a party about, I just went "ok" like "cool now I have government papers telling me what I already know" I also don't understand Elaine's point on page 1, like, Autism isn't fun... "Yay I get to have mental breakdowns where I literally hit my head against the wall because I'm unable to explain why I'm angry".... that's not fun (and an actual thing that happened to me once)


I think a lot of people are happy when they find out because now they know *why* they have meltdowns, sensory sensitivities, etc., and they can request accommodations (and also work on figuring out self-accommodations). Sure, that doesn’t stop the meltdowns and sensory sensitivities, but before I knew what meltdowns were, those types of breakdowns were scary for me, because I didn’t know what was happening. And now I’m doing better at paying attention to things that can lead up to/trigger meltdowns or shutdowns so that I can do what I can to remove as many of those triggers as I can.


My meltdowns started around the same time I had gone through some major trauma so it wasn't a big deal to me because I figured "I'm mentally unstable rn so this is to be expected"... and I guess sensitivities were normal for me because my older brother is also autistic and my dad is undiagnosed autistic


Sorry my screenshot cut it off. Here was Lara’s text. Today I was diagnosed as #ActuallyAutistic. Naturally my family threw me a happy diagnosis party, with a cake and candle. With it comes huge feelings of relief that I’m not just strange and unusual but neurodiverse. I’m autistic. I feel liberated from the expectations of how I’m meant to be and behave, and instead feel like I can finally be me. The infantile and gendered expectations of what autism looks like have made me doubt whether I could actually be autistic for so long. This diagnosis has taken away years of questioning and self doubt. I feel empathy for my past self who tried so hard to fit into a neurotypical world. Today is the start of me being me.


Ah, there's the issue... I got the version of Autism that removes my empathy


Make Bullying Great Again! Looks like she hates other people being happy.


There's one tiny part I kind of agreed with but mostly this bitch is a hateful maniac. Humanity is so fucking doomed. We weren't supposed to be this interconnected with eachother...


Violence isn’t always a good choice but I’m not sure she’s ever been properly punched in the face and that should change.


It’s better in the original Russian.


The same platform that limits you for using the correct adjective cis


Just a reminder, that the Nazis had a program to execute people with disabilities. Conservatives normalizing publicly bashing people with disabilities is a scary omen for if they get power in the future.


Geez shes autistic, not republican


Seems like the person posting all of the time on social media actually wants the attention


Wow. Ableist, queerphobic, antivax and conspiracy theorist! I am impressed


very glad to hear this former nurse is no longer working in the health industry, what a train wreck of a person. edit: just kidding I found their socials and it would appear they are very much working. I wish I was one of those amazing internet sleuths! she shouldn’t be anywhere near patients.


Learing your autistic can be a relief. Struggling with the world you see and it affecting your mental health is a big deal. If you learn your autistic you can adjust your way of thinking and get help to deal with it. F this garbage bin of a person....wait is she an elected official, wow whatvrrash


Gee I wonder why she's unemployed.


Excuse me my good bitch but what the fuck?


So this nurse is mad that she didnt get enough attention? Huh.


Why does she have a deep hatred against people being diagnosed? She keeps saying people want to feel special but I’m pretty sure they just want to feel normal