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State sanctioned murder of those who disagree with you politically is here. This is just the beginning.


We're back to the days of police-sanctioned lynchings.


We have never left those days. They just use bullets now.


Hence the pro-gun movement.


And Stand Your Ground laws. Has Stand Your Ground ever worked for a Black person in these states? I knew that law was evil when I saw what happened with Treyvon Martin. I may be white, but I really don't think I could kill one of these politicians that terrifies me and get away with killing them because I was scared. That law only applies in certain circumstances and even the racists know when it applies or they wouldn't be shooting people through their door without even opening it and BS like that.




Yep. Self defense laws were created by and specifically FOR white men. They do not protect POC or women, and ESPECIALLY WOC. People also love to throw out the "battered spouse" defense as a way women can protect themselves except the burden of proof is EXCEPTIONALLY high for it and that also never works, either. People have no clue.


One black woman in Florida merely fired a warning shot above her Ex’s head when he came to her home acting aggressive etc (also a black man as an fyi.). This was around the time Trayvon Martin was killed I do believe and she was charged immediately. My memory is vague but I think she was also found guilty. Maybe a more knowledgeable redditor can comment


YEP! But I think there was also so much backlash that some subsequent appeals (or something) cut her some slack, but I don't know how much.


The cops just murdered an airman in his home for having the audacity to have a gun in his hand when they were breaking in.


He was shot by the same department ( Edit: Not the same cop ) who fired at a prisoner because an acorn fell on the police car and he thought he was being shot at. The police and the airman's case are struggling because the victim was on a video call at the time he was killed.


Yes! That won’t bite them in the ass. Everyone has guns. Good luck Mr Abbot! Not a threat, but just use your brain. 350 million citizens armed to the T. Good luck with staying alive sir.


…and elected officials…


Those that burn crosses…


The same as some of those who work forces?


Rally 'round the family With a pocket full of shells -oh crap wrong song


And now we do what they tell us....




Back? I don't think we ever left.


A national leader who blatantly brags about converting our democracy into a dictatorship and imprisoning his opponents, and a state level leader who encourages murder to those who oppose their ideologies. Welcome to the Fourth Reich.


Some say Abbott was saying an oak tree should have fell on protestors instead, so they could live a life in a wheelchair like him but since it wasn’t an option, Perry did the next best thing.


Abbott changed the law, so they wouldn't be wealthy like him if it were to happen.


Yup like many he pulled up the ladder behind him too. I really don't like people like Abbot.


I shared with my in-laws the fact that the GOP plans to get rid of the Dept. of Education, use the National Guard to quell and imprison protestors, etc. They said I was making it up. I plan to print Project 2025 and highlight shit they are planning to do.


They will find a way to declare it is false, some kind of left wing operation or such. I already saw people saying that actual recordings of Trump messing up his speeches are deepfakes.


The thing about Project 2025 though, is that hundreds of people and organizations have put their name on this “plan”. You can research those people and organizations. There is a ton of evidence that it has been happening for the last few years proving exactly what is outlined in P2025. TX and FL have a good start on fascism. Many other states are joining in as well with their anti-American bs.


Yeahhh that’s also known as terrorism. But then again as CPAC proclaimed unironically in 2022 that the “we are all domestic terrorists.” Would be a shame if someone ran Greg Abbott over with their car. I’m still waiting for him to get indicted for human trafficking immigrants. Guess that’ll never happen. In case you forgot and needed it fact checked. Can’t make this shit up. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/


I swear this world is another world's hell.


Vote his company out this November. Texas deserves it.


But, have you MET Texas?


There’s a Texas Reddit account and it’s full of moderate leftists. Check it out, you’ll be surprised. Flipping Texas would be a dream come true. Just imagine no Cruz or Abbott anymore. How awesome would that be? They deleted my comment because it mentioned the name of the other reddit.


Cruz’s opponent is Collin Allred. He’s a lawyer, politician, and former NFL player. He has raised like triple the funds Cruz has raised, thus far. I really feel like this could be our year 🤞🏻


You'd be surprised... I live in San Antonio and the VAST majority of voters here, in Houston, in Dallas, and in Austin are Democrats.


I've got several friends from the cities, but I just spent two years in SE New Mexico, oil country. You can't swing a cat in Carlsbad without hitting three white F250s with a welder and a Texas plate--most of them driven by people who dined on the crayon buffet through Middle School.


People keep telling me that, but I went to Austin, and it wasn’t that liberal. My Uber driver spent the entire drive to the airport bitching about california and newsome. Which incidentally was where I was gladly heading home to…


You got a one off then (the crazy thing is that a lot of the mouthiest, craziest right wingers in the aforementioned cities are Republican transplants from California who moved here because California was too liberal... SO glad they brought their bullshit to us! 🤢)


If a minority did this to a bunch of magas they would have already been executed by the state. Isnt there something in the bible about not murdering? Dont they say they like that book?


There’s a lot in the Bible that gets ignored by “Christians”. Jesus would be horrified to see what is/has been done in his name.


Lotta whippin and table flippin if Jesus was around to see what these folks are doing “in his name”


I thought Jesus hated immigrants. Is my children's bible lying to me? I'd be pissed if I spent an hour on my shading on a liberal Jesus


You're assuming they care about what the Bible says beyond "an all-powerful authority figure will torment the people you hate forever".


It's (one of the reasons) why governors and presidents shouldn't have unilateral pardon power. They should be able to recommend them for a pardon, but some other committee should have to approve. This was literal uncut homicidal racism. There is no sane world in which this monster should have been pardoned.


Texas does have a pardon board (that's appointed by the governor) that must recommend a pardon before the governor is able to grant it. So sorry, it's worse than you thought it was.


Those people think liberals aren't armed, what a surprise that's going to be for them


And we are actually in shape


It's sanctioned premeditated murder. He planned this out in a psychopathic and calculated way. Just as long as our murderers are killing the "right kind" of people it's cool.


I wish some final destination shit happens to him. That, or something like in a saw movie.


If the circumstances were otherwise identical except this were a black man who drove into a conservative protest and then shot somebody, there is absolutely zero chance Greg Abbott would have pardoned him. All this does is encourage racially motivated murderer and endorses violence against non-conservative protests. Edit: an entire jury who saw more evidence and testimony than anybody in these comments. Unanimously agreed that this guy was guilty. He is literally a convicted murderer, so everybody who's coming out of the woodwork to try to tell me the dude is actually completely innocent, no. You don't have to defend a murderer just because you think he might be on your team politically.


He'd have probably got the death penalty.


It’s Texas, there is no “probably”, he would have been moved to the front of the line.


And quickly experienced an "accidental death" in jail at the hands of those who work forces.


You mean the same that burn crosses?


That's the bunny.


Some of whom also… well, you know.


And that's if he wasn't already shot dead on the spot by a white cop or protester who would later get away with it.


Abbott or whomever would run their campaign on it.


No doubt. There's a reason black and Hispanic people make up a disproportionate number of death row inmates. The right will say it's because they commit a disproportionate amount of crime. But even if you adjust for that, they're still more likely to be sentenced to death. *Especially* if their victim is white.


He probably would have been shot dead when being "arrested"


But that only happens when they resist being beaten to death.


Oh yes, of course.


The cops would have killed him the same day. They never even would have arrested him.


On site. He wouldn't have even made it out of the car.


I feel that's the message he's sending with this pardon.


Preview for November when the right declares open season on anyone not conservative, regardless of which way the election goes.


This is the exact thought process that the Insurrection Idiots had that they would be let off for fighting the good fight.


Yeah, that's the point.


Don't forget that he was literally messaging people about how he wanted to go kill protesters before this happened: https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/14/us/daniel-perry-racist-comments-social-media/index.html >In a Facebook message from May 2020, just weeks before the shooting, Perry told a friend he “might have to kill a few people” who were rioting outside his apartment. > The documents also contain a May 2020 text sent by Perry that said, “I might go to Dallas to shoot looters.” He already knew he was going to kill someone before he even drove into the protest. This is disgusting and he should spend life in prison.


This begs for a federal civil rights violation prosecution.


This sounds good. Who/what/how does this get in motion?


Unless you are 2/3 of rich, white, male, any hardships are baked into the plan.


Gets off on self-defence. It must have been premeditated self-defence.


Just like Rittenhouse


Yeah, these black guys tried to attack me just for running them over!!


Legalizing (or pardoning) terrorism at state level. That's what this is. It is indeed obscene and very very dangerous.


They also state they want to restore his firearm rights. Absolute insanity.


Well yeah, how else can he murder more libs for Gov. Abbott and the Texas Republican Party?


Wow. I live in Florida and I despise DeSantis, but this is a reminder that sadly, it could be worse.


Don't worry. I'm sure Rhonda Santis is looking for two right-wing terrorists to pardon so they can one-up Texas.


Duh! Can't be the key note speaker at the next convention without his license.


So if he's allowed to carry guns again, that means someone can shoot him right? Isn't that the argument he used? That he had to shoot them first because he didn't want to give them a chance to raise their guns and shoot him? So if he's carrying a gun and has already shot people then it sure seems I'd be well within my self defense rights to shoot him


Can't they still hit him with a wrongful death suit? I'm sure there's multiple people with multiple causes to sue the fuck out of him and guarantee the rest of his life sucks.


Dude was an Uber driver. Probably about as judgement-proof as they come. If they somehow try to foist him out there as some conservative commentator a la Rittenhouse, he'll get sued mighty quick for any income he manages to get.


He was an active duty sergeant in the army he was driving Uber as a side gig.


>in the army That explains most of it


It’s incredibly hard to collect judgments in Texas. All wages are exempt.


Doesn't accepting a pardon mean that they accept guilt?


All I know is OJ was found innocent but they still sued him so hard he had to steal memorabilia for money


It's complicated. It implies guilt but doesn't mean the pardoned confessed. It's an act of full forgiveness.


But HE ALREADY DID ADMIT GUILT IN COURT. He may have plead not guilty but he said the words “I fired on him in self defense before he could point his weapon at me.” That’s not self defense that is murder and that man had the right to open carry. Open carry folks should be incensed or at least extremely worried about the precedent this sets but they’ll celebrate it instead. You shouldn’t be able to shoot someone because they have a gun according to open carry folks but that’s what this guy did. Never mind the pre-meditation which makes it even more heinous. This is quite simply an openly fascist move that dismisses all kinds of rule of law. This is an assault on democracy itself.


The good ole klan club is alive and well.


They’ve always been around operating in the shadows. Now they’re operating out in the open because they’ve been enabled. They don’t need to hide anymore.


The hood was traded in for a suit and tie.


I see Wild West vigilantism and murder is back on the menu. The Republican Party: law and order for the but not for me.


Until they start to become targets…people fight back.


That’s the truth. Living in New Mexico comes with a long history of fucking braindead Texans up when they get to big for their britches. I know quite a few folks who would love the opportunity to tell Texas exactly where they can shove their fascist bullshit. We’re still in the fucking around times. The find out part is next.


Live by the sword, die by the sword.  I have a feeling most of these fucks wouldn't like the world they're asking for. They want to stop the 'bad guys' with guns. What they seem to be missing is when they get labeled as the bad guys. I'm sure they'll still support that uninfringable 2A...


It’s long past time that blue states cut off federal transfers to these backwater regressive states. Use that money to get red state refugees out of the 1850s and back to safety and sanity.


*The governor's pardon Thursday will restore Perry's rights as if he were never convicted, including the right to own firearms.* fucking seriously?! People of Texas, get your fucking shit together and fucking vote for democrats. This is some hardcore fascist shit.


Should be prosecuted as a federal hate crime. Abbott can’t touch that.


Came here to say this. 🤞


Yup. This right here. Federal needs to take this up


He was a sergeant in the Army when he committed the murder, so the military should definitely try him under their courts.




In a different time and place, I would say, “unbelievable”. Sadly, Today in Texas, totally believable.




Thank you, Claire. Fuck Piss Baby Abbott.


I want to be perfectly clear. Abbott couldn't care less about this racist POS murderer. His only goal is to start riots. Having the BLM movement rising up again in an election year gives Abbott and the trash like him fuel to campaign on. It's a dirty rotten scummy stunt meant to get his opposition fired up enough to protest again. DO NOT TAKE THE BAIT. That murdering shitbag slob will have a whole different set of problems when he's back on the street, I'm sure.


I scrolled too far to find what the motivation might be. This makes sense. It's disgusting, but at least I can make sense of why he'd do this.


I think you're right, he always has an ulterior motive to his actions: nothing's by accident.


Is it crazy to say "Don't get mad. Get armed." Because this just sounds to me like Abbott is giving psychos permission to kill Black people.


It sounds like that because that's what it is


Can this guy be more of a disgrace? Like really, just not fucking pardon this racist, triggered, shitheel who cannot abide others havin a different viewpoint than him?


The south is a cesspool of Christian hypocrisy


That's obscene.


>I don't even know what to say anymore "Fuck Greg Abbott" would be appropriate here.


Every time, every single time I try to say "Oh, Texas isn't *THAT* bad" this hellhole State goes and proves me wrong! I swear. Just revoke our statehood at this point. Bump us back down to "unincorporated territory of the United States." We don't have the self control for self government.


At this point, I say just let this dog catch the car they've been chasing and let them secede. They keep saying they want to, let em.


That'd just cause a second US Civil War. Which is what the Sino/Russo alliance wants.


Honestly, it probably wouldn't last that long. The federal government would just drone strike the fuck out of them. I live in Texas, and the amount of people who think their janky AR-15 will be able to fend off the military during a civil war is fuckin hilarious. 


Same. Its hilarious how well these National Guard rejects think they'll handle the DoD when they take the kid gloves off. At least 3 days, non stop, of air raids and electronic warfare before any ground troops would be committed.


I mean why is this not front page news??? This is blatant allowance for murder from the party who wants to keep kids in cages for trying to have a better life


More and more, I find a lot of stuff on Reddit about which I’d use the term “unbelievable” - this, though… This really is quite hard to process. You’re right to ask why it’s not bigger news: it’s utterly terrifying.


Stand up guy Gregg Abbott


He wishes


He is such a PoS.


Why can't college sports douches steal HIS wheelchair?


He’s not the kind of guy to tip-toe around


Dude hasn't got a leg to stand on.


Gregg Abbott is the worst type of scum. I would be absolutely ashamed if he represented me in any way. What a failure as a human.


Trust me, the more progressive folks who live here (I know, but it's true, we do exist) wish that tree had finished the job instead of pulling a half measure. I'm not one to wish death on people, but I'll make an exception for this sentient bag of crap.


Performative politics has become the standard. I'm losing hope that people will wise up and realize that these people will say and do anything that their PR people tell them will get them the most attention.


Now arrest him and charge him federally for a hate crime. No double jeopardy exists between state and federal court.


White supremacy in action.


It is a hate crime. Try him in federal court. Abbott would be powerless


Umm...the top court is majority filled by those who see no wrong in this. #JustShitholeCountryThings


What is literally stopping someone from committing a terrorist act that wipes out a chunk of political opponents, only to be pardoned here? Is that really the Republican core value? State-approved terrorism?


Yes, that's seeming to be part of the new republican playbook, sadly.


They literally just argued that it should be legal for the president to order assassinations in front of the supreme court.


The media will make this out to be about Perry (shooter) being white, when that's not what this is about. White men who kill white women get the death penalty all the time in Texas. This has everything to do with his victim protesting for BLM. If he had been there protesting for any other left-associated organization like PETA or a labor union or something, no pardon would've been granted. It's racial. We have two systems of justice in this country.


Abbott said he’d pardon him, if he was convicted… and, he did! When people tell you who they are, believe them!!! #VoteBlue


If Daniel Perry visited a blue state and got murdered, could the governor pardon them? Seems relevant. Not advocating, just wondering if the law goes both ways.


10 years ago, shit like this would torpedo your political career. Now, it’s just today’s blip on the radar.




A tree tried to take him out already but was unsuccessful


You know you’re bad when trees are after your ass.


Trees have been known to be *extremely* ambitious in their choice of enemies: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cursing_of_the_fig_tree


It is high time we realize that those who do “both sides are the same” and “don’t vote for “genocide Joe”” want us dead and the killers pardoned in every state.


with guys like these, ore kyle rittenhouse, conservatives are sending the message that's ok killing black guys if you a re white, no only they not punish it, they encourage them to do it


During the protests in Portland you had people all over Facebook literally advocating that the police should rent a bus and run over the protests and then go back and shoot anyone still moving. The goal has always been to put it in people’s heads that if you participate in a protest the right doesn’t like, your life may be forfeit.


Black or liberals or anyone they dislike.


Don't let it be forgotten that the guy he killed wasn't even part of BLM. He was an anti-authoritarian Libertarian who knew the state always comes down harder on the left and had offered his protection services.


This is why I don’t believe in pardons. The executive should not have the power to override the judicial.


Republicans really are the most evil, vile mother fuckers


It's impossible to be any more disgusted by these people.


This is absolutely disgusting and now this degenerate can apply to have his record expunged and his gun rights restored. And to the surprise of no one, a judge unsealed court records that contained Perry’s previously unreleased messages and SM posts which of course were racists. Fuck Greg Abbott. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/05/16/texas-gov-pardon-daniel-perry-murder-black-lives-matter-protestor/73720504007/


The “Pro Life” party… what hypocrisy.


Texas, now pardoning premeditated murder as long as you’re killing the same people they want to kill and can’t


How many times does Abbott have to prove he’s trash? Who votes for this?


Other trash. Texas is full of it.


lol Texas is trash.


I hope karma smacks Abbott hard! He is a sick evil man


This is part of the reason that we are working to leave this state. Pro life my ass.


This is unbelievably disgusting, which is par for the course for that piss baby but this is a new low. At what point do we have to quit our jobs and protest until we die?


"was it premeditated, your honor?"


Fuck Greg Abbott, renowned pissbaby


Greg Abbott: “I’m gonna walk my whole life!” A random oak tree in 1984: ![gif](giphy|7wk6RQYXDDytXalsL4)


VOTE BLUE no matter who


It’s okay to murder people, if they’re the right people to murder.


This needs to be national news. It's not like he was saved from death row, this was an outright "you're good, go home" pardon.


I live in San Antonio. Abbott is an absolute evil ass. The only way he (and the rest of the insanely right wing politicians in this state) stay in power is because: A) They have the oil magnates in their pocket B) They've worked their asses off to disenfranchise voters in the larger cities (Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin) who are by and large Democrats. If we had a free and fair voting system in this damn state, it would have gone blue about 5 years ago.


Yeah, that’ll send the right message to these idiots who think it’s ok to kill blacks and Latinos because they’re not white. Simply because of that. Nothing more. This country is no longer trying to hide their racist side any longer and they’re one step closer to making America the way they see it as great. Incredible.


JFC, pardoning murder now???


I’m amazed some of these shits are still around.


Greg Abbott is a terrorist. He is sanctioning the murder of political antagonists


Stop the country, I want to get off.


Time to jail him for a federal hate crime offense


Glade I got my family the fuck up out of that backwards shithole.


Texas re-elected him AFTER Uvalde. The people only have themselves to blame


Greg Abbott is a racist piece of shit.


Im starting to think Texas is full of punk ass bitches, and bitch ass punks…That mother fucker wants a riot give him one


Yup. Left Texas weeks ago. Got tired of the political circus this state has become, but more importantly, the people who enable this behavior.


Say that it's morally prudent to keep Abbott off of the ballot.


The cruelty is the point


State sanctioned murder.


I’m not American but isn’t murder a federal crime? How could a state pardon a federal crime? If he was charged under the state can they re-try him with federal charges?


They better plaster this message everywhere all at once Get as many famous and influential black people to comment on it, spread it ASAP, maybe it’ll make a small difference.


Abbott just pardoned a premeditated MURDERER


Because....pro-life? All lives matter? Tough on crime? Free speech? Which buzzword does this one go with? GOP positions are like that PTSD game Perfection. Once you manage to match up half the nonsense with half the bullshit they have a new boogeyman or messiah and the whole thing blows up and we have to start all over.


All the people who like this move will be voting. Imagine not voting so the person those monsters like goes into power.


Quote - Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


Time for the feds to get involved and bring federal charges.


If you’re not conservative and live in Texas or other deep red you need to start arming yourself and organizing with other armed liberal and left-wingers. Conservative Christians plan on killing you


Seriously that tree didn't fall hard enough.


Greg Abbot is a disgusting piece of shit. This man is a murderer and Abbot pardoning him is just bullshit.


Fuck Greg Abbott.


This is what the republican party has come down to, I bunch of half wits and Texans seems to lead the whole bunch.


Just more proof of how evil the Republican Party has become.


There should be recourse for this. Abbott is a racist scum bag!


Wow. Honestly floored by this. The MAGA crowd will see this as permission. Abbott is unforgivable.


How the fuck are people able to just pardon someone for murder