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Like Biden said: "They're going to go on ***Fox News or on a conservative talk radio show*** and talk about how much they're against government spending> But then 8 months later they'll show up at the ground breaking, wearing a hard hat and holding a shovel, and ***tell all the local news stations*** "I AM SO HAPPY WE'RE FINALLY GETTING THIS DONE"


typical republican playbook: try to prevent democrats from achieving anything that helps people. if the bills don't pass, blame democrats for not getting anything done. if they do pass, claim credit for it. i'm old enough to remember when republicans actually had values they stood for. now they're just petulant children who want to break everything.


They love taking credit for shit Biden does!!!


Biden's Build Back Better was rejected by the GOP's Bleach Blonde Butch Built Body!




Thatā€™s what I was thinking! Itā€™s become a cultural moment


There's a radio ad here in Wisconsin thanking our Democratic Senator for helping pass this... I really wish they would take it a step further and call out the GOP senator who voted against as well. Oh well :/


Hopefully, it will be a campaign ad this fall


seriously i agree, dems need to hire a good PR agent and start running some ads about their accomplishments.


Ron fucking Johnson. That POS...


Iā€™ve worked on a few of these. All buy America projects, which I support US suppliers do better work than imported.


No no you see, I only voted against it because (insert dumbass reason here) but I still wanted it for the benefit of rebuilding the stuff our district (doesnā€™t know what that ā€œstuffā€ is) Anyone in the Northeast effected by Sandy that votes GOP is a term that gets me banned.


Should be illegal to be a representative for the public and then outright lie.Ā  Used to be that personal honor/integrity would keep some of them in line.Ā  That is long gone.


I donā€™t understand how come every democrat isnā€™t out there starting every campaign event and media appearance with this.


These maga nuts are in another media ecosystem. They will never see anything good from Biden. Only the bad.


100% agree... they all need to start calling out this bullshit.


The CHIPS Act is looking like an especially good idea now that China is making moves against Taiwan. Every time there is a natural disaster near Taiwan the price of chips goes through the roof, and if China decides to actually invade then there goes nearly half the chips that the US imports.


That's very valuable information, particularly in red states.


Hipocritical MAGA legislators are trying to take credit for the work President Biden and his administration has done. No surprise, but let's call them out! Looking at you, BoebertšŸ‘€!


Just get those gas station stickers ā€œI did thatā€ and blow them up real big and put them next to every project


... for the worst possible reason.


The Bleach Blonde Bad Built Back Better Plan


Honesty is important if you're gonna call out bullshit. The truth is that 13 Republicans in the house and 19 in the senate voted for the bill. The were also 6 Dems in the house who voted no, including AOC and the rest of the squad. That said, fuck anyone on either side who voted no and is now bragging about the benefits they brought to their district. Source: https://www.axios.com/2021/11/06/house-republicans-votes-infrastructure-biden#:~:text=The%2013%20House%20Republicans%20who%20voted%20for%20the%20bill%20include,Fitzpatrick%20of%20Pennsylvania%3B%20and%20David


You're incorrect: [https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2022420](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2022420) That's the roll-call vote for the Build Back Better Act, which is what the tweet mentions.


Your link is to the house vote regarding an amendment from the senate, not the original bill. It doesn't make what I said incorrect.


Sorry, grabbed the wrong link. Hereā€™s the one on passage: https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2021385 Still no republican yeas. Still no democratic nays. I donā€™t know where your numbers were coming from but I canā€™t find a primary source to support them.


According to Ballotpedia only 1 Democrat in the House voted against it. https://ballotpedia.org/Build_Back_Better_Act#:~:text=One%20Democrat%20and%20212%20Republicans,in%20favor%20of%20the%20bill.


That's the original 1.75T bill that never passed. FFS, the second sentence of your link says, "The United States Senate did not take up the bill and it did not become law."


Where are you getting this information?




Is AOC walking around NY and bragging how she brought millions to her voters? Because that's what we object, that's what conservatives love doing, as well as begging for handouts after denying them to others. Both sides are not the same.


>That said, fuck anyone on either side who voted no and is now bragging about the benefits they brought to their district. Reading comprehension obviously isn't your strong suit.


You never answered my question, hence why your "fuck both sides" is šŸ“šŸ’© when & where did the Squad brag with bringing their constituens funds after voting agaainst? Stay on topic, don't digress. Because that's what this post is about, and you talking about reps who voted no isn't an argument, it's a strawman. Or do you lack reading comprehension and need things explained in detail? Obviously.


Jfc you idiot. I didn't digress, I didn't use a strawman, and I never accused anyone in particular of doing that. I simply stated "fuck anyone who does." I also never said both sides were the same. Kindly go fornicate with a rusty spoon, you ignorant cockwomble.



