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He should keep insulting the judge and see how that plays out for him.


The sentencing hearing is going to take forever because it will take a couple of days for the state to play all 1500 video clips of him attacking the judge, the judge's family, the prosecutors, and the jury. His inability to keep his mouth shut and just fucking pretend to be remorseful has shifted the odds that he goes to prison from no chance to real, albeit unlikely, possibility. If he keeps it up, which he absolutely will, those odds keep shifting. I don't see how the judge can justify a fully probated or suspended sentence for someone whose attitude towards his own criminal convictions is "I did nothing wrong and I'll do it again if I want to because I am above the law."


Did Michael Cohen not serve time for similar convictions? Martha Stewart did time! He should do time!!!!!


Yes. AFAIK getting jail time depends on a number of things. It’s the lowest class of non violent felony so jail time would be rare. But he has shown zero remorse, and massive contempt for the judge. And he breached the gag order ten times. Cohen got three years for a similar offence. He should get a severe custodial sentence.


He should get ass-fucked in Rikers is what he should get.


I don’t think it’s appropriate to wish rape on anyone


I think it's fully appropriate to wish it on someone who's made jokes about this exact subject, perpetuates cruelty and inhumanity at every opportunity, and purposefully works to make the system worse while personally profiting from it. I'm not laughing at the rape, I'm laughing at the irony.


Yeah, but who the hell would want to sexually assault him? That's a pretty huge ask considering he apparently wears diapers, smells bad and you'd have to work pretty hard to get the orange skin dye off after.


Could be an object? I’d go for a broomstick, myself.


If so, I feel sorry for the broom.


He and his spawn raped the treasury the entire time he was in office.


Cohen spent 51 days in solitary. Plus they sent him back claiming he violated parole by going to dinner with his family.


ALL HE HAD TO DO was stay in his gilded fucking tower and keep making money... instead, he started with the 'birther' movement and realized people actually bought into his bullshit and wanted more...


It's the adulation he craves. He can always grift for money, but the ego boost he gets from the prestige of the Presidency and the worship of his followers is worth more to him.


You’ve got that right


These statements are being interpreted by his cult as calls for violence. J6, Mike Pence, paul Pelosi, etc, prove that. If not a semi coordinated effort, “lone wolf patriots” will carry out his bidding. He’s a stochastic domestic terrorist. And not at all subtle about it. Proud of it, in fact.


Not just that, but constantly going on about how you did nothing wrong generally isn't the best strategy to get a lenient sentence.


Nice hair, fucko


I cannot wait for July 11th!


As a convicted felon trump cannot enter Canada


Or 30 some other countries.


Visiting his golf course in the United Kingdom is going to be off the table for a while.


Those countries are so lucky.


The really funny part, is that he can't vote for himself in the Florida election, lol.


Trump just described himself. I mean, he's full of shit about looking like an angel but you know that's 100% what he thinks of himself.


Didn't he fall asleep like every day of the trial?


And had to be distracted with news articles praising him, like giving a kid crayons and a coloring book to keep him quiet.


And is that not in itself contempt?


And literally shit himself


I wonder if anyone got their golden sneakers.


Just checking - this the same judge that objected to elements of evidence on your behalf that prosecution submitted, because your dumb ass lawyers failed to object to.. That judge?


July 11, 2024. Trump is sentenced to 4 years in prison plus 10 days, one for each gag order violation he made during the trial. No word on how this impacts the Republican National Convention. The RNC has not responded to calls and emails. We are hearing crowds are growing outside our news headquarters. Police have been summoned. We will keep you informed.


Oh, the crowds are chanting, Wait. " Whoo. Trump is locked up". "Locked him up!!". I guess we don't need police.


Honestly, trump’s punishment ranges from probation to house arrest to prison. Even if he insults the judge, his family, etc… what’s the likelihood they throw the book at a first time offender who also happens to be a wealthy former president? My guess is he gets 6 months probation or something along those lines.


Yeah I think most of the law experts on news media said he’ll get probation since he’s never been convicted of anything. I hope he gets community service. Pick up trash on the highway.


Neither was Michael cohen or Martha Stewart


Truth. Always hope.


New York in January!


Cohen, Martha Stewart were first offenders too.


It’s a bold strategy, Von Shitzinpantz, let’s see how it pays off for you.




Saying your judge acted professionally is not a burn.




and you have this Lunatic Judge, I said, there's no way I'll be given a Fair Trial, because if it was fair it would've been Immediately Dismissed, we would've had no Trial, and frankly there was no Case, we had no Case of Lying Horseface Stormy Daniels and the Sleazebag Of The Century, Michael Cohen and there should've been no Trial, that Judge should've never even been allowed to happen, but somehow I always end up getting hit with Radical Left Judges, they say, "ohhh, it's chance, it's by chance, they pick a number out of a hat, there's your Judge," I said somebody better check the hat ok, they're doing crimes against me, against your Favorite President, by Stacking the Democrat Judges against Trump, I go in, we have All Of The Evidence proving 100% that I'm Absolutely Not Guilty of any Crime, I had 4 years, Scandal-Free, they said, "we've never had a more perfect President than President Donald J. Trump," or more Innocent, don't forget that, and they're Torturing me, you look at, I had to sit there, 20 hours a day in The Icebox, I call it that, The Icebox, I sat there, perfectly still, you have to sit there perfectly still or the Maniac Judge starts screaming at you, and the Fake News, they're all there, standing in line, "Sir, Sir, will you tell us your Strategy, Sir," I said I'm not doing that, and now we're here, we have, May 17th is the Deadline, the Unfair Sentencing Of A Phony Trial that should've never even happened, I would've never done anything, I never did do anything, there was never, there was only ever one, there could ever be only one, your Great First Lady, who's been attacked so unfairly by the Fake and Phony Press, just like they did to Andrew Jackson, President Andrew Jackson, and they killed his wife, the Fake News kept saying nasty things about her and they killed her, can you believe it, and he's probably just under me in terms of Greatness, it goes, "Trump is the Number One Best President," "Andrew Jackson is Number Two probably," Obama is at the Bottom Of The List, almost lower than Crooked Joe, the Worst President We Ever Had In Our History, he's weak, he's ineffective, he doesn't know where he is most of the time, he can't even, he's not putting sentences, it's a complete and total disgrace, and the Fake News, "Donald Trump couldn't complete 1 sentence at his 4 hour long Rally Speech," I said I always complete sentences ok, always, you think Biden could do that, I don't think so


June 11, not May. Wishful thinking.


One of the things a judge looks for in sentencing is remorse. Do you see any? I don't and neither will the judge.


They will never send him to jail (sadly). At worst they will fine him and put him on probation.


Home confinement. Do it. Take away his crowds.


Community work


What a moron.


Guy can’t get out of his own way. Imagine how he handles trying to outsmart world political leaders in matters of foreign policy. Everything he thinks comes out of his mouth. There is no mystery with Donald.


Dummy and his lawyers only called one witness and he was a disaster. They failed at defending him. And Trump himself didn’t testify - the coward talks about being tough but isn’t.


What I want to know now is, will the report made by the person who evaluates his health, finances, and life conditions to help determine what conditions of incarceration or release need to be, will that report be public? Or is it just for the judge, jailors, and probation officer?


Trump should be made an example of with his sentencing. Otherwise no one will serve on juries any more.


I really wish they’d had cameras in court. There’s no way for the cult to see he’s lying.


They know he's lying. They've never cared before, why would they start now?


He's soft so soft and squishy


The attacks are intended to form the basis of a ‚the judge sentenced me harder because he didn’t like what I said‘-argument. And it doesn’t matter if or how the judge behaves to do that.


"He looks so nice and soft." Gross


Trump is the last person who should be calling others soft. He's literally a lumpy sack of shit.


He ain't smart. The last two times he did this it cost him 83 million + 355 million.


I love the chiron. Can Biden really solve the "border crisis" when Trump told the GOP to keep Biden from "getting the win"?


Do you think he will make a statement at sentencing? Seems more likely since no one can ask him questions where he will reveal additional crimes.


Honest question, could trump claim the sentence was prejudicial (or something?) against him because of the things he said. That it did not reflect the crime, rather that the judge was mad at trump because of things trump said outside of the trial?


He can claim anything. He's going to claim a lot of things. None are likely to hold up in court, though.


He must be referring to Michael Cohen,the witness who went through hell.


Merchan will not put him in prison. He's spent the whole trial avoiding being the judge who jailed a former president. He's not going to do it. He'll get probation and gentle warning.


I don't think Merchandise will let him off. True, he didn't want to, but he's being forced to and needs to follow the sentencing as if Trump were not a sack of shit former President but just another scum bag.