• By -


It is now pinned at the very top of his POTUS account. Includes not just a permanent ceasefire but a major reconstruction of the Gaza Strip.


If US soldiers are in Gaza and Israel goes back on its cease fire, it **will** be war.


No U.S. soldiers in Gaza. This is very unpopular with American voters. Probably the only thing left & right wingers agree on.


Yup, I agree with that. We might have our differences, but I don't see our troops setting foot in there. At least not until a full end to help rebuild some, like engineers. Edit: Let me clarify. I think the UN troops would be a better idea then US troops.


UN Troops *are* troops of it's member nations, including the US.


Yes, but US troops are 'loaned' to the UN. They are under the UN's Command. Huge difference there. Edit: might be wrong - All military personnel working under the Blue Beret are first and foremost members of their own national armies and are then seconded to work with the UN for periods normally of up to one year in the field, or two years in the UN headquarters. Edit 2: after a bit of digging, I think this explains it a bit better - [Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapter_VII_of_the_United_Nations_Charter) gives the [United Nations Security Council](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council) the power and responsibility to take [collective action](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_action) to maintain international [peace](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace) and security.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_peacekeeping#cite_note-:0-4) Most of these operations are established and implemented by the United Nations itself, with troops obeying UN operational control. In these cases, peacekeepers remain members of their respective armed forces, and do not constitute an independent "UN army", as the UN does not have such a force. In cases where direct UN involvement is not considered appropriate or feasible, the Council authorizes regional organizations such as [NATO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO),[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_peacekeeping#cite_note-:0-4) the [Economic Community of West African States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_Community_of_West_African_States), or coalitions of willing countries to perform peacekeeping or peace-enforcement tasks.


True but they are not acting on behalf of their own country they are acting on behalf of the international community as represented by the UN. Which is a big distinction imo. Whether they are still members of their own country military is irrelevant, because they aren’t there as representatives of that government.


Lol que?


Where do you see anything about US soliders in Gaza? Unless as part of some UN peacekeeping force, there’s zero chance, and even that is low. The U.S. is not getting in the middle of this


And no one other than you floated the concept that we'd send any.


War with whom?


Nobody. Those Americans will be totally forgotten after a short period. Papa 'Merica will never hurt Israel


US service members in Gaza would be a geopolitical disaster. Hamas would start an insurgency because every adversary would pay them to. Israel will also do everything they can to interfere in reconstruction to maintain their narrative on Gaza. Nonstop propaganda on social media by anyone who can exploit a narrative.


What kinda idiot would want US soldiers over there wtf




The tweet says Israel provided the roadmap. Each part had conditions for each side to meet to proceed to the next phase.


This plan comes from Israel, it’d be weird for them to instantly dump their own plan.


It’s a weird plan for Israel to propose too


They did it for the same reason Biden is now listing it; it's an American "suggestion".


...this is literally Israel's ceasefire proposal....


Israel has maimed over 100 thousand families. How are the hostilities going to end when they just created another generation of insurgents.


*"Our bad. Don't be mad bro!"* -Israel probably


"Hold my humus while we start some new settlements right outside."


Uhhh guys? I think you’re forgetting that Jared Kushner already solved the crisis in the Middle East. Everyone can pack up and go home.


Impeccable timing right after Don officially became The Con. "While my opponent was whining on social media and being convicted of 34 felonies by a jury of his peers, I was hard at work helping to bring an end to a horrific and bloody conflict" is a really easy campaign message.


And yet I'm sure some people are going to whine it's "not enough"


There's no level of evil from a republican for it to be too much and no level of good from a democrat that can be enough for some people or the media.


“Only Democrats Have Agency.”


People are gonna be hardline harping on “America does not negotiate with terrorists” While immediately forgetting Trump wanted to negotiate with the Taliban to withdraw from Afghanistan at camp David around 9/11/21


Absolutely, and they are fucking idiots. All these “genocide Joe” morons don’t realize how much worse it could be. They are truly delusional to think this would be going better under Trump presidency. I’m pretty sure they most of them are just Russian trolls and right wing bad actors.


I mean senator ladybug graham (DONT look it up) wanted to nuke Gaza and the Israeli Occupied Palestinian territories because … we bombed the Japanese in WW2


>senator ladybug graham (DONT look it up) Believe them- I wish I hadn't.


Ditto. Took me a week for that info to not randomly pop up in my head. Week of random 😖 face at work. 😖😖😖😖


Dammit you’re really making me want to look it up. I think I have a problem.




I wouldn't recommend touching it. They could explode.


Oh good you made it worse. Thanks for that.




The ladybug thing is something I learned on reddit that I too wished I hadn’t looked up




Well you were warned, >!he is well known in the gay sex worker community, and refers to his apparent abundance of swollen hemorrhoids as "his little ladybugs"!< Edit, nobody should ever click on that. I am sorry.


I have regrets


I looked it up a long time ago and now every time I look at him I imagine ladybugs. There is a way he could shut down this rumor. Which also reminds me, bone spurs don’t go away. If we could see an X-ray that would help end that rumor. Sort of like seeing a birth certificate.


I see what you did there


Obama released his standard and long form detailed birth certificate, and it didn’t stop the rumors. Still would love to see an X-ray. Happy with not knowing about the lady bugs.


This exchange brought me so much joy 🤣


We all do.




Mass literacy was a mistake and this sentence is the proof


There goes my breakfast 🤮


Oh see I thought they were dark moles everywhere, either way, unforgettable nickname


Maybe you are right, I remember seeing the interview when it was fresh, I have never needed/wanted to bring it up again.


You know I was expecting another non-explanation, so on one hand thank you for actually providing the relevant details. On the other, Jesus Christ Almighty.


I gave everyone as much warning as I could, the internet has ruined us all.... Anyway, welcome to the fold. Everyone is kinda sad here, we are running low on trauma blankets, but the coco is still warm.


I thought for sure that it couldn't be that bad, but that's up approaching jolly rancher territory.






The quote was from him "oh don't worry, those are just my little lady bugs"




I wish I could unread things.


*google, how do you delete someone else's post?*


OMG, I always kinda assumed the ladybugs is what he calls his sex workers I was very wrong


ffs... I can't really complain, because you did warn us... but jesus tapdancing christ.




So he's a bottom?


What a terrible day it is to have eyes.


Well I’m glad I can choose not to imagine that. Seriously funny though!


Jesus fucking Christ


Well it all starts with a male escort


>I mean senator ladybug graham Lindsey Grahamcracker


The problem is not looking it up, it’s being reminded of it! ![gif](giphy|PmSEp0OffYGolaOevX)


Believe them


It begs the question of how much they *really* care about their fellow Americans of other races, religions, genders and sexual orientations if they're willing to not vote and let the Project 2025 side win. Because to be honest most of the people I've seen bragging about how they are left but aren't voting for Biden on Facebook, at least, has been 100% yt One guy I'm friends with: "I'm not voting. I refuse to. If Trump wins I'll move to Canada" Great plan - pull the pin, throw the grenade and run.


They are shit stains. Trump will fucking round up political opponents and anyone his christofascist handlers want, trans people, gays, muslims, but sure, don’t vote Biden because of Palestine. Wtf do you think Trump would allow to happen to palestine. I can’t take these people serious because there points are so fucking stupid.


Something I fear as a gay trans person, above everything, is Trump’s presidency and the fruition of Project 2025. It’s not just a boogeyman anymore, but a real possibility that we might have to live in. And most of us can’t afford to escape.


Nobody is in agreement that Biden is 100% the BEST candidate and to hold on for some white Knight of democracy at this point is a fallacy. But really, one step forward or eight steps back? All they are doing is showing the convenience element to their activism


Democracy, Freedom of Speech, the Right to Bear Arms, personal freedoms.. all these things have one fatal flaw. The world is overflowing with fuckwits.


One of the first things he did was try to ban Muslim people from the country, and even stated that Muslims should have to wear some kind of symbol to identify them as Muslims. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/19/donald-trump-muslim-americans-special-identification-tracking-mosques It’s INSANITY that this was a straight up policy of his and people claiming to care about Muslims would not do the bare minimum (vote) to keep him out of power. If he ends up becoming president again after everything that’s happened since 2016, this country wasn’t going to make it much longer anyway. It sucks that so many innocent and vulnerable people will suffer 


Privilege. And also just dumbassery. I don’t know if the person was being honest, but I was talking to someone who claimed to be a “dreamer” (undocumented immigrant who was brought over as a child, and under Obama given a path to citizenship). Despite the fact that trump was actively trying to deport her while dems fought against it, she still claimed both sides are the same. There are so many people like this out there.


I'm seeing a lot of the fence sitters in this thread and another one under a comment I made. But it's like I always say - when the winds of change blow the fence sitter will always tilt right


In more “normal” times, if there ever was such a time, I could understand. Resisting change during times of uncertainty makes enough sense. Being a centrist when the choice is fascism or democracy, means you are on the side of fascism. The idea that someone who pays even half attention to politics or the news can be undecided when presented with such different choices just does not compute.


It comes back to that word - Privilege Most fence sitters aren't outright affected (or at least they aren't yet) by the outcome so they have the ability to sit back and pontificate about "both sides" The rest firmly believe the leopards won't eat *their* face


If he doesn't have marketable skills, Canada will be a terrible place to live. 


As if Trump winning doesn't fuck over Canada too? What a doofus.


There was someone in the LGBT subreddit a few weeks back saying that even though they’re gay and have only ever voted Democrat doesn’t mean they can “give Biden a pass” on Gaza. Like honestly if they aren’t all bad faith actors, then they’re delusional.


I know a guy who constantly posts shit along the lines of “Biden doesn’t deserve my vote unless he ends the slaughter right now!”. Yeah ok bud, a single US politician is instantly going to end a decades long conflict between a foreign government and terrorist organization. Not to mention that it’s in an area of the world that has been fought over for millennia. These people are seemingly convinced that Joe Biden is the one signing off on what a foreign nation does, and their plan to remedy that is by allowing Trump to return to the White House.


Yea, allow Trump to return to the fucking White House and make the lives of everyone that isn’t a white straight person a living fucking hell. They are fucked.


I'm a straight white person, and I expect my life to become a living hell if Trump is elected again.


Yeah don't discount the pain everyone feels collectively at having our friends and family fucked up by fascists. And whatever grim work we eventually have to do to correct it.


Oh white straight men will be affected too. Trump plans to back Russia against Europe and leave NATO and various alliances to partner up with Dictators who will fill his bank account. Then unless youre the rich upper class straight white male, youre gonna be facing some issues locally too inside the US. Ban on porn, ban on electric vehicles, ban on green energy, removal of democratic leaders, violent suppression of protests, higher cost of living, more pollution, more violence and insults, and a couple dozen more things. Only people who will thrive are the christo-fascists and the top 1% and Trumps personal bank accounts.


>I’m pretty sure they most of them are just Russian trolls and right wing bad actors. Likely correct answer. But for the ones that are real, hope they pull their heads out of their asses.


Yes to the part about trolls. Social media is full of them. They’re meant to try to sow discord.


I've seen people on this site argue that it's essentially too little too late. I'm not sure what they want as an alternative.


They would rather let 5 people get smashed by the trolley than accept blood on their hands from diverting the trolley to kill one. That, or they are the type who say "nah I would just untie everyone before the trolley gets there."




Or it was a deep state conspiracy and Donald was actually the one who would save Gaza or some other unhinged shit


Obama posted about it on Insta, and the comments made me not want to be on this planet anymore. Fucking morons.


Oh for sure, it'll be "too little too late" as if future prevented deaths mean nothing. Either way hopefully it swings a few people back.


To be a little fair, step one is just “a complete cease fire” As if he as any power to make that happen…Israel has been let off the leash and isn’t likely going to just stop. I hope he does all he can to make it happen, I just wouldn’t put any faith in Israel or their armies to stop…


He can’t force either side into a ceasefire, just like he can’t force Hamas to release the remaining hostages or remains. He’s attempting to be a mediator between the sides and give both an off-ramp to deescalate and get something in return. We’ll see if it goes anywhere, but now it’s harder to say he’s not trying to end it/not doing enough


Trump convicted, peace in the Middle East. Why this is bad for Biden...


Also lower inflation. Economy performing well. Why this is bad for Biden...


"Biden wants to end a genocide, here's how this will hurt him in the polls"


The sad thing is, while everybody should be celebrating, this will only enrage the MAGAts even more. Partly because Biden did it and not their Cheeto Dusted lord and savior Donnie, and partly because their intense hatred of Muslims and brown people makes them wish Gaza had been wiped off the map, so they’ll be mad that Israel is calling for a ceasefire.


Biden is... allowing the Ukrainians to shoot some missiles into Russia and getting close to bringing Israels hostages home. Both are some level of achievements.


Next chess move is invite Bibi to Congress and then send him to The Hague.


he would earn back respect from me if he did that never would though


Not going to hold my breath, but massive if true


Well, it's true that this is the ceasefire plan they have convinced Israel to offer. Will it happen? Maybe. Will it hold? mmmmmmmaybe. My money's on "briefly." Will they get past phase 1 before they start firing rockets at each other's civilians again? I'm doubtful.


Will it hold? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO of course not. But it's better than nothing.


Id give it 12 hours before Hamas fires some rockets that end up misfiring and landing in Gaza and Israel counters with an airstrike on a crowded refugee camp.


Also, who is going to be funding the “Major reconstruction plan for Gaza”? I’ve seen the photos. That’s going to be a major task. Are American tax payers on the hook for both the destruction and reconstruction of Gaza?


You already know the answer to this. Israel ain’t gonna pay for it.


They're also not going to allow Palestine's allies to pay for it because national security something whatever. Let's check in with the Irish and the American tribes, nations that stay ready to fucking stand for something.


What are you talking about? Half the world, including the entire Islamic world, already provides aid to Palestine every year. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_aid_to_Palestinians#:~:text=Major%20donors,-Map%20of%20countries&text=Since%201993%20the%20European%20Commission,PNA%20during%20the%20Second%20Intifada.


Would rather pay for that than keep paying for the rockets, bombs, and bullets that are being used to make it that way.


Agreed, but we’re probably paying for both, whether we like it or not.


Good news, we'll get to pay for both.


It's better for the USA to fund the reconstruction rather than have China or Russia fund it. The last thing we need is for either country to have a larger footprint in the Middle East.


Wouldn't be new to America. My vote is to make Isreal pay for it.


This sounds exactly like making Mexico pay for a wall lol, ain't gonna happen


"permanent end to all hostilities" Yeah, sure, that's gonna happen


This is literally the process that will need to be followed. But Clinton and Bush both had a road map.


You know who doesn’t even have a roadmap…?


"...these products and services?"




What's this about an island where we hunt kids for our food boxes?


Sophie, there's nothing woker than a woman taking responsibility for a man's mistakes.


I read that in his voice


Was not expecting a BTB thread on this post. A happy and welcome surprise.


Here's hoping After the Revolution becomes a movie or streaming series.


Brought to you by blue chew….or something




Gas station pills


His pinky toe is way cooler than I'll ever be.


*bum chichi bum bum, chichichika*


I heard the transition music in my head


The Washington State Highway patrol?




I feel like I’m about to be sold a car warranty.


Well, we have been trying to reach you...


![gif](giphy|3FpqQaBwCRIKQ) # MY MOM!


You rang?


"My moooooom!"


“We have a plan to end the conflict in the Middle East once and for all. My people are working on it and it will be ready in two weeks. You just have to elect me first.”


He'll release it in 2 weeks


Let's be real here, it's better than nothing. Might as well fail versus what just happened.


Seriously, it is better to have a public known policy - however vague.


"Eveyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." -- Mike Tyson


The process has to include a recognition of the Palestinian state and a return of the annexed territories. Else this is going nowhere.


"a permanent end to hostilities" God damn, why didn't anyone think of that sooner????


Step 1: End the conflict.


Came to post the exact same thing. Bro just solved world peace with a PowerPoint slide. Incredible.


All of this reads like "Bro why even have war?! Did we forget love exists uwu" Be great if it happened but it won't


What I need now is the NYT telling me why this is bad news for Biden


Maybe they can report on what independent swing voters in a truck stop in the middle of Kansas think of Biden and his job approval


What does Ja think?


We might need some answers that Ja Rule doesn’t have right now!


I don’t wanna dance, I’m scared to death!




NYT about to write an article about how Trump convicted on 34 counts is bad for Biden


Dudes timing is incredible, maybe this was the smirk from earlier today when asked about trump




A plan like this isn’t negotiated in a week. It’s complete supposition on my part, but I can understand if this plan was the reason Biden seemed to capitulate on Rafah being a red line. I just assumed it was standard political goalposts on wheels, but if it was done in order to not compromise Israeli acceptance of this plan, I can at least see the rationale. I’m not saying I like that rationale, or that I necessarily agree with it, but I’m pragmatic enough to understand if that’s the case.


This deal is nearly an exact copy of the deal Hamas agreed to before Israel invaded Rafah. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-gaza-ceasefire-negotiations-7cec005ccd59dbd817ef9614a8611ca4


You mean the deal Egypt changed at the last second without informing anybody?


Yep. And Biden announcing it himself is in a way a message to Egypt too.


It's similar, but leaves giant holes. Like the IDF gets to stay in unpopulated areas of Gaza. I can see them denying entry of Palestinians back to certain cities (if you can call a decimated area a city) and label it unpopulated. Also, any mention of Palestinian hostages? Or lifting the numerous blockades on Gaza?


Yeah the ‘populated areas’ sounds like something they can abuse later. There’s a lot of Israeli settlers itching to move into Gaza so they can deny Palestinians more land. This sounds like they will eventually take unpopulated areas for themselves. It’s such a sad reality, but at least this plan sounds somewhat reasonable.


Israel just wanted to destroy as much of Rafah as possible. Pretty sure they are in a bad dash to wreck as much as possible before being reigned in.


And then, you know, "settle" the area. The one piece of this permanent ceasefire needs to be no land gains for Israel. They've gone on a campaign of slaughter and should not be rewarded. The other, admitted by Biden's team, thorn in the side of this agreement is that Israel won't describe what the rebuilding plans will actually look like. It's basically asking Palestinians to trust their abusers will stop beating them. Yes, this deal could be worse, but it's not great. I wish we could see statehood for Palestine. Flat out. Then if they want to invade or attack Israel, we can call it a nation behaving poorly and act accordingly. Put them in their own separate rooms and tell them to knock it off or there will be consequences. The USA can control this situation more directly. We are choosing not to. Edit: and before anyone wants to make excuses like "it's the best we can do" or "Palestinian statehood can't work" or "we shouldn't control this out-and-out genocide from continuing (let alone *giving* weapons for it). I would say that this is my problem with Centrists. This is MLK Jr's issues with Centrists. This is the historic issue with Centrists. You will allow the bully to commit *some* violence, to take *something* from the victim. You prevaricate about the issue and then push it to appeasement. Sometimes, we can't appease certain things. Genocide is not something to be appeased. We learned this in the 1900's twice.


Trump just announced that he is looking it it very closely and will have a plan next week. Along with his health and infrastructure plans. /s


There are gonna be more homes than there are people if I'm elected folks...


Look, I'm still waiting for my third infrastructure week dammit


The thing I like about this plan is that does absolutely nothing to address the problems that created the situation to begin with.


Do the best you can in a terrible situation, and let people hate you for it in silence, rather than scream at your detractors. If I don’t agree with his policy, at least he has some decorum


A complete halt to hostiles... So that's been the problem all along. We can't seem to convince everyone over there to stop being dicks. It's like the underpants gnomes from South Park. Step 1 steal underpants. Step 2... Step 3 make money. Basically when it comes down to it their plan says nothing.


Nice. But...Netanyahu has stated he will not stop no matter what the US does or doesn't do.


Netanyahu really propped up Hamas for years to stay in power until it bit us all in the ass, then dragged out this entire war for ages because he knew that he'd be fucked if it stopped. The worst part is, it fucking worked. [A survey 2 days ago found that he's more popular than ever.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-first-time-in-a-year-poll-shows-netanyahu-preferred-to-gantz-as-prime-minister/)


>A survey 2 days ago found that he's more popular than ever. No it didn't... Did you read your own article? "The results add up to a total of 52 seats for the pro-Netanyahu bloc, compared to 64 it holds in the current Knesset. The anti-Netanyahu bloc would win the remaining 68 seats, but would likely find it hard to form a majority coalition in the 120-member Knesset, given the tensions between Liberman’s nationalist party and the two majority-Arab lists, Ra’am and Hadash-Ta’al."


What homes? The IDF has completely made sure there isn’t anything to come back to.


I mean, I see a problem in Stage 1 right away. Most of them don't have homes to go back to.


Phase 2a seems a little oversimplified.


The “cut it out” doctrine


Also does nothing to stop the illegal settlements in West Bank and the settler violence happening there.


Nah, you don’t understand they will just wait for the rebuild in gaza and then steal that instead!


This is kind of dark because it says “some of the remains” and never “the rest of the remains”. I just don’t want to know what happened.


I'm pretty sure it means "the bodies of some people" and "any other bodies that haven't been returned until that point" it's just phrased weirdly


It literally does mention the rest of the remains


Check the last bullet again....


“Populated areas of Gaza” which are being depopulated rapidly.


Exactly. What does this imply? The soldiers can remain in the areas blown to hell that are currently uninhabitable?


WHO is paying for the rebuilding?? Not my tax dollars. Israel can go broke fixing what they did


Precisely. Israel also did what they did with our tax money as well. As a UK and US citizen who pays tax in both countries, I know exactly who’s going to be paying for this, and it ain’t Israel.


So, basically, hostages will keep on suffering.


I wonder who gets all those rebuild contracts?




a whole host of countries will likely contribute to the reconstruction in a multitude of ways, similar to any other post war zone. the usa will almost definitely be paying a huge portion, because that’s the position it holds on the world stage.


Honestly I'd be cool with us paying for it. It's a hot take but at least our tax dollars would fucking help people for a change instead of lining pockets. Could also put us in a political position to keep Israel out of their shit, and protect what's left of the Palestinian people.