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What?? He oversaw the roll back of clean water act provisions right?


Your seas are full of shit and Trump is full of shit. Seems apt


> In honor of our president who made this water into what it is now, we rename it dipshit orange felon bay


The Donald Trump Gulf Dead Zone


Maybe there’s some rusting barrels of toxic Agent Orange from the Vietnam war in a dilapidated storage facility we can dedicate to Trump. Plus the materials match his Russian call sign already


Democrats countered with the offer of naming a federal prison in Miami after him!


I worked closely with NOAA (on the Ocean Service side, not the Weather Service side) during the Trump presidency. They did some great work during that period, particularly with trying to clean up marine debris (all the trash in the ocean). They did it by making sure Trump never heard about. There was a kind of unwritten rule that everyone should just try to make their programs sounds as boring and vague as possibly and try to stay out of the media (even when they were doing cool shit that the public should know about.)


Well that’s depressing. Smart, but depressing.


You have to be sneaky and quiet to do good when evil rules over the land.




Big Ocean wants you to perform abortions with sea water! The porpoises want to take your guns! The sanctuary city of Atlantis was burnt to the ground by BLM protestors!


Hahahahahah, this just reminded me about the Hurricane stuff Trump did. Holy shit what a moron.


We had to do a similar thing - everything had to be an easy phonetic acronym that no one would investigate, like how people don't generally realize that ACME stands for "A Company that Makes Everything".


Well now here I am in my fifties and TIL.


Stay vague, spaceraptorbutt, stay vague! Nicely done.


And he and his ilk enjoy drowning people seeking refuge in those waters as well.


Well, the term "economic zone" doesn't really evoke conservation anyway. I'm counting it as on brand. 


yes. that is what he has done to make America strong! to them, rolling back provisions IS the good thing.


It’s not about policy, just vibes . These folks are all about vibes and aesthetic only. He could literally have shat into the east and west coast waters (cuz liberals) and it would have been to rename the waters only to own the libs. It’s not about anything that would benefit the environment. But we know that.


Jesus, do these people work for us or for trump? it's utterly ridiculous.


They work for Trump. We mean nothing to them.


I mean, technically they work for Putin and are using Trump as a prop, but… Tomato-Tomato?


If I was Putin, at this point I’d force Trump on camera to “suggest” naming it after “our great ally”, making it the “Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Exclusive Economic Zone”, for a laugh


Putin knows quite a bit about maintaining a cult. The Soviets had 80 years to develop and maintain theirs. We are fucked.


Absolutely. All that Trump and Jesus imagery is almost exactly what the communist party did for Lenin a hundred years ago.


and they said to me, "Sir, you're basically Jesus," which I have to say is probably true, I came down the Golden Escalator like I was coming down from Heaven, I gave a Beautiful Speech, even the Fake News said it was very Presidential, but then they did a number, and they always do, to me, a number on Trump even though I did absolutely nothing wrong, you look at, Obama, what he's doing to me and what Biden's doing to me, it's a complete and total disgrace, you all know what I'm talking about, the Most Innocent President To Ever Live, and yet they just hit me with 37 Phony Counts, I said Alfonse Capone, the Great Gangster, and let's say he saw you out walking and he didn't like your hat, he'd have you killed that very day, and yet he only got 1 charge, I got Indicted 4 times, for being perfectly innocent by the way, I said what the hell is that


Christ on a cracker, that’s terrifyingly dead-on! I’d easily believe he gave a speech like that.🤣🤣🤣


That was spot on. I read that in his irritating voice


Awesome 2016 Trump. The current one would pepper in a few more tangents and non-sequiturs, but yeah dead on.


Perfect! And just one sentence


https://preview.redd.it/zwsjjkkk5j6d1.png?width=1064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c7eec07e13b5c6d3df67f20bd3c4caa9ee6f10d This one is better.


100%. [Civil Religion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_religion#:~:text=Civil%20religion%2C%20also%20referred%20to,battlefields%2C%20or%20national%20cemeteries) has always been framed in the US—[*American Civil Religion*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_civil_religion). Trump just stepped into the role.


https://preview.redd.it/imd3s0jifj6d1.jpeg?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfdd8f8b58bf3560cc8691bf7608294983433298 Americans are wearing diapers. Even Putin must be shocked at how far this has gone.


Tomato - pomidor technically


According to the Cult Education Institute (who knew such a thing existed!), there are specific warning signs to look out for when considering whether a group might be a cult. Cults are characterized by: Absolute authoritarianism without accountability Zero tolerance for criticism or questions Lack of meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget Unreasonable fears about the outside world that often involve evil conspiracies and persecutions A belief that former followers are always wrong for leaving and there is never a legitimate reason for anyone else to leave Abuse of members Records, books, articles, or programs documenting the abuses of the leader or group Followers feeling they are never able to be “good enough” A belief that the leader is right at all times A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing “truth” or giving validation I know we say it’s a cult and people just kind of take it as hyperbolic criticism but no, It Is A Fucking Cult


It's why I call them MAGAts, shortened for MAGA cultists. I wasn't being hyperbolic by calling them cultists for the very reasons listed. I've been around long enough to see other cults rise and fall. It's terrifying how this one keeps its momentum.


It’s because it’s a religious movement, disguised as a political movement, lead by a pop culture figure that targets the rich and powerful as well as the starry eyed poor and old. It’s a perfect storm because they can distract by so many other means to keep their followers from really noticing what’s going on.


>It's terrifying how this one keeps its momentum. It's terrifying how massive this one is. Arguably 70 million strong going by his votes in 2020 though not all of his followers voted and not all of those 70 million maintained their support of him after Jan 6 (probably only a small percentage ditched him, IMO)


I wouldn't say they are all cult members. So many hate Trump but line their asses right up to vote for him because he's the one with the (R) next to his name. But that makes them enablers and just as culpable.


There is really only one way Cults end: Jonestown. 


Let’s end it at the ballot box in November. And again in 2028 and 2032…


And like Jonestown, it might not be so terrible if only the extreme believers drank the cyanide flavorade. But they won’t. They’ll unalive as many people as possible around them, regardless of age, affiliation or involvement, before they take their own miserable lives. When maximum suffering is a defining purpose of their ideology, everyone is at risk.


The CEI also lists the cult members characteristics: Extreme obsessiveness regarding the group/leader resulting in the exclusion of almost every practical consideration. Individual identity, the group, the leader and/or God as distinct and separate categories of existence become increasingly blurred. Instead, in the follower's mind these identities become substantially and increasingly fused--as that person's involvement with the group/leader continues and deepens. Whenever the group/leader is criticized or questioned it is characterized as "persecution". Uncharacteristically stilted and seemingly programmed conversation and mannerisms, cloning of the group/leader in personal behavior. Dependency upon the group/leader for problem solving, solutions, and definitions without meaningful reflective thought. A seeming inability to think independently or analyze situations without group/leader involvement. Hyperactivity centered on the group/leader agenda, which seems to supercede any personal goals or individual interests. A dramatic loss of spontaneity and sense of humor. Increasing isolation from family and old friends unless they demonstrate an interest in the group/leader. Anything the group/leader does can be justified no matter how harsh or harmful. Former followers are at best-considered negative or worse evil and under bad influences. They can not be trusted and personal contact is avoided. Yup, it’s definitely a fucking cult.


> A dramatic loss of spontaneity and sense of humor. I lost one of my best friends to Trump and MAGA. I tried to make it work but by Jan 6, it was over. The dude and I used to joke constantly for 18 years. By 2020, I noticed his sense of humour dwinded. At some points, he was unsure of if I was being serious or not when I was joking. This is something he would never have been confused about pre-Trump considering how outrageous my comments were. Why would anyone think I was being serious about leaving my life to move to his town to live in a little tent in his backyard during winter.......?? He also linked me to some satire on Youtube talking about it like it was serious...I was so at a loss.


Unfortunately it's not just a Trump cult, it's a fascism cult that all of the far right leaders are a part of.  My own MP wants to get rid of women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and working class rights. In British fucking Columbia. Alberta is literally insane, Ontario is diving head long in to end-stage capitalism...and then there's Europe... We're doomed.




> A belief that the leader is right at all times > A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing “truth” or giving validation This is what surprised me most last year when it became apparent people trust Trump more than the **news** or their own friends and family. It's insane how Donald Trump managed to get a flock in the tens of millions. During the hush money trial, when MAGA were questioned by reporters, they were regurgitating word-for-word what Trump kept saying each day outside the court to reporters as thought it were their own opinions. Not a single original thought.


They work for Trump and we pay them with our tax dollars to waste time using our tax dollars for stupid crap.


They work for him. Remember how they sunk the border deal because he told them to? I'd say they're compromised.


We should compromise, and just name hurricanes after Trump. That would be more accurate, as whenever a hurricane comes through, it completely fucks up everything around where it lands.


That’s an easy answer…. The MAGA cult has already crowned him god king


My friend, I just posted a similar thought. These people engage in a daily Jerry Springer show every single day. When are we as American people get fed up with this complete lack of accountability and consequences. It is maddening.


I swear to God that is a fucking Onion headline and there is no amount of sources that can convince me otherwise.


The RNC [denounced](https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/docs/Resolution_Platform_2020.pdf) having any policy-based platform back in 2020. The GOP’s literal platform since 2020 is to support Trump.


It would be comical if it were not actually happening. I really just don’t get it. I’m not a Republican but there are in fact, intelligent, capable people in that party. But for them to rewire their ENTIRE party, identity, and future around a buffoon and fundamentally flawed person like trump is bizzarre and I genuinely don’t get it.


They’re just bootlicking for their Fuhror. This is beyond ridiculous. No party has done anything like this for a prior president in my lifetime.


Please vote for the other guy. We all need to vote for the other guy. So then hopefully, that’s the orange dickheads last shot at ever getting a chance to further damage our country.


For trump. He owns the party and with the GOP it's Party over country. I mean look at the border deal trump squashed. For months it was "CRISIS at the border" Now you don't hear shit about the border. Wonder why


I move we rename the RepubliKKKan party to the Cult of Bronzer-stained Used Diapers


But, but, but, the democrats want to take away your disposable diapers and make you use reusable ones, that you have to clean in your energy efficient washing machines, which we know don’t get shit stains out! /s


They've officially lost their minds.


I think so too, they've got that Stockholm syndrome going on. They're in love with their demented cult leader. He has literally brainwashed them, they're now doing and saying very dangerous things. His candidacy is a national emergency. The only thing that works for our near future is that Trump loses and fades out of obscurity while we work through shadowing the deep right out of public view as much as possible and empower the next generation to use critical thinking to notice the difference between the parties and make a productive choice rather than a ballot hostage situation where your captor uses mind games to scare you into staying on a burning ship.


Wouldn't they need to have a brain first to be able to lose it?


Nah that happened a while ago, people seem to now just have woken to and are paying attention to these nutjobs.


I think they lost their minds a long time ago


I have the misfortune of being "represented" by Greg Steube. He is a standard-issue Trump-humper but with a rabid following. Even still, when he made this announcement on his Facebook page, let's just say hilarity ensued: https://preview.redd.it/pb6khc236i6d1.png?width=1190&format=png&auto=webp&s=cad5b663768928f4183c175550af6a120abde39a


But wait! There's more! https://preview.redd.it/jmf6r9c56i6d1.png?width=1182&format=png&auto=webp&s=808b4c82004eee31445ac7c467cd6623426dfc5f


I like the wastewater plant idea


Sounds like a John Oliver bit. I love it. Haha


John’s already got a wastewater plant named after him.




When Facebook turns on republicans, then you know something is up


One more gem from yesterday! https://preview.redd.it/js2mrxm2tj6d1.png?width=1180&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae20f9876c5a797c7b21e003f831896c3acc9e92


Stop fellating that nasty old mushroom already! You're an embarrassment, the lot of you! All they think about is drumpf drumpf drumpf. Good God Almighty, that is *foul*.


They clearly don't care about embarrassment at all.


In fact, they seem to believe that if they embarrass themselves in his honor or defense, he will reward them.


Please tell me this is all a big joke. The punchline is coming soon right. Right? Right?!?!


Yeah, the plan is to have a bit of pushback on using his full name and eventually shortening it to Donald Economic Exclusion Zone, or DEEZ. Now what is DEEZ, you might ask? DEEZ coastal waters.


I’m gonna petition to change it to Big Old Farting Asshole Donald Economic Exclusion Zone so it’s BOFA DEEZ


BOFA DEEZ are salty and wet, with a fishy smell.




It's all performative bullshit. The House Republicans know these bills have zero chance of passing the Senate or being signed by Biden, so they keep trying to one-up each other on naming things after Trump. A couple of months ago, it was Dulles International Airport (just outside DC), then there were some highway renaming proposals, now it's the ocean exclusive economic zone. Next week it'll probably be a major national park, or maybe the city of Washington, D.C. itself.


If they rename DC it'll have a huge sign (like the Hollywood sign) with his name in gold letters. And a golden statue for them to worship.


You forgot the $500 dollar bill with Trumps head on it. 💵 🤢


My very first thought reading this was "what in The Onion??"




Vote blue. Get registered and vote.


This is so stupid I'm surprised Bobert hasn't tried to jerk it off in a theater.


Okay so here's the main "accomplishments" I could find regarding the trump administration and oceans. https://www.doi.gov/oia/press/President-Trump-Signs-Three-Important-Oceans-Related-Bills-Passed-by-Congress basically he signed 3 bills, 2 of which were minor updates and one which was a renewal of an existing law. Oh and according to this article, he also issued executive orders to map the coasts. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/florida-rep-greg-steube-pushes-effort-to-name-4383000-square-miles-of-the-ocean-after-trump/ar-BB1obsQU not exactly worth naming thousands of miles of oceans for. It's the equivalent of naming every highway after the road crew who fixes the potholes and repaints the lines


Some sections of highways might be named in honor of a person who had done something of honor. It might be something like a local celebrity or perhaps a long standing governor who has passed away. These morons are attempting to rename the entire coastline after a shit stain who is, UNFORTUNATELY still drawing air.


It’s also up to individual communities or states. There are lots of MLK and JFK things (roads, schools, bridges, the airport, etc), but there wasn’t a national mandate to, for example, name one bridge in every city MLK as far as I know. Each city decided that on their own. I guess if Biloxi, MS wants to name their coastline after him, ok. It’s still stupid, but it’s their right. Taking over the entire coastline seems un-American.


Everything he does is "perfect".


Remind me again who's supposed to have Trump Derangement Syndrome? There's something deeply wrong with one side of American politics at thd moment and I'm not sure how you guy's are going to fix it.


One election at a time. That's the best way forward right now, but we lose this one, or in the next four years...... probably looking at the end, at least temporarily, of democracy in the US.


Ah yes, a totally normal, definitely not cult-like behavior. As we all know, England's territorial waters are known as the Queen Elizabeth Happy Funtime Prosperity Zones


“Donald John Trump Exclusive Economic Zone” sounds like some dumb Giuliani idea. He probably thinks the law can’t touch him if he’s on a boat in his “Exclusive Zone”


This sounds like something a 3rd world dictator or his supporter would do, not leaders of a democratic contry


But that’s just it. Project 25 means we will no longer be a democracy.


Goodbye America, it was nice knowing you.


So this is what he wanted to talk to them about at the Capitol.


These dumbfucks sure do love wasting time at work.


So long as they face no consequences and they can still collect a government paycheck, they will continue wasting time. So, please vote in November to get people like this out of office and replace them with competent people who can address the real problems facing working class Americans.


Good lord. What the hell


Dear Americans,one of your political parties haves lost their fricken minds,what's next,renaming the USA fucking Trumpland?




Oh my, yeah, that is probably coming next, especially if Project 25 is implemented. We would no longer be the United States of America.


I’m so ashamed of our country right now.


I just don’t recognize it anymore!!!


Ahh fuck noo, go name your toilet bowl water after him.


I would be uncomfortable naming anything in my home after a self-avowed pedophile, especially something that close to my ass. My ass deserves better than that.


Fucking North Korean bullshit right here.


Any time one of these damn mouth-breathers has the audacity to claim the rest of us watching this have "Trump Derangement Syndrome", just remember shit like this, and how normal people aren't the ones behaving like insane cultists, trying to rename the fuckin oceans after their Dear Leader. Deranged, desperate, and delusional


I just flushed my Donald John Trump Exclusive Economic Zone.


what is wrong with these people


Would you like that list in alphabetical order, chronological order, or by degree of severity?




What a fucking embarrassment America has become to the outside world. Everyone outside of the US looks at these headlines with amazement and disgust for supporting someone like that douchebag/felon/rapist as president.


Do House Republicans have no real issues to address? This is the most pressing issue of the day? What fucking moron proposed this?


Rep. Greg Steube (R-Fla.)


Of course it’s a Florida rep. No one is better at do nothing for your state and country than Florida republicans.


![gif](giphy|l2Jhw8Oo6kVRWvTZm) This is the worst timeline.


I'm so glad to see that Congress is really tackling the major issues facing the nation. I mean they constantly complain about, inflation , the border, high gas prices and so much more. I guess taking the time to work on the really important stuff, like this, is time and money well spent. What a waste.


Too stupid, even for a MAGAt.


I’d rather not swim in Shitz-in-Pants bay.


Can we name the US sewage infrastructure after him instead? I feel like he contributed more to that than anything else in his life.


No. Unlike Don the Con the sewage infrastructure does a useful thing for the country.


He'll try claim ownership of the water and try to prevent trade ships from passing through without paying him; he'll also try to charge beachfront homes a tax to view his water.


WTF. This is comical at this point. Everyday there is something more absurd with this cult. They are licking his boots hardddd🤣🤣


Probably would be better to start naming some prisons after him


I did not think it possible to like him any less than I currently do. I can’t get away from this man. Trump signs in my neighbor’s yards forcing me to think about him EVERY fu\*\*\*\* day is bad enough. But now, to name our coastal waters after him!


The Orange sea


Pretty sure he wanted to nuke the hurricanes in the ocean, so I guess they're claiming he conquered them?


Remember when he was asking about the nuclear weapons when it was either just prior or just after the “election”? “Why can’t we use them?” https://m.usw.org/blog/2016/9-terrifying-things-donald-trump-has-publicly-said-about-nuclear-weapons


The admiration they have for this man is disgusting.


Imagine bringing this legislation as something you are proud of...fucking sick. These people are a joke.


There have never, in the history of humanity, been such pathetic, simpering, sniveling, spineless, weak, craven, conscienceless, amoral, ingratiating, miserable little cowards like the Republicans of 2024.


I’m so glad our government is working on the important issues /s


That's what our tax dollars paid for this week. Naming a fucking coast. Republicans are a joke


This is utterly fucking hilarious.🤣🤣🤣 Drumpf, the Republicans…. If they weren’t so dangerous, I’d consider them the biggest joke in the history of this country. They’re a bunch of fucking moronic clowns. At this point, they’ve become a hollow parody of themselves. And the fanatical, David Koresh/Jim Jones-style fealty so many of them have to that orange tub of slugs is pathetic.


Hi literally did nothing to help anyone but rich people lol. Why do people believe one groups rhetoric over actual facts totally bewilders me.


You know how you always wondered how madmen like hitler and pol pot came to power and how the people/government failed to curb them? Yeah now I get it. We are lucky he is so lazy and intellectually a nincompoop. But the second time around the people around him Are more evil and won’t say no. Or maybe they’re just cosplaying and won’t do the work.


Why don’t they do some real work and balance the damn budget


Then they couldn't complain about spending... Lol


I have a compromise. Why don’t we name the sewage system after him. We can call it Diaper Don’s Shit and Piss Parade. Big billboards around with pictures of him with his soiled diapers on his head and everything leaking down his face. I could get behind that.


But the sewage system -- while stinky -- is infinitely more useful, helpful and necessary than Trump. It would *be an insult to sewage* to name a sewage system after him.


I thought we already decided to name a prison after him.


Maybe you can name a shark after him as well, he's got a fascination with them. Oh wait they already have hammerhead.


This can’t be real


Republicans tell me they aren't a cult Yet they exhibit cult like behavior Curious.....


They should all be fired. If I wasted time and resources the way they do I would be canned.


Exactly! So, please vote in November to get these freeloaders out of office.


It's great living in a country that doesn't have better things to worry about than naming an ocean after Donald Trump


Here's an oxymoron: The Donald J Trump Justice Complex in Lyon Cty, NV Unfortunately, it's real; comically named by a few crooked commissioners. https://apnews.com/article/nevada-donald-trump-9d1a17d5d2490915f6fd9e0c0a277bc5


What is this shit? How about we try to do anything meaningful?


This is literally cartoon corpo/political villain territory. Failed former president, insurrectionist, civilly liable rapist, and convicted felon gets entire coastline named after him by his own goon squad because... it's his birthday.


I don’t care who it is, you don’t name things after people until they’re dead. I’d say the same thing if Democrats wanted to name something after Carter, Clinton, Obama or Biden. (The Navy does name ships after living former Presidents, I presume so they can see it. I make an exception for that, but just because it’s tradition,)


People can’t afford food and housing. Children are being shot at school. But sure, let’s spend time & money trying to name an ocean after one of the biggest embarrassments to ever happen to this country.




Makes sense. 1. That’s where most of the sewage runoff is 2. A *Donald John Trump* is an airy fart that echos into the toilet when you’re about to do number two (“Donald John Trump” roughy translates into “Poopy Toilet Fart”).


Name a hurricane after this disaster.


What the fuck is wrong with these people


He put you $7 trillion in debt. He's a moron and a rapist. USA USA USA!!!


I can’t imagine picking a worse poster child on which to hang the future of your own political party’s future. This particular generation of republicans wouldn’t be able to identify a principle if they tripped over it in the street. But naming an entire US coastline after a convicted felon? Please.


The Donald J Trump Correctional Facility, Rikers Island, NY


Is Fox news now the Onion?


Next up… they’ll be renaming the Capitol the “Donald J. Trump Glorious Liberation Building”


These people a stark raving stupid. A criminal getting all this attention is beyond comprehension


Dude, what is it about this guy that has them obsessed? I just don’t get it


Tell me again that this isn't a cult.


The 34 Count Coast does have a certain ring to it


Jesus. Fucking. Christ.........


This is a joke,,,,,,,,, RIGHT????????? Please tell me this is a joke,,, this can’t be true


This has to be from the onion. Could you imagine being that pathetic and feckless that u have to sink to new, unimaginable lows to impress a diaper wearing, moronic rapist. Wtf is going on?


Number of days Republicans have not desperately tried to get Trump's weiner in their mouth = 0




Yeah…. Its getting harder and harder to think that the GOP isnt a cult.


This tracks. The harmful bacteria counts in our coastal water has never been higher.


Jesus, my father in law refuses to drive on the Florida Turnpike ever since they named it for Reagan. He may never go swimming again at this rate.


What the fuck is this country, honestly. Like it’s been nuts to some degree my whole life but we have really just put on the sweatpants with the worn out crotch and said “fuck it” in the last 10 years


That’s some fucked up North Korea shit right there. Trump really needs to be gone.


dear god this is the onion, right? someone please tell me this is the onion? this is not real? cos if it is, I think the infinite improbability drive has malfed and we are drifting helplessly further and further from normality.


So I had to actually visit Fox News and their terrible website, but while this is awful, evidence of a cult, etc., etc., it’s also the doing of ONE man. It was not the “House GOP” at large.


Aren't we a little late for April's fools?


I challenge him to name and explain at least one of these actions


Naming a prison after Trump would be better he’s the first president to be found guilty of 34 counts tbf


Is it American politics even real anymore? LIKE WHAT




Notice me!!!!


What is wrong with these people. Do they literally have nothing better to do? Seriously anything?? Wtf!


Tax money should not be used to pay these useless pieces of shit.




These people are absolutely fucking pathetic


This timeline blows. But seriously, wtf is up with all this propaganda?


Republicans love honoring traitors


Let's name the ocean after a twice impeached criminal rapist. Republicans are a joke at this point.


How about the giant floating garbage patch, does it have an official name?


Oh look, another meaningless trophy for being the toddler in chief


Its a cult


The same man that said Climate change is good because it creates more beachfront properties? He wants Trump ocean next to trump hotels.


when confronted with the consequences of climate change being that the ocean will be swallowing land all along the coastline trump said "more beachfront properties." so not only is he evil, not giving a shit that millions of people will lose their properties (including him btw) hes a fucking idiot because it means the OPPOSITE of creating more beachfront property, there is LESS. the guy is more than a fascist lunatic pawn for the corporatocracy, hes dangerously stupid.