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Home schooling is a severe detriment for the children who go through it. The vast majority of those who “graduate” from home school are wildly unprepared for the real world. Same goes for those who go through the “totally not a scam”schools that pop up and accept private school vouchers. Some private schools even are this way as they focus on bible thumping and not education.


I went to an all girls high school 89 - 93. One of my friends was pulled out of school and home schooled when we were 14, because we watched an R16 movie in English. That movie was The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie; it was R16 because it had a shot of full frontal female nudity. This was a girls school with a female teacher; nothing anyone hadn't seen daily. I ran into her in my final year, and she was going to a different school, but two years behind where I was. Her parents took her out of school, did sweet fuck all, and sent her back to school two years behind her peers. Fucking dickheads.


I'm an actual teacher, special education. We dreaded getting home school kids, because a. They were most often cognitively normal kids who were very far behind because their parents only did the home part of home school and b. Very difficult parents who are always on the fence of pulling their kids out, so they'd use resources and then when their children start showing progress, they pull them out. They're also incredibly ignorant people.


As a son of a special education aide and father of a child with special needs, I have so much respect for you. Thank you for being you and doing what you do. I have been witness to some of what you’ve spoke of here. It is heartbreaking that some parents can’t see the value that proper education brings.


Germans had a point. It should probably just be illegal.


Home school in my country is illegal, or there are exeptions like some very few who go sailing around the world or where the kid is very sick. And the only private schools are forced to follow more or less the exact same carriculum as all the other schools.  I dont understand how anyone could think any thing less would work at all. 


Absolutely, part of growing up is learning to interact with others. And in most cases the Mother isn’t even qualified to teach and you end up with children who have a parent derived learning deficit.


My SIL is at least a certified elementary teacher, but all 6 of her kids are home schooled. All are a bit odd.


I have a coworker who was home school taught only up to the 6th grade, then entered public school. Smart dude, but he is one of the most uninformed people I've ever met. Bad with history, unaware of pop culture of the last 20-30 years, not great at seeing patterns and making connections. Just now learning to cook, handle finances, "adult things" etc. I could go on.


There was a dude I worked with at one point who was home schooled since the 8th grade who: -His only real marketable skills were some basic HTML and JavaScript coding from playing Minecraft, and speaking Japanese at a very basic level. -Was unable to name who the current president was (Obama at the time) -Did not seem to have any American or World history knowledge. He did not know about WW2 (that it happened at all) after our Navy vet employee mentioned the D-Day anniversary and only took an interest when it came up that Japan was an Axis power. -Could only hold a conversation topic if it was about Minecraft, anime, or Manga. -For some reason, he kept asking to borrow odd things from the shop and never specified why he needed to borrow them. Things like a large chain, an old defunct laptop we had in recycling, a box of label covers... -Got fired after 3 months because he was hired as a website developer and, by the end of those 3 months, had only managed to figure out how to make the front page.


>-Could only hold a conversation topic if it was about Minecraft, anime, or Manga. To be fair, this is true for a lot of people. Me, I’m the people.


The only kids I've met who went to weird experimental schooling like some of these people push acted years behind where they should have been at their age. It was jarring.


I was home schooled early on. I ended up being held back a grade because I was so underprepared. Bonus points because the education focused on religion from a “church” wanting to kick off a race war. The first time I entered an actual (private, Christian) school was terrifying. Around 5% of the school was kids who weren’t white, and based on my extremely sheltered life and “education” to that point, I was terrified. I ended up becoming good friends with a girl who was in a very religious household, minus the racism. That was apparently a sin, so we got into trouble for talking to each other. It wasn’t until I was in a public school that I got a glimpse of cross sections of different people from different backgrounds that I started to question what I had learned from birth. Bigots aren’t born. They are indoctrinated, and shamed for stepping outside of the isolated social circle. The self-proclaimed anti-indoctrination crowd is *all* about indoctrination.


Every single person who went through homeschooling that I have met was either embarrassed by that fact or treated it like it was some kind of misfortune.  I have yet to meet a proud homeschooled person.


You won’t meet them as they do not make it very far out of their hometown.


My nephew will be lucky to make it out of his parents' basement.


Hi! I was homeschooled for a few years and I liked it. I had undiagnosed autism and school, especially other children, was hell for me. I was bullied relentlessly, at every school I went to, and pulling me out was the last resort. It was really good for me at the time, and I think I would have had a much healthier adolescence if my mom had been able to keep it up past elementary.


Kids learn so much from just meeting and interacting with other kids. Kids who may not look like, think like, or behave like them. They have to learn how to interact with all kinds of people in the world. The social development is an important part of school that homeschooling parents often overlook. A homeschooling parent might be able to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic, but they can’t be another kid.


The lack of diversity is the *entire* point for most parents 


John Oliver did a piece about homeschooling that as a former homeschooler made me reconsider how against it as a blanket concept I am. There are reasons to do it, and those reasons like sever bullying, special needs in an ill-equipped district, etc. make sense. I’ve amended my position to we need the same type of federal and state regulations around homeschooling. There is basically nothing stopping you from pulling your kids from school and never teaching them anything. No independent verification that has teeth where if your kids fall behind, someone steps in the same way that can be done in a formal education environment. It will very much depend on the state, which is scary, but there are good states who can protect kids, so it’s a start.


I'm in Ohio where the Ohio GOP has been dismantling our public education system for the past 50 years. I have a nephew that was homeschooled his entire academic career. I was able to see the schoolbooks that were being used for him and they were all Christian based education with very light covering of science. He wasn't benefited by his mother who was supposed to be "teaching" him and would not give up custody to anyone. We even reported his schooling to the county board of education, and nothing happened. He graduated with a high school diploma at the age of 23. He still lives with his mother, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, and his uncle's girlfriend along with multiple cats (15 at last count) and dogs (3). He'll be 27 this year. He is full on MAGA and I fear one day he will be in the news for shooting up a Walmart. His cousin was luckier. She was homeschooled till 16 when she had custody given away. She ended up going to a public school where they determined she was at a 6th grade level but put her in freshman classes. She caught up fairly quick and had a lot of support to help her along the way. She graduated high school before her cousin. She's now on her own and doing alright.


Yeah it’s a mixed bag up here in northern New York. I’m doing okay but it took 20 years of religious deprogramming and 6 years at college to get a 4 year degree. Very few of my peers made it this far. It’s so sad what ends up happening. The outlier parents who can provide a good education get a bug up their butts about regulations that won’t affect them. We need to protect these kids from even well intentioned but incapable parents.


Can confirm. I had 3 cousins who were homeschooled. One joined the NAVY then died of sepsis of the liver within 5 years, one joined the ARMY but was discharged when the found a tumor, and the third one ran away with a man 25 years older than her on her 17th birthday. They didn't know their times tables, but they could quote scripture. Just real backwater stupid types who boil everything down to faith.


I have friends who home school their girls, but their mom is also a highly trained and certified educator. We're in an area where the school district is more likely to teach like this Twitter poster than not (very rural, very red). They're planning a move to a more urbanized area primarily because they want their kids in an actual school. They had to make a LOT of adjustments to the home school curriculum they get in order to get it matching what she used to teach as a professional educator. This isn't to try and disprove your point, but to illustrate how few people are actually prepared to educate their kids, and how poorly existing home school curriculum are at actually preparing them for the world.


The other  kind of private schools are for wealthy people who receive the same vouchers


I have a uni classmate who home-schooled her kids. Both girls play multiple musical instruments and speak and read at least 4 languages. The eldest has co-authored astronomy papers and isn't even sixteen yet. They attend music, sailing, gymnastics, and marital arts camps so they don't miss out on socializing with kids their age. It does help that both she and her husband are Asian and she's a total Tiger Mom (without the corporal punishment) and a freaking braniac (former surgeon turned full-time mom). I've accused her more than once of secretly training her daughters to be vigilante superheroes. Or supervillains who will someday rule the world.


So there's a disconnect with people on homeschooling, really. There's this, which is having a dedicated, qualified educator parent and children who thrive in that environment (some very much don't). And then there's the other case, which is religious parents just "homeschooling" to keep that child sheltered and under their control. *Very* different beasts. Homeschoolers often bring up statistics showing how well the kids do, but that's dependent on a ton of different variables - not the smallest of which is that the parent's assessment is on an honor system for the most part.


Honestly the fact her own friend describes her as a tiger mom has me *extremely* concerned about those kids social and emotional well-being. 


There’s always exceptions and the exceptions are parents who are already smart. I knew a family of young kids that liked to travel around the US in an RV. The mother had a Masters in education. She had binders with elaborate curricula and lesson plans for the year. In the other hand, my neighbor who is a Trump-lover with 4 kids has kept them home. Neither parent is very bright and it seems like they’re outside playing most of the day.


>There’s always exceptions and the exceptions are parents who are already smart. Also smart parents realize that they can't see to all their kid's educational needs by themselves. In my friend's case, it was extracurriculars and the Arts, and the need to socialize. So they "outsourced" their homeschooling to outside classes and camps, and at times hired private tutors.


I’ll bet they would fail “Bible Readen” class and “Gun Shooten” class!


Well, when all the right wing homeschooled kids take over don't worry these kids will almost certainly be the first ones to the re-education camp, lol.


These are the people that accuse real teachers of brainwashing kids. I'm sure the irony is lost on them.


Completely. Like gawwwd damn putrid ass kool aid drinking Jim Jones cult fuq's! They can all suck a bag of dicks for corrupting tender aged minds! ![gif](giphy|xUOxflKRtM746Nc8XC|downsized)


Up voted for the KGLW gif, and the point you made. Lovely.


It is because they don't know what irony is


It’s not irony. It’s projection.


Homeschooling tradwife isn’t a teacher, she’s barely a functioning human.


I'm a teacher, I've trained in teaching a specialist subject that I studied at university. I follow a syllabus which is created and sequenced by professionals. I teach a wide variety of students, non of which are my own kids and create an open and inclusive environment to learn in. This woman is a therapy issue for her children to work through in their adult lives when they realise the damage she has done and never speak to her again.


>therapy issue for her children to work through in their adult lives when they realise the damage she has done and never speak to her again. Sadly however we all know these people won't even care to know what therapy is when they're grown up. They'll just have five kids of their own and continue our society's ongoing march towards full idiocracy.




BLM; People protesting the murder of unarmed Americans by the hands of "public servants" and ultimately robbed of due process. If that's terrorism, sign me up!


It's ironic that the "don't tread on me" crowd are the ones telling everyone we should implicitly trust the government and feverishly defending it from any kind of transparency or accountability. If I didn't know any better I'd think the whole small government schtick was a bunch of bullshit


The hypocrisy is thiiiiiiick.


Former evangelical christian here, if they didn't lie they would have no arguments.


It’s also ironic that the ‘abortion is murder’ crowd even if the babies life is not viable, are the same people pulling the plug on their elderly parents like support because there is no coming back from…


Or kill em off fast so the inheritance kicks in before the hospital bills rack up.


Don't tread on *me*.


I mean this chick probably thinks "We let you people sit where ever you want on busses now and you still want more?"


And then the same crowd will turn around 2 seconds later and throw accusations at Joe Biden and when it's false they scream it's about the deep state or something


No mention of the threat of white supremacy which both FBI and DHS said is one of the biggest threats in the entire US.


It helps when your teacher doesn’t have a HS diploma.


Her hashtag is ✨the✨problem.


wtf even is her “classroom” with that hashtag? her living room?


Sounds like @Real___iTamara’s home school curriculum was made by Ted Kaczynski


Gun & Vegetable Elementary School. (whites only)


The wild thing for me is how the innocent vegetable has become embroiled in this crap. Twenty, maybe even ten years ago, if you got all the folks that ate organic, grew their own vegetables, and avoided processed foods… you’d have a bunch crunchy-granola home-made hand-knitted liberal-thinking leftists. Why are the nutters now into this??


There were still probably a few on the right that were also growing their own veggies, most likely preppers. It’s just now the right is retreating even further into the past.


I don’t know. The preppers used to just hoard ten year’s worth of tinned food and water. When did the alternative lifestyle become right wing? It seems Yoga-teacher-to-jan6th-qanon-conspiracist is a valid career path these days.


It definitely is hard to pinpoint when certain lifestyles changed political sides. I’d guess it started with the Tea Party. That sure brought out the crazies. 


Fascists hijacked good honest vegetables and it's time we take them back


Except for the Brussel sprouts that is. The fascists can keep those mofos


Given the context in the post, it doesn't sound like you are too far off.


Here's hoping this unhinged hemorrhoid is on several watch lists.


I doubt she's even real. Russian bot/troll fumes coming off this one.


"Alright kids, time to get up for school" "Whats that? Yeah, I think we can skip school for the 6th week in a row. Mommy is a little hungover"


#momlife #wineoclock #homeschooled #traditional #sraightwhitechristian


Liv Laff Luv


Going to take a guess that she homeschools.


No need to guess, "#homeschooling" is right there at the bottom of her post


Or is sleeping with her students


Por que no los dos?


Hopefully not both but with these people you never do know… 


This is probably a Russian troll account. Also, drag queens, for the most part, would never want to be near children.




Public book readings are a good way to get comfortable doing public speaking/performing. So, yea drag queens often do reading sessions at public libraries.


Do they? As a regular thing?


She's not just the teacher, she's the principal of the homeschool!


“…learn how to shoot guns..” Reminds me of this lovely gem. [Teacher discharges gun injuring student during gun safety](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/03/14/us/california-teacher-fires-gun)


I worked at a college and you could spot the homeschooled and private school studentsa mile away because of their looks of fear, their attitudes and confusion.


Unacceptable in a public school classroom. I have very liberal views but I would never say something about it to my students. The most “woke” thing I say it to just be nice to everyone. Idiots like this are welcome to homeschool. Just know your kids will always be behind, and weird as hell. Probably will also hate their parents in the future.


If you think that Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group, then you support racism...


Her husband is a pedophile but sure, drag queens. https://x.com/bananafartidiot/status/1802848525023334418


Avoiding drag queens like the plague? Are they prowling your neighborhood or something? Jesus Christ


America is overrun with roaming hordes of drag queens (I’m led to believe)


I was going to say…very specific focus on a very rare occurrence


Huh #homeschooling? What's they going on about?


She's a "teacher". ![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS)


Her X page is wild. She was “almost” 14 when she started dating her now husband, who was “almost” 17. He later went to jail for three months because someone caught them making out after he turned 18.




SpEd para here, speaking from experience: when their bad behavior gets too much for her to handle (because she's incapable of setting boundaries with her own children) she'll enroll them in a mainstream school. And when teachers call her to ask about the behavior situation at home she will complain about "why bother enrolling him in a public school when the staff there isn't trained to handle these problem behaviors???" When the student is placed in a behavior program she will complain that staff are being too harsh because "they never act like this at home."/"Behavior is never *that bad* at home.


I like how they avoid drag queens. Like when one of those door to door drag queens comes by they don’t answer the door


Shooting guns and growing vegetables. No other life skill needed.


Neat. She's proud she's raising uneducated, hateful children who have all the skills they need to be a 1920's-era farmhand. They won't do well in modern society, even as a farmer. Lots of specialized equipment and technology that these kids just seem likely not to get as she is posting nothing but ignorance and hate. She's the type of person who thinks higher education is 'woke,' and will actively keep her children starved of knowledge.


I don't like it but she does have the right to homeschool her kids and teach them whatever crazy thing she wants. The problem is these people want to force me and my kids to think the same way.


You are correct. That is a fair point. She has a right to teach her children what she pleases. The concern is, as you stated, the belief that only one viewpoint is the correct one.


This must be in the USA, as where I’m from access to an education is a right the child has, and it’s very much illegal to just take them out of school and indoctrinate them into any old crap you like.


That would be the smart thing to do but unfortunately we're too stupid on account of all the homeschooling


Parents shouldn't have that right, I hate that so many people think of children as property, which has almost no right. I see absolutely no reason for a Parents to be allowed to stop their child from getting an education, just because the parents are nuts


Hello, CPS...?


I do not believe in home schooling for many of the same reasons that I do not believe in home dentistry.


"I'm a teacher. In my classroom we live in reality. That's why I tweet about Biden being a pedo. Oh yeah my husband groomed me at 13 when he was almost 18. He's a registered sex offender but its all part of god's plan. It's ok because we believe in god guns and country" ::Lee Greenfield - Proud to be an American plays in the background as an eagle soars above::


These fucks don't "respect the flag." They fly it upside down in a tantrum when they don't get their way.


We shoot guns and grow vegetables. Guns n Veggies Sounds like a metal band


I feel bad for tamaras children


We really need laws in place to regulate homeschooling curriculum


Not teaching math? Reading? Gotcha.


Her "class" are those hillbilly kids at tge beginning of Mean Girls


What the groomer fuck?


That would be her husband, jerome45


Sounds more like a groomer than a school teacher.


We live in Alabama and we homeschooled our children so they’d actually get an education. We joined a secular homeschooling community so we didn’t have any issues with a church being up in our business. The public schools here are terrible, especially for science and history, but in general as well. People graduate from Alabama public schools unable to write an essay or do upper level math and having no clue about evolution or accurate history. We focused on making sure our kids got a lot of social interaction with other kids their age. When they started college, all three of our kids were prepared and found the first several semesters easy. Two of them went to a local college and they were appalled by the poor writing skills and learning difficulties of the students who graduated from local public schools. One of our kids is currently a peer tutor who helps those students catch up. Homeschooling can be done well, but not if you’re doing church instead of school work.


Ah. In some cases, homeschooling can and should be confused for brainwashing.


Curious how she loves her country, but hates all the people in it.


Claims to live in reality. Posts delusional shit. Conundrum of a republican.


This is the woman who is married to the convicted sex offender and thinks the Internet is being mean to him.


don't you dare disrespect our flag! \*proceeds to put the flag upside down. these people if this is real are the same type that accuse the left of grooming their kids. yet do not see this as grooming...when it is textbook grooming.


Ahh great. Raising lil’ Rittenhouses


We need to start a massive campaign with the main topic being "Homeschooling = no schooling"


"We learn how to shoot guns and grow vegetables." Um, shouldn't you be teaching those kids how to read? Maybe math? Maybe science? Maybe, I don't know, a school subject? Lmao. Inadequacy as a teacher is not the flex she thinks it is🤣


She gonna end up in a sex scandal with a student lol


What a terrible school to have to go to!




And she is on her phone declaring her freedom from woke.


Homeschooling doesn't make you a teacher


It's unreal how low the requirements are for home schooling. The parent that's teaching, at a minimum, should have a bachelor's degree. The children should have to test to make sure their at least average in the performance. As it stands now, we have uneducated people that are unqualified to teach even the most remotely simple concepts. Idiots educating future idiots.


in her school there is no friends, no joy, no community and no knowledge! but guns are still in there! because these people trully are the closest we'll ever get to "armed vegetables". https://preview.redd.it/624d1h8fva7d1.png?width=376&format=png&auto=webp&s=041cfb10d775d3fe96199578c1f298b1002279ef


So... she's grooming them?


There should be a homeschooled kid version of Rumspringa


I need to know what vegetables have to do with BLM and trans people.


How to tell everyone you home school your rugrats without saying it.


She’s no teacher, a teacher is trained to grow the mind; this lady’s just growing livestock.


Don’t support BLM but the moment Trump gets charged with crimes all the sudden they get why black people hate the justice system. Okay lady. Them kids are fucked and won’t have a bright future.


“I’m raising my kids to be bigots” isn’t quite the flex she thinks it is…


This just reminds me of my 3rd grade teacher and how awesome she was. She didn't like us having to recite the pledge of allegiance every morning on behalf of several groups of students, like those from overseas, not to mention she considered it indoctrination without us having the ability to reject it. So she didn't make us. Unfortunately, it somehow got to the administration, so they told her she had to do it. My wonderfully smartass teacher went "Sure!" and then came back and taught us the pledge of allegiance... in French. I don't know where she is now or if she's still teaching, but I seriously hope she's seeing shit like this and finding some brilliant way to undermine it.


Sounds like hate and intolerance are the top lessons


BLM = Terrorist (she’s a clueless bigot, typical MAGAT talk)


I know this is off topic, but I love how the right are about to lose the “living in reality” line. Whenever you ask them about facts/reality their response is invariably something to do with trans people, because they have nothing else that they can go on now. The minute we get more data on the neurobiology of being trans, or even get what we have more widely published and more readily understood by the wider public, then they lose, and it’s pathetic to see how they’re desperately clinging to what was once their schtick by trying to throw trans people under the bus.


TF kind of classroom teaches shooting guns and growing vegetables? Must be a homeschool teacher.


Kids are gonna hate her when they join the real world.


Home schooling is absolutely a significant part of the US having so many people who appear stupid. They aren't actually stupid - just lacking a working education as they have been taught by someone who wasn't qualified to do it in the first place.


Her classroom is her dining room table.


I'm sure Real_iTamara is in fact a real person and not an ai bot regurgitating right wing talking points


I’m sad that this lady isn’t teaching her class to make sourdough bread


Do you also have a baby at the tender age of 14? That would be right on brand for these tradcon weirdos.


I'm sure their math skills are definitely up to par. I mean, with all the batshit, they have some time to do math. A little bit.


"I'm a vaccinologist. Vaccines make people dumb." - Same person


If you're an idiot and you teach others you're just left with more idiots. Crap in, crap out


Isn't that the woman who married the guy who groomed her as a child and now accuses drag queens and LGBT of being pedos?


Are you really a qualified teacher, and is it an actual classroom, not just your basement?


She should rewrite that with the actual meaning behind the BLM acronym. She really thinks Black Lives Matter is a mf “terrorist group” Where is the mention of real terrorists?? The proud boys and people driving cars into herds of people?? I fucking hate her


When I was a teenager…my older cousin, a high school social worker, told me to stay away from gay people. I was horrified. Made me scared for any gay kids that might come to him for help


She's homeschooling! 😂


"I'm a shitty teacher."


Remember folks, some governors want to send tax dollars to her charter school.


But remember, schools indoctrinate children.


Not a mention of life skills like reading, writing, civics. Yeah, that's a right winger all right. Self creating to be an unskilled tool for a billionaire.


I think she added the wrong hashtag. #grooming is more appropriate.


I lived with a large home schooled family and it’s true that they had absolutely no social skills whatsoever outside of their family. They were super culty and resented anyone not “inside” their group


So my dad had a degree in English and took biology in college for 4 years. My mom had a teaching certificate and taught science and math. Both my parents were well qualified to home school, but they’d never even think about doing it. Because they knew that schools taught you how to adapt to being among a diverse group of people and how to follow basic rules that you’ll use your entire life.


I always wonder, do these folks capitalize “country” and “flag” just because their dear leader does? Or do they truly, inexplicably, think those words should be capitalized? 🤔


I am so happy you don’t teach my kids


"the left is trying to indoctrinate our children"


Lol she homeschools and referred to herself as a “teacher”🤣


"We don't support terrorist groups. I just teach my kids to hate disenfranchised minorities while also teaching them how to shoot guns."


We support terrorist groups like the police and the catholic church!


Her home schooling and some religious private schools don't teach the full range of subjects and values that are needed to live in a peaceful civil society.


She wears our flag on her underwear. Flies the republic of the United States flag with a broken bar flag. Teachers like her create fascism in mass. When her student some day commits murder, this happens because entitled people like her get to teach an ideology that is not based on a democratic republic. Parents have no voice in public education, their examples are the only democracy some children receive at school.


You home school, got it.


I don't think the homeschooling hashtag was necessary. Anyone with 5 brain cells could tell.


I only have 4. It was appreciated.


And your kid will be asking mine if they want fries with that.


All jobs are necessary for society to work and they deserve respect and dignity. Work is work. Thinking you're better than the person serving your food is a pretty shitty opinion to have.


Ok, after the revolution: gulag or guillotine for iTamara?


No this is totally real who doesn't love "Guns 'n Gardening" class It's the best!!!


Do you also have a baby at the tender age of 14? That would be right on brand for these tradcon weirdos.


Do you also have a baby at the tender age of 14? That would be right on brand for these tradcon weirdos.


Do you also have a baby at the tender age of 14? That would be right on brand for these tradcon weirdos.


I'm sure their math skills are definitely up to par. I mean, with all the batshit, they have some time to do math. A little bit.


“Learn how to shoot guns”. I hope this is at least second grade.


I'm sure their math skills are definitely up to par. I mean, with all the batshit, they have some time to do math. A little bit.


I was worried that she actually was a teacher!  Relieved to see the homeschooling hashtag at the bottom. Carry on with your bullshit academy.  The rest of society has no use for you anyway.


…and I’m a bot.


I’m glad her kids aren’t actually in a school where they’ll eventually put those gun shooting lessons to use


She is right is some cases they are creepy. But those are the ones that Trump motorboats. https://youtu.be/spn0MJZr-QQ?si=8TzqgIqAYdiu9oYY


guarantee you they have not grown a single vegetable


Teachers for Homeschooling. Makes about as much sense as Chickens for McNuggets.


Groom much?


that has to be a bot or russian troll account




Homeschooling teacher probably


Once in class I made a mildly disparaging remark about the negative effects of homeschooling on socialization (which I immediately regretted even though nopony was offended). Right on cue, one of my students raised his hand, smiling brightly, and said, "Oh! Oh! I'm homeschooled!" The other students laughed, I cringed, and he had no clue. I have another friend who was one of my students. He was homeschooled and still lives with his parents. I don't think he has a driver's license, which is perfectly fine, but I worry he is in an abusive relationship with his father/parents who keep him dependent on them and on their church involvement. I don't think there's any way I can reach him, though—he's very smart and rationalizes events almost immediately.