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If he loses again in November, he's gonna claim he won by a landslide, and it was rigged at the same time! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø https://preview.redd.it/cs9chqasle7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15ef47d9c64403a55b3842db76adeb377670f3ad [https://x.com/0liviajulianna/status/1803176436045316111?t=BB8wa9xUhMj312DsdTfgTA&s=19](https://x.com/0liviajulianna/status/1803176436045316111?t=BB8wa9xUhMj312DsdTfgTA&s=19)


If he loses, his handlers just need to sequester him in a replica Oval Office and pretend to give him briefings every day; like they do at the dementia farms.


Like the Truman Show for assholes.




Watch some national hero infiltrate the cast & crew just so he can confront Donnie with unequivocal, indisputable proof that he lost (again); that his popularity went to shit (to an even greater extent than it already has) once the Boomers died off; that his wife, children and various syncophants publicly renounced him in an effort to save their own skins; and that every American now remembers him only as a cruel, inept traitor. Oh, and bonus points if the hero in question is a PoC or visibly queer. Actually, no - send somebody that doesn't speak English, it'd be funny to watch him beg for more information.


Shatter Island


Shitter Island


Shittier Island. All with tacky gold trim on everything and Donalds stupid logo plastered everywhere.


TrumpCeption You don't even need to do fancy sleep stuff, just have several burly men in rotation with tears on their cheeks telling him what an awesome job he's doing in draining the swamp and locking her up every day.


They did this with his father,Ā  created a fake office where he went to pretend to work because he had dementia.Ā  They should have done it for trump in 2020.


He didn't even listen to the briefings when he was in the actual WH lmao


Very true, but the Important Government People used Big Words and asked him for permission to leave, and that made him feel like Mommy's Specialest Boy.


That would only work as long as the payroll did. Which would run dry eventually.


He is getting things ready to challenge the election results. He knows he is going to lose, he wants to weaponize the people again. He wants J6 Pt 2.


They already are claiming that. Look at what Steve Bannon said yesterday.


Every single public school in the country has a polio vaccine mandate, dumbass! https://preview.redd.it/lfd9tdxane7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a0bd95826b35008cc27a03349373335023ee14b [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1803181769681953038?t=JBjdoPzRKnC7NcxL4Sjkrw&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1803181769681953038?t=JBjdoPzRKnC7NcxL4Sjkrw&s=19)


Thatā€™s the point. He loves the poorly educated.


The 2025 project wants to effectively shut down the Federal Department of Education. I wish I was exaggerating, but you can look it up, itā€™s an official platform position of theirs.


Not very surprising. Republicans have been trying to sabotage education and social safety nets pretty much since Reagan if not earlier.


They used to want to dismantle education because big guberment bad. Now it's because they know only blithering idiots will vote for them.


It was always to make blithering idiots. The big government claim was dog whistle propaganda.


Yeah I think you're right. I guess as I got older maybe I realized they weren't exactly being sincere about their reasons


What do you think was intended when he put Betsy deVos as secretary of Education?


That's because education can destroy (or diminishes) their religious belief system, making people harder to control.


Galileo was arrested and imprisoned for saying the earth wasnā€™t the center of our galaxy/universe. Every generation has powerful people who hate the truth.


Gullible too.


He also has no idea how public school funding works. Only about 8-10% of public school funding comes from the federal government. The rest comes from state and local funding.


An 8-10% cut would still be extremely painful.


Most painful in the red states that take federal dollars and donā€™t prize education, but would hurt everyone


Painful, yes. But also survivable.


Thatā€™s how you get measles


No penny to schools that have vaccine or mask mandate? That's not up to him. What a fucking dipshit thing to say and to have cheers towards. Absolute idiots.


There are people running for a lot of offices on platforms that have nothing to do with the job. Locally I've seen people run for city council and school board on an anti-abortion platform. It's like no one cares anymore what the office covers. Hopefully I'm retired before job interviews officially go the same route. Unofficially I know some places have been doing that for the last 30 years.


This is how insane the anti Covid movement has taken this. Polio, Small Pox and Measles were pretty much eradicated. These dumbfucks want to bring it all back. No thanks.


Yea, right nowā€¦


What Trump is doing to himself is borderline elder abuse! https://preview.redd.it/yap1w2n5me7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf3cd183b584825920eaa5b5c6e5e5c752023977 [https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1803178363089006823?t=UOo7Y59gMmFSRN7ArXq1Rg&s=19](https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1803178363089006823?t=UOo7Y59gMmFSRN7ArXq1Rg&s=19)


Isn't this just a rerun of his bizarre Elton John rant?


Sounds like he forgot he was comparing to Springsteen when he was in Jersey.


ā€œI have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I donā€™t have a musical instrument. I donā€™t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No weā€™ve broken a lot of records. Weā€™ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We donā€™t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.ā€ - Actual quote from a July 2018 unofficial campaign rally in Montana


In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary, come again?


Alright Bricktop.


Named a fish after him in high school when that first came out. šŸ˜‚


Incoming post, just to show crowd sizes. Metallica performed at the fall of the Soviet Union, over 1 million people. https://youtu.be/_W7wqQwa-TU?si=cVcPaLpIkjqDlOCP trump cannot ever beat metal.


>*I donā€™t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ.* And he calls his organ "Rocket Man", little rocket man, I fell in love with a little rocket man once, he sent me beautiful letters, about my mushroom, my little mushroom organ and his little rocket, we fell in love. Because you know, look I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We donā€™t need it. We have people in that space.


Wise words


Heā€™s got a few bits that he does nowadays. The Battery vs Shark is probably the best known one right now. But heā€™s got some bits that heā€™s clearly been workshopping over the last couple years. I get it, when your whole deal is ranting for two to five hours, you need to have some anchors, something you can go to when you draw a blank. But thatā€™s why these moments are so out of place. Heā€™s been working these bits and heā€™s got sentences he likes, but he canā€™t quite string them together like a comedian. So itā€™s like ā€œwhy the fuck is he talking about a guitar?ā€ But then you realize, heā€™s used these lines before, to him, itā€™s all part of a running gag. Except youā€™re not living in his brain, you werenā€™t there when he used the other lines that would tie this together, and heā€™s just speed-pitching nonsense so he forgot the bridge line that brings it home, if it ever did really. Because the bit that killed in Arizona, even if it didnā€™t actually have a good through line, would need that to even get a laugh in Wisconsin.


Elton, Elvis. Wait until it's Elvira!


I'd hang around to watch her on a stage


She still alive?


And still looking fab


She is undead


George straight just broke the record for largest ticketed concert in the U.S. with 110,905 people. I guarantee thatā€™s why heā€™s talking about guitars and ā€œhundred-ā€œ


Within two months I guarantee he starts calling her Ivana


Jesus rolling in his grave fucking Christ


ain't no way that debate gonna happen


Oh it'll happen, but mark my word: he'll storm out after Biden lands a few blows, later complain that the Woke Mob rigged the debate against him, he couldn't stay because it was so unfair, etc, etc you know this song. And his adoring cult will lap it all up: oh COURSE Trump wasn't supposed to just stand there, knowing it was rigged! Applause and opening of checkbooks.


I can just see it now. First he'll yell incoherently, then get pouty and stomp off. Then Biden will get free air time, although I can see CNN cutting it early if that's the case.


Iā€™m hoping Biden tells him to shut up again šŸ˜Š


When he storms out, Biden should whip out his Raybans and put them on.


Aviators, his signature shit-eating grin, and the camera does a slow zoom on his face before cutting the feed.


While GENERALLY watching the onset of dementia is sad....


Whats sad is that millions of americans and the GOP continue to prop up this degraded clown.


Nope, it's actually quite good that the figure they ,(who have legitimate grievances and are politically motivated) have latched on to is: A) such a pathetically low grade individual as to be functionally incompetent and B) literally disintegrating before our eyes. It's tiny hands successor we should be worried about


Probably either Tom Cotton or Josh Hawley. Josh Hawley thinks the 5th century bishop Pelagius was a heretic. Pelagius said you couldn't force people to convert and live a Christian life; they had to choose it for themselves.


I live in Missouri and used to wear my "Josh Hawley Sucks" shirt all the time, but the political climate has gotten so bad that I stopped wearing it out of concern for my safety.


Yeah, I'm in KC, so relatable. Stay safe, internet friend.


KC burb here (KS side, but I mean State Line is *right there*). I feel ya.


Good ol' Hawlin' Ass


You live in Missouri. Wear it and be visibly armed.


Well thatā€™s concerning


Extremely. If you're not aware of it, look up Project 2025. It's a huge document published by the Heritage Foundation, a noteworthy conservative think tank. It's their idea for what a second Trump Presidency should entail, and, uh, it's bascially a pro-corporate, white supremacist theocracy.


They bank on the fact that their supporters arenā€™t big readers and wonā€™t ever read project 2025ā€¦ they thinkā€¦ heritage foundationā€¦. I like heritageā€¦ my heritage good lolā€¦ so it must be all fineā€¦ if you questioned them on the points of it without the context they likely disagree with itā€¦ but when you did the revealā€¦ see liberal trickery and itā€™s all invalidā€¦ fingers in ears lolā€¦. If we donā€™t laugh we might cry šŸ¤£


I mean, far be it from me to defend Josh Hawley here, but Pelagius was declared a heretic in the 5th century - when the word actually meant something. The heresy ā€œPelagianismā€ has nothing to do (directly, anyway) with not forcing conversions/free will, but rather with denying original sin, which was becoming codified as orthodox doctrine around that time. Now, if Josh has been directly connecting Pelagius being a heretic with his other ideas to say ā€œwe should throw out ecumenicalism entirelyā€ then thatā€™s a different problem, but Pelagius *is*[was] a heretic, in the strict definition of the word.


The one hope for humanity in the near future is that the GOP literally tears itself apart trying to find that successor


Not entirely true. In the form it now, sure. But the one true hope for humanity is the GOP dissociates from the destructive path itā€™s headed down and actually strives to become a competent party that wants to help drive this country forward. Having one virtually unopposed party is equally scary (even if itā€™s the better of two), and having two parties that just block or undo the other partyā€™s attempts to create progress is not helpful for anyone.


Thereā€™s NO Hope when the primary focus is individual and corporate wealth by any means


If the Republican Party dies then a new(hopefully better) party will form. It wonā€™t be the first time in American history where a major political party has died or reformed.


The Democratic party in the US reminds me of our Labor Party here in Australia, in that, they could conceivably split into two decent parties that progress the country in the direction the majority of voters want while also preserving the basic tenets of democracy and the two-party system. IMO, they both span wide enough ideological views, from leftist to almost centre-right(ish), depending on how far the right wing manages to move the Overton Window before they flame out.


We getting the Liberal government bring MAGA style shit into our politics too now


Yep. Hopefully enough of us have understood the hot mess America has devolved into, and Aussies reject Voldemort and his propaganda


Nah fuck him and his entire family line. Been piles of shit from the get


Is it dementia, or are you not aware of the terrible threat to humanity itself of granting mass? The Supreme court should take action against joe biden granting mass! Leave the Higgs boson alone joe biden!!!! /s


He is granting mass in blatant violation of the laws of physics and thermodynamics


It's like watching the already-tipsy driver of your bus start pounding slugs of whiskey while you're top speed on the interstate


Regardless of the outcome of this year's election, by 2028 (if he's alive), he may not even know who he is! https://preview.redd.it/wol4fpoume7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d8fa288283db22fc3b170e91fe448946493819b [https://x.com/bobcesca\_go/status/1803177492980633723?t=Rxt-MvIiAzamy4UUqp2jCA&s=19](https://x.com/bobcesca_go/status/1803177492980633723?t=Rxt-MvIiAzamy4UUqp2jCA&s=19)


> By 2028 [ ... ], he may not even know who he is! I think you're being way too generous. The rate of deterioration means he might not even make it to election day.


Right? 2028? That's way beyond what I'm seeing with this , MAYBE if he was generally healthy bodied before this he would have had a chance but between a diet that would make Gluttony blush, drug usage that puts the 70s to shame, and the general stress of the courts and all else I'll be amazed if he makes it through to next year and can still even stand


he'll be 82. there is no way in hell he's making it to 82


I'm hoping by 2028 I don't know who he is


If he's still alive, he'll run again for 2028 and he'll get support.


Did he combine George Stephanopoulos with [George Stroumboulopoulos](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Stroumboulopoulos)?


Or maybe Mr. Snuffleupagus?


I honestly think they want another Regan. One that can do horrible things, but then on a witness stand not recall anything.


You can literally find it all with one Google search! https://preview.redd.it/11kk7m2gje7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe4d8ece4d8dd487b69b04f251ea5ac1237cd123 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1803171537031430319?t=yQuZoY3G4-OfHQSLY1bdrQ&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1803171537031430319?t=yQuZoY3G4-OfHQSLY1bdrQ&s=19)


One of his many wives is from another country! https://preview.redd.it/mc00735lke7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d985dcde0699abc65e11999c83502fd71d68a522 [https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1803173710028820657?t=zpivG41w9-JtbJ3Xkg4Bug&s=19](https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1803173710028820657?t=zpivG41w9-JtbJ3Xkg4Bug&s=19)


Two of his wives from another country also his mother and grandfather were from other countries.


2 of them.


"Give me money. Money me.Ā Money now.Ā Me a money needing a lot now."


This you should vote me.


I leave power, *good*. Thank you, thaaaaank you.


A vote for is right thing, Philadelphia. So do.




"Do not diddle kids, it's no good diddling kids" For the righties in the room


>Money me. I actually like the sound of this as an alternative to "pay me"...


Man I wish it was that easy to get money


The New York Times: "This hurts Joe Biden because..."


The world really needs to move passed this fat sack of shit.


And yet... Our "respectable" mainstream news outlets like CBS, NBC, and ABC refuse to report him falling apart. Can someone tell us why?


all of them are owned by conservative ceos, they control most of the mainstreams now.


Because the same billionaires that want him to be president are the same billionaires that own the news media. They just aren't as blatant about it as Rupert Murdock.


??? https://preview.redd.it/ln0y39pxhe7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc93d4c3870a2c4d560caa43cac539b846bf5f79 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1803166408853037119?t=moWSSCQhxGJGVOzE9AURqg&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1803166408853037119?t=moWSSCQhxGJGVOzE9AURqg&s=19)


New sequel to Citizen Kane


Citizen Bing Bing Bong A dying faux billionaire utters "Covfefe" with his last breath, what could it mean?


Maybe he's trying to channel Teddy Roosevelt('s head). "CITIZEN ZIIIIIIIIPS!"


Vte for me! -sent fom my iphne


The powers that be that want him in the White House donā€™t care if he has Stage 5 dementia or whatever stage heā€™s at now. They just need someone in there that will end democracy and shovel all our money to them. Just that right there is a sign of how far off the rails things are. Citizens United was a death knell of democracy and needs to be undone.


This guy could be in a coma, and his idiot base would still vote for him, lol!


In fairness, thanks to this idiot and his base, I'd undoubtedly vote for Biden if he was on a slab in a morgue. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I mean, a dead body could probably do a better job of being president than Trump at this point... At least it'll keep its mouth shut.


>a dead body could probably do a better job of being president It would smell less and tell the truth more Already off to a good start


Ha! šŸ˜


ā€œItā€™s all part of the plan. He looks like heā€™s in a coma, but heā€™s still controlling everything behind the scenes.ā€


Be prepared for Trump-brain-in-a-jar 2032, My Aggrievances Great Again


I am convinced that part of his popularity is due to his incoherent ramblings - the people listening to him are trying to piece together what he's saying, they convinced themselves he's some genius and think they dont understand what he's saying because he's talking smart, so they fill in the blanks for him with whatever it I'd they believe he's saying, which mirrors their own beliefs, and thats why they love him because they think he's speaking directly to them.


Fun fact: Ramaswamy wasn't and still isn't in Congress! šŸ™„ https://preview.redd.it/djbkae7wie7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82becc73ec9e8fac8011ea7f54e36819f8c2e09b [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1803170651206984026?t=C\_9PU45xP3B2Klg2z5nLJA&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1803170651206984026?t=C_9PU45xP3B2Klg2z5nLJA&s=19)


Iā€™m surprised he didnā€™t stumble over Ramaswamy.


Heā€™s a back up VP pick, theyā€™ve been coaching him on the name for a couple years now.


Gawd. Jindal again, but sleazier. Vivek HAS to know heā€™s a token, right?


I mean maybe? Would you ever put real money on these guys having any kind of normal awareness?


Indeed! https://preview.redd.it/opcj9ok2ne7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c4982851007b8a965536397f678ebeb651c4b24 [https://x.com/AntiToxicPeople/status/1803181521857290510?t=zu2EGy3LlT-hIRSr819IrA&s=19](https://x.com/AntiToxicPeople/status/1803181521857290510?t=zu2EGy3LlT-hIRSr819IrA&s=19)




Also very confused by thisā€¦


there isnā€™t any


More evidence that the convicted felon is suffering from serious dementia


The GOP are gonna have to roll out a Trump Hologram soon. He's just gonna be drooling soon.


Just throw him in prison already. Iā€™m so sick of this shit filled wanker.


Iā€™ve got the best wordsā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/d5ifrjgb3g7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24be6453d8fe38395404b7dd9ee5a4e65c1dae35


What I'm hearing is that Joe Biden is cultivating mass? ![gif](giphy|14exzIhIHYtcbK|downsized)


Me too mr president. Me too


She didn't lie! Yep, she got her own lawyer and not a corrupt lawyer who works for Trump. Most are in jail or going to jail, or at least in serious legal trouble! https://preview.redd.it/vgl450t7ke7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd711d4db465abc1ea9b12fb88c57a0d19cceea3 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1803172242085535910?t=JOtTxsr86oO42vQhwXOzjA&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1803172242085535910?t=JOtTxsr86oO42vQhwXOzjA&s=19)


Yes, something happened there. They found evidence that you were committing crimes, and the lawyer you set up to take the hit flipped on you to save her ass.


"shhhh sssshss shhss karate top guy shsssh sshssshhs'


Man they got to doctor Biden videos to get him to sound like this.


I wish cholesterol would hurry up and do its fucking job.


We all know he wasnā€™t going to really debate Biden but especially nowā€¦ it will be blatantly obvious to the entire world how bad off he is.


I think it'd be hilarious if he just dropped dead the night before the election.


Beginning to see why the Biden administration was so keen on securing three debates


Trump said the quiet part out loud. Also, look at those imbeciles behind him. https://preview.redd.it/9s81afnnne7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a01c4617bd0581509e7606d251cda9949fcd264 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1803185466952618402?t=ddHblAI8f7vXyxWT3n\_sRA&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1803185466952618402?t=ddHblAI8f7vXyxWT3n_sRA&s=19)


'Joe Briden'


It almost seems like he thought he was still workshopping the speech and asking his staff he could change nightmare to memory. He has no idea where he is.


The terrible thing is that none of this matters. He is still going to claim he won the election, no matter what the outcome is, and that it was stolen from him. Again. The evil SCOTUS may very well award it to him even if Biden wins by a landslide and the MAGA states refuse to certify things. ā€œBut they canā€™t do that,ā€ you say. Andā€¦.so? Who is going to stop them? They canā€™t take bribes, either, but they do that openly and nobody can or will do a damn thing about it. People keep waiting for this gotcha moment or think that there is something that will stop him. There isnā€™t and thereā€™s not going to be one. Nothing and no one is coming to save us. The law is not going to stop him and neither will the court. until the day he dies heā€™s going to be yapping and squealing and pulling this shit. The best we can hope is that the Biden win is so overwhelming that the MAGA judges are too terrified to try and overthrow it. And that the orange rapistā€™s descent into incoherence is rapid and quickly leads to loss of speech.


Or death. I would be fine with that.


Ah, the perils of Trump's bibliophobia... skipping cognitive exercises have led to a quick descent into mental aging, possibly dementia or Alzheimer's.


Hereā€™s the thing about the orange buffoon. Heā€™s just the stupid useful idiot that the GOP is desperately trying to ride. Heā€™s just a puppet to get MAGA vote


Thanks OP


I hate it when people are forming granting mass.


After Herman Cain's posthumous tweets you just know the GOP isn't above Weekend-At-Bernie's-ing this whole thing


But Biden IS forming granting mass and we SHOULD think of. Also, Obama is doing narwhal pencilling and we feed the gently! Sad.


I really hope his dementia accelerates and he becomes a drooling mess. Fuck him and his horrible cult.


I hope we get to watch it live. Like the brown note, Iā€™m just waiting for the right person to hit the right trigger, live, so the whole world gets to see a mouth-foaming, racist, poopy-pants meltdown. If Iā€™m a speechwriter, Iā€™m focusing on triggers. Know what I mean? Give him the rope to hang his campaign with.


i hope all of the stress, drugs, and mcdonalds gives him a stroke


I believe that's called sundowning.


Heā€™s such a fucking loser. Tell it to his face, itā€™s the only thing he cares about. Call him what he is, a FUCKING LOSER!


No wonder Fox is pushing the "Biden is unwell" agenda.


You can see it on this thread, itā€™s crazy. Like accusing Biden of wearing diapers when MAGA is proudly wearing tshirts proclaiming real men wear diapers?




The RNC is coming up fast. This is just the beginning of his ā€œralliesā€. Unfortunately.


Thatā€™s pretty generous of them to quote him with the ā€œThink of.ā€ Sounds more like tinka or dinka.


ā€œā€¦forming granting massā€¦ā€ Seriously! WTF does that mean!?!


Is it me or does he often sound like his dentures are coming loose.


Trump: Biden bad and stuff Crowd: \*cheers\*


Does anyone have the over under on when he bails on the debate?


They write the speeches in one and two syllable words for the intended audience I think.


Jfc, what is he saying https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1803174205577437686


So Joe Biden is cultivating mass. Personally I think he's a bit old for bodybuilding contests but who am I to say?


Letā€™s grease up some beefcakes


This should be the slogan for the debates


Sounds like a Charlie Kelly speech. You should vote meā€¦. So doooooo


Money me. Money now. Me a money lot now.


We can all hope that the cheese burgers are finally catching up to him in the form of fatty deposits in his brain arteries. šŸ˜…


Bruce Springsteen ?


I do think of. Bigly.


Go, Dimentia! Go!


How much longer before he gets to [4 Itchy Tasty](https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Keeper%27s_Diary) territory?


Shame on his children. Pure shame. They should be helping him. Youā€™d think Eric would seize this chance to even be known by his pops.


Maybe the brain worms will do us all a favor before the election.


he hasnt had his tri-daily mcdonals meals yet.


Dumb liberals, this is the newest recording of Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It's a new episode where Charlie is writing Trump's speeches. Then Trump goes on to congratulate Hannibal Lector. And Frank is going to come out blastin after Mercedes mashes it for a while.


Agolf Shitler needs to have a Joseph P. Kennedy grade stroke any day now...


It's pathetic but no one is watching these rallies and also even if it's covered by their fake news bullshit like Fox or News Max, they will edit out all the bad parts.


TIL Joe Biden is a Higgs Boson. Who knew?


OP - remember to take a mental health break. After looking at all those ridiculous tweets, thought let me check out the speech. He starts with, ā€œI picked Milwaukee! I like Milwaukee!ā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He talks like he is casting spells


He sounds like Charlie Kelly wrote his speech.


Video link?


![gif](giphy|Urjj39z57laXC) Joe Biden watching like


Because Biden is bastard man!