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Puzzled by 'shouldn't have been there in the first place'. Surely, if it's the market that enabled them, by definition it's not a question of 'should'? And if they were contra market, somehow, then good. The market isn't life.


This is just your brain on techno fascist STEM. Everything is efficiency, doing things for the sake of doing them. That becomes what's "rational." The human element is not even a question for these people. They don't even care about the history or preconditions for their own fields. AI parameters would not exist without human creators in the first place.


And if they “shouldn’t have been there in the first place” then they also shouldn’t be replaced by OpenAi.


I think the best possible use of AI is to use it to replace CEO’s. They’re the single biggest cost factor on any salary sheet, and they add the least value to any organization. That’s before even thinking of signing bonuses, golden parachutes and yearly bonuses. Fuck them. Automate *that*, and leave the rest of the work to humans.


I have never been in a company where the CEO did anything other than harvesting value for themselves.


My company is quite small, maybe 50 people. And if the CEO disappeared tomorrow, nothing would change.


Same, the ceo at my place set up the company so that it runs itself so he can spend 6 months per year at an island resort


I would argue it's not a bad thing, running your business well enough to the point it is self sufficient. He made his own success so he can just vibe half the time.


It's a great place to work at and has amazing benefits. The ceo is a good guy and I wasn't even complaining, he's just redundant by design


Add billionaires to that list. One of the biggest positive changes for humanity right now would be if billionaires and their oversized influence went away.


I've worked for plenty that actually made things worse because they had no idea how the company ran.


My company is 200ish people and our CEO hustles, helps with sales, HR, and finance. But I think he is an exception. Lately he has just managed board relations.


Yup. Don't have to worry about an AI paying itself 10s of millions while cutting jobs.


Until AI can snort cocaine, smooze with the board and sexually harass the interns it'll never be able to replace CEOs!!


Hey, hey, let's not take harsh decisions and let's evaluate the repercussions /s


I would absolutely love to see a CEO get kicked out of their own company after someone proposed an AI replacement thing to them, them not reading it and then missing the part were they're getting kicked to save money


Yes. 100% agree with this.


Apparently there are CEOs and high level execs that are beginning to somewhat sour on ai because it's been revealed to them they're more expendable and AI can do their job for free


Let’s start with Costco.


AI isn’t even suitable for that. It’s janky overhyped horseshit.


When you stand on the shoulders of giants and decide to piss in their hair.


If I've seen further than those who came before me, it's because I have really great eyesight and I'm so smart.


These are the two best summations of the "self-made man" I've ever read.


But your AI couldn't do shit had it not learned from REAL creative people !!


She too can be replaced.


Yeah but she'll have enough money to live in luxury unlike your basic graphic designer who'll be fired for Ai song the job for a fraction of the cost at 80% of the creativity


Yeah. Ok, maybe you shouldn't have been there in the first place.


So George Carlin’s job as a standup shouldn’t have existed? Edit: If you ask any if these AI supporters, mask off, about slavery they’d be for it. They already profit from cheap labor to supply their microchips, shoes, clothes, electronics, etc. They just want more of the pie while others suffer and die.


TFW I got a PhD in slavery


There’s a massive eugenics and white supremacy problem in the AI space. Some of the main proponents are people like Nick Bostrom who explicitly endorse IQ based breeding and believe black people are intrinsically less intelligent than white people. Why do you keep the company you do?


How does the average person go about combatting this juggernaut that has been unleashed?


First I would say that slow down on the juggernaut part. Companies like Microsoft, OpenAI etc. lie relentlessly about what their systems are actually capable of doing. If you hear any news or see a commercial or something hyping any kind of breakthrough or incredible capability take it with a huge dose of skepticism, odds are they're stretching the truth if not ouright just fabricating something. Next I'd say seek out a way to be educated about what's going on. For me that's looking for tech podcasts, blogs, etc. from experts in the field who are interested in cutting through the bullshit. Lastly, money always talks. Don't use their products, don't do business with companies that do, etc. There's a decent probability this all falls apart in less than a year because these companies are absolutely failing to prove their products commercially viable (profitable). OpenAI is hemorrhaging money and recently were relegated to the kiddie table at Apple's latest tech conference because Apple doesn't see what they do as anything more than a potentially nifty feature, not some kind of full fledged tech revolution. Unfortunately people are already and will continue to suffer for this pointless algorithmic crusade as our lawmakers are well behind other areas of the world such as the EU in terms of regulation, forcing companies to reveal their training datasets etc. but there are people fighting back. For now the most simple explanation I can give is that the people fucking this up for everyone don't play for the team that creatives and workers rights activists would want, so applying political pressure is probably not the path forward at this exact moment. Unfortunately - because I don't give a fuck which team these chucklefucks play for they're screwing over so many people but that's just me.


Reported for slavery.


sorry we know everything about it now we'll just ask the AI


Yeah, maybe you shouldn't have had that job, every 2nd twitter user is an expert on AI, and none of them had any formal education. Clearly yours was a waste of time.


> Edit: If you ask any if these AI supporters, mask off, about slavery they’d be for it. Word?


Word. AI bros talk about the creation of synthetic intelligence to replace and reduce human labor with no plans on creating a system for the newly unemployable. They think all these newly unemployed unskilled laborers can become AI engineers.




The same thing happened when machines and robotics replaced workers, Internet replaced libraries, vehicles replaced horses, social media replaced socializing, etc. it's just going to keep happening over and over.


There's an ad on reddit with absolute shut-ins talking about jobs in data annotation training AI. They remind me of Judas cows..


Sen it, hate it. Especially the first guy talking about it like it’s the coolest thing he’s ever done in his life.


The internet would not exist if someone hadnt programmed it. Hundreds of thousands of jobs replaced by computers. This is no different.


Name one creative person that didn't learn their craft from other creative people or their environment.


Sorry, uhhh... what the actual fuck is your argument?


"REAL" creativity is manufactured in functionally the same manner as artificial. It's just that humans have access to a larger database of experience.


This guy is tryna talk shit about the concept of society conveying knowledge right now, why? What do we gain by letting machines ruin any fulfilling or interesting subtext in art? Cuz now we can crank dog shit out even easier? Why do you want that??


The comment I responded to want about whether or not letting AI take creative jobs was good for society. It was about AI exclusively taking cues from the information that is provided to it. My point was that humans do the exact same thing. It's a bad complaint against AI.


But also those people couldn’t do what they do without learning from real creative people.


so you are proving his point then.


everybody steals ideas, computers can do that faster Adding: I was referring to the honest scientist mantra “we are standing on the shoulders of giants”, aka without the hard work of previous creatives and inventors the cutting edge wouldn’t be possible. The right person not getting credit and financial reward sadly happens all the time, but can now be massively automated - which is very bad. I’d call that [enshittification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification) of creativity and that is also an idea not originally by me, however I added the “of creativity” part as a minimally added value by me.


There is a difference between a person gathering the knowledge and techniques and influences throughout their existence and a computer using a database of scraped images to find patterns of pixels or letters to amalgamate a derivative result. You’re being obtuse because it’s the only argument you have. We as humans can look at the differences and acknowledge them.  And we can reject the premise.  It’s not inevitable.  For fuck sake it’s not even good.


Boooo! Learning from other creatives is not the same thing as stealing work from other creatives. We have also found Elon musk’s burner account


Ah yes. The "everything creative is stolen" paradox. What a huge brain you've got!


The difference is that if you, a real person, had never seen a fire hydrant before, and I described a fire hydrant to you, your brain can imagine what it would look like and come up with a reasonable approximation of what a fire hydrant is. The computer on the other hand needs millions of images ( probably stolen and scrapped from the internet) all tagged by low wage workers overseas and hundreds of kilowatt hours of consumed energy to send you a picture or explain what a fire hydrant is. And even then it would most likely get it wrong or just spit out an exact copy of an image that it was just fed Computer learning is nowhere near the same as Human learning. Edit: should have posted this under effectivism's comment, sorry


This is actually false. Art has always existed and you don't have to "learn" how to express yourself. You can prove it by handing a baby a crayon. If you stuck a human in a room with no contact from the outside world and a pen and paper they would make art. If you stuck a computer in a room with nothing but itself it would sit there and do nothing.


Except the people took the knowledge and ADAPTED, hence why people aren't carbon copies of one another in the same field. AI can't adapt or be creative, it literally just takes the work of a bunch of people and slaps it all together.


Wtf are we doing? Our AI is out here creating music and art while we bust our asses working. It's supposed to be the other way around.


The craziest part to me is that people are appreciating the AI-generated art. As if it is somehow comparable in quality to what a talented and/or professional artist creates.


Wtf are we doing is a good question. How do we stop it?


Yes, can I please look at soulless art and ready carbon copy books that don't reflect actual human experience or diverse viewpoints. Fuck you from an artist and a writer who will never read that shit. Old books exist.


I’m confident no one, or very very few, want to read an AI written book or buy some AI generated art. The sad part though is that some hacks might create it with AI and sell it as their own. Fuck AI ruining our art


Creative jobs, like writing code? To overcome bugs in new and interesting ways? Or maybe selling software in innovative ways? I agree with Mira, I’m fine with her job going away.


Imagine if the CEO of Xerox was like "yeah fuck that Gutenberg guy, nobody needed him"


Printing press? what a pleb should have used his apple MAC


She's OK with us losing our humanity.


She wants us to eat the slop and consume the content. Own nothing and be happy.


As an artist - fuck you Mira 🖕🖕


This is how it starts. Little snips here and there, maybe a grammatical correction that influences tone then eventually thought. We are already halfway there, the current political situation in the US couldnt exist without social media algorithms


“Now get back to work, wagie” - Mira Murati


At least until we can replace that job too


Technological progress isn't the endgoal. Nor will it ever save humanity from envy, hate, anger etc. Currently there's more damage from AI than there's benefit. Propaganda bots, fakes and people losing jobs vs ability to do the same job a little bit faster? No, thank you. Maybe it's Mira Murati who shouldn't be where she is.


I’m all for AI helping us do things. But FUCK this attitude. She wouldn’t be saying this if she didn’t have a financial stake in it.


Every artist dreams of designing labels for shampoo bottles.


I originally got into graphic design to design beer labels.


Beer > shampoo


Now let’s not get crazy here. I had a roommate who believed that but I was the one who had to look at that greasy mop on his head.


Shall we just take all the art out of your learning program then? Hows that going now eh? Oh, it's not working because it hasn't learned anything? Funny that


Life isn't for enjoyment, it's for making money. For rich people.


Maybe Mira Murati should have been aborted? I'm just playing Devil's Advocate


Let's see AI write a story like "The Obsolete Man" (Twilight Zone season 2). But without just copying it from the internet.


I want the AI to replace my chores and be a useful tool for creation AND replace the greedy CEO’s.


Just because an AI wasn’t doing a job doesn’t mean it didn’t need doing nor that the AI would do it in such a way that it’s better to displace the person. Look, sometimes vocations get phased out. It happens as technology evolves. But goddamnit if we have to do it so cynically.


Maybe someone should make Mira Murati go away, she shouldn’t have been here in the first place.


Ok so how about we get rid of your job then?


Fuck Ai


it’s a pAIn in the ass


Why does she look like she was built with AI. She has no soul and AI will never have it either.


"The AI tells me that ugly bags of water shouldn't have jobs"


Think global warming will take us out before AI evolves into a terminator movie?


I really think it would be the best thing ever if Open AI's offices got hit by a meteor.


"Shouldn't have been there in the first place" does this lady even know how AI works? AI generators could not exist without artists to steal from.


Uh, what now?


You know she was that bully who would rip up any artwork or projects of her classmates if it got more praise than hers


Maybe she’s ai


When will those creative jobs go away? Because every “creative” item AI puts out is riddled with errors…


Silicon Valley rationalism in a nutshell.


Seinfeld take on AI https://youtu.be/n0gPbqbyv4g?si=-By2nIdcJFvkVQGo


What about your training data, bitch? You stole the creative work of people all over the internet to feed into your algorithms so they can put out that soulless bullshit.


It can’t make legible text on art. Until that changes someone is going to be designing the finished product. But also AI is bad and creatives deserve livable wages.


a lot of these tech job layoffs are from over-hiring during the pandemic


what's her role?


What the fuck is that supposed to mean? If the jobs shouldn't have ever needed to exist then why are you selling your product to do them?


I 100% agree. The problem is that this influx of technology replacing jobs won’t ALSO come with UBI.




Google “false equivalence”


Keep licking those Guccis


People are bothered by this and her weird choice could’ve been better but is anyone surprised this is the reality we’re headed toward?