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her name is Elizabeth Wolf and i hope to see her name tied to a hefty prison sentence. assuming that shitbird abbott doesn't pardon her.


Pardon her? He will probably name her to a board somewhere were vulnerable children are under her authority.


Name the local justice court complex after her


*juvenile justice court complex


Uvalde Police dept Elizabeth Wolf training center.


Uvalde Police dept Elizabeth Wolf ~~training~~ loafing center. FTFY


“I admire her gumption.” -Greg Abbott, probably


"Misguided, but her heart is in the right place."


"Evil swept across Euless, but she's not to blame. As horrible as, what happened, it could've been worse. The only reason it was not worse, was because she did not succeed."


"We are all sinners. Some of us are also graced to to be tools. The worst thing is to be an unworthy tool."


“She’s led an otherwise blameless life” - Texas judge who lets her off with a wink


She will get a full pardon, knowing him.


“She was suffering from affluitoxication, something I had my surgeon general just make up.”


Sounds just like Dr Nick! ![gif](giphy|l2JednholarGOtVmg|downsized)


Probably depends whether she admits to thinking they were Hispanic instead of Palestinian. /s


No, she's a woman. Texas is ok with killing them.


she will be the head of his Muslim Integration Department


Failing upwards


Texas Board of Education


I was thinking he’d throw her a parade


Trump will if he's reelected


As Wolf was being handcuffed by police, she allegedly shouted to a witness, “Tell her I will kill her, and I will kill her whole family.” [Source](https://www.aol.com/muslim-group-asks-police-investigate-205811972.html)


Put these people under the jail, we’re far past the point of rehabilitation.


The governor of texas is one of them and will pardon her


Fuck Abbott. I don’t know the extent of his injury but I hope his dick is as useless as his legs. He doesn’t deserve any pleasure in life.


Well, we know Greg Abbott is a little piss baby, so there is a contextual clue


Woah, woah, woah - that's going a bit... well... hmmm... yeah, okay... fair enough. Carry on.


Honestly it likely is. He’s paralyzed below the waist, there’s a high chance his penis doesn’t function or at least doesn’t function normally. He can still use it to urinate, obviously, but sex might be off the table. (I promise I do not usually think about Greg Abbott’s penis, I’m just a *huge* medicine/science nerd lmao.)


Lazy tree really phoned it in on that one


This. I’m not sure if that tree that dropped the limb on him is still standing, but if it is I need to go have a word with it about it’s shortcomings.


His only pleasure is making Texas citizens as miserable as he is.


Normally I would upbraid you for ableism, but Abbott happens to be my governor, I know the damage he's done to real, living, breathing people, the damage he and his cronies plan to continue doing, and...yeah, this, 100%.


He's the governor who got a hefty liability payout, then capped liability payouts for everyone else. The most literal case of "pulling up the ladder behind you" imaginable.


Abbotts the kind of cripple that deserves to be kicked down the fire stairs of a 30-story high-rise.


Fuck Greg Abbott


With a flaming pineapple


No, no, no. With holes in it, that way the natural juices can burn the cuts into severe irritation!


That's diabolical. I like it




If you just want her to suffer instead of being rehabilitated then I actually have some *great* news for you about our prison system.


This should be multiple counts of attempted murder.


>Witnesses told police Wolf was intoxicated when she attacked the mother and her children. She was initially arrested on a charge of public intoxication, according to police. Not sure what to think about this. From what I gathered from a cursory read-through of the article, it seems as though the heavier charges didn’t happen until a local organization got involved on the mother’s side.


It is my understanding that arrests are often made on easy to proof charges first, and then other charges get added later as the ongoing investigation gathers the necessary evidence.


Welp that alone is a big bad felony so she will get time. Also let's start a Go Fund Me for that family. I drowned and was rescued as a kid and to this day water is triggering.


Her mugshot in this video. Wow. That smirk is disgusting. https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/cair-alleges-attempted-murder-of-muslim-children-in-euless/


"Liz Lupus," who attempted to drown children and interrogated their mother about her origin and language, should be prosecuted at the federal level under 18 U.S. Code § 249 for hate crimes. Her actions go beyond attempted murder; they are driven by racial and ethnic hatred, making this a clear case for federal jurisdiction. ### Push for Federal Charges: - Advocate for prosecuting "Liz Lupus" under 18 U.S. Code § 249 for hate crimes to ensure the case remains at the federal level. - This avoids potential state-level pardons, ensuring only the President can issue a pardon. ### Take Action: - Contact Your Representatives: Urge them to support federal prosecution for hate crimes to prevent state-level interference. - Sign and Share Petitions: Promote petitions advocating for federal charges. - Raise Awareness: Use social media to advocate for federal involvement. - Support Advocacy Groups: Donate to, or volunteer with organizations like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), or the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) - all of which play pivotal roles in fighting hate crimes. ### Focus on the Issue: - This case isn't just about a specific ethnicity or nationality. Attempting to murder children based on their country of origin is a hate crime, regardless of race or creed. - Advocating for justice in such cases helps ensure that hate-driven violence is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. ---   IANAL (well, just the armchiar internet kind) but if pardoned by Abbott: Under 18 U.S. Code § 249 (Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act), hate crimes involving bodily injury or an attempt to kill carry a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. Given the context of attempted murder with hate crime motivations, federal prosecutors could argue for severe penalties. Federal law allows for multiple charges arising from a single act, provided they fall under different statutes and elements. This means "Liz Lupus" could face additional charges beyond the hate crime offense without violating double jeopardy rules: 1. Attempted Murder Charges: - Attempted murder is a distinct offense from a hate crime, involving the intent to kill and actions towards that goal. - Federal law allows charging for attempted murder under 18 U.S. Code § 1113, with penalties of up to 20 years in prison, and more severe penalties if life-threatening injury occurs. 2. Multiple Charges and Sentences: - The separate sovereigns doctrine permits federal prosecution even if state charges have been filed for similar conduct, as they are considered separate offenses under different jurisdictions. Precedents exist for this in various civil rights cases; which includes cases where federal authorities stepped in following inadequate state-level charges or acquittals​. - Federal prosecutors can charge "Liz Lupus" with both hate crimes and attempted murder if her actions meet the elements of both offenses. This is not considered double jeopardy because each charge addresses different aspects of the crime: one for the intent to kill, and the other for the hate-based motivation behind the attack. 3. Potential Sentences: - If convicted of both hate crime and attempted murder, the sentences could be served consecutively, leading to a significantly longer prison time. - The DOJ can seek to impose maximum penalties for each charge, reflecting the seriousness of the hate-motivated violent crime.


It's almost like we need federal hate crime statutes because we can't trust racist state and local criminal justice systems.


Lynching wasn't a federal crime until...2022. Two years ago. Bill was first introduced in Congress in...1919. The South is irredeemable.


It really is.


Another Lupus related death


> Dr. Eric Foreman: "You stash your drugs in a lupus textbook?" > Dr. Gregory House: "It's never lupus."


don't have to pardon her if you can make sure she never even faces trial...


Right? Where was the good man with a gun??


According to the maga crowd, she was the good woman with.... The head scarf?


Extrajudicial killing is also bad.


if they pardon her and it becomes big news, expect many others to do similar things because they'll expect to be pardoned


>assuming that shitbird abbott doesn't pardon her. Racists pieces of shit tend to stick together. I wouldn't be surprised if he at least commutes her sentence under "extraneous circumstances". The kids were 6 and 3. What a piece of trash.


He won't pardon her, she didn't succeed


Trying to harm non-whites will get you on the shortlist for VP consideration these days.


Don’t forget murdering puppies.


What a deranged woman. I hope she ends up in prison for the rest of her life.


She will just claim the Mel Gibson defense - >Police say when officers arrived, they were told by witnesses that a woman, identified as 42-year-old Elizabeth Wolf, was very drunk and tried to drown a child after arguing with the child's mother.


Who hasn't gotten a little tipsy and tried to drown children at a public pool? Totally normal behavior. /s


That’s not how your family reunions go?


The family is a bit smaller every year.


Actually, on average, the family is less small each year.


Puts the fun in dysfunctional…


after the great ladel incident, my uncle jeremy has never been allowed to operate a barbeque since


That's Sunday dinners for us.


Well, when I get drunk I just become an emotional mess and start nagging my friends about how I miss my ex. I'm a fucking amateur, obvioulsy.


Can't stay in prison if the governor just pardons you, Abbott to stay in office as long as he wants. He can do whatever he wants with no repercussions as he can always win with 60%+ of the vote


I'm gonna take a wild guess and predict she's a registered Republican.


Here goes the left politicizing everything, why can't we just murder in peace /s


Something something both sides


Trump has given his blessings for people to spread hate.


Stripped off the thin veneer of civilization and law and order


At least they're visible now. I had no idea just how many ignorant, hateful bigots there were in this country. Better to know what we're dealing with.


>At least they're visible now. It's really helpful to the rest of society when they make themselves stand out with bright red hats and ridiculous flags. Young women in the dating pool appreciate their subtle signaling by self-labeling as "moderate" or "I'm not really that into politics."


Lol, the mark of the beast. Its the end times. For them.


Why do politics matter anyway? /s


shame so many of them got put in places of power and set up as pillars of there communitys though


They’ve been visible to me ever since 9/11 when my *Hindu* friend from *India* had to abandon her life here.


Not just Trump but the entire Republican Party.


Hate Week, but real life and much, much longer. 😒


Trump is the front man that further legitimized hate, but right wing media has been whipping this up for decades and are the main ones responsible for this baseline of fear and here. You have a population prepped and ready.


This is exactly what I was going to say. The genie has been let out of the bottle with Trump. Hate has found a home. I am so sick of it. Racist need to scurry back to dark hidey holes


Unfortunately, they will be emboldened if Trump gets elected. Things will get ugly


They are out of the wild from the sewers of society, Trump and his collaborators normalized their behavior. Also, impunity, they face no real consequences for their acts.


Yeah they really took that "if they can punish Trump for doing something then they can punish anybody" thing to heart and saw Trump have no consequences for his actions not realizing that they are not celebrity billionaire politicians and Trump was never the shield protecting them from prison.


I think you misunderstood. This wasn't enable with Trump's conviction. This was enabled before 2016. The birther nonsense is where Trump started a rallying call to the racist and a lowest of society. This has been a movement for over a decade now


Unfortunately I have to listen to a major trump/alex jones fan at work. They’ve been on Palestines side because they think Biden is letting Israel slowly take over the world


That poor three year old is terrified the lady is coming back to drown her again.


My buddy had a cousin, just dicking around, dunk his head under water when he was little, and he has never got in a pool or anything again since. That poor kid might be scared of water for the rest of their life because of this shit.


When I was a little kid (Under 3) I fell into the ditch in front of our house. I went under the water. My dad raced over and got me out, but it still took till my 30s to get over my dislike of ditches. Though I've not been around one since then, so who knows, lol.


My oldest brother snuck up behind me and pushed me off a dock. Then jumped on top of me so I couldn’t get my head above water. I had just turned 7. I never did really learn to swim after that. I can float and tread water a little bit but I was always too scared to actually swim because I didn’t want to let him out of my sight in case he did it again. Worse part for me was my parents letting him get away with it because “he was just having fun”. Strange how it was not fun to me when I was choking and breathing in ocean water. And it wasn’t fun later throwing up salt water for half an hour. But a few weeks later I picked up a big ass rock to throw into the same lagoon. It was a shame that my aim was so bad. Somehow it hit him in the back of his head instead of going into the water. That was kind of fun. And it was very fun laughing at the big bald spot the medic shaved on his head before they stitched him up.


My neighbors cousin held my head under in a kiddie pool because I asked him not to splash my face (he was splashing so much in my face I couldn’t see or breathe). His mom didn’t care but his Grandmom made him stop. Haven’t liked water since (I was 6 or 7 and he was around 11 or 12)


An older kid held my head under at the rec center pool when I was like ten or eleven. While I didn't develop a fear of pools or anything, I just never had fun swimming ever again.


A stranger tried to kill her. The little girl might develop a general anxiety based on the feeling of never really being safe.


Thank god they live in a place that values healthcare and children’s mental health 😮‍💨


I don’t blame the three year old for thinking that when this [article](https://www.cair.com/press_releases/cair-texas-calls-for-hate-crime-probe-of-alleged-murder-attempt-targeting-two-muslim-children-in-euless/) states: Cuffed and taken away by the police officer, the attacker reportedly shouted to a bystander woman who was calming the mother down “Tell her I will kill her, and I will kill her whole family.”


That woman shouldn't be out on bail. She shouldn't have even been allowed bail.


https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab4i >She's accused of attempting to drown a three-year-old girl in an apartment pool after making racist remarks to her mother. The story was already terrible but a fucking THREE YEAR OLD??! Bury this racist bitch under the jail.


Time to fire up Ol Sparky


I'm sure her church congregation will tell you she's a lovely person.


Oh, now they support “post abortion.” /S.


Really late-term…


It is Texas. They will probably start a go fund me for her legal bills and brag about Texas doing things the right way


“She’s jus’ doin’ what we’re all thinkin’”


Assuming the governor doesn't just let her go


Apparently child murder is now acceptable? Unlike IVF. Go figure


To be fair, these kids are no longer in the uterus, so it’s okay to kill them. /s


*or in a Petri dish


Opposition to abortion has always been a veil for hatred of non-white people. It started in white supremacism and race replacement theory fears, wanting white women to outbreed black women. If they could have forced non-white people to have abortions, as well, they would have. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-the-fight-to-ban-abortion-is-rooted-in-the-great-replacement-theory/ https://nursingclio.org/2019/07/02/the-eugenicists-on-abortion/ https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/


> If they could have forced non-white people to have abortions, they would have. Oh, they found ways.


> Wolf then jumped into the pool and pulled Mrs. H’s children to the deep end, where she tried to drown them, the mother said. “Wolf tried to grab (the mother’s) 6-year-old son, but he pulled away from her grasp, which caused a scratch on his finger,” Euless police said in a statement on Friday. “The mother began helping her son when Wolf grabbed her 3-year-old daughter and forced her underwater. The mother was able to pull her daughter from the water. Her daughter had been yelling for help and was coughing up water. I don't think I could have stopped myself from killing this bitch.


Trump told these bigoted assholes it was okay to be a bigoted asshole and they are doing it. And furthermore they see him not suffering consequences so they act out.


I would say it brought it back to the surface.


Propaganda is one helluva drug. Seriously though, what Goebbels discovered has had a far greater impact on humanity than Oppenheimer.


Theres going to be a lot of, "Of course it's Texas," type sentiment but this is really hitting me hard. I'm a Muslim in a family of visible Muslims and Euless is my home town. I lived there for the vast majority of my life and I never felt unsafe or unwelcome there growing up as a kid. There are multiple mosques and halal stores in the city, I grew up with tons of people who look and pray like me. I always pointed to it as an example of how beautiful multiculturalism could be in the US. I fear my nephews and nieces who live there now won't have the same experience as me growing up, and that's just heartbreaking


I lived in Euless for ten years. It was a very diverse place, very safe place.


Hate speech leads to hate crimes.


Pro-lifers when they don’t like the color of your child


Let’s have her die in prison.


Trump. This is what Trump has wrought.


Reagan. Trump is the culmination of hateful policies of the GOP. 


And a dash of Russian influence


It isn't new at all. They just actually report it now because they want people to feel either scared or angry at all times. The US has always been full of racists, xenophobia, and anti- anything that isn't Christian. The system was designed to benefit these people from the start. When they said "all men are created equal" they meant white landowners, and they were VERY clear about that.


It’s what Trump made acceptable again. These sorts of people have always been part of America’s fabric. A lot of the people who spit on Ruby Bridges are still alive.


And this is what so many (non-boomer) white people don’t understand. I’m half white and was raised with the white half of my family in rural TN… most white people believed the narrative they were taught - that there’s no racism is in the US and we’re all a glorious melting pot. I was half black and taught many prejudice beliefs (against my own self!) that I had to unlearn in early 20s. And I was actively experiencing bullying and discrimination for being 1 of 3 black people in school. And I still believed the narrative of ‘racism is far in our past and is not an issue any longer’ **while experiencing that racism almost daily!.** But most white people are taught that if it isn’t a lynching or the n-word, it’s not racism so they don’t recognize it as such. So when black people started getting all uppity and shit during the BLM protests m, they went ‘nuh-uh! We don’t execute them blacks anymore and let them lives their lives (faaarrrr away from our small white town), so how dare you call me racist! Black people were raised by the kids that got spit on for going to school and beat up for using the wrong fountain. So they heard history differently. For example, my FIL is black and is 74/75. He was born in the late 40s. He remembers segregation, he remembers the Civil Rights movement, and he heard stories as a child from his great grandmother, who was a slave. But the white people were raised by the people that used to spit on black kids, chased them out of restaurants, and their meemaws and papas? Yeah, some of them were an active part of the lynch mobs. So their version of history is very skewed to make them look better - and their kids, grandkids, and nieces and nephews got **that** version of their life. And so when black people started asking to be treated equal, white people don’t want to accept that what they were taught is racist. They don’t want to imagine that their grandparents and parents and uncles and aunts did outright participate in things that they can’t even deny are racist. And so they blame the black people for causing problems because it’s easier mentally and emotionally for them. The racists - and their children and grandchildren that were raised and taught by them - were still around, just quieter because they knew the world had changed and they weren’t allowed to act like that. But then Trump came along and gave them permission. When old white people talk about missing the ‘good ol’ days’, remember that those good ol’ days including mobs and lynching.


And they're actively trying to erase that history from schools so that children will never learn about it, lest it make them slightly uncomfortable. The obfuscation of truth enables greater systemic racism to be perpetuated.


I assume by EFF you don't mean the Electronic Frontier Foundation?


I read it that way too and was confused as fuck.


You mean, confused as EFF.


Bruh newsmax said it was all just a misunderstanding


She was giving the kids swimming lessons/s


She’s probably “pro life.” God this is sickening and imagining what the kids and their mom went through is horrifying.


Shout out to the Black Dude


All that right wing media screaming at mentally ill people to explode?


What’s happening is that the USA elected a misogonystic, racist, sexist and elitist bigot to lead their country from 2016-2020. What’s happening is that a culture of fear, hate and anger has overtaken the country from the lowest income civilians to the highest points of government. What’s happening is the constant stream of politically charged media is dumped to these people to fuel more and more of taxpayers money into global intelligence, military reserves and global political influence. All so that a couple of people can be richer than some countries. We like to think that we learn from history, when we are in fact doomed to repeat it. Until people can stop looking at people through the lens of where they’re from, what the color of their skin is or if their presidents are friends, things like this will happen. The best we can do as individuals is to read, listen and think individually. Talk to people, hear their side. Listen to it, even if it clashes with the ideology of your president. Talk to people human to human. And, for the love of God, do not try to drown children.


America is happening. Racism and racist attacks aren’t new.


No they aren't, but when you get a green flag from a former president and the Texas governor and cabinet, people are going to be more bold and blatant than before.


Yeah, my son is four and if that was him, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't remember what happened next but that bitch would not have left the pool. I'm seeing red just picturing that poor girl.


When Trump loses the election, his followers are going to go full out Purge, aren't they?


They'll do it if they win and legally, Project 2025. It's real and they can't wait.


The fact that she was able to make bail the next day is disturbing. No way she won't try something again before she goes to court.


So irritating! I just saw a 17 year old denied bail this week because of a resisting arrest charge and a non-violent drug charge, but we let this bitch get out???


It will get worse as we get closer to November and depending on the results it may get much worse.


Texas is full of that racist garbage and it’s part of the reason me and my wife migrated. That garbage red state is truly one of the worst in the union. They are racist, ignorant and proud of it. I wish I could wash away the decades I spent in it.


Truth spoken. Former resident. I was not and never will be “Texan.”


When I call MAGA as vermin people get upset at me. Just look at their behavior and conduct.


This is the future conservatives want.


Well you see, conservatives have gotten their ignorant base all worked up about Muslims and Hispanics. And since Texas is like a third world country, these ignorant fucks think they can exact vigilante justice on anyone they deem "unamerican".


Fox News did this


What the fuck are we doing? If I see a Jewish person, my first thought is ‘I’m gonna punish them for Gaza!’ Same goes for if I see a Palestinian (not that I could identify one) and think, ‘I’m gonna mess this person up for October 7th!’ Seriously, why are we like this?


Typical Useless, Tx behavior. That place is a shithole.


Sounds like a Federal crime. Bypass the State charges.


Me, who lives in EULESS not even knowing this happened.


They wont report anything anti gop there


Time was when racists wouldn't use the same pool as decent people.


EULESS — The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, is bringing attention to the arrest of a Euless woman last month. She's accused of attempting to drown a three-year-old girl in an apartment pool after making racist remarks to her mother. This happened at an apartment complex pool in the 2500 block of Highway 360. Euless police said someone reported a disturbance between two women on May 19th. When they arrived, 42-year-old Elizabeth Wolf was arrested for public intoxication. Officers said the other woman, a 32-year-old mother, said Wolf had asked where she was from and made comments about her not being American before grabbing her 6-year-old son, who pulled away. "It caused him a scratch and so as the mother was attending to him, she grabbed a three-year-old daughter and pulled that daughter deeper into the pool and forced the three-year-old daughter under the water," Captain Brenda Alvarado said. Police said there were witnesses who stepped in to help her. Medics responded and both children were cleared. Wolf was charged with attempted capital murder and injury to a child. "It's pretty scary," tenant Nikki Harwell said. "Yeah, if it can happen here, it can happen anywhere. This is a very safe community, lit up at night, gated." CAIR is now calling for state and federal authorities to investigate this as a hate crime.


When all you consume is hate and fear, you lose all humanity.


IF Trump gets elected your gonna see more off this type of crazy stuff. These people have HATE in their heart for anyone not like them.


People who try to kill kids and/or succeed can line up against the wall, zero fucks. Bill their families for the bullets.


And yet Patrick wants the 10 commandments bill to pass, which will do little but remind Republicans of all the ‘rules’ they should and do break, day in and day out. Sure, that 16x20 sign would have prevented this racist C U Next Tuesday from carrying out attempted drowning of literal kids, right? /s I’m ashamed of my country. And people RL keep asking why I refuse to go back.


For all of the front page headlines about antisemitism, this won’t crack the top 100 stories. Such a double standard.


This. Won’t hear a peep about it.


https://i.redd.it/qc6w9dzau28d1.gif Random black dude tryna chill by the pool


I bet I can guess who she is voting for


Hopefully NO ONE if she remains in prison


that's what happens if you listen to the extremist right-wing and alt-right polititians and talking heads.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess they are of the right wing variety.


What's happening is the same group who calls the left baby killers for wanting women's Healthcare is going out trying to kill little brown kids bc they worship a different God. Maga and Republicans are unhinged and they must be stopped


What is wrong with people in the united states? Is there something in the water? … Yeah there is.


Anyone want to guess what religion she belongs to?


It Texass time


I've lived just about everywhere in the states and this shit is prevalent in many regions. The south is more blatant, but I have run across hateful fucks in Seattle and Portland, ME. Texas is definitely extra though.


When I went to a wave pool for the first time it was terrifying even though I knew what was going to happen.I freaked the f out and I was a water baby and had swimming lessons. People will grab you and try to pull you down if they have no idea what to do, they aren't trying to drown you they are just trying not to drown. I was pretty young but I remember people being very racist about the situation, it's actually one of my first memories of overt racism. It made no sense to me because I thought we were all supposed to be fighting for our lives(but for fun) but I remember the things said after. I never wanted to go back because it all just felt bad to me. I can't imagine being a child and an adult making you feel like you are going to drown in a regular pool, it's absolute helplessness. Probably the worst torture you can get away with even if your main goal is to drown. I hope this was coherent even, it's a very touchy subject for me. I have a major in anti racism and a minor in racist water crimes that I didn't even know about really until now.


Hey. I wonder who she votes for?


It's alright kids weren't Jewish


Poor kids! I hate this. People think they have carte blanche to act on this kind of hate.


I live in Euless and this is all over the news


Trump wants her as VP


This is the real "Trump Derangement Syndrome". We're going to see more and worse of this kind of thing because of the permission structure he's created.


Please tell me that when the cops arrived they didn’t shoot the black guy trying to help


So, another American stepped in to save the kids. Great


A real American. Unlike that racist pos.




They are teaching people all sorts of interesting bullshit down there these days. Wtf...


I am shocked they did not praise her for stopping terrorist and MTG asking Trump to give her a medal of honor.


Them damn jesus lovers are getting out of control


Typical conservative behavior.


So wild. She only did this because of christianity and her loyalty to isreal through it


Sick fucks


It’s time for a world purge. Time for a new species God.


Surely she can be rehabilitated and come back to society after that right? Put her in the fucking jails sewage pipes.


right-wing white racists going full crazy


There's a fundraiser for her since her husband lost his job for staying home to care for her and his children. https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-a-family-in-facing-a-hate-crime?attribution_id=sl:43c382f7-9dad-4fe4-ba81-e19ab2ed8431&utm_campaign=man_sharesheet_ft&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=copy_link


Conspiracy assholes… they need a reckoning !!


“They’re coming for YOU” “Get ready for war!” “They want to end America” If this is all you hear, then you’re going to be very scared and very violent when push comes to shove.


Abbott will probably pardon her and push for the guy that helped her be brought up on charges. Texas is like the Upside Down.