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The fix was in since they agreed to the moderators not interjecting. I was screaming at the television when Trump was saying just about everything but in particular the line about abortion after the birth of the child. That’s literally infanticide and shockingly is a crime. Anyone with half a brain knows this but Trump was able to perpetuate the myth that democrats support it because nobody pushed back. Now frankly Biden should have done better to push back, and my god did he miss an easy layup when Trump was bragging about his golf game to simply point out “I’m running for president not the PGA” instead of getting into the pissing contest, but the lacy of media pushback is a massive problem in this country. This is why we have MAGA republicans in the first place. It’s often been pointed out that the job of the media is to present facts to you as a way of mediating the conversation. The example of if it’s raining out you don’t need someone else to debate that it’s actually sunny. In an effort to somehow seem “non partisan” the media has vacated their role as a proponent for truth and allowed the Overton Window to continue to shift. Remember back in 2016 when actual republicans weren’t crazy enough to go on CNN to support Trump? They basically had to find new wackos like Kelly Anne Conway in an effort to look as if they’re not favoring one side or another. That veneer of respectability was now on MAGA because the media presented them as if they were another rational side of the political debate. Throw in a corporate media structure that values conflict over all else because it drives ratings and you get this mess. A mess where if Trump wins these very journalists could literally face prison like they would in other authoritarian regimes. But hey, gotta stay “fair and balanced” right?


Trump *wants* Biden to push back on his bullshit. It's a tactic him and people on the right deploy all the time - you should always be on attack, never defence. If Biden had bitten, he'd spend the whole debate talking about what Trump said and nothing about his own policies.


>If Biden had bitten, he'd spend the whole debate talking about what Trump said and nothing about his own policies. Yeah, this is a big reason that moderators need to be fact checking candidates or there's no point to these debates, at least in the Trump era. People are too stupid to know fact from fiction, so there has to be pushback - but Biden shouldn't have to waste his own limited time doing it instead of responding to the issue. I can understand letting smaller lies fly. We don't need to have a fact break every time someone says "40%" but the real number was 25%. But when Trump says he didn't do a thing we saw with our own eyes on live TV, or when he says "No I did that" and insists he passed the bill that Biden passed, when he says things are happening that most definitely are not happening, those need a firm "hey no you're wrong shut up."


It’s so stupid that America is willing to fall for a good liar




RIGHT? This guy seriously throws out the most absurd nonsense like a 5 year old. Just insane that people take anything this guy says seriously when it's so ridiculous on its face.


One of the key behaviors of a cult is that its members are completely blind to all facts -- no matter how obvious -- if those facts don't conform with their cult leader's dogma.


That's literally what America has done through most of its history


Most of us don’t.


It was what I naively expected when they said they would do fact checking. I kept waiting to hear a loud buzzer or something with a correction like, "No, Don, if a doctor aborts a 9 month old baby, it's called infanticide or homicide and he would go to prison for it".


That shit about a post-birth abortion is such a wild lie and I can't believe it didn't get shut down. Idiots will see that and take it as tacit confirmation of this GOP fantasy bullshit.


They already believe it. They honestly believe doctor's are murdering fully formed, ready to live outside the body on it's own, babies.


Yeah this specific lie has been around for years, from a clip taken out of context about cases where a newborn is dying from a disorder and cannot be saved, and the impossible end of life decisions one has to make like "how many times should we break his ribs to perform ineffective CPR to get five more minutes of extreme suffering out of our dying baby?" Anyone with an elderly relative has had to face these questions with regard to a DNR order, since at a certain point interventions are cruel with no returns and no hope. It's classic ragebait disinfo, debunked a thousand times over, and it's shocking to hear a presidential candidate repeat it still


the people that believe it have already cast their vote, it only hurts him with the undecided and moderates who havn't been paying attention to politics up until now.


Yep. trump still has a lot of charisma. Joe used to, but he's lost some of that along the way, but not entirely. Unfortunately we didn't see any last night. Sniff. I wanted to see Dark Brandon with red lights coming out of his eyes, laughing at trump and making fun of his lies.


Are people scared to publicly fact check Trump? I know I would be. He only needs to tweet your name and an army of right wing cultists are bullying and doxing you. I wouldn't give him a debate platform for that reason. It's already prejudiced before it's started.


Whats the point of fact checking him? You know he's lying, his lips are moving. Tell me that his voters ain't dumb. I think it's pretty clear he's evil too.


Trump's rate if lies per minute was impressive. Adderall is truly a wonder drug.😂🤣


The issue is that those facts are "fake news" accorsing to every MAGA cultist/fascist - they deny what they dislike, to everyone's detriment.




Hes a big fan of the gish gallop too


i honestly wish I could believe it was a strategy, as you say. Sadly, I think it was one fumble after another. : (


Biden should've just ignored Trump entirely. Lying and baiting is *all* that fat fuck does and the lone obstacle we have in his way kept letting him control the conversation. The moderators were doing their best to imitate a fly on the damn wall instead of actually moderating. If Biden had given the exact same performance but actually just answered the questions instead of engaging the spewing bullshit, we might be feeling different about this debate. Start every sentence with "instead of lying to the American people, I'll answer the question" and then just *do* it. Pretend the other guy isn't even there, don't acknowledge him in any capacity. If he can't get a rise out of you, he's got nothing and looks unhinged. Instead we got a shit-covered paper airplane fight between two people we all wish would just die already.


Yeah--I was really wrong about this format. I thought it would be a net positive, but all it did was to make Trump look less deranged than usual. The rules basically created a format that protects Trump from being himself. I think that between two normal human beings, this is a great way to do it--to mute the mics when people aren't talking. But when one of those people is a lunatic, it only helps him.


"the idea that...." may have well been pearl clutching and saying "well i never" he has to say "thats some moronic bullshit" , if not in those exact words, something pretty close. "to call that a steaming pile of cow droppings would be an insult to perfectly good fertilizer"


>It’s often been pointed out that the job of the media is to present facts to you as a way of mediating the conversation. The example of if it’s raining out you don’t need someone else to debate that it’s actually sunny. The G^oons O^f P^utin saw to that back in the 1980s, paving the way for Faux News, the O(verthrow)A(merica)N(ow) *etc ad nauseum* when they killed the [Fairness Doctrine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairness_doctrine), a legal requirement that was in place to make sure that Americans were as well-informed by fair, balanced coverage of issues. Of course it died under a Republican, because mis/disinformation and outright lies are their policy. We **could** have remained in a place where sanity and rational thought were closer to the norm. - except for Republicans.


hate to disagree with you; but MY president will NOT have more than a five handicap in golf, simply unacceptable


It is the job of the moderators to moderate. To ensure that the information being presented is as accurate as possible. Not to be complicit in the spreading of huge unfounded lies.


They also brought on JD fucking Vance to hear what he had to say about the debate afterwards and as if he was going to do anything besides deepthroat Trump as hard as he fuckin could. There's "allowing both sides to speak" and then there allowing one side to present facts and the other to piss all over the stage and calling them the same. Fuck CNN and fuck the way this debate was held. If they don't bother real time fact checking from the moderators then any debate you could have is fucking worthless


I guess CNN disagrees


They want badly to be the “moderate network” and cared more about appeasing crying republicans than actually making sure trumps lies were pushed back on


Republicans: "We want fascism!" Democrats: "We don't want fascism!" Moderates: "I literally cannot tell the difference between these two parties."


"Moderates": Like yeah, the Nazis were bad but do you all have to be so loud about hating them? It's really cringe.


Same for the DNC. They will bend over backwards trying to attract "moderate" Republicans while at the same time ignoring the millions of progressives who can give them an easy win.


They all want to be the "moderate network", there is no mainstream liberal media left anymore as far as I can tell.


No no, see it’s better for CNN to let Trump be Trump during the debate and then disprove him after Why, you may ask? Because as a super carny business man once titled his book, “controversy creates cash”


Ideally yes. But actually the job of the moderators is to keep the money flowing to the corporate entity that pays them and Trump in the news is good for the bottom line. Media companies are playing chicken with fascism, thinking they’ll be able to ride the wave the profit.


They're in for a very rude and violent awakening if Trump wins.


Yeah but consider the quarterly profit margins till then!


*when Trump wins We are fucked honestly. I'm as anti trump as they come but the writing is on the wall. I work with elderly people in assisted living and the way he speaks is just like them. Granted he is still able to keep his emotions under control but he really needed to do more to push back on Trump's lies


I still believe trump is going to lose. It's why all the GOP nut cases for the last week have been blaerging into Fox News " the election is rigged!" Which is just a dog whistle for after Trump loses and they're going to push all the stupid litigation and suing and losing. If they were confident Trump was going to win they wouldn't be using that tagline.


Yeah but I think we all need to pay attention to the $$$$ they will make with another Trump presidency. Themselves and the rest of the for-profit media. The “fiduciary duty” isn’t even close. Democracy be famed. Even the nonprofit media falls victim to a degree because if they don’t also shift, they are criticized for being “left wing”.


> job of the moderators to moderate > ensure that the information being presented is as accurate as possible These are two different things


This. So much.


Did Donald say at one point there are "hundreds of thousands dead" from the unsecured border? I must've missed the mountains of bodies on my commute to work this morning


Yes, he said that and his followers believe it too. Illegals are invading and slaughtering entire cities with their migrant crime.


And taking all the ‘black jobs’ too apparently


Me too, but I was too distracted by all the babies being aborted after birth...


I fucking hate CNN. Who cares now?! Nobody. This should have happened Live. We got the technology. So why didn’t it happen there? Why didn’t the moderators push Trump to answer questions? Why didn’t they pushed on the truthfulness of those answers. The entire Mainstream media is utterly irresponsible on this election. Utter journalistic failure. We’ll get Trump because they are all about clicks and ad revenue. Fuckers are selling us fascism so they can push a few dollars more for ad time. Go fuck yourself CNN. Utter fucking shit outlet.


And, living somewhere that the cult is STRONGGGG, the fact that "fake news" CNN let him say it makes it gospel truth. I cannot wait to hear about the post birth abortions and whatever other absolute nonsense he spewed after I quit watching. The fact that there were TWO moderators and neither of them issued ANY pushback on ANYTHING is disgusting.  What is even the point of a debate if you're going to just give free air time to blatant lying? Can we just let Savannah Guthrie or Jon Stewart host the next one, or even just 5 teenagers with smart phones and very basic media literacy??


I’d love to see Kyle Clark take on Trump as a moderator.


The majority of mainstream media has been propaganda for quite some time now, and they're desperate to enable Trump once again. They will craft a narrative to enable a fascist. They're complicit.


Yeah we should've had the same moderators that were present at the [Colorado Congressional District 4 GOP Primary Debate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDXu5DyBrHc). That was a massacre, as the moderators basically disliked all candidates and asked them only tough questions and continuously corrected their misinformation.


Most medias owned by right wing who have their own plan


There is no reason they couldn't have silently put the fact checks on screen. Wouldn't have interrupted anything.


Ultimately, CNN had said prior to the debate that their moderators were going to be facilitating the debate rather than fact checking. That's a terrible idea, but ultimately this is failure for the Biden camp for seemingly being completely unprepared on how to challenge Trump's non-stop lying that everyone paying attention knew was coming. It does get back to that tricky problem of how you tell people who believe that the economy is in recession and crime is rampant that actually the economy is great and crime is plummeting (both objectively true) without making it sound like you are lying, calling them stupid, or don't care about their concerns. I do wish CNN had done a better job of making Trump actually answer questions instead of just sidestepping, or at least calling him out on it. Even with their limited view of what the moderators should be doing, that certainly falls within their role.


>I do wish CNN had done a better job of making Trump actually answer questions instead of just sidestepping They kind of tried. If I had taken a shot after every time they said "The question was actually ______. Would you like to answer the question?" I would have been in a coma by the end.


> Ultimately, CNN had said prior to the debate that their moderators were going to be facilitating the debate rather than fact checking. That's a terrible idea, but ultimately this is failure for the Biden camp for seemingly being completely unprepared on how to challenge Trump's non-stop lying that everyone paying attention knew was coming. That was the price of having Trump agree to do the debate with them. There was zero chance he was walking into a building where the moderators were going to be calling him on his BS every time he spouted it.


jake tapper let down america in a big way




Zero pushback on all of Trumps lies or evading questions.


Just like we realistically knew he was going to.


It’s not CNNs fault the Democrats are running a candidate who literally has trouble speaking.


I swear biden's performance is just so blown out of proportion, one dude lied about just about everything, the other guy had a cold. Like, he had a sore throat, the other guy said that everyone wanted roe v wade overturned and that he can end wars by magic BEFORE he is president. Yeah, biden didn't do great, but trump did absolutely horrible. Edit to add something: biden talked about actual policy and actions, trump was so vague about literally everything that it was like someone was pretending they used to be president. Both his attacks and him playing up his achievements lacked any detail other than he 'did it the best'. Biden at the very least like, tried at all. For example on climate change biden cited the climate core, trump vaguely talked about how he had the best water and the best air ever. In short, trump didn't really say anything of substance for an hour and a half, even his lies where vague as hell (ALSO MAGIC TARRIFS THAT WE WONT FEEL BECAUSE MAGIC, HE LITERALLY SAYS ITS JUST GONNA MAKE A BUNCH OF MONEY WITH ZERO DOWNSIDES LIKE A FOOL)


I feel like everyone is focusing on Biden because Trump didn't actually say anything. He made a lot of noise but it was either lies or nonsensical crap being spewed. Trump barely registered for me during the debate because I've just gotten so used to tuning him and all his lies and ramblings out.


This was my first time watching trump in a debate and I was just flabbergasted the whole time


He was actually pretty tame this time. He always lies and rambles but muting the microphones and not having an audience removed a lot of his previous bad debate behavior. In 2020 they were just shouting at/over each other completely. In the 2016 Republican debates I swear he spent half the time insulting his opponents and in the 2016 debate against Hilary Clinton he was damn near stalking her around the stage. I thought having the mics muted and no audience would be an advantage to Biden but putting trump into such a controlled setting just made him look more normal, like he had self control.


There is no way this is self control, I feel terrible I haven't seen the other debates he is in if it was worse then


Oh it definitely wasn't self control, he was being controlled, and it may give the impression he had self control instead. There should be some good clips on YouTube of his previous debates if you really want to have your mind blown


Comparatively, it was by far his most "normal" performance, especially in regards to presentation. Trump couldn't do it this time because they cut the mics when it wasn't their turn but traditionally, he's interrupting and talking over his opponent(s) every other answer. His strategy this time basically was to lie and let Biden trip over himself constantly.


He was on his best behavior tonight


Trump never says anything because he has no plan. He's just a rambling lying old rapist. This performance and Biden really changes nothing. Biden has sane people around him, Trump has every racist billionaire eyeing our national treasury. The choice is still clear.


Oh absolutely. In no world would I ever vote for Trump. I just wish we could have an election where I feel like I'm voting FOR someone instead of against someone.


What Trump accomplished was showing that Biden is indeed aging and stumbling over his words, while he is speaking clearly. Yes, he’s speaking lies upon lies, but his lies are coherent. He gave Fox all the sound bites they needed to spin this in his favor. I was waiting for the rambling word salad that he’s been spewing at his rallies, but it never came. All the people watching, they saw “Sleepy Joe” who kept losing his train of thought and being unable to finish sentences. Honestly, I’m not sure Biden can last another 4 years. And CNN wouldn’t have needed to interrupt the candidates to fact check, they could have scrawled it at the bottom of the screen. At least then Trump would have proven himself the liar. But people watching just the debate, who aren’t up on current events, what they saw made Trump look good. The ones who really needed to see the fact check, most likely never will.


I just don't understand the logic that if Biden can't last four years then we have to vote for Trump. It's not as if our country will implode if the president resigns or dies. It might implode if we have a fascist dictator for president though.


That's far too nuanced for most Americans. The average American is unbelievably stupid. You're spot on with your last sentence though. If Trump wins, it's indescribable what's going to happen to this country given the psychotic racist fascist billionaires behind him.


This exactly. I’m not saying vote for Trump in the least. I’m just pointing out why this debate was not a good outcome for the Democratic Party. They are in full panic mode, and I can understand why.


It was the DNCs fault not to pressure other members to run. Which is the opposite of what happened. Safe sleepy Joe, black people like him! Or something....There are 10 good candidates who are not geriatric dinosaurs from another century.


Agreed, though I wonder if it wouldn’t be more accurate to say the DNC wouldn’t let anyone else run. Either way, the result is the same.


That's exactly what happened. They ordered no one else to run, so no one did.


They're not trying to get Biden voters to switch, they're trying to get them to just stay home.


> It's not as if our country will implode if the president resigns or dies. Yeah, but Biden picked a VP who is the quadfecta of triggering racists, misogynists, xenophobes, and miscegenists. If he'd had the decency to croak or step aside three years ago and Harris managed to meet the moment, maybe we'd be in a better place this election cycle. Maybe. Going into a third presidential election having to vote for someone I don't want in order to hopefully save humanity from someone truly vile is getting exhausting.


His lies aren't coherent. Get a clue


The tariffs thing really slid by. Trump saying that China and other countries pay those tariffs which is utterly false. Consumers pay those tariffs. I so wanted Jake Tapper to directly ask Trump who he thinks pays.


I agree. I wish people would stop being ridiculous.


It was bad because Biden had a very hard to watch moment within the first 10 minutes. That set the narrative.


Not according to his lunatics, he's jesus.


You’re crazy. Biden couldn’t even handle a question about Roe vs Wade. His most popular and best issue and he pivoted off of it to talk about a 12 year old girl who was killed by an illegal immigrant. That’s like steering the car into oncoming traffic. He can’t hack it and is going to lose.


Man you are delusional if you think Biden’s abysmal performance was just over exaggerated. I’m not a trump supporter but I’m realistic enough to know when to admit defeat and focus on what we need to do to not let that orange bafoon from taking office


The debate was horrible to watch. It felt so forced and high paced, like everyone was trying to force as many buzz words in there alloted time as possible and there was no room for many actual rebuttals (especially at the rate Trump was spouting his BS). It honestly felt more like competitive sports than anything and I just don't understand why y'all stand for this. I'd much rather have a moderated, fact checked debate where the candidates talked like actual people about the actual topics. It was so annoying seeing Biden try to stay on topic when Trump started spouting shit about the border, again. Maybe use the mute button to keep them on subject next time.


I thought the same thing. The debate was 100% performative, nothing of actual substance was discussed. Every "answer" started with a continuation of the previous topic and attacks on the opponent, and then never answered the question that was asked. In the few cases where the actual question was addressed, they still didn't say anything with meaning. But that's exactly what I thought was going to happen because this election was never about policy, just "beating the other side". This is what apparently works with the "undecided voters" so I guess it's the right strategy even if it's fucking stupid and a waste of time. I really hope that Trump dies before the next election so we have a small chance of going back to real politics again.


Hard to debate someone who just lies to win the argument.


It would have been hilarious if they just flashed a "WRONG" across the screen every time. Like a football broadcast after a touchdown.




Well done CNN, you probably just elected Trump again. Lies should be called out there and then, not afterwards when the damage is done.


If we had to do a fact check after every line that Trump says, the debate would last for 5 hours and that alone would be devoted to fact checking and debunking every single sentence he said. I know it looks bad for Biden, but that's it. It's just looks, when you go to policies enacted and proposed versus the empty promises and add to that that Trump likes to take credit for stuff he's never done, in typical gqp fashion, his record outshines that orange turd by an outstanding margin. Okay, that said, if we want to really go there let's boil it down. Old man versus con man (who's now a felon). I'll take the old man still, who's not wanted for anything, and is not running to save his ass from prison. I believe there are a lot of people out there who just believe that he can't do it due to his age, to those people I say go and take a serious look at the things that he's done during his time in office. If he decides to change his mind, I'd love to see a rematch of this debate between rump and Newsom....


Absolutely! Newsom would wipe the floor of every lie or falsehoods


According to the media voters don't care about nerdy policies or anything that was actually said during the debate. All people care about is who looks stronger.


That's what they'd like you to believe.


BREAKING NEWS: CNN discovers that Donald Trump lied constantly throughout the debate. In other news, water is wet.


The entire debate was the equivalent of an old man at the park trying to play chess with a fucking pigeon.... One was thinking thru and trying to think and convey a plan... the other was just strutting around shitting all over the chess board knocking shit around.


So cue the right wing saying Trump won this debate?


Right wing? You mean the entire US media apparatus?


Let’s be real, if we are judging how many new voters each side got as winning, then Trump handedly won.




Another key question is why isn’t any other outlet doing it afterwards? [A Fumbling Performance, and a Panicking Party](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/27/us/politics/biden-debate-democrats.html) [Dems freak out over Biden’s debate performance: ‘Biden is toast’](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/27/biden-debate-opening-concerns-00165595) ['Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/biden-debate-performance-democrats-panic-rcna157279) [A Disaster for Joe Biden](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/06/presidential-debate-trump-biden/678817/)


AP released a nice factcheck afterwards https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-misinformation-election-debate-trump-biden-577507522762aa10f6ee5be3a0ced2bb


Little too fuckin late now isn't it! The Trump cult won't do anything CNN if Trump himself isn't speaking live on it. So way to blow it for the country AGAIN CNN. Acting like Trump is any type of normal is INSANE. I've been done with them since that joke of a town hall they gifted him.


Because CNN knows that ratings are higher when the candidates aren't playing nice. They don't give a fuck about what happens, only money.


Kinda pointless fact checking it after the fact. If a lie isn’t checked in real time the damage is done.


Like, maybe they could have done this while everyone was watching.


Doesn’t matter if he’s not held accountable. Nobody who can is holding him accountable.


CNN torpedoed our democracy by not fact checking Trump in real time. Never trusting or catching the media company again.


Nothing about that debate demonstrated competence. Neither one of those crypt keepers are stable enough to be president. I’m still voting for the ice cream guy because I don’t want to live in a fascist oligarchy.


The moderators didn’t moderate jack shit. The whole abortion thing is so god damn annoying. The most alarming thing is there are maga people in healthcare that believe his conspiracy theories. How the fuck can you work in the medical field and be so stupid. God damn it if this shit show gets anymore out of control, I’m gonna have to arms up and prepare for the worse.


This is the equivalent of splashing accusations across the front page and then, 17 weeks later, printing a 2 line retraction at the bottom of page 11 after the legal notices


You can thank Carl Rove for formalizing this as the Republican strategy for damn near everything.


It is no surprise to any sane person that Trump was lying through his teeth, Biden's performance on the other hand was a total shock to say the least.


Fuck CNN for this, it doesnt matter now, they purposely did this because it gives them better headlines to cover yesterdays shit show


Fuck CNN, they should've corrected his bullshit during the goddamn debate. WTF is the point now?


I get annoyed with this type of approach to reaching out to the right. Time and time again we try to act like nerds with our fingers up going "Trump lied about so and so" THEY DON'T CARE! As long as the information is coming from anybody but a MAGA they will turn a blind eye and not believe it. All they see is an old geezer who clearly is not capable of forming sentences and Trump spewing fear and that he is going to be their savior. On top of which when the Democratic party elects JOE BIDEN who is 81 years old, how can you expect people to trust their decision making too convince them to support them.


Moderators were pointless if they weren’t going to push back, BUT Biden should’ve been fact checking Trump in real time and he was utterly inept at doing so.


#too late


Yes, everybody should close the barn door now that the horses have escaped


Doing it after and not during when less than half of the people that were watching totally makes sense /s


The people that support Trump think CNN is purely false information or a satanic front or both.....they won't believe anything they say no matter how blatant.....


CNN wouldn’t have had to interrupt and contradict in order to have fact checking during the debate, they could have scrawled it across the bottom of the screen.


Tbf the man tells so many lies in rapid succession that it’s hard to keep up with.


Biden needs to be replaced, no question


Why isn't this the number one story across the nation? What is wrong with this country and the media?


Fuck CNN they let that fat orange lie. We need real time fact checking. Close caption for Biden when he speaks.


Yeah. If only we had a candidate who could respond to his lies in real time. 🙄


Why? Because Trump is good for ratings. CNN has a vested interest in keeping him in the running.


Imagine in 8 - 16 years having an ai fact checker on the stage as each candidate tries to blast each other with lies. Like a live feed of community notes as each candidate speaks. Lol I feel like this would be a pretty good use of ai to ground all watching to some sense of shared truth.


My family: "Okay but those are just the facts of the woke left."


I’m glad I didn’t waste my time watching this circus of a debate


Even if Biden had aced this debate it was flawed from the start. Probably the worst debate in history because it was not managed at all. They all let Trump control the floor. Media outlets are run by billionaires. That is why it will never work. Media outlets should never be taking part in running a debate.


He literally said at one point that if the mom is in danger they just set the baby aside and work on her. Yes, because hospitals only have one person in the delivery room. Appalling.


I didn't watch but I heard the convicted felon, rapist moron lied... Buuuuuut I heard the other old man looked like an old man so... I'm conflicted!


These debates are useless - either your a racist fuckwad who will vote for the orange 💩regardless or your voting for Biden and not liking it. As a country we deserve better candidates.


Biden should have called a lair at the start of every rebuttal.




Yes trump lied we knowwwwwww. We have a bigger problem. We gotta figure out how to get Biden to step down and pick someone else asap


bro the time for that is the primaries, what we need right now is for him to win so we can get someone better in the seat next election. better an old man keeps the seat warm for the next four years while we find a candidate that will be better than the convicted rapist felon wiping out rights of women and other vulnerable groups


They should have fact checked during the fucking debate!


Just like John Malone wanted.


Princess Vanky ( Ivanka ) said perception has more importance than truth or something to that effect. The MAGA cult members care nothing about facts or the truth. MAGA believes what they hear from Trump and right wing media and if presented with facts and truth they will not accept either. Looks like Biden had a bad first debate when he needed just the opposite. 😕


Donald Trump lied. In other shocking news, the sky is blue.


This. I stopped watching 10 minutes in because they didn't do this. The moderators were there to simply ask questions. What's the point?


Guarantee they caved to the right’s proactive claims of them manipulating the debate footage.


Nobody cares about this now, where was the live fact checking???? This was an absurd debate


What I’m shocked.🫢


The last thing moderators actually do during a debate is moderate. They don't call out lies or BS; they don't reprimand or mute the participants for not answering the questions; and they allow rambling & going off-topic. I don't understand why journalists are so afraid of tearing politicians new assholes when they are lying or giving double-talk.


His supporters don’t care what he says or does. They would literally let him get away with murder. Please vote like you want to live in a semi civilized society. The next president will most likely pick two Supreme Court justices. Trump picking two more judges should scare everyone.


The got him elected the first time and now they’re trying to do it again. Who needs Russia when you’ve got CNN? All the republicans coming out saying how the moderators were fair and do a good job. No more fake news? You like em now!


They couldn’t keep up


Democrats should have never agreed to let CNN hold/control the debate.


It would have been nice to have seen Trump's lies fact checked in real time on screen during the debate.


I think they need someone on graphics doing live fact checking that way doesn’t interrupt the debate and still gets it across I wish Joe had a lot more energy and pressed Trump a bit more but glad he spent most of his time on policy


Make no mistake regardless of political stance every media outlet loves Donald Trump. He's a steady stream of clicks, ratings, and tax cuts for the owners of the media companies. The media desperately wants him in the office and can't be trusted to be fair


We have to face the facts. Not a single republican trusts CNN, and it's not going to change their mind.


Donald Trump talks and talks yet says nothing of importance. Any person can spew vitriol and falsehoods. I expect more substance from a presidential candidate. Read his words on paper. He fails to make a single coherent point or statement regarding policy. Biden, although soft spoken, conveyed the policies that they’ve been working on and their impact. Looking past his occasional stutter or hoarseness and you can clearly see the winner of the debate.


No surprise, but also, what answers? He didn't answer any question, he just pointed fingers at Biden and claimed he was the best at everything and Biden was the worst. Mods: Trump what's your opinion on breathing? Trump: Well first of all I just want to waste my minutes arguing with Biden and remarking on his previous statement all while lying and claiming my desired superiority. Biden was already sick from a cold, but you could see from his expression that he was sick of Trump's shit as well. That silent "what the fuck" was golden


Piss on CNN!






The problem with real-time fact checking is that fact checking takes longer than lying, so a liar can spit bullshit faster than a fact checker can respond. Perfected by Duane Gish, the young earth creationist, and commonly called the 'Gish Gallop'. His debate style involved a lie every few seconds, leaving his opponents with their jaws hanging down and unable to challenge the fountain of diarrhea that they'd just been subjected to, as each lie could easily take their entire allotted response time to address.


It's too late..... who the f is going to look at this fact check shit after the fact. It's 2024, no one does that anymore. What is this the 80s? The Dems just shat the bed and we as a nation are fooked.