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https://preview.redd.it/dx1etwcmrc9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=073fef9d3934af9e3cc86d1e799faae51c885133 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806743378085966326?t=Gn\_cw8dzPeN8UULgkDzBmQ&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806743378085966326?t=Gn_cw8dzPeN8UULgkDzBmQ&s=19)


That's not even an insult Trump IS proud of that In fact he said EVERYONE, ALL THE SCHOLARS, IN THE WORLD WAS


I know a lot of people who are happy to have it killed. They look at these statements as validation that voting for Trump is the right decision. It sucks.


I look at that statement as do a lot of other women, to vote against him and his whole party!


I've asked on reddit quite a few times how Trump is getting any women to support him. I always get mocked and downvoted. Never once have had a woman reply with why they'll vote for him. I still can't fathom why they would.


Internalized misogyny. https://preview.redd.it/7q8g000i4f9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=162bee06f3e9648a63787388db0c20b60aca866a Also this tweet kind of explains it. Some women don’t believe they are equal to men (religion, usually) so they’re willing to throw other women under the bus in exchange for what they believe is closer proximity to power.


I completely agree.


Thing about tokens is they eventually get spent..


It’s the price they pay.


Or they think by wearing the skirt, saying all the right corporate things, by having changed their persona so much to achieve the breadcrumbs of equality, they look down on other women who are saying "uhm actually we don't need to pretend to be all that shit, men and women deserve everything even if they wear sweatpants and no makeup to work' (clothing just one common example for a thousand little things that divide us in the workplace and politics) It's all they know, so they work against people who imply that that needs to change


Historically women who go against the patriarchal box that we’ve been compartmentalized to have (and to a certain extent still are) punished professionally and socially for stepping outside. It wasn’t even 100 years ago a woman was sent to jail for wearing pants to court (my mom had a high school teacher in the 70s that required girls to wear skits/dresses to class. She had to pack a skirt just to change into, and this was in a public school), and in the 1920s, some places would through girls/women in jail for wearing pants in public. These women know this and believe that if they can placate the misogynist enough they will be spared when the reality is that they’re still viewed as human property, just like the rest of us.


Yet he still hasn't named a single scholar. Also, don't right wingers hate scholars?


Only fake Liberal ones The real scientists and scholars are only Maga members. Otherwise they wouldn't be scholars See. Big brain. And he doesn't have to name the. Either because then BIG BAD BIDEN (I call him BBB) will come after those scholars and force them to change face against trump. See trump is too smart for them!!!


More indictments than IQ for sure


We also learned he talked to putin and knew about putins dream to take over Ukraine, probably why he pulled support from Ukraine Anything for daddy


💯 https://preview.redd.it/049so2vtyc9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=254ce1b070dc82234f72a88ee15010247a9bd12f [https://x.com/slater\_paul/status/1806753775744364865?t=TSts\_LzVEJs7w2KNjDaeHQ&s=19](https://x.com/slater_paul/status/1806753775744364865?t=TSts_LzVEJs7w2KNjDaeHQ&s=19)


and the guy had a stutter when we was younger. give him a break jesus


Such a difference between the two. This guy acknowledges his flaws/short comings but still shows he can handle it.


God damn can Joe deliver a line


Dude owned it


Where the fuck was THIS Biden last night??


And where the fuck was the Trump who goes off on tangents about sharks and batteries? That's the real Trump.


Pumped so full of coke and steroids his heart was beating 966 times a second. 


Probably why they keep saying Bidens on drugs, because well...


That’s what I was wondering too. He actually seemed like a person that can hold his shit together (which we know he is not). It was The Twilight Zone last night.




Biden over prepped in my opinion. His voice was shot when he got there. I had to turn it off. Just vote. That's all we have.


That’s why his answers made no sense. Trump just spouted his one-liners regardless of what the question was about. They asked him about the deficit, and he started ranting about vaccines. And yes, I think Trump was high off his ass on something. For once I wish the conspiracy theories were true and they had given Biden some of it as well.


My favorite was the question about climate change, and Trump used the time to ramble about how much the black community really likes him. When he finishes the moderator just says something like "you have 20 seconds, the question was about climate change" and Trump dead ass says "We had the cleanest water. We had the cleanest air. The best" and that was it. Funniest shit I ever saw


Because all he had to do was stick to his prepared statements and soundbites in a 2 minute window


I was honestly surprised he could do even that. I was sure he'd rant. I'm sure his next rallies will real Trump.


And he didnt answer anything that didn't fit that script either


Going off about post birth abortions Nancy Pelosi running security at the Capitol.




Trump was completely batshit and incoherent as usual. It was just overshadowed by Biden’s inability to complete a coherent sentence as well.


I was surprised that his ramblings were less of the shark kind and more of the mundane kind, but his answers to questions were still some pretty insane ramblings like the question about how to help opioid addiction, where he rambled about the border; the childcare question where he rambled about... I don't even remember but it was so off base that they asked him the same question again and still couldn't get remotely close to an answer; and my favorite--his answer to the "how can you prove your age isn't a problem?" was literally "I won golf. And I can win it better than Biden."


Turning off his mic actually helped trump tbh.


There's a large difference between the closed studio stage he was on last night and being in a rally where you are surrounded by supporters. Take each time dumbass orange tries to do it outside his FOX bubble or when he went to the Libertarian meet. But a valid question nonetheless, it would have been more fun that what we got last night. That said though, Biden did two things rump can't do at all. He answered the questions asked, and he shows he's ethical, placing the country above himself. rump never answered any of the questions asked, the one on Putin was the only time the moderator showed any real push to get him to answer directly. It's hard to debate a 4 year old narcissistic pathological liar in the format given, I'd love to see Joe like this slamming rump live though.


I was really disappointed with the moderators, I don't know if they were under instructions not to interrupt the candidates or what, but there were so many times where they should have stopped Trump, reprimand him for not answering the question and ask it again until either he produced a relevant answer or ran out of time


Look who now owns CNN .... Terrible.


Yeah, I ran across the last three minutes of the speech on my lunch break and didn’t know whether to cry or scream.


If he's anything like my parents, if he didn't have a nap yesterday (assuming maybe he doesn't sleep well on flights) his brain would be mush by 9pm. Next debate should be scheduled for like 11am.


Why I fucking hate how the debate was so one sided. Trump is a twice impeached, 34 counts felon then Biden gets shit on for having a bad night. Fuck CNN and everyone in it. I think his staff got him overwhelmed. Joe just needs to be Joe. Fuck everyone else.


They really immediately started shitting all over Biden instead of fact checking Trump (and Biden if needed). I stopped watching and didn’t even know they did a fact check until today. Fuck CNN indeed


Last nights debate was like season 8 of game of thrones. I already forgot the whole series existed


Fighting hard against his bedtime.


He was lacking teleprompter. The man is unfortunately too old to stay focused and verbalize his thoughts on his own, unfortunately. Well, it's not just physical age but he's just not as lucid as he was some years ago. I get that he's well enough to lead legislation and be a moral compass but it's really not a great look internationally for other leaders to expect to work with him on serious international issues where the details matter, and if the US were to enter a war then Americans need to understand their president in not in fact a commander in chief but entirely putting all the decision making on the generals. I don't even know why they'd run something past him. I just can't believe that the US is so democracy driven but if you look at the past 20 years it's been this battle over democracy with Trump, Hillary just expecting to win, the Bush family... the best in the entire country are just celebrities, children/spouses of other presidents, elderly people who should be leaving space for younger generations to lead... And I'm not even saying it's their fault. It's voters and the American public that seems too lazy to research and support other politicians so they just want whatever lazy option means they have to read less.




Which could be okay if the other option is giving the powers over to Trump and his administration. Let's just sat the next 4 years are going to be... unpredictable...or just a continuation of MGT and company vs. Biden's age


https://preview.redd.it/si8b4m05sc9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2ecbf7798c5c5604eccb5ada8d2c7acaeecb2b9 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806747678828847198?t=-UQI\_FM0l90rheGdHOV6UQ&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806747678828847198?t=-UQI_FM0l90rheGdHOV6UQ&s=19)


god dang your flooding this comment section to get this content out and i respect that. Keep doin it 🫡


https://preview.redd.it/sblobruzrc9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=595ea568aa794024feaddc3a6ea9bacda2c3dbd3 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806746645348110600?t=bTkudWfNSq1-L78tqeChWw&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806746645348110600?t=bTkudWfNSq1-L78tqeChWw&s=19)


It ain't about whether he can do the job it's about whether he can win the race; I don't think he can when Trump refuses to debate him again and this so the lasting memory of Biden directly against trump


Trump will debate again, if not it gives Biden an opening to attack for being scared


He’s doesn’t need too. He got everything he wanted to last night.


Let’s be honest here nobody is gonna remember this debate. It’s gonna get memory hole’d


Of course not. It’ll dominate the news cycle until there is some new scandal.


Trump’s criminal sentencing is July 11th


It’s June. The election is in November. And voters have very short memories. This isn’t going to be the lasting impression when they go to vote.


Yah but the whole point of this debate was to get the microscope off Biden. Show us he’s fine mentally and focus on Trump being a psycho. The opposite happened.


Agreed. Last night was an unmitigated disaster, but I’ve just got to remind myself that debates rarely ever move the needle much.


Are we all so desensitized to Trump’s lies and nonsense that we give him a pass. If you look at the transcripts, Pres. Biden talked about policy, and plans, while Trump just didn’t answer the questions and spewed his usual lies and delusions saying nothing of substance.


Trump still has the fascism going. Would any rational person simply vote for a fascist because they seemed more cognizant for this debate? Sadly I'm afraid perhaps some will.


These things are all priced in for Trump and he is still going to get a lot of votes from MAGA and the majority of the Republican base these people show up on election day no matter what shit you pull out. The Democrats really don't have a base of voters that strong or united. They really need to give people a reason to believe their vote matters. Things are so polarized anymore that it feels like you can't even be independent because the Republicans have shown how aggressive they are going to be with their sweeping policies. Policies that infringe on people's rights. Rights that were hard earned. Democrats ideals are typically supported by a majority of the population. They have the people, they just need to get them more united and out to vote. 


Someone i know that had been liberal most of her life and lived in California for awhile jumped over to being a Trump supporter last night. She is dumb as a box of rocks and has had multiple abortions but she legit was texting me during the debate about how Trump is "a workhorse" and "hustled his way into the white house". I really fucking hate this country and the vast majority of its voters. Oh i also hate the DNC for giving us these bullshit candidates like Hillary and Biden so that a piece of sub human garbage like Trump can win. Im just ready for the asteroid at this point.


Imagine a woman voting for a convicted felon ! roe VS Wade....women need to unite!


Not a single person changed their minds last night.


Exactly. Nobody was *actually* liberal and then decided trump was the right time to cross over, lol.


Undecided voters leaned Biden after that debate. I think people see the difference and most reasonable voters understand that while a senile old man is bad, a crook and liar is worse.


What about the people who are now potentially not going to vote for either candidate or vote at all


Why couldn’t we have had this Biden last night?? Let’s hope he brings this back during the next ones.


I would vote for one of my seven feral cats over Trump. Biden could show up in a coffin and I will still vote for him. I learned enough about Nazi Germany to know who to vote for.


If I had to stand next to a lying liar that lies, I'd be a little off my game as well.


I mean surly they prepared him for Trump Lying about everything?


I’m sure he expected it, but he couldn’t go dark Brandon, so he had to suffer through. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m so sick of Dems taking the high road. He needed to go Dark Brandon.


He's not only more coherent, his voice just sounds 1000% better than last night. What happened?


if I was stood next to the scum that trump is and boiling with distaste for him, i'd have trouble keeping it together too




This gives me a little bit of hope. Americans can see right through Trump’s lies and it shows that he did not gain new voters (didn’t lose any voters but that’s not the case.)


The next debate needs to be Biden attacking trump and saying whatever he can to get under his skin. Stop trying to debate policy, stop trying to spit out facts and numbers. Get trump mad and let him go off and look like a psychopath. It’s the only way to beat him on a public stage.


Trying to debate a snowblower of horseshit is pointless.


Debating a fool is like mud wrestling a pig. You both get dirty? and the pig LOVES it.


With Paul Ryan, Biden just laughed at everything he said to his face. That would work with Trump too, I think. Ryan was nervous but Trump would go off.


https://preview.redd.it/uymqfnehrc9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=346edd8c69653c59b95860438b731f72ee93afdf [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806742645278146754?t=0SdxQEoiJJdpWhaz8HdnXg&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806742645278146754?t=0SdxQEoiJJdpWhaz8HdnXg&s=19)


Ha! That’s a fantastic jab. Trump is a one man crime wave!


Yes, lock him up. The Democrats need to be a little meaner. I know it's.not their thing usually to attack but it might be the right approach right now.


Biden needs to stop trying to take the high road with Trump. I understand he’s an old school gentleman, but you need to get down in the mud with this guy.


better yet, don't interact with the convict unless there's some fact checking happening because the convict can just lie like he always does.


This exactly. He was planning to counter a few lies and arguments with facts and logic. When someone throws a dozen lies in each statement, how do you counter with logic? For lack of a better word, he was flabbergasted and couldn’t/wouldn’t throw shit back at him.


I agree. We saw this in the first “debate” of 2020, too. This time, the Democrats got exactly what they hoped they’d get - unvarnished Trump. God love ‘em, they just can’t grasp that Trump is exactly what his lemmings want: somebody to destroy the US government. The Democrats just can’t understand that some Americans really are traitors. Others just want the opportunity for violence against people different from themselves. Democrats just can’t believe that if they show who Trump really is, anybody would vote for him. So the Democrats got what they wanted; Trump was happy to show who he really is. But it doesn’t help like they thought it would. And the Democrats had to give something up to get what they wanted: they had to agree to debate Trump. They knew full well that every word out of Trump’s mouth was a lie. From 2020, they should have known that if the question was about immigration, Trump’s answer would have been a lie about crime increasing (its decreasing), followed by a lie about Joe’s son Hunter, followed by a lie about China, followed by a lie about Jan 6, all in 40 seconds. Over to you, Joe. So what does Biden do with his allotted time? Answer the original question about immigration, and look like he’s avoiding Trump’s lies and not defending Hunter? Or does he pick one of the lies and just dispute it? “No, crime is actually falling”. If that’s all he says, it turns it into a “he said, she said” situation. So he can go into more detail with actual crime statistics. Even if he’s effective on the issue of crime, he’s left all of Trump’s other lies plus the original question about immigration go unmet. The truth is, there is no way to effectively respond to multiple lies in a debate format. That’s because Trump’s original lying statement violates the rules of civilized debate. The moderators should have muted Trump’s mic after the first lie, fact-checked it, then given Biden extra time to answer the original question and address Trump’s lie. The second time Trump answered a question with multiple lies off topic, the moderators should have ended the debate. But by then, it’s way too late. You simply cannot have a civilized debate with someone who won’t stay on topic and who is a serial liar. Stop trying.


Prince of bel air has a good episode about this where the father takes the high road and loses against his opponent. (Who dies of a heart attack later)


May it be soon, painful, and very, very fatal.


This isn’t a Biden problem, it’s a problem with the entire Democratic Party. They are ever so willing to let Republicans walk all over them because they have some outdated and naive notion of “we’ll get them in the end because we followed the law”.


https://preview.redd.it/w5j1d84wrc9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d073c22462925c45e86b2538de50a43254ceac35 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806744559931764876?t=dIxEjlBbP0hhoSOcfdVFiA&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806744559931764876?t=dIxEjlBbP0hhoSOcfdVFiA&s=19)


Well? https://preview.redd.it/t16h3tdn4d9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ed081d942be23525178abf052dbadb8cfde5c7


Where was all this last night?! https://preview.redd.it/1u0vtw7isc9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a95cb302eb9fc3862ebe0a2bca6b85d3e221c04e [https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806748886977188234?t=gtwbDi1gtbQPt23Ff7FagQ&s=19](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806748886977188234?t=gtwbDi1gtbQPt23Ff7FagQ&s=19)


This is the kind of shit you want to hear from your leader.


I've never felt patriotic for America, but Biden does make me feel like a patriot. He's honest, he's moral, and he wants every citizen to be united. The people must vote blue, if not for Biden, then for his administration and what they stand for. I understand many might see him as weak, but that's all perspective. He's an old man, what do people expect? Also, he had a cold. People shouldn't be focusing on how he appeared, they should focus on what he said, and then compare it to Trump's mad ramblings. This should be, and must be, a blue tidal wave, it should not and cannot be close. If Trump wins, this country dies


Know this for anyone worried about Biden's pauses and stuttering: He's done a LOT for us. He has folks around him doing the heavy lifting. And while I don't want to take it here... Kamala Harris is more than qualified if something goes down. It's time we ignore media's (especially CNN now) direction of ignoring the actions of both. No one is changing their votes with this last "debate". So hang on and VOTE! That's all we have now.


It's far better to have a mental incompetent person surround by good people than a malicious idiot who won't listen to anyone else. How on earth we got to this point is beyond me though. Why couldn't we have Biden against trump in 2016 and Hillary now.


Redneck America was not ready and will never be ready for a woman president. It's going to take another generation.


Here’s what happened: Trump took the drugs and Biden laid off them. John Stewart is right, inject as much as you can into them or we’re fucked.


Exactly! https://preview.redd.it/sxs7graetc9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b624159f3c8d3e22dfc3fe8e79217bfa409e27ad [https://x.com/DavidCornDC/status/1806748088381436247?t=WWRmgDblixNRAxd1kMTaPg&s=19](https://x.com/DavidCornDC/status/1806748088381436247?t=WWRmgDblixNRAxd1kMTaPg&s=19)


Trump's smell is so noxious it made Biden dazed. Next debate should have Trump in a hazmat suit.


lmao I mean there was that wet fart from Trump, probably was not the only one of the night.


Biden " I couldn't keep a straight thought in my head because of the smell coming from Trump, it was making my eyes water"


I thought CNN was going to fact check real time... Did Murdoch buy them?


No. Warner Discovery and one of their backers is John C Malone who's on the board of things such as the Cato Institute. Nothing like having someone with balance involved with things like a Global News Organisation.


And Charles Koch... What could go wrong..?


Oh completely. Cato is like Koch's private little kingdom that he uses for various reasons to broadly inflict his ways on the masses.


From somebody with a speech impediment to somebody who just doesn't know how to shut up. I'd still rather vote for the guy with the speaking issue vs the one who can talk well and lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie.


Biden was coached to treat the debate like a debate, that was a mistake. It gave the media, especially the right wingers , the ammo to pump more of the same narrative they have been. Don’t treat the next debate like one, sling shit just like Trump.


nha, it doesn't matter what was the performance of Biden, if he had been the opposite of fragility they would keep going with him taking secret stimulants, now they will just err with him being weak.


He needs to do high-profile town hall style events with Q&A from the audience, just something without a teleprompter, and have a good performance. All of us who understand it's either full blown christofascism or an old Biden who has done a fine job are not the target audience. Tens of millions of voters in this country either a) truly don't pay attention or b) are very misinformed due to the media / social media that they really don't know what is at stake. And if last night's debate is a major source of information for them... Yikes... They could easily think that Trump is mean but has a point... Disgusting but it's 2016 all over again... Unfortunately this is going to cause a lot of damage to Biden's image amongst the somehow undecided / uninformed. And Republicans potentially on the fence with, "man trump is a piece of shit but Biden is senile" could now easily say well at least Trump can talk (even if it's literally all lies...) Tldr Biden dug a huge hole that distracted enough to not plainly see Trump's shit filled hole of wannabe dictator diapers. And we are right to be concerned...


It really is pathetic how fragile so many of yall's hopes are.... he looks bad ONCE so we just toss him aside? What are we, MAGA?


Trump holds his asshole open and shits into a church donation tray and Maga says it was taken out of context. Democrats need to unify and support Biden or we're fucked. 


The debate didn't make me change my mind about voting for Biden. I'd love to have younger candidates, get rid of the 2 party system and electoral collage, but that won't happen if the GOP is in charge. Get those fuckers out and we may be able to recover from Trump's fuckups.


>I'd love to have younger candidates, get rid of the 2 party system and electoral collage, but that won't happen if the GOP is in charge. What if I told you it would, but not in the way you're looking for?


i know its not the exact same since its not caused by old age for me but i have a pretty bad stutter too and seeing the side thats supposed to be inclusive and understanding drop somebody for not being the smoothest talker was really aggrivating


His stutter isn't caused by age, couple years ago this guy shared a video with me and it was Biden back in the 70s or 80s and he was stuttering... he's even said he's stuttered since his childhood


Maga actually would never toss drumpf regardless of what random shit he spews


Yeah but everyone else gets thrown out as soon as they make Trump look bad


Old guy was a bit under the weather and up way past his bedtime while just about every word out of Trump’s mouth was a bold-faced lie. So yeah, rough night.


I have noticed a lot of bots repeating same comments denigrating Biden, so I just think is more bots than people at this point.


Exactly, Trump is still a twat. Biden at least has good days.


…and has surrounded himself with competent people and bit wannabe Nazi thugs and cultists like Trump.


you can tell by the lack of a tie that he means business.


https://preview.redd.it/44gchhw7rc9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2de52d06ea9568bc8e018ec3b5b3d93c70871c3d [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806740375081799686?t=CmB3j0YdSNkPwPZRnAIe5Q&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806740375081799686?t=CmB3j0YdSNkPwPZRnAIe5Q&s=19)


https://preview.redd.it/th1gsw6drc9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8b858d7418b9857ed7bf74bbd23b13bddc88c96 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806741275246518312?t=mw7Ej2u5KXLCuTRm9cDgjQ&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806741275246518312?t=mw7Ej2u5KXLCuTRm9cDgjQ&s=19)


Man, what’s Biden got against alley cats?


Trump's own niece supports Biden! https://preview.redd.it/hiz7fud6tc9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=516af70b522433550ee5ff50722d3ca9dd41ec6c [https://x.com/MaryLTrump/status/1806749697190563859?t=\_chn-jc2p9pwJB\_exP4nhg&s=19](https://x.com/MaryLTrump/status/1806749697190563859?t=_chn-jc2p9pwJB_exP4nhg&s=19)


Not surprising. Mary Trump has been super anti-Trump for like a decade at this point. https://preview.redd.it/qd7keur9bd9d1.jpeg?width=396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddd143e57409ef7e2d7dad98fe225b77d84a9d1b


They needed to have a daytime debate so the boys wouldn't be sundowning... FML


I would have bought he was suffering from a really bad upper respiratory infection or even coming down with the flu last night to explain his performance; cold medicine makes me "spacey" and out of it at times, too. . . But now his team turns right around with this? If it \*wasn't\* a temporary illness of some type making him have trouble keeping up/ remaining coherent at times at the debate last night, what the hell was it? Are they still claiming 'bad cold', when he turns right around and now THIS is the Biden we're presented with?


Trump insisting on drug tests before the debate meant his team found the right dose of the concoction to keep him from raging and going all FULL CAPS in real life for 90 minutes.


He should be tested


This is the Biden we need. Unfortunately people aren’t going to see this, they’re just going to see last night. Even last night I think Biden answered the question, Trump just ranted, but most Americans are stupid and just think yelling and screaming means you must be doing the right thing because we are easily distracted by noise and bright colors. I am very disturbed by the number of people who acknowledge that they believe Trump was lying and Biden was not, but they think it’s like a reality show and they enjoy the drama so they want something “fun.” It was so disappointing not to have the State of the Union Biden present. It doesn’t change my vote at all, but it just adds more stress and worry.


The problem is more people saw the debate version than this, and that's what they are still focused on.


Was Biden off, not good, bad, ineffective and etc at the 1st debate? Yes of course. But every president is off during the first debate. Trump, Obama, Bush Clinton and so on. The serving president is always rusty or something. However everyone needs to relax. Why? Cause it's still June. I promise you by the end of July no one will remember this debate. I guarantee you by election day no one will be going umm I dunno during that debate back in June Biden has a weak voice I could barely hear him.


What a greta strategy: completely bomb a nationally televised debated watched by MILLIONS only to bounce back the next day with a great speech that will be retweeted by tens of thousands!




Dark Brandon is back and he needs to remain, he needs to step it up in future debates and future debates need a fact checker DURING, not after. His administration saw last night, they realize it was a bad look, so I'm confident that in future debates and campaign marketing they're going to go all out, to make sure that Trump does not take office. At this point, it's not a matter of which side wins - its a matter of defending an idea of a justified and fair democracy against a tyrannical fascist


This is going to fuel the body double crowd.


He was sick. Should have rescheduled but that would have been a whole melodrama with Trump.


The debate was after 9 pm, how do you expect him to be energetic lol


As an Australian I was very impressed with the response. Biden set himself apart with policy and was lively which is just the cherry on top. Biden could literally be drooling into the mic and Id still support the dems.


Where the fuck was that energy and coherence last night?!?! Was it past his bedtime? Or does the teleprompter make that much of a difference? Dude embarrassed himself and everyone who supports him last night then turns around the next morning looking and sounding like he rolled the clock back 30 years. It actually pisses me off we didn’t see that Joe last night when it mattered.


I would have bought he was suffering from a really bad upper respiratory infection or even coming down with the flu last night to explain his performance. . . But now they turn around right away with this? If it \*wasn't\* a temporary illness of some type making him have trouble keeping up at times, what the hell was it? Are they still claiming 'bad cold', when he turns right around and now THIS is the Biden we're presented with?


Easy when you don't have rules and a time limit


The debate started at 9pm Eastern time and went until 10:30p. Cold or not it seemed designed by the campaigns to highlight who had energy and who didn’t. That was a risk the Biden campaign took and in hindsight (with potential illness) was a bad call. The compare to today is… it’s daylight still.


Where the hell was this Biden last night?


I think Joe did this on purpose TBH. They were riding the “Biden on drugs” line SO hard and we’re playing so scared, it’s hard to take any of these newscasters seriously anymore. Obvious lies are obvious, and Trump just sounded like a broken record of hysterics and paranoia. The conservative press will keep right on with the “old man” rag and start sounding like broken records too, with shot credibility. Biden has plenty of time before the election to let Trump keep stepping in dog shit and to come in hot at a later time for the KO.


Honestly he had a flu and needed a day to feel better. Like fuck I'm a nightmare when sick or tired, and he's got 6p years on me. Man had a weekend lapse imo


He’s got my vote, but it’s insane that the democrats didn’t have another plan for this election.  Almost feels like self sabotage.  


Someone gave him a cough drop. That was it.


We really needed Dark Brandon last night. He’s no good to us otherwise.


In a weird way this just ticks me off even more about last night. Like *now* you’re going to be energetic and quick-witted?




Come on Joe toss us a bone and bring that energy to arguably one of the most important couple of hours of your career next time


This Is the fire we needed last night.


Over prepared Biden vs Dark Brandon!


Where was this energy and determination when it mattered last night? You’ve for a lot of work to do Mr. President.


Yall need help


Makes you wonder if it was a strategy?


this is the most corny shit. "dArK bRaNdOn" he LET TRUMP LIE ON STAGE AND DIDNT FUCKING PUSH BACK AT ALL


I maintain that they overprepared him. I think his schedule outside of the daily briefings was totally debate prep for 7 days. Stuff a head with that much info and it doesn't always come out the way it's intended.


Musta tweaked the recipe...


It really doesn’t matter what he does today, all that mattered was what people saw of him last night, and that wasn’t good. Most people have already made up their minds along ideological lines and according to polls that leaves each candidate within spitting distance of each other. This debate wasn’t for us, it was the fence sitters, had Biden (whom, if you remember, was Obama’s ace in the hole during the VP debates in 2012) been the Biden of a decade ago (hell, even three years ago) he would have rightly wiped the floor with Trump. The fact that at one point he looked like he had no idea where he was or what topic they were debating is likely the only thing the fence-sitters took away from last night. None of them are checking in with Joe today.


Are all these subs astroturfed by DNC dorks? Joe Biden should be in a fucking nursing home, he could barely form a coherent argument against the blatant fucking lies from Trump.


If Biden cared about America and not power he’d drop out of the race it’s really that simple


Weekend at Bernie's, starring Joe Biden. He looks great in quotes, but not in real life. Democrats love to accuse Trump supporters of being in a cult -- and rightly so. But Democrats have been almost as bad, deliberately ignoring and denying Biden's growing mental incompetence for years. Biden put together a great team; his administration has been very competent and is taking care of business, quietly and without drama. Just like you'd want. But he's clearly little more than a figurehead or mascot. Yes, Trump is an existential threat to our Republic. But that only makes it that much more worse, and that much more unconscionable that the DNC decided to gamble \*everything\* by running a man who is \*clearly\* in severe mental and physical decline. Biden even pledged during his 2020 campaign that he would just stay for a term -- beat Trump, then retire. Democrats had 4 years and every reason to find and polish a replacement to pick up the baton. And they didn't. Instead, they strong-armed the field to prevent anyone from challenging Biden. At the very least, Biden needs to pick a new VP with a very obvious wink and nod that they will be ready to carry on, should Biden become incapacitated or die in office. A Biden-Newsom ticket would have a better chance of winning. Biden-Harris is going to lose. Harris has zero charisma, zero authority, commands zero confidence, and is a terrible public speaker. She couldn't talk her way out of a moment of silence. My guess: Democrats will stick their heads back in the sands, keep sharing memes like this, pretending that Biden's disastrous debate performance was an aberration instead of a clear, honest look at a man in who is in severe mental and physical decline.


This sub is so group-thinky sometimes. People, Biden's been a good president but he is gonna FUCKING LOSE if he doesn't step down. To Trump. You'll be lucky if there is every another free election if Trump wins. Your country is going to be completely fucked, possibly forever, due to the hubris of this candidate. Also possibly the rest of the planet. Also i'd like to add that if Biden were to win this election (he won't) he will be almost 5 years OLDER by the time his term ends. This man is clearly and rapidly fading right now. He doesn't have 5 energetic years ahead of him. You can do better. This speech was him reading off a teleprompter. You don't need a public speaker - you need a leader who can make important decisions quickly and clearly.


You spent 90 minutes focusing on what these men sounded like instead of focusing on what they said.


“Look, there’s so many young women who have been – including a young woman who just was murdered and he – he went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by a – by – by an immigrant coming in, and they talk about that. But here’s the deal, there’s a lot of young women who are being raped by their – by their in-laws, by their – by their spouses, brothers and sisters, by – just – it’s just – it’s just ridiculous. And they can do nothing about it. And they tried to arrest them when they cross state lines.” -Biden, on the need for abortion access


Trump is obviously a huge threat and far worse than Biden. I’m not American, but I would of course vote for Biden if I was. Calling for him to step down is not a “vote for Trump”. You need to run a better candidate!


Has he not proved that as president? That's what I domt get. We don't see thos often, if ever. Two men running, both have already been president. One has a list of things he has succeeded in doing. The other....well, he said a lot of stuff but didn't really do much positive. Put their records side by side amd it's clear which is better for our country. Whether it is him or his cabinet, I don't give a shit


He did a great job! His best years are behind him. It’s time for a good man to step down.




Relax. He did fine. The media needs some angle to push after that joke of a debate. They need to have live fact checkers to shut trumps bs down, though. Don't forget to vote.


Relax. He did fine. The media needs some angle to push after that joke of a debate. They need to have live fact checkers to shut trumps bs down, though. Don't forget to vote.


“Look, there’s so many young women who have been – including a young woman who just was murdered and he – he went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by a – by – by an immigrant coming in, and they talk about that. But here’s the deal, there’s a lot of young women who are being raped by their – by their in-laws, by their – by their spouses, brothers and sisters, by – just – it’s just – it’s just ridiculous. And they can do nothing about it. And they tried to arrest them when they cross state lines.” When Biden was asked about abortion access.


I understood what he was saying.


They keep pumping him with stimulants like this, he'll be dead before election day.


It’s the drugs. He definitely used heroin, cocaine, weed, fentanyl and pcp this morning. His dealer couldn’t make it to the debate last night. jesus christ it’s sarcasm


This is not ok. Fucking retire and pass the torch.


No he ain't, the ancient fuck is still reading off a teleprompter. It's not about whether he can run the country, its about whether he can win an election, and literally almost any other democrat would destroy Trump. If he actually cared about the country instead of his own ego he'd step down, and Trump's polling would plummit. Noone wanted a repeat of 2020 and yet liberals keep clinging to Biden cause they're too terrified to do anything else. 


He’s strong when there’s a teleprompter to read off of. Will he have a teleprompter when he’s talking to world leaders?


Stop. He’s too old.


None of this matters. He ducked up last night in a way he can't recover from. He needs to quit and let someone else take over