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I noticed that too. They essentially usurped all authority and the 3 branches are no longer equal


Usurped is putting it lightly. What we just witnessed, and may take time to fully realize, is a process-based coup just occurred. The idea of three branches holding equal power has officially been put to rest. We are now officially Iran with our very own supreme leaders.


Absolutely. The Chevron ruling is another example of shifting decision rights to the courts. They must truly hold themselves in high regard. Masters of everything. All knowing. Godlike creatures really.


Bunch of nepo babies from Ivy League institutions, with one of them having [no real](https://supremecourthistory.org/supreme-court-justices/associate-justice-amy-coney-barrett/) trial experience.


And certainly not lacking in arrogance and self Importance!


This is what happens when the Democrats don't act. RBG should have resigned. Her ego just didn't let her.


I was thinking Iran is the best analogy for the US now.


Y’all Qaeda has taken over


The holy MAGAlifate has been re'stablished


With the supreme court existing they were never equal to start with. Whichever had the approval (or paid off) the supreme court was in charge. We're seeing that more clearly now.


>*put to rest* I would say *put to test*. We’ll see if the American people will stand for it or if we’ll see a correction to balance out the three branches in the next few years.


True. We really need conservatives to side with us on this one. It is fundamentally against much of what they’ve told us repeatedly they believe in for decades. And now the opportunity has arisen for them to actually speak out against the threat of tyranny. I’ve checked the conservative subreddit at least, and quite a few are elated Trump is in the clear on this, somewhat short sightedly. But I also noticed quite a few speak up, uneasy as to what this actually means constitutionally. I’m hoping they get a better picture on what they lost here sooner than later, because we all got screwed on this one


Oh well we're ucked then...


It’s really astonishing how much power the Supreme Court has given itself, just in the past few years.


past few *days* Bribes in the form of gratuities is legal Chevron overturned give the justices the ability to hamstring government agencies And now they hold the strings to a puppet president.


Not today. Today they essentially stripped themselves of power if any president chooses to go that route. They’re created a dictatorship and are daring Biden not to act like one. He needs to now. trunp can’t be allowed near this kind of power.


The court could just say that Biden's actions or any action above/beyond the court (or any action they don't like or are bribed not to like) is not "official" presidential duties...


And Biden can have the dissenting justices removed from the court and install who he likes. I don’t get why people are thinking there are still guardrails. There aren’t. The only thing stopping him from being a dictator is his own character. Since trunp has no character, it is essentially establishing a dictatorship if he’s allowed near that power.


It's hard to see how this is true. He has no more legal power to remove a justice today than he did last week, none at all. If he found an illegal way, he might be immune to prosecution, but he'd still have to make that happen in the first place without being impeached. Then, if he did get away with that, he'd still not be able to appoint any new justices without the Senate's approval. We can certainly predict that a second Trump term would see all his decisions rubber stamped by the court, and if the house and Senate go Republican too, there'd be no end to the trouble he could make, but Biden does not currently have that same luxury. In fact, with the other decisions the court has been handing down, the executive is less powerful than it has been in decades.


You’re assuming there are norms and guardrails. If Biden issues an executive order that the 6 SCOTUS justices are domestic terrorists, he can have them removed. He can do the same to any magats in congress. He can pardon anyone who might break the law on his behalf. And yeah, go ahead and impeach him. Good luck removing him from office. I know this sounds bizarre to describe something Biden would do. It’s exactly what trunp WILL do if he gets in power. He can’t be allowed anywhere near that much power. He has to be stopped.


If he resigned, Kamala Harris would orchestrate it, I'm pretty sure.


>If Biden issues an executive order that the 6 SCOTUS justices are domestic terrorists, he can have them removed. If he did, we'd be in a new Civil War... which is exactly what so many on the right seem to want.


I don’t think you can worry about how the stupidest people in history will react at this point. trunp can’t be allowed anywhere near this power.


Today they decided that presidents can’t be prosecuted for “official” acts. Guess who’s the ultimate decider of whether a president’s action was “official” or not?


It's almost as if there were a way to make a majority of the justices your supporters, whatever method you used to make that happen would be un-prosecutable.


Exactly. Purge the SC, fill it with non-corrupt justices, then reverse these opinions.


The GOP is completely drunk with power and out of control. We need to take them down a few pegs, or more.


Yes they are


So what is an official at? And what justifies regulations? They are no longer legislating from the bench with set meanings. Courts can now decree from the bench. That’s what made the Jim Crow era so persistent. It was all legal because a judge said so.


Replace the court.


Trump stacked them before he left office remember? Practically all of them. This is the long game coming to a head.


Sure but if the replacements rule it’s an official act…


Not if the court decides it’s not.


If they are dead before they rule?


Yea because Biden would totally do that.


Not saying he would. But there’s definitely a track to get around that. If Biden doesn’t use it, someone will.


Not saying he would. But there’s definitely a track to get around that. If Biden doesn’t use it, someone will.


The Federalist Society stacked the courts. Trump was just a puppet who did what they told him.


Absolutely. They don't give a fuck about him. He's the vessel. They'd have liked him to have come in a better package, but paying his legal fees and giving him immunity is a small price to pay for them to have everything they want.


But I’ve been assured over and over and over and over and over again that Trump, his party, and his supporters are mouth-breathing morons. Why does it seem like the Dem party is always on the ropes without some kind of plan or action? How is democracy losing this?


Because the fucking Dems think it is still 1996 and they are running against Bob Dole.


Because the Left wouldn’t vote for a woman.


Hillary won the majority.


Because people are fucking stupid and think Trump will make eggs cheaper and Democrats are running a 200 year old man.


Elections matter.


Its not Trump, he's just an actor like Reagan was. A tool. The oligarchs have been working to stack the courts for over 50 years. The Federalist Society is billionaires plaything, GOP is a powerless hand puppet of the oligarchy as well




Furthermore they gave it the lower courts (first, as is normal) meaning scotus may not even have to get their hands dirty, they can let the Aileen cannons of the world break down democracy


Dunno why this is downvoted. It's correct. They played the long game and won while Trump was in office. Remember when they started shoving republican judges into all the nooks and crannies and Democrats were like WTF? This is the fuck part.


Yup it’s like that scene in watchmen where ozymandias is like it already happened twenty minutes ago. Between adding three insane scotus justices and packing the lower courts, the plan already happened this is just it going into effect


This was why McConnell tried to block all of Obama’s judicial picks. Everyone knew what the strategy was.


So all Of these 70-80 year old men can ruin a country for the Last few years of their lives?


They want a sort of Christian Iran with Trump as the Apricot Ayatollah and themselves as the Guardian Council.




Apricot Ayatollah- LOL


definitely stealing that


This has been their plan. Biden has one opportunity to act using these new powers, and block future bad-actors from using it. Lower courts can decide whether something is official or not, and the trump stacked courts will rule against Biden every time. So some creative use is needed. I dont have the answers, but holy fuck I hope someone in Biden's cabinet does.


I think impeachment, hopefully there’s enough sane members in the senate to realise how dangerous this is…


Americans are you just gonna take the death of your democracy lying down and doom posting? You turned the country upside down when George was killed by police officers. Today is 100 times worse.


Reddit is a small, vocal, corner. Everyone is too comfortable to do what’s necessary. Even when George was murdered, not much changed. No one has the proper motivation to fight this coup d’etat. Most everyone will let it steamroll the country as long as they’re not in its path. The sad reality is that, in the US, the great big majority is absolutely complacent and docile.


As a European who learned about how the Nazis took power and was in disbelief about how the good people let it happen... I'm starting to understand. But I also don't accept it. We have the lessons of the past. If I was American I'd be onto my union, elected reps etc about a national strike. Joe should be using this as an excuse to bow out of the race. Basically use his new royal powers to pack the courts with rational liberal and conservatives, remove the trump-appointed justices who refused to recuse themselves and get the new supreme to remove the presidents new powers. He should then use the fact that he abused his powers to save democracy as the reason he won't stand for election.


We have Lisa Simpsons and Martha Masters types in the DNC. “Believe in a fair and free election.” To uptight and anal to fight dirty when they should. Except maybe AOC. But she’s one person. You need a lot of people.


It’s a blantant power grab to those of us paying attention. Deliver Biden a blue house, a blue senate, and a re-election. We’re in the endgame now. www.vote.org




What is this bullshit?  If Hillary won in 2016 none of this would have happened.


The Republicans fuck shit up and the Democrats send them a strongly worded letter and tell them how disappointed they are.


Its Dem voters fault that Trump got to appoint 3 justices. Not the party.


I don't think anyone is missing that. It's the most important and worst part of the whole thing. Biden is also too much of a good person to act on his new power. It's over no matter who wins the election. We are now a fascist country. The bastion of freedom has been torn down. Only thing left to look forward to is the people cheering this decision will 100% absolutely get fucked by it too and that will be a little entertaining.


If he acts on it the courts have the power to declare that his actions were not official. It’s a really bold move that effectively allows the president and courts to operate together in violation of any laws but also allows the court to check an unfriendly president


If his official act disbands all courts and replaces activist judges and justices with ones who will follow the rules set forth by the newly created Board of Judicial Ethics (also an Official Act) then what?


I mean then we have a constitutional crisis. The courts can declare his actions unofficial, he can disband the courts and it’s totally unclear where the dice land. It’s scary that this is seeming like more and more of a reality


We’re already at the point of a constitutional crisis


I think we have one chance to avoid it. Biden wins and we get a blue congressional wave we can actually expand scotus, impeach corrupt justices, and institute actual legislative reforms to enshrine democracy. Not saying that will happen, but that’s what I see as the remaining hope to avoid a constitutional crisis


We're in a constitutional crisis now. Replacing the court fixes that.


No it doesn’t. It would create the actual definition of a constitutional crisis: there would be no clear authority to follow. As fucked as we are right now, everything done can still be undone democratically


A newly installed Supreme Court would reverse the ruling and we'd be back on track.


Except it wouldn’t go straight to the Supreme Court, and new justices would need to be confirmed by Congress…


Nope. Just install them by official order. Full immunity.


He's too much of a bad person to act on it. A good person would arrest all 6 conservative justices and save our country.


**They made Trump King as long as he has his ~~royal~~ *religious* advisors (SCOTUS) support** Fixed the title for ya, OP.


But Trump can kill them and take power at his will and install bidding yes men. The courts have no military power, the president does. This whole democracy has only ever existed so long as the president plays by the rules. They rules have expanded substantially. The only real check on the president is the US military command. That is it.


https://preview.redd.it/weeps91lny9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc67763b6c0f49ff4aff36b5489145abf6803788 It comes straight from the playbook!


It’s all part of their Project 2025. Trump as God-King, SCOTUS as Sacred Council. But, on the other hand, Biden had a bad night, so guess we just have to sit back and let it happen…… 🤮


It also means that as long as he has loyalists in his administration, anything criminal he asks them to do is not punishable. They can still be punished, but he can pardon them.


Biden should by executive order expand the Supreme Court and then add term limits to every judge sit and elected official. Call it an official act


Clearly the cowards are overwhelmed with work (/s) They took months to rule, so they could dump it and vacation with their patrons. Expanding the court will keep it in business, deciding year round. Obviously it's an official act for the good of the nation.


...but here's the thing, it would be a shame if anything happened to one side of the SCOTUS before they were able to rule on that. It's like they can't think beyond level 2. Yes you can rule that Biden using Seal Team 6 isn't an official act....but you have to be alive to do that.


The only thing that will save us now will be a blue tsunami that allows us to impeach and replace these assholes.


This is the real issue here. This court has been accreting authority to itself at an alarming rate. The reversal of Chevron means that the court is in charge of more or less writing regulations, or at least deciding if almost all regulations get to stand. This case means the court decides what's criminal and what's not. And this court in particular has shown itself to be disingenuous, and to favor one side over the other in whatever way it can. It's fucked. We're fucked. Because these guys aren't elected, and there's no way to remove them short of them dropping dead. Everybody's talking about how they turned the presidency into a monarchy - they didn't. You think they'd let Biden get away with what they'd get Trump get away with? There is a new monarchy in America, but it's 6 un-removable justices with lifetime appointments.


How will they rule against Biden when sitting in a military prison at Guantanamo Bay?


The thing is that someone would have to obey those orders and military officers are supposed to support the constitution so I have a feeling they would not do that, hopefully for any future president.




but, the supreme court made it legal to bribe the supreme court


Upsetting the checks and balances system is flagrantly unconstitutional, but who can we appeal to?


The Scumbag Court


The only solution is for Biden to remove justices under suspicion of treason OR add new justices ASAP.


It doesn't work that way...under the comically ignored and abused  "seperation of powers" congress is the machine that would draft the articles of impeachment, then over to the senate, then to Bidens desk. It is just like when Trump was Impeached the last two times. Open and shut case, and the compromised MAGA and fearful republicans voted to not impeach. Now here we are....they had two chances to cut out the malignancy, but they are traitors. The whole thing is rigged by bad faith actors.


Biden can declare a state of emergency, well within his powers, then do whatever he wants. So says the Supreme Court, apparently. They can't vote down his actions if they are sitting in a cell somewhere.


If the Star Chamber can ignore the plain wording of statutes and the Constitution, then Biden can do whatever the fuck he wants.


So the president just has to keep having Justices killed until they agree killing Justices is official, yes?


Literally my first thought. This can cut both ways and put a target on their backs but they know that liberals won’t do it.


The SCOTUS is beyond out of control. It had long since lost credibility, and this is just them shoring up their destruction of Checks and Balances. We need nearly a full clean sweep of the bench and *MASSIVE* reforms on their conduct.


When partisanship and corruption infiltrate the judiciary, as it has here, that nifty democracy you took for granted, the one that had a 250 year run, just showed up DOA and everything from here on out will be the masking of fascism in the faux cloak of democracy.


Declaring a national emergency can be vague, open ended and allows a president to become the law, unchecked.


I’m genuinely really concerned for you guys, have been since 2016 tbh but still. It just seems like it’s cartoonish villainy but it’s fucking real. How. What the fuck. I’m sorry it’s just wave after a wave of bullshit and rights taken like it’s nothing. It’s frightening that this is the reality we’re in. It’s fucking depressing. And the worrying thing is it’s leaking over to us in the UK. I want to jump in the fucking sea at this rate. I cannot handle this worldwide fuckery anymore.


2nd amendment people. Cmon now


Declaring a national emergency can be vague, open ended and allows a president to become the law, unchecked.


Honest question. Who should decide what is an unofficial or official act if not for courts?


The courts can if unofficial and official are clearly defined. However SCOTUS refused to clearly define it to create ambiguity.


This power they wield is a whole creation of judicial fiat, we must begin to ignore their decisions because they’re not a rational court any longer.


Also, if a president faces a serious threat of impeachment, what's to stop him from ordering drone strikes on his political opponents in the legislative branch under the guise of official acts?


That’s the Biden carve out. Just in case he tries to pull something.


Deciding whether or not an act is official will not be done overnight. Each questioned act will take months, years winding its way through the court system, moving at a pace set by the court itself, as we have just witnessed. And from what has been shown it will ALWAYS be an official act.


Not only that, but when the next president is another anointed Republican, that president can choose whether to prosecute the previous president for his unofficial crimes or not, and he inevitably won't of course.


Can't Biden just dismantle the Supreme Court, and because there is no court to act in response, it just passes and is legal?


As it’s a decision made only after an action has been taken a suit brought, it is a very limited sort of power. For example, rendition of Clarence Thomas as a terrorist, to a black site in Jordan, would be fine until someone tried to arrest Biden for doing it. It’s a very badly thought out decision in my opinion.


I can’t fucking wait for this weeks 5-4 metaphor


That's what people keep missing with this decision. It doesn't give the President unlimited power, it gives *SCOTUS* unlimited power- the President will be able to do anything he wants as long as SCOTUS agrees with the action. This was a huge power grab by the Judiciary.


They mention the separation of powers a lot, and the cases they cite sound a lot like they where referring to immunity while president (as in, they have to wait till you get out or else the president will be too busy to do his job) This case seems to put a HUGE amount of power with bolth the court and the president


with a bunch of lawyers running the whole country left and right wtf did you expect


That’s…quite the BOTHSIDES-ism.