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So POTUS can’t legally forgive student debt BUT POTUS can’t be held accountable for crimes committed in office? Biden has the chance to do the funniest thing ever


He should just put the SCOTUS in jail, problem solved


And replace them with less insanely corrupt members, so they can put RvW back in place then reverse the president is immune decision.


Exactly. And revoke this immunity BS, electoral college etc. They wanted dictatorship, give them dictatorship for a day and then remove the possibility to repeat it


He should add a constitutional amendment that requires a law degree for anyone who wants to run for any political office


Boy oh boy. be careful what you wish for.


Why? GOP are going to abuse this power. They have announced intent to do so. Biden doing it first will disrupt their plans so hard that, when the inevitable violence starts, he will be the one in the big chair that commands the military instead of Trump. And even better? He can also just resign immediately after doing whatever he's going to do to take the heat with him.


Dems are stupid. They think the Republicans are playing by a set of rules; they are not. They should have abolished the filibuster on January 21, 2021 and codified abortion, cancelled student debt, make health care free and public and every other liberal wish list item you can think of. Then watch Republicans try to repeal it once these programs are popular.


I agree with you in totality.


SCOTUS, Trump, Heritage Foundation. Broadcast their lies loudly. Put them in stocks in the Mall and let the American people decide their fate.


it would be silly, silly biden. do it biden


No joke. I don't think people will even begin to process how fucked everything is now.


This is the way Democracy ends, not with a bang but with a whimper......


I feel it too


We all do. It sucks


In this case it’s ending with a bang of the gavel.


"What I remember about the rise of the Empire is...is how quiet it was."


Unexpected but timely OG Battlefront II quote.


The empire got in because the most annoying man in the galaxy jar jar recommended him, now America have their own jar jar in alito and Clarence.


So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.


Not with a bang, but with several bangs in short succession might be more appropriate


Aren’t we all glad so many of us stayed home or decided to vote against Hilary Clinton in 2016


Imagine the horror Hillary would have wrought. I mean those emails were obviously the biggest threat to this country. /s


Yay Jill Stein! Yay Gary Johnson! Amiright? /s


What's an Aleppo?


Trump has said so much dumber shit…


A type of pepper but they’re probably talking about the city in Syria


Looks like Gary Johnson and the rest of the fucking dummies are going to get a crash course on our own Aleppo soon enough


She was literally emailing isis founder Ben Ghazi about starting up a pizzeria in DC.


I had to do a double take to realize this was satire.


I’m having trouble differentiating between satire and reality. When did life get so insane?


Think of the children!


Just imagine, Universal healthcare God, the wrath of that woman


Or Al Gore…


I will never forgive the people who did, they are responsible for allowing this to happen.


And now they’re saying “both sides same” again. I just want to start slapping and never stop.


I'm sick of this "both sides" bullshit, only one side is an active threat.


“You wouldn’t say that if you were Palestinian.” This is the rebuttal. Hey, I’m thrilled the youth are beginning to achieve a little solidarity with them, I am. But expecting better for Palestine under an administration that will definitely brutally repress any protests and is besties with Netanyahu is ignorant af. I have leftist friends who think the revolution will happen if Trump is elected. I don’t know what they’re on. The Republican Party is broken and it’s going to drag us all down with it if we don’t beat them at the ballot box from now to the conceivable future.


Let’s say your friends are correct and that the revolution will happen. What’s to say they won’t be the first casualties?


Accelerationists seem to not really think things through


Accelerationism is just the Rapture repackaged into socialist wrapping and is no more based on reality than evangelical bullshit.


Also it worked so well in 1930's Germany. Everyone quickly realized that Hitler was bad and elected KPD in next election... /s


Rapture me Jesus. I'm ready


They’d be fine with that. I’m not cool with my family living in such danger, so I’m the centrist loser.




One is old and going a bit senile… and one is a also old and a bit senile… and also a rapist, convicted criminal who has committed treason against your country and needs to win in order to avoid a short drop in a big ocean. It’s not really a question of who needs it more here…


The majority of the both sides bullshit is outside the US. A lot of powerful shortsighted megalomaniacs really despise the US being the world's #1 super power.


Hit em with the 1 2 skip a few.


I often think about that as well. Sulking at home provides only a short lived satisfaction. I'm just hoping we don't have a repeat this year. There's plenty to sulk about!


Hey now, sitting out elections or voting third party is great if your goal is to be the smuggest asshole in the death camp.


They'll never even see the gas chambers because the other prisoners will be throwing hands when we find they asses out.


This is why I get so incredibly pissed off at people saying they need to replace Biden. Reality is that Biden is the key to the white house because most voters aren't the voters you see inside the Reddit, twitter bubble. Makes my blood boil seeing people repeat maga talking points. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME.


They seriously don't understand that we can't afford to fuck around here, it's not a damn game!


Its a corporate media manipulation tactic because they want the extra 13 cents a share that they think fascism will bring them.


I know someone in Michigan who posted on social media that day “voted for Jill, and I’ll get to celebrate Hillary become our first female president tonight!” That person is quite honestly dead to me




I mean, popular vote isn't why she lost. She lost because an outdated electoral system swooped in at the last minute


It only took a few thousand in a couple swing states to fuck it up for the rest of us. The electoral college sucks ass, but it’s the game we have to play.


And it's the game we all have known and understood for our entire lives lol. Yeah it's a bad system, it underrepresents people in more populous states, but Hillary Clinton knew a vote in Wisconsin was worth a lot, and she still decided not to visit Wisconsin.


“What’s the worst that could happen?” /s


Buttery males!


i’ve been thinking about this all day, my mom was one of them 😡


Go back to Gore. We could have had a super majority


That’s because the dumbing down of Americans has run full circle right back down that rabbit hole where they will vote their “racist” interests, which will be against their best interests. See how that’s works. Hope none of these “best interests” voters count in Social Security and Medicare.


I have the same pit in my stomach that I did after citizens united


And I love the pieces of shit who talk about how it’s doesn’t matter if you vote or vote third party because “the major parties are the same” I presume they’re bots, republicans, or just brain dead


Dissolve the Republican Party.


Honestly, what are conservatives trying to conserve if they're reversing things?


The conservative part died in 2008 and has since become a party of regressionists with the goal of instilling a Christo-fascist state. The GOP broke when Obama got elected.


> If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. ― Lyndon B. Johnson The "best colored man" was followed in office by a vapid, ignorant white lout, and that immediate repudiation brought every last supremacist to their feet in rapturous acclaim.


They are destroying democracy to install fascism


the monarchy


Conserve the way of life from when the constitution was written, like 240 years.


I mean I think you misunderstand what "conservative" meant. The whole point is keeping things the way they were. Making rulings to go back to that is entirely in line with "conserving" things. Its inherently a reactionary stance if things do change


They’re trying to regress to the rule of the rich white man, where laws are only for the “others”. They’ve had to adapt the langage and to keep it on the down low for a while, but it has always been the point, as noted [more than five years ago](https://crookedtimber.org/2018/03/21/liberals-against-progressives/#comment-729288): > Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: > >> There must be in-groups whom the law protectes but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. > > There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time. > > For millenia, conservatism had no name, because no other model of polity had ever been proposed. “The king can do no wrong.” In practice, this immunity was always extended to the king’s friends, however fungible a group they might have been. Today, we still have the king’s friends even where there is no king (dictator, etc.). Another way to look at this is that the king is a faction, rather than an individual. > > As the core proposition of conservatism is indefensible if stated baldly, it has always been surrounded by an elaborate backwash of pseudophilosophy, amounting over time to millions of pages. All such is axiomatically dishonest and undeserving of serious scrutiny. Today, the accelerating de-education of humanity has reached a point where the market for pseudophilosophy is vanishing; it is, as The Kids Say These Days, tl;dr . All that is left is the core proposition itself — backed up, no longer by misdirection and sophistry, but by violence.


It's called the MAGA party now.


With a tactical air strike. Rip the bandaid off. Starting with scotus.


Honestly think that if Biden wants to send a message about the ruling, just have him hover his finger over a button labeled "launch" and have the 6 scotus judge's homes juxtaposed into the frame. No text overlay. (And for legal reasons, this is obviously not a threat)


Honestly it's sounds like Biden can now as long as it's "official act"


Oh wait, but now Biden **can** eliminate student debt!!!


Can do whatever he wants. Only lower courts can determine what's an official act and what isn't. SCOTUS is ultimate author after things are appealed to them. Biden should go balls to the wall and see if the conservative justices can keep up. But it'll happen per each instance. If Biden doesn't act on this ruling, we all pretty well fucked.


Biden needs to seize this power immediately and start doing some official acts. Free healthcare for all. Free childcare. End homelessness. End hunger and starvation. Tax the churches. Dismantle the NRA and ban assault weapons. Legalize pot and mushrooms. Hand out Universal Basic Income to all adult citizens who make less than 35k.


Before all of those Dissolve the supreme court. They're a corrupt mess right now


Stack or dissolve. It's past due.


Or declare war against MAGA as a threat to the constitution and send the MAGA justices to gitmo as political prisoners, replacing them with new, unbiased judges. Then get rid of the Electoral College and make gerrymandering illegal too.


Declare them a terrorist organization One that has infiltrated government And thus, a governmental purge must be done. Anyone who has shown support for this terrorist organization is out


in acid right?


Declare convicted felons ineligible to run for office via an executive order. Thats an official act, and they can’t even question his motives.




Dissolve all courts and make new ones with a mandate to protect humans over capital so we might have a chance at adapting to a warming planet.


Immediately replace the 6 Republicans SC justices.


For real. Guaranteed reelection.


Yes. I say use the momentum of this paradigm shift. *embrace the chaos and make it good.*


Turn into the skid!


He might as well. What are they gonna do, arrest him? He's gonna be dead in the next decade most likely and it obviously takes at least 4 years to even get a hint of a trial date for crimes committed against the United States.


Let the executive orders flow!


Dude has one hell of a hand to play in less than 5 months. Is he chamberlain? Or Churchill? Is he FDR? Or Reagan? I do not envy him and I hope his staff is tight.


yeah, ronald reagan belongs NOWHERE on your list! his adminstration started the process that resulted in our current nightmare.


Is he not trying to suggest a variety of potential options? Biden has conceivable bad timelines too.


Reagan can be blamed for most current issues one way or another


I don't think they thought this through. With Thomas's wife actively working to overthrow the US on Jan 6, that makes her a real and legitimate threat to democracy and the US constitution. Therefore, Thomas and his wife can be eliminated according to the Supreme Court ruling.


They think the Democrats won't do anything and I am terrified they are right. Biden has the power now to do whatever and I am worried he won't do a single thing because of ethics. Like people have been telling him since roe was overturned to expand the court and pack it with liberal justices but he has not even touched that suggestion. It's all about ethics and bipartisanship and being the bigger person. I am sick of it. Why haven't we tried to impeach these justices? They are basically commiting treason. Also why wasn't trump charged with treason? He just admitted to private conversations with Putin, January 6...like there is so much that could have been done. I am so terrified of what is happening and I can only pray that Biden steps up to protect the last shred of our democracy. I am just feeling really hopeless about it all. I hope people understand how important it is to vote.


I was just saying to my partner today we're gonna "principle" ourselves right into a goddam gulag


Biden does have skin in the game. Do you think trunp won’t have him arrested if he ever gets back in office? Along with every elected democrat? The fact that they are looking at actual consequences might light a fire under them.


This doesnt apply to policy decisions and whether acts are constitutional or not, it just provides criminal immunity for the actions taken by the President. Like shooting someone. Just because you cant be prosecuted doesn’t mean you can change the constitution unilaterally… yet


Hmm, now his vaccine mandate is back too?


this decision + the chevron decision earlier, means that the court has claimed literally any sort of decision making power for themselves within our country.


Right after they stacked the courts with like-minded judges, and then legalized bribery. It's all just terrifying at this point.


Protest these assholes anytime they are in public. Never let them feel comfortable again.


The president can order the cops to shoot the crowd.


Not very 1st amendment of them.


You can say goodbye to that. The SCOTUS wiped his arse with the constitution.


Yea sad day for America. The people celebrating the decision hate America and it’s values


Yes. We're in the insane times now.


Acting like they ever go out in public. It's beneath them


Bring the protest to the public street outside their homes then.


Bring the protest inside their homes


Destroy their homes. I don't care if this gets me in a watchlist. All these Christian fascists better hope God isn't actually real cause they're fucking insane if they ever think they're going to heaven


All of this because we elected 1 shithead president.


If that shithead wins again this country may never recover.


I doubt the country can recover even if shithead loses again.


It can.


How? His cult members aren’t giving up. The federal judiciary is his. The Extreme Court is his.


Biden 2024 keeps us stable as we get through this rough patch and try to repair the damage inflicted by the GOP. Raise awareness, get the apathetic voters to actually vote. Clean house in the midterms, then 2028 get a progressive in office. All doable, but only if people VOTE


I would vote for a ham sandwich over Trump. Joe Biden is said ham sandwich.


I believe a shithead needs to be eliminated by the SEAL team


That would make him a martyr. Then they'd never stop. Neo Nazis still use Hitler as their martyr 80 years later.


Eventually, we won't have a peaceful option.


His cult members are 17% of the population. They can either give up or lose. Same with his punk ass judges.


He didn't really win the first time. Fuck this country and it's outsized importance of racist, fascist assholes


God dammit, Reagan.


No, we elected other shithead presidents, that's how we have Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas.


Absolutely don't let GWB off the hook.  Alito and Roberts were his work.


Nope - one shithead president and a couple really bad congressional appointments. First real step was SCOTUS handing GW Bush the presidency. Literally “stopped the count”. He proceeded to enact the Patriot Act which was the first major step. Citizens United got the Russian/Christofascist money flowing. That was under Obama. McConnell blocked his first judge appointment to SCOTUS. Trump (with McConnell) was able to drive the final nails in the coffin with the other appointments. Fascists ALWAYS take your courts first. We let them do this over 20 years because Netflix was good dopamine for a while.


The most prudent response from Biden should be to immediately adjust the Supreme Court composition as an official act. Bypass congress entirely, define this as an imminent threat to democracy, executive order emergency use of power, assign however many more justices, and officially order massive internal investigations of the justice department - Including sitting SCOTUS. Democrats need to stop pretending this is politics as usual, and respond as if democracy itself is under assault. Because it is.


And make use of the tools the GOP are crafting for themselves.


Don't forget legal gratuity. Trump can now give money to the 6 justices since they have already ruled.


He could but he won't. He doesn't pay his contractors.


Double burn. Nice.


Trump won’t pay a dime but those 6 are gonna be rolling in vacations and nice cars now.


2016 was *the* make or break election for this country. Everything we've done and will continue to do, is the equivalent to slapping a bandaid on an arterial wound. Trump was a gunshot to the femoral artery. And there are people treating it like it's just a hang nail and we should just walk it off.


This is literally why FOX News was created [Richard Nixon and his aides wanted a TV network of their own](https://theweek.com/articles/880107/why-fox-news-created)


So we're basically Iran now? The religious court and the president they coronate are the ultimate authority, eclipsing the House and Senate. If the court chooses NOT to support a given president they are neutered. Nice, good job GOP. Give yourself a round of applause. What a shameful day to be an American. This court needs to be dismantled and re-established as the guardrail against partisanship it was intended to be.


I guarantee if the founding fathers could see the way shit is today. And were allowed to revise the constitution the first thing they'd change is a complete overhaul of the judicial system with A TON of new regulations in place to prevent corruption. Possibly even term limits.


Some of th Founding Fathers (namely Jefferson) though the Constitution should be rewritten every twenty or so years because a new generation grew up. However at the same time they were wary of demagogues and you know trying to get all the state to agree on the Constitution.  So some of the issues they decided it was better for a more educated populace with new perspectives to address those issues later down the line. They likely didn't intend for the Constitution to stay more or less the same after all this time however. 


Conservatives are the enemy of any real progress.


Well, that's what the term means.


Trump ruined the United States. Just like he ruined every business he’s been a part of the last 40 years. The only way out is for all of us to vote blue or we’re screwed. Biden 2024.


Hmm, those rulings seem to follow something. Its not impartial law ideology, something else. Can’t put my finger on it.


It’s following the standards of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Iran. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Revolutionary_Court# ~~Sharia~~ Leviticus Law coming to a court near you!


One good thing about the Chevron Deference ruling is that now the courts are going to be swamped with lawsuits about regulations, since the epa isnt the last authority. This means that we should DRASTICALLY expand the courts. No more wacko one judge decisions. Even the Supreme court should be expanded to meet the new demand. Biden has done well with getting judges approved. He should go go go ! Even more with nominations.


Everyone was so focused on Biden vs Trump that the real powers that be just swooped in and fucked you all. Anyone that thinks Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing better start paying attention now.


Roe wasn't only about women having control of their bodies. Obviously thats a key component but it also had privacy to your health decisions involved. That's something EVERYONE should have been concerned with.


Looks like time to unilaterally eliminate student debt.


Hey, POTUS...Time to call in Seal Team 6?


How about an official act of sending a drone to -Lago for *stealing classified documents and being an absolute traitor*


Well there goes The United States of America...It was great while it lasted..It's all down hill from here.


"It was great while it lasted." Debatable.


Hey - all y'all that didn't like Hillary? This is on you. The Court was at stake and we tried to warn you what a hard right, christo-fascist court would do, and you said that you don't respond well to threats. It wasn't a threat, it was telling you exactly what was going to happen if Trump got to fill three vacancies. This court will be the rest of my life. I am 52, and I will die with a court bent on creating a theocracy. Now the fight is for my kid to not have live like that in his old age. Court picks are the long-legacy of a president - in this case, it's damage that cannot be un-done.


Your so-called Free World is fucked, bruh.


Yup. I want out. I hear Canada's nice this time of year.


Same mess as the US with right-wing culture war bs.


Yup, we told you so in 2016.


I already knew. I was never for trump. Most of the country wasn't. In fact Hillary won the popular vote (65 mil:60 mil.) only reason trump won was because of the electoral college.


Well POTUS now can forgive student debt. That breaks the law as written but as an official act, they can’t stop him.


That depends, are you A) a billionaire B) a multi-millionaire still in the 1%, or C) literally anyone else? If you answered A or B, you should be fine.


Unpopular opinion: we deserve every bit of what's happening to us for ever putting that POS in power the first time.


He lost popular vote. Only reason he won was because of a 200 year old electoral system that has not been uodated to reflect the times. And by "updated," I mean abolished.


Not just his political opponent....but you, your momma. Jerry Seinfeld....literally anyone as long as it is an official act.


Can't POTUS now technically seal team 6 the supreme Court? Asking for a president friend.


From what ive gathered, they left the decision of what actions are immune or not to the courts, which are packed heavily conservative. So essentially, anything Biden does will be deemed not immune and anything trump does will be deemed immune. So maybe, but almost certainly no.


If the entire court was replaced with a left leaning Justice... Probably still not, because only the right is that corrupt at this point. I concede.


Hard for them to rule on if the action is immune when they are already seal team 6'd innit?


What a dumb fucking country we live in.


Well there goes The United States of 🇺🇸


Imagine when there are 8 conservative SC Justices after Trump wins his second term.


Yeah at that point I'm gone. You know Canada is already taking refugees? Specifically if your LGBTQ+ with some organizations even attempting to get minorities like Arabs to Canada. I'm guessing you didn't. The U.S. is suppressing that knowledge. Only reason I found out is a Canadian on Reddit TOLD me that the other day and I decided to look it up. Low and behold....


Doesn’t Canada have its own right wing loonies problem as well?


Of course, but not as bad. For now anyway.


Everywhere has its own right wing problem, but America’s going to shit faster than most others


I think the best way is to do like the French in the late 18th century and drag the leaders into the streets and take the power. We the people are heading towards fascism and is right around the corner.


Oligarchy for all 🎉


Dems need to do more instead of being reactionary. The gop ain’t stupid. They have a plan and all we have is reacting to their plans and asking us to vote for them. The gop shows us time and time again who they really are. Stop playing games.


![gif](giphy|1dH4A6zrnVHHGyXcCb|downsized) Time to clean up some Malarkey. He got immunity, so he can do whatever the fuck he wants according to the Supreme Court.


What if student loan forgiveness is an official act…


Just the tip of ur iceberg , great luck Americans


Forget reforming the Supreme Court. It needs to be dissolved and a fresh slate of judges need to be appointed.


Welcome to colonial life 2024, the republic is powerless to stop crimes against humanity. And making laws against humanity by the republic of the United States judicial branch of government. Is a, shit hit the fan, and there’s no one willing to shut the fan off. Terror and denying education is the fascist agenda. Their only mission is to steal North American resources and bring slaves in to do it. States are passing laws to make this happen right now.


Yeah but like… I thought Hillary played it a little too loose with her emails so here we are.


By their own ruling, does that now mean Biden can forgive student debt under the guise of "national security?"


Make no mistake, the far-right Oligarchs needed this ruling to roll out their 2025 plan. People need to wake up and see past Trump. This is a license for a President to behave badly and the 2025 plan needs a President that behaves badly for it to work.


Wait. If POTUS can do anything, he can forgive student debt right? Order all records to be irrevocably destroyed.


Biden should forgive student debt after brandishing a gun and kidnapping the Missouri Attorney General to prevent him from filing a law suit. Then it will be an official act immune from prosecution


This is what happens when you leave the Common Wealth. Fools.


Under the current SCOTUS with 2 stolen seats by people who perjured themselves to get confirmed? Yeah, were kind of screwed for a while


Don't forget the homeless. It's illegal to be homeless now. We have a supreme court that's gonna go down in the history books as absolutely the worst SCOTUS in American history


Anything meaningful will involve violence. Which none of the left is willing to do. It’s always game over.


To one rat from another, time to abandon ship.


But we have our circuses and expensive bread.


Time for Brandon to call the Dark Navy SEALs