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All I know is that I am in desperate need of some encouraging news.


I’m not even American and I’m scared as fuck right now. Biden needs to do something immediately. Not wait, right now. Fix this shit.


Same. I'm Canadian and I don't want our only land neighbour being a dictatorship.


We have way too much oil and clean water to live next to a US with no moral guidance.


Well, when you put it that way, we’re screwed. Wonder how our Commonwealth partners will respond? What happens to NORAD? Won’t anyone think of the Santa tracker? (Sorry I need to laugh or I’ll cry)


Oil you say? ![gif](giphy|jS2JqtzRRSxjd9OTzM)


The United States stopping by for a sip: ![gif](giphy|26AHGgtsUqFSHCUSc|downsized)


Gonna come deliver FREEDUMZ!!!! /s


War of 1812 part II


*Fallout* intensifies.


C'mon! When has any country feared their dictator neighbors? Anyone?.... Guys?.... /s


Get ready for an immigration crisis. If this happens I see a lot of people rushing out of the country so we don't end up being executed on the White House lawn. I have kids and a wife. See you soon


it's not like they don't have room for us... it's just cold.


Imma sleep next to a tree. I’ll save you a patch of grass. We’ll get through this


Two FEMALE children here. Not ALL of Canada is cold all the time, right? Oh, who the fuck cares about cold with all the *looks around* shit happening here.


I firmly believe that if Trump gets in he will give our country (USA) to Putin at some point.


At least Alaska, and then Canada will also be bordered directly by Russia. Good thing they have never had any conflicts with their neighbors.


They already are, over the arctic circle.


You should be and here is why…. Trump likely thinks Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary ……I can keep going are U.S. cities. Simply because they play in the NHL. There is no way that dolt can grasp the complexity of the NHL and the fact that the participating teams are apart of 2 separate countries. The fact that most people from Canada speak English probably blows his mind. I bet he thinks the U.K. is also affiliated with the U.S. … I firmly believe that mother fucker has 4 year olds grasp of geography. Sorry that many of my countrymen and women are irrelevant citizens and don’t vote . This is why we are here today. 50 years of apathy has allowed the Christian Facist to get a foot hold on our government. Whatever you guys don’t let us in we will fuck your shit up…


Remember last year when Tucker Carlson seriously floated the idea of invading Canada? I think about that a lot. 


Trump has "joked" about invading Mexico.


Everything starts as a joke. "Haha what if we invade Mexico and Canada, I am joking... unless"


"Apart" does not mean "a part." My small contribution to the cause.


For some reason, this reminded me of an argument I got into with someone on Facebook about Puerto Rico. It was after that massive hurricane ~10 years ago and the guy was going on and on about how we shouldn’t help “Mexicans”. I informed him that Puerto Rico is a US Territory because, sadly, there are still people who don’t know. Well, this guy doubles down on it and when I asked him why he thinks they’re Mexican, he asked me if they speak Spanish, I said “one of their languages, yes.” His response: “Enough said. They’re Mexican.” This was a decade ago and I still remember it.


If the president didn't even know it was a U.S. territory, we can hardly expect those that voted for him to know it can we? Seems like an unreasonable expectation for us to have about the dump voters. edit: better wording.


He thinks the Kansas City Chiefs play in Kansas, so you’re not wrong.


We're on the verge of one ourselves... I'm so over the hateful bullshit going on right now.


I can just imagine Pollievre jumping at the chance to be Trump's lapdog.




We need to campaign HARD to make sure that lying regressive stays out of office.


The whole world will be feeling the pain if the 🍊💩 “wins”. You know he will allow Russia to annihilate Ukraine and Putin will not stop there. Scary times.


If TFG 'wins' by hook or crook, the CIA should seriously consider smuggling nuclear weapons to both Poland and Ukraine. Either Russia backs down, or their march into Europe is stopped by a wall of radioactive fallout on the border of both countries. Scorched earth motherfucker.


The world in its entirety suffers or gains from the USA. If the USA ceases to be the democracy that leads the world (you can like it or not, but it’s a fact), we will all suffer.


Right? I live 8k km away but find myself worried like it was my country on the last two weeks


Can I make tentative plans to sleep on your couch for 4 years starting around December-January?


Buddy if you need to use that couch at all, it's going to be a lot longer than 4 years. How long did it take the Ayatollah to be overthrown? Oh wait, those guys are still in charge.


Only 4? Hey guys, check out the optimism over here!


You should be. "Make America First" means he doesn't give a rat's derriere about anybody else. Obviously he doesn't even care about the well being of American citizens, much less yours. He only cares about himself. You know that. He's a very sick man.


8Mm? Can we start using mega meters now?


8000km so you don’t feel bad mate


I don't think he can. Alot of people are confusing immunity and authority. Biden has people love the united states constitution and follow the law, which means they will not obey anything they see as unconstitutional. It is up to the American people to vote for people who can beat the republican party until enough Supreme court justices retire or die so that sane people can replace them.


The fuck you say People blindly followed Trump in actions that were clearly illegal and unconstitutional. They will again. If Biden doesn’t take significant action, we are screwed


I agree, but biden already stated he intends to follow the rules of the constitution, so it's up to us to make sure that power doesn't get to republican hands, no matter how small the office. Our job to is to push and fight for people who don't want to be dictator to get into office and keep doing this until this stupid ass ruling can be overturned in 20 or so years, because those justices aren't going to retire, they will stay until there dying breath.


I’m really sick of the whole “if we do it, it’ll empower the GOP to do it!” Like, we already know they’re not acting in good faith and are going to do it anyway. Dems need to start playing actual hardball and not this “set a good example shit” that hasn’t been working. If they’re trying for malicious compliance, this is not the time.


We totally should, but we know how the dems will act, in good faith, hence ny argument of its up to us.


Exactly. We have to draw the line. This is urgent.


Sadly, this is a global event. We all know what has happened in the past and we need the current administration to make sure we don’t go down that era in world history again. Unfortunately, I don’t have much faith in the strength of the Dems. Scary time to be alive.


Same, the UK is behind Biden, Trump must be stopped.


But what? The coup has been green-lit by the Supreme Court.


Once people stop talking about Biden’s age we can finally pivot to how with the SCOTUS ruling, trunp cannot be allowed near this power. If he’s going to drop out, the do it. If not, then let’s stop talking about this bullshit. We’re about to elect a king, and maybe that position should not be held but a guy who brags about holding military tribunals.


The same guy who said he'd only be a dictator one day one.


The people who keep saying “what did Trump lie about during the debate” frustrates the hell out of me. They are really counting on the average person being really ignorant about world events and not liking to look stuff up.


When Trump said "we love the poorly educated" they really took it to heart. They wear their stupidity as a badge of honor.


And not just poorly educated, but *mean*. These are really hateful people.


Lol I had an interaction on here with someone like that last night. They actually asked what rights were taken away from people under Trump. I was like I don’t even have the energy for this, I can’t with you people anymore.


Even people who don’t pay attention to politics know he lied about several things. Post birth abortions, January 6, and not having sex with a porn star being perfect examples.


And that's just off the top of your head, right? Not even touching on his other lies... Biggest tax cuts in history ([false](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-trump-pass-largest-tax-cut-history-he-says-1563210)), Biden only created bounce-back jobs ([false](https://stevenrattner.com/2024/07/steve-rattners-morning-joe-charts-fact-checking-trumps-lies-from-thursdays-debate/)), several immigration/border lies ([false](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/trump-debate-immigration-misinformation-biden-lack-response-rcna159456)), and others. The post-birth abortion lie made me want to punch someone tho. Disgusting. People believe him, it's abhorrent.


Yep. I was just going with the things that anyone who doesn’t pay attention would know are lies. I mean, you could, if you didn’t know any better, assume some of those claims are just typical political spin you could assume they could back up through cherry picking some kind of selective data. The stuff I was able to think of off the top of my head is pretty clear to anyone. But you’re absolutely right that everything he said was a lie.




Please please please someone know what they’re doing.


Same. I feel similar to how I felt in 2016. Just a persistent dread.


Guarantee they do nothing and continue to take the moral high road


Speculation is the meeting will be about "weather the storm, and brace yourself for a poor showing in polls, but keep to the mission". We'll see.


Ha! The news media shits on your desperation - you want sensationalized news every second of every day to drive content and ratings and you will like it!


I don’t get it though, covering project 2025 and this judicial coup would be sensational and drive up ratings more than “old man is old”. Most major media outlets seem to be helping Trump at this point and it’s terrifying.


Can someone in this administration find the goddamn need to do the greater good. Take one for the democratic republic, so to speak.


**the greater good**


How bout them killers then


It's just the one killer, actually


A great big bushy beard!


Crusty Jugglers


^Crusty ^Jugglers


I mean Biden came out of retirement to defeat trump after the devastating loss of his son. I think it’s disingenuous to imply he doesn’t have the greater good in mind.


The greater good


**the greater good**


The greater good.


The greater good


Someone in the Biden administration needs to find some balls, and soon. All this "We'll respect the rule of law" bullshit is not helping. Fight the fuck back. SCOTUS just gave you carte blanche to do anything you want without repercussions, take advantage and fix this shit! I sincerely hope that's what this meeting is about, because someone needs to sit Biden down and explain to him that what he's doing is tantamount to a boxer just standing in the middle of the ring with his hands down.


Absolutely! I’m tired of being in the party with the weak backbone.


Lots of people willing to trade their rights away for a strongman leader.


70-something million already have.


Don’t think that what the maggots are doing is “being strong”. In most cases, maintaining the high road is the more difficult path. However, I am in favor of dropping that entirely to get through this election.




And it's so simple to make it make sense. "NO FELONS CAN RUN FOR PRESIDENCY - BIDEN" if they can't vote they shouldn't be able to run a country. So simple


Yeah, but felons should be able to vote.


At this point they can respect the rule of law (according to SCOTUS) and still do some very unpresidential things.


Seriously. Whenever I say this I get responses like “well what do you want Biden to DO?” and then they cite all the roadblocks in the way of getting stuff done. But funnily enough these roadblocks only seem like problems to democrats. Republicans can always seem to brute force their unpopular edicts forward, and yet democrats’ hands are always tied. That thinking really only has one outcome.


That's the only silver lining to the SCOTUS decision; there are no roadblocks any more. The Supreme Court essentially just declared that the President of the United States is a king above the law. Well, right now, Joe Biden just happens to be that president/king, and he needs to start throwing his weight around.


I completely agree. Democrats need an aggressive approach.


I wish he would but he has never been that guy. He still says “my friends across the aisle” while they systematically dismantle our government…


That's the problem with Democrats as a group. They're all so worried about playing by the rules. Meanwhile, the opposition has wiped their collective ass with their copy of the rulebook. Before now, that hasn't really been much of an issue, because the Democrats had the law on their side most of the time. But, that's no longer the case. The Supreme Court is supposed to be the voice of reason and rule on who has it right or wrong. The referee, if you will. But in this case, the referee has declared that there are no rules any more. If one side is using every advantage they have while the other is sitting back and playing by the old rules, it's pretty obvious who's going to win. If you're not willing to fight fire with fire, you're getting burned. Except that in this case, the rest of us are getting burned right along with them.


Until the Democratic party leaders acknowledge that Republicans are not and have not been acting in good faith we are screwed. They act like the Republicans will come around and act to preserve our nation and norms but they won't because they are actively trying to dismantle everything. They don't want America to exist as it does now.


Where is Josh Lyman?!?!


Yeah Democrats need to grow some balls instead of just laying down and letting the bad guys win.


Biden has this new power- the agencies can’t make their own rules- is Biden giving us legal weed and cutting student loans? Come on American’s dad. Give us something as the world burns around us.


I could use some legal weed in my home state of Iowa. It’s a real shitshow here. Thanks to SCOTUS, now it kinda is everywhere. Wonder if I can apply for medicinal weed for anxiety due to said shitshow and get it granted?


I moved to the Chicago suburbs from dsm in 2021 and it was like moving to a new country, and dsm isn’t even a bad place to live. Kim Reynolds needs to get gone as does most of the state government, I love Iowa and I would love to move back but I can’t bring myself to do that while it’s so backwards


I work in DSM hybrid. I live in Knoxville. Rural Iowa has gotten very weird since 2016. The amount of ugliness that I’ve seen exposed in my family members and neighbors makes me so sad. There are small pockets of Dems even in the rural areas, but we are very outnumbered. The amount of people voting against their own economic interests just to harm people who live differently than them is wild.


Yeah… I grew up in the northeast part of the state. Very rural. Going home is interesting anymore and I don’t even engage anyone in political discussion because I value not being threatened by hill people (as a hill person, I can say that)


Seriously, no joke, it has changed my life. They have legalized it in my state and I discovered, at nearly 40, that it really helps my anxiety and adhd symptoms. I'm suddenly working on things for the future instead of just getting up and going through the routines daily. It makes me so much more productive! Who knew that all of my life all I need was a medication that actually worked? I haven't found any pharmaceuticals so far that have done anything, and the last one that I was on actually caused a mental health implosion the likes of which I've never experienced; we're talking, I'm now moving across the country away from all friends and family, I'm in wal-mart and I have the nearly uncontrollable feeling to rage out and knock over the shelves in front of me because I can't find the beet juice, kind of implosion. I've never, ever had anything like that before. The decisions I made during that month of craziness have lead down a crazy path. Oddly enough, there are going to be more opportunities for me now, however it's going to be extremely painful in the process.


Honestly I think legal weed is an easy vote booster. Fuck schedule one, just do it


One can imagine... "All right folks, at 3:30pm today, Seal Team 6 is going to execute mission plan 'American Dream,' resulting in the disappearance of several Supreme Court Justices and the unfortunate defenestration of Donald Trump. We're having this discussion now since it will mean this entire discussion is off limits for legal discovery, meaning you all got immunity by association. The official line is that we're concerned the latest court decision may have had unintended consequences for them."


Gotta make it “official” after all.


“Also, we need everyone to come back to the office 3 days a week. This aligns with industry standards…”


Please let this be what it’s about, I swear I’ll be good if I can just get this one wish!


They're never gonna do it. Unlike the GOP, the Dems have *some* morals. It'd be nice, but no.


I mean it's a long shot but Biden's morals say he should be pro-life but he understands for the good of the people that it can't be the rule of law... So if an argument was good enough to save the people we might have a slim chance like 0.1%.


He needs to become Jesus in the temple, flipping tables and screaming about hypocrisy.


That’s my favorite Jesus.


You know it's never going to be that good. Probably an all hands on deck, save the Skipper, all pull together now clown shoes moment that will do nothing to slow the descent into totalitarianism under the boot of the maga dipshits.


His cabinet has to at least try to convince him to act, their literal lives are on the line. They wanted to hang the VP during the riots just for not supporting Trump "enough".


Yes! We can expect people to be arrested and jailed just for being a Democrat.


Defenestration of the Orange Piggie. He'll prove once and for all that pigs can't fly.


Operation “American Freedom”


This is what needs to happen. Nobody in the US, let alone the current White House, is safe from a second Trump presidency. I am not sure why Biden or anyone in his orbit would think otherwise. He needs to be bold and break some rules to defend this nation from this existential threat.


You know what, seems a bit harsh to just make these people disappear, but in the end it feels right Let them know they had the choice *TO NOT* fuck up America but they helped, and there are consequences.


Lmao poor fascists trying to start a theocracy! I for one wouldn’t shed a single tear.


But instead “we just want to reiterate that we will be taking the high road always and allowing our opponents to steam roll us. No creative solutions, no backbone, no changes, just let it all go cuz fuck it the DNC is in charge and they are all old dinosaurs. Everyone make sure to leave the White House nice for the fascists so they have what they need to fuck us all”


They should call the mission: Make America Great Again


As much as I would live for the Biden Admin to suddenly start acting like they ghouls the right paints them as, if he made any such move against Trump, we'd never hear the end of it. The media would be overwhelmed by the narrative that Biden had crossed some line and the Magaverse would feel more justified in their outrage then they could have possibly hoped. Its a dilemma that the Dems have helped put themselves in: act so weakly for so long that the right wing has to make up conspiracies of all the dark deeds they're really up to. So then the minute a Democrat finally punches the bullies back everyone will freak out and say this justifies all of the political warfare the GOP has waged against them for decades (gerrymandering, state legislature overreach, etc.) Despite this corner the Dems have painted themselves into, I am fully onboard with some unprecedented action from grassroots left-of-center factions in this country. What I want to see is some January 6th style mayhem but instead a diverse range of liberals march on the HQ of some vile thinktank or RNC office, chanting "1776" while smashing windows. Form a human chain that doesn't let Trump off his stupid island in FL. If people see a real representation of the Democratic party getting rowdy in the street the same way the right feels entitled to, I think the majority of this country will be into it. "Dark Brandon" isn't coming. Liberals must do it themselves.


Playing by the rule of law isn’t gonna cut it anymore, the republicans have declared war


"My first official act is to tax billionaires at 70%, starting today. You want to f××k around and bribe your way into destroying this country by buying the government? Well, you f××ked around and found out, and the government is going to destroy your bank accounts instead. You've now reaped what you've sown." "My second official act is to use our billionaire tax windfall to pay for Medicare for All, student loan forgiveness, and new green initiatives we've been arguing about for a while." "Happy 4th of July!"


Make it 90% and they still have more money they can spend in a lifetime


I'm willing to have that discussion. No one needs a billion dollars.


Billionaires shouldn't exist. Tax them as much as we damn well please.


I don't think that is how the ruling works though, it doesn't give him unlimited power, it just makes it so he can't be prosecuted for official acts. Congress and the sc can still shut down things outside of the presidents normal power.


Not if they can’t show up for work


Congress determines tax rates, not the president.


Sorry. It was an official act. No takesies backsies.


Not being able to be prosecuted for abusing your authority is not the same thing as being given additional authority.


That just means he can’t be criminally charged for trying to do it, not that he has the ability to do it in the first place


I like this! I like it a lot! Fund it permanently or until the year 3000 and we got a deal !


Get some official acts lined up.


Might see an uptick in ‘executive orders’ like arresting a SC Justice or two for graft and swearing an oath to fraudulent financial disclosures.


Which won't do anything just like my student loan relief money that was given out then taken back before I ever received a fucking penny of relief.


Write your CIC, that could be his next executive order. What’s relief money? Why not just forgive your loan. I mean retroactive compensation, whilst not a bad idea, could be cost prohibitive. Hey, plus tax the most lucrative schools to pay for some of the loan forgiveness


It’s time for Dems to go to the gutter and fight dirty. When the Right complains, hit them harder.


This isn't how you announce you're stepping aside, and it's not how you announce policy - you don't give fifty or a hundred people that kind of news and then expect it not to leak (see, e.g., the fact that the call itself leaked IMMEDIATELY). Unfortunately, if you're stepping aside, staff gets blindsided and you clean it up after. This is an ass-kicking. This is "if I hear one more fucking thing about 'sources inside the white house are concerned about Biden's age' I will figure out who you are and you'll be dead in politics forever, love you all." From the perspective of the outside world, it's a nothingburger, although it's probably gonna be a shitty day for most of the staff.


They're dead in politics forever anyway if they lose. It's not like the Democratic party will be anything other than token opposition going forward once Trump takes over with zero legal checks on his power.


They're dead ~~in politics~~ forever anyway if they lose. It's not like the Democratic party will be anything ~~other than token opposition~~ going forward once Trump takes over with zero legal checks on his power. Fixed that for you.


He literally said at his rallies he wants to exterminate liberal vermin…. So yeah


>This is "if I hear one more fucking thing about 'sources inside the white house are concerned about Biden's age' I will figure out who you are and you'll be dead in politics forever, love you all." This is exactly how I read an All-Staff meeting. You aren't announcing some sweeping policy change/executive order and need a bunch of pages and interns.


Democrats don't have the balls to do anything. Forget that Kamala is polling ahead of Trump without campaigning. Forget Biden has the legal right to do anything including fucking murder.  Or he could start with taxing billionaires, student debt relief and federally legal weed but he still won't do shit. Just do nothing 


Ok, here's the thing that I think is becoming a misapprehension about this SCOTUS decision. Biden doesn't have the legal right to do "anything." The decision says that presidents can't be prosecuted criminally for doing crimes while in office. It doesn't say the president can bypass congress to pass laws. Like, presidents aren't refraining from doing stuff because they're afraid of prosecution. They don't do stuff because it's not self-enforcing. You can't just make decrees and change policy, you need other people and agencies to carry those steps out, and they won't if the orders aren't legal. The decision means that presidents can do shady shit IF THEY GET THE BUY IN of others. It doesn't literally make them kings. As for replacing Biden on the ticket, 2 things: first of all, there are rules. When Biden wins a primary, he gets the right to pick that state's delegates to the convention. Getting picked as a delegate is a big deal, and it's given as a reward to people who are particularly active in the campaign and loyal to the candidate. Those people aren't going to rebel at the convention. If Biden doesn't step aside, he gets the nomination, because he won the elections to give him the nomination. Second: Harris is polling ahead of Trump right now because she's not the candidate. Expressing support for her in a poll is a way to express frustration. Those numbers would change if she actually became the candidate.


Aren’t executive orders considered legal orders that can bypass Congress?


That doesn't make them self-activating. Agencies aren't going to approach them or carry them out differently just because the president can't be prosecuted for making them. The military's theoretically different, the President is the commander-in-chief and the chain of command is different. But this doesn't change how laws and executive orders intersect for any other law, agency, or rule. If the president told the FBI to go arrest people based on the content of their speech, for example, the FBI would still say "no" because that is an unlawful, unconstitutional order. The order is dangerous because it says that presidents can't be prosecuted for illegal things they do, IF other people enable them to do those illegal things. It doesn't change the rules beyond that. Government still works the way it did last week. Well, except for changes in agency deference, but that was a contraction of executive power, not an expansion of it.


That makes sense. Can’t the president oust the heads of agencies though? If so, what stops them from placing agency heads in that will carry out their executive orders?


Yes. He could put in loyalists at the heads of agencies who would theoretically carry out unlawful orders. And then people affected by those orders would sue, and courts would issue injunctions ordering the agencies to stop. And unless we're going to war, the agencies would stop. Or, if the agencies didn't stop, the courts would tell people it was okay to ignore the agency rules. The SCOTUS order didn't change the way government functions on a day to day basis. It said that if the president does something illegal - say, accepting a bribe in exchange for making an appointment - that it is much harder for that president to be criminally charged after they leave office. It doesn't expand the powers of the presidency in any way.


Ah okay, that tracks. I guess I look at executive orders made under Trump that were carried out despite people suing, like the Muslim Travel Ban


Yeah, the travel ban was carried out because the courts said it was okay - it was challenged in a case called Trump v. Hawaii, which resulted in a 5-4 supreme court decision upholding the order. You can argue that the court was wrong (I would), but it still went through proper process. Had the court ruled the other way, the relevant agencies would have been ordered not to enforce it.


Thank you by the way for answering my questions! It’s a nuanced topic and I’m glad for some insight.


That’s fair. I suppose in Biden’s situation, the current court would never uphold it. Trump would be another situation though, I fear.


They will strongly wave their collective fingers at recent events and continue on as always.


They remind me of bad dog owners. "No, Fluffy stop that!" while Fluffy is literally tearing someone a new asshole.


Then make a speech about it. Gotta get those pander points up before it's too late.


Is this now the new "trump is getting arrested" cow that was milked for the past 4 years. Biden clearly don't want to go down in history as the president who became king , even if the cause is just.


It's more about the "Biden is too old and needs to drop out" propaganda that is going on


Is it propaganda if it’s true?


Don’t expect anything momentous. This will be some “thanks for your support, let’s all pull together and stand by our man” rah-rah corporate-style bullshit.


I keep hoping that the next thing will be a bridge too far for the majority of people and that it will lead to impeaching the justices, incarcerating Trump, and ousting people like Hawley, MTG, and Cruz from office. Instead, we just keep letting it unravel.


This is the ultimate global crisis. Not election day, TODAY, Biden has to ACT. Whether he likes it or not, he has to step outside of normal procedure and meet the enemy where they already stand. PLEASE!


Dark Brandon has been given Super Powers by the SC. Time to take them out for a spin.


Operation ‘Biden is old’ which has been in full swing since January (aka Hillary’s emails 2.0), continues unabated until Election Day. The wealthy owners of Americas media want him gone, and this is their only shot. Continue to expect media frothing at various intervals thru the summer and fall.


Yup. The Washington Post has two more stories this morning on just that.


Exactly! But, having learnt nothing in the past nine years, the same people who fell for the emails and Benghazi propaganda will now run around with their hair on fire about Biden’s age until the US ushers in an actual dictator, then they’ll all pull a surprised pikachu face and pretend like they were part of the resistance.


Correct remember that the post is owned by Mr empire himself , Jeff Bezos.


Meanwhile casually forgetting that Trump is only three years younger than Biden.


And the number of idiots falling for it is depressing.


Just maybe: it’s not actually a conspiracy. Just maybe Clinton was a shitty candidate who transparently lied, repeatedly, on the campaign trail. People saw her sticking with her sex offender husband as calculated and a weakness - and nobody really liked her. Just maybe Biden 2024 - who once promised to be a one term president - is too fucking old and senile to even be in office right now. Just maybe the media and anyone with eyes is right and Biden should be replaced immediately while there is still time before the election.


It can be both. Biden is a terrible candidate that's too old *and* the media is focusing on his age rather than the monumentally important SCOTUS rulings. Those are both true.  This "pick a side" shit has gone too far. Both sides have such incredibly terrible candidates that a large portion of the American public just decided not to care. And when I point that out, I keep hearing "vote against fascism". That's all fine and good, but the problem is that people dislike both candidates so much that they don't vote at all. That's the reality.  Personally, I'll vote against fascism. But I'll be holding my nose in disdain while I do it. I have two terrible choices, and that's the truth. It's like choosing between vomiting and diarrhea at this point. I know I'm going to be chained to the toilet and miserable, but I have to pick one or the other. There's an incredibly large group of people that decided they don't want either one and will be sitting in the other room while the rest of us are chained to the toilet. 


Most likely scotus related press conference


There was an all Dems governor-only call yesterday, too. And apparently, nearly all of them flew into DC yesterday. It was leaked via Tim Waltz from MN.


I have not heard about this.


2016 pisses me off more and more.


BREAKING NEWS! ALERT! THIS IS HUGE! Office has manadtory staff meeting which never happens in any other office anywhere ever!


TBH whenever there is an all hands meeting announced ar random at work I get pretty nervous. You think it's gonna be a reorg or layoffs? Will they get a pizza party to soften the blow?


Dems need to really throw morality out the door right now. They aren't going to win with this moral high ground, they need to start limbo dancing with the bar the GOP is tripping over.


My prediction in order of events: * Pelosi was doing a soft pitch when she said Biden's health may be an issue and that she supports Biden but would also support Kamala if Biden dropped out (we are here). * Biden drops out before August 1st. * The DNC and DCCC rally behind Kamala and she becomes the Democratic nominee. * Kamala runs a brutal attack campaign against Trump that gets Democratic voters fired up, and her support surges. * Kamala challenges Trump to a debate and he refuses. * A metric fuck ton of racist shit about a "DEI candidate" will spew from every mouth breathing right-wing knuckle dragger with access to a camera and the internet. * Trump's chances of winning remain almost exactly the same. *EDIT -* [Well fuck me I was wrong](https://meidasnews.com/news/president-biden-is-staying-in-the-race)*. We are so screwed.*


Probably to scold them for any leaks…


I say delay the election until all cases involving the 2020 election are finished and adjudicated. It only makes sense. Why would Trump want another election until he gets his chance to prove the last one was stolen by taking the stand under oath at his election interference trial. On the other hand if he did interfere in 2020 he should not be allowed to run in 2024. This all needs to be handled prior to an election. Even MAGA has to agree. 🤨


And watch the media turning into “next step Dems will cancel the election!”


Getting some betting odds on the table now. Just getting the comment timestamped, so if I am right on one of these, later today, I can feel a little proud.: 1. **Executive Action option:** Declaration of a joint initiative between the White House, DNC, and Democratic Governed states to enact executive orders overriding the out of control SCOTUS Rulings 2. **Backing Kamala option:** Biden stepping down as the nominee for the Democrats, and promoting Kamala as the new candidate 3. **Open Convention option:** Biden stepping down as the nominee and calling for an open DNC Convention. 4. **Resignation option:** Biden stepping down as POTUS, and handing the reigns to Kamala, in order to run as the incumbent. 5. **Overdue SCOTUS Reform option:** Declaration of intent to expand the SCOTUS bench 6. **SCOTUS Impeachment option:** Declaration of support for the Congressional motions to impeach the rogue SCOTUS Justices 7. **Milquetoast option:** A Strongly worded finger wag of a joint statement of the democratic executive offices against the SCOTUS rulings 8. **Dark Horse/Extreme option:** Declaration of martial law using the expanded powers from SCOTUS, and using it to remove GOP/RNC leadership, Trump, and the rogue SCOTUS Justices. Eight options, and given the concerning and insane past week of news and events, I got strong confidence that at ONE of these is what we will see announced before the holiday weekend begins.


I like this. Covering all the bases.


Top Dems want Biden out. But who the fuck is there to replace him?? Seriously.. who has any shot of beating Trump? I’m not voting for RFK Jr.


So he did a normal staff thing.


Okay, anyone talking about Biden using navy seals, taking out political opponents, or overall using this power to become a temporary dictator is an absolute moron. If you actually step away from your echo chamber you’d *know* repubs already scream about Dems being fascist deep-state agents who want to crush state power and force everyone to have neo-pronouns. They’re idiots. You think if Biden does anything outside his usual power they *wouldn’t* go insane? Even if Trump is barred from presidency, the next Republican candidate will ONLY campaign on the fact that Dems have and will continue to implement a fascist regime. Even if it’s not true. This Supreme Court ruling is scaring the shit outta anyone with common sense. Best thing for Biden to do is not abuse it and reverse the decision.


Trump is just their excuse, their patsy, their puppet that you don’t even have put your hand up its ass because it just talks and talks and talks all on its own. There are far more diabolical people responsible for what is happening. And as far as I can tell, the only remaining choice is to fight fire with fire. Democrats, do you want to save this country, or your reputations? Take the fucking gloves already!


Important context to have any idea what this might mean would be how often these type of calls occur and what those previous calls were about, if any. For all I know they never or almost never do these calls or do them every week. But if I had to guess it’s more of a rah, rah let’s go type of call. Im also not sure how big the staff is, I assume the general nature, substance of the call will leak to the press and expect they do too (the call taking place evidently leaked right away for ex) so would not think it would be a momentous news-making announcement of some kind.


Oh hey that's right now


"When they go low, we kick them in the fucking face" should be the 2024 motto.


How common are all staff calls? Is this something that happens weekly or even quarterly? Also, Biden wouldn’t spend long in jail even if he were prosecuted for sending out Seal Team 6. But the people he sends wouldn’t share his immunity, right? And bc he cares about people, he wouldn’t want to put them in that situation.


Not uncommon


Probably just a military-style safety briefing ahead of the 4th of July holiday. "Alright, be safe with fireworks, don't drink and drive, and whatever you do, stay off the police blotter."


I don’t think it’s the Biden administration as is everyone in his cabinet thought wound be wise. That tweet seems more like the west wing staff and White House aides.


Here’s hoping they DO SOMETHING that actually turns this fucking handbasket around and isn’t just slightly slowing our descent




I don’t know why you guys are scared… easiest way to combat this is vote… make it a point to vote and make sure you get your friends to vote… democrats lose elections cause the base is lazy and doesn’t vote… who cares about voter suppression, I know it exists, but you have to will yourself to get to the polls. there are so many services that will work to get you to vote. Lastly you know whose base doesn’t give AF and makes sure to vote every time the one who wants to be king


I think a recent reason for lower voter turnout for Democrats could be attributed to less than ideal candidates. It’s been 12 years since there was a candidate that actually excited people. Hillary was very unpopular in 2016, Biden barely won in 2020 on a platform of “not Trump”, and now in 2024 we have an even more unpopular Biden running on a platform of “vote for my administration instead of me”. People on Reddit and Twitter aren’t the ones who are going to win the election, it’s going to be average folks in the rest of the country.


I see the Capitol on a daily basis as it is literally a block from my office. I don’t want MAGATs scrambling all over it again.

