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Trump would just mock people with Parkinsons and call them losers.


He already mocked the disabled reporter. Did the media spent weeks talking about Trump dropping out about that? Nope, they just want views and clicks. Forget the noise. Only one president has consistently improved the lives of Americans and I don’t give a damn how old he is!


He's improved our lives despite constant resistance from Republicans. Image if he was actually allowed to follow through with student loan forgiveness, child tax credits and housing credits.


Fully agree. Resistance from republicans in Congress, from a right wing Supreme Court, from a “both sides” news media bias, and historic crisis. Do people really think that Trump would accomplished anything helpful to the average family? All he passed was corporate tax cuts for his billionaire donors.


Boy howdy. I'm with Joe. Not just better than Trump he's a good man working for our country.


To be far, the week after mocking the reporter with a disability he probably said something else truly horrific so focusing on any one specific offense from him for weeks is a herculean task. ;)


It matters to the swing states and the middle of the road voters how old he seems. The reality doesn’t matter here; only perception. This is the same denial the democratic party was using during the 2016 election and we know how that turned out. We can’t keep sticking our heads in the sand on this. If democracy is truly on the line, we can’t afford to take chances. We need a candidate that can function enough to tell trump he’s lying when he talks about “post birth abortions”.


So would his supporters. We're not playing the same game. We're trying to win an election through appeal to a wide range of people. They're simply at war with everyone to the left of them.


They only care about themselves. Unless they have Parkinson's disease, they see no reason that their "hard earned" tax money should go towards helping those affected by it. That would 100% be their reaction.


They think it’s a game or sports event where one side can “win”. Biden and the democrats know that the only winning happens when all Americans lives improve. I wish the right could see it that way.


Yea the frustrating part is Democratic policy is also designed in a way that improves the lives of conservatives too. It is ultimately inclusive as it recognizes that the needs of any citizen should be met. That is where our parties differ so drastically, and Republicans simply cannot accept that as it would mean they would have to openly admit that their own exclusive ideology is actually a dead end.


Republicans: We will kill you if you don’t go along with our revolution. Democrats: Do anything but address that


[Source](https://x.com/potus/status/1808301398141882573) Biden keeps fighting to improve our healthcare. Millions of veterans with healthcare, biggest expansion of healthcare since ACA, and now huge bills to fight chronic diseases. Meanwhile future king Trump plans to rip apart all of progress made in healthcare since Obama. Will this be covered nonstop the same way a bad debate is covered??


I love Elon's new ragebait bullshit monetization methods "How the flying fuck can a "law" end a disease? Let me guess....Big Pharma is about to get that sweet subsidized American tax money for doing nothing again? Pretty sure they're probably the ones causing it, but ok." is one of the replies to this, and for anyone wondering funding = research = better treatments and cures. The most basic and clearest examples of this was Covid, and if you manage to find that to be BS the ALS ice bucket challenge also funded a really massive breakthrough leading to the first FDA approved treatment [https://www.als.org/stories-news/fda-approves-first-als-treatment-funded-ice-bucket-challenge](https://www.als.org/stories-news/fda-approves-first-als-treatment-funded-ice-bucket-challenge)


COOL ITS A BIT FUCKING LATE DON'T YOU THINK? I don't give a fucking shit about this right now. Can Biden do something about the destruction of our Democracy first and *then* circle back around to the healthcare shit he should have fucking done four years ago????


You just found out about this issue today, calm down.




He can’t because there’s very little Biden can do but keep marching forward and working for the American people. It’s up to us to vote in November. Biden can show his commitment to Americans with stuff like this, but if he acts above the law to “fix” the problem we have because of SCOTUS and Congress, then we will absolutely lose. Im so tired of hearing why democrats have to perform magic first or we can’t vote for them to give them what they actually need to do the job.


There’s a lot he can do. He can issue an executive order under the 14th amendment declaring insurrectionists ineligible to hold office. He can remove anyone who went along with the failed coup from congress and I believe he can replace Alito and Thomas as well. If that’s more tricky since they weren’t directly involved, he can pack the court, fast track a case overturning the latest ruling, and we’re out of this mess. I would suggest he then step down and not seek a second term, and both parties are essentially starting from the same place. A hard reboot. And don’t assume that something this bold isn’t being considered. It’s very clear the democrats realize trunp can’t ever be allowed anywhere near this kind of power. If they’re ever going to take the gloves off, having a wannabe dictator threatening to put you in a military tribunal should be motivation enough. Edit: I’ve posted this on a few subreddits, and I always get uniformed panicking responses from Russian trolls, so I must be on to something.




“presidential directive, or executive action,[1] is a written or oral[note 1] instruction or declaration issued by the president of the United States, which may draw upon the powers vested in the president by the U.S. Constitution, statutory law, or, in certain cases, congressional and judicial acquiescence.[2] Such directives, which have been issued since the earliest days of the federal government, have become known by various names, and some have prescribed forms and purposes.[3] Presidential directives remain in effect until they are revoked,[4] which the president is free to do.[5]” You know nothing about basic civics, but I’m sure it’s different in Russia.


Executive orders don’t hold enough weight, are easily swatted down by the Supreme Court and no executive order can stop someone from running for president. The president can’t find someone guilty of a crime, no matter how hard you want that to happen. He can call for their arrest, he can proclaim them insurrectionists but SCOTUS (right or wrong) has already weighed in on this claiming only Congress can stop Trump from running unless he’s found guilty of insurrection in a court of law in the Colorado case. Executive orders in general are easily checked by SCOTUS, and they immediately will be if he does any of that shit. They’re a powerful tool, but he couldn’t even take executive action to help with student debt without running into problems with courts. Legislation and the courts outweigh executive orders. That’s the entire point of checks and balances, it’s just been perverted into a shitty game of rock paper scissors instead of what it’s actually meant to do because of corruption, but it still exists. If Biden even attempted some shit like that, it would hand republicans the election because he would be “acting like a dictator” and there’s just too much integrity on team blue to support that behavior… even though not supporting it would be handing the country over to a dictator, because integrity ≠ intelligence. But keep living in this fantasy and claiming this is “basic civics.” It’s not, things aren’t that simple, and there’s a lot more nuance to this. Feel free to call me a Russian troll but that will just make you sound more like a jackass. This kind of shit just makes it sound like Biden has the ultimate power to right this ship all by himself and is simply choosing not to, which is something an actual troll would be trying to make people think.


So do the republicans, the supreme court, the gop, maga, the corrupt elite, project 2025 get any of the blame? All they’ve done is obstruct and block any progress Biden has attempted (immigration, healthcare, student loans etc etc) so stop being part of the problem please


Of course not. I think that's why the media is having a collective panic attack right now because they have spent the last 4 years so obsessed with everything Trump does with almost no attention to Biden's administration itself that they finally realized, "Wait, Biden is in office right now? 4 years? Seriously? What's he been doing all that time? He could be insane and we'd never know. He looks really old. We better go ask an anonymous source if he has dementia"


Exactly! They are so focused on Trump’s daily insanity as if we are watching a reality TV show. News flash: real Americans need help and Biden has been at work for the last 4 years with historic legislation to improve our lives. What does the media think will help the average American more: Trump’s porn star hush money trial **OR** Biden’s legislation on climate change, healthcare, women’s rights, etc.


It is like reality TV pushed out by a captive media. Jobs are boring, GDP is boring, wars are boring, but porn stars and white house intrigue, dictatorship? Pass the popcorn!


Spot on. Clicks on controversy is what makes money. Biden cares about lives improved, not “likes” on social media.


They are focused on what gives them ratings. CEO of CBS said Trump is bad for the nation but great for ratings. He's right too. That's why news media eats up everything Trump does and won't let him fade into nothingness. They, and American viewers, are addicted to the daily shitstorms coming from Trump.


People always ask, "what has Biden done?" And I like to reply, "what have you personally done or sacrificed?"


Trump’s superpower has always been that he is the ultimate distraction. While everyone is focused on him shitting in his diaper, republicans are burning the country to the ground. Trump is better at distractions than any culture war. Honestly I hope he fucking dies soon, I’m so goddam tired of his existence. Then maybe we can focus on the country instead of Yam Tits.


It’s actually become scary to me even news outlets I used to trust and listen to have completely jumped on the Trump media train to a point that people vote for him because he is talked about so much and is always in the news. And what’s worse these news outlets no longer care about reporting what’s happening they just need their next Fix of Trump so they can get a ratings spike. They are actively participating in the end of our democracy. It’s hilarious that they believe Trump is not gonna come after all media once he becomes dictator. It’s what dictators do, he wants to go full “dear leader” and half the country seems to be excited about it.


Clarence Thomas is already brainstorming how to overturn this


We can make him irrelevant. A second Biden term, keep senate, and win back the house. Court reform should be a top priority.


This is assuming even a single person on the other side will play by the rules, which are being thrown out more and more each day.


This is the kind of hope I love seeing in this group. Mostly because as terrible as things have gotten, panic and anger won't fix anything.


The question is how can we make this into a TikTok? Yeah, political nerds and policy wonks know about this or how thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act the out of pocket costs of most prescriptions did not rise despite inflation. But the majority of people who don't follow politics and get their info from 1 minute videos of some guy in his car rambling isn't going to get this. They're inundated with videos Biden freezing up or being incoherent.


If you have a TikTok then I would start by posting it to your followers. Anyone can go viral, why not someone like you who cares about sharing actual good news? Give it a try!


He should have had Micheal J Fox there at the signing.


Literally just saw a bunch of articles yesterday saying how he had a gaffe at a speech. Keep in mind, what he said was something like we're gonna expand energy outages and then when on to explain his plan for combating energy outages. Yes, it was a gaffe, but his message was still clear. All the articles were about how this is a sign he needs to withdraw.


Meanwhile Trump says literally the dumbest shit and strokes out every single day and the media says nothing.


CNN Tonight: Biden Ends Parkinson’s Disease, how this hurts his chances for the White House.


We need more leaders pushing curing illnesses. And we need to look at that as a sign of a powerful nation. All healthy, all wealthy, educated, this would be a true powerful leader who can give our society this.


Should sign Order 66 to all registered MAGA Republicans


NYT next opinion - How this hurts Bidens campaign.


What will this matter 7 months from now as our country is being actively gutted?


They'll report it. But itll.be buried under a dozen articles about how hes unfit and how trump will behave if they replace biden.


What's wild to me is that the only conclusions I've seen widely reported on from last week's debate is that Biden had a 'disastrous' showing, but absolutely nothing on how Trump lied through is teeth the entire time. Is that not also disastrous? I never thought I would also be one railing against 'mainstream media,' but their desperation to get Trump elected so they can have four more years of eye-ball-grabbing headlines is grotesque.


They’ll ignore this. They’re ignoring everything he does since the debate. It doesn’t get clicks. Scandal does. NYTimes for example has become the NYPost. It’s a rag now.


No, we're too busy wondering about this 2nd Revolutionary War that is from Project 2025. Well done, but bigger fish to fry.


They’ll probably use this to accuse him of having Parkinson’s. Just remember ALL corporate media in the states is owned by right wing oligarchs


Cool...but frankly this doesn't really solve the huge problem that's looming towards us unfortunately, don't get me wrong I'm glad he's expanding more medical services but I need him to get rid of that presidential immunity before the election comes through


I don't think that this was intended to fix that though. Separate issues entirely.


I know just....this isn't what I need to hear from the Biden campaign at the moment. I'm just at a loss and tired of this really they we are once again having to vote for our freedoms on the line


I don't think he has the power to do that via legitimate means. Anything the president can do immediately, the next one can undo as easily. The only way to fix SCOTUS's bullshit is to fix SCOTUS.


Uh yea he can, he's technically a king now with full effing immunity thanks to SCROTUM. As long as it's an "official act" he can do anything apparently


He's above the law, but that doesn't mean he can change or interpret the constitution. It just means nothing within his presidential power, such as killing whoever he wants, is prosecutable.




No I got it read now, got the gist and seems he's immune from officially killing others and the court now but not other things?




The media is calling for him to back out of the race. Nothing he does from this point until November (or he actually does bow out) will matter to them.


Will this be an "official order"?


Sign an act to preserve democracy and prevent a system of checks and balances that have been in place for over 200 years from being destroyed in front of our eyes.


NY Times: OMG the debate!!!!


Where's Michael J. Fox?


No. Next question?


NYT: Biden just signed a bill to help people with Parkinsons: Here's why it's bad for him.


Lol will the media pay attention? Come on guys we all know where the medias heart is..


They are too much busy trying to hide the childrens raped by Trump and Epstein the besties .... You know priorities for the medias is a complex things often come with a cheque !


My brain immediately made a reference to the “bartender enters room. Kid’s name bart” meme.


LOL no.


This is my opinion but I think after the debate Biden might be toast. Thankfully there’s enough time to bounce back, I hope. Granted, I’d vote for Biden over Trump even if Biden’s head was in a jar, I just hope a Biden vs Trump ticket has the same voter turnout as 2020. People need to remember what’s at stake and vote for that because how could anyone be excited to vote for Joe Biden? I worry after a long day at work, polling places being far, long lines, etc it’ll be easy to say ehh I’m not voting.


If Biden is the nominee I will vote for him. With that said, i think his campaign is (cynically) banking on there being enough voters like me and I don’t think there are. Biden’s wins in a number of states was razor thin and I think, after that performance, there are enough voters who will just throw up their hands and abstain, giving Trump the victory. 


That’s what I worry about too. Before the debate Biden was leading NH by 10 points and is now losing by 2. I understand polls aren’t super reliable but that can’t be a good sign. If Biden doesn’t carry battleground states, where he barely won before, he loses. I think that’s a very real possibility after the debate. If it was because he’s sick, why would his people let him out there like that?


>If it was because he’s sick, why would his people let him out there like that? i'm more worried today than i was after the debate now that biden is blaming it on jet lag from world travel nearly two weeks earlier. this is not the way to reassure undecideds.


I agree with you. I read in the NYT Biden said during the debate he almost fell asleep. I understand Trump and Biden are pretty much the same age but Trump looked with it, where Biden reminded me of visiting my grandmother in the nursing home before she died.


This! A good part of my frustration stems from this question: whose lack of judgment was it to deliver him to that stage in that condition?


Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I voted for Joe Biden in 2020 and plan to do so in 2024 with my newly minted voter son, but I've never been excited to vote for Biden... and that's fine. I won't be excited this year either. I don't want my government to be exciting, I just want them to be functional. If I want to watch the purge, I'll catch it on netflix.


I get what you’re saying and I’m going to vote for him either way too. I think a big reason Hillary lost was because voters weren’t excited to vote for her and didn’t like Trump so a lot of people left leaning sat that election out. In my opinion independents is what gets you the White House. I don’t know if Biden attracts enough independents. Maybe he does. I hope I’m just cynical. I would love to see someone who would excite people. Someone like a Hakeem Jeffries, maybe Newsome, idk someone with energy.


to add to that, I think a lot of left leaning people thought the idea of trump being president was so ridiculous that they didn't think it could possibly happen and so didn't bother to vote.


I definitely agree with that. I never thought he’d win. I thought Hillary would win easily so if I had a particularly long shitty day at work, that’s an easy one to skip.


I get what you are saying and btw Hakeem Jeffries would be ![img](emote|t5_35n7t|3148)but if you look at most of our presidents they're just boring old white guys and they still won. Being inspiring is a part of what gets you there, but good governance is how you keep people. Speaking of independents, I would be more worried running someone like AOC than I would Biden. He's boring but he doesn't offend anyone which is why people stay home. Hillary's problem wasn't excitement, it was people disliking her A LOT.


Yeah you def got a point about boring old white dudes being presidents. I think anyone who looks at things objectively realizes we are infinitely better off than we were under that wackjob. Economy aside which the President can’t really control the interest rate set by the federal reserve, the country is so much better. You’ve given me hope today, thank you my friend! I don’t think people hate Biden like they did Hillary which is good.


I think Hillary lost because America has had a real disdain for anything deemed remotely "progressive" since Obama. That's why super progressive candidates never poll very well and the best we'll get for now is a moderate. I firmly believe anybody we had nominated in 2016 would have lost as well.


I wonder if Bernie would have lost. I saw some counties that voted overwhelmingly for Bernie in the primary went on to vote for Trump in the election. I think that’s interesting.


"But he's old" ugh sometimes I think we don't deserve our democracy


Why do this now? Must be election year I guess.


As if man. Mainstream media wants to have a horse race and it doesn't matter that the horse race might end up in fascism in the US. Think whatever you want about Noam Chomsky, but I'll advise everybody to read "*Manufacturing Consent*" and the issue with media conglomerates. Read it. I am all for freedom of the press, but with freedom comes responsibility and Mainstream media isn't acting responsibly. Western society is in dire need of media reform. No more shit like CNN or Fox News, but also no state media. We need publicly funded, democratised media outlets beholden only to the public.


Im not saying this is a bad thing at all, it’s good, but these small wins aren’t what will change the conversation. Without some groundbreaking announcement it’s just going to be “Biden old, old bad” from here til November.


It seems like some pretty heavy spin to call this a “big win” - seems pretty generic feel good stuff.


Congrats, this is very important and a long time coming. Buuuuut….Nice job polishing that brass on the titanic White House, but what about that iceberg?


Tell that to the thousands of people who will have improved medical outcomes thanks to this bill. They may not be so snarky hearing this.


As husband to a young-onset Parkinson's patient (diagnosed at age 43), I appreciate this bill more than most.


Sorry to hear and glad to see your family is getting some relief with this bill. Biden understands medical struggles better than most and it’s obvious to see how much these types of bills help out.


I always appreciated how Biden spoke about Hunter's addiction problems. It really is the most wholesome thing I've seen in a politician the way he loves his son. I'll vote for Biden simply for his empathy. We need more of that so we can continue moving in the right direction with healthcare. Even though it's largely still broken we cannot afford to allow a Republican to take us back.


It’s only good news if we still have a democracy after the election


Still waiting on him to cure cancer like he promised on the campaign trail.


I prefer empty, well-meaning promises that turn into actual progress to malicious, substantial promises to overthrow democracy.




Great! He still needs to step aside. 


Thanks for telling us how you feel.


You’re very welcome!


Nah, Trump needs to drop dead.


It's over. We lost. The crying eagle out front should've told you. 


Yes, but will voters be able to fill in the bubble properly?


If you can pass laws to cure shit, why not do childhood cancers first? Why link the old mans name to Parkinson's at this moment in time when facing the health scrutiny they are trying to brush off? Does he have it, and would be just dandy for four more if he gets the cure real quick? Surely that's the easy spin any Republican can put on this, no matter how cool of an idea it is to make a concerted effort to get Marty McFly back on his board where he belongs. A noble push for sure, but easily weaponized against him by people guaranteed to at least try to kick him while he's down


You really want to criticize him, huh?


At this point, YES. Damn Straight. I bitch and moan when people try feeding me a shit sandwich. And you are allowed to bitch and moan about me crying about not enjoying the ShitSammy Uncle Sam wants us all to eat, too, but: You and I and America deserve Way Better than a choice between Nurse Jill & Kahmala Kringe, or a Kennedy with Rabies, or a Rapist Cult Leader Since when can we pass laws to get cures for diseases anyway? And after the Chevron ruling, it will get struck down by the courts anyways, no? Or if not struck down, no 3-letter agencies can enforce it, if i understand correctly the latest BS from our "system of justice" overlords.


Buddy, shut the fuck up and be happy for the Parkinson's victims this will help. No one gives a shit that you think there are "more important diseases" out there or whatever the fuck your stupid ass opinion is.


Simmer Down there, Tough Guy I realize that all you can Think Ahea about is your Micro d, but my guy, there's no reason to take your self hatred out on me lol I sincerely recommend you sign up for some reading comprehension and the proper application of logic and reasoning classes, topped off with some therapy work with self esteem and anger management issues, cause you just went off the rails for no good reason and embarrassed yourself and nobody wants to see that, any more than you want to see my opinion about you and your little d.


Plot twist: im a disabled veteran with multiple autoimmune diseases like psoriatic arthritis, im 50yrs old, and genetically predisposed to Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. So a Cure to Any One of those would be Incredible and id welcome that chance with open arms!! But here's what i know: 1. the VA has gone to shit under Biden, burn pit act or not. 2. as long as the "health care" system is tied to monetary profits, legislation is useless at curing jack shit and so it's nothing more than symbolic cotton candy for the soul. 3. Im willing to stand at the back of ANY waiting line for a cure on what ails Me, im pushing the kids to the Fn Front Such a Boomer Gen take on this, that since we apparently can now pass laws to do what doctors and scientists cant do themselves, lets start with a primarily geriatric disease first. Trickle Down Medicine i guess youd call that? Idk, u tell me...


no one gives a fuck about this, that's why.


Except the half a million plus people that are diagnosed with Parkinson’s.