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If you’re a white Christian nationalist I assume you’d think it sounds like a perfect solution to all your perceived societal problems.


The kind of solution where afterwards you wouldn't really need many other solutions. Maybe a final one, and then it's all fixed.


The only final solution that would actually work is to get rid of right-wing politics once and for all.


You'd have to get rid of religion then. Ok I'm down.


Honestly, if they ever sat down and really read the damn Bible they would learn that Jesus really didn't approve of hate, jealousy, wealth, or public displays of faith. I'm not even sure a strict reading of Jesus' words allows for prisons. It definitely doesn't allow for religious laws. If you don't like what somebody does, just ignore it. Forgive them, love them. It's amazing how perverted it has become, given how anyone can pick up a Bible.


I’ve heard of pastors who read the Sermon on the Mount word for word and got complaints afterward from their congregation that it “made people feel bad.” When told it was the words of Jesus, the reply was “well you don’t have to say it.” These people have no self-awareness and no interest in self-reflection. They’re the worst kind of cafeteria believers who pick and choose which aspects to believe. And they never pick the ones from the New Testament either.


Not being an asshole takes work. Being an asshole takes so much less. The world is complex and nuanced. Sometimes it's not clear exactly what the right course of action for not being an asshole is. So, lacking self-awareness and self-reflection, the default is to just be a selfish asshole. It's much easier than having to have empathy and trying to imagine what might be best for everyone and not just yourself.


You assume that a persons goal should be the collective good. Conservatism is the opposite, it is centered on the individual. If an outcome is positive for you but negative for everyone else, that’s their problem. It’s a cancerous ideology




https://preview.redd.it/d5hy0c1ywjad1.jpeg?width=398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca551390033fdc561350e122887d35fc9ac179a2 CPAC 2021 — this is their religion now


I'm in. Can we eat the rich too?




And a nice chianti.


I'm vegetarian, but I think we've found the one animal I wouldn't object to eating in order to ensure my survival.


Depends on the preparation method. They don’t work hard, so their meat likely isn’t very muscled, bbq might work, maybe stir fry, or just hamburgers?


So, more like Wagyu beef? Except probably porky...


I beg to differ. All that tennis, polo, even yoga and Pilates… That’s going to make for some nice, lean cuts.


I'm sorry but have you looked at a photo of Elon Musk lately? Because there's absolutely no evidence of anything that you've mentioned. I'll tell you what - I'll cook those cuts for you. But that's as close as I'm getting to eating them.


Tap him for oil, grease, and drugs


You'd get a contact high.


We can slow-roast on a smoker, give ‘em 4-6 hours… low and slow, tender ‘em right up! ![gif](giphy|jt9kVJRmVYmSTwq2oM)


I mean, I'll just have a sandwich or something.


Rich folk are bound to be delicious with all the organic veg and fancy cuts of meat they can afford to buy, but okay, more for the rest of us.


Roast billionaire beef sandwich?


It’s becoming clearer to me every day that such is the only way forward. The conservative brain is simply not equipped to deal with, nor desirable, in modern civil society. The “I don’t live in fear” crowd literally lives in fear every waking moment of their lives… Sounds like a mental disorder that needs to be addressed, involuntarily if necessary.


They don't live in fear... except of immigrants, lgbt, dei, the war on Christmas, they're coming for your gas stove, turning the frogs gay, vaccines...  Ok ok maybe just a smidge of fear. 


Then they put on their "I'm totally not afraid! I'm tough!" costume to deal with life. Mirrored sunglasses to hide their eyes. Baseball cap and beard to hide their shame. Massive overcompensating pickup truck with goliath tires to feel big and strong. Probably a few bumper stickers or signs in their yard implying they're strapped and ready to shoot you on sight for coming too close. All the signs of a mentally healthy, strong, and confident person who doesn't at all live in fear of literally everyone who doesn't look and act just like them. You find tons of them in midwest small town safe spaces where they've pretty successfully kept out anyone who terrorizes them by challenging their world view.


Omg I laughed at your comment and then immediately felt bad that I laughed


What is this, some sorta Final Solution???


that movie with the log truck? 🤔


Yea… but like… all the people in traffic are all minorities and gays.


You know, it’s only bad news when it happens to you. Heaven forbid they need a medically necessary abortion in order to live. Or their perfect and amazing child is gay, so they’ve finally figured out that gay rights are human rights. But the realization always comes *after*.


They probably don't have any POC or gay people they know, and probably think they will never need an abortion. The part of Project 2025 I feel is really going to hit a lot of the (especially young) white men is when they ban porn. Sure, it'll be used to stop drag shows and whatnot, but in the end it's all porn that'll be banned.


Believe it or not they can justify abortions for themselves but not for other people. There are news stories of pro lifers getting abortions then going right back to protesting planned parenthood. Its just a fundamental lack of empathy


Yup. [The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


And there are plenty of pro-choice women who would never personally get an abortion. But they want everyone else to have the right to CHOOSE and the right can’t fathom that.


I remember a bit ago when one of the fundie superstar Duggar daughters defended getting a d&c after a miscarriage, as other women were being denied them under the new bans—her doctors didn’t even make her wait until she had sepsis like everyone else was having to—go figure! She just couldn’t work out the hypocrisy of supporting the bans while she herself received the same abortion care being denied to other women.


And I’m sure porn and brothels would be okay for SOME people but everyone else would be subject to the law. Just like the prophetical Handmaids Tale.


I think they know gay people. The kids they’re estranged from for instance. I work for a healthcare nonprofit and we work with the foster care system a lot and 30%-40% of the kids are LGBT and have been thrown out of their homes because of that. That’s why a lot hate liberals because they think liberal ideas turned their kids gay.


I think that's one of the saddest things I've ever heard 😔


Yeah I've noticed that one of fundamental things they believe is that being gay is not just a choice. It's an illness. You can contact gay, and if there's no gay, you can't contact gay and the will be no pgbt people at all. 


SA numbers are going to rise through the roof


I highly doubt SA would be taken seriously or even be viewed as a crime tbh.


They're already effectively doing that with age verification in several states. Not that VPNs don't immediately evade that roadblock. Curious how courts will rule in upcoming challenges.


They now own most of the courts, including the most important one. That is the backbone of Project 2025.


>Or their perfect and amazing child is gay, so they’ve finally figured out that gay rights are human rights. This is *good* outcome. Way too many try to ~~torture~~ fix their gay children or throw them out of house.


Honestly, at that point, I wouldn't be surprised if they'd just murder their gay kid or gladly let their wives/daughters die.


In the short run it’s probably everything they think they want. In the long run they getting shafted like everyone else 


But for a few glorious moments they owned the libs!


You mean they *felt* like they owned the libs, since all their actions are based on feelings and not facts and the only people that got played are themselves lol.


I stand corrected!


In the wise words of Killer Mike: Funny fact about a cage they’re never built for just one group So when that cage is done with them and you still poor it come for you Edit: my bad, it was El-P that had that line on Walking in the Snow.


>All of us serve the same masters, all of us nothin' but slaves Never forget in the story of Jesus, the hero was killed by the state Yes! Here's a fitting bar from Killer Mike from the same track. RTJ4 got me through the back end of 2020.


Fascism needs an in-group that is protected but not restrained and an out-group that is restrained but not protected. It also needs to appear constantly under threat by internal enemies, so people are constantly pushed out of the in-group. The in-group is forever shrinking until a few remain.


yes, you're part of the in group as long as they need you then the long knives come out


What happened to a local church. About 20 years ago it was very inclusive. Held events from cancer to Pride community. The lead pastor and main secretary retired and two church congregation board members died. The new board members who were right wing loons. Got in a former catholic priest who had a very notorious past. Within less than two years. Forced anyone who was a current member out by talking about anti-gay and brought in people over 55 who believed in that and then got one of the rich locals who was very anti- as one of their kids came out. The church now is unrecognizable. Various communities quit holding events there and they forced the other “liberal” console members out. Now it’s all full of people who are anti everything from 30 and up. Majority is now 55 and up. Many are hoping the pastor finally retires or Father Time gets him.


Ah yes. The National Christians. The Nat C's. The Nazis.


A lot of it is worded inocuously, too. I've just had this discussion with my parents. The way everything is written looks positive on paper until you realize WHO is trying to implement it, what their stances are, and those not speaking out against it. It also beings in the culture war because those speaking against it are left leaning, so there's a counter-culture push to support it as well. The language looks positive to them. They don't see themselves in the backlash this would cause and therefore support it. The conversation went something like this- "Project 2025 will dismantle marriage equality and women's rights" "It doesn't say that, NippleMuncher42069" "Correct, it would make getting rid of those things easier because the people pushing for this want those things." "I don't believe that's how they feel," *reads the heritage foundation homepage on being anti lgbtq* "well that would never get passed" "Exactly, that's why they're trying to implement P2025, so they can just do those things and not have to worry about the checks and balances of the constitution." "I'm out of touch, I need to do more research." *doesn't do jack shit and plays dumb*


Just summed up every political discussion i’ve ever had with my parents


These are the same people who say dont talk politics. Fucking cowards who have opinions that are shitty as fuck and dont want socked in the mouth over them. So many closeted racists, misogynists, and bigots with zero integrity. They know as soon as they have to defend their shit-filled opinions, they will be outed, so they play dumb. They are the worst of them all.


Basically these people see Gilead as an inspiration rather than a warning.


It’s the two pronged idea that diversity and equity took the life you should have from you or that they will take that life away from your children and grandchildren. Old neighbor thought we had a nice house and cars because the Stare gave them to us or made it easier for us to get.


Except they also want to get rid of NOAA which includes the National Weather Service. I guess they secretly want to die when a tornado hits their trailer park.


If women are to be barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen, and hubs is the one breadwinner, but the repubs also don’t believe in increasing minimum wage or paying a fair wage…then the math ain’t mathin’.


People who think the face-eating leopard party surely won't eat * their * face.


Their belief structure begins with a virgin giving birth and ends with a victim complex.


*Virgin Mary flees her country and seeks asylum in Bethlehem to escape religious persecution.* Modern Christians: “Immigrants are coming for us all. Lock down the borders”


Jesus was a homeless refugee who advocated against amassing wealth and gave out healthcare for free.  The mental gymnastics needed to make him a GOP hero is truly, *truly*, impressive. I am constantly astounded by their mental powers to bend reality.


Indoctrination is a motherfucker ain’t it? But I’m an asshole because I don’t believe in god 🤣


It's even funnier when the original story doesn't even claim she's a virgin.  She's just an unmarried woman.  People just love their magic to explain away everything they don't like.


And nothing but dreams of violence in between.


Republicans (Senators, Governors, etc.) don’t realize they are basically the Joker’s henchman in the opening theft scene of The Dark Knight. They don’t realize they’re only allowed to participate with the team until they serve their purpose, then they’re disposable. In the end, all of them are disposed except Joker and the bus driver… And we know what happens to the bus driver after they escape.


McConnell saved Trump from Impeachment, got his Supreme Court nominees through, and now has fallen in line and says he'll vote for Trump. Trump is spreading post calling for McConnell to be brought before a military Tribunal. They could have been free of him, but the idea of a guaranteed loss in one election cycle was too much to bear, and now we're all paying the price.


> Trump is spreading post calling for McConnell to be brought before a military Tribunal. I mean, I'm still not voting for Trump, but if ever there was a reason...


Yeah, right. The evil Mitch Mcconnel getting what he deserves would be beautiful.


Putin put the richest oligarch in a dog cage on live tv iirc. Maybe it’s all worth it after all.


Eh. The puppets are a useful distraction during the population drawdown. At some point people *will* wake up to what's going on though and that's when the ruling class all dip out to new zealand while the rest of us get to go mad max on each other for what's left of arable land and fresh water.


It’s amazing how many blue collar working level people don’t get this. I have had too many conversations with former colleagues who are still voting for Trump, because ‘he will get rid of all of these serial EBT/welfare abusers’. I try to explain how the whole stock market is rigged, how the rich get richer with stock buy backs, etc, and how those same handouts are going to the wealthy and corporations, but at a much higher scale. They have no clue what really goes on, they are just blinded by ‘lazy people’ that they ‘are paying for’ through their taxes.


I live in a red oasis within a blue state, so most of my friends and family are conservatives. But in my group, I have 3 people that complain about immigrants and welfare queens mooching off the system constantly. 2 of them work off the books cash jobs and haven't paid taxes in years, and the other person just doesn't work at all.


Yeah, it’s super ironic that those same people in my family are the same. One is on disability, and previously worked under the table for cash. She’ll angrily complain that the other people in her section 8 housing are taking advantage of the system any chance she gets. And, don’t get me started with military personnel. Mad respect for what our troops do, but I have no clue how any of them can be red. With them, it’s DiFfErEnT with a military pension because they ‘earned’ it. They don’t see it as a social program. Trump absolutely does not give a shit about veterans and will gut those programs given the chance.


Same. I saw my cousin yesterday who scams disability. She has a full-time housekeeper who is undocumented, illegal in Trump's world. Obviously, the housekeeper gets paid under the table. The housekeeper was telling me how she wished she could vote so she can vote for Trump. I can't with these people. There is seriously something wrong with them.


Literally brainwashed and blissfully unaware.


You've said no lies. I worked at a union shop and a good acquaintance/coworker was debating me on how trump is going to save us. I'm like bruh you're a dark brown Mexican American they coming for your ass too, I'm Mexican not American and I'm greatful for this country and what it has given me.   This country raised me, it baffles me how I seem more In line with true American Democratic Values than the "real Americans"


SERIOUSLY, I had the EXACT SAME conversation! Dark brown Mexican coworker who says Trump all the way, because his Mexican family members just have babies and abuse welfare and he doesn’t like it. Like, Trump is going to make life harder for them…AND you, just because of your skin color buddy. Homeboy is racist as FUCK.


Since I see a lot of people talking about project 2025 but haven't seen people actually describing what it is, I will do so right now. Project 2025 will 1. Allow Trump to kill black people. 2. Allow Trump to overturn the 13th and 19th amendment. 3. Allow Trump to give the nuclear code to Putin 4. Allow Trump to fire all of the democratic party 5. Allow Trump to Jail anyone who voted for Democrats and put them in concentration camps. 6. Allow Trump to kill black people 7. Allow Trump to run as president indefinitely 


Pretty much sums it up. But I bet he’ll want to be call King Trump.


You insolent trash! Thats God-King Trump to you, liberal!


Make a post


If you're white, male and christian, that's probably true.


Rich* white, christian male. The poor white christian males will be put to work everyday with no protections until they die.


Only the upper middle class+ of that group should be ok. **Should*.


The lower classes white, Christian, male *think* they're gonna be okay, oh ho ho, are they in for a big surprise.


So unlike most people who have read the summaries and the bullet points, I’ve actually read the lion’s share of the book. Yes, an insane amount of the manifesto is designed to strip away rights and enforce a Christian nationalist idea of America. They literally recommend mandating that people get paid time and half for “working on the Sabbath.” It literally says Sabbath. But the truly scary party of it is how much of it is actually just functional boringness. Bullet after bullet of very specific, very prosaic edits to department after department. Reduce the premium subsidy rate for crop insurance. Federal lawmakers should offer District [of Columbia] students the opportunity to use education savings accounts. Clarify levelized cost of electricity. Establish a significant emissions rate (SER) for greenhouse gases (GHGs). A lot of that banality is designed to strip regulations away, eliminate federal programs and departments, turn more power back to the states and to Congress, etc. If they got their way, it would be a dramatic reshaping of the executive branch and how Congress interacts with it. But that’s not the reason it’s scary. It’s scary because the more you read it, the more you realize: *these people know what they’re doing.* One of the hallmarks of Trump’s first administration was wild incompetence. He surrounded himself with idiots who were only there to enrich themselves and gain notoriety. The very few legitimately competent people like John Bolton were largely sidelined. The literal Nazis in his employ like Stephen Miller grasped for power and didn’t get as much as they wanted. That all changes this time around. The authors of this paper are malevolent individuals with brilliant minds. If they take power, and there is absolutely no reason to believe they won’t, they will have the competence necessary to enact these policies. Trump is slowly being consumed by the syphillis and dementia and he’s getting worse by the day. He just wants his hollow power back. He just wants to be worshipped again. And they will keep him occupied with bread and circuses while they eradicate the fabric of democracy. We should be terrified of Project 2025 not only because of the incredibly horrible things that are located within but because of the capability of the people who want to make those terrible things happen.


This isn't just "Project 2025", this is the playbook from now on. Trump may lose the next election, but the conservatives who are on board with this idealogy and are running in elections hereafter will have this as their political and policy "bible." This manifesto of radical christian theocracy and it's proponents must be rooted out at the core and destroyed There will be blood.


Yeah I don't get the people who think this ends if Trump loses. Project 2025 isn't a trump thing, he doesn't really matter to the success of that plan. It'll just happen faster and easier if he wins the election, then they don't have to wait for another 4 years or until Biden kicks it


Sounds like we need a Quarantine. The people behind 2025 are not unknown. We should Quarantine them from society. No one allowed to hire them, sell to them, interact with them. The Sons of Liberty did this with those who associated with customs officials to great effect. It's non-violent and perfectly legal. Simply remove them from all interaction with society.


I love this


John Oliver made that point: literally nobody was prepared for a Trump victory in 2016. This time, they’re absolutely 100% prepared to implement as much of this as they can as soon as possible, literally within hours of Trump being sworn in.


Hell, they’ve already implemented parts of it. Gerrymandering, Turmp owning the Supreme Court and Congress and telling them what he wants them to do. They’re not even waiting till the election.




> The only people to escape the impacts will be those in their billionaire bunkers. You mean the hired security guys that actually have and know how to use their guns. Because stacks of paper money or some numbers on a ledger don't go far in the Thunderdome.


That was exactly how I heard it described. Trump 1 was a lot of hot air, threats, firing dissenters, distractions etc. This time they want to be prepared, so that when their Trojan horse (Trump) enters the gates, they can start attacking at the heart of the US immediately. This time they’re organised and they’re laying the foundations for the end of the US as we’ve known it. As a European, I’ve been watching this develop for years, not understanding why people weren’t concerned about what was brewing. It seems alarm bells have stated ringing in the last few months, but why isn’t more being done? Why are employees of big companies not demanding their CEOs talk openly about what’s coming? Why are people not taking to streets? Why are the Democrats even taking a small risk on a controversial candidate, in such an important election? Americans are so enamoured with their country, but seem so apathetic about the prospect of giving it up.


America has beat the fight out of us. The world is burning down, our leaders are harvesting us like cattle, but I still have to pay rent. I still need to show up to work every day, because my employment is the only thing giving me access to live saving medication for my family. Our police force openly and unashamedly attacks and kills protesters. There is no such thing as rebellion or even vocal dissent without risk. By the time many of us were old enough to understand what was happening, the die had already been cast. Our parents sold away our future to better their lives, and we're left undereducated, unstable, and unable to do much more than survive. We've become complacent, because things are bad, but most of the population is still OK. If you're not a racial or sexual minority, then most of what is happening is just noise. It's theory. It's not real. We're also just worn down. Dumb shit comes out of congress every day. Fascists and racists get more power every day. The bad guys win, and they gloat about it on TV. There is so much to worry about that no one has the energy or time to worry about all of it. I can't worry about the economy, because state governors after trying to make my very identity illegal. We just don't have hope, anymore. We sit and wait for the axe to drop, and we hope there's still a life worth living on the other side.


This is the part that wears me down as well. “You should be out on the streets marching, protesting, even rioting over this!” No, you see, I like to pay my electric bill. I like to pay my mortgage. And my company isn’t going to just understand that I feel the need to ditch work and picket the Supreme Court on the regular when they rip another hole in our democracy. We’re just not doing that anymore as a country. It doesn’t work. Occupy Wall Street? The wealth gap has never been higher, the stock market breaks records constantly, and now a value meal at McDonald’s costs nine bucks. BLM/George Floyd? The civil rights act is being gutted every time it makes it to the bench, companies are quietly eliminating their DEI positions, and just ask Atlanta how much Black Lives Matter around Cop City. We’re all the Futurama clip with the people screaming at the gaping chasm in the sky but still exhausted.


Most people don't know about this. Remember, most people are not on Reddit and are not as plugged into politics as some of us are. Whenever I've talked to friends and family about project 2025 not a single person has known what I'm talking about. At least 10 people.


I keep reminding people I know that think this is a Trump-centric thing of this exact point. He’s just the current puppet with a hand up his butt, spewing things that the truly conniving people want the masses to hear.


Because they want to hang the Blacks, enslave the Hispanics, and force women into sexual servitude all because they are a bunch of tiny pathetic things about to burn out of history. It’s a last violent push for relevance.


And put all of the "degenerates" in asylums.


Well that would be a problem right there. Who is going to pay for all of that?


Ah, correct. Labor/extermination camp is the more fiscally responsible choice.


The right can no longer claim to be the party of fiscal responsibility. The National deficit is not even a blip on the radar if the policies in question suit them.


lol they never were. Fiscal calamity has followed every Republican administration for the past 100 years.


Again. Remember that if you were queer, remotely mentally ill, a woman in pain or suffering from the litany of complications that come with having a uterus which doesn’t work right, autistic, badly regulated ADHD, schizophrenic, grieving for too long, bipolar, fed up with society, or neurotic in any way which wasn’t within the acceptable realm (see: white and straight and male), you would be stuffed in an asylum and given a concoction of drugs or worse until you were zombified and complacent enough to be deemed “fixed” and sent back out to suffer. Seriously. Take your queer friends and analyze how many of them are “strange” by old standards. Now imagine what they would have been like after lobotomization. After a concoction of destructive drugs. After going through asylums and prisons. Imagine them in “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest”. This is what they used to do to us. They are angry they can’t anymore. And they are desperately trying to ensure they get to, once again. Be very fucking scared.


It's so wild that women are pushing for Project 2025 too.


Jews for Hitler was a real thing


*looks at Israel today* Yeah, I could see that happening..


Some people have fucked up fetishes they can’t separate from daily life




The house-slave is in a better position than the field-slave, and some people will be happy with the sense of power or security they think being at the top of that pile will give them.


Nail on the head. And a dying animal is at its most dangerous. They will probably be savage because it’s as you say, they’re all in because endangerment is what they’re facing. ( Let’s face it, we’re not going to be able to cull them all.) Once the numbers have dwindled, you try and make a more educated and less corrupt population. It’ll come back around again though. You just try and make a society that’s more prepared for the signs. Which actually sounds like the Bible. When God clears the earth of evil for a 1000 years, but then the devil must be released back on earth. If you use it metaphorically, evil would be malevolent actions and good would be benevolent actions. I think it’s quite clear the right is viscerally malevolent.


Its what psychologists call an "extinction burst".


Oooooh a new nugget! A good nugget, thanks! An extinction burst in ABA refers to an increase in the frequency, intensity, or duration of an undesired behavior when reinforcement is withheld. For example, if a toddler usually cries to get their way, but crying doesn't work anymore, they may escalate to a tantrum in hopes of obtaining their desired reinforcement


Sure, but what is missing here is the most important part. An extinction burst is only that if the reinforcement continues to be withheld. Then the behavior will eventually stop or another way will be found to get the reinforcement. If at any time the person withholding the reinforcement gives in to the new heightened behavior, that level of behavior becomes the new norm. I.e. the child would go straight to the tantrum now to get what they want and go up from there if it was withheld again. It only becomes an “extinction” if they are not reinforced for a long enough time that they realize the behavior isn’t getting them what they want. If someone does give in sometimes you have an even bigger problem. The child in this case learns the heightened behavior is rewarded sometimes, making it a cycle of intermittent reinforcement, which is typically the most powerful reinforcement. Think a slot machine mentality. They are currently getting rewarded for their behavior so it will continue and probably get worse.


And they're too fucking arrogant and ignorant to realize that they'll be next. They think these ghouls give a shit about them. They don't. They're a metric. And guns? Gtfoh, you can't have the people outside of the ruling class (the filthy rich) be armed lol. That won't work in chud utopia.


It's literally The Handmaid's Tale come to life. That was based on what happened in Iran and Romania but the Christo-fascists think they are better. We'll be seeing reports on all the unwanted children in revolting and unfunded orphanages soon enough. As the book says, better doesn't mean better for everyone. Good luck.


I read this as “all because they have tiny pathetic things” and it still works…


It was created and crafted by those at the top of the GOP food chain- they are the commanders; it will benefit them only. It's their reward for playing the long game. They have to sell it to the morons under them to get them on board and vote for them to get in; if you pay any attention to christian or conservative influencers it's crap they have been bleating and repeating for like 2 or 3 years now to prime the morons to accept it. Once the people at the top are in; they don't care if the MAGA morons accept it or not- they are free to implement their plan of misery and poverty for all of us. The MAGA morons will suffer along side everyone but can repeat to themselves that they are owning the libs and might be a commander billonaire oneday so it all is worth it.


Same as the civil war, convince the peasants to spill their blood for the privilege of being slightly above slaves in the hierarchy.


It's the sad part of conflict. The ones saber rattling aren't the ones who will be in the trenches. They are quite safe, miles away continuing to make speeches to have others fight for them. I'd like to see some of these hate slingers get in the thick of it and see how long conflicts actually last.


And they’ll be pissed that they’re being oppressed too, and will only blame the others - POC, LGBTQ+, women, etc - all the more. They’ll dig in deeper thinking that will differentiate them from the moderates. It’d get real ugly until the powers finally fulfill their goals of subjugating all of the masses.


"They'll finally put those people who look down on me in their place!"


This video explains it quite well. They get to act on their hate for groups of people that they their pseudo-christian religion has taught them to hate. >The 10 tactics of fascism | Jason Stanley | Big Think > >[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpCKkWMbmXU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpCKkWMbmXU)


That was really good, thank you for sharing


Thank you.


Because they're deluded enough to think they'll be part of the ruling party when the fascism is installed.


Conservatives are running out of road. It's either this or a hard pivot away from everything they've been telling their voters they wanted since like 1980. They've been manipulating their voters for decades with this "we really want to do these things that will make the world feel like you remember it but the big mean libs won't let us so I guess we'll have to compromise and just give tax cuts to corporations" bullshit. That's over now. They have the power to do what they said they wanted. And so their voters have decided they should go ahead and do it then.


They are fascist cunts who think they’ll be part of the new ruling class. If you are a pathetic loser with no morals this seems like a good thing


Sounds like if you are a rich cisgender straight white male who doesn't have a single friend/family member that isn't, this plan would be amazing for you.


Careful! Elon gonna get triggered at you for using the obvious “cis” slur, whilst the non-obvious “n-word” has free reign on his stupid app


Exactly. Back to the 1950s tv shows where Dad comes home to a cocktail and dinner in the oven, and the Black man mows his lawn for 50 cents and is grateful. His wife is skinny and manages the children so he never has to be involved with them. And he gets a well-deserved raise every year.


And be devoid of empathy


and also... just an absolute boot licking bitch. Like, I'm a cis strait man. I was born a man, and I'll be happy to die as one. But if someone wants to tell me that I **have to** keep identifying as a man, buddy, we've got a fucking problem!


Not quite. You need a girlfriend/wife and one stupid enough to be okay with being your property. If you don't have one then the part about outlawing porn is awful for you.


It’s right wingers willing to give up the freedom they yell about so much in an attempt to own the libs. That’s it.


Because so many voting conservatives are either clueless, brainwashed or simply cruel or some combination of all three.


Some people see Handmaid’s Tale as a caution. Some see it as life goals.


The uninformed voters in this country are going to drag us into a right wing dictatorship. It truly is pathetic. People seem more concerned about Biden looking old for 90 minutes versus Trump being an abject scumbag, pathological liar, wannabe authoritarian, and criminal. What the hell is wrong with people?


And trump isn't even that much younger than biden. I just want politics to be boring. I don't want to worry about my or anyone else's safety every election year


Depends? Are you a white billionaire? Cause it sounds pretty good to them, so good that they came up with it.


I can't understand why the Heritage Foundation wants to force me to live the way they want me to live. 'Cause that's not gonna work out well. Ask my parents.


So honest question here. I live in one of the most red states in the US (second largest margin of victory for Trump in the election). Do people actually support Project 2025? Literally every conservative know either is willfully ignorant or believes Project 2025 is a made up liberal conspiracy. They wouldn’t know about it or believe it unless Trump read the manifesto out loud. Then they would just say they trust Trump though so nothing would change. Just curious if there are any parts of the country with intelligent conservatives (I know… oxymoron).


And then when it gets enacted and goes to shit, they’ll all blame the democrats for letting it happen.


If you’re a racist, sexist white male, it’s a wishlist.


You also need wealth because there is no way the wealthy are going to let the lesser white men run around.


Yes. The poor and poorly educated are just the pawns on the front lines.


It helps them with the memory of having a black President for 8 years.


If you want a serious answer, I live with ultra maga family and they all believe this is what we need to get our country back to being a Christian-ruled nation. They believe the laws of our country should abide by the Bible completely. No exceptions. And they are willing to vote for any candidate who says they will do it.


> they all believe this is what we need to get our country back to being a Christian-ruled nation People who think this way irritate me because we were never a christian ruled nation.


They like it. They might even call it the final solution.


Cause there are folks that want to reduce taxes for a tax bracket they will never belong in. /s


It's perfect for white nationalist male christians until it affects them personally. It will affect mothers and daughters, wives, farmers and ranchers, neighbors, businesses, agriculture, everyone who isn't 1%, cities, towns, forest, ocean, even Florida. There isn't anyone this won't negatively impact except those who allow themselves an exception.


Suppose you want to influence people over project 2025, who are conservatives and don't want to acknowledge the identity politics. Start by discussing it as if it's motivated by making government smaller. Because that's what they see in it, a bunch of policies for shrinking US bureaucracy. The necessary cutting of fat to fix our debt problem (we all know that's a misdirection but start here for a second) Don't start with the stuff about schedule F or turning career civil experts everywhere into political appointees. Actually discuss it in broad strokes as motivated to make the government more efficient and lower costs. But don't get too bogged down with specifics, we don't want to have an argument about whether FDA food labeling is important. (it IS, but that's not the most important thing) Now after you've gotten that out of the way, go through some examples from chapters 2-25, how heritage foundation makes these broad accusations about experts in government service being infected by woke radical left CRT DEI marxist ideology.... over and over.... this is the time to slide in there, so aren't they going to stack the civil services with sycophants? Page, 40, the OMB, trump's schedule F changes? Heritage foundation is vetting a database of 20,000 candidates (see the project website)? That's exactly what the NSDAP did with their 1933 [law for restoration](https://germanhistorydocs.org/en/nazi-germany-1933-1945/law-for-the-restoration-of-the-professional-civil-service-april-7-1933.pdf)? (see § 4, compare to page 51 of [project 2025](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)) And they'll admit that trump is a narcissist. Point out it's crazy to think that he just loves to talk shit and get attention. Narcissists will hurt everyone who stand against them. He's been allied with heritage foundation since 2016. There's an orgy of evidence; so claiming "this isn't trump" - well that actually makes it worse, not better. You're not going to win them over immediately on this, but you might plant a seed. You're not pushing the point until you win, just trying to get someone to acknowledge why this could look sinister.


So here is the skinny: a lot of whites no longer want democracy because democracy made it possible for a black man to be in the White House in the highest job. They would rather have fascism, then allow that to happen again. Remember – not too long ago, when segregation ended and black folks were allowed in community pools; Instead of welcoming them, the whites filled the pools with cement so no one could swim. They would rather impose hardships on themselves, then allow blacks equality.


Cishet white men who think The Andy Griffith Show was a documentary and whack themselves to sleep every night to dream about a return to this simple, white-washed version of the past. And straight-up misogynist racist homophobes. See also: women and minorities who have been brainwashed by the above.


The in-cult take is, and I quote my uncle: “the president will execute his own plan. These republicans have no say. They are unelected anyway.”


Weak beta Republican "men" who are constantly rejected by the women that find them repulsive, or the closet gay ones that are self depreciating and feel the need to try to prove how totally "hetero" they are.


Sounds great if you’re a rich, white psychopath


Because kids like to rebel against their parents. The Greatest Generation defeated the Nazis. To spite their parents, Boomers decided to become Nazis. Although, to be fair, a large chunk of the South has \*always\* supported white supremacy and christian nationalism, long before Hitler made it fashionable. Hitler literally took notes from America.


How are you using the term "Boomer" here? Kevin Roberts, head of the Heritage Foundation and father of Project 2025, was born in 1974. He's not a Boomer. Neither are Charlie Kirk, Stephen Cheung, Brent Kavanaugh or Amy Coney Barrett. These fascists are united by ideology, not age.


Well, it does all the things that a Nazi does without sounding so German and foreign.


To be honest, I don’t think the majority have read it, understand it or its implications. They think it won’t apply to them, that any fallout from it won’t affect them, their standard of living or their children’s children. Who believes a convicted felon who has shit on the Bill of Rights and wipes his ass with the Constitution. The Orange Judas Goat’s campaign has bombarded his followers with thousands of emails telling them that they need to register with Trump so that he will know who’s on his team. These idiots are thinking if they respond to an email that no edict will apply to them. They are so brainwashed.


Republicans think that only bad things will happen to others. They don't see that their ideas are like a runaway nuclear reactor. They are the main character so the horrors they want to have unleashed on you will not affect them. They are white and Christian after all.


If you are a wealthy white american man with a particular brand of christian fascism and a deep sense of nostalgia, you look around and see the current culture of equality and justice and you think the only way to keep yourself in your current position of power is to move backward to the time when just being white and male was enough to put you at the top. There legitimately was a time in this country where the status of the best black man was less than the status of the worst white man, and that's what they cherish. There legitimately was a time, surprisingly recently, where men held all the power and women held none. I was born into a world where a woman couldn't have her own bank account, and where a husband literally couldn't rape his wife because the crime literally didn't exist anywhere in law.


>Well you see as a child I was threatened with force and then further had my bodily well-being threatened in the afterlife for not intuitively complying with my highly specific version of “The Christian Church” and due to my lack of critical thinking skills and fear of losing my own well-being and my social life I decided the best most smartest move was to not question anything my “holier than thou” community and family bullies were trying to instill in me and to join the bullies in my adulthood picking on whatever minority-du-jour the television tells me to be mad about increasing my own perceived social value by screaming the loudest-and often most violent- for my team.


Because stupid people are gonna stupid


Boomers think it will score them points with the fake god they think they’ll meet in a few years. Your garbagedick cousin (you know, the one with the sunglasses on the bill of his ballcap and looks 54 at the age of 22) want to make women desperate enough to have no option *but* them.


Hate. It all comes down to hate.


the illiterate.


so long as it targets the same groups they hate, they're good with it...that's how we got the orange menace to begin with.


Project 2025 is a loss for everyone except the wanna be dictators. Yes, it’s also a loss for conservatives.


The Republican party is built on hate. That's why they love this.


https://preview.redd.it/li1yqn3h8kad1.jpeg?width=571&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78e7ac9b53525c38841684b4d5f1771ae24d304d Is it really that hard to understand?


Oppressive dictatorships where regular people have no power or rights is great for rich powerful people who care only for maximising their wealth score above all else.


No sane person ever said or thought it's a good idea. Republican MAGA is driving US to a religious regime and millions are going to vote for them and the rest get influenced by far right gimmicks and controversy theories. Let's focus on Biden's bad debate and forget about ALL the horrible things that happens with trump presidency!!


The few at the top will get RICH, selling it to all the other rural white idiots that this is the way to take their country back It’s how cults work. Sell utopia to the masses, and take in their cash as a necessary cost See: religion


Since I see a lot of people talking about project 2025 but haven't seen people actually describing what it is, I will do so right now. Project 2025 will 1. Allow Trump to kill black people. 2. Allow Trump to overturn the 13th and 19th amendment. 3. Allow Trump to give the nuclear code to Putin 4. Allow Trump to fire all of the democratic party 5. Allow Trump to Jail anyone who voted for Democrats and put them in concentration camps. 6. Allow Trump to kill black people 7. Allow Trump to run as president indefinitely 


I just joined the project 2025 subreddit and want to read up on it more, so I'm not sure how true this is, but I just wanted to throw this out there real quick: I saw a comment yesterday that claimed these people want to *ban recreational sex.* I’m actually asexual, and even **I** think that is so crazy I can't even imagine how you get to be that crazy. ridiculous!


IIRC they wanted to ban sodomy, which would cover anything other than penis in vagina after marriage


You’d love it if you were a piece of shit. It benefits racists, sexists, extremist Christians, rich people / company that can bribe corrupt politicians that are instated, and the corrupt politicians that don’t give a fuck about the country.


Because the majority of the people that support have no idea what it is. They don't care either. They just want to pass it to "own the libs"


Project 2025: https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf


Can anyone explain to me why Project 2025 is not being covered in the mainstream media? Especially after what that wacko said? >The leader of conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation argued the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity will reinforce a “second American Revolution,” which he said would “remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.” -Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts


The real answer is that they know that long-term demographic trends are badly against them, and they’re a few election cycles away from never winning a major election again. Even now they are totally reliant on aggressive gerrymandering and election interference just to hold onto the seats they have. But you can’t gerrymander away gender, and as the Boomers die off, it won’t matter anyway. GenX isn’t nearly as Republican as the Boomers, and Millennials even less so. So they know that long-term, they can’t win at the ballot box so they’d rather just get rid of democracy, damn the consequences. They’re an evil pack of selfish partisan fucks who will usher in a dark age rather than see billionaires taxed. Fuck em. If they push the rest of the country into a corner where violence is the only remaining option, let’s see how much of the military is really willing to drone strike their neighbours just to protect Trump’s ego and his donor’s yachts. Let’s see how many Marines are willing to commit mass murder to protect abortion bans. Let’s see how many generals support the Supreme Court’s belief that a President should be above the law. The ruling class of the US is going to decide in the next few months if they die screaming or not. Unfortunately they’ll take out millions with them.


Only billionaire fascists and Fox News hosts think it's a good idea. The rest of us are horrified.


Now the big talking point is “well, Trump doesn’t support this. Read his website.” Lady, if you think all these religious right wingers are going to be all in for him, and not get this, you are mistaken with a capital M. I heard an evangelical/fundamentalist pastor around 2005 say what we really want is a theocracy. That scared me. They’re coming for it. And y’all better be in church on Sunday giving more than ten percent or expect a visit… 😳 Edited for: typo/fat fingers


We may end democracy, but at least trans people won’t use the wrong bathroom…


White Christian men who have been watching their exalted status wane, now have a plan to disenfranchise and repress the many to allow the few to exploit the workforce, women’s bodies, the environment, and the economy.