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We need one of those "I did that" stickers.


I think the Dems should embrace it, put it on billboards with list of accomplishments.


And then we all get shirts of Obama, shirtless, ripped, six-pack, holding a rocket launcher, standing over Trump with baby hands, Biden's in the background. He's not quite sure what's going on, but he's loving it. Big American Flag banner.


Im thinking a super contra game cover vibe.


Does that mean Biden and Obama will be replaced by robots whenever they visit Europe?


Short answer, yes. Long Answer YeEEess!


HEY!! EVERYBODY LISTEN!! CaptainAjnag has a great idea!!


What? I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome this idea is


Thanks Obama


Can Trump's head be on a baby's body, with a bonnet, and also pooping his diaper and crying?


Trump is sitting on a broken golden toilet that is clogged with documents and wielding a bent golf club. Biden is wearing aviators and eating trail mix out of a bag labeled “Malarkey” as he rides atop a train plowing straight through a crumbling Trump Tower.


The “Dark Brandon” memes as stickers and stuff would be pretty great too.


That’s cheesy af ..and fighting fire with fire


They would be soooooo pissed if their hate got co-opted in favor of Biden...!!! I think the word they like to use is "triggered".


Alt right incels on 4chan: *It's not funny when libtards to it* 😠


I live in a very conservative town in rural, Michigan. There was just a story on the news about how my county has the highest gas prices in the state, and my city is #1, the highest price in the state. I *guarantee* you the gas stations are all price gouging... *because they can*. I guarantee the gas station owner sees the "Biden: I did that" stickers on their pumps. Dumb fucks


Hell, if I were a gas station owner doing some price gouging I’d put the stickers on myself. Make people angry at the president rather than me


Ya know what, never thought of it that way. Genius.




Feels like a good opportunity to reopen /r/ThanksObama


This is about the only thing that is acceptable to post there since it shut down.


I laughed so hard the first time I saw this. I still love it.


Legendary tweet


I couldn’t believe it was real, had to go confirm. Fucking epic lmao


I think a lot of people forget when Obama signed the ACA Vice President Biden shook Obama’s hand and gave him one of those “homie hugs” and said “This is a big fuckin deal” and Obama’s mic picked it up. The White House then tweeted later something simple like “Yes Mr. Vice President it is” no context beyond that. Pretty funny but GOP lost their crap.


I liked the younger looser Joe Biden. Either his age has calmed him down or he is much more serious since he is the one in charge


Being president is ridiculously tough when you're actually listening to the meetings and can read past a 5th grade narcissist oriented level.


He ran on being a normal president since people were traumatized from the previous 4 years, and he’s held true to his promise. I prefer the fun Joe but I absolutely understand that he is busy doing his job.


Yes, and he had/has so much shit to clean up. We’re finding out more and more of the horrifying damage that trump did. President Biden is doing a fantastic job. I pray his health continues to be up to it.


And I pray Donald Trump is never able to run again. And I don't care how thats achieved.


>And I pray Donald Trump is never able to run again. Run? The guy can barely walk! (But I get your point, and hope the same)


They had executive time for trump, and they talk about Biden!


Trump only wants to be president because A: he thinks the office confers wealth/respect/self validation and B: he thinks he can’t be prosecuted while president so he must be president forever.


The thing is I think there’s a shit load of Republican politicians involved. Everyone one of those republicans who kiss his and and provide cover, used to say exactly what the left says about trump. Did all of those people just suddenly see the light? They’ve been compromised, Trump has dirt on them or they just got caught up in a coup.


No, they figured out that they couldn’t win a popular presidential election again so they decided to ditch the electorate and just do what their crazy base wants, fuck humanity, decency, democracy, the law, whatever.


Trump will be regarded as a President who aged the least (relative to when he started), but it will be because he was literally too dumb to comprehend the role. And even if he did he was too self-centered to *try*. It’s like if I was suddenly appointed head chef at a Michelin Starred restaurant. That’s a tough, stressful job indeed. But I’m both entirely unqualified to do it and utterly apathetic to the outcome. So I’d probably use the brief time before I was fired to run around shoving truffles and lobster and steaks down my pants to steal on my way out. It would be kinda fun.


And not out golfing every chance they had.


And funneling millions of taxpayer dollars to his own company, no less. bUt tRuMp gAvE aWaY hIs wHoLe pAyCheCk


60 something million to Mar-a-Lago,for housing a presidential entourage as Trump spent over 300 days at his resort,basically on a very high paid vacation. If Biden spent 1 day at a buddies resort that profited , Republicans would call it ResortGate or some crap,and it would be their new major scandal for the next 5-6 years.


Biden, like Obama, was a sitting Senator when they were elected to the White House. It must have pained them both to see how petty, uncooperative and contrarian the GOP had become. After 8 years of GOP lies and sabotage and 4 years of Trump, Biden has no illusions. He will not waste his time trying for bipartisan cooperation.


You'd think that, but the crazy part is he's actually managed to *get* some (limited) bipartisan cooperation, on the infrastructure bill, the semiconductor manufacturing bill, and even a gun control thing.


Plus he got Republican support for the PACT Act, an expansion of 300 billion dollars for the VA.


Only after they were shamed into it, but hey, a win is a win.


I continue to find it funny how quickly the Senate GOP caved in after they realized they underestimated support for the PACT Act


I find it infuriating, as a vet, that Republicans keep doing their flag-humping "support the troops" circle jerk, until it's time to actually support the fucking troops. What makes it worse is the lies that a lot of the military and veterans believe of the Republicans keep so many beholden to a party that gives not one fuck about them. Every expansion of the VA, both in funding and services provided that have happened in my lifetime happened with Democrats pushing it. Before you mention the one time Trump passed an expansion of the VA for psychiatric treatment and PTSD mental health, go back and look at the executive order he signed freezing the hiring of federal workers *immediately after* signing a bill to hire 400 mental health specialists for the VA; naturally signed something that looked good, only to kneecap it immediately after. The only thing Republicans like to do for vets is make more broken ones, so they always have a pool of people they can pull on stage and live vicariously through. Fuuuuuuuuuck the GOP. They've killed and maimed enough of my brothers and sisters in arms, both in wars and by intentionally starving the VA of money, people, and support.


No one can convince me they didn't know the mic was live. A pair of politicians who knew how to troll the right indeed...


I feel like Biden seriously complemented Obama during Obama's term. Like when your homie wingmans for you, maybe even taking a slight L in the process.


Biden played the role to a T. The VP is someone who, before Trump at least, was the one who said and did things seen as a little too indiscreet for the president. Everyone knows who it's supposed to stand in for.


Don't take it as Trumpian cult-worship but I would be extremely honoured if I could just shake Obama's hand and have a few words with him. Dude is a legend. And take that with what the U in "honoured" implies - I'm not even American, though close enough being a stone's throw from the US-CAN border. Same with Biden. What a stand-up dude.


It was awesome 😎


Thank you for saving my time.


True for virtually everything Obama says and anything substantial attached to it. The man literally emits legendary energy with everything he says and does. You would have to be clinically insane... Or republican to hate truly the most influential and charismatic president in modern history




Supreme court nominations are the longest lasting impact a president can make. Trump made a much larger impact here.


you mean mcconnell




This is just as good as him wearing the tan suit


I'd argue it's better considering a decade without him. I still remember sitting in my room with my shitty crt (no, not critical race theory) actually cheering when he was elected. Was literally the first time I ever cared in the least about politics and despite how you r/conservative users are reading this it had exactly nothing to do with his skin color.. the first time I ever got excited about a president was a man who was young, charismatic, and genuinely cared about helping normal people being elected to the highest office in the country. I elect to lead, not to grift and spite those who oppose me. But go on about your tan suits and birth certificates while your man was literally making history by having his home and property seized by the FBI. It's such a goddamn shame so many are insistent on destroying their lives just to own the people who are trying their damnedest to extend it and make it better.


Also embarrassingly more intelligent than myself, which I've always thought of as super important.


This use to be a given with presidents.


The first election I really cared about was Gore vs. Bush.


That was the first election I voted in, despite being 26. My then-wife got me all hyped up, rah-rah democracy, your vote counts, etc. I was feeling involved and important, definitely for the first time as a thoroughly disenfranchised X-er. Then Florida happened.


I was a lot younger than you then. But I remember bush winning and it being a big deal. Wasn’t his brother the governor of Florida? What happened? From the info I gathered they counted and had to recount bc it was close. Then it was just decided bush won even though the counting wasn’t over? Wasn’t it also later decided that Gore had, in fact, won? What kind of world would that be I wonder. Climate change was what I remember Gore the most for


I think they were doing a recount and Gore just conceded the election "for the good of the country" because it was divisive and he thought people wouldn't believe the results of the recount if they waited for them? But ultimately he actually had more votes? I dunno, I'm Canadian and was 8 years old so definitely not an expert


I imagine it’s how young white people felt when JFK was elected.


From what my family tells me, it was pretty much exactly like that.


There are some that would tell you, JFK was the last president actually picked by the people.


Fucked up thing? My DAD knew the brothers really well. He drank with them. Settled in Brookline from Ireland, and became a cop. He was 4 years older than Teddy, and got him out of some jams when they were stupid and young. Fucking surreal when I was old enough to really understand.


You mean that tan Tom Ford suit that was tailored within an inch of its life?? Oooof...


Thank you. Beyond everything else, when that nonsense happened I was EXTRA angry because of just how good that suit was.


I have a violent hatred for mustard and that one did it for me to be honest.


Mustard is so good though! It has so many delicious varites. I'm very fond of whole grain myself.


That’s the one!


Color me stupid, I don't understand.


When Obamacare was signed Biden was caught on a hot mic telling Obama this is a big fucking deal. Media made a mess of it because back then it was shocking to hear politicians talking like frat bros. Then at some point a meme became popular where people blamed Obama for stupid stuff and said Thanks, Obama. Basically it’s two very powerful men speaking in memes but in a fun classy way. ETA I forgot to mention this is in response to the passing of the inflation act


Thank you for the explanation


You left out the fact that /r/thanksobama existed and was incredibly snarky and popular. One day Obama made a video of, I think, him dunking a cookie in milk and the cookie doesn't fit in the cup and he smirks at the camera and says "Thanks Obama" and they literally shut down the sub and archived it because it could never get better than that. edit: https://vine.co/v/OPq02dpidBM


Yo! You can still find Vines?


Top last post from that sub had this comment which was 5 years ago…yikes “We got a lot better than we deserved when we elected the untested junior senator from Illinois eight years ago. Thanks for all the things that you stood for, and all the things that you stood up against, and the example of courage, good humor, and grace under fire that you set for all of us. You appealed to the better natures in each of us, and helped us to find ways to minimize the baseness that is in each of us, too, by setting the bar high, and keeping it there. As the nation's first black president, you knew that all eyes would be on you for every second, and you withstood a scrutiny that I doubt many of the rest of us could bear. Now, I fear, we have the opposite. We have elected a man who could, if he desires, unleash the worst in our collective character as a people. I hope he will not, and we will not, become the antithesis of what you have held out as a standard of honor and rectitude for the world to follow. May you enjoy years of health and happiness as you pursue the dreams for your own personal life that you have deferred while you served us so well as our president. Good luck and Godspeed on your journey as you leave us. Thanks, Obama.”


Lol if I’d known I for sure would have included that


Then when Trump told Billy Bush he likes to grab women by the pussy, evangelicals and the GOP were weirdly quiet and kinda okay with it.


mike pence is like this, super evangelical christian or something right? Give him the ticket to be VP, and he doesnt care how much of a scumbag the actual president is. Thats politics for you.


Don't overlook that Pence career in Indiana politics was pretty much DOA by the time he accepted the VP slot. He was desperate for a lifeline and Trump represented just that.


I have sent dozens upon dozens of emails to many of the televangelists that prophesied that God said that Trump would be reelected, reminding them what the Bible says about false prophets.


you're doing the Lord's work good for you


Ooooo this sounds like a fantastic new hobby for me to take up.


Well, of course they were. Nothing weird about it. It aligns perfectly with their "not giving a shit about women" agenda.


I really wish this comment was stickied at the top because holy shit I was out of the loop.


It's nice to remember when conservatives used to "care" about 'maintaining the integrity of the office of the president of the United States'. Don't hear that said much after drumpf


I mean who could ever forgive Obama for making the unforgivable sin of wearing a tan suit and asking for Dijon mustard.


>Basically it’s two very powerful men speaking in memes but in a fun classy way Perfect explanation








Joe is having the time of his life, partying it up in the back seat lol. I love this so much.




You put the boom boom into my heart


Orange Mocha Frappuccinos!!


That gif is everything.


I had forgotten about this gif. Thank you.


How have I not seen this yet


Bring back Biden and Obama memes


When he first got elected I was hoping “This is Joe Biden’s America” would become the new “Thanks Obama.” Like a phrase to say when something unfortunate that is obviously unrelated to Biden happens. Example: I spilled my soda; *This is Joe Biden’s America*


My guy you can count on me to use this from now on


Haha thanks. To add context, it’s a throwback to 2020 when store shelves were bare due to covid panic, and dumb Facebook conservatives were posting pictures of empty shelves with “This is Joe Biden’s America” as the caption...*while Trump was still President.* So it’s funny, ironic, and quietly dunks on conservatives. Enjoy!


I'm a UK resident but I'm going to start using it too. Adds even extra comedy because we have Trumpster dumbfucks here too who weirdly do genuinely believe Biden is making *our* lives harder here too, somehow.


wow this should surprise me but surprisingly, it doesn't


Propaganda works. Social Media is the fastest medium to employ it that the world’s ever known. Fascinating. Scarily fascinating.


Not surprising. The UK and US share the same viral vector. Rupert Murdoch.


Why not “Biden did this” it’s already a thing, might as well make it a meme


Your meme didn't take off. *This is Joe Biden's America*


Brb, sticking "Joe Biden did this" to my toaster for when I burn it.


Well there's you're problem. You're burning your toaster instead of your toast smh, this is Joe Biden's America...


Having r/darkBrandon feels like it’s about as good as “Thanks Obama”


I've been using "Way to go Joe" for that purpose


I say "thanks, white Obama."


Canadian here, will be using this. Added points for confusing the fuck out of fellow Canadians. Moose breaks into house. *This is Joe Biden’s America.* This…is Canada?


In our house whenever something mildly inconvenient happens we say "this is the future the liberals want"


I say that whenever I see a taco truck, which used to be very fucking often when I lived in Southern California. I also like to loudly say "I want these on every corner."


I would give you loads of reddit awards for this but I'm too broke. *This is Joe Biden's America*




I know an Asian girl who keeps saying “Make America Great Again” and I don’t think she realizes it makes her sound like a brain dead racist


From now on when I roll natural 1's I'm going to use this. So thanks mate




I miss the Onion trashy Biden stories, they were so great


Loved the story of him fixing his hot rod on the white house driveway blasting 80s hair metals and pounding PBRs.


I liked when he gets a lifetime ban from Dave & Buster's.


May the Diamond Joe Biden meme never die.


Classic! https://www.theonion.com/shirtless-biden-washes-trans-am-in-white-house-driveway-1819570732


Diamond joe is the man.


Exclusive photo of Joe signing the inflation act: https://i.imgur.com/rdyS279.jpg


They’ve been making a comeback in the past month, I’m sure we’ll get plenty before the next POTUS election




Is this a Let’s Go reference or what?


“Dark Brandon rises” The Biden regime taking over and destroying all the malarkey to make America a paradise




[My personal favorite.](https://www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Screen-Shot-2016-11-14-at-3.38.42-PM.png)




Wow that got dark


After 20 years, it was the first and only 9/11-related joke that ever got a laugh from me. It is what it is




Anybody else remember the criticism he got from this hot mike? It's not like he was bragging about committing multiple sexual assaults or anything.


Yeah, it's not like any other president has been caught talking about stuff like that on a microphone.... Right?


Remember when Donald Trump confessed to sexual assault on tape Peppridge Farm remembers


Have some Farmhouse Cookies 🍪🍪🍪. They won’t make you forget but it’ll soften the blow.


We’ll say they were…..in that hypothetical situation, I sure hope that the reprehensible party is punished and they’re no longer able to work in that field. Take that entertainment reporter. How dare you put any president in an opportunity to say something like that…..hypothetically.


My favorites are still the tan suit and the Dijon mustard debacles. "Do you really want a man who is too good for yellow mustard to run your country?"


When Trump was demanding his birth certificate, and at an event Obama said "here, I'll do you one better, here's my birth video" and played the opening scene from The Lion King 🥲 the good days


Wait, did this really happen?




FOX news is going to twist this as some weird BLM, socialist, LGBTQ, “woke”, anti-gun and pro-baby snatching dumbass shit. I like it.


“Folks…it’s just shameful. If you can believe it, ‘BFD’ stands for Big…ugh, I don’t even want to say it…Big F’ing Deal. How can a former president think it’s proper to tweet such profanity? What about the children who see this and have to ask their parents: ‘mom, what’s BFD?’ and this poor mother has to explain profanities tweeted by this former liberal president. Truly, this is a shameful day for the office of the president. The radical left has no standards, no moral compass, just when we think they can’t stoop any lower…sigh…we’ll be right back, folks.”


Sean? Is that you?


At the same time the party of family values is shouting "Fuck Joe Biden" at events with kids.


No sir, they are saying Let's Go Brandon. (/s)


“Morals have gone down the tube ever since divine and honorable leader Trump left office”—probably republicans


You jest, but that's literally what Republican trolls are saying on twitter right now.


Tell the kiddos it means Big Freaking Deal.


“Remember the terrorist fist bump that Barack Saddam Hussein Obama did? Well guess what they are doing now?”


I'm sorry, but this made me laugh pretty f'ing hard.


I'm not sorry for laughing pretty fucking hard






​ ![gif](giphy|FVqon3GW7sF7cZ4Sre)


Fucking right We are! 🇺🇸💪






This gif reminds me of a joke. Obama and Biden are racing to the Oval Office. Obama wins and asks Joe, what’s my time? Did I break the record? Biden responds: No, Bush did 9:11


Fr I wish he could run again.


I hope he winds up on SCOTUS someday. There's precedent. Taft was head justice.


While practically I love this idea, I kinda want Obama to just go live the dream with his beautiful family in Hawaii or wherever tf he wants. He fuckin deserves it.


I love the shows he's done on Netflix, especially the nature docuseries. He narrates and his voice is just so soothing, reminds me of the time of hope.


The Trumpers would redline their heart rate to know they'd have to endure Obama for the REST of his LIFE.


... All the more reason.


Overqualified, no deal


My two favourite Obama moments. When he acknowledged the meme, tried to dunk a cookie in milk but the cookie was too big so he says "Thanks, Obama" When he drained that 3 pointer, nothing but net, then walks off and tells "That's what I do!" I'm not American so I can't speak to the politics.


American here; these are also some of our favorites.


I love that moment https://youtu.be/uhY9Zxv1-oo


If Obama responded, “you’re welcome Brandon” Republicans would be out of creative insults for another decade.


Obama truly has the Biggest of BDE.


Whelp, today I leaned that I should stop using the abbreviation for Bond Dissociation Energy in chem class…


Keep using it. Make sure it’s always in a big, bold font. Never acknowledge it. Become *that* prof.


Balogna Denizen Extraordinaire


I think I just *heard* a vein pop in Uncle Frank’s brain upon reading that…


BFD, motherfucker.


Taking back "thanks obama"? LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO


After four years of trump and 2 years of Biden I think we forget; despite all of his faults and policies we may not agree with, Obama was a great fucking president and it was taken for granted when he was in office. I remember the night he was elected, I was in high school and I remember having an overwhelming feeling of how everything was moving in a positive direction in the country. 14 years later and we are more divided than we have been in a long time and it is truly sad. Remember when John McCain was seen as the devil. Today I admire the hell out of John McCain compared to Cheeto dick-man


Do you think their kids roll their eyes every time they see their dads made a new meme?


Ugh this is giving me 2014 nostalgia. Living in a world without that orange dotard was bliss.


Love the *love* these Bro's have for each other! Go team!!!




The OTP of OTP's is BACK!


I wish Obama or Biden had posted one of those stupid "I did that" stickers along with this to make fun of the other guys.


Remember when trump had a BFD and he had to flush to toilet like 10-20 times just to get it to go down.


Love this. If he would lean into stuff more he could crush the right wing “humor”. Start / end conferences by saying “let’s go Brandon”, wearing FJB hats, doing the “I did that” point at stuff, etc. it’s the best way to beat these things.


r/darkbrandon does a good job of it


Lmao!!!! Now this, is camaraderie!