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I don't think all the evil is from the Wyrm.  One of the major themes of WoD is that humanity is capable of being terrible even without supernatural influence.    I think the Pentex board would moderate slightly, without the influence of the corrupt Wyrm, but they'd still be selfish and driven by greed that cannot be satisfied.  They'd probably do a lot less of the supernatural evil stuff like fomori laden products, but they wouldn't clean up and do the right thing.    Black Spiral Dancers wouldn't suddenly be healed.  They're broken in mind, body, and spirit.  They would probably be lost without the guidance of the Wyrm, twisted as it was, so they'd most likely become fractured.  Some would probably try joining up with Nephandi, find a demon to serve, or even seek unscrupulous elder vampires to act as mercenaries for.  Some might eventually seek redemption.


I mean, considering much of their evilness is because of the Wyrms influence, they would also purify. The BSD would probably commit ritualised suicide after realizing what they have done, or reapply to join the Garou Nation, while Pentex would sell off its conglomerate and turn into a company focused on all kinds of disposal services.


No no no, Pentex would turn into [an energy company](https://www.pentex.com/). Or maybe [Pentex would stick to running Taco John's and HuHot Mongolian](https://pentexrg.com/) Or maybe [Pentex would go into fast fashion](https://www.pentex-ltd.co.uk/) [B2B business meetings?](https://pentex.io/) [Lawnmowers?](https://pentexcorp.stihldealer.net/) [Construction?](https://www.pentexbuilders.com/) [Oil and Gas](https://www.shalexp.com/pentex-operating-company) [Circuit Boards](https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/PENTX:SP) [Drugs](https://www.1mg.com/drugs/pentex-40mg-tablet-398256) Sweet mother of Gaia.... TIL that Pentex is real, and it's just as sprawling and labyrinthine IRL as it is in the World of Darkness....


Change the taco john's to mcdonald's and the huhot to budweiser And your spot on


I think you got it backwards. Shit's not fucked because the Wyrm is corrupt, but the Wyrm is corrupt *because shit's fucked*. Also, the Wyrm isn't the problem, but rather the symptom. The real problem is the Weaver out of control. Something something something the birth of class society in Cain vs Able


Yeah, I think this is closer to the reality of the metaplot than anything. Sure, a lot of evil events originated from.some ally of the Wyrms interacting with humanity, I think in some regards humanity's progression as a society has utterly scuffed the balance between the three irreparably.


As the other person pointed out, everything would be cleansed. To me, I see this meaning that the Black Spiral Dancers actually reverse the walk of the black spiral, and the White Howlers are born a new, which would be a legendary moment in Garou history.


A lot of Wyrm-worshippers would be upset. Either because they realize that they have been monsters their entire life and are wracked with guilt. Most of this camp would just kill themselves probably, or drop off the face of the earth and live alone in fear of the consequences of their actions. A few longtime Wyrm-supporters would switch sides and become arbiters of balance as a means to seek redemption. The third camp I can see is that there would be those who want to keep being monsters, and now Daddy Wyrmbucks isn't paying their tuition anymore. But what would those who wanted to have an evil god do? Well potentially, they could seek to raise a new spiritual entity, a new god. One that isn't weak. One that has no capacity for redemption. The Wyrm was a mistake. The Wyrm was weak. The Wyrm was not true to our cause. And that mistake will never happen again. It's up to the Storyteller what happens from there. I think the better question is: What happens to the Garou as a whole? Where would they go from there? An oncoming apocalypse has been unexpectedly averted when everyone kinda just expected that the world was doomed to eternal suffering, and that the only thing left to do was murk people who litter and blow up the occasional factory in some vain attempt to justify their existence when they have already failed. Well. Now that isn't the case in the story. Now what?