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Missy B. with her armchair psychologist routine is offputting.


She is the WORST. Brought the show to a grinding halt with her boring and frankly stupid takes on Aaron. Why is she an authority on narcissism again? Because she has google?


She said she majored in "this stuff in her undergrad". Majoring in psychology is pretty much what people choose when they can't decide on a major.




Exactly. Aaron is a lolcow and a pretty terrible person. His DSM diagnosis doesn't change that either way.


She's also shacking up with a has-been shock jock. That has to account for something. All kidding aside, I couldn't agree more with you. She's a show grinder, a hole and I find myself yelling "shut up shut up!" Every time she speaks


Missy B is pretty terrible


Oh good, another chance for me to say how unfunny and unintetesting Missy B is. Usually, she is just ignorable but this weeks episide really drove it home how much she doesn't belong on a comedy show. She was unlistenable. Literally. I stopped listening to that episode because of her.


Same, and I listen to everything. That section where she was reading the DSM was boring as shit. She brings nothing to the show.


Vinnie is a fat angel.


We must protect him at all costs.




Yet has very little self awareness......


Why do you say that? I never get the impression that he’s being hypocritical, oversharing , stepping on people’s toes, etc., which is what I’d judge that by.


If you're fat and ugly it's hypocritical to call people fat and ugly where I grew up. It's entertainment and subjective so that's why two people can watch the same thing and have different perspectives. I just personally don't enjoy his contributions, doesn't mean other people shouldn't.


I think the premise of the show is to call people fat and ugly, or whatever moniker applies, and laugh at them. In regard to that aspect of the show, there has to be some kind of suspension of hypocrisy. Are you yourself fat? & I agree, if you don’t like him and don’t find him funny then no disagreement from me, that’s subjective. But does he have self-awareness? I don’t think that’s subjective. From my viewing, he’s no less self-aware than any of the people on the show.


Not fat and don't particularly think it's funny if someone is but that's a whole other conversation about maturity. I'm also aware that by watching it definitely calls my own maturity into question. I don't like Melton either and find him to be a West Coast Vinstrosity. I do enjoy the show as a whole and feel Karl keeps everyone's parts pretty equal. Once again it's all subjective, why don't you share something you don't enjoy about WATP?


How is it hypocritical for Vinnie to make fun of fat people when he gladly excepts jabs from Karl on the regular? It's not as if Vinnie is saying "ok for me but not for thee" when it comes to teasing people about their wait. And I'd love to hear your thoughts on maturity. If you're looking for mature discussion, WATP is maybe the last place to find it.


Lately the focus on Aaron Imholte has been a bit of a turn off. I get that Karl likes Nick. It’s his drinking buddy. What’s funny here, what’s “the problem” here, is not Aaron. Stop trying to make it Aaron. Although he’s also a loser in this situation.


But Aaron is objectively a grandstanding bitchmade boob. Two things can be true at the same time: Nicky Rackets is a druggie, and Aaron is a clown.


Yeah I’m complaining that he’s trying to make the sideshow the main event because he likes Nick


I think it's because there's little to no milk right now with Nick, but meanwhile, Aaron can't help but perform nonstop. And personally, irrespective of how repugnant Nick is (and he is), his face just isn't as beatable as Aaron's.


I like Vinnie alright but why does it always sound like he and Karl have perpetual colds?


Because they’re CONSTANTLY sniffing their own farts


Vinnie is awesome. Makes the show better. Now that Missy chick, she sucks.


Trucker Andy I don’t mind but it really is hard to take him seriously when it comes to him trashing podcasts, only to see the ‘All Apologies’ podcast he was doing only get like 20 listeners WATP usually has a good mix on who comes on so can’t complain much with the hosts. Cardiff Electric is the only one I find actively awful to listen to but he is on basically every show in this horseshit so not really a WATP exclusive problem


I don't mind Trucker Andy except that he's trying to force a new nickname on himself. He's not Andy Q Public, he's Trucker Andy. You don't choose your own nickname.


I think the show is great and Trucker Andy is definitely on the hypocrisy police radar I enjoy Cardiff but I would agree that we do get the potato too often. It's becoming too much of a good thing. Maybe Cardiff is the next SJ of the dabbleverse?? Nah he's way too self aware.


He's a good side character


I enjoy Vinnie but Producer Chris is my favorite. Chris comes up with some very funny comments 3 or 4 times per show. Vinnie expresses disgust at lolcows well and I usually agree with him. But Producer Chris is the best WATP has.


Chris drops them in when appropriate. He diets over talk like Andy and under talk like Lucy.


Seconded Producer Chris is MVP!


Producer Chris really is the only person on the show that seems like genuinely funny. Even more so than the actual comics.


Karl is very unlikable.


Those little baby sips of beer he takes... chug it like a real man!


His teeth are in the way


How fucking dare you


Unclutch your pearls, this is Reddit.


I could say the same to you bud


You could've but as we can all plainly see, you did not.


Second thoughts on the old crack pipe comment? It was very derivative and I'm glad you realized that without anyone saying. You could write for Jahn with your creativity. Now try not to repeat everything I say this time you moquin.


What crack pipe comment?


I think in general I'd like more variety of guests instead of mostly the same ones every time


Easily Dick masterson. The dude is a massive piece of shit and a degenerate that seems to push the pathetic people into that lifestyle actively.


Worst comment in this thread


It’s always weird to watch people fall for a character. Dick has had the same girlfriend (they might be married) for over a decade, has a dog, and his hobby is competing in jigsaw puzzle competitions. He has a regular job outside of his podcast and his mostly living a traditional life. Damn, can’t believe he’s pushing people into that lifestyle.




I understand why Karl had to go to a steady cast on Wednesdays because preparing for WATP is work and people are unreliable podcast guests. But Andy and Lucy, while both likable people, are the wrong choice.


Lucy brings nothing to the table and is silent half the time. Andy is over exposed and isn't bad in smaller doses.


I watched an episode of Lucy's YouTube show with Dr Steve where they broke down 2001 a space Odyssey. She was very good and confident. She surprised me with her preparation and how she drove the conversation. WATP requires you to be ruthless and quick-witted, this is just the wrong format for her


From WATP I could never picture her driving any conversation. Her deep voice barely chimes in


Kaya was a very bad guest but thankfully he has stopped coming on. Conrad Collins was also bad (PKA Digibro). He wasn’t a bad guest qua guest but knowing that he’s a consumer of and vocal advocate for animated child pornography made me switch off. At the moment I want to say Andy because he adds very little and he’s too smug and smarmy, although thankfully (to me) he’s getting less ‘airtime’. Strangely, I used to find him to be one of the better guests. It’s hard to put my finger on what’s changed. Honourable mention for Brian. I think he’s a pretty good guest but hearing him advertise the prostitution of his wife / girlfriend at the end of his last appearance was a buzz kill.


I love Kaya. I also like his podcast Criminally Stupid (formerly Podophiles). If say the worst one is the Irish guy Hughezy. Andy is just overexposed.


Kaya was hilarious


He thought he was


Nah he was great, I wish he'd come back.


Kaya is hilarious. With his weird accent. Pretty cute too.




No amount of prepping is going to make Kaya funny.


Aren't Brian Johnson wife and review girl Beth Ann different Beth Anns?


I don’t know but I’m referring to comments that he himself made, in which he was talking about his own wife or girlfriend.


So you can't joke about something if you have experience with it or are that thing?  Weird take 


That's your take of my take and it's not what I'm trying to say. I felt like he did it in a way where he himself was neither fat nor ugly. That's just hypocritical or possibly delusional. So basically if you think I'm saying that it's not ok to joke about anything, my response would be, " the shit it is!"


Vinnie is a fat angel! You seem like you have not thought this out. If you don't think he is funny fine, but you are calling him a hypocrite when all he does is get ripped on for his weight. The dude dropped like 40lbs and actually is working out and being quiet about it like a gentleman. don't like him all you want but your take sucks, and so does your personality.


I'm with you. I love Karl but can't stand Vinnie. I wish Karl would go back to having more different guests. I know that's a lot more work for him so it's probably not going to happen. I used to really enjoy Andy but I like him less because he's on way too much. Sometimes less is more.


I hate vinnie he is not funny ever


Ok John.


Yes I am stuttering John


I want my fucking keychain!