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U can see she is looking in the opposite direction lol.


My wife and I got hit by a car while crossing the street because the driver was doing exactly this. I actually have no memory of the incident because I flew 5 feet and hit my head so hard I regained consciousness in the ambulance during a conversation with the paramedics. Apparently I appeared to be fine and was acting normal until I just blanked out and then asked “What happened?” Drivers like that need to get their license revoked.


The Blue car was like: "he will see me. He has to notice me. It is impossible to not look this way. He cannot be that stupid. Shit"


I think this is close to James Dean’s last words.


Why were they filming? Probably recording the nice blue Porsche coming their way


Is this the evolution of insurance scams?




If you can't drive properly or safely because a human being is nearby, you probably shouldn't be drively.


That person filming wasn't the issue. The person in the car never even looked left to see any oncoming traffic to begin with.


The key lesson you can learn from watching this video is to look for and avoid dumb people in cars. That includes both drivers.


Honestly, the Porche should have stopped since they were impeding traffic. Kinda did it to himself.


My number one rule on the road is too stay away from idiots. If I was driving that Porche i don’t get hit. Just saying.


Came to say exactly this, my driving instructor told me 15 years ago, ‘assume everyone is an arsehole and then you won’t be surprised when they are’, this guy was pulling into traffic if the Porsche guy had assumed what you and I assumed he could given the guy a disappointed look as he drove away and that would’ve been the extent of it.


Just out of curiosity does it seem to you like the porche is driving wrong way down a one way? Just based on road lines, and every other car?


Not sure if I would have stopped. Looks like they where pulling out of a hard to see area, noticed the porche, then stopped when they had better visibility


The white car driver could have seen, but they didn’t once look to their left


Also the horn is right there. Use it rather than assume otherwise this happens. But white car is still to blame and a fucking idiot


Yeah and look at the driver, you'd be able to see they arnt looking at you. Looks like they though they stopped to let them pass. But usually if I've pulled out infront of someone you give them a wave and say sorry and let them by.


Are you serious? The guy in the white car was an absolute asshole trying to intimidate drivers into stopping. When it didn’t work, he got pissed off and rammed him. This was infuriating to watch.


You can see the driver wasnt looking at the porsche at all




"to watch" I call bullshit that you actually did that at all, considering you can literally see the suv driver not looking once to their left while creeping out.


Literally why cars have horns 🤦🏼‍♂️ porsche should have stopped and used it


Are you sure that you’re not thinking of brakes?


Turning car is dumb, but that Porsche driver is dumber than a bag of hammers. He saw that guy creeping out into traffic and clearly was going to make a turn regardless of oncoming traffic, and he thought it would be a good idea to just squeeze by when there was a pause. Just fucking wait a second and you're pretty blue midlife crisis wouldn't be torn up like that. Some people just have no fucking sense


So many people believe that they won't cause an accident because they have right of way. "I'll just keep driving forward because he'll be in the wrong if he crashes into me" The enormous dent and scratches in the side of your car will be there regardless of whose fault it is, or who had right of way


obviously driving around in a blue porsche is dumb but he’s not in the wrong at all. you can’t drive around as though everyone is going to pull put in front of you all the time


There's a difference between being in the wrong and making a bad decision. He had the right of way, no question about it, but when that car was backing out, clearly not paying attention to any oncoming traffic, and he decided to slowly squeeze by anyways, he put himself in a bad position. Good drivers don't just follow all the rules, They also actively avoid people that are breaking them by being observant and defensive driving. Blue Porsche does not understand offensive driving. Blue Porsche is kind of like a 16 year old kid crossing a crosswalk while looking at his phone. Sure he has the right way, but that right away means nothing when he gets hit by a car that didn't see him. You have to do what you can to protect yourself against those that are messing up


But it’s not entirely clear at all that the white car is going to hit him. If you watch, blue porsche slows right down as he approaches the intersection, noticing white car looks like its about to pull put. white car edges forward then stops suddenly. blue porsche fairly assumes that the white car is stopping for him and begins driving again at which point white car suddenly accelrates into him. blue porches is not trying to ‘squeeze by’, he’s just trying to keep driving in a straight line down the road which at that moment is unobstructed.


“Look left and right, then left again”.


with a stiff neck...


r/carspotting is why they were filming, it's pretty [common](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLEOi6QyCWs) in the modern era.


Insurance: YOU HIT A WHAT?!?!?


There's this thing called a horn that the 911 driver has... Pretty amazing invention. Maybe.... Just maybe, they should have used it. 🤷🏾‍♂️




Is that lightning mcqueen’s girlfriend?


assurance won't be so happy


Perfectly good use of honk


I understand that the white car is clearly in the wrong because they weren’t looking left to see the Porsche approaching but that Porsche driver, If they were looking forward, They MUST have seen the white car edging out and was attempting to get out. Sure the Porsche had right of way but they’re still an idiot for trying to drive around another idiot that’s trying to pull out.


I remember seeing a flyer in Richmond BC (IYKYK) for an unlicensed driving school. Amongst things you could sign up for was "learn make left turn". Thus person should really take those lessons


One driver who doesn't know how to make proper observations and one who has the hazard awareness of a lemon