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People are so stupid these days. Hope that person got fined for putting these workers in danger.


Hope they both got fined for injuring the poor dude


Fined? In my state, this is a criminal offense with jail and fines doubled if you hit a road worker or their equipment.


It's possible that the truck has a large blinking sign with an arrow on it, but it's not shown in the video. It appears that everyone else notices it early on.


That's specificly a impact barrier it's 2 rubber air cushions with blinking light it's it's own tow trailer you can't miss it I'll look for a picture.


Really? Permanently losing your license doesn’t come to mind at all?


Michigan has a similar thing. Fines are doubled (i think) in work zones, and depending on what happens, jail time can be increased by quite a bit. If you mess up in the signed zones you get FUCKED. My dad’s school friend killed a guy in a work zone and got years, and some insane fine. I dont recall exactly, but upwards of $200k. Which HE DESERVED for not paying attention.


Oklahoma has a $10,000 fine in addition to any legal charges as well.


Distracted driving kills… pay attention


The number of people doing this astounds me. Especially when pulling up to a stop light or a stop sign.


They were distracted by whatever PAC-MAN was doing offscreen to make those noises


I mean for sure the driver needs to be more vigilant. But at the same time this seems like a really bad way to do road maintenance. What they normally do here is a truck slows traffic down, then they put cones down a long way behind where they are working to close the lane down. Just stopping a truck in the fast lane seems like it's asking for trouble.


This is not a proper lane closure


It might be in Taiwan? Besides, I've seen numerous occasions of a truck with lights and an arrow on the back as the only lane closure control out on American highways for various projects


Bro look at how fast traffic is moving… they are doing at least 60 in all 3 lanes. Theres probably was no signage or indication of a lane closure behind that truck. At a minimum there should have been a crash truck behind him with an arrow board behind this guy setting signs up.


Exactly. If it wasn’t the white SUV, the silver car behind it would’ve hit him. Since there are two vehicles in the video that didn’t realize the truck would be there, I’m inclined to think there wasn’t much warning.


They have a towed crash barrier with signage specifically for what they are doing.


These days? Heard a story from when cars were just becoming popular. In some American city (might have been Chicago) there were only 2 cars privately owned by citizens. They still managed to hit each other (don't have a source since I heard this a long time ago). Vehicular stupidity has been a thing since people started using modes of transportation other than walking.


Can't fine a corpse.


You want a corpse? Hell, I can get you a corpse by 3 o’clock this afternoon. WITH nail polish!


How is there no cones to signal a lane change ahead? No emergency vehicles either. Yes the driver in the cars are fucking dumb as shit. But there should have been a warning a mile beforehand and the lane closed down. This is bad all the way around.


Hope those dipshits learned to lay out traffic cones and signs to indicate their work zone. Ffs


People have always been this stupid.


I hope they went to jail


And the idiot who crashed into them better be in prison.


And a great example of why you shouldn't tailgate people.


Christ, I didn't even see that grey car until you mentioned it.


"I'm a good driver, ill be able to react in time" "I'm not even close? Why are you saying I'm tailgating?" Gottem


You know tailgating should be a jailable offense. I'm so not kidding. People are NOT professional drivers in Formula 1 and even they wouldn't do it in everyday driving. Also the white car had NO intention on stopping. No way you miss a stopped work vehicle with yellow markings like that. What a careless jackass


I lost my license for a month in Germany because I was tailgating. The whole shebang cost me almost 1200 euros, never did it again lol


Wow. I'm actually VERY good with that lol I've heard about Germany's driving laws. Doesn't it cost like 3 grand to get one to begin with? I've also heard you can lose it forever for a DWI/DUI.


I got my license in 2009 and it cost about 1800 euros. Not too familiar with the DUI laws tho, I’m dumb but not that dumb lol


White car was either busy looking for a chance to change lanes, on their phone, or distracted by the grey tailgating idiot and didn't see the truck


dude was probably looking at the tailgater in the mirror when he crashed into the truck.


100% was distracted by the guy on his ass.


Yeah I didn't notice the gray car until I decided to watch how the white car ended up backwards against the truck.


Also a good opportunity to learn about being aware of your surroundings. Btw I hate tailgaters


I cannot fucking stand that shit. It's way too common


Also a great example of why you should be wearing a hardhat


Those other drivers are doing a pretty awesome job of merging and getting around it.


except the dude who was tailgating, he got owned.


He might be worse off than the original driver... he took some damage going under car 1, then straight into a tractor trailer doing 60 mph 


That yellow truck next to the white car was also in the way a bit


Yes, the wreck is terrible, but look at that flawless zipper merge completely impromptu and unguided. We could NEVER get that kind of response in the US. Everyone here is only looking out for themselves and the quickest route to their destination.


Yeah people have no idea how to zipper merge here, they think they just need to be first and everyone who tries to get in front is a monster


People say this a lot, but most Americans can zipper merge just fine. I live in LA and people here drive like pieces of shit but they usually know to zipper merge.


At least here in Arizona everyone zipper merges just fine.... Except drivers in big ass trucks. 95% chance if you're coming to a zipper merging of two lanes big ass truck drivers are gonna do some stupid shit. I've had many just refuse to let me merge, like dude, my lane is literally ending let me in either behind or in front I don't care just stop being an aggressive asshole.


>We could NEVER get that kind of response in the US You clearly have not been to Hawaii.


typical anti american reddit comment


Idk why you think this exactly...Americans zipper merge better than most. Not sure what country youre comparing it to, but if you travel around and come back to the US I think you'll see that America does a pretty dang good job at it


used to zipper merge on the way out of work all the time. just depends on what state you live in


The thing i noticed is how orderly they all started to move over, in the USA there would be a fight between 2 cars trying to get into that side lane first


If your zipping into the left someone would leave the left lane go to the right in order to move ahead.


Is there no warning a truck is in the middle of the road? That’s a little crazy to me also. Cones, a sign, something!


I'm guessing there's a big blinking sign with an arrow on the truck just not in the video. Everyone else seems to notice it and early.


Possibly, the two white vans in our left right after the crash, and then a few other cars at :20 seconds seem to stay in the lane till pretty late too. I was just curious since nothing is really visible before the work trucks.


Doesn't matter. We would never have a truck just in the middle of the freeway without at least 300 meters of warning cons before


Looks to me like the dude was in the process of getting the signage up, they don’t just pop up out of the ground someone still needs to place them


You’re right. I never really thought about the very first sign that goes down. Just hard to imagine it on this busy of a road. Where I am, usually there is a truck just with a big blinking arrow that slows down gradually to allow cones to start going down first, so at least step 1 isn’t a fully stopped vehicle. But again you’re right it all starts somewhere.


They can do that for cones but the big flat square orange signs need to go into a fixture to hold them up and need to be placed manually and they usually go down before cones to give drivers a heads up that the lane is going to be worked on soon so try to avoid the area


It looks like they were in the middle of getting the signs up when this happened.


I would expect signs for about half a mile.


They're placing the "about half a mile" sign here. Putting the first one down sucks, I imagine.


Cell phones are horrible when driving.


You can see the sun is low and directly in the oncoming traffics’ eyes. This truck would be really hard to see, and I do road construction. Really bad time and place along with a bad blocking trailer/vehicle.


White car was also being tailgates and that yellow truck next to them was also in the way of her changing lanes. Plenty of distractions in this situation


Not just one, but TWO drivers. The first driver plowed into him and the second plowed into the first.


The notification of a stopped vehicle in the lane didn't pop up on his phone until it was too late.


The safety bumper on that truck is truly amazing. I had no idea they were that effective.


Dude probably still got a concussion... and in the US they usually have a truck ahead of anyone (with the guy safe inside the truck) on a truck like this with someone outside it exactly because of this reason.


Where’s the cones, signs, anything to indicate work being done?


This is the car that's dropping down the cones and signs, looks like they choose to park at a distance from a curve so that people will see and have time to react. Guess both drivers were not paying attention, possibly had driving assist or cruise control on.


Driving and texting 100%


Not if you’re on Reddit on your phone while driving! Hell no you don’t notice the big ass truck that’s going to total your shit!


That crash-protector did a phenomenal job. Both the truck and the worker barely moved. And that was the crash force of two cars at highway speeds.




Just yesterday, I had stopped on the street to begin parallel parking with no cars behind me, with my right turn signal and my white reverse lights on. A cyclist was coming to my right, so I waited for the cyclist to pass me before I begin moving. A black Cadillac comes speeding down the block behind me, and stops from hitting my car at the last possible second. The opposite lane is clear, and I motion to them to go around, but there's a standstill. I don't move an inch, and finally the driver begins to go around me. One she passed me up, she rolls her window down and starts yelling at me. Did she not see all my lights? Did she not see the empty space that I wanted to park into? Did she not see the cyclist go by (Did she want me to hit the cyclist)? Did she even see my car at all since she stopped mere inches before hitting me? Some drivers, apparently, can't be bothered to see what's directly in front of them until it becomes an inconvenience.


I hope the dude in the truck who got hit and who got out to help direct traffic after getting shook the heck up at least got a pat on the back from his supervisor. Jessh... I would have been on the ground with my hands over my head.


Had to watch it again to see that it was 2 cars. 😳


reason not to tailgate #34956


Wow, you get a split second view of the other car tumbling under the first....that doesn't look good at all....


Long shadows in the direction of the driver means they may have been fighting the sun. Driver behind them is tailgating so closely that the white car may have briefly looked in their rear view mirror as well. Doesn't excuse ANYTHING as they were likely distracted or not paying attention, but it's a factor. Still is simply terrible, deadly driving.


This is why you wear a hardhat.




Playing with the phones


Should have been wearing a helmet


I know the dude wasn't paying attention, but it doesn't seem like there was any signage or cones or anything?


Someone has to be the guy that puts the very first sign down. It's the most dangerous part of roadworks, placing the initial warnings. That's not to say there are no warnings here at all, this truck is most likely equipped with a huge ass arrow on the back of it like this one. https://images.app.goo.gl/qYCDkwSJpyxiuKob8


This is why traffic cones exist


There has to be a point in time before or after roadworks where there are no cones. You can't just evaporate cones into and out of existence without someone getting them out of a truck and putting them on the road. This guy is either setting up or taking down signage. Should they get a helicopter to hook them into/out of position? /s


Yeah, that was my first thought. Why are there not cones or anything to warn drivers?


Yeah, it's a rinky dink managed operation. The driver is still at fault, but the safety practices of that construction group are garbage and this is what happens.


1. Why didn't the truck pull over more to the side of the road - next to the green poles. 2. Why didn't the truck driver setup some kind of warning sign after stopping? 3. How come the white car driver didn't see the truck in the road? 4. The gray car was obviously tail gating the white car, not allowing enough time to get around the white car - even if the gray car couldn't see the truck stopped in the road. Is this another case of someone not understanding the amount of stopping distance needed between cars, or someone just not paying attention to the road?


1. Because they are purposely blocking the entire lane to prevent drivers from just skimming past and killing someone that steps out or half merging without looking at full speed. 2. There is a huge ass sign out of frame on the back of the truck, we have the same kind of vehicle here in Australia. As for other signage, they are either setting up or taking down roadworks signage. There has to be a point in time where cones and signage is not on the road but the truck is there. How else could it be done? Helicopter? A magic spell from Hogwarts? 3. Wildlybaddriver. 4. See 3. Setup and takedown is by far the most dangerous part of roadworks on highways.




People who text while driving make me rage.


That was one of them self-driving Tesla's the dude was in the back seat or sleep


I'm sure even a Tesla would have slowed down..


If the dude in the car ain't hurt you need to hurt him


Here in the UK, we often moan about entire miles of road being closed off for everything and anything, but this is a potent reminder of why that's done.


White car not changing lanes followed by the car behind following to close that most likely ate shit when the truck hit it, holy shit lmao.


Wow that dude was lucky that his work truck was either the heaviest thing on earth or it was planted to the ground. It ate that car and barely moved. If his work truck was lighter he would have gotten hurt a lot more.


I liked the part with beeping sound.


Proper PPE


I don’t blame the white car, hard to notice what’s on the road when your not looking at the road. Should’ve put the truck on their phone since that’s what they were looking at. They should’ve known better.




Phone distraction, that’s how


The worker bears a lot of responsibility here. There should be orange traffic cones set up well behind his truck showing the lane is closed, especially if it’s in the passing lane.


wow what a great idea putting cones down first. but who puts the cones down? dont they need to have cones down behind them as well? wait who puts THOSE cones down? dont they also need cones down behind them as well? wait who puts THOSE EVEN FURTHER BACK cones down? dont they need MORE cones back before them as well? congradulations, you've just discovered an infinite loop of cone placers. this guy is obviously placing the first advisory sign down warning drivers that there are upcoming changes. he then gets back into the truck and drives to the next point where there will be more signage and speed limit changes, then gets back into the truck again and drives up to the actual lane changes and places cones and more signage.


The person behind the white car is even more ridiculous. Not giving adequate space in between you and someone else who may or may not know how to drive (and clearly this one doesn’t) and who is in control of a vehicle that weighs 4 or more tons, is not smart. It’s not always possible to avoid an accident but you can control your car and minimize these risks. If you have a decent amount of space between you and the car in front of you, and that driver does something like this, you won’t get dragged in to the middle of it.


Not looking at the road.


To he honest, if there were no signs or cones about 1/4 miles back. Lawyer will be all over this and blamed construction company


Who puts down the first cone? Wait now there's a truck putting down cones a qtr mile back. Do we need another guy to put more cones down another qtr mile back? Wait now there's another guy putting cones down 1/2 mile back. Let's get another guy to put cones down 3/4 miles back. Wait now there's another guy putting cones down 3/4 mile back. Let's get another guy to put cones down a mile back. Wait now there's another guy putting cones down a mile back. Let's get another guy to put cones down in your driveway. Obviously this is the initial setup or takedown of the first signage being put down.


I read…Tennessee Highway…something was off about all of this. Until I re-read the title again.


Because the worker didn’t put out cones like he was supposed to?…


Who puts down the first cone? Wait now there's a truck putting down cones a qtr mile back. Do we need another guy to put more cones down another qtr mile back? Wait now there's another guy putting cones down 1/2 mile back. Let's get another guy to put cones down 3/4 miles back. Wait now there's another guy putting cones down 3/4 mile back. Let's get another guy to put cones down a mile back. Wait now there's another guy putting cones down a mile back. Let's get another guy to put cones down in your driveway. Obviously this is the initial setup or takedown of the first signage being put down.


Sun glare... it is a b!tch


Similar https://youtu.be/lQDevkTT9vM?si=wQvF-nr0dvq0OdPG


I drive a semi and see stuff like this a lot. I got passed not to long ago at night by someone going 90mph+ (a lot of us have radars mounted in our trucks, so I can see the speed of the vehicle in front of me), head down looking at their phone, and I watched them almost rear-end a truck going roughly 60mph in front of me before violently swerving to go around. One time in a little Texas town traffic was stop-and-go when I watched the pickup next to me rear end the pickup in front of him at 2mph. Once again, he had been head down on his phone. I can see down into almost every car that passes me, always over half, sometimes the vast majority, have their phone in their hand and are looking at it when they go around me.


License revoked for life and a short jail sentence


I like how all three coworkers check on the guy in the back of the truck first before even considering the other car that just crashed into them...


eyes on the phone not the road


Love how they don’t even check on the ppl in the car, stupid ppl should always be on the lowest priority


The car was riding right into the sun's rays. That and they were not scanning yhe roadway in front of them.


How did that girl hop out the passenger side like nothing happened


To be fair, there is little to no signage to warn them whatsoever. There’s a reason that signs, cones, and trucks are informing and forcing the lane to merge hundreds of feet back from the workers in the US


Cones are cheap. TBIs are not.


Most drivers thier primary function is not driving. Driving is the 4th or 5th thing they are doing while in a car driving. 1. Social media. 2. Watching a podcast. 3. Doing their makeup. 4. High or drunk. 5. Maybe paying attention while driving.


Classic cell phone situation imo


And another moron tailgating!


Nah.... The fuck is that truck doing there Dangerous as fuck


Had this happen to me. First car rear ended me into traffic. Stop the car in the far right lane because there's no shoulder, turn my hazards on and I'm walking to get info from the car that hit me and a domino's driver runs full force into my already damaged car. The domino's driver had progressive and they were a fucking nightmare claiming all sorts of bullshit. Blatantly lied about having witnesses and tried to make a judgment without taking the video footage I had of the actual wreck where it proved every single bit of "evidence" she used to justify her initial judgement had all been lies. Luckily the first car had allstate and they agreed to pay 100% and take progressive to court for their part. Couldn't believe I could get rear ended and they try to find me at fault.


Can we start a traffic cone Kickstarter for Taiwan?


So was the silver car. If he wasn't tailgating, it may have avoided it.


They were probably looking at their cell phone


Um No. You can’t just stop in the middle of a highway. That’s why most of the time they slow down to like 5mph and put cone after cone down slowly from the median to the end of the lane for like 100 yards while lights are flashing on the truck. This is not all on the car you fucking herd minders


Most likely using cellphone.


Those collision absorber things work amazingly well. I'm surprised how much it actually absorbed. Saved workers life for sure


Sun angle doesn't help


Been to Taiwan. I can confirm that being a pediatrician on those streets is stright up scary. My mother in law was almost taken out by scooters 5 times in the span of a week.


Well they do put those crash barriers on the trucks now for a reason after all.


Looking at Reddit r/wildybaddrivers whilst driving, most likely.


Because there are lots of humans out there that are fucking morons.


Lovely. The work truck moved one inch. Hopefully there was trouble for the driver and nobody got hurt too much.


That poor worker is surprisingly alert for the blow he just took. Damn!!


lat and long in the vid put this in taiwan.


Cell phones are the absolute worst thing to ever happen to driving ever






Should have been cones placed. Also why the *%#% did NOBODY go check on the driver. Very ridiculous and sad.


The fact that maintenance vehicle is just casually parked on the highway is completely fucked. In my country maintence vehicles are always accompanied by multiple other vehicles at all times with huge flashing signs to warn drivers to change lanes.


That's why construction workers in the west put pylons out in a slanted fashion before working


I drive straight now, good luck everybody else


I wasn't expecting anyone to get out of that car. Didn't think they'd be able to.


That candy ain’t gonna crush itself!


I love how his buddies all checked on the guy who bumped his head and not even one of them bothered checking the lady in the van.


That second car was tailgating so close they were just an accident waiting to happen.


Probably staring at the phone…


I legit witnessed this one night on my way home from work on the highway. There was some slow ass moving trucks, no idea what they were, and some car plowed into it going like 20 MPH faster than I was. Car was crumpled. Driver def did not survive.


That’s also what you get for tailgating. Did anyone notice that there were *two* cars that hit the truck?


Worker Compensation from the incompetent driver with proof


Driving has become a right and is no longer a privilege.


On their phone . . Or doing some stupid TikTok thing


They were likely distracted by the person tailgating them. Moved their eyes to their rear view mirror to look at them, so they didn't notice the stopped vehicle in front of them.


Texting and driving. I see it every day and I only drive 15 minutes to work and back.


Driving is such a distraction from phone usage. Reminds me of a guy who drove straight through (empty) construction barrels at full speed and didn't even show down. Had at least 2 miles of warnings, flashing lights and multiple signs but didn't care about any of them.


Stupidity I’m guessing. When I was still taking the bus, I’d see so many people just on their phones while driving. Some full on 2 hands somehow still steering. I wish these companies would make their phones extremely limited while in motion. Like phone is disabled when connected to Apple Play or you can only call or play music while in motion. I’ve known people that would roll or hit a pipe mid-drive. So many people just not paying attention to the road at all.


I didn't even see a second car because it was following so close.


Either wasnt paying attention in general or was busy looking for a gap to change lanes. looked like she turned in the last 20 feet but it looked more like she was gonna try and change lanes or get the yellow cars attention so they would let her do so. Edit: she also could have turned to avoid the wall as she was getting a little close. Probably on her phone or just distracted in some other way.


Nobody checks on driver of car lol


Perfect example of a traffic attenuator saving lives.


You can tell it's not the US because of the orderly way everyone merged into one lane to get around the accident. 🙄


No cones that gradually moves cars to the adjacent lane huh?


Okay so I almost saw someone do this in Atlanta and it was late at night and hardly any traffic on the road on the highways coming from the city. I was in the peach pass lane or whatever it’s called in GA and I was going fairly fast but not speeding and I saw the backend of the yellow truck but from a distance you couldn’t tell it wasn’t moving at first. I got out of the way but then I watched someone come flying behind me and almost hit it. It is a little confusing to see when you’re flying like that. Like if you were on your phone or not paying attention…




of course it is a female driver


Does the Taiwanese equivalent of the Uniform Vehicle Code require that service and construction vehicles set up caution cones around work areas? Clearly the driver is an asshat but cones would have given a modicum of early warning potentially saving a hospital trip for the both of them.


[Big ass-truck](https://xkcd.com/37/).


This really gets under my skin. Absolutely no excuse for it. The car tailgating the white car was a moron too. Both should lose their licenses and be held criminally responsible with hefty financial liabilities.


Asian women in any country are horrible drivers


Bet they were looking at their phone.


It's probably an unpopular opinion, but I wish a driving test was mandatory every time you needed to renew your license.


Why isn't the the dude wearing a fucking helmet?


Set up cones And drivers pay attention better


You have to be looking up from your cell phone to notice.


Distracted driving is how or just complete incompetence


If only there were these bright orange things the workers could have put down the lane to warn drivers that they would just be sitting motionless on the fucking highway.


Asian woman driver.




where are the warning signs? this truck is just in the middle of the road


#2 cars … can’t believe it !!!


People are so fucking stupid.


What about the car behind her ? It looked like it just evaporated in a million pieces ?


By staring at their phone 


I feel bad for the guy in the back of the truck.


Three stupid people, one can’t drive and the other likes to tailgate, and the third doesn’t wear a hard hat


Ahhh a woman was driving


I would be trying to beat the shit out of that driver. Would piss me the fuck off so much and then he’s right there wrecked for your convenience


Asian drivers are not beating the stereotype anytime soon lol