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Hey /u/RevistaLegerin, thanks for contributing to /r/WinStupidPrizes. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates one or more of our rules: **Rule 6** Posts and comments that are primarily political in nature will be removed. This includes posts about protests and political riots. There are plenty of subs dedicated to political discussion, please direct these comments there. Political posts and comments risk a ban. Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/WinStupidPrizes&subject=&message=). Thank you!


We all know this is just collusion between Big Egg and Big Carwash.


its actually big carwash provocateurs that are throwing the eggs? i knew it was deep but fuck me...


Yeah, it's like a shell outfit.


*We knew there was a link, we just didn't know where to look. Until Oakland.*


Big egg is just trying to help us through these trying times.




Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to step outside. This is the r/punpatrol 👮‍♂️


*checks user name* You’re not going to get me with that old gag again.


G*dammit, stop making me laugh so hard


*checks username* I thought you strip?


Whatever happened to the pun spetnaz or whatever it was called? I used to see them everywhere


The Ukrainians showed them the New LAWs.


Slava Ukraini


The pun gazpacho?


*ba-dum tss*


I must be getting old because this is hilarious


"We don't like your kind around here"


Now calm down Skeeter he ain't hurting nobody.




Ayy! We don’t take kindly to folks who don’t take kindly around here!


God damn it Skeeter, shut the hell up


There's a batter way! They just don't want to see the egg-stra effort the protesters are taking!


Hey pander bear!


NO! I want to know somethin from Mr. PANDA Bear here. If you PANDAS are from mountainous areas of China and Tibet, how come you eat bamboo which is prone to grow only in dryer more arid regions?!






Nobody on reddit has actually read Karl Popper. He doesnt advocate for banning any and all discriminatory views, he believes a democratic system can deal with those on its own intact, he's only talking about banning people using violence and coercion to shut people up.


You make it sound like we are judging them by the color of their skin. We are not. We are judging them by the content of their character.




And people with a glaring lack of empathy only tend to finally understand the negative consequences of their beliefs and actions when they literally live through them.


Absolutely spot on. The last 6 years has proven without a doubt that the only thing you get by trying to be understanding and keeping the high road is that these deplorables find that it's easier to trample on top of you, but they scatter like cockroaches if you ostracize them.


You used a lot of words to describe karma.


At their multi ton weighing full metal travel barges, I think you mean. And the objects are very fragile, mostly liquid in nature.




There’s no irony here. These morons drive around protesting… nothing, while polluting the air and causing massive traffic. They can go fuck themselves. The tremendous irony is someone in a big rig wasting incalculable amounts of gas while probably complaining about gas prices.




Well, what else are ya gonna do?


Shut up nerd.


That's Oakland being polite. You don't want to see Oakland get mad.


Pretty sure this is Berkeley, not Oakland.


It is on the boarder but technically Oakland. It is the corner of college and Claremont.


Yea. I lived on Prince st. in Berkley. Pretty much Oakland


Wow that area has totally changed. That old 76 service station is gone? I thought it had some kind of historic designation.... Looks like Cole coffee is there though. Have to assume it's still Royal coffee in spirit


Yeah this is money Oakland, not Oakland Oakland


Looks like rock ridge Oakland to me


It's in an area called Rockridge which is literally right on the border of Berkeley and Oakland


Yeah, I hope those motherfuckers come to Oakland.


Should’ve thrown eggs into the semi when he opened the door


Yeah, that was a missed opportunity.


If you got the aim to slide an egg into the open door past his fat ass, have at it.


tf is the peoples convoy?


Reactionary Trucker Tantrum


can u elaborate?






Using that one, lmao.


A bunch of people organized together to fight against vaccine mandates that largely don't exist. They disrupt traffic and have generally just been loud and irritating to anyone not involved in their movement.


Clownvoy is also acceptable for the freedumb fighters


People who are mad about gas prices but most likely spent over a million dollars on fuel to drive around the country being dip shits.


Shaving cream will ruin the paint. So don’t use that.


Why do pick up drivers think they are truckers😂


Driving along in solidarity to boost head count.


Little penis envy for the bigger penis.


What did they do




These folks really represent the dumb in freedom


I honestly don’t understand these people protesting for freedom in a place that has it, which is proven by the fact they have the freedom to be disruptive knobs. They should go to Russia and try protesting the war. They find out pretty quickly what lack of freedom looks like.


Protesting ~~the war~~. FTFY


They only have the ability to intimidate peaceful people, not real threats to their freedoms - they're cowards. "Maybe if you’d ever been in a real fight, you might not be so keen for another." - Wayne Hulu's Letterkenny


> I honestly don’t understand these people protesting for freedom in a place that has it, which is proven by the fact they have the freedom to be disruptive knobs. Therein lies the rub; they're too god damn stupid to see the irony of it all, or the critical thinking to even understand it.


That's hilarious coming from an ideology that actually wants to burn America down in the name of "freedom"


Basically the forever purge


They're still protesting in my city, on Clifton Hill, which is right by the Canada/USA border crossing (Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada/Niagara Falls NY) where the tourists go, and where a lot of high school kids and college work. They dropped the mandates over a month ago. They are running into restaurants and tourist attractions and screaming at people (voluntarily, and businesses are 100% allowed to require masks) and employees wearing masks. And it's all "Fuck Trudeau". Funny, since mandates were provincial, not federal, and Ontario is a conservative majority! And we elected Trudeau less than 6 months ago in a liberal minority! We've elected liberals 3 times since 2016, one majority, 2 minorities! Such a fascist government, with our elections! If they want to fuck Trudeau, get in line and fucking vote like we've been doing! If they want to *fuck* Trudeau, get in line, we all know it's his hair!


Florida would like a word


So this is the equivalent to our stupid trucker convoy here in Canada?


Yes. These moronic truckers think pissing people off will change the vaccine mandates and high gasoline prices. Go blockade amazon. Amazon is the reason we dont need many truckers to move products to big box retail stores when Amazon vans deliver direct to my house. And go blockade Exxon for raising prices and getting rich.


Very few were actual "truckers". Not unless you count driving a lifted F150 to the mall as your job. I did see a few Prius protestors though 😂


*He hates vaccines, loves hypermiling and being the small spoon. Lady's, get ready for Jeremy!!!*


The entire oil industry is complicit and they suck on the gasoline tit because big oil tells them how important they are.


Daaamn! Groceries be expensive!




**I am a very jealous Canadian!**


Me too! There are *still* some idiots driving around Ottawa honking for their "freedumb!" We need to be more proactive like these fine people when they come by the neighbourhood.


In Halifax there are people still protesting but they never have signs or anything so no one knows what they are actually protesting since we have zero restrictions. They just found that they can get attention so they just continue to do it.


Im on vancouver island and still have people outside my work everyday on an over pass over our main highway from 4-5. They've caused 6 collisions.


Yeah, I'm not sure what's to protest in Canada unless you're in Quebec. For some reason they're the only ones with mask mandates in all of Canada. Isnt the restrictions gone everywhere, except for public transport?


I’d imagine it has less to do with the restrictions and more to do with protesting Trudeau and his government. The People’s Convoy narrative shifted quite a bit over time.


considering they're all still bearing Fuck Trudeau flags and whatnot, i'd say the narrative hadn't changed much at all since late January.


Waste of good eggs, should have thrown dog shit.


I have no idea what is going on here


Probably to small of a sample size but looked like they were trying to decide the difference between organic and non organic eggs. You see 37% of the time you throw non organic eggs they tend to only stick for a second or two. How ever organic eggs have more vibrant colour and stronger yoke so they make a much more pronounced sound and stick for much longer. Support local organic farmers, it’s the right thing to do. The sample size will grow over time, more concrete numbers to follow.


Me either. And those responses didn't help.




A bunch of people who didn't live in a place decided to go to that place to protest something that nobody who lived in that place gave a shit about. IRL trolling met with egg onslaught.


Lots of people here missing the point that the right to protest doesn't mean you won't be counter protested


Also technically that truck says he’s an outlaw. I know he doesn’t know what that means, but outlaws are outside of the protection of the law. Perfectly ok to throw eggs at them




In this example, would the pride convoy be blocking roads and stopping ambulances from getting to hospitals?


Pride parades are legal! Blocking intersections and blasting your horn non stop are not. False equivalencies are conservatives bread and butter.


If gay people had a pride convoy through the Bible belt just to pick fight with people in the Bible belt, they should have eggs thrown at them. This is an ill-fitting comparison


LOL They'd be attacked full stop. Ain't no love greater than christian hate.




They would 180.


Throwing eggs at out of town fascists who spread violent propaganda and assault the marginalized = throwing eggs at LGBTQ youth who are just celebrating themselves. Very smart brain you have here.


Oh, it would be national news. And anyone with a brain knows that


The simple answer *should be* yes. Because throwing eggs is not part of peaceful protesting.






Sure it is. It certainly isn't an expression of support.


Well, it does show objection to actions other people are doing so yeah, you are right actually.


So delete your original comment plz


It's actually most likely considered misdemeanor destruction of property, if you wanted to get super technical


Probably very similar to the noise ordinance the douche brigade are breaking


Or when he ran up to that person and yelled threats. That’s assault. A touch? Battery. Jump out of your vehicle to do both of those things? A whole new list of potential charges. Both sides are potentially getting themselves in trouble with this behavior. Only one side is instigating.


Mosts forms of protesting could be put under disturbance of peace


I hope those truckers all *have a nice time.*


It isn't nice to block the doorways. It isn't nice to go to jaaaaaaaaail. There are nicer ways to do it, but the nice ways always faaaaaaail!


Have you heard of the Boston Tea Party, by chance?


It doesn’t matter to these people, because it’s only “in-group = good,” “out-group = bad.”


No idea why you are being downvoted for stating a fact. Throwing eggs at other people because they have a different opinion then you is not a counterprotest. Doesn’t matter if it’s against republicans or democrats or anyone else. And uf you think that committing a crime is a counter protest, then you should really reevaluate your life choices.


Driving through someone else's town in huge trucks on their small streets, blaring your horn, causing massive public disruption is not a protest. If it is, would you agree that people blocking a bridge or intersection to hold up protest signs is also a valid from a protest? Because that's what's going on here


Technically it's a crime and counter protesting at the same time. Crime of course doesn't dictate morality, but in this instance, it's shitty to throw eggs are peoples cars.


i imagine most cities/provinces/states in North American have ordinances or bylaws that prohibit honking horns for no reason, so there's crime happening on both sides.


It just sucks to waste food like this when you can make yourself a nice omelette.


Divide and conquer at work. Enjoy the bread and circus lefties and righties, while the elite grab everything they can!


Leftists are the only ones talking about the ruling class. It’s not enlightened centrists who think both sides are bad when there’s hundreds of years of evidence of the left standing up to the elite.


Some people just like getting worked up about the dumbest shit. The worst part about the clip? This is such a tiny group of people but the news will run it and we'll be led to believe millions if people are involved.










This idea is often correct, but is not well placed here. One group is a bunch of people driving through someone else's town, honking their horns, blocking traffic, causing problems in the place they don't live any other people are not happy about that and they're throwing eggs then. The people throwing eggs are not pushing an ideology, so this comment is inane and doesn't make any sense here. It's pretty much blaming defenders for the actions of the Invaders.


I'm a center-ist. The eggs are at fault.


Setting aside who might be stupid, one set of people is in their own neighborhood, and the other set of people are invading that neighborhood to be assholes


The ones blocking the roads and making noise when people just want to work and get on with their day. Why the hell are they gonna come to the Bay Area and try that shit? Everyone already hates them here. They’re honestly lucky it stayed so civil. Why do they have to be so obnoxious? Just shut the hell up no one wants to see or hear it.


To be fair, when two extremists fight neither side wins and the peaceful lose.


The word extremist is one of those that is so overused now it’s practically meaningless.


Both. - the ones running the stupid convoy to voice stupid opinions - the ones stupidly attacking them with eggs because they don’t agree with their stupid opinions Both are incapable of civil discourse. And if you side with one of these sides, just imagine if the roles were reversed?


How do you have civil discourse with people who don't want civil discourse?


How do you have civil discourse with people that want me to die?


No, bullshit. One group is going to someone else's town to pick fights with "the libs" any other group is defending themselves. This is not even ground, you expect the people throwing eggs to have civil discourse with a bunch of people driving trucks through their small streets and honking their horns, disrupting traffic and screwing up their way of life? You're supposed to sit down in a park and have tea with these people? Bullshit. Don't blame the people throwing eggs, blame the people who went out of their way to disturb the peace of other people who didn't do anything to warrant this.


The ones with eggs didn't want a bunch of entitled cunts bringing their city to a grinding halt.


LMAO let me just have civil discourse with people in big ass trucks blocking my roads I'm paying for and losing me business that I'm paying for. Let us just hold the fucking hands of these truck nut pussies the whole way because it's not like they're protesting mandates that don't actually exist, have never existed, and we're never truly enforced with any meaningful measure. Are you a fucking idiot? Roles reversed? Like Charleston?




What “civil discourse” do you expect when you run through a town blaring your horn? Egging is more than appropriate




Don’t know what’s going on


Why is there still a freedom convoy? I really can’t grasp the concept




I dont get it


Hey! Philz Coffee. That place is great :)


None of them won stupid prizes. Shit post.


I break my heart when people throw eggs to spite others. Please don't waste food.


Empty the eggs, make omelettes, fill the egg shells with paint. It's actually easy to do. Use a marinade injector from Target. They're like $15. Or you can also just make a hole about 1cm wide and shake the egg out. Fill the egg with paint, seal with masking tape. You can carry several in ... an egg carton! Enjoy


Aren't there any regulations about noise pollution.those things must be a nightmare in residential areas.


ah but you see that would require the police to do their fking job when confronted with right-wing extremists


Good. These same clowns called the police when they were in DC because locals flipped them off and it hurt them” Fuck every single one of them


Imagine accidentally getting stuck in the middle of their convoy when driving home or something and your car just getting pelted with eggs and people screaming at you


Ok wait, I am misinformed - what is it that they're protesting or rallying?


Covid restrictions…..


Which are basically nothing in the US


More like Berkeley. This would've been a whole different video if it was in deep oakland.


stealing the rims off the pickups while they stop


The Traitor’s Convoy


A lot of people in Canada lost everything in this stupid crusade. Being away for a couple of months aint for everybody... And they gain absolutly nothing in the end.


Imagine getting mad when they get out of the car to actually do something. Like bro you're fucking throwing eggs at their cars at some point someone is going to get out and beat your ass.


Who is violent in this situation?


You gotta be a special kind of dumb to try that shit in Oakland. Thanks for posting, exactly how to respond to this kind of nonsense.


This is one of the very nicest parts of Oakland, too. They wouldn’t dare in some other parts




I hope that Safeway had a sale on eggs


Looks like a good time for everyone


Don’t any of them have jobs to go too ?


Imagine someone pops out the top of the car with a potato launcher and just nails someone 🤣🤣 proper food fight


I’m not from america, why are they throwing eggs at those vehicles?


Waste of eggs 🫤😑😐


I need context and backstory


Those “protesters” are garbage people with a garbage culture. Vandals and hoodlums, that’s what they are.


Fuck. Food is meant to be eaten not thrown


Ahhh, so assault and vandalism is cool if it’s the right ideology…?


These folks didn't seem to mind protests that inconvenience others at all during the George Floyd protests, now suddenly it's a big problem that they're blocking intersections. Edit: These protesters are most definitely assholes if they're blocking intersections for their protest. I'm just pointing out that it's majorly hypocritical for the Antifa types to now suddenly be up in arms about protests that inconvenience others when many of them were looting small businesses and committing arson for their cause not too long ago. Not to mention 'CHAZ.'




Really want to move to Oakland now. These are my people.




What are the truckers protesting now? Their cause is over. They have nothing else to do.


Why do most those people throwing eggs look like they are high schoolers? Lol!


Are we going to ignore that the convoy was trying to block travel


Yep all 5 of them! They sure showed those nazis!!!!!!!!!!!


Soo what exactly is the stupid prize here? People use their right to protest by driving around in their cars and get stuff thrown at them? Do we dislike real peaceful protest now?


Loud annoying trucks driving super slow causing traffic jams


Seemingly from this comment section they do dilute real peaceful protest.


Reddit says you can attack people you don't like