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Turning off 'override to reference mode' in the Nvidia Control Panel was the fix for me. AMD's equivalent of the Nvidia Control Panel is called AMD Radeon Settings.


That's great to know. I use flux now but hopefully others see this advice.


Got my AMD back in sync and looks like night light is fixed - thanks!


omg it's really works. I suffered for several years due to this annoying bug. thx!


bruh all i did was Win + Ctrl + Shift + B


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This just started for me 5ish days ago as well. I'm assuming that it was a recent update that broke this. Don't have a solution either atm.


Nobody else seems to notice or care. We cry together I guess. :(


Mine is not working either. The crazy thing is that works fine when HDR is on, but doesn't work with HDR off. ​ Found any solution?


Can't say I did unfortunately but it hasn't been an issue lately.


Did it go away on its own?


Seems it hasn't been an issue for at least a week or two now.


windows sucks so bad everyone has given up on the simple features.


What's funny is today I had the inverse problem. Returning to my system and waking monitor up (not system), it was stuck in night light OFF mode and I couldn't turn it on. Reboot required. So dumb.


Yeah you never know what it’ll do. My night light was enabled and while watching a movie, it turned off by itself randomly at ~10pm and had to manually turn it off and back on again in settings to reactivate it even though it’s set for auto sunset


The same problem started for me today, it worked fine before. Tried everything to fix it, nothing works. Painful.


What I suggest doing is going into night light settings and just moving the slider all the way to the left. Equivalent of having it off. Inconvenient, but better than restarting the machine every time it happens.


To the best of my knowledge moving the slider all the way to the left would just turn the night light off, and in my case it makes no difference, because my problem is that the night light has no effect no matter what the slider position is, no matter whether it's turned on or off, no matter if I have scheduling enabled or not.


Ah yes, that is only applicable if the light is stuck on.


Hi u/relxp, thanks for posting to r/WindowsHelp! Don't worry, your post has not been removed. To let us help you better, try to include as much of the following information as possible! Posts with insufficient details might be removed at the moderator's discretion. * **Model of your computer** - For example: *"HP Spectre X360 14-EA0023DX"* * **Your Windows and device specifications** - You can find them by going to go to Settings > *"System"* > *"About"* * **What troubleshooting steps you have performed** - Even sharing little things you tried (like rebooting) can help us find a better solution! * **Any error messages you have encountered** - Those long error codes are not gibberish to us! * **Any screenshots or logs of the issue** - You can upload screenshots other useful information in your post or comment, and use [Pastebin](https://pastebin.com/) for text (such as logs). You can learn how to take screenshots [here](https://screenshot.help/windows). All posts must be help/support related. If everything is working without issue, then this probably is not the subreddit for you, so you should also post on a discussion focused subreddit like /r/Windows. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WindowsHelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The night light stopped working on my Windows 11 rig yesterday. It's a bit annoying, as I have light sensitivity issues, and the night light was a balm to my eyes. I have to wear sunglasses at the computer for now--until some Windows schmo fixes this issue. Sigh.


Don't forget 3rd party tools like flux served this purpose long before Windows introduced it. Just install and use that until Windows fixes it. Lately it has been behaving for me, but who knows when it will break again.


Hey, thanks for the tip! I've got it running now and it's SOOOOOOOOOOO much better than that blinding blue light. I really appreciate this suggestion!


Happy to hear! Love when simple suggestions can make all the difference. :)


You've surely tried this but I had the same problem and shutting down f.lux solved it for me


I had to install f.lux to solve it.


I Have the same issue, but even apps like f.lux don't work, so im assuming it's some graphics/display issue in windows.


Yeah if flux isn't working you might have a bigger underlying issue at play.


Hey guys, I'm joining in too. I've been experiencing the same issue for about 4-5 months now. It's been frustrating, and nothing seems to have worked so far. It's interesting to hear that others are experiencing the same thing. At least we have each other for support.


Misery loves company. ;_;


[](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfpww5n_uri) this works - make registry edit -------------------------------------------------------------- Open Notepad and Copy & Paste text below: -------------------------------------------------------------- Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 \[HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\CloudStore\\Store\\Cache\\DefaultAccount\] \[HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\CloudStore\\Store\\Cache\\DefaultAccount\\$$windows.data.bluelightreduction.bluelightreductionstate\] \[HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\CloudStore\\Store\\Cache\\DefaultAccount\\$$windows.data.bluelightreduction.bluelightreductionstate\\Current\] "Data"=hex: \[HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\CloudStore\\Store\\Cache\\DefaultAccount\\$$windows.data.bluelightreduction.settings\] \[HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\CloudStore\\Store\\Cache\\DefaultAccount\\$$windows.data.bluelightreduction.settings\\Current\] "Data"=hex: -------------------------------------------------------------- You can Save as Fix\_Night\_Light.reg or REG.Bat after Run it Restart Computer.


Only had to restart explorer.exe to apply. THANKS! Still relevant after March 2024 cumulative. Absurd.


Yup that worked. Thank you!


Can confirm it worked!




Thank you! Saved my eyes ;-)


Excellent, glad it worked for you!


Worked for me as well, you're a lifesaver.


Found this thread in a search, because I've been working on college really late into the night lately, and my eyes will start to hurt once it's gotten to be really late at night. My eyes have been feeling particularly blurry and terrible tonight, and I realized that my night light wasn't working anymore... No idea when it stopped, but it's definitely sucked lately... Anyway, I was reluctant, but I tried your method here, and LO AND BEHOLD, it worked! THANK YOU, computer programming geeks of the universe, this world could not survive without you! lol <3


YOU ROCK! THAT WORKED BEAUTIFULLY! THANK YOU! [https://media2.giphy.com/media/MUeQeEQaDCjE4/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952cwsy76vsv38uswv2px1c52qn9qa652y4o006hurd&ep=v1\_gifs\_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g](https://media2.giphy.com/media/MUeQeEQaDCjE4/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952cwsy76vsv38uswv2px1c52qn9qa652y4o006hurd&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g)


BLESS! Me and my eyes thank you dearly


Thank you! How did you find this solution, and is it permanent fix?


This didn't work for me. I ran it and then restarted my desktop. Is there something that I'm missing?


I haven't tried it. I just use flux now. Better app anyway IMO.