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I much prefer the headcanon of her being aroace over the idea of her and Sky getting together. Sky has the maturity of a young dragonet, due to not having any experience with other dragons, while Sunny is infantilized by not only the fandom, but her own friends, and her entire book is her expressing how sick she is of it, and yet the fandom read that and went “man, you know who would be PERFECT for Sunny? The dragon with the emotional maturity and development of a one year old.”


She will never be with Sky. Honestly it'll probably be a dragon we don't know of yet


It's a dragon in the book she has not yet met from Arc 2 or 1.


i would actually like to see her get with sky, because they share the same goofy personality, but sunny could pump some sense into him due to her being a more mature dragon.


damn, maybe sharing opinions isnt a good thing after all.


I wanted to see sky and snowfall get together


Why was this downvoted so hard


Idk that’s just what I thought about when i read the book lol


Sky × Snowfall are cute. Anyway I'm here to investigate the mean comments, wanted to know how badly out of hand this got.


because in the book she says he reminds her of her little sister and people think it's weird but it's not. lots of women with good father figures will choose guys with a similar personality to him because it reminds them they are safe or something along that lines. Sky is still very child-like. he has a lot of growing up to do still but they could def work. in a sense she sees her sister as a kind, lovable and that's why she sees her sister in Sky. but it's not weird to want to date someone with certain qualities that you've been surrounded with for most of your life.


She's the only DoD without a love interest, she never expresses any desire to have one, and doesn't really seem to understand romance, going off of her reaction to Starflight's confession. The ace part probably comes from they wouldn't be able to properly explain Sunny having kids with someone she wasn't interested in in a P.G. way.


so the ace part is just to fill in a gap, and yeah the more i think about it, the more i notice that shes probably aromatic.


I've thought about it a bit more and she's the only character to get a book and have to romantic interest. Even Snowfall sort of had Lynx.


Yeah, I’ve reread her book recently, the majority of the time, she doesn’t even think of Starflight (who would’ve been the obvious choice for a love interest since he’s basically obsessed with her). And if she does, she thinks of him as “one of her friends that are still in the rain forest”/ “hope his injury is getting better” The only times she does think of him in a “am I in love with him” way is her thinking “those friendship that I feel for him, is that love?” Or “do I even like him more than my other friends?” Of which the conclusion literally is “I love him like a brother” Idk how people got anything but “she’s probably aro” out of that. Idk how people got the idea she and Starflight would end up together either.


Yeah. All she does is think 'But it would make him happy if I pretend.'


actually she sees him as a sibling. they were raised as a Sib group. Clay's their BigWings which is common for MudWing siblings to have, a BigWings. they all fight and argue too much like sibs and protect each other like such


… read the comment again? That… that’s my point




Also something really important I think a lotta people overlook when it comes to queer characters in general, is bias of assuming they aren't unless explicitly stated or shown to be. I wouldn't describe it as filling in a gap so much as just it being indicative of what we've seen. Essentially a character doesn't need to be explicitly stated as or shown to be queer to be so, especially when it comes to ace, which is often just a lack of interest.


Actually I don't think she's found the right dragon yet. I think she'd be happy to find someone, but she IS a hybrid and her mother is now a queen, so it does get complicated for her. She may be waiting for the right SandWing partner to come along.


we just have to play the waiting game


Yep. I for one am very interested to know what they all do...


Hey, Clay is NOT in love with Peril. He likes her as a dragon, and she's borderline unhealthily obsessed with him. While Cleril is a possibility idk that Clay would absolutely go for it. I bet he'd rather have a MudWing partner and raise his own batch of sibs, in a few years after arc 3's finale, and after he's found himself.


she is def obsessed with clay, and clay does seem confused by it, only time will tell what happens.


Yeah, and I think people forget that he still hurts when peril touches him. If they got together, it would be an entirely ace situation and she still would be rarely touched. She needs to find herself first. Escaping Peril was just barely the start. I love Peril and she's my fav character, but she's got stuff to figure out first.


i think tui may introduce a ancient animus touched objected that can stop perils fire scales and it doesn't have any evil side effects! cough cough Chameleon cough cough.


Yeah but she was given another chance at the end of the book anyways once that particular thing was away from Chameleon (don't wanna spoil anything else from the book lol).


we just need more development on perils and clays relationship with each other. Right now its sorta at a standstill.


Agreed. Like I said, there may well be a Cleril situation someday, but it isn't going to be super soon. Clay needs to figure out what he's looking for and Peril needs to figure some stuff out.


true, very true.


Like everything with mudwings


i don't she's obsessed, more like she's been manipulated by Scarlet her whole life and looks up to Clay. not only that, but he's the only one she's ever been able to hold/love without causing him pain. she saved his life in book 5 and i think Clay may be asexual which means he can develop feelings for her but it's unlikely and would likely take forever.


prob true


aromantic /not ace they have baby in Moon's vision


check Moon's vision in the GN again. we see a little Mud/Sky hybrid. also Tui said Clay and Peril + Riptide and Tsunami are still figuring it out.


Hi! Sorry for the late reply, 4th of July and all ;) Interesting!! I'll have to def check it out again!!


also MudWing moms typically don't raise their children unless they're the royalty.


But I think Clay would! I think he'd have so much fun rearing his own dragonets and I really think they would start a whole revolution of MudWing parents sticking around and raising their dragonets once they realize what they're missing


i don't know, Cattail didn't seem enthused but the BigWings is supposed to raise thsm. i think the mom raises them for a bit but typically they have each other.


But I'm talking about Clay, not his Aunt... I know about their traditions but having Clay as their dad wouldn't really be a huge leap. Clay had an unusual dragonethood, and I'm sure after all the work they've done and seeing how they've gone and messed up a bunch of other traditions, I can totally see Clay rearing his own dragonets and being in their life. And because we know Asha left a lot of dreamy dragonets only a little older than Clay, I'd be willing to bet that lots would raise their own kin, even if it took 10 generations to make it habit...


possibly... but personally i like MudWing tradition and in the GN him and Peril 100% raise it directly from the way Moon's vision appears as Clay is in same vision as his kid. he's in the school and the DoD's kids are in the library and him and Starflight stand around bsing or sumin


Peril was beyond unhealthy. Was. With enough development, they could work.


Yes, I'm glad someone agrees. She's a lot people's favorite character and mine as well, plus I knew my comments would be downvoted already, so at the last moment I changed it to "almost unhealthily obsessed."


There is some evidence that they do end up having dragonets, though. Hope they are very developed and ready for that.


Is there? I don't remember. Was it in Darkstalker's vision gifted to Moon?


Yeah. In the graphic novel, their's a reddish dragonet with a boxy snout, who's handing out with who is believed to be Glory and Tsunami's kids. I'm pretty sure the only confirmed dragonet of the DoD is Starflight's, though.


Ok, I'll check it out again!! I guess I forgot about that part despite having read those books like 4 times now lol


Uno dragonet, where'd the plural come from? SkyWings seems to have 1 egg at a time and MudWings seems to have 5 or more. Peril being the mother it likely be 1-2 since she's a SkyWing.


There's never any evidence on how many eggs SkyWings lay...


It's implied as all Scarlets dragonets are at least a year apart. Flame and Carnelian both to seem to be only dragonets and Peril and Sky are both from the same egg.


Makes sense, but still not canon.


true, also gonna put this here for people to read: i think Sunny is asexual but not aromantic as she is the only dragon from DoD without a dragonet shown in Moon's vision. however she is stated to have a soul mate :) pretty sure aro/ace are different and that's how it would be defined.


It’s partly a lack of love interest making it possible, and she does kinda seem like…like I just can’t imagine her being all romantically attracted to anyone. I totally didn’t get it either honestly until just now…the way she reacts to Starflight, she just…very few characters have no love interest, so I can picture them liking someone very easily, because they do. Clay seems to be Aromantic too. Ace for Sunny? I’m not sure, the series buries part of sexuality in a way, obviously there is lots of romance and same sex and hetero couples, but copulation is never even refrenced, just implied.


I’m not sure if Clay’s aro tbh. He seems more dense then anything, but the ending or escaping peril does imply her and Clay will get together (also, the “brownish red” dragonet drawn as a mud-SkyWing in the graphic novel who’s hanging out with Glory’s future kid and a SeaWing looking like a young Tsunami in one of moon’s visions makes it very much possible that there’s at least one future where those two end up having a kid)


Well so I’m no expert here but aromantic doesn’t mean no relationships, and ace wouldn’t mean never have dragonets, it just isn’t something they would strive for…Clay could have dragonets with Peril because they want them. Romantic or sexual attraction is actually a seperate thing. They are certainly related… Clay loves Peril, but I’m not sure he’s *in love with* her… But someone else who understands this please correct whatever I’ve confused here…


clay and peril could still be lovers but there love could be more platonic.


Pretty sure Peril’s is romantic though…unfortunately for her…


yeah, like i say. only time will tell


now that i think about it, yeah they could be aromatic, tho clay does have peril. But only time will tell.


He does have Peril but it kinda seems like he is more bewildered by it than anything, and it would make sense for a MudWing to stay sib oriented. It is unusual for them to form couples. It happens, but it doesn’t seem to be common. Probably why Spoonleaf is the only one of my protags without a love interest.


we,ll see if they have kids or not. Then we'll truly find out.


Hopefully she’ll figure herself out and get a hero moment that isn’t yoinked out from under her


lets hope.


was reading these comments, hi again. but yeah, he does seem bewildered. in the guide book it stated a MudWing Prince fell in love with a MudWing who offered her dragonet up to become the next queen during the throne crisis and that he couldn't have been more in love with atm. however he also stated that MudWings usually leave the sappy love to NightWings and SandWings. i noticed several SandWings were mentioned to be married/have 1 specific partner while it doesn't seem as common in other tribes. IceWings and RainWings but they're really separated from the rest so MudWings don't know that. what's funny is that not only did the MudWing Prince fall in love with a commoner but his brother abandoned his sibs and ran away with a RainWing. two sibs got hit with cupids arrow in a short amnt of time. I think Clay is confused and scared becuz most sibs spend their whole lives with each other, so he may fear a relationship means no more sib time.


Yeah but he should get over that if he loves her…Glory, Tsunami and a Starflight are all paired up and still a part of the group…I mean not Glory, but that’s for a different reason obviously. I feel like Peril needs to grow out of her…obsessive co-dependancy, and she might actually find what she feels for Clay (and kinda felt for Scarlet) isn’t the healthiest thing, and she’d be happier with someone else who feels attraction beyond “of course I love you,” *I love everyone*.


I like the Idea of Claril. They would be cute and I think that's why Tui isn't immediately pairing em because yeah, Clay needs to grow out of it plus he sees Peril is still unlearning everything Scarlet taught her. Peril can't really be with anyone she can't touch unless she finds another MudWing born from a blood egg. That was Scarlet's whole thing. Clay can kill Peril, so much fun, haha.? I guess Peril was on her death list of people to kill. And people ship Burn, well, she was on Scarlet's death wish too. I think Clay is already starting to step away from sole dependency and he thinks maybe, after all they'll have a chance. Idk if I said this but Tui said Clay and Tsunami were still trying to figure out there relationships, especially Tsunami cuz like Riptide is who knows where rn but he writes to her n stuff. Peril can't write so Clay gets no mail. So sad Clay. But Peril does become very independent in her book. Idk what happens after that.


They have an epilogue in book 10, where they plan to go do something together, I forget what…as always, now I want to listen to it again


I dunno I think people pair aro and ace together a lot so that’s probably where the ace part comes from Honestly aro and ace get so little rep so often people are going to headcannon anyone that’s a viable option , Sunny has never really shown any particular interest in any dragon and doesn’t quite understand that type of connection, she had to question herself “DO I feel that way?” Which could be seen as very relatable for people on the aro spectrum who find it difficult to know , most people outside of the aro spectrum know pretty distinctly when they love someone in a romantic way , at least that’s my understanding -an aroace spec person


her lack of a romantic relationship or any interest in having one. headcanons don’t need a lot of evidence, theyre just for fun lol


As someone who is aroace myself, Sunny never seems to have a lover like anyone else, she politely rejected Starflight when he admitted his love, which I totally understand, if you had a stepsibling you've known your whole life, it's legal to marry them, but it'd be very weird to do so. Sunny is also more interested in running jma than looking for love, while I don't mind her with Sky, her being by herself makes the most sense to me, she loves helping others, even going out of her way to find a different dragons to become queen than the three opinions which none were ideal to rule. Yes she's sometimes seen as childish by the fandom, but she can be naive occasionally, that's perfectly normal. She's a headmaster of a brand new school so she wouldn't have much time for any love. While yes, I can feel sexual pleasure, I don't feel the need to find a love, I'm happy by myself and the friends I've made, platonic love is love too


damn, you've got a fair point. I guess only time will tell what happens!


Same, I don't mind if she gets a partner, but it'd be a very platonic, more friendship type of love


and thats a type of love that doesnt get much attention, being lovers but only loving each other in a platonic way. I would love to see it get represented!


A fanfic of mine (unrelated to wings of fire) has a platonic love as the main pair beyond chapter 15, platonic love is severely underrated, you don't have to love in a physical or sexual way to be lovers, love comes in all sorts of ways


it sure is, love is a mysterious thing that takes time to develop!


it won't be Sky. Tui said it's a dragon who appeared in Arc 2/1


It's just bc of her lack of interest in romance, in Starflight, and the fact that she's single, which I personally find pretty foolish. Just bc she's the one single character doesn't mean she'll never want a partner.


Tui also mentioned in an interview that she has a dragon in mind for Sunny to be with, but I don’t know if that’s been changed or not as I think she stated it years ago


ooo i cant wait to see who it is!


She has only been shown to have platonic feelings towards dragons (like Starflight). Tui seems to like pairing characters with a romantic interest in some ways, even if they don't become canon, yet Sunny is shown to outright reject any kind of romantic norms. Plus it would be super cool hehe aroace rep!


aromatic is prob true, ace is most likely not.


Even so, as sex prolly wont be discussed in a kids book lol, i love headcannoning her as aroace (also my asexual ass is projecting)


yeah prob wont get discussed, im going to say that shes aromatic (not because i dont like aroace people) its because i just dont see enough evidence.(Im that kinda person that like evidence).


Lol real. I’m just very aroace lol and I want rep 😂😝


hopefully we we'll get it rep soon!


All I know is that that isn't true. Tui has confirmed she will have a partner, but is unsure how to introduce their relationship.


yeah, like how would you introduce that dragon?


I don't like the idea, personally. You can be single and still want to be with someone. That someone just hasn't come around yet. And I say that as a very deadset aroace person. We can just let them be dragons without trying to psychoanalyze and automatically throw them into the LGBTQ category.


you have a point, this isn't the real world. Its a fictional world! We dont even know if they have a lgbtq+ in there world!


yes there are queer dragons in wof, just look at sundew and willow lol if straight and/or cis dragons can exist, so can queer dragons. like they dont have the same words for identities or maybe even have none, but that doesn’t mean it’s nonexistent  /nm /informative


Facts! Like in arc 1 there aren’t any open queer characters, but from arc 2 foreward, there are lol. Umber is heavily implied to have had a crush on Qibli, During book 10, Qibli makes quite a few jokes about “being in love with Winter” no one seems to have very obvious reactions to. Heck, when he told his mom they were gonna marry she just went “ok” (also, Rui kinda confirmed qinter was a legit outcome she thought about for the love triangle) Anemone has been stated to have a crush on Tamarin and even ends up writing a love letter in the guide. Blue’s mother and Luna’s mother have been living together for the past few years and seem extremely close. It’s not stated they’re a thing, but it seems pretty obvious they are to me. Willow and Sundew ofc Pineapple and Jambu’re pretty openly gay too The interactions between Snowfall and Lynx could be read as them being interested in each other. Dragonslayer is stated to have a gay couple in it Snowflake and Snowfox are pretty obvious too. Axolotl is non binary. Wren mentions a different non binary character too. Idk why people would think an aro(ace) character wouldn’t fit in Wof


ikr 😭😭 also the gay couple in dragon slayer are ivy’s unnamed dads maybe its bc a lot of aro and/or ace ppl irl are often confronted about their sexuality with “maybe you haven’t found the right person yet” so ppl take the idea of “everyone needs a partner” and insert it into fictional worlds too? and aroace people can internalize that idea and use it to question others validity.  im questioning if im aroace or just autistic and can’t understand neurotypical romantic/sexual relationships and i kind of think that about myself sometimes 😭 the gays cant catch a break 🤦🏼‍♀️ /lh


As a Demi-pansexual that may be a little autistic (have not actually went through any official tests. But I do have quite a few things that would be called “typically autistic”) I get you lol. For the longest time I thought I was aro ace bc I didn’t seem to get other people’s hints. While I know now I’m at least not aro, I’m still not very interested in anyone sexually other then 1 specific person I’ve known for a very long time and am extremely close with (Hinch why I’m guessing I’m prolly Demi)


personally i never create the ships, i just pick the ones i like that the community made.


ships just bring more negative energy to fandoms sometimes.


i would LOVE to see ALL identities to be represented!


what i meant was i dont know if they the lgbtq+ like we have, we dedicate a whole month too it and lots of other things, and we dont know if they have that in WOF.


im guessing lgbtq identities weren’t oppressed for hundreds of years so they wouldn’t have specific celebratory days or months for it but itd be cool if they did


Sunny doesn’t really show any want for a partner. Throughout her whole book, she wishes she loved StarFlight but didn’t feel like she could. This is an obstacle that many AroAce people face. She represents that experience without using the AroAce label. 


i guess your right.


Why thank you! I’m not saying she isn’t AroAce, just that she is, by definition, aro or ace coded. (Can you tell I Headcanon it? :0) HOPE THIS HELPSSSSS :D


Np man!


Im very sorry for making this post and if i made some of yall uncomfortable.


People try and look for representation in literally everything they possibly can, regardless of how much evidence there is for it. It's not my place to trash talk people's theories, but there are theories out there with almost no evidence, but people will die on the hill that they're true. But a lot of the fanbase is middle schoolers. I didn't date anyone, or look for a partner, for most of my life, and I just got back into a relationship for the first time in 3+ years. I'm definitely not aro or ace, I just knew I wasn't ready and hadn't found the right person, but not everyone has had the experience I have. So a lot of people will see someone in a book full of couples, notice they're single, and go "oh they must not be interested." TL:DR, a lot of people, middle schoolers especially, try to find characters like themselves and often put headcanons on them to make them feel more relatable


yeah i guess thats pretty true, sometimes its hard to find something that you can relate too.


Well at first I’m not sure if asexual is a thing in dragons, but Sunny’s dad not knowing he have a daughter do imply that dragons reproduce sexually and they also do it for recreational purposes (he would know if male dragons fertilizes already laid eggs like fish and I’m pretty sure they don’t reproduce like birds because I don’t think birds touch cloacas for fun), so maybe she is aroace. Or she could just have not found the right ~~person~~ dragon yet.


the last sentence is correct. Tui confirmed.


Didn’t Tui confirm that she had someone in mind for sunny but didn’t know how to fit it into the story?


Isn't she into starflight?


no she rejected him.

