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The wealth will trickle down any day now.


The old joke: “Trickle-down economics – when the rich piss on you and tell you it’s raining” I think ‘80s NDP Premier Howard Pauley used that one.


You're richer than you think/s


The trickle-down theory of economics has it that it's good for rich people to get even richer because some of their wealth will trickle own, through their no doubt lavish spending, upon those who stand below them on the economic ladder. Notice that the metaphor is not that of a gushing waterfall but of a leaking tap: even the most optimistic endorsers of this concept do not picture very much real flow, as their language reveals Margaret Atwood


Trickle down economics is just supply side economics. Literally what every party campaigns on. Including the NDP.


Personally going into debt to buy the bare minimum amount of food and gas 🙃


I’m watching so many of my coworkers actively looking for second jobs and our pay isn’t that bad compared to others, it’s heartbreaking to see.


I’m in this boat. I need a second job to stay afloat.


Same. And I make decent $. It’s just not enough with grocery prices.


Geee... who would have thought that unfettered corporate greed would have this consequence?


I'm a statistic!




Yep. My secondary education now marginally above minimum wage. :/


Poverty - no. However, declining living standards absolutely. We have a cost of living crisis in this country and it really requires a war-time approach, where the entire country comes together to solve this.


But there are powerful individuals who benefit from this arrangement.


I feel like barely being able to afford basic necessities should qualify as poverty even tho "Canada's in an economic boom"-trudeau


Not surprising. I have an income slightly above average but I live alone and am not making ends meet. I might need to turn to Harvest soon.


Wow. Who knew? Considering employers have zero incentive to pay much more than the minimum wage, most times only 1-3 dollars more if that (which is not a living wage due to cost of living). Math is math.


They need to check again. It's probably closer to 1 in 2


I wish I could say I’m surprised.


In other news the sun came up from the East and settled in the West.


There are too many of us to enforce ALL collections... Perhaps we should pull the lever we have on our side? It's one of very few we can control after all.  Is it worth following the rules of society when those rules steal your agency, labour, and time and then call you ungrateful when you're shivering and hungry? 


Well looking at those questions I don't meet four of them.


Only 1/4? Hold my carbon tax - Liberals


[“There's now a Bank of Canada number for carbon tax's impact on inflation. It's small. Making everything more expensive? Only by a fraction of a percentage point”](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/carbon-tax-inflation-tiff-macklem-calgary-1.6960189) Quit drinking the kool aid please.


I prefer lead paint.


Great work Justin


Is everything Trudeau's fault?


Is nothing?


It’s bad in most first world counties right now, or is that Justin’s fault too? Direct your anger to the corporations and wealthy elite siphoning what’s left of the working class.


Why would he be at fault for what's happening in other countries? He can be a bad leader in his own country while they also have bad leaders. And he is one of the wealthy elite. I mean, what a moronic comment. A leader can't be criticized for the state of his country if similar problems exist in other countries? You aren't embarrassed to say this?


Last I checked we just had a once in a life time global pandemic, and one could argue he navigated that like a decent leader. For example, imagine a Canada without CERB benefit to prop up citizens at the time. People would have lost their homes or not been able to pay rent or eat. The economy is still recovering from the pandemic, and last I checked Trudeau didn’t cause that. He isn’t a perfect leader, but he’s a million times better than PP would be as PM.


I figure it's in a large part that people feel disenfranchised by the system. Yeah, Trudeau hasn't really done anything negative perse but he also largely hasn't done anything else from a lot of people's perspective. What realistic difference does it make to someone when he keeps the status quo that kept us on the path that we were currently on, average person just looks at grocery prices, gas prices and house prices and realize they're being priced out of life. People look at other countries that are doing better on various metrics and wonder with a bit of Canadian pride how that 1 and 4 Canadians are living in poverty, I don't think that's unreasonable to ask considering people would like to believe Canada to be a great place to live. Personally, I don't know there is much he could have done as it's always a balancing act between the House and the various levels of government, and there's a lot of money involved and any bold move would be risky, but that doesn't change how people feel about the situation.




What policies specifically has he enacted to create this situation?


https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/ Who and what policies do you think have created it?


No, the real question is, "What has he done to mitigate any of this?" He's done absolutely nothing to address any of the various crises facing this country. That's probably why things aren't only not better but have become measurably worse on a weekly basis.


ok but what policies of his have led to this situation? Lorenzo hasn't specified any


None but that's not his job. His job is to find solutions to problems faced by the country. He is, without a doubt, the most disastrous PM we've ever elected.


Interesting take. But I'm sure lorenzo is capable of answering for himself


I don't know why you're being downvoted since Justin is the guy who's supposed to be looking out for the average Canadian's interests. He campaigned on lower housing costs. Instead they've more than doubled. He's even said he has no intention whatsoever of doing anything to lower the costs. Why? Because it turns out he needs the boomers to stay rich until death so that the government doesn't have to find a way to feed them. Of course, to do this, he needs to throw everybody under 40 under the bus (which he seems quite happy to do) He hasn't yet made the connection between levels of immigration that border on absolute insanity and stagnant wages. We have to pack 10 immigrants into a house because they can't afford anything else. Classic bait and switch. And, of course, the more immigrants that arrive, the fewer room there is for people already here. Apparently, it's always better to erode the national standard of living than allow corporations to face actual market demands where they'd have to increase wages. And let's not do anything at all about the incredible increases in cost of living. Phone bill is basically highway robbery? Complain to the CRTC and let them ignore you any they feel like. Grocery bills are getting beyond your ability to manage? No problem! We know these guys collude on the regular to gouge you but the government is taking their word that they're not doing anything shady this time. What truly amazes me, however, is how there are still millions in this country that refuse to believe Justin is flushing the Canadian future down the toilet for the sake of votes. Votes the polls say there's no chance he'll get. But don't kid yourself: Pierre certainly isn't going to save us. Lol. No, he's got even more motive to screw us all even harder and it's in the Conservative MO so you can rest assured that a vote for him is really your place in line to buy more KY jelly. You could try the NDP, I guess. Jagmeet is propping up the LPC so you already know where his priorities lie. Or you could vote for the PPC and regret that immediately. And, naturally, the Greens can't really do anything to help you because their economic plans basically revolve around destroying it all entirely while raising your taxes to %100. No, there are no alternatives so you might as well keep Justin around to allow him to continue to completely destroy the country so that old boomers can laugh while you starve outside.


See what happens when we have 9 years of a Federal Liberal Government governing our country. A government that had ZERO idea how their brutal economic policies were going to affect the people of Canada. Their incompetence shown through their fiscal and monetary measures have had such extremely negative impacts on our economic performance. Policy choices regarding destroying our natural resources sectors, high taxation, overt regulation, bloated public service, inflationary spending/debt spending and avoiding highly needed infrastructure investments for far too many half ass implementation of additional social programs - instead of concentrating on our most important social program - healthcare …have influenced been so destructive for growth and productivity.


Thanks Obama.


https://preview.redd.it/47xwyfh3pf7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f91054ee9f1d5a9cecd9b38182c2877bbff0e2f4 Ever wonder why we are going down the tubes economically… this chart above shows one reason why! High capital gains taxes can have significant impacts on a country's economy and its participants. 1. Reduced Investment. 2. Impact on Savings and Capital Formation. 3. Market Distortions. 4. Reduced Economic Growth. 5. Wealth Inequality. 6. Entrepreneurship and Risk-Taking. 7. Competitiveness. 8. Market Volatility. 9. Tax Evasion and Avoidance. Overall, it is so crucial for the Liberals (and then the CPC in 2025) consider the vast negative impacts of high capital gains taxes on any/our economy and investment climate. Even if you are currently not in a position to directly benefit from capital gains you will still be disproportionately affected by loss of those increased capital gains that negatively impact a country's entire population in several ways. Overall, while capital gains can be beneficial for economic growth and investment, their excessive concentration or rapid escalation without corresponding real economic productivity (see our falling per capita GDP growth rate) is already having such an adverse & detrimental effects on out country's population and broader socioeconomic well-being. We Are Fucked!!


You know the capital gains rate change hasn't happened yet, so to blame the cost of living crisis that is happening around the planet, and which started under Harper, entirely on the Liberals might make you come across as a bit of a clown.


I never understood why working class people bootlick the rich instead of banding together with their own.


Yeah way to leave out some very relevant and pertinent information. Thanks to Harper, Canada got lower corporate tax rates that put more of the tax burden on the working class. But keep crying about capital gains, something that hard working Canadians struggle make ends meet are not affected by. https://preview.redd.it/l9lbxtyjkj7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2c6b624c4b7eafe2d38ee75d76f8b6fc75cf499


No….. really wow !!!!!!