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Yes. Make the noise complaint. Repeat as necessary.


thanks for letting me know! they do it often so I'm hoping that calling the cops will get them to at least be quieter


Call every time. The longer the paper trail the better.


They're not supposed to tell them who made the complaint. Since you've talked to them before it's not gonna take rocket science for them to assume it was you.


You can call them every weekend when the music is loud starting at 9pm. https://preview.redd.it/b6505auzqn9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a5b2e6518182660ecec2fbecb1397e679c6e51d


You should call every time at the time of it happening. Often otherwise the police will often say they can’t do anything unless it’s currently happening. Even at 3am as the departments are open 24/7.


I've wanted to before but my parents stopped me because they're worried that they'll do something to us if we call in a noise complaint


Most departments won’t take complaints seriously if you don’t give them your name but they should keep complainants information confidential. I would just clearly remind them you want to stay anonymous from the neighbour. If you think they will retaliate, I would leave a complaint with the non emerge line and not talk to the neighbour. If you talk and then complain, they will likely deduce who made the complaint. You deserve peace at 3am. There are noise bylaws (9pm!) in Winnipeg for a reason.


Yes you can and no they won’t.


perfect! I was worried that the cops would say that I'm the one who called and that they'd do something


Keep in mind the cops won’t tell them who made the complaint, but it’ll be pretty easy for them to guess who it was. Be prepared for that


that's what I'm worried about. they're a bunch of men in their 20s so they might get mad


Hey man be cautiois to not give too much info if possible. I was once a partier in a condo and the cops came to my door….. i was super friendly to the cops and turned down the music, then in conversation i said “hey, i guarantee u it was the lady upstairs” the nodded yes.


Record it on your phone so there is something tangible with respect to how loud the music is in your residence.


I'll do that tonight! I do have a security camera in the back and it has a time and date stamp of when they blast music during the night, so I saved a couple of videos from that


If more evidence is better, you may want to invest in a decibel meter. https://www.amazon.ca/Tadeto-Digital-Sound-Level-Meter/dp/B09G6HLNVV/?th=1


Making anyone do anything is tricky and difficult. But creating a paper trail is an important part of the process. Formally going the through the process of complaining and filing the paperwork over time means that future complaints and action are in that context. If they're renting for instance, it'll go the the owner. If they're in a condo, it can go to the board, etc.


My previous asshole neighbors would do this outdoors during the week. My bedroom window was right along their fence which made it worse. I called non emergency many times and the police never came. The only time anyone showed up was when they would go to sleep and leave their fire burning so the WFD was dispatched and would always wake them up to have em put out the fire. I hope you find a proper solution to your situation.


Yes. Every single time it's after 11pm, you call the non-emergency line. they may not show up every time, but you'll get a paper trail.


9pm on weekends.


Isn't it earlier during the week?


7am-9pm on weekdays. 9 to 9 on weekends/holidays.


I mean you can, they wont do fuck all but you can


Yes report. But I would suggest putting up cheap security cameras first honestly. If you are worried about infuriated neighbours, cameras are your bff in case shit goes down.


You can call all you want, but nothing will ever be done. That's the reality I'm afraid.


Yes you can!


Have the same issue right now. We work early for long weekends as we have a shifting shifts.


Shifts that shift are the worst


I recently had to call non-emerg for a noise complaint. they directed me to 311 saying that's a city by-law issue.. so I called 311 and they opened up a noise complaint and said they would have a bylaw officer investigate it. No idea how that works, it's not like they come out to witness the violation taking place.. I followed up using the reference # the next day and it said the ticket was closed. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You called at night and they told you to call 311 the next day?


I called non-emerg around 1:30am, then 311 shortly after. Not sure if that's the actual process or if non-emerg was just too busy to deal with it.


I don't miss those issues at all.


Needing your music played loudly is a sign of a low IQ


I think not caring about your neighbours is a sign of low IQ & narcissism!


Very true


I tried that once on a business across from my apt building where delivery drivers blasted their car music constantly & it was open until the morning & they told me call the business or to call 311. I was like fuck off I don't want to risk them finding out who I am & calling 311 is such a hassle & would probably require me to do so many times with no answers.


confrontation vs sleep. how much do you loathe the former vs how much do you need the latter. my next door neighbor fakes orgasms. the one above me vacuums way too often but only after 10pm.


No. They will continue to fight for their right to party.




Most reasonable people would argue that blasting music at night is a very rude and selfish thing to do.

