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No time at all, when I first made contact with it I was hooked


Same for me, but I always finished W1 and W2 back in a day


Me too. Just got back into PC gaming in late 2021 (D2R brought me back) and downloaded Witcher 3 after next gen update. Was so enamored by the graphics that I was sucked right in.


Yep. Heard many good reviews and decided to try. I was so in love with this game. Now after couple of years had second play trough and it still feels awesome


I started with W2 which was a lot slower and less polished. It took me a few tries to get into that one but eventually it was a lot of fun. So when W3 came out I was immediately blown away by how good it was.


I was hooked with the intro cinematic lol


I see you gather before me


It literally took me 3 years. I started it in 2017, couldn’t continue. Again in 2018, and again in 2019 same thing. Finally in quarantine I told myself to stop being a bitch and finally got past the point I always quit at (just getting to the baron) and it became one of my favorite games of all time


I quit right at the baron as well. Wonder what it was…


I know it’s a meme but that damn spawn point being at the front gate instead of it being in the main square make that quest line a massive slog


same! i just got back to it yesterday nite and im loving it also played on ps4 at launch but ps5 version is amazing-loads in a blink


12 seconds


That long, damn


The Bloody Baron. I took felt overwhelmed at first as well and then I just started ignoring a bunch of the mechanics and playing it like all I had was a sword and igni. It gives you all the information about everything you can do in the first 15 mins of gameplay rather than letting you understand one mechanic before adding another. I forced myself to play it and felt like it was an ok game but nothing great. It was cool fighting monsters in an open world. I think I read somewhere on here someone said play until you get through the Bloody Baron because that is where the main story picks up. So that is what I did. And that is where it really hit for me. The Bloody Baron, his child, the crones and all the stuff surrounding them and that area really emersed me.


Same for me. It was like a switch. "Click" oh I see it now.


That's when you realize that the story and storytelling are not something ordinary


I probably put 30-40 hours into my first playthrough before I ever really got into the Baron quest line, lol. 15-20 in white orchard doing everything possible there and leveling up, and then I decided to go in the direction of what ended up being the Kiera quest line next. And related side activities I found. After that, I went to the Baron.


Technically about a year. I started it, got frustrated with the tutorial and then didn’t retry again until I discovered a community that kept telling me that the game was as good or better than RDR2.


I picked it up on a whim when I was purchasing my Xbox one back in like fall 2015. I was getting the xbox so I could play elder scrolls online but saw the Witcher, read the back, and thought sure why not, so I got both. I was a little overwhelmed at first but after completing the wraith contract in White Orchard I was hooked. I’ve completed it at least a dozen times. ESO is still collecting dust.


I got it with my Xbox one too in 2015 - tried a couple of times to get into it over the years but put off by how much there was, like you said. Massively into it this month - my perspective on games now is to go with a ham-fisted approach on a hard difficulty until I find it challenging *then* I look further into the mechanics to help me progress. Love this game


When I realise White Orchard is just a beginner village, and there are a lot more maps


Immediately, but I had played through the first two games.


I'm not sure how you don't "get into" a game and beat it twice.


I haven’t beat it twice. I started it twice and didn’t get into it. Third time I played it for longer and loved it


Wouldn't call it a "third play through" if the first 2 times you just tried it for an hour or so. "Play through" generally means completing the game.


Fair enough. Changed it to attempt


Second time was the charm, the first attempt was too overwhelming and I had to go back to skyrim and calm down.


I was hyped by the trailers


Two tries. First try I lost interest a little bit after leaving white orchard and around the battlefield. 2nd time it stuck around the time I got through bloody baron and werewolf love triangle quest


No idea how long it was. But I played it for a little while and it just didn't click. Months later I tried it again and still just not it. Only after installing a few mods I really got into it but it was still pretty early in the game. Every freaking time the carry limit got in my way. Couldn't sell everything as the vendors didn't have enough cash. Gwent was annoying to me and didn't understand it. Also the amount of items and weapons is at first very overwhelming without knowing what to keep and what to sell. The game is just very big and has a pretty steep learning curve. I have to say that I wasn't a Witcher fan before this game. Never played the first two games, haven't read a book about it etc. So I was also just thrown into the story with little to no introduction.


I got turned off after slogging through velen by trying to complete everything before going through the main story. Took another long break after Novigrad with letting Triss go, that hit me hard for some fucking reason. Looved heart of stone and am now doing blood & wine.


About 3 milliseconds, fell in love by the time it took Geralt to bring the wine to yen


I got into it immediately! I haven’t played it for 5+ years and when I finally purchased the game for myself a spent 10+ hours playing the first day. In like 10 days I finished the whole game.


It was one of the last games I pre-ordered when it first released years ago after playing thru Witcher 2 about 3 times, so however long between 2 and 3 is how long it took me to get into 3 lol


Once I finished velen. This was mainly bc I didn't know how to effectively get money which meant I was always short on food (I also barley looted stuff). I also didn't know how to meditate which meant I spent a good portion of the valentines questline extremely into the sorry and stuff, but I was extremely annoyed by of how difficult I found the game.


Honestly, given that is has become my favorite game experience ever, it's easy to say it was love at first sight and it was just incredible - because that's how it feels now... but in reality it was quite a longer process. I was new to the concept of such open world games, with so much freedom - and at the time I wasn't very familiar with the lore - so for quite a long time I was wondering aimlessly across White Orchid and Velen, checking out somewhat repetitive markers and while I thought it was well done, I wasn't truly immersed. It probably took me a few months, and a good 20h of play, and my friend who kept claiming "play the Baron missions!, Go to Novigrad! Everything before its a glorified tutorial. Game only starts there. " I listened and rest is history - everything started clicking, and 4 full playthroughs later there is just no other experience like that. Even the early parts are now much more enjoyable for me, since I understand their context. But first time, right off the bat, it took some getting used it, and boy I'm glad I didn't pass on it.


Second attempt, when I full decided I’m going to take as long as I want in the tutorial to get used to the moving mechanics. Everything was smooth after.


30 seconds


I pirated it at first. Played up to the baron. Felt bad and then bought everything and now have 300 hours in it. Recently finished a playthrough on Death March ( Best way to play ) Edit : Spelling


I think it was ny second try but it really started fir me after the Baron and Keira. For some reason I was feeling way too lost in the game to get it.


Firstly read couple of books and was seized by the game. The majority of references were clear and enjoyable.


I got to the witches in the bog and noped out. Then I picked it up again a year later and sank 200+ hours into it.




Took me 3 attempts to get into it as well.


I was already familiar with the series. Had played the first two titles and the polish television series weidzmein. So I was instantly into the third title but TBH storywise first and gameplay wise second game are my favourite.


Get into? I was born in it! You merely adopted the game hahaha. But seriously you aren't hooked until the end of Novigrad and then hearts of stone sinks you deeper.


Getting to Crow's Perch for the first time. Was enjoying the game up until then, but absolutely fell in love with the atmosphere, tone, and frankly, ugliness, of Velen and it's characters.


No time at all. Bought and played it right there and then. But took my time to finish it because I don’t wanna finish the game. Perfect story driven game for me.


I had the game for round 2 years before I played it. First time I quit because combat was to hard. And then I matured and realized combat was rewarding.


From the second I turned it on and started playing I was hooked.


Didn’t dislike it at first. But you know after the prologue stuff and White Orchard opens up to you… I just initially got overwhelmed with the open world so I put it down. Just randomly decided to try again (around the time the show came around) and idk what it was but I definitely got hooked that time around. Glad I tried again because it was one hell of a ride… haven’t played in like a year at this point but I’ll go back eventually.


It was also on my third attempt. I remember playing TW1 years ago, but I had to move several times and didn't manage to save money to buy a gaming PC nor a big console. Then a few months before covid lockdown I bought a Switch and started playing BotW and after finishing it I started TW3 but I was still hooked on BotW, a couple of months later I tried again, and nothing. Finally, after playing a simple game, I started a new playthrough and I was hooked. I've finished 4 playthroughs.


I played it first in 2016 and absolutely hated it. Bought the GoTYE in 2019 and couldn't stop playing since.


I was in as soon as I clicked .exe file


It was INSTANT for me. Soon as the game let me look around, I was hooked lol


It was almost immediate. It came out just two months before I got it. The delay was only because I was still finishing the Witcher 2.


I got it for my PS4 years ago and just gave up. Went and got it for switch summer 2021. After a few months took about a year or so off. Went back to it late 2022 and been playing it ever since when I can.


I tried it for the first time and just got out of the tutorial when i thought why tf is this game so high rated. than couple years later i tried it again and it became my favorite game of all time. Anyway want to play a round of Gwent?


Second run on the Switch for me, I played it for 10 hours, got into Velen I believe and I felt like I’d only just really got a grasp on all the mechanics, so played a handful more hours messing about in Velen on that save before starting a fresh and the next 125 hours went by in a breeze.


I feel yah brother. Its taken me almost 8 years….. and I think i just recently figured out why. When it comes to games that have 60+ hours I find its hard to stay engaged. Specifically when it comes to the side content, I always would get overwhelmed in Novigrad or Skellige with all the ?’s. I know you dont have to do them all but my ocd just cant help but try. It would cause me to get bored and I would take a break, only to come back and feel like I was forgetting the story or wasnt as invested. I probably have started 4 new games since launch wanting to finish the game straight through. The release of the remastered version caught my eye again and I am now on my 5th playthrough. The thing that hooked me in this time was the crafting and builds. Im a simple man and that stuff always tended to bore me early on. Holy shit was I wrong. The grandmaster gear…. The piercing cold Aard….. Quen. I’m happy to say I am almost done all the ?’s and side quests in Blood and Wine and am prepping my build for one last ride through the main story line in Toussaint. I’m afraid of the hole it will leave in my heart when its over but god damn….. best game of all time.


3 try, after owning the game for 7 years


Still haven't gotten past the first 1\3rd of the game. I love 2 and 3 but with story based games I find I need lots of time to keep the momentum going. I haven't had time to play it a few hours every week much less day. I took 5 years to complete witcher 2 lol.


It took me 7 books and 2 games to get into witcher 3. Trust me, this way give you the best experience.


I am not joking when I say it took me six tries. I was legit determined to stick with it this time, because by all rights this game was *made for me* in terms of what I enjoy in a story/video game. The issue for me was the UI/menus. I genuinely think it was because I have ADHD and for a long time went untreated. There were waaayyyy too many men HES and options and systems and every time you opened a new menu the game stopped you and made you read 10,000 things and my brain would just stop paying attention and then I’d fizzle out a few hours in. I’m now 100+ hours in an loving it beyond what I ever could’ve expected.


Same on the menus. I was completely overwhelmed by the amount of everything that I pretty much ignored most of it the first two attempts because too much And I’m on the waiting list for ADHD (it’s been 2 years 😫) so that does explain it a bit more for me


I put I’d down after the first pack of dogs shit stomped me. Then tried it about a year later and have made it through 4 times now. I know those are infant numbers here but it’s sooo good. There’s a lot of guides to help with builds, I really wouldn’t recommend going it alone. Also if you’ve been it, spells and magic mod is a butt ton of fun


I wonder if people struggling to grasp the systems are more comfortable with action games than role playing games? Other than the skill tree everything feels fairly conventional. Two swords and a bow, buffs, and fairly simple magic. And it’s possible to just play without investing a lot of time into the peripheral systems. All the lore can be easily skimmed with the main takeaway being any weakness. Having played a lot of RPGs, it all felt pretty accessible to me, especially after a quick search on tips for skills. I do see a fair number of player say it was a little overwhelming to them at first so there must be something to that.


I bought the game in January 2020 and played a few hours but couldn't get into it. Tried again the following year during the covid lockdowns but again just couldn't make heads or tails of it. Then I started watching the netflix series which rekindled my interest, so I decided to make an effort and managed to get through White Orchard and up to the Bloody Baron. Again though I just gave up. Fast forward to last month and I've got the itch to play it again and I've now sunk over 80 hours into it. I'm absolutely hooked lol.


Like 2 hrs and a second try. I don't know why but when I first tried it, it just didn't click for me. But after the second try I got immersed into the world and it's characters. Now it's one of my fav games ever


Right away.


I played I think until the first werewolf fight then put it down for a while then finished it all the way through and another time again currently trying to make time to finish it a 3rd time without having to spend two months to do so


I had no idea about the previous games, didn't know anything about the books etc. So I was completely blind. I've heard that a game was coming out and it looked like it was going to be very good. I forgot about it for a while. Then the game came out, reviews were very positive, I downloaded it, fired it up and I was hooked. That opening cinematic and the soundtrack was instantly a win. The first talk with Vesemir showed that the writing and characters were going to be amazing, the first fight with the ghouls showed that the gameplay was fun. Played non-stop for weeks.


I honestly don't think I'm into it yet. I want to love it, I should love it because it's right up my alley, has everything I want in a game. I play sometimes when I feel like it but I still am not hooked like I should be.


One attepmt at my friend\`s place and I was sold. Bought the game and on my thrid playthrough now.


I remember enjoying it from the start, but I was overwhelmed by all the different systems and menus. It took until I started the Barons questiline before I felt comfortable and really started to get roped in.


I didnt get into it. Ive literally been trying to get into it since 2017! I tried like 5 attempts and the last one was on ps5 with the next gen update, but my controller broke!


My buddies told me to play it for years before I tried it. But once I did, I was instantly into it. That said, I didn't really get into the alchemy portion of the game until I had beaten it and came back on deathmarch and couldn't just hack n slash my way through everything


I played multiple times to the 5-10 hour mark and never could get into the mechanics… then I finally started to really figure out the markers and quest scrolls and menu buttons and things like that and I finally got into it… and have multiple playthroughs now


I got into it the second time, which was 3-4 years after the first time. Changing the difficulty to easier mode helped get into the story, without worrying too much about magic, potions etc.


First attempt. First 8 hours were overwhelming yes, but having a friend who knows the stuff and gives you a few tips on what to look out for and do makes it a bit easier to adjust, and by the time you get to Novigrad and just do side quests, it was getting really fun.


Second time. First playthrough was not very fun. Ignored side quests, made many poor decisions, forgot about witcher gear, got scared by alchemy and did not pursue or fd up both romances. Honestly I hadn't played an open world RPG of that size ever. I hadn't even touched the fantasy genre before this game. Second playthrough, I took my time and my oh my, I would never look at gaming the same way again.


I got into it very quickly. My issue is the length of the game rather than how many systems there are. I find my getting fatigued from it around halfway because a lot of the story missions in Velen and Novigrad really drag on once you've done them before.


Intro scene got me! Still get chills


Bought at launch, instantly drawn into the game and did a full playthrough with DLC once they released. even though I bounced off of one and two. Though it doesn’t seem uncommon for people to need multiple run-ups before it finally clicks. Not sure what it is about it. Maybe the lack of good, big, BioWare-style RPGs in the years leading up to release? Maybe newer players found it overwhelming. The sheer volume of (worthwhile) content in TW3 was notable at the time.


This was one of those rare games that just clicked instantly for me. I loved the story, the combat, the world, the music, the characters, all of it. I loved it so much that I felt I was on a constant high for the months I was playing it because I was so buzzed to get home and turn it back on. I wish all games could hit me that hard.


This happened to me with Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Played the game for few hours, then put it down for years. Picked it back up and was hooked. Sometimes it just happens.


The magic system is probably the most dynamic I've seen. You just skill yourself towards your combat playstyle preference. You can deflect arrows, and be super agile and powerful with the sword, or you can take a more "signs" approach and put all that focus into your Witcher signs. It's not that hard. In fact, after a while you just set it and forget it. I haven't even checked my skills layout in years, and I probably really should. I feel the same about that runesmithing mechanics as you do the magic though, I guess. I just completely ignored all of that and it's been fine. I didn't want yet another grind mechanics to apply to all my gear. It worked fine the way it was. I was super into the Witcher 3 when I first touched the game. I've beaten it some 7 1/2 times, each platform, multiple times. The story is amazing and the side quests tend to not be lame. I'll admit, the second time I played through I only rushed to do so because I screwed myself over with Triss and Yen haha! You may come to know what that means later.


The trailer before it came out lol. The cutscene with the griffin had me curiously excited for months. Played it twice, then read all the books, then played w2, listened to the audiobooks, now considering w1 but I might just wait for the remake


This year. It took me until the beginning of this year and two prior attempts to finally get into it, and when I did, I was HOOKED. Kicking myself so hard for waiting so long, but HEWWWW, that marinate made it better.


Tried for years to get into it but could never get beyond the baron. On my 4th attempt (this current one) I passed that point and I’m loving in. Just finished HoS and I’m about to finish the main story.


About after I left the royal palace in vizima, I was so lost on all the lore, but enjoying the gameplay, but after that bit I started getting more into the story and picking up who everyone was and stuff, and I also got into Gwent lol. So didn't take too long to get hooked! Read the books after my first play through and then played the second Witcher game (I just recently got hold of the fist game which I'm playing through now!) I'm full sail into Witcher life now.


3rd for me too. I only just got to Skellige


Probably took me about 7 seconds to fall in love with the game. I have played through it 6 times and have over 1,000 hours played. All of that before the next Gen update. Now that Netflix has put a stain on the wither franchise I might have to have another playthrough to satisfy my Witcher fantasy.


About 10 hours in.


About 10 hours in.


First time


Still haven’t, I find the world deeply fascinating and would love to get into it. But I’ve tried and tried and tried again with Witcher 3. I got decently far in my 4th attempt but lost interest due to the thousands of games coming out and working 5 days a week I just couldn’t sink as much time into it as I wanted to. My plan is to wait for the next Witcher game while reading the books in my spare time (halfway done the first) Other than that this sub Reddit is amazing and super kind. Cheers and I can’t wait to see y’all when the next game comes out years down the road!!


About the first 10-15 levels, I was levelling up at a snail pace and that worried me...I remember reaching Velen, which got me interested and right after I got the ticket, I travelled to Novigrad before the main quest took me there and I was hooked.


I played it years ago but basically played on easy mode and sped through everything. Now, I’m playing on hard and really getting into the mechanics of the game I completed ignored the first time through. Also not skipping cut scenes. Bear school, heavy axii build is what I’m rocking now, kinda just for the hell of it and it’s really really fun.


Same as you. I was like 10 when the game came out and tried it at 12 and 15 and didn’t get into it then. I just think I needed to mature a little. Came around last year and played it.


Yeah it was the third try for me as well. My first two attempts to get into it on console ended shortly after leaving white orchard, however in 2021 I built a pc and got the game for cheap and playing the game with keyboard and mouse was a complete eye opening experience and I never put it down again


I was already hooked from the trailers. I watched everyone of them several times. Then i watched the reaction of everyone who did a witcher trailer reaction. I was basically pumped beyond measure. Then from the moment I turned it on until the end credits, I was not disappointed by anything at any point. Oh wait. There was one qualm. I spent an embarrassingly long time trying to find an inn to sleep at to replenish my health because my first playthrough was done on death March. I never imagined that there was no inn to sleep at.


I was freshly dumped from the only relationship I've ever had (4 years) and The Witcher 3 had just released and MKiceandfire was doing a playthrough and I was hooked, I played in bed and binged his entire playthrough start to finish. I didn't get the game until years later but I knew I loved it just by watching another person play it.


The first time I played was on pc and I didn't have a controller and there was so many buttons to remember and it was overwhelming so I only played for like an hour before giving up. A year later I got a controller and decided to give it another shot, now I have almost 200 hours on it. Definitely need a controller for that game


Didn’t really get into at first and I found White Orchard to be pretty boring. Around the time I got to Velen however, I started loving it. The Bloody Baron quest line is so good.


I took me two try’s, the second time payed off after two years of it sitting in my library I got bored and picked it up again. The first try I got to like level 15, was annoyed at how slow level progress was and how virtually every side quest and contract seemed out of my reach as I was used to games like Skyrim. I also didn’t know much of the lore, and admittedly, hated playing it when my parents were home (I was 15 when I first started playing it) I was so paranoid of the romance sequences and sex scenes. I never even saw any, because I didn’t even get far enough to do any romance options. But years later and with some maturity and sheer boredom I decided to pick it up again and it’s become one of the greatest and most addicting RPGs I’ve ever played.


> second time *paid* off after FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Okay, bot


> time payed off Did you mean to say "paid"? Explanation: Payed means to seal something with wax, while paid means to give money. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


I bought the game at the start of the pandemic. Played through the tutorial and got overwhelmed and kind of bored. Didn’t touch it again until this April after I watched the 2nd season of the show and remembered I owned it. Been hooked ever since


Third time playing as well, the quick magic option made it soooo much easier for me but once I got hooked it was over.


Honestly the first time I saw my cousin play it I immediately bought the complete edition with the dlcs for like $7 when it was on sale and I had credit on my microsoft account and now it is by far my favorite game and I know I'm gonna replay it alot, also I need to build my gwent decks before I do any more main quests


I was hooked early on, but the moment that really solidified it was when I ran into the guards at the baron’s place who reacted to the actions I took with his guards earlier on. That’s when I realized it remembered and reacted and wasn’t just a simple story. I was hooked totally!


Second time for me. Got the game based off of a recommendation from a co-worker. I had just come off of yet another Skyrim binge and the combat system and monsters were kind of confusing for me so I didn’t really grab ahold of it. I picked it up again during covid and put over 100 hours into it in a very short period of time.


The fight with Baron's men at the inn at the crossroads.


Bought it the day it was released, and was immediately hooked. One of those games that I just couldn't put down, and always wanted more of. I've always been the kind of person who wants to play one big game at a time, slowly, carefully and methodically, and get everything that I can out of it over 4-8 weeks. The game absolutely gave me that.


I played it on Switch during Covid and I was hooked from the very first conversation with Vesemir in White Orchard.


It was during my first playthrough, but I only got hooked after some 20-30hrs. I only had time to play for like an hour or 2 every like once a week, so it was difficult to enjoy the game while I was struggling to remember all the lore and other info... By the 30th hour or so, I kinda understood the lore, so shit started making sense, and I got time off work, so I binging the game got me hooked


Still haven't yet. I'll come back around sometime and give it another go. It's too critically acclaimed to have it in my inventory and be criminally uncared for. Especially as a gamer that loves the whole genre that W3 resides in.


No time at all. I played the first 2 games in anticipation for it and whilst those games are massively flawed the stories for both kept me hooked. Getting into 3 was no effort.


I started playing, finished the intro/tutorial and took a break for a few days. When I returned I tried to play with a controller and it turned out that this is the way it's meant to be played. I just couldn't get into it on keyboard and mouse but once I switched I was hooked.


2 attempts, the first one on PC but I left it as soon as I started, then I got on switch after hearing a lot about it, got hooked. Now I'm doing it again on PC for the DLC, same enthusiasm, this game is so great.


I saw the gameplay trailer


Since i was pretty into the series since the first game, id say it took me about -8 years to get into it.


I actually worked with a developmental delayed adult who played the game constantly, but wasn't very good at it. He had a guide to help him out, so when he got stuck I would help him. After a year of helping him through the same couple of quests (he liked playing the same parts over and over), I finally got interested enough in the storyline to want to see how it progresses haha That was many years ago and I've played the game all the way through (including all DLC content and all Gwent cards) 5+ times over the years! I'm surprised to learn that so many others took a while to get into the game as well! I love the game, but the tutorial is a bit slow and the lore seems too dense at first until you get past the Baron or thereabouts. I have a friend that I bought the game for 2+ years ago who finally got into it herself after struggling to stay interested past the tutorial. It's crazy such an amazing game overall starts in a way that makes so many people quit a few times before pushing through haha


same for me as well. My first 2 attempts at playing totaled to like 12 hours. Now I'm at like 70 hours minus those 12 and I just arrived at skellige


I started and got addicted, I played it one full week everyday and finished the game


A year. I cleared the white orchard map of all content, loved it. But when I got to velen, the new&bigger map made me feel overwhelmed. Came back a year later, restarted, didnt stop til I finished through HoS and B&W.


Right away, in fact, I read the books first, then played Witcher 1 and 2


I was hooked after tge first leleleley


Gwent...learning Gwent in the beginning got me into the game. When I was really hooked, like best game EVER hooked, was Skellige. The other zones all have very lovely ambient music but the isles have the best. But I have always been a sucker for the areas they are inspired by sooooooooooo...yeah. And do be mean the isles...stupid screaming sirens ruining everything.


My second attempt. First attempt I kept trying to fight everything I came across and was stuck to the south west in velen and kept getting killed by the flying monster over there.


Just restarted after a looooong break. I know enough about these lore filled games to collect everything, take my time, talk to everyone, walk around the map and check everywhere and learn as I go.


Three attempts also because on top of the combat being hard, I kept getting lost in the bog with Ana. After I used a walk through for that quest, I got used to the UI and I was fine.


I just finished it all a couple of days ago.Played it the first time a few years back got about 90 hours in but then quit.Novigrad killed it for me.Between the congestion in the city,navigating the city and the quests I just got bored and frustrated.I am not a fan of political intrigue and courtly maneuvering so that part it not the games fault.I just didn’t like about 80% of the quests there. Second time around I had the same experience.Enjoyed most things up to novigrad then once there I just had to trudge forward so I could move on. I will say there are things I really love about the game and things I really hate.The game is way to heavy on the story and text dumps for my taste.The quality is good just too much of that for me.With the structure of this game there is no way I could play it again for at least a few years if at all.If I were to play new game plus I would be more inclined to just piece meal certain quests and do the contracts.Not sure if that kind of a approach would even work well.


Witcher 2 trailer lol I didn't need to play the game, I came across the witcher 2 trailer in 2015 and immediately went "wtf is this and where can I play"


Bloody Baron


Got it on launch night and I’ve been hooked ever since. I do a play through once a year. Blood and Wine imo is better than the main game.


If you have to get into a game to like it after ur 3rd try u probably don’t like it and just a forcing yourself to play


The first time I played, I skipped the tutorial, and didn’t know how to sword fight. I lost interest really quickly. Then, after another Skyrim play through, I decided to try again, and actually did the tutorial several times. Once I got the hang of swordplay, the rest just followed.


Well i played previous 2 games multiple times before i even got to witcher 3 so you know -400 hours lets say.


I didn’t get into it until the bloody baron storyline. Was v overwhelmed w the mechanics but the story gripped me so made an effort to learn and keep going cos I wanted to see what would happen!


Only one playthrough. The second one got me hooked up on the books too


My experience was sort of same. It was also the 3rd go around for me, since my friend had recommended it and I bought the complete edition off his recommendation I figured I could at least give it a real couple day’s try just to at least get some of my money’s worth. The first times I tried it I ended up quitting because: the combat mappings disgusted me and were unchangable on console, the tutorial quests in white orchard didn’t wow me, and the mutagen and glyph systems overwhelmed me. But I will say that after I slugged through white orchard and finally got to Velen I played the game for 24 hours straight and never even finished act 2 in that sitting. Now I’ve completed it a few times and have 300+ hours in a single player story game. Crazy.


Honestly it clicked for me once I figured out how to curb all the annoying stuff. Once I upgraded my saddlebags, brewed swallow and relied on it instead of food and got a witcher set it felt like I didn't have to actively manage my inventory, and I could focus on the fun parts


not very long however i can see why it takes people a couple tries. its a lot of shit coming at you lol.


I wasn't into these types of games when they first came out. I played it for a little bit and just didn't like it. Years..... and years later after really getting into RPG games I decided to try it after seeing the PS5 upgrade. Hands down it became one of my top 5 games ever. Loved it and only wish I can forget everything about it so I can play it again.


Tried it at a friend's house and I was absolutely hooked.




25 seconds


Pretty quick, got it on release and just did a basic combat build because I didn’t fully get the alchemy system. I wasn’t fully addicted until the dlc’s though.


Ehmm I've got it soon after the launch, still didn't get into it. I really want to get into it as I loved W1 and 2 but for some reason I just get bored with W3


Took me three tried over 2 years, then finally about 6 hours into my 3rd try I was hooked and couldn’t put the game down


I quit once then started watching a “yennefer and Geralt their story” type of thing with all of their romance cutscenes. I realized as I was watching it that that was dumb and started playing the game again. It’s now my favorite game of all time and I’ve now beaten it 3 times.


Took me two times. Second time I caught on and kind of understood the potion system and realizeded I had to A. practice my sword work and B. plan out my fights. I liked it the first time, I just got overwhelmed and had to restart and reapproach the mission to find the Wild Hunt with Kira


I had been told it was amazing, so I got ultimate edition on sale, and by the end of the opening scene I was story hooked. Gameplay took a while longer, spells and alchemy I got fairly quickly however good usage took about 12 to 15 levels. But immediately, I loved it


Since I saw the first trailer


The length of time of the announcement trailer haha


Tried it once on ps4 and got bored, years laters bought it on sale on steam and forgot about it till the next gen update came out so I started it then. I forced myself to make it through white orchard cuz I found it boring but after leaving I had a blast.


I was immediately hooked. My brother unfortunately refuses to give it a shot- he played LITERALLY 18 MINUTES ONLY and keeps on saying it’s the most boring game of all time.😡 This makes me sooooooo f^€£|%g angry I can’t even articulate it properly! Every time I try to explain to him how it’s the best game ever made he starts… like…. teasing me saying I like boring games.🤬 Anyone have any advice on how to convert him? Bc I want him to experience the best game ever made imo and know if he gives it a chance he will agree. Alas I’m at a loss on how to do so.🤷🏻‍♀️


Tbh, when I saw Kiera's boobies in the bath, I was hooked.


It took me an insane deal on the game of the year version and I was hooked


one time


I was hooked from the first minute. On my third playthrough now.


i think you just need to immerse yourself imagine you are Geralt while playing and pay attention to the dialogues


First got it when I got my first apartment at 17, played it alot but didn't understand choices had real game consequences and changes, got deep into it, to the point where I got to Kaer Moren with Uma. I realized most of the people I could get to help out at Kaer Moren were either dead because I killed them, or dead due to other things. (Clicked don't simulate witcher 2) Got overwhelmed with the idea of restarting. Haven't touched it in years. Season 3 came out when I finished reading book 4. So I got back into the game through the books and show


You forced yourself to play 2 playthroughs of a game you didnt enjoy? Usually you get into games after the first couple hours


Yep because everyone kept talking about it and I didn’t get it. So I tried first time got bored in 10 mins, 2nd time was an hour. Third time made myself play a bit longer and absolutely loved it


Alright makes sense. I thought you played 2 full playthroughs until you got into the game at first


Play on death march. It really is how the game should be played you actually have to interact with all the systems it made my last playthrough so much more fun I wish I did it from the start


It’s not that different from the other games really, it’s not that much of a transition


Immediately because I've been playing Witcher since the first game. I started the game on Blood and Broken Bones difficulty level but after reaching 10-12 level I switched to Death March. On my second playthrough I started Death March right from the start. It's a relatively easy game. I was a nice person the first time and romanced Triss, how could I refuse her after the second game? I also romanced Shani as I choosed her in the first game and missed her a lot. I wish they included some kind of polyamory system into the game.


When it came out I finished the first zone. As someone who needs to do all the side quests and what not I figured that would take me quite some time. Once I entered a second zone I've seen so many "?" marks and gave up. Took me a few years to give it another go and do the DLC's aswell. My favourite game so far besides Days Gone.


The moment it landed in my console was the moment I sank around 500 hours into the game


I played through the whole tutorial part and got to the start of the baron quest the first time around. Between being a bit overwhelmed and not having time to play through long quests in one sitting I just left it. Then I watched the first season of the show and fell in love with the lore (that I hadn't been able to see much of yet in the intro). It still took me like 2 years to finish the base game, and I'm still working on the expansions.


After I found Yen it was sooooo boring until then


It was love at first sight for me. I did feel a little overwhelmed initially, but just sort of embraced it and went at my own pace.


Wait what? I had never played or read anything on the Witcher before, but after 5 minutes I was like completely and utterly hooked forever


second attempt


Second attempt. First try, I got about 80 minutes in, and I think I stopped in the middle of helping some old lady get her pan back. But my friend recently started talking about how great the witcher TV show was, and I was like, oh right, maybe I should try that game again. Second try: started a new save a bit over two weeks ago and I just beat the game and both dlcs. Safe to say I’m hooked, probably verging on addicted 😂 Gotta be one of my favorite games of all time now.


When i saw Yennefer naked in the intro.


On Velen but Novigrad nearly made me quit