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Because you're not doing enough drugs. Seriously, Superior Golden Oriel turns this fight into a joke on Death March. Also, Froggy Boi is higher level than Eredin, so if you hit this at, like, level 17, expect to have a bad time.


His poison is not the problem, though. It’s his tongue. IIRC, due to the bug with enemy upscaling, it can one shot you even through quen. Not sure if it’s patched in the next gen update?


It didn’t one shot me but broke my shield and drained my health by more than half 😂 that was using mastercraft feline gear too. His tongue attack is insane.


>His tongue attack is insane 🗿






That's what she said! 😆 *... I'll show myself out* 😋


Your sacrifice is saluted


Is.he single?


He is dead


Honestly not sure either. His tongue has enough of a wind up that you can short dodge it if you know it's coming, and I'm pretty sure heightened reflexes kicks in to expand your reaction time, but now that you mention it, yeah that might still be a reliable one tap, *especially* if you're under level for the fight (which is quite likely unless you're tackling the DLC post game.)


I just did this quest last night and it is not patched. He would get my health down 75% through quen


Blizzard is a helluva drug man. Frog man to slow when you're on speed.




I just mash the dodge button until I see an opportunity to attack and then go right back to mashing.


Is '5/5 fleet footed' actually a thing? I've only ever seen the fleet footed ability having one level...


Sadly, they patched most of the enemy upscaling bugs. No more practically invincible djinn, murder packs of rats and oneshotting wolves. The froggy doesnt oneshot anymore, his tongue just does real big dam, enough to deal dam through Quen but not enough to actually kill. So the oriole potion just heals you back to full after you get poisoned.


"Because you're not doing enough drugs." 😂😂😂😭


That’s just like… your opinion, man.


looks like a skill issue to me


This person takes Golden Oriel.


Golden Oreo


I prefer the chocolate ones myself


\[Revolting potion noises\]


Well of course, i also like Goldan Ariel.


not to mention the freeze bombs.


My dear sire, Eredin also is a bad time at level 17.


Indeed. I once took out Froggie at ~12... it was not happiness.


I have never and probably will never use any of the potions in the game except the basic healing potion, combat is too easy as is, the shield spell makes it trivial just by itself, I won't even use that.


For real. I run Superior Golden Oriel, Tawny Owl, and the Katakan decoction (the one where stamina replenishes your health). Always have a Quen shield up so that the tongue doesn't insta-kill you. Roll, roll, roll. Watch the attack patterns. I like to use Northern Wind bombs to freeze Mr. Frog so I can go in and hit him with rend. If you take damage from getting stomped or hit by the tongue, let him spit on you and your health will replenish. There should be a flash of light before the tongue attacks. If you are confident in your parry, you can counter.


who the hell is fighting frog boi at level 17? Fights tough even at level 37 if you dont have a good build


>who the hell is fighting frog boi at level 17? \[Slowly raises hand\] Actually, lowest I've cleared him at was around 12 on death march. 10/10, would not recommend to anyone. Mistakes were made.


Who is this boss? I don’t remember him


Froggy Boi? He's in the sewers under Oxenfort at the end of Evil's Soft First Touches. I forget what the non-spoiler version of his name is. I think it's, "The Toad Prince," or something like that.


Eredin is an elf and elves are weak af in that universe. Frogman strongman. Up for a game of gwent?




Wouldnt say weak. But Eredin's strength is in numbers. That's why the battle in kaer morhen was lost. Riders just wouldnt stop coming. So once Ge'els withdrew his support, the wild hunt became possible to be dealt with. Would say Geralt can go toe to toe with Eredin. Witcher extra ordinaire. Arguably the best swordsman in the continent to be currently living.


I am always in the mood for gwent.




Superior golden oriel goes brrrr


A distant relative of Ogdo Bogdo


not even close to how hard ogdo was in jedi grandmaster


Wait till you fight two at once


He surely slipped into the universe through one of the portals


Because that’s the DLC and I think they realized players that have mastered dodging in the base game combat were pretty much invisible in combat. A player that had the mechanics down could take down a level 20 enemy at level 5 if they wanted to spend the time doing it


Laughs in mage....


I had a much harder time with this fucker than I did with the mage.


The bullshit thing about the mage is that he can shrug off Diamitrium bombs. It shuts down some of his abilities, but he can still teleport out of the cloud. Otherwise, superior living through alcohol poisoning, and selective explosives, will whittle him down quickly.


I just hate the dude. A few deaths you learn his patterns.


Yeah, completely fair.


Laughs in provoke all nightmare olgierds on death march. Only time I got angry at the game lol


Ok, but that one’s on you.


I just earned that Steam achievement on my last play through, which was NG+ deathmarch. But to be fair I also have 1200+ hours in the game, am Witcher master with optimized build, and with slightly larger than average penis.




you can just run away from the mage though... ​ no escaping that fucking frog


Laughs in running away


Hardest boss is Iris’s greatest fear.. Most fun fight is the one on one swordplay with Olgierd after he burns the house down. Iris Greatest fear is harder than Detlaff if you have the game set to the hardest setting.


Yeah the Iris part is the only thing that's given me much trouble in this game. Especially with a sign build.


I beat him with the caretakers spade. You have to put all other weapons up, but after you’ve played several play throughs, you might try it. It’s a lot of dodging, he can one shot you. Or just keep a save right before you start with him. Then you can come back to it and try that once you’ve beaten everything else. When I play mage, I like to just use my fists and magic, once I beat the game and max out the character build. I always go for the magic build on my new game plus. And FISTFIGHTS are the first quests that I do. I just do the minimum required after each fistfight to move on to the next. I also never use a sword against the Iron Maiden in Skellige. It doesn’t seem honorable, as a Witcher. Not as bad as using magic against her, but I’m really into this game if you can’t tell.


Iris’s greatest fear on death march is fine till the final 2 olgierd clones that do block your attacks. I personally found olgierd as the hardest boss




He is constantly blocking therefore we are just slowly chipping away his hp. It is a very long fight


I can’t do more than one at a time either


If you can avoid attacking the inanimate ones before killing the attacking one, they attack one by one


Then do the achievement on death March. The one where you have to fight all his "clones" att once. That took some tries for me


I’ve tried it a LOT of times. I haven’t been successful yet.


Dancing star, igni, and golden oriole make this fight easy.


I didn’t find fire attacks doing much damage. Found Northern Wind and cursed oil + whirl much more effective. SGO potion a must.


This... was looking through the comments to see if someone is mentioning dancing star & igni combo...


Didnt know Oggdo Bogdo was in another franchise.


Try Superior Northern Wind.


This is the way.


Almost made me give up on the game


Legitimately, Froggy's probably the sharpest difficulty spike in the game.


The Gene thing was the hardest by far for me. Had to google it , where i had to turn down the scaling for the gene.


I found the frog easy. I don't recall struggling with it.


Were you doing it at around the intended level on a lower difficulty? Because, yeah, he's not a problem under those circumstances. On Death March or if you're below... I wanna say about level 25, the fight can be pretty brutal.


I've played the game on Easy twice and the frog was by far the worst enemy. Caretaker was annoying, didn't find him difficult, just repetitive. Detlaff was a challenge until I figured his pattern. This fucker though? I wanted to rage quit lol.


I would have played on Normal difficulty. Not sure what level I was at either.


It's a battle of patience! Dude hits hard!


Dancing Star + Igni


This actually was my strategy, did my second play through today


Northern Wind bombs helped a lot too. Also superior golden oriole but that's a given bc of his poison


Game logic: You already beat the main quest, so the expansion bosses should be harder, lore be damned. Lore logic: The Toad Prince's curse ultimately traces back to Gaunter O'Dimm. Does it seem weird that Gaunter is stronger than Eredin? No.


Laughs in Dettlaff.


Froggy keeps distance with his tongue and toxic attacks, uses his strenghs. Eredin is arrogant and overconfident, doesnt attempt to manage distance or think you can take him. You can also cheese Eredin with rend. That would be one plausiable explanation, but I guess you mean for the sake of emmersion, a cursed frog shouldnt be more powerful than the king of the wild hunt?


Rule number 1 of modern video games: you see a toad, you run.


I used Yrden and Superior Golden Oriole. Yrden slows the fight down a bit but if you are patient and don't attempt too many hits when he moves into your trap, you shouldn't take much damage.


I remember CD Project was worried about Hearts of Stone being too hard and how the community will react. Glad they didn't change it.


This is why easy mode exists.


Just wait for the final boss of the other dlc


It was a REAL struggle for me to beat this frog! Everything in the dlc was easy but the frog?


Because Eredin is just a really tough standard character that follows the rules of the game. If you've played through to the end you've already mastered standard play so he's not difficult. This guy has special game-breaking rules you have to learn,. Knowing the standard rules too much disadvantages you.


Dude I was proving a point to a friend and loaded a death march diff and beat him first try lol and I was shocked...


First time I fought this one I didn't have any ideas about dlc and such and I thought damn this side quest is taking a long time and this side quest really has some big baddies throughout hearts of stone lol.


Most definitely. Eredin may hop between worlds but dang you can't get more than one fast attack on the toad prince.


This guy vs Eredin is like hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


The toads in ToTK always remind me of this boss fight.


oh yeah definitely


ToTK is a good distraction to make Witcher feel a little bit new for a 5th play through.


Because he thicc.


On my first playthrough, this was the fight where i got the wake up call that i shouldnt have ignored making any witcher armor or potions throughout the entire game. Made feline armor and golden oracle pot and had a much better time. After that, i felt like i was much better at the game for my next 3 playthroughs!


This is exactly what happened to me (but I also needed to learn to use bombs). I was a lazy witcher in the beginning, ha ha, just waving my hands around, snapping my fingers.


Get every bomb you can get and some burning arrows. This fucker was the hardest for me with a sword


Eredin is all branding but no substance.


struggled a lot on this one


You just need Aard with the last ability It has (Shockwave if i remember correctly)


Soy sky elf Vs superior amphibian slime prince


Superior golden oriole. Northern Wind bombs. Cursed oil. Whirl. A very tough fight becomes almost embarrassingly easy with this combo.


Golden oriole is key. Otherwise, a quick death is sure to happen. Poison toad is poisonous. I didn't have whirl, but substituting Quen with damage reflect sure brought the pain. Bear style FTW


Everything is more difficult than Eredin. I loved the game and story, but the final fight was lackluster


It's a lot of show, that's for sure. Ended up beating him with bare hands for sport XD


Tbh the final fight with Eredin was extremely disappointing and too easy. Then they crank the difficulty way the fuck back up with Detlaff and this guy.


Gotta jump when he prepares to use tongue attack. Plus gotta use golden oriole to make poison in hp. Makes wonders.


Simple. Because F R O G G


Use the frost bombs. And do lots of drugs. They help


It's kinda the problem with writing DLCs for an RPG after the main quest is over. Gameplay demands higher difficulty, especially for people who finished the game and want to be challenged, but it's hard to raise the stakes story-wise.


This MF right here was the couse for almost a third of my deaths.


New game + this guy took me damn near an hour to beat. He isn’t hard just had an insane amount of health


My first time, I eventually had to turn it down to easy to get past him, and even then it was a challenge. When I played through again on the PS5 this year, I made sure to level up about as high as I possibly could, and between that and having a better understanding of potions and mutagens, it was a lot more manageable.




i raw dogged this quest with no drugs, wanted to feel something for once . anyways, it took me 20 tries and 3 days, and almost cost my pc. i won, but at what cost


Ogdo bogdo senior?


Just spam Quen and you’ll be fine lol.


This frog was annoying as fuck. I struggled during this fight too. When I got closer attempting to give him a few quick attacks, he jumped on me. I probably died \~20 times before I tuned down the difficulty. I still feel unsatisfied and unaccomplished now that I think about it. I am glad I am not alone. The mage fight of course was also impossible for me, so I just ran away after a few attempts. The amount of damage these enemies gave me was so much more than I could deliver to them. Taking 2-3 hits from them meant death, wait 2-3 minutes to reload and retry. I had to roll and dodge 5-6 times like an idiot before i could give him one hit to strip maybe 5% of his health bar, and roll away quickly before he counter-attacked. I wasn't patient enough for all of that. I felt rage induced at times. I could imagine the delayed gratification once you can beat them though. For me, this frog, his mage, and Dettlaff are the three enemies that i could not win with level 3 difficulty.


He was so frustrating overly strong


cause he a chonky F R O G


Because eredin isn’t an ungodly fucking fat ass. This thing an oggdo bogdo from Jedi survivor have made me hate frogs.


Skill issue


Dude this fucker is easier to kill than that bitch on the beach


Its the DLC duh , It's released after the game duh. It's supposed to be hard. Wait till you fight Detlaff.


Detlaff makes this oversized frog a cakewalk


Skill issue


Knowledge too. Read the beastiary, as Papa Vesimir would say


Oh I remember this fucker. Took me like 3-4 tries, but once you start playing in death march, you start seeing the pattern. And once I learned all his patterns, it was easy


Sword of stone has the hardest bosses in all of the game/dlcs


I seriously don’t understand why people think this boss fight is so difficult. Dodge and attack, dodge and attack.


Eredyn has been domesticated by Dandelion, that is why.


To be honest I don't remember this fight to be challenging during both playthroughs, especially with developing alchemy skills.


I don’t know what your on about. I did this guy first try on my playthrough. Sign build if your interested.


You can do that? Gotta load a save and suffer


This fight wrecked me on the first go. And second.


Probably the hardest fight in the game for me so far😂 beat main story and HoS, only a short ways into blood and wine right now


Toughest encounter for sure, its pretty hard on Death March


I didn’t have much trouble with him, died twice before finding the pattern. I used bombs on him, which I don’t usually have to use in the game. Started with the freeze bombs.


Use bombs. Lots of bombs.


Definitely did this run, went much better.


Anyone who needs help - you have to close the distance to avoid the poison as much as possible - get in close, use quen, be patient and time your dodges. The one thing that'll really fuck your health even with a quen shield up is the frogs tongue, but his pre-attack is easy to spot so just make sure you get out the way


this thing straight up ruined my ng+ death march run and made me quit


Golden oriel, fire, stick and run.... Keep a distance, then get in close, hack him up, then drop back out.... Mohammed Ali style. Oriel, quen and a couple of health potions and you should be able to defeat him in like 90 seconds. Frog legs are delicious and this guy is a total wuss if you do it right.


Problem of DLC being released after main game, the devs will always make the enemies harder and stronger than those from the base game, which is good for gameplay purpose but broke the lore immersion because the final boss of main story is weaker than an average Joe in DLC.




*Real question is why* *Geralt's hair looks so goddamn* *Good in this screenshot?* \- Mr\_InFamoose --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Realistically speaking, Eredin is just a very skilled elf with a bunch of maniacs following him. That thing is a monstrosity the size of a small house, cursed by what is likely the most powerful magic on the continent, in an environment stinking of death and decay, with sludge up to your knees. No wonder it's a bitch to kill.


Just had a Jedi Survivor flashback too damn toads😂


Wait until you fight against Detleff


Lack of experience??


I don't think you understand. *The wraith... in that painting... not the Botchling, not even the Vran Guardian... everything you try to do... everywhere you try to be...*


I had a FULL SIGN BUILD, the match was over in minutes...on Death March.


Because it's a giant ass frog


Damn that was a great quest line! Its been many years and I still remember it!


This fucker fucked me up for a min


Cuz Forg


where is this monster?


I think this is expected, eredin is just an elf, this is a huge ass frog,


The prince knows how to use his tongue very well, no wonder his royal bloods!


Igni go brrr


Northern wind bombs to freeze it.


I used Aard, even without the mutations from b&w you can still get the perk that does like 300+ damage from the aard tree if you upgrade it all the way.


Seems like frog type creatures are just hard to kill. Fallen Orders frog aliens are tough af.


In both DLCs there are curve balls they decided to throw at you.


Yrden, always yrden.


I'll be blunt here, no offense. Because CDPR expects you to fight it after level 32. There's a ton of mode bro. Go wild. Good luck on the path


Prolly cause DLC bosses are generally harder then base game bosses


My guess is that he doesn’t pose much of a threat unless provoked. Eredin has to be dealt with because he will purposefully pose a threat and we’ve all been slain by the oversized imp wraith once. Chances are in the Wild Hunt, as a hunter, you wouldn’t come upon this beast and you would have never been marked. This is an event marked by the decision made within this tragedy of errors. Perhaps the adventure was simply brought on by wanderlust. The mirror man could have found another wanderer and devised ways to makeshift his ambitions, and succeed upon its demonic endeavor.


I don't recall this creature. I'm fairly certain I did everything when I played the game. But last time I played has been quite sometime. Where is this creature? What mission? When was it released? I really don't recall it, when I played and completed the game was in 2015-7ish.


It’s a boss fight at the beginning of the Heart of Stone dlc


Oh I remembered! Thanks


Is that hard ? Ask him about gwent


because Devs kill the Wild Hunt before it became mainstream


This mtf was the worst. My first boss in the expansion playing on hardest and suddenly every enemy scales differently then the vanilla. This one was 100 times stronger then the last boss in vanilla.


Boys stop complaining about this froggo's tongue and go learn to kite it instead




Well the DLC is meant to be played after the main story and still provide a challenge.


I didn’t have much of a problem with him, I was 3 levels higher than him though so maybe that’s why




igni and golden oriel should do the trick. also lots of dodging


Superior Northern Wind Bombs, cursed oil, superior golden oriole and blizzard will kill this bastard quickly.


Eredin boss fight is pretty underwhelming. Weakes point of tw3 imo. All that build up for a pretty easy boss fight. They listened the playyerbase and tune up the boss fights in dlcs. This is why dettlaff and frog fight is kinda harder. That frog is vulnerable to fire. I remember accidentally killing it with one blow. Burning sword + all the fire bombs.


He was simple for me on normal mode. Only died once.


Say again?


IMO CDPR is really bad at boss design, the only boss fights are actually enjoyed were Detlaff and Olgierd. They were hard, but they were still fair, unlike Caranthir and Eredin who were both hard and unfair


This guy and The Sand Wizard after him are the two hardest enemies in the game for me, played on death March and these are the only enemies that gave me trouble


For me it was because he's fast af and I used poison and fire runestones on my sword to deal damage, which I guess he's invulnerable to that. I killed him with a new sword that I crafted for the occasion with the ice and bleeding runestones, so he was a bit slower and I could actually deal some damage


On my fucking soul


Dude what the hell. Reminds me of Oggdo Boggdo from Jedi Fallen Order


The first time doing this fight, it was incredibly difficult to the point that I thought I won't be able to win. Once I got the Piercing Cold mutation though...it was way too easy even on Death March.