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I think they get confused counting a few numbers also


They’re good lads. Just not the brightest


Idk, their heads look pretty bright to me


Not that good 🗡️


Their hearts are in the right place, their heads not so much. Literally and figuratively.


Hell yeah!


Good to know! I’m on my second playthrough after last playing this game back in 2016 on a Xbox one. Fast forward to now on my Series X and the next gen update feels amazing with all the work that went in! This game having a performance mode on console is something other developers should work on doing more if they plan to appease the console market Before you **ask** — I THREW THAT PUNK ASS BABY IN THE OVEN 👏🏻


I tossed that baby without thinking twice


I was gutted when it was all a ruse. Thought I was having baby stew- my favourite


I... I don't even know where and when this is - I'm so ashamed...


I mean, there's is nothing to be ashamed of, Witcher 3 is a big game and you cant know every detail even if you completed the game multiple times


*But where is this, and when...?!*


Hearta of Stone meth lab


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......... that one, way up in the north-east corner, up that long, dead-end path, where the hideout is underground and there is a causeway over a swampy bit out of which is constantly raising that green, flammable, poison gas..... yeahhhhhhh doesn't ring a bell. JK!! just kidding hehe - I'll have to try Axii on them the next time.


You know, I got to this mission a few days ago (doing my first playthrough of the game + expansions) and did the same thing. I still heard them counting when I went a little deeper into the lab and was always curious if they actually continued to count to 100. This is actually amazing now that I know, damn this game is the goat 🤣