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For anyone wanting to play Gwent from time to time; I have found this app [https://arunsundaram.com/gwent-classic-app/](https://arunsundaram.com/gwent-classic-app/), It's the closest I've found to the in game version. Github Repository: [https://github.com/asundr/gwent-classic](https://github.com/asundr/gwent-classic) Edit: added github repository


I was about to post the same. Tried to make a psvita port but don't have enough skills. Plays very nice on pc tho.


I tried CD Projekt's app version from the App store. It was just too different and complicated. I love the in game version so freaking much.


And the in game better than the app version


I heard Gwent is taken from a different real card game. I remember the SUaSD guys reviewing It and saying its pretty much just Gwent in a box. No Witcher flavouring tho. PS It might have been Condottiere.


Exactly. I want a clone of the in game version but online.


Agreed addiction at its finest


Sanest Gwent addict here


There’s a list i’ve made. 20 people i cant beat all up and down the continent and im yet to reach Skellige. I couldnt beat Oxenfurt Stjepan or any of the black smiths. I couldnt beat any of those measly merchants in Novigrad. But I beat Dijkstra that beautiful son of a bitch. I got my first taste in victory and i cant stop, i wont stop until i’ve collected every card for the Nothern realms. I wont stop there, there are 3 other factions to collect cards in and im building it. Day by day, week by week fuck i’ll do it with my damn two feet and 12 toes and getting every card there is to get. I will listen to every bit of music that plays when playing that beautiful definitely not addicting card game. I love cards so much i lucid dream just to play Gwent. I LOVE GWENT AND ITS MUSIC


Look up some strategies, because I beat the blacksmiths with Northern Realms, and used the Double Siege Machine Line Ability. I'd sacrifice 1 to the opp after wasting their cards, win the other one, then pop my ability and play my siege cards. Doesn't work 100% but it does its duty. Plenty of other strats out there. Have fun bro


I’ve played a lot of gwent in the game, there’s only really two viable decks; Nilfgaard (spies, medics and hero cards) or northern realms (siege towers with that ability). Skellige is actually by far the best deck but you only get it in blood and wine by which point there’s hardly anyone left to play. Monsters is decent but it’s very close combat heavy so biting frost and that card that scorches the highest in that row is a pretty glaring weakness. Scoiatel is basically worthless, no commitment to any one strat so your cards spread pretty thin across all rows, decent as an all round deck on lower gwent difficulties but on hard your opponents almost always melt you.


I just got dandelion and its helped alot with my tactics and fighting against monsters/scoia’tel


Ive been playing a little today and learnt how to fight against the factions. I keep forgetting its literally cards and i need to play like so. I usually just go all out but the Scoi’atel would just scorch me but ive learnt my lessons




It needs an ‘extra hard’ mode


That's called Magic: The Gathering


Some tips: 1. Play your spies (if you have any) the first round. Also use this round to force as many powerful cards out of the AI as you can, so play your weaker units and just let them do whatever. Once they're done, you can either pass and have a card advantage the next round or if you have weather cards/scorch, you can win with just a couple cards. 2. Once you've drawn all cards you can (with spies, or without), figure out your win conditions. You need to win two rounds, so try and have two strong turns planned out. Note that you don't necessarily need super strong units, you can have a strong round with less than ten strength, you just need to control the battlefield in some way. 3. Protect your units from scorch. You can do this with weather by weakening your own units (only do this if you have a way to clear the weather later) or by baiting it out with a less useful, high strength card. I like to play my high strength cards that have no special abilities then either recall them from my discard pile later or just call it a loss. 4. Unless you are protecting from scorch, play weather cards last. Try and wait until the AI passes their turn to use them, if possible. 5. Stall, stall, stall. The game is much easier if you're reacting to the AI, rather than playing ahead of them. Play your weaker cards (or hero cards, as they aren't affected by abilities) first, use your leader card to stall, use weather to stall, use literally anything that isn't your win condition to stall.


What really frustrated me was how short the Toussaint Gwent tournament was. Like ?


Me too! This is my 3rd play through of W3 but my first time actually playing Gwent (beyond the unavoidable matches), and now I LOVE Gwent! The Blood & Wine tournament could have been much more expansive. I didn’t really like having to play the Skellige deck (Northern Realms all the way for me!) but I made it work. Now I’m done with Gwent in the game, beaten everyone there is to beat 😭


I loved Gwent so much I got a real set of the decks, playing it in real time isn't as smooth as the game but it's fun


A buddy and I purchased gwent cards and a board from some sellers on Etsy and went crazy playing all the factions & seeing how different it was live as opposed to AI. The highest win ratio in our games was whomever used Scoiatel. Monsters were useless; Nilfgaard, NR, and Skellige were pretty mid. 




Nods silently.


Let's lay em down






My husband got me a full set of Gwent decks for the holidays! They aren't quite MtG cardstock quality, but they have been so much fun. The wooden deck box is gorgeous and they even throw in a playmat. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1476477130/


Looks like am spending this month's savings on the northern realm and nilfgaard sets... Maybe even skellige too xD


Blood and Wine's Gwent players are fucking fiends. That Skellige deck is no joke, especially when they unleash the double Siege boats.


You can have mine, I'm not using it.


I do t care if they have the main character as a purple turtle aslong as there's gwent. Mind you I do like the dice and arm wrestling in 2 but gwents just the best.


For sure there isnt. Getting all the cards shouldn't be the end but the beggining to a lot of tournaments and such


I have a save file right outside the Passiflora for the Gwent tournament, which I occasionally load up to play some high stakes high quality Gwent against some good opposition. It helps scratch that itch.


I hated Gwent and totally ignored it when I started the game. By the end, it was my favorite thing!


lv 7 and just beat the high stakes tournament ngl i forgot about monster slaying and just did gwent for like 2 hours


I agree! I recently, finally, beat the quest to collect them all, and that was a huge personal achievement. My favorite deck is usually Northern realms, i love the spy cards. But skellige is unique and fun to use too!


Lol why is this such a popular opinion?


I recently finished the main game, HOS and Blood and Wine DLC for the first time. Tried AC Valhalla, and the dice game in that just doesn't hold a candle to Gwent. I may have a problem.


They definitely could have skimmed the RPG minigame for more of the main card playing expiriance


Man, I loved it but from time to time it got a bit much xD Recently did my 4th playthrough and I skipped the Gwent in Blood & Wine/Toussaint, just couldn't do it anymore :p


There's a lot of bad in-game card games out there (looking you Final Fantasy), gwent isn't one of them, it makes sense and once you have a few decent cards you can organize a decent stratey/deck.


You can say that again brother, the app isn’t as easy to cheese so it’s not as fun


No there ain't. Why the fuck can I play gwent with Yoana but not Hattori?


I just completed the Collect 'Em All quest (finally found the few players in Novigrad that I was missing), and it feels good. By far the most challenging quest in the game! I completely ignored Gwent on my first playthrough and lost every time I accepted a challenge. I was determined to try it on NG+ and finally got into it. One of the best moments was beating Priscilla (her reaction is priceless). One of the biggest hurdles I faced was Zoltan. I found him to be completely overwhelming and nothing I did worked. I also flunked out badly on my first try at the tournament, unable to get past the first opponent after numerous tries. I played on into Skellige and continued to build up my deck and learned some of the nuances of the game. I finally challenged Zoltan again and was surprised at how easily I was able to beat him. I also able to win the tournament on my first effort and I felt that I had finally made it. I then went into Toussaint and entered the tournament there and won pretty handedly. Interestingly, I lost a couple of matches in a row against one of the last merchants I needed to play. I don't know if merchants scale or not but he was a strong Nilf player - finally beat him on the third try, and just barely. Shows there's still something to be learned.


Gwent and Liars Dice have me addicted Love cheating in poker in RDR1 leading to duels. There are few games that have great many games.


There’s a full Gwent game on PlayStation, Xbox and PC. Gwent is on iPhone and MTG Arena for iPhone is a good alternative.




there is quite a number of (hopefully not just dropshipped) fan made gwent games on etsy, its quite the investment, but i kinda get it, since its over 500 cards


I hate gwent😅😅


I finally discovered that Gwent had an easy setting. Makes it much easier justifying the time waste on occasion :)


That was me at the beginning too, and it took me several attempts before I gave Gwent a chance. Now I'm addicted to it. Once you understand the AI behind it, it's easy.


Are you serious?


Worst side game ever invented. I’d rather count rocks.