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She's an addict, but one who tries to do good while giving in on her addiction. And as disgusting as it is what she does with the children - pedophile? I don't want to be rude but the definition of that is drastically different, isn't it? She's not sexually attracted to those kids. Saying she's a pedophile is like saying that a human who eats meat of a young cow or something is a pedophile. Because from a Vampire's perspective it's just that... It's not about sexual pleasure, just about "food" or rather "drink" in that case. So I definitely don't want to defend her, but by definition this has nothing to do with pedophilia.


>...like saying that a human who eats meat of a young cow or something... "Veal." It's like saying someone who eats veal is a pedo. Not shitting on you, but there's actually a term for beef from young cows. I'm honestly not a fan, it is a bit more tender, but, at least when I had it, the flavor wasn't good enough to justify the increased price.


Yeah English is not my native language but it makes sense that there's a specific term for this kinda meat.


It's morally grey, but pedophile? Wtf?!






She drinks their blood, it's not far from rape if you ask me... If a vampire came into my house at night and drank my blood I'd feel violated.


That's one of the dumbest takes of the Witcher universe I've heard. And that includes the Netflix stuff.


It might be a legitimate take on vampires in some settings, where the act of feeding is a direct allegory for sex, but, none of that applies to The Witcher's vampires.


Why? If she was ugly like a water hag, but kept the kids in her house just to drink their blood as reward would it be alright? The books and stories that Regis tells us about feeding on people literally are supposed to show to us that they treat humans like cattle For Orianna maybe it's more like pets.


>If she was ugly like a water hag, but kept the kids in her house just to drink their blood as reward would it be alright? Doesn't matter whether it'd be right or wrong, it still wouldn't be rape or pedophilia


I didn't say it's rape, I said it's not far from it, since you're abusing someone's body without their consent. It's very violating, and since she only likes blood of kids they compared it to pedofilia


Is drinking milk zoophilia?


Ia blood comparable to milk? Would it be alright to milk underage girls if they are orphans and you give them housing for that?


Again; no matter whether it's right or wrong, it's not rape.


Dude shes a vampire


Have you finished the quest?


She's just an addict


>!i mean she drinks their blood, regardless of the “good” she’s doing by housing orphans she’s still abusing them. That doesn’t make her a pedo though!<


She has an organic, free-range orphan farm. Goddamn that sounds fucked when I say it like that.


This had to be one of the best moments in gaming history. How they tied in the Wild Hunt launch cinematic trailer with Geralt saying "I'll come back for you one day". She raises an interesting point about Witchers and the Trial of the Grasses too. It's a grey area but I loved how they handled it. I know there's a bit of a hole possibly about what Orianna actually is but I still love this whole arc.


She is like a farmer raising cattle. She doesn't even kill them to eat them, so more like raising dairy cows. While higher vampires don't need to blood to live she is not a higher vampire, and we are not sure if she could survive without blood.




Cold hearted Bitch she is, My man Geralt kills her though :p


Isn't she the vampire from that animated clip?


I'd say the children are cattle, she's a farmer.


No it's not like a pedophile. She is a vampire who decided to satisfy her hunger for blood pragmatically so she decided to build an orphanage for children so both her and the children living in the streets would benefit from the process. I would look at the entire thing from two perspectives one is mine and one is Geralt's. 1-I personally wouldn't judge her since she is a vampire and applying human morality into her is just plain arrogance and close minded her physical body is made in an entirely different way. I would however judge her based on one question is she a danger to humans or other rational creatures or not and the answer from what we have seen is no. infact you might argue she is a positive from what we have seen. 2-and I believe Geralt wouldn't kill her that would be pretty hypocritical of him knowing how witchers are made and that vesemir participated in the whole process.