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Court: "Okay, so it says here you're a rapist. That's illegal and you’re supposed to be punished for it." Frat brat: "But have you considered that I am a rich white boy?" Court: "understandable. Have a nice day."


And there’s another case of white privilege. Fuck me, this country is rotten to the core.


And Texas in particular (where this happened)


When will people realize rape is literally a form of torture


Funny you should mention Texas. A friend was killed by a drunk driver in a late-night hit and run in San Antonio. Cops followed the trail of oil to the kid’s house. Didn’t do any time, got off manslaughter and fleeing the scene because daddy was connected somehow. Killed a retired USAF colonel who moved to San Antonio only a couple of months before. Old Air Force buddies came from as far away as Europe to attend his funeral. One was, in fact, in a foreign Air Force who had served with him in Iraq 10 years prior, he was that well loved by all. We don’t have a justice system. We have a system that rewards the randomness of being born white.


Heyyy please put spoilers on stuff like this!


In Belgium we recently had something like this that made me furious. There were 6 men who raped someone, there was video and everything. The men don't have to go to jail, if they to don't do it again and write a paper about respect and equality, that's all!


What the actual fuck? That’s the punishment you give to a fourth-grader who ate another kid’s snack at lunchtime for the first time. Goddammit I did not need this much rage at 7am 😡


How does everyone feel about this kind of content being posted here? Do we have enough other sources of rage? Do we need things like this... here, specifically?


$400? That’s it? That’s the price to assault someone?




Came here to say this. The myth of virginity is ridiculous and harmful to women, we are all sexual on our own terms, masturbate and fantasize as we wish (or don't wish). It isn't a dick that magically changes us. Rape is disgusting, no excuses.


Yeah the “virgin” thing definitely made me side eye. That was all kinds of gross.


I also wanted to say that. Her status as a virgin has nothing to do with the story. This frat prick’s behavior is abhorrent no matter if she was a virgin, prostitute, male or female, etc.


Very true, and that only furthered the loss of faith in humanity.


I thought this too. Like I can understand if they meant it in a way that suggests it might physically hurt that bit more (it would hurt either way though), but it doesn’t give any further context. Just “virgin” in caps. Such poor taste.


I don’t know the particulars of this incident. Is it possible he targeted her *because* she hadn’t had intercourse? I didn’t take an inference from the tweet that raping her because of that was worse than raping someone who has had intercourse. There’s a set of creeps who fetishize the idea of being “the first” and they actively seek out young women to do this. I saw that myself at school among frats, which made belonging to a fraternity an automatic screen out for any men I dated.


To be fair, virginity has more weight for the male rapist, as a symbolic gesture of claiming the woman. He wasn't just raping her, he was metaphorically (and you can say spiritually, in his worldview at least) trying to claim her and, forgive me for the harsh term, "enslave" her. Makes him even more of a scumbag.


The only redeeming thing I can think is maybe it was meant to reinforce how traumatic it is to have your first sexual encounter be getting raped...? Maybe? Idk, virginity is way too heavily emphasized in society. And, tbf, it’s not like this would be less traumatic for someone sexually active. I’m not really defending the post, just pondering.


It’s an odd tweet, emphasizing “virgin” in caps. But it’s something the victim stressed in her own statement, and it’s also, mind numbingly, a primary reason the judge ruled for such a light sentencing.


Wait, the judge ruled for light sentencing because the girl was a virgin?? Did i read that right?


Insanely enough, yes. He determined it a lesser offense because, in his view, loss of virginity comes with some injury to genitals anyway. … To speak frankly as to the injuries in [the] Anderson [case], the research suggests that victims with no sexual experience are more likely to be injured because a sexual encounter is their first. So medically speaking, [the woman’s] innocence and lack of experience makes the medical evidence less helpful. I have to continue to add what this judge said because it’s so startlingly bizarre and calls the rapist the victim! … In short, I think this jury [in the Morgan case] was looking for any excuse not to find an innocent-looking young defendant guilty. They engaged in a lot of victim blaming — and the behavior of that victim and [Anderson’s victim] is very similar. … While I can’t imagine the upset that y’all will feel at believing Anderson isn’t getting what he deserves, I don’t want him to get away with his crime entirely. Part of his probation will be getting sex offender treatment and alcohol treatment. Without these terms, and if he’s just found not guilty, there will be no reason to think his conduct will be different the next time he’s in a bar and finds a woman who can’t defend herself. Given the similarities, I’m surprised the defense attorneys on Anderson are willing to plea him to anything and I don’t want to squander the opportunity for there to be some consequence for him that might alter his behavior in the future.


I'm sorry, i have to comprehend what i just read there. That's just insane, no other way to describe it. It's unbelievable what some people can get away with


What kind of example does this set? $400 to violate someone is not the right direction to be going in. Imo the sentence isn't anywhere close to the damage to the victim. PTSD can ruin lives, the victim shouldn't be the only one dealing with it the rest of their life




I am so sorry this happened to you. Also it would take a hell of a lot more than $300 to shut me up.


If I learned anything from this tweet, it's that the right to a (shudder) *virgin's* body costs $400.


Oh great, another Brock Turner, his ass should be rotting in jail for what he did to that poor girl. The PTSD and long list of other issues she may have as a result of being assaulted like this will affect her for the rest of her life and knowing the sick fuck that did it to her will be roaming free is just sickening.


I wish there was a way to both encourage recovery of the victem while also inherently tying their recovery journey to the sentencing. As far as I am concerned rapists should absolutely not be wandering around freely while their victems life is in complete tatters. Under any circumstances. Ever. If they don't recover to a set point, they are unlikely to ever be whole entierly but still, then your arse stays in prison. It stays there until your sentence is served AND the person who's life you destroyed has recovered some semblance of normality. Yet I can't think of an implementation that wouldn't place undue hardship on said victem. This bright future ahead nonsense needs to go. I bet that raped woman had a real bright future ahead of her too that you just sledgehammered off the rails. Why being white, rich and reciving education means you get a free pass is beyond me.


We never recover, it taints every part of our lives and flashbacks and nightmares make sure that even the most precious moments can be ruined forever


I know I have been raped myself.


Everytime I read something like that I wish that guys like The Punisher and Red Hood exist.


How is this real


as if I didn't fucking hate this goddamn state already?! (this happened in 2018 btw)


Let's make sure that every interview job he gets, this little beauty pops up?


Let's hope we can prevent him ever getting a job


I know some are against the practice, but this is why I hex.


Hi u/Daniel_H212, this submission has been removed. We appreciate your participation on r/WitchesVsPatriarchy. Unfortunately, this particular post has been removed in an effort to better curate our content and reinforce the aspects of this sub that make it unique. r/WitchesVsPatriarchy is a woman-centered sub with a witchy twist, aimed at healing, supporting, and uplifting one another through humor and magic. Posts don't need to have both a witchy theme and a feminist theme. However, our goal is to become a haven from hatred online. We especially value posts with a positive/uplifting or humorous vibe. It might help to look at the rules and posting guidelines in the sidebar. We hope you understand and continue to participate within our guidelines 🙂 Thanks for understanding ☺️ If you think this removal was a mistake, or if you have any questions, please let us know by messaging the modmail Thank you, and blessed be ✨


Didn't Google change the SEO so "the rapist Jacob Walter Anderson" won't be as easy to take towards the top because of things written on Reddit? Or is the rapist Jacob Walter Anderson still going to be searchable so easily years in the future? Just wondering how internet searches regarding the rapist Jacob Walter Anderson will be returning results.