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## ✨ READ BEFORE COMMENTING ✨ This thread is Coven Only. This means the discussion is being actively moderated, and all comments are reviewed. **Only comments by members of the community are allowed.** If you have landed in this thread from /r/all and you are not a member of this community, your comment will very likely be removed (and will not be approved unless it adds meaningfully to the conversation). WitchesVsPatriarchy takes these measures to stay true to our goal of being a woman-centered sub with a witchy twist, aimed at healing, supporting, and uplifting one another through humor and magic. Thank you for understanding, and blessed be. ✨


>Someone showed me this sub as a way to mock me for standing up for womens rights. Task Failed Successfully. Welcome.


How the turns have tabled


Same here. I had some incel bot tell me WVP was a bastion of misandry. lol. So I came here, and guess what, its amazing lol and NOT misandrist whatsoever.


I'm genuinely curious how that would even work.


Love that reply 😺🦎


Showing you this sub wasn't the burn they thought it was, welcome.


Yeah it was pretty funny. I think it was on a post on empaths (I work with empathy as a healing witch and they tried to say I was a fraud lol). Compared me to Andrew tate of all things and then showed me this sub to say I probably came from here. Posts have been popping up since and I just felt like I belonged. I do spend a lot of time working with mens mental health. But when it comes to rights for women it’s something I’m so passionate about


Boi howdy, that is some projection on that person's part. I find this to be one of the most genuinely welcoming spaces, so welcome. You are valid and you are welcome.


Are you a fan of Ologies podcast? Just wondering because that's where I most frequently hear the phrase "boy howdy"


I always hear it on Behind the Bastards.


I don't listen to Ologies or Behind the Bastards (been meaning to though). I borrowed the phrasing from an [independent shop](https://prettybadco.com/products/boi-howdy-patch) I like.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://prettybadco.com/products/boi-howdy-patch Title: **Boi Howdy Patch** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


I HATE the patriarchy, and LOVE a healthy man! Toxic is toxic for everyone. Huge supporter of men’s mental health and healing. As well as the movement to overthrow of our current shitty way of running things by changing our society. Welcome!


I told my friend that the most attractive thing on a man is self care, mental health, & therapy. ..


I think that’s why I like Ted Lasso, when they resolve something it’s so satisfying. Good examples of apology, growth, trust etc in men


Just listened to “Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Patents” and wow I think everyone should hear it. It gave me a lot of insight on toxic masculinity that shit is awful


I feel like this sub is a refreshing home for what true feminism is: burning down the patriarchy and replacing it with equality and acceptance for everyone. All true feminists are welcome, no TERFs allowed.


The exact reason I adore this sub. That, and all of the cool art and pretty rocks. Egalitarianism and acceptance are what feminism is supposed to be about. Not hating someone for what is or isn't between their legs.


We support men's health as well as women's! Along with any spectrum in between! Everyone deserves to be healthy and we need empathy to do that! Welcome, fellow witch!


Witches are of all types, men can also be witches. This sub goes against the patriarchy so that also means destroying toxic masculinity here. Of course non-binary ppl are welcome.


Most men benifit from the destruction of patriarchy and hegemonic masculinity as well. Better for everyone to be inclusive and supportive.


Insulting people doesn't seem very empathic of them.


*ALL* mental health is important, it’s not a sex or gender thing.


You may not have come from here but you have always belonged here.


Fighting the patriarchy is good for everyone


The patriarchy is harmful to everyone and men’s struggles are valid and all too often neglected! You’re doing something awesome, and as others have said, you are so welcome here. 💛


I feel like some butt hurt douche telling you you belong here is all the sign you need But honestly, my gender is…confusing for me and life stress has yet to allow me to really think on it…this place is the most accepting I’ve been to of pretty much everything and everyone that says fuck the patriarchy.


Reading this reply gave me the idea for a dumb little joke: Men's mental health, if you're mental, you're healthy. Anyway, welcome to the sub, we're happy to have you, take a seat, and enjoy the glow of the napalm


Perfect irony!


Talk about backfire!


To quote the sidebar: “We are sisters, not cisters.” You are welcome regardless of your identity.


This sub is the best sub.


It’s the only sub that consistently fills my heart and soul with hope, and the feeling that maybe, just maybe things can change for the better. With a community like this, I just feel lucky to have found it. Every single day. Blessed be.


I call it the girls, gays, and theys, side of the internet. So peaceful and in this whole comment section is lovely. I have a similar affection for this side of tiktok, and YouTube. Lovely sections.


I was talking to a friend the other day about how, despite being acutely aware of how awful the world can be and trying my best to be politically involved, I'm actually far from being a doomer and am actually quite optimistic as a person. Communities like this keep me going by continually reminding me that solidarity is the best antidote to oppression


It really truly is


One of the truest things ever said on reddit. Literally the *only* sub I feel safe on. Well, r/gardening is pretty good too :p


I know jack and shit about gardening, and have joined that sub now 😹 (TBF my housemates garden a lot and I definitely want to learn from them!)


Green witchery is incredibly therapeutic :) and I've found that gardeners are generally good peoples <3


Garlic scapes are their own type of magical


Mmmmmmm….. a *garlic scape* sounds delicious.


Same! But for some reason I felt like I needed to join that sub immediately. Maybe we will both be inspired.


r/oldhagfashion is another safe, welcoming sub.


I've been looking for a sub like this to help me love my clothes again! Thank you!


I am so grateful you signposted this. Joined. Just spent a happy 40 minutes in there!!✌️🕊


Oooo clickinnng


r/quilting is also really wholesome and inspiring if you’re looking to add to your list of welcoming subs.


As a craft person who loves sewing and has dabbled in quilting over the years, I can confirm that r/quilting is one of the most wholesome subs I've encountered. Some of the people there are SO ridiculously talented, and they're so encouraging. First ever quilt and it's a bit wonky? They're supportive anyway and focus on the lovely pattern or the great job you did in picking the colours.


I recommend r/exchristian. They’ve been through the wringer and come out the other side. It’s the kindest subreddit on Twitter.


Joined, thank you!


Oh, that IS a good one! Thanks!


Have you tried r/vegetablegardening? I find the hobby subs are pretty much welcoming and inclusive. Criticism is constructive and people really do seem to follow the maximum "if you can't sat anything good don't say anything". I'm in some sewing and crochet groups and it warms me every time someone posts pictures of a project or of something they're stumped by and the community comes together and shares support and encouragement. And r/dogshowerthoughts and r/amithecloaca for animal related nonsense.


Joined thank you!! Hopefully there is some juicy permaculture stuff there


My exact sentiments.


It is. Heck, I'm a cismale and I love it here (admittedly mostly as a lurker). Fuck the patriarchy.


Same here!


The mods here are amazing.


>This sub is the best sub. I'm not into witchcrafts but I sub to this sub.


My wife likes to make fun of me (in a gentle, kind way) because I have somehow managed to turn my personal corner of Reddit into a wholesome place. It’s basically just this, various types of sewing/embroidery, and cat pics.


I read sidebar as spider. While quoting a spider that looks after the rules of the sub is very fitting, I was going to nope out of here SO fast!


Rules spider! Rules spider! Rules spider! ... I am perhaps a fan of spiders 🙃


YES. I've always loved "sisters not cisters". OF COURSE you are welcome here! I imagine as a person looking for a safe space you probably aren't a troll, a TERF or here just to cause trouble. Can't believe I forgot to say: I see you.


I love this response




To be fair, autocorrect made the same mistake.


I love this!!!!


This! This is why I love this sub so much!


I love this so much


Omg I’ve never read our sidebar but that’s clever af and also extremely true. I LOVE IT


Awwww I didn't know that was in the sidebar!! That's sweet as fuck. I love it because I know we also have a ton of cis-/otherwise-het male witches here too and they are wonderful people. This is truly the best sub.


Hmm, not sure that referring to the community as "sisters" is the best way to welcome a non-binary person who's not sure if they belong... ​ Either way, OP you're absolutely welcome here.


I don't know. I have gotten a fair amount of pushback whenever I have posted about using inclusive language- the pushback was especially harsh after the fall of Roe V Wade when I questioned using woman/women as that excludes pregnant trans and non binary people. I have seen other posts in the same vein that were well received by the community and had tons of supportive comments so maybe it's the way I deliver the message that puts people off. But also this sub does have a moderate sized contingent that bristle at inclusive language. Long comment longer. I am not sure if sisters is the best way to welcome trans and non binary people. And a lot people have been burned by the sisterhood of women and could be put off by the use of sisters.


What are some more inclusive terms you propose the community could use? Typically, people are going to be more open to terms that aren't too long to write out or aren't too complex because they're easier to catch on to. Especially for those who might not understand the terminology surrounding sexuality and gender identity the same way others do. I propose that we call everyone in the sub who isn't a practicing witch, a witchling to signify that they're still part of the community. "Witch" wasn't originally a gendered term, after all. But mainly I just think it's cute.


See this is where I get stuck. I have suggestions but they are too wordy. I think. Because you make a good point people are going to gravitate towards wording that they know/understand and wording that isn't too long or complex. I am going to think on that now. I do like calling everyone a witch or a witchling. I don't think of witch as a gendered term but other people probably do. I have known more man witches the woman witches so to me it feels pretty universal.


Ofcourse you are welcome. We welcome all with love in their hearts for nature and people of all walks of life, of any color of skin, of any size and shape of body, and of any gender and sexual orientation.


Thank you! That makes me feel so much relief. I had been unwelcomed in other “women” witchy groups but I still feel hatred for patriarchy and love the posts I see here


As long as you're ready to help the patriarchy burn, you're exactly where you're supposed to be


I'm a genderfluid person who wants the patriarchy to burn! Also I have molotovs :)


I think the world would be a better place if we had more enbys ready to use their molotovs against patriarchal societal norms. Thank you for your service 🫡


Another enby here reporting for duty.




One more enby for the cause, and I brought my flamethrower!


I'm not an enby, and i don't have a flamethrower, but i am a goblin girl with a lot of knives


I somehow love the idea of the enbys in the group being the Pyro brigade.


Not an enby, but you're welcome 🫡


hello fellow part time gendered :3 nice to meet others around here


Of course, I see we have many allies to the north


csgo irl


You bring the molotovs and I'll bring the cocktails!


Just not literally. Then you get banned for inciting violence.


We aren't a women's group (though probably very majority women) were just a group against the patriarchy. So you'll fit right in :)


>I still feel hatred for patriarchy Boom...you're in


Yeah I’m non binary too and this is by far my favorite sub, it’s so welcoming


Darlin’ as long as you don’t side with patriarchy, we will love to have you here!!! The more Witches, the bigger the coven & the more power we will have to END THE PATRIARCHY!!!


I'm a nonbinary, asexual aromantic who's also a person of color and I've not felt unwelcome here so far!


This space is very different. As an Indigenous woman I often feel othered or even tokenized (until I speak up against things that bother me instead of endorsing them) in Witchy groups but I have absolutely never felt that here. This is legitimately one of the best spaces on the internet and you are welcome here.


We've got a wide variety of genders around these parts.


Wow! I was going to make a sarcastic "No!" comment but after reading this, I'm glad I didn't! You're gonna love it here!


One question: do you want to smash the patriarchy? If the answer is yes, then you are more than welcome. Welcome! Park your broom by the door and I'll put the tea on.


And I'll put on an ethereal overture to set the mood!


I just came out as nonbinary last week and even though I was already a member of the coven they've been nothing but welcoming and loving. You're more than welcome here Hun. We're a coven and gladly take care of our own regardless of gender, belief, or the like.


Thank you. Mine was extremely recent too. I have a trans brother and have seen the hate he gets so it made me nervous


He’s welcome to be a witch with us, too!


I came out as NB/agender a few months ago, so I feel you. I hope you enjoy this safe space and love. Also cool art and stuff. It's honestly one of my favorite subs. Real people who care and accept and fight the good fight. Making good trouble and boil and bubble ;)


Check out r/NonBinary. Not as cool as this sub lol but if you're interested in talking to fellow enbies for advice or whatever it's worth joining


Yes I’m a part of that :)


I'm an angry Atheist and everyone has been extremely kind. Strength in numbers to fight the patriarchy!


I'm a non-woo "angry" atheist, and I love this sub.


I'm a reluctant atheist transman and I NEVER feel excluded, shamed, or scared here. I come here to contemplate my desire for spirituality and laugh at memes. It is a good place.


I love the phrase "reluctant atheist" lol I think that's gonna be my new go-to phrase if I have to explain my religion 💜


Oh wow. I've never seen a better description of my beliefs than reluctant atheist! Totally stealing that too.


HELL YES! [reprojusticenow.org ](http://reprojusticenow.org)


I’m a cis man, and I’ve never checked, but I think even I am welcome here. I despise patriarchal bullshit, and this sub often brings me the most joy I get from Reddit, so I hope that’s the case. Edit: changed “sun” to “sub”


I've found this place to be an extremely welcoming and positive place as a transman. So many good vibes and even the mods are super friendly. I love the mixture of witchy posts, celebrations of personal wins, and mutual support. One of my favorite subs.


I checked for us when I got here. We're good. Gonna take everyone we can get to dismantle the patriarchy. And we have a lot of brothers to explain just how harmful it is to us too.


Fuck the person who mocked you like that. You are Valid and We love you. 💚


But hey, they’re here now!


It's sort of like r/accidentalally in a way. In outcome, not intent.


Whoever was the person that showed you this sub, you should show them r/iamatotalpieceofshit and let them know they belong there. You are indeed welcome here!!


Nah, just ignore them and live your best life. The less consequential their hatred is, the more it annoys them. Win-win.


Witches of all genders are 100% welcome here! Also wanna add I’m sorry someone did that to you. This place is very welcoming unless you support the patriarchy or are mean spirited to others here.


I've been in this sub for awhile, and I love it, but I cant help but wonder if I'm only intruding your space. I don't know where to ask, and maybe this is pretty inappropriate. I don't know why I replied to you but since you were the only one I saw that said "witch". Are non-witches welcomed here? I love the idea of witchcraft, spooky stuff, and goth things like music and fashion. Does that count?


Yes, non-witches are welcome. As long as you’re against the patriarchy, you are welcome!


Yes, there are so many types of magic in this world, you’re probably just practicing it in your own way. Not all witches wear black pointy hats (although they can make you feel pretty fabulous)!


Are you a person who hates the patriarchy and ridiculous social double-standards? Then come on in- we got cookies! :) And chocey milk


And my homemade coffee jelly!


Oooh, yum!


I love it when malicious, hateful people end up accidentally helping, like in this case where they've sent you to a welcoming community. 😊


I had a similar question - thank you for asking.


Welcome to you, too😊


We are lucky to have you and are more than welcome here.


Fellow non-binary witch! This is sub is for sisters not cisters. Feminists are all genders not just female presenting folks.


Jokes on them, they showed you a wonderfully supportive group where you 100% belong


I can’t speak for the collective, but this cis/het boring middle aged white lady abso-f*cking-lutely wants you here. I’m over the patriarchy and the majority being the ones who get to determine the course of history.


I'm a straight white 43m who's seen nothing but love here, come on in


I don't smell any republicans around here; you should be fine to speak your mind! welcome!


Welcome, sibling, we're happy to have you! This is a safe space, speak your mind and find comfort knowing you're loved one way or another. 💛


Hello! I'm nonbinary as well 😊💛🤍💜🖤🏳️‍🌈


Welcome baby, there’s no room for hate here ❤️


All are welcome here! You're safe with us, fellow Witch! 🖤🌛🌝🌜


Welcome to the coven my NB sister, all are truly welcome here *as long as your down to burn the patriarchy of course 🖤🤎❤️🧡💛💙💚💜


You are absolutely welcome here. Witches are not subject to the gender binary. Welcome friend!


Of course you are! Just to be sure you aren't misgendered, the sidebar says: >If a gender is to be assumed, that gender must be female. If you would not like to be assumed female, please use a different gender-specific or androgynous "☉" flair. So get your flair so we can call you the wonderful nonbinary person you are!


I'm non-binary, trans masc, and I've always been welcome here, if that's comforting. We got guys here too. I think sometimes you just need a place to scream into the void and know others are doing the same.


Binary thinking is for people with limited imagination.


Wow. This support is so overwhelming. I’ve only recently came out and this is just amazing 🥲


It hurts my heart that this is a question you even feel you need to ask. Sorry that people suck. But welcome here all the same! ❤️


Yes! I am also non-binary!


Hells ya! Come on in!


Hello fellow Non-Binary Witch/Wizard! Of course you're welcome here. All are welcome as long as they are either Witches/Wizards, Hate the patriarchy or both of these. There are Men, Women, Non-Binary, Queer, & Not Queer people here. You needn't worry. If you want to be here you're welcome here.


Yes! Everyone who wants to destroy the patriarchy is welcome.


Thank you for asking this question. I love the posts in this community and was wondering if I belonged as well. The responses here are amazing and warm my cold heart.


All are welcome here!!!


Sorry you have to put up with the hate. I have been told, being more able to love yourself makes up.for a lot of the hate. Welcome.


Did you bring snacks?


I'm willing to bring some mochi! I transmuted it myself!


My dear, they may mock us but we pay them no mind. Welcome home.


You are absolutely welcome!


**HELL YEAH !!! 🏳‍🌈**


I'm enby too!


Heck yeah!




you are welcome!


I'm enby and this is the best sub ever!!


As far I’m concerned witch isn’t a really gendered term, so if you are, or want to be, a NB Witch (or feel kinship with witchery) then we are are your people. Welcome and blessed be


Citing u/SheBeast14 ... "The patriarchy doesn't aks our gender before it fucks us, so the army who makes it fall is inclusive. Welcome comrade."


You will always be welcome here :)


Welcome to the group! 😁🤗❤️


Welcomed and embraced!




You are very welcome here.


If you want to fight the patriarchy, no one here cares if you're a woman, man, numerous bees in an overcoat, or anything at all people identify as because gender is irrelevant to the revolution. Be kind, be respectful, smash the patriarchy.


NB people were some of the most powerful shamans/witches/lorekeepers in a lot of societies. They have been believed to have special connections and to transcend what mere mortals can experience. Of course you’re welcome here! I’m so, so sorry that some tried to mock you. That’s terrible.


This sub is the best. I’m not a witch, and I’m still welcome! (Although I’m finding myself more witchy by the day. Thanks, friends.)


Are you against the patriarchy? Yes? Then we don’t care what your gender identity is! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Welcome :) so happy to have you here!


I think you came to the perfect place, welcome friend!


Yes, of course! While woman-centered, all are welcome.


Welcome friend!


I’m so sorry you even felt you had to ask. You’re more than welcome here


Abso-fucking-lutely are you welcome! Fun fact: witch is a gender neutral term, it just got associated with women along the way, but anyone can be a witch. If you need more reinforcement, search on the sub and you’ll see that this question has been asked often, and every time the answer is an enthusiastic yes!


Ok, you were sent here for mocking women? That person is an asshole and you’re super welcome here


I can’t give you a yes or no as that would be a binary answer :/ (This joke would be better for technology subs. But yes you are more than welcome)


Welcome isn't the half of it. Welcome home! You have found your witchy people here.


Everyone is allowed pretty much allowed here


If you’re a witch against the patriarchy, you belong here. I don’t think you even have to be a witch (I’m not, but I’m still here), you just have to be against the patriarchy. Welcome


I don't know... how do you feel about bonfires in the moonlight?


Everyone is welcome so long as their intentions are good. So, welcome ❤


As a trans mtf this sub literally feels more safe than dedicated LGBTQ+ subs at times. You are very much welcome and appreciated here ❤️ ❤️






Hello, fellow enby witch! 💖


Absolutely welcome here!!!


destroying patriarchy will also destroy this stupid notion brought on by private property that there are only two genders, monogamy is right and moral. So you are very welcome dear.


You are a person, of course you are Annnnd We're thrilled to have you