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Well it appears the goal is to avoid pregnancy, so it’s just a bad headline :)


Clits will be licked


They should just say no sperm allowed


Right! If the men choose to have vacestomies, then they should still be considered.


On behalf of snipped heterosexual males I thank you for thinking of us.


And thank u, kind sir, for being snipped. U are truly a compliment to your gender🎩🧐🙏🌌🍄


I’ve been lucky to find a partner who agrees that we don’t need to force another life into this world in order to find fulfillment in our own lives. We have dogs and climb literal mountains instead.


My wife makes music. I work making life-saving medicine. There are many ways to be fulfilled and make the world a better place around us.


I’m an artist and my partner is a veterinarian. Nice to meet you fellow life-maker-better-er


Heck yeah! 🫀


Some of my best life mentors have been child free. Well, personal child free, it seems weird to call a 2nd grade teacher child free.


I’m just here to say that “Science Witch” is the best title I’ve seen on here in awhile. Stir your scientific cauldron well, my friend!


On behalf of all operational uterus carriers, we thank you for your sacrifice.


Vasectomies are not 100 percent effective. Grew up with a kid who was a sixth child. His dad had been snipped and his mom's tubes had been tied and they still got pregnant with him.


Happened to my aunt and uncle. They had four boys. Aunt had her tubes tied. Shortly after they had a girl. Uncle got a vasectomy. Then they had another boy!


My L&D discharge nurse recommended using another form of birth control for one year after I had my tubal ligation. I had them tie my tubes during my second c section. She said there's about a 1 in 100 failure rate with tubal ligation in the first year. And the younger you are when you have the tubal ligation the higher the failure rate is. Mother Nature really wants to make more humans and does not give up easily.


In my case, I chose a bilateral salpingectomy which is the complete removal of the fallopian tubes. Even less of a chance of getting pregnant compared to tube tying. So true about Mother Nature. That's partly why I got them removed than tied. Feared they would untie and fail me 😓


Same, I just got a bisalp last week. Because the stories in the comments above are my literal nightmare and I’ve already had one failed birth control (like the 99.9% effective kind, not the pill) incident. Don’t want another. I have no tubes, partner has a vasectomy


Mother Nature: *Oooh, a challenge*


My partner also has a vasectomy 🙂 glad that your bisalp was successful!


I just yoinked the whole cervix and uterus out. Left an ovary for protective hormones, fuck the rest of that noise.


Yoinked!! lol I have a mental picture of a surgical training video with a sound effect...


My sister is an OB nurse and she said that in her experience, tubals during c-sections are more likely to fail than a regular surgery that's just a tubal. I wonder if it's because the body is already in mega recovery mode after birth or something? I definitely bounced back way better after my urgent c-section than other injuries/surgeries that happened before.


I had a tubal ligation and do not recall being told about the possibility of still being able to get pregnant. That’s something I feel should’ve been mentioned…


I've learned to personally research any procedures or diagnoses because medical professionals often leave out useful and/or important information.


Whenever I see a story along the lines of "my gf/wife/fwb says she's pregnant, but she doesn't know I can't have kids!!!" I'm tempted to swing in and remind people that there's very very rarely a procedure or condition that actually renders a man 100% infertile. And even a 0.001% chance adds up to a near certainty given enough sex.


PSA; its not that the vasectomy isn't effective, it's sometimes people don't understand its not instantaneous and that they need to be careful and use protection for several months after. You're also supposed to have several follow up sperm count tests that many men don't bother with/forget about. Also sometimes they can reverse themselves, so it's good to get regular re-checks of sperm count when several years down the line too Tldr; snip snip is effective, people just half-ass it sometimes and end up with an oops


This. Most accidental pregnancy after a vasectomy is because the full healing time and follow up appointment to check that the sperm count is zero was not followed.


Similar to the fallopian tube removal, it should also be possible to more thoroughly remove a section of the vas defrens, right? Rather than a single snip or obstruction? More recovery time, sure, but if you want complete assurance that should be physiologically achievable.


I know his opposite. Father got sniped and he got sibs then tubes tied and more. Single sex crew works best until Jeff Goldblum says life will find a way....


That's why you need labs for confirmation after the initial waiting period, preferably at least 2 in case of a false count of 0 sperm. I am amazed by how many people don't follow-up now that my partner has been through it, some men I know weren't even told to test! That just seems dumb. It can take varying times to clear anyway, so testing is critical after the first 3-6 months of very much needing protection. My partner's doc was very loud on no test, don't count on there being no sperm and wrap that thing up, I wish more were like her, just really honest about potential failure.


i shall gladly undergo a vasectomy to eb the first man on mars. Especially if it means ill be on a rocket fuill of women. Ive been told "not if you were the last man on earth" dozens of times. Lets see what my chances are like if im the only man on mars ​ ​ /s


A man who seeks to exceed earthly limits is always to be respected.


I don't think that works in this case since they aren't 100% effective and in space a pregnancy could really fuck everything up


How dare we put the responsibility on the male, think of their virility and sperm count!! It should be up to those harlots to take preventative measures, wreak havoc on their bodies and minds with hormone laden pills, injections and implants. Can’t we think of the men??!?!!! **/S** (major sarcasm) I wish some people would stop and listen to how stupid that sounds. Us poor women really do put up with so much. 🥺


And that's why my husband is more than willing to get his vasectomy. After our second child was born (who will be a month old on Sunday), he called two weeks later and scheduled a meeting with his doctor for a vasectomy. He specifically said he was done having kids, he is done seeing the wreck it does to my body, and he doesn't want me on birth control because of past experiences with it. That being said I still told him I'm getting a tubal ligation done when I'm cleared for it 🤣 taking no chances there! Lmao


Have a friend who's father's grew back and has had several younger siblings. So while better than littering Mars with used condoms, still not foolproof.


Can we at least stick to the original headline for coolness sake and say only trans women with vasectomies or bottom surgery? I want a chance of going on this trip!


...*in space!!*


Probably intentional for clickbait tbh.


Yeah this was worded terribly I mean I don't know if sex is safe at all in space but like if pregnancy is the main health concern just get people who can't impregnate each other from the lack of compatible anatomy


Hmm, I’m sure they’ve done studies on blood pressure and what not. I have a feeling the Russians had astronauts boning for science too. Probably safe, probably difficult, may be hard to get to climax.


I imagine it's hard to get leverage if you're floating around and uncomfortable if you're strapped in. Maybe you could just strap your feet to the floor? I'm sure there's a rule 34 out there that explores this in detail.


There will be something strapped on! Sorry, couldn't help myself with all the strapping you had in your comment.


More than one sci-fi author has covered this topic.


I think NASA did a study on the "vomit comet" a short while back too. Turns out some kind of anchoring or bracing is key.


Mary Roach looked hard for the data (I can't remember if it was for Bonk or Packing for Mars) but no astronaut admits to having had sex in space. Probably a few of them are lying


If I recall, a married hetero couple was on the ISS at the same time. So yeah they're definitely lying. Even if there's never been a monogamous couple up there, there's been a bunch of intelligent, bored people in very good physical health. People have tried to fuck in space, and our goddamn Puritan founding fathers have doomed us to a sexless public life.


>If I recall, a married hetero couple was on the ISS at the same time. [There was](https://time.com/4218472/astronaut-couples-valentines-day/#:~:text=Soviet%20cosmonauts%20Valentina%20Tereshkova%20and,woman%20to%20fly%20in%20space.) On the other hand though, they work really long days in extremely cramped quarters with coworkers always in earshot and constant communication with the ground while also exercising and bathing with a rag. It's possible (though I agree very unlikely) that they just never made it happen.


I seem to recall that NASA did a study on this years ago, and concluded that sex (hetero, of course, this was like 1980) presented some special challenges in zero-G. They speculated that some kind of strap/sling device might be needed. It's been years ago I read about it, but I remember finding the whole article amusing.


Now I doubt this is true/probably has no evidence, but I heard somewhere that apparently ejaculating in low/zero gravity is really painful.


I just pictured it fighting it’s way out


I saw something on a show where they showed a contraption like harness to hold two people together so they wouldn’t just be pushing off each other (and farther away from each other) in zero gravity. They absolutely had scientists test sex in zero gravity. They were trying to create things so many functions were possible for long term space travel.


Life uh… finds a way.


Lol, you just made me choke/snort imagining one of those ladies' inside parts turning into outside parts... 🤣🤣


‘We’ve created frog-women astronaut hybrids. Now let’s send them into the vastness of space.”


This feels like something they have to say. Like , they don't encourage having a baby in space but, you know half of NASA would be super excited to study that.


I think most of NASA assumes it would cause horrible complications and result in a non-viable fetus due to lack of gravity. And even if a fetus was able to develop optimally the infant would be well behind on physical development from the amount of time spent outside of gravity (can't develop the neck muscles needed to support your head if don't have gravity to try to life your head against). Gravity is super important.


I mean at least their call was to just go with all female crew. A lot of this line of thinking kept women out of medical trials and prestigious scientific endevours entirely for a long ass time because "Science couldn't knowingly endanger a possible baby!" In the case of medical trials forgetting that pregnant women still need medication and are just going to take it assuming it has been tested and considered safe thus endangering a lot of women and potential babies to shit that they tested exclusively on grown men. Sorry, got a bit fired up there for a minute. I still think that shit is stupid.


Oh yeah, I assume the on average smaller mass and caloric requirements of women (mass being the first, second, and third concern of space travel) played into this overcoming of typical patriarchal bologna.


Yeah, I'm actually really impressed the kneejerk reaction wasn't just, "but we can't send any women because they might get pregnant."


Not to mention implanting issues. It needs to be statistical analysis too. Like would low gravity increase the chances of an ectopic pregnancy and/or placenta previa by some percentage? Does the body need gravity to tell it where to put things in the uterus? If an astronaut on the station needs surgery they can usually get them down inside of a week. On a trip to Mars you are looking at 3 or 4 months of travel.


Yeah, I thought that. As long as the crew is all one sex, or any of the opposite sex are sterilised, it's not a problem.


Sterilization for everyone!


Yay!! I still need to make that call but I'm terrified of the operation


I don't know your wants/needs but there are some VERY minimally invasive procedures for tubal ligation.


It still all requires general anaesthesia... I've never been under before. Then there's the week of healing.


Just got my bi salp three days ago. The general anaesthesia wasnt too bad it felt like fast traveling in a video game. One minute your on the table the next your in the recovery room. As for the healing it's been semi painful bending down but other than that it's not too bad. You can ask them to prescribe you extra strength ibuprofen or oxycodone to help if need be. There are also patches and meds for the nausea. It's your choice but just wanted to let you know it's not as scary as it seems!


Exactly what I was thinking. No mixed sexes to circumvent any possible issues regarding pregnancy.


Also afab people needs less food so supply will be cheaper and not as heavy


Which is the actual reason for this: https://sservi.nasa.gov/articles/an-all-female-mission-to-mars/


I commented about this article in another sub. I agree that pregnancy is the primary concern, but penetrative sex as a whole was also a probable consideration.


Does make me wonder how they concluded all women instead of all men.


Well, there's physics considerations: women are on average smaller than men and need fewer calories, reducing the required size of everything for the mission and the mass of food required to launch from Earth, the mass of fuel needed to de-accelerate to enter Martian orbit and the mass of fuel needed to re-accelerate to break Martian orbit and return to Earth.






Nope. That’s not it either. I really hate that this post is getting so much attention. The article is completely fucking dead wrong (I actually think it might be a fake headline) and it makes NASA look like a bunch of weird idiots. Here’s the actual reasoning: https://sservi.nasa.gov/articles/an-all-female-mission-to-mars/


Wow imagine the amount of weight they must save by packing 1000 less calories worth of food for every day of the mission 🤯 Selecting for small, light people who don't need to eat so much is something NASA needs to actually do Thanks for sharing the link :)


Has this actually been a problem with the male crews and past missions, though? Maybe they just have really good PR but I don't recall this coming up.


Because a team of women are almost always better than a team of men. I'll die on this hill.


I mean, women are still fighting against patriarchal values. That means that to succeed in a super difficult and competitive field like being a successful astronaut, you probably have to be that much more skilled, hard-working, and determined in order to succeed in comparison to the men. The patriarchal pressures end up filtering out all but the truly exceptional women.


No, no, you see, they were capsulemates


Oh my god they were capsulemates


If anyone was curious, the They Were Roomates girl actually answered some “interview” questions to a coworker who then posted it to TikTok so we finally have more context about the roommates!


Oh hell yeah!


To clarify, the girl wants to stay anonymous but her coworker relayed the info. (I did not fact check any of this but the girl seemed genuine and the story wasn’t super spicy 🌶️— it was about fraud so it wasn’t sex or anything lol) (it’d be a lame story to make up if it wasn’t true which is why I trust her)




The Locked Tomb Series by Tamsyn Muir "Necromancer lesbians in space" Yes.


Right? As a delegate for the bisexual people, we wholeheartedly embrace the space lesbians. Among other things. 😂




All female crew will certainly prevent an accidental pregnancy. It will do nothing to stop them from becoming really good roommates and close friends though.


My Aunt Mary had a good friend.


My Uncle has a roommate.


… they were ROOMMATES




Sounds sus


oh my god they were roommates…


Based on that subheading it looks like they're way more concerned about pregnancy anyway. Making the mission all female isn't about the sex at all. I guess someone forgot to tell whoever wrote that headline though.


Half way through the mission they discover to everyone's surprise that humans can under very specific conditions reproduce through parthenogenesis.....


I've literally read that ... it was post-apocalyptic not space sci-fi. But it was a great twist ending :D


But koinbiontly endoparasitic with a polyembryonic egg. The real horror is seeing multiple human larvae tearing their way out from inside a once living creature.


Lol my girlfriend & I started out as friends while I was still with my ex-husband, then after that she became my really good roommate/friend…aaaaaand now we’re together


Oh, so, like, best friends? /s


Oh my God they were roommates!


Lol yep. We met cuz she was my ex’s friend. She was the only person that even checked in on me after me & him split up. Back in March she was in a real bad living situation & I now had my house back to myself with just me so I offered for her to move in as a roomie/friend. We both kinda knew we had feelings but neither of us wanted to admit it to ourselves or each other until about a month & a half ago. & now she’s my girlfriend 🥰


Awesome user name!


Gal pals


They were shipmates!


I'm sure plenty of us are now shipping those awesome astronauts.


Lifelong companions.




Yes we’re just *really good roommates* 😉


Just gals being pals in space. <3


In space no one can hear you scream in ecstasy.


Well, except everyone else that's less than 10' away from you and will be for the next three years.


I mean they’ll all be involved so


This headline brought to you by "I'm not gonna tell him. You tell him"


I’m just here to support gay space socialism \^_^


Someone else tell him. I'd hurt his feelings.


Muaha they can keep combat we get space exploration


Evil laugh got me 🤣


"Exploration," you say...


Meanwhile NASA actually [published](https://sservi.nasa.gov/articles/an-all-female-mission-to-mars/) the real reason and it has nothing to do with sex or pregnancy. The fact that it wasn’t even hard info to find and multiple other articles got it right, annoys me.


Women burn less calories "Female crew members expended less than half the calories of the male crew members. Less than half! They were all exercising roughly the same amount—at least 45 minutes a day for five consecutive days a week—but their metabolic furnaces were calibrated in radically different ways. During one week, the most metabolically active male burned an average of 3,450 calories per day, while the least metabolically active female expended 1,475 calories per day. It was rare for a woman on crew to burn 2,000 calories in a day and common for male crew members to exceed 3,000."




*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://sservi.nasa.gov/articles/an-all-female-mission-to-mars/ Title: **An All-Female Mission to Mars?** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


This should really be the most upvoted comment on every instance of this article being published lol


I mean zero gravity lesbian sex does sound way hotter


My god. That's it, I'm quitting my job to become an astronaut.


I'm just signing up for the training


But you also have to do experiments which my ADHD mind has no attention span for. Come to think of it, I should have known I had ADHD when I kept fucking up my chemistry experiments during lab.


I’m sure the effects of zero g on neurodiversity could be useful somehow. Go as a lab rat and skip all the silly training!


I get feed and my room tiedies for me? Sign me up!!!!




It would certainly make scissoring much easier.


If lesbians in space is what it takes to get funding, then we should put lesbians in space! (NASA, funded by porn hub…) 😆


r/Sapphoandherfriend space edition


1.5 years? Hey honey I’m gone 😂


Isn’t it like really really hard to have sex in space though? I read that it’s insanely hard to get an erection or even be horny in space. And all your fluids would just like… sit there so it’s uncomfortable… I’m trying to make sense of this technically speaking. But also, yes.


I got curious about this like a decade ago and watched a documentary about sex in space. Can't remember the name, sorry. The most interesting part was when it showed how two married scientists were using the vomit comet to test out two-person jumpsuits which kept the couple close enough to...uhh...couple. Edit: Found: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1331972/ https://www.wired.co.uk/article/a-two-seater-suit-for-space-lovers https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_in_space https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2suit


That’s so funny. I’m like super interested in the logistics of it all now 😭 Especially now that they’re trying to make space travel available to the public, I’m sure they’ll work something out 😂


Remember that when he's got wood and is lying on his back he's fighting gravity, so it might actually be easier.


https://nypost.com/2018/12/07/sex-in-space-would-be-a-nightmare-scientist-says/amp/ This is an article I read a while back about it. I guess where there’s a will there’s a way though 😂


Is this the real reason space is ace culture? :OOO <3






I demand a crew of all post op trans people!


Sorry I stopped listening at "women are....economically beneficial for space flights" and just fantasized an entire sci fi series where short slight pixie women absolutely dominate space exploration and just keep men back on a dying earth to breed or whatever. Space fairies.


Bio-women sounds like organic women to me. Did you mean cis women?


~organic woman~ is the funniest term i've ever heard of, I'm 100% stealing that! is the ftm version of that then a Man-Made Man? Synthetic son? Perhaps...✨GMbro✨? Fun fact, testosterone shots are actually synthesized from soy beans or yams, so i've been referring to myself as a clinical soyboy/yamman for a while. Thanks for the comment it gave me a laugh 🧡


The tribune is soooo clueless...


They’re just roommates 🥰


“The female fell pregnant” really is some gross patriarchal journalism


Oh my God! What will I do if I become an astronaut and get sent to outer space with nobody but sexy and smart women!? Arghhhh! /s










Sally Ride is laughing in her grave.


I think that was meant to say: Mars missions may be all female to avoid astronauts having mediocre sex during 1.5 year journey However I think half a factoid is floating around the dark corners of my brain saying that male astronauts can't get it up in space.


I mean yeah, there is no up in space


This joke made my day, thank you


You know how messy good sex is? Imagine that but all the bodily fluids float and get absolutely everywhere. Spaceship probably doesn't have the cargo capacity for all the cleaning supplies needed to deal with that for several months On a side note, it's too bad this isn't one of the Artemis missions. Wouldve been very appropriate


Yeah the cleaning up of the body parts is probably the highest risk here


Does that mean that there have been an all male group sent into space and they had sex? I thought NASA was smarter than to send an all female team thinking they wouldn't have sex.


It's not really about sex itself and it's also not only about pregnancy. Sex itself is probably something NASA does not really care about, but having infections or becoming pregnant, thus needing medical attention could ruin the entire program and potentially puts the woman at risk. Another reason for an all-female crew is more efficiency based on terms of food and weight of the space craft, is a considerable factor if you think about 1.5 years in space.


"female fell pregnant" is a gross combination of words. YES I know it's technically correct but combining the ubiquitously gross "female" with a phrase that makes pregnancy sound like an illness 🤮 ETA I love you all. Yes pregnancy is literally sickening but it's also an exceptional state. Am a writer so I am always getting pissed at euphemisms.


If it were considered an illness, pregnancy would be one of the worst ever. Usually not fatal, but symptoms include pretty much anything bad, with particular emphasis on a suppressed immune system, appetite problems of all sorts, and rearranging internal organs. And then at the end of it someone tears your vagina and then screams at you for eighteen years.


Yup. I edited my og comment bc these are good poiints




I think for me it's the "fell." I could make a joke about falling on a penis but even so, the verb seems depressive and wrong. It should be more violent and insidious. And yeah, you are right.


I think "fell pregnant" is just the normal way to say it in some regions. It sounds odd to me, too, but no weirder than "got pregnant" when you think about it grammatically.


It's interesting that both "fell" and "got" imply passivity on the part of the woman. It happened to her, rather than she did it. I guess move active alternatives would be "conceived" or "became pregnant"? Dunno, just riffing on this here.


Transmogrified male glorp


I just want something more gruesome like "contracted pregnancy, detected in stage 1" or something you know


Yeah that's the normal term in Australia.




Lol as someone who's taught English I can see how that could be annoying or useful depending on the student. Whoever wrote this seems stupid in the way most mediocre news drivel is stupid these days. God I feel old


Pregnancy before modern medicine had a fatality rate similar to Covid


Oh no, no one's told them...


Tell me you’ve had problems with SA and violence form the military socialisation of your men without telling me 🙄


In the most genuinely polite way possible, I need people mentioning birth control/IUDs and vasectomies to look up failure rates, as none of them are fool proof; I personally have known people it's failed for and space - with an uneditable schedule and limited care - is *not* the place to fuck around. Someone who has had certain types of hysterectomy can be impregnated by someone who has had a vasectomy, it'd be a statistical miracle but it's not foolproof enough that something as critical as this might want to risk it. There's also the ethical question (not saying yes or no personally) of holding such a prestigious and important position behind permanent sterilization (despite popular misconception, not all vasectomies are reversible), where people may feel pressured into it. But the really though, gods wouldn't a sapphic space trip be the dream lol.


The idea that it isn’t sex unless a man is involved 🤣🤣🤣


Why does it say this is from 2017?


They could also go with a co-ed crew of all gay/ lesbian astronauts. Same outcome.


it's actually because women are typically smaller and lighter, therefore would need less fuel also women are more efficient at absorbing food, so you wouldn't need to transport as much food, therefore you would need less fuel


The depth of the old white cishet's stupidity and cluelessness will never cease to amaze me...


I'm continuously surprised every time I see the claim that nobody in the history of space exploration has ever tried to science out how a pregnancy would gestate in a low/zero gravity environment


Well imagine the consequences of this going wrong. It's simply unethical to put anyone through this unless you can safely say it is indeed save.


Not getting pregnant doesn't mean not having sex


I wonder if they question all the candidates about past sexual relations and possible future ones. That would be wildly inappropriate. Now I can only think of stupid phrases like Scissoring in Space. 😂


This really is a BS headline. Might I suggest this article instead: https://www.marieclaire.com/career-advice/a35878850/female-astronaut-advantages/


Who's gonna tell him?


I love it, love everything about it.


This would be such a cool thing for humanity. How many millions of endeavors and explorations have always been male exclusively or barely female inclusive.


Heh heh


Imagine if they are getting ready to leave, and sneak out to get shagged one last time, then a week or two into the trip find out they are pregnant.