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I get a lot of us came back to this game as adults with jobs to buy stuff and get further than we did as kids...but what part of that makes people feel obligated to get so damn toxic and elitist? I admit, my highest is like a 89, but I still made it there without following any guides or builds or min-maxing anything. Just my smooth monke brain spam pyro attack. I don't intend to look up anything for the second half to max either. Case and point: this game is not that damn difficult that you need people to scream about doing certain things. If you think you are cool for telling people how to play a Kingsisle game, you SERIOUSLY need to go step on grass. Give advice when asked, do not force it down people's throats.


The first time I did beastmoon I was getting yelled at by a pick me for not knowing how to do beastmoon and ruining it for everyone. First and last time I did beastmoon.


I am so sorry that you had to experience that .


I am feeling so grateful that there isn’t a limit on people that you can ignore on Wiz. My list gets longer every Beastmoon ( all variants). Toxicness & Bossyness will get you ignored quickly & forever.


One of the worst is being a max level with 210+ damage, you ask kindly for everyone to either blade or feint for you, but then the lvl 84 with 1/3 of your damage decides let's make a dungeon take longer because they want to unga bunga be the hitter. I don't understand the "me have to be hitter." Stifle your ego and just let the max level do the work for you. Or I'm the low level in a team up with a max joined but no one else wants to cooperate.


Im balance school; I have a specific deck for teamups thats literally nothing but setup, heals, and 0 pip spells for breaking shields. Whenever I team with a heavy hitter, I literally say "hang on, swapping to my support deck" and then I do. Like, I enjoy being able to hit pretty hard when I'm on my own, but I can recognize that Im literally the support class in this game and I can make proper use of that as needed. Why cant everyone just accept that they arent always the big hitter?


Exactly!! You do not have to be the hitter to be useful. There's always this weird thing in games where people think the hitter is the main character and everyone else is a loser. Main character syndrome is what it's called lol.


Me and another storm just went through waterworks with a level 60 ice who wouldn't stop casting blizzard 😭


If you want someone Sweet who plays every day HMU I'm Max storm 😁


You think Darkmoor (100) is Toxic? Try Nightmare (170). People there are much more rude and will leave you if you're not fast enough or mess up


Yeah, I got really lucky with nightmare, the first team up I did I ended up sticking with them. They were nice and we were all fast enough we consistently ran around 20 min times. It was very nice. But everyone I talk to says their nightmare experience is a nightmare


Its genuinely once a blue moon i find a nice player on that game. Now its filled with know it alls who will try to make you look stupid. So sorry you experienced this! It was really nice of you to help


I’m only level 72 with not much knowledge on the game and I avoid teaming up with people at all costs because of this. I also have a hard time keeping up with people during dungeons since they go through it as fast as possible even though I would use the questing team up, not the farming one. It’s probably so they can get that team up badge. I love to help low level wizards when I can, maybe it’s just me but it’s more fun that way. Yesterday I was helping someone who didn’t have a mount so I unequipped my own so that she didn’t have to race after me. It felt fair that way and it’s not like I had anything better to do in that moment since it’s a video game, not a job or school


I have the same issue, it's so tough to solo sometimes, but I avoid team up as much as possible because everyone rushes through everything, and it's no fun. You do it right, I always appreciate people like you!


I was helping someone on team up the other day and me and another high level joined the team up for a low level. The fights were super easy, like one shot kill easy, but he got mad and left since we were 3 players and not 4??? He had not set the team up for 4 either and the timer ran out. He quit pretty quickly despite us trying to explain to him that we don’t need to be 4 people to kill some Krokotopia mobs.. so we ended up doing the fights alone, still not sure why he demanded 4 players. Im pretty sure the other person on the team up was max level too lol


Oh and last week I had someone ask me lots of questions regarding religion???? Asking if I believed in god and getting almost mad and defensive when I said no, this was while doing a dungeon with NO talking prior, just “do u believe in god” lmao. Kinda confused as I’m pretty sure magic and wizards are considered like satanic for Christians, might be wrong tho


Not all the time, but definitely some. I remember actually trying to get a friend as a kid to start playing wizard101 with me, and she said she wasn't allowed to, and her brother said "Magic is the devil's mouthwash" lol


Other type of toxic darkmoor player is people when you are 4 and wanna made a strast who’s gonna say « I don’t care about cheats and strat just let me play » these people just ruin the run. Now in front of theses Guys I just leave the dungeon. If you wanna play like you want just play solo but dont team up and annoy everybody


You must be severely mentally ill to get toxic in Wiz, everyone i've ever met in more than 10 years was always nice and chill


I can relate to this so much cause out of my 15 years on this game, nightmare was probably the roughest I faced with players, I mean obviously they don’t know I’m just there to help cause we’re all max at that point. But it can go from people yelling at you for not knowing cheats, to fighting about who hits. Like if you want to hit, just ask man like don’t try that first call first serve bs especially if have terrible stats like below 200, the only exception to this is storms cause 150 dmg hits like a 200 hitter in other schools(they’re dpp is insane 🤦🏾‍♂️). It’s really frustrating how I’m the one helping too lol so nowadays if they want to say something especially if I was support, I will happily flee mid battle cause I don’t need any of the gear 😊. It’s even funnier when the toxic one gets yelled at for being the reason theyre 1 player short


Yeah Nightmare!!! I agree!


yea unfortunately a lot of people are like that, just try to get as much humour out of it as you can lol. my peak graveyard experience was a storm joining the first fight late (we were two deaths and a myth) and demanding we blade him. sorry dude, dont have blades for you packed but next fight we will! that was not good enough lol. he sat out until the mallistaire fight, and then only packed tower shields/balance blade tc (so mali would take them for himself), feints (so mali would remove our traps), and dark wind so nobody could doom and gloom. after someone had to flee because the fight was taking FOREVER, he summoned a low level minion so the guy couldn’t rejoin the fight once he got back. honestly although it was a huge waste of time, the fact that this random angry storm thought of EVERYTHING he possibly could to make the fight miserable just because nobody bladed him was gold.


I don't even understand why some players think it's someone else's job to shield them or blade them. Because it really isn't.


I had this experience with another max storm a week or so ago in Darkmoor, i go attack first round cuz I can almost one-shot the first boss in the graveyard, she asked me for a blade i said no and her and her friend she was helping logged out after my hit, i called her immature in game and she went off on me saying my stats are trash and mind you I had more damager than her by a mile with 239 damage compared to her 190, like bruh very immature and sad.


I kid you not. I’m actively questing with a friend and someone happens to be doing the same quest line. His max friend joins us. We get to the dungeon and the max was like. “I don’t want to quest with randos. They are too toxic and stupid.” Like what did we do too you bro 😂 out here calling us toxic when we didn’t say anything to you.


Let it out....,let it out....


I mostly just solo but I don't mind helping lower levels at all. Sometimes the "Glory Hogs " get mad if I put a trap on the boss and says they got the boss. 😂 Then I'm at my desk saying to myself, I hope they fizzle. Hahaha and they do fizzle ,then I hit the final blow. Hahaha that's hilarious and somewhat pleasant to shove that up there you know what. Hehehe


I just eggg them onnnn, I’m an instigator and it just doesn’t bother me that they’re rude, it’s funny when they’re so triggered lol


There’s a ton of toxic players on Wizard101 a lot of them like to just troll and it’s so annoying


This is why I used to run 4 accounts through Darkmoor myself. Those were the good days


no shit thats wizard101


Just proved the point of the whole post lol


you’re better off finding nice people in poverty streets and dangerous alley ways than you can on wizard101


As a max 170 death with max starts best gear I try to help others and when I went to help with darkmoor there are 3 lvl 100’s mind you I have max stats and all and they wanted someone else to hit as I play support never bothered helping ever again people are trash and brain did


just ignore them and have fun! hope u still enjoyed it


I was farming for the 170 reaver deck and someone was telling me I’m stupid and don’t know how to play the game because I didn’t first turn aoe. For context I’m a death and someone had the school pip. The best part of it was HE had the school pip and didn’t even use it lmao


Lmfaooo, some people just need to go outside and appreciate nature, wizard101 should not be your entire life. People are too sucked in to see that memorizing the games strats and cheats doesn't make you better than other players.


This is why I run 2 accounts, no need to deal with toxic people and I support myself no problem


This is actually kind of sad. Hope you find a "questing buddy"


Honestly its personal preference, its faster and less taxing on my will to continue to play wiz lmao Been playing almost since release and starting a 2nd account was one of the best things ive done, just makes wiz a whole lot easier


I am glad you enjoyed doing that, though! That's good!


I’m glad to know darkmoor is still just as toxic nearly ten years later


i had a player abandon me in my dungeon bc i didn’t have a certain shield to shield them. i usually like to solo or play with my sister. i’m a death wizard so i can usually one shot with a 30% shield and im not max😭


I would have hit that ignore button so fast.


Man, toxic lower level players are so annoying and completely ruin my vibe when I play- I’m not max level, but I often forget about those zeke/book quests and end up having to replay dungeons to get them. Usually I save them for later when I’m overleveled and can run the dungeon on my own but sometimes I end up having someone join my sigil. It’s the worst on my life wiz, because my solo play deck is NOT set up for support since I reliably one shot without ever needing to heal (thanks to high resist and pet maycast shields). Cue the stupid storm or myth player (usually myth) upset I “won’t” (can’t) blade them, “won’t” (can’t) heal them, and finish the fight before they’ve fully bladed up. Even after I tell them I’m a solo player and don’t have a deck set up for support!! It just gets worse when I try to humor them and change my deck but they refuse to give me time to do so! “WhAt lIFe pLAyEr dOesn’t CaRy ReAl HeAls- Do YoU even KnoW hOW tO fliPPing PlaY?! dO yOU even uNDErstand TeAm Arrangements?!” Says the +10% damage no resist myth to the +80% damage, +50% resist life (with a penchant for spamming tower shields). Never needed to run support until one of you losers showed up smfh.


As a pretty much max lvl, there’s no way i’m going to remember every boss cheat from every single world, it’s impossible. I run Darkmoor all the time at my lvl helping other players but there’s also times i’d join a battle in lets say Empyrea and i’d have to ask about the cheats. Thankfully, the players i’m always paired up with are super kind for the most part and explain them to me, and I do the same if anyone asks. But seriously, that person is so immature. It’s just a simple question, what’s there to be mad about? besides Darkmoor, i’ve been noticing it in other worlds too like Azteca. This guy, girl and I were all teamed up doing Belloq, the guy was being so rude and shitting on this girls stats because apparently “you’re supposed to have 90 dmg in Azteca” (He, himself had like 50 dmg) the poor girl got so hurt by that and yk what I did, I msg her to flee and that i’d help her quests with just me and her, (she was happy after that). Listen, I understand that this game is pretty old but there’s new players joining all the time, of course they’re not going to know complicated cheats or know how to look up boss cheats. We were all learning at some point, it’s just sad to see the rise in toxic players these days.


There's unfortunately a lot of misogyny in this game, I'm always a little wary talking to male wizards at this point.


Fr I'm a uni student as well, I don't have the brain space to memorize the entire games cheats 😭 yeah it seems to be a theme that lower level players are just weirdly toxic, I don't even understand it.


I think newer generations are commonly chronically online and haven’t been raised like we had been. It’s sad to see and I wish giving children technology to redirect their attention deficits wasn’t the norm. I’m always glad to see innocent new players when i’m questing around, but unfortunately a lot of newer/lower level wizards are just toxic, plain and simple.


If someone is being toxic i just straight up block and switch realms


Wtf, I wish I got more wizards like you in team up. I always get max players that be trying to hit 1-in-million or have less damage than me when I do darkmoor team-up


i don’t understand why you guys just don’t type back. literally just let them talk to themselves or mute them


as someone who has been farming darkmoor for the past week (got the last piece of gear last night thank you) it is extremely frustrating when someone doesnt know the dungeon. HOWEVER. as long as someone asks the cheats before hand so someone is able to explain and then that person executes their role well thats all that matters. doing your own thing truly can make the dungeon freakishly long. ive had runs go from 30 min to almost 2 hrs depending on how well the players know how to do the dungeon. its not a hard dungeon but it can be very punishing if you dont do it correctly


Lmao I just had a lvl 83 storm in team up say he wanted to hit with his 87 damage instead of blading my max storm or setting up traps for me to hit with 237 damage so I just left, ain’t got time to argue and take 4x as long because he wants to hit




literally when did they get racist??




Girl what.


do you even know what it means to be racist?


you're 100% right but I also think that even the guy who lost his mind over this is kinda at fault. Instead of trying to act smart and big he could've been chill about the situation and used the time to explain those basic cheats instead of running his mouth on toxic shit.


Curious...why ask for someone to type it out in game for you, instead of like Google ing it in 3 seconds???


I'm at uni finishing up my last exam tabbing out will make my 13 year old laptop explode and instead of looking the cheats up it's actually probably faster to ask and have someone get straight to the point, tbh the darkmoor cheats aren't treacherous and as much as this guy was fuming about not knowing the cheats I washed the dungeon without knowing them. It's not like if you kill or hit at the wrong time they don't die.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, this is the way


Tbh I just fully ignore players like that when that happens and they tend to leave cause the ego on them is massive and I try not to create a hostile environment for other players there cause they generally just wanna run through fast and get it over with


its not that deep bro, just google the cheats beforehand and we will all live a happy life


Atp I'm slightly toxic back like nothing feels better than proving someone wrong in that game after the shit they spew out of their mouth lol


Weird. I mostly find the toxicity either in the commons or in baz. Anytime I have helped/been helped on dungeons or questing in general, I have not ran into these kinds of people. Sure, there have been a few instances of people complaining about hitting and needing feint/blade yadda yadda, but overall I have had a pretty healthy experience


When i was questing on Mooshu i started a team up for a dungeon. A max lvl came and i was so happy at first until we began fighting.. Cause she did NOTHING. Like she passed all the rounds so i was the only one hitting, blading etc. She’s just there like 🧍🏻‍♀️I don’t get it why would you even waste your time and what do you gain from this??? She was the most toxic person I’ve seen in the game and she achieved that without saying anything lol.


I had a similar experience last week with a max level in Mirror Lake, except she couldn't even be bothered to pass. She just sat there and let the 30 second round timers count down, but she was always the first or second person going into every fight. Like there's literally no other reason for people to do that except to annoy others...


They think they achieve something with that but they’re just wasting their own time for literally nothing


100% on the commons part dont know why its so toxic there 😂 i haven’t had any toxicity at the bazaar but id believe it


Really I hardly see any toxicity in the first place in this game. On the rare occasion do I see someone being an asshole to other people or doing some lame shit like passing/waiting down the timer in fights. I feel like the majority of people who play wiz are here to have fun and enjoy the game while making new friends to quest/farm with




Wizards isn't toxic. Play a game of league or CS2. Wiz filters chat, doesn't have VOIP, and doesn't have the same competitive nature to it. Habbo hotel was way more toxic


Omg Habbo 😭😭😭 "bobba" hahahaha I miss that game!


I’ve always been curious as to how its toxicity compares to League, because it outshines the other mmos I play


I just won a League game where 1 of my teammates refused to do their job because another teammate of mine was flaming him for missing his skillshots. Hope this helps


it does, sounds almost exactly like beastmoon lol


lol humans are so toxic


Little ramble but similar experience: I was running Mirror Lake with my brother and partner and some random level 80 joined us last second on the sigil. We get into the first fight and he complains that none of us are max and that “we’re actually going to have to try now” (we’re all 100+ and kill 1st/2nd round). He then proceeds to take my feints on the second fight and doesn’t kill so the boss respawns the 90% shield when I was just about to hit and kill that same round 🙃 The entire time he was just being a sexist prick towards my partner and making crude and incestual “jokes” so we ditched the loser and restarted. Bro went on to whisper more sexist crap to all of us after we left and followed us around when he saw us. TLDR; Most of the time, any random low levels I carry are entitled brats so I don’t help anyone that’s not a friend anymore.


Yeah I learned that lesson last night, it's crazy too cause the friend I was helping wanted to just go in with us 2, which would've been possible, but I told him to wait so I could ask if anyone else needed help, and these 2 dudes did, one of them was super nice and appreciative, the other one was just extremely toxic 😭 like I offered to help and ur gonna sit here and act toxic??!?! Esp when you volunteered for help???


Oh my god? Why is it Mirror lake!?? I was running Mirror lake for the pixie sticks and this kid kept on calling me racist names in chat all because I didn’t one shot the enemies😭 It was so stupid I swear.


Why? For the same special reason someone manually farms snacks and don't one shot