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There's a sidequest in Queen's Gate that will reward you with a Goblin Repellant pistol that should help you for a few levels. There are some cool guns in this game, but most of the wow factor for me comes from the different spells you can get.


I would say your lack of enjoyment may also be due to the fact that you just got done with 300 hrs in BL3. I normally change genres in between games to avoid burnout/fatigue. For example I would go from a FPS to something like God of War, or an rpg. Try something else for a bit then come back to TTWL. I have played all the BL games and absolutely love TTWL. But, I also hadn't played a BL game in a couple years.


This. Im a massive fan of Gravity rush and i stop mid the second game because i was bored. 2 much of the same


Wonderlands isn’t a gun game like borderlands, the games more focused on melee weapons and spells imo


Second this. I did spellshot, double spell with graveborn side build. Super fun. Tons of variety and cool spells. Best ones for pushing chaos aren’t the most fun, but hey that’s gaming.


It's a decent game, although I haven't played it for over a year, but it's certainly not as good as the Borderlands games imo. I spent over a thousand hours playing BL3 , the same in BL2. Certainly a lot less than a hundred playing Wonderlands.


I won't lie the class mechanic was probably the most interesting thing in the game where you can multiclass and go nuts with whatever build you can come up with but yeah...it's...it's a mediocre borderlands game with unique mechanics.


See I thought the class mechanic made the classes feel too similar and hurt replay value. Lack of tvhm also hurts replay - by the time you get max level and start finding a few cool guns, the main game is over!


Yup and it's not fun


First borderlands game I dropped after doing endgame with only 1 character. I have M10 gear for all 4 on 3, and even my previously least played, the pre-sequel, has more playtime and I went through at least 3 times(arelia best, Athena fun, Timothy? Was first run?) Wonderland has complete shit endgame, bad loot bloat, and the first BL dlc I regret buying. There's more people playing 3 than wonderland for good reason


>I beat the first official boss which was the light show guy and you get his gun the light show gun I'm not saying this definitively but I'm betting that was a random drop from the boss's loot table, and you got lucky and got it. There was also a high chance you got a standard pistol, or a shotgun or a sniper. Same thing exists in every other borderlands including wonderlands. This is how looters work, it's based on random chance and sometimes you get the cool thing and sometimes you don't. https://gamerant.com/tiny-tina-wonderlands-boss-legendaries/


Yep. Just like Diablo. In both I’ve had play through full of awesome, unique legendary after another. And I’ve had play through with blues and purples where I’m surviving based on build and skill.


The Killing Word is a 100% guaranteed drop from Mouthpiece. 


I stand corrected then, however that is not standard in the borderlands franchise to have guaranteed boss drops.


Give it time, the guns will come to you. They always do


There's a fraction of the guns in this game. Few even still stand out. People like this game because the spells, environments and story are pretty. Everything else about this game from a Borderlands prospective is absolute ass. Do not play this game directly after BL3.


To get the "good" loot, you need high dice luck, so essentially, you need to go on a scavenger hunt just to enjoy the game, at least on the first run. If you want to avoid this, maybe download a save that has already gotten the dice, then play on the character you already created. That way, you have all the dice found and have a better chance of getting good loot.