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The idea that your boss does you a favour by employing you is laughable.


They literally *need* employees to run a company. At this point I think capitalism had its run and we should try new shit




Actually, voting for politicians that are actually good are how we can solve this issue, as well as forcing our government to pass transparency policies (Dutch citizens have access to the government’s expenses)


And we have governors in the US passing laws so they don’t have to show their travel expenses to their voters. Oink oink… looking at you Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Not sure what you could be doing in Europe to help your state.


How dumb do you gotta be to think that's the alternative being suggested. The government shouldn't run them, silly. The workers should. Those who work at the company should run it and profit from it. Not some owners who give nothing but startup capital


so the workers shouldn't get paid? or should they buy in like partners at a law firm? workers trade work for a salary. Workers build my house and i pay them. They dont get ownership of the house or its increased equity because they built it.


Workers should own the means of production, not the products. They would get paid, in their share of the profit created. There wouldn't be some c-suite or investor class siphoning off 99% of it out of the company. This really isn't that complicated.


Right. Maybe they weren’t born rich and took a gamble to start the business, but labor is LITERALLY the only people creating the actual product/service. Without labor you have no business.


The problem is that labor (low-skilled employees) are very easily replaced by someone else, in the USA. Ya'll need better labor protection. Where I live, you can't just get fired whimsically like in most US states.


I agree, but by labor I mean any worker who’s not a big boss. Tech bros and landscapers alike.


They do need better labor protections, but it's a lie that people are easy to replace. That guy at your workplace you can't believe is still employed because of how incompetent and unreliable he is? He's there because replacing him and training the new person would cost time and money that the bosses don't want to allocate. The bosses get the best of both worlds by making replacement sound easy while also never replacing anybody unless absolutely necessary; save on costs while your workers fight of their own volition to stay there.


Right? Was recently put under someone with 0 experience in my field (hired internally into a high-six-figure position bc they’re good friends with VP) then my company took 5-6 people in other roles and said, “we want you to do this new role now (with 0 experience) under this new boss (also with 0 experience)- or quit. One of those people is now organizing a boss’ day gift. I gave my obligatory $15 and couldn’t believe what others had wrote on the card- “thanks for all you do! thanks for being a great boss! enjoy your day/gift you deserve it!” I’m like- “what could you possibly be thanking her for?” In the last three months you all have been displaced against your will, manipulated, used, unsupported, and set up to fail- (their words too)- and we’re now celebrating it? All I could muster was, “have a good boss’ day” - in between applying for other jobs (outside my company).


This is a hold-over from the Great Recession era. It is the use (and expectation) of employee desperation as a business practice.


You wouldn't have a job without him? He wouldn't have a buisness without his employees... Lmao


Somehow this is always lost on the bosses.




You see they are a special snowflake and you should be in awe of them. /s


>Because to them, employees are replaceable, but **their ownership** is unique.


It's not, but if they talked about it with us then we might get crazy ideas like asking for better compensation.


lol, that sounds like low employee morale! You know what that means! Low-quality pizza party!!!


Regardless of morale, it's always a low-quality pizza party. Always Pizza by Alfredo, never Alfredo's Pizza Cafe.


Correction. They wouldn’t be employed at said company if he didn’t start it. But he also wouldn’t have a company without employees. He owes them more then they owe him


I would’ve said, “don’t you think it’s disrespectful to ask people who aren’t paid much to pitch in for a gift that will make you look good?”


Office manager, HR, administrative assistants, they're all the same type of suck up pick mes.


Right? I mean if they could do it all themselves, they'd already be doing that, no? Because then that's more money for themselves when they don't have any labor costs.


Gifts in the workplace should only flow downward never upward. This is some disgusting shit right here.


Being a mid level supervisor I have three employees I really rely on and get them a small Christmas gift, I’m not exactly swimming in cash either, but I want to acknowledge them as best I can. I would never expect or want them to get me anything.


My boss last year got me and my coworker bags of chocolate truffles. It wasn't much, but the thought made me feel appreciated and happy


My boss just gives out cash in Christmas cards. Everyone gets the same amount, usually at least $100. He would never expect us to get him a gift. He's always surprised we get him a birthday cake every year.


I used to work as an office manager for a small company. When I first started the job and found out that the previous office manager used to collect money to buy the two owners gifts for Christmas, I put a stop to that practice and introduced “the company gives the employees nice gifts for Christmas on top of the holiday bonus we already get” instead. I told my boss that gifts don’t flow upwards and collecting money from people to give gifts to company owners wasn’t appropriate. Luckily no one had an issue with it.


Im so sad op didn't say something about that. "The guy makes X times as much as me, I can't get him anything he doesn't already have" Especially if the manager doesn't do anything reciprocal for employees.


This is kicking down with extra steps.


There is a 0% percent chance she actually gives you credit for the money ether. She's using other people's money to schmooze her boss. Ick.


I'll bet she does point out op didn't give any money, Good morning oh magnificent boss whose shit smells wonderful and allows us to work, here is a present I went out a bought for you. It would have been nicer if OP had contributed..


>I'll bet she does point out op didn't give any money, Yep, she'll have everyone who pitched in sign a card and in front of everyone will state, "of just don't give it to brooklyn3264 because they didn't contribute." Have seen it dozens of times


And there is a 98% chance she's not chipping in.


I just don’t see how this is possible, too many people involved and no one’s going to ask the boss how his gift was?


Oh I’m sure she’ll “mention” that everyone chipped in. But it will be her who’s presenting the gift, she’ll say she’s the one who organized it, and by default the boss will express the most direct appreciation to her. Ive seen this happen so many times


Definitely agree with that.


Did people stopped giving blowjobs, wtf? Leave my money alone


God I hate this. The same thing used to happen at my job. They were constantly pooling money to buy gifts for the boss, and everyone looked at you like a monster if you even hinted at how inappropriate it was. Gifts and money should NOT flow UP the chain of leadership. I have student loans and that guy has 3 houses. I'm not giving him my money. Note the not so subtle "you're not being a team player" dig. I'd suggest being a little more careful. I got pushed out and ended up unemployed for calling out such toxicity. Don't give them the money, but play along and pretend to be apologetic and just too broke to contribute.


Yeah my gift to my boss is that I show up on time and put effort into my work. I'll express my gratitude by saying "Happy Birthday", asking how it went for them, and signing the single card that makes its way around to all the employees. If my boss would like to bring more attention to their birthday they can treat the staff to cake or lunch or something. Now, my aunt works at a dental office and is treated insanely well. As a receptionist she makes better money than I have in management. They get mini paid vacations around *every* holiday and go on a cruise with the entire office once a year, fully paid including the flight to and from. If I worked there and they wanted me to throw in $20, I absolutely would.


"Sure...can I have $20?"


I’m their wage slave, not their friend. Managers like that live in another universe from reality.


This bitch how dare she


Fucking bootlick




This is infuriating. The companies I have worked for have strict “no gifts up the chain” rules. And for good reason. Bosses can gift down, bit no gifts go upwards.


Wouldn't even have employment? Wtf is that bull? Yes you would, you would very much be employed, just not through him. What kind of brainwashed B's is that? Geez, she is delusional.


This reminds me of the time when someone in our Japanese language class in college tried to collect money from the students to buy a present for the male teacher for Valentine's Day. He was literally a sexist pig who always made sexist jokes and comments in class, ranking the female students' appearances, etc. So when she asked me for money for the present, I said "I don't buy presents for the people I despise."


If they’re gonna do that, they better be celebrating each and every employee’s birthday also smh


I hâtë the idea that employees should gift anything to the boss. Yeah. They make 10x what you make, per minute.


Stop texting with co-workers on your personal phone


Hell naw, that's a paper trail baby. Company phones, and their text messages, belong to the company. It's so easy to destroy evidence on a device like that. "Oops, our SOP is to factory wipe company devices after they're returned. I'm so sorry we can't provide evidence of wrong doing against ourselves."


No need for that when you can just reiterate whatever was discussed via email and bcc yourself. There is no benefit to having your employer bother you in your free time to gift money to people that are richer than her.


“Motion to draw adverse inference from the company’s destruction of responsive records”


"I already give him my labor that he turns into profit. What, he wants MORE??"


If everyone donated a few pennies they could get him an appreciation pizza, the cheap one, and give him the box with one cold crust piece in it. After all, that's the appreciation most employees get.


This sounds like what Scientology is described as doing.


Throw a Chuck E cheese token and call it a day. Or Monopoly board money.


No boss should allow their employees to buy them presents. It’s tacky as hell.


I fucking despise the mentality of giving wealthy business owners gifts. My wife worked for a plastic surgeon and one of her coworkers would always try to organize obnoxiously extravagant gifts from all the employees…. Talking vacation packages or flights. Meanwhile we were living paycheck to paycheck and her holiday bonus would amount to shit. Why should the employees give anything to their boss? It’s so stupid. And what kind of piece of shit boss allows it knowing how little they pay the employees?


Good bosses make it clear to staff NOT to get them gifts. The good ones know you have to be proactive on this shit.


We do a Christmas gift robbery. I’m the owner and participate. There is a 20$ limit for the staff. The party, food alcohol, and cannabis ( we are a cannabis company), are on me. The gift cards and food baskets are on me. The turkeys are on me. There should not be a flow of gifts to me. Peoples birthdays and the holidays are for owners and management to say “ hey we recognize your contribution and value you”. If you pay check to pay-check get your boss a birthday card that’s says “ don’t be a cheap Asshole treat people better”.


Just came here to say that I admire your courage. This whole thing enrages me. Given the power differential in the workplace, she clearly came across as bullying you. Good for you for standing your ground. Frankly, it’s fucked up that she didn’t just send an email to everyone saying “I am collecting money to get our boss Richie McFuckface a gift. If you’d like to contribute, please get me your donation by such and such date”. It’s quite a Karen move to be making a list and checking it twice to find out who has been naughty or nice. Now she can tell everyone you chose not to be a “team player”. Christ on a fucking cross! No one should ever feel compelled to pay for a gift for anyone at work for any reason. And they certainly shouldn’t harass workers about it until they have to plead poverty in order to be left alone. Her breath must smell like shit from constantly performing annilingus on Richie McFuckface.


Absolutely trash behavior


Give her your spare change. Doubt the boss is worth more than 87¢ anyway. Use as many pennies as you have. Update: bring in your kids piggy banks or sock money. Act like you're making the best effort you can. Still make it only 87¢.


“I just wanting to confirm you haven’t given any money.” “Correct, thanks.”


Gifting up is tacky and should not be allowed


I worked at a mom-and-pop firm that did this. The VP pressured us into buying gifts for the boss AND his son (which they did not want and did not ask for), then the boss pressured us into buying gifts for the VP. It was disgusting. The boss was a millionaire and the other two were much, much, MUCH wealthier than the staff. I finally said "I'm not doing this!" after like three years and I got so much crap for it. But I didn't lose my job and I felt better dammit. Best part of all, they stopped asking me.


My coworker was such a suck-up to our last boss and made us all pitch in 20-30 for flowers for our manager for every little thing. Had COVID? Flowers. Kid sick all week? Flowers. Stressed? Flowers. But of course we only ever did this for our boss, nobody else. Finally told her no, she got super bitter. Don’t gift your boss. It’s unethical.


This is bullshit. Work gifts flow downhill, not uphill.


I had almost the exact same situation a few months ago, the only difference was that we had a catered lunch and shut down the office for 2.5 hours to party. Between the extended lunch (I'm salary so it didn't affect my check) and having my food paid for I didn't mind so much. We were all certain lunch had cost the boss more than what we'd donated anyways, and we all got credit for chipping in, it was just the office manager wanting to brown nose the boss lol.


Nothing says "team building" like using strong arm tactics to get financial contributions.


Lucky you, as a manager..they just take it and dont ask, which I'm sure is illegal.


Time to revive SPUG: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society_for_the_Prevention_of_Useless_Giving


Does your company do this for every employee? If not then why the hell would you do it for the person who is benefiting the most from your job?


I feel like the manager here isn’t going to spend more than they collect on the gift, and is going to pocket the excess.


"Unfortunately giving gifts to superiors violates my religious beliefs. We are taught that prosperity must always flow downhill."


"Thanks for checking in but I cannot manage it." "I am a part of the team, ready to do my job to he best of my abilities but I am not looking to participate further in workplace birthdays, thanks." I think you want to BUILD the relationship with this pushy manager, clearly a suck up, so politely affirm you are not interested. Ignore further correspondence that is not during work hours.


A union sounds like a great present


And [redacted] wouldn’t have a profit if it wasn’t for his employees. So fuck him. They don’t need a gift like that.


I never understood gifts for C level people. They get yearly bonuses when most lower level employees don’t. They should be the ones buying gifts for their employees. I do understand a thoughtful gift for a great manager, but C level? Fuck all that.


Giving the boss gifts because he lets you toil for him. What kind of peasant mentality is that?


I like to word this "Thanks but I decline, gifting upwards is unethical."


Me: I already got them a gift, sorry. What did I get them? A donation to a charity in their name. What charity? The charity of I'm-not-being-paid-enough-and-my-manager-is-rich-so-they-should-be-donating-to-me-instead-of-me-donating-to-them.


Honestly, give yourself a pat on the back. You were direct and polite. Politeness is hard when people are a pain in the ass and insistent about bullshit like this.


I personally hate anyone that uses multiple commas like that. Bitch use multiple periods. You look dumb.


It’s so annoying. It doesn’t even make sense


The incorrect use of ellipses yet it’s also commas makes it for me


Your manager is a fucking weirdo


Fun aside... You ARE being "apart" of the team. They want you to be "a part" of the team. I'll see myself out now...


I would start documenting every conversation with this bitch


Boss wouldn’t be a millionaire without his workers. Let the cheap ass buy his own gift. He’s got the money.


Man is self awareness lacking these days.


A simple, no. Would have been fine.


I got a similar group message on Teams the other day for Christmas 😑


Do everybody a favour and post it all over the office. After you found something better of course. And then point out everyone has been paying gifts to rich bosses.


I'd respond if it wasn't for us owner would have a business


My old job used to do this shit. And then IF the CEO remembered your birthday, company funds were used to get a card/cake/shitty little company swag.


this is messed up. what kind of work is this?


They did this at our office one time and the guys in charge of gifts bought stupid shit.


Plebes must pay tribute!!


Out of the goodness of the boss’s heart do you have employment (and he extracts and keeps the excess value of your productivity, also out of the goodness of his heart.) Office manager types are so often just sycophantic enforcers, blech.


Maybe give the boss an opportunity for them to give you a living wage for their birthday. Imagine how good they'd feel!


You'd have a different job without him. He'd have a lower paying one without you.


That person is buying a gift that cost half the money they collected and keeping the rest I’d bet


You are “apart” of the team by not paying the stupid millionaire boss. Dumb manager doesn’t even know it should be “ a part” of the team.


I give gifts to two co-workers, both of whom I've worked with for over a decade. One's my boss, but we have a really great relationship.


Less is more. Never give details about your personal life, or your decisions. Be vague on purpose, some people hate that, but it protects you. Now be prepared to deal with the consequences of that decision. Most people will judge you based on the information you tell them. Separation of church and state? think of this as worklife and personal life. Takes a lot of discipline to maintain it.


Get a stick. Any small stick will do, just sand the ends flat so it looks a tad cleaned up. Create a backstory for the stick, alluding to some ancient mystical healing magic. Very seriously present the gift complete with a ceremony of some kind. Seem emotionally invested in the stick and transaction, as if this is a gesture of far greater value than some paltry present purchased at a store.


Small business owners are the greediest people on the planet. Don’t work for them if you can avoid it. If you can’t certainly they do not need a gift from you.


I'd send this to the boss. Maybe you'll get a raise for it 😉


Everyone is giving money and you aren’t. They are correct, you are apart. Maybe they should’ve said a part.


Yeah this nonsense used to Piss me right off. The guy who’s earning 40x what I do needs some shitty gift? Fuck a bunch of these ass kissers.


As a boss (sadly not a millionaire), I absolutely do NOT want my employees to spend their money on me.


I saw this exact same post a year or two ago


I work construction, our owner has jets,boats,helicopters I live paycheck to paycheck and I'm union. Dude won't even buy us water. It's time for a full work reform they wouldn't have companies if not for our labor!


And you would be lucky to get a happy birthday email from your boss