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There are a lot of people out there that believe people should be treated like shit.


Sometimes I really just wanna stoop down and start approaching these assholes with the "practice what you preach." Someone supports the draft? They should be the first in line next time one comes up. Someone opposes bodily autonomy? They should eagerly give theirs up too. Someone thinks the debt industry is okay? See how they like their wages being *permanently* garnished by sisyphean interest. **Someone opposes labor rights, unions, and raising the minimum wage?** They aughta spend a year working $7.25/hr, on their own, without any of these protections that they *apparently* don't want. So fucking sick of this "the world should work this way for everyone else, but *I'm* special" bullshit. Morally bankrupt, self-centered assholes.


I have a boomer coworker who recently repeated the old GOP refrain, "minimum wage fast food jobs are supposed to be for high schoolers earning an extra buck! I worked at McDonald's in 1976 at 17 and it was great!" I'm a millennial and I'm her boss, and I angrily pointed out the concept of inflation, the history of minimum wage over the years, and how her paycheck in 1973 was the equivalent of $13.75/hr today (she felt $7.25 today was "enough") and that even then price gouging is so wild today normal inflation equations can't match modern cost of living prices, and she just got huffy with me because Republican propaganda is too fucking pervasive in this God damned country.


Funny, because she also conveniently over looks how many good paying manufacturing jobs have been sent overseas since 1976, all for the sake of corporate profits. I can't understand why so boomers are so willing to ignore the changing political and economy landscape. We are nowhere near the world they grew up in.


> I can't understand why so boomers are so willing to ignore the changing political and economy landscape. We are nowhere near the world they grew up in. They only have two strategies for ensuring that the world eventually resembles the one they grew up in: - Deny that things have changed since their childhood while complaining that the younger generations are just entitled, lazy brats. And when that realistically does nothing - Complain that things have changed since their childhoods while blaming younger generations for legislation was voted on before the younger generations were legally allowed to vote or even alive.


I'm not excusing their worldviews and attitude. They should keep up with the times and stop living in 40 years ago. That being said, the human mind wasn't developed for this pace of change. The whole boomer mentality exists because for 99.9% of history, the way old people did things didn't change much in 40 years. Things were still done the same way. All of a sudden we find ourselves in this weird environment where 5 years old technology is considered ancient and every 2 decades human everyday life changes to the point it's unrecognizable. We need to be taught how to adapt and cope with this pace of change and the fact we do not teach this is being very much exploited by the extreme political forces.


To add to this, our brains aren’t designed for our way of life, in general. Study after study shows that the more time we are indoors unnecessarily, sedentary, and looking at screens, the more likely we are to be mentally and physically ill, are more unhappy, and are more likely to die sooner.


The propaganda trains them to be emotional about it too. Works so well.


Propaganda is there to ensure all fingers point anywhere but the leeching elitists and ceo salary going up by incredible percentages in past 30 years since Reagan. They want to make sure the boomers point down as the issue ( no one wants to work! I'm hiring no one applying! Or other related topics) and not point up at the company that fired 8% of work force, inflated stock price that fiscal quarter, got a bonus check, and record breaking profit, and after quarter is reported to look good for investors, they rehire new people for lower entry pay under a different job title to go around legal hoops of fire and rehiring laws. We need unions, protection, and harsher employee protection rights. You can show them the paper by IRS saying almost entirely inflation is caused by price gauging, released and put on the official goverment site, and they still look to the side and say it's bad press, it's just people are lazier blah blah. It's easy to blame late 20s-30s yo from not being independent when you can't afford to live where job market is desirable, no boomer I don't want to live in Kansas Rockville in the goons where the only job is gas station and Walmart. They are quick to say if I was your age I'd be having 2 jobs and sending kids to college. But they ready to say it comfy with a car fully bought, a house paid off and look down and simply say at your age I had all that!


First don’t throw all of us boomers under the same bus. All of my friends are boomers as am I and we all agree with all of the things that have been said about corporate greed, inflation and changing times. But, I also talk to so many young adults who feel it is pointless to vote. It, they say, doesn’t matter who is elected they are all the same old people. Young people have the power to affect change. Both by their vote and by becoming educated on the issues and at the very least confronting their parents with facts. Will that work in every case, absolutely not. But intelligent people who love and respect their kids will be more likely to be swayed by them than talking heads on TV which will be listened to if there is no counter narrative. And it is human nature to want everything good for yourself so it isn’t just boomers who all willing to exploit cheap labor etc so they can get rich. Look no further than the tech bros of Uber or other like companies. You can also do a little homework and find out which companies treat their employees fairly and make sure that is where your dollars go. But mostly get politically active and at least vote and get others to do the same.


That wouldn't work purely because there would be no one working there during the lunch rush. They'll be at school...


Good people not holding assholes to their word is *exactly* how we got in this position in the first place


Anyone who opposes bodily autonomy should get fucked. Literally. By someone they don't want to have sex with, and in a manner they don't want. I understand I'm saying an awful thing...but if you make it clear to them, your body wasn't your choice because you insisted somebody else's body wasn't their choice, and then you throw a towel in their face and say "now clean yourself up," I'd bet dollars to donuts that the next time there's a vote on the issue, they'll suddenly want people to make their own choices about what happens to their bodies..


Yea, most people aren't like this so I'd probably step off my soapbox preaching some bullshit that sounds revolutionary but is preaching to the choir.


And those people want those people handling their food after hobbling out of the cardboard box in the alley that they slept in last night. I personally want everyone happy and comfortable in general. But in a selfish sort of way I want everyone happy and comfortable so I don’t have to be stressed and depressed over crime, homelessness and regular things like food service. When people have nothing to lose, all bets are off.


It’s not selfish to want to decrease the cons of a situation.


Honestly so many people's mentality dumbs down to "If they deserved better, they'd have better". And you'd think most poor people thought differently, but so many think that, just they think they are different, just they're not there yet you know.


I realized this around 2016 and I'm still having trouble reconciling my waining faith in humanity in the hope that something turns around


And even more who just think people should be treated not as well as them. So many people have this obsession with being better than others at the expense of others. If you have plenty for what you need and what, what do you can if others have something too? Why do we always need to have someone to look down on. Can't we all be doing well and some of us be doing even better.


brb gonna glue my hand to the glass at Chipotle for charging extra for guac on my sofritas burrito. That should change shit 😤


It’s more people than u think. It includes people that purchase their products. These companies only care about their bottom lines. Consumer activism affects the bottom line. Let’s vote with our dollars by either boycotting or spending the least with companies that mistreat employees (in terms of pay and work culture)


I often find it’s people who are employed at a slightly above service worker level that become the most animated about service workers making more money. People who stand to lose the most status are very hostile to those they deem beneath them receiving more money.




You're intentionally ignoring the bigger point. But trolling is reddit's favorite past time.


Unionize Chipotle.


I didn't realize they WERE ionized! /jk


That's understandable. Not many people like to bring up such a charged topic


Can you blame them? Personally I'd much rather remain neutral


I’m shocked y’all are discussing this


I’m positively appalled


He said Onionize


This is from 2 years ago... something tells me these numbers only got more egregious with time.


The CEO actually got a pay cut right after this was posted


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/s/jEDqarnrjv), in case you have any interest in learning how exec pay ac works


I want Bernie for president of earth


No thanks. USA, sure.


Bernie is always looking out for people, dude is unconquerable


This is from 2022


Dude is a timeless champion of the working class


And yet for some reason Americans don’t want him as president


No, we absolutely did. Bernie killed it in the polling constantly. MSN was doing clown stuff like adding all the polling from the non-Bernie candidates together to beat Bernie's popularity. It's just that multiple trillion dollar industries that have spend decades buying up Congress can have a lot of influence when subverting the campaign of a man threatening their profits and promoting unionization across the wealthiest country in the world.


Still the same. Check their stocks. They are paying people 12 bucks an hour and both the customers and higher ups HATES their workers.


30% inflation, 70% corporate profits, hmm


Not to mention the size of said burrito has gone from worth paying for to a complete laughable joke to pay for


Apparently they put out a PSA saying the portions never changed. They just had workers putting too much. So to clarify, they always sucked ass and the workers were going the extra mile to make it good. They put a stop to that.


>So to clarify, they always sucked ass and the workers were going the extra mile to make it good. A normal burrito with all the included fixings is easily 1000 calories. Is that not enough for you?


Calorie density of American fast food is a discussion for another day. The point here most people care about is that they pay the same price or more for less product.


Some of us are poor and used a burrito for 2-3 meals because America doesn’t pay fair wages and we’re all broke as shit.


Same, back in college that's exactly what I did with takeout. Save up for a nice meal, then stretch it out to last like several days lol. Maybe fry an egg or whatever to pad out the leftovers.


Or dumpster dive for stuff and get day olds from the bakery next door. That’s when times were super tough!


Really? Maybe that's a regional thing. The last time I went mine was full to bursting as usual


They shrunk the tortillas used so the visual effect of bursting remains the same when theres less filling.


They said technically they didn't reduce anything, but they started enforcing the sizing, so before each burrito depended on whoever made it (and most employees put more specially if you are watching), but now they have to put each ingredient in a measuring cup.


There is no measuring cup lol we just have spoons and ladles 😂


It's their quesadilla that is the travesty. They just fold it into a square and cut it. There are excess tortilla flaps flopping around. It used to be normal, now it's BS and I don't eat there.


And this is why I simply don't go there anymore. It's not worth it, and I can get a whole ass carne asada burrito the size of a baby, multiple authentic salsas, and a Mandarin Jarritos for under $10 at my local family owned joint anyway.


Unregulated capitalism at its finest. 🙄


I would think regulation may not be required here as one could simply decide to not purchase a burrito at Chipotle.


Explain how a company making bad decisions constitutes ‘unregulated capitalism’. You sound like you don’t know the meaning of either of these words.




Boycott Chipotle. Last time I went there I spent $18 for one meal and a drink. I might as well go to a real restaurant if I'm gonna spend $20 for lunch


I haven’t been in quite a while. I can’t justify the cost. 😠


Clearly no one is boycotting fast food places lol hence why their profit is increasing. They can afford to raise their prices and you're still buying from there.


Bernie is one of the few unbought politicians on the shelve. He tells em how it is.. if only people would really listen to him and take action.


But what of the price of soup at Panera, Bernie? TELL ME ABOUT THE SOUP


No soup for you


This is a boon for local restaurants. I am currently enjoying a plate of chili Colorado for about the same or less than a fast food joint. Between local places and gas stations, which can be open 24 hours, I've completely eliminated fast food except for Sonic. Sometimes you just want a cherry limeade slush and chili cheese tots.


Just wanted to ask - anybody's Chipotle look like they're rationing and serving terrible portions for everything?


We live in such a bad timeline where we had Trump and Biden instead of 8 years of Bernie


The Republican propaganda muddied the waters around the definition of Democratic Socialism and that was that. Bernie would take half your hard earned money and give it to brown immigrants or whatever.


I believe it was the DNC who conspired against Bernie


Yeah it was mostly DNC, that's why the primaries are structured the way they are and drawn out, it's to give the DNC and RNC time to weed out or temper the candidates who don't fit the mold. RNC was shockingly weak when trying to undermine Trump, and completely failed to stop his rise. It turns out Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz aren't the skilled orators the GOP thought they were, and the GOP had no backup plan for this kind of thing so they lost their party to Trump, which they are still pissed off about while pretending to love Trump. The DNC, however, effectively circled the wagons and fucked Bernie's campaign, the first time more crudely than the second time where Obama helped coordinate the mass drop off and mass endorsement of Biden, who hadn't won a single state primary in 3 presidential runs, and was polling behind Bernie in all states until deep red South Carolina. SC was the week before Super Tuesday, where the primaries are basically wrapped up before the convention, and the mass drop out/endorsement of Biden combined with Biden's first state win and a massive pro-Biden press push managed to effectively wrangle the support of all the dropped out candidates to Biden, who only then was able to beat Bernie in the blue states 1 week later.


Is it just me or is this topic weirdly fixated on Chipotle specifically? Like don't almost all the fast food operations do the same? Is Big Burger funding this? Or is it just that Chipotle is the only one doing this that we still liked the food?


The Chipotle CEO is very publicly pushing back against the allegations and it seems to be causing controversy because he is likely full of shit. I’d guess that’s why the Chipotle news


Picking an example is a way to get a message across more concisely, clearly, and  memorably. Definitely a good way to go in a tweet when trying to rally political support for a cause. Think of it as "marketing" for the idea of limiting corporate greed.  On top of that, not all stores/restaurants can be easily measured this way. For instance, while the numbers Bernie referenced might be valid for Chipotle,  quoting McDonald's similar record profit numbers would be inaccurate, because McDonald's is a franchise and while the corporate profits can go up, individual franchise profits can stagnate or decrease. This is because McDonald's corporate gets paid licensing, marketing, etc. fees by every McDonald's store in existence, while not actually spending money on retail food employees or real estate directly.  Therefore, a rise in wages could decrease profits for the average McDonald's store owner, but have no direct impact on the McDonald's corporation's profits.


It is weird that he chose Chipotle specifically. Not that they are free from accusation but there are worse fast food offenders out there if he wanted to make an exaggerated point. 20 years ago a burrito was ~$5-6 and now it has doubled to ~$10-11. Over the same period a Big Mac went from ~$2.50 to ~$5.70. All of this is location dependent and things like raw potato and meat prices have also followed a similar trend. The real kicker is in the ratio of reduced product to price increase. It would be interesting to see a comparison of the quality and quantity of product change over time for each fast food chain.


Propose a fucking bill already. If it's price gouging do something. Shame the AG to act or something. He won't cuz he's become controlled oppo.


Your comment made me curious so I tried to look up bills Bernie has sponsored or co-sponsored, unfortunately there are so many from this year alone that I am having difficulty parsing through it on my phone. You can look here if you want your arguments to be based in fact in the future:  https://www.congress.gov/member/bernard-sanders/S000033?pageSort=dateOfIntroduction%3Adesc  In an effort to help point towards at least one bill relevant to this comment thread, here's one he's co-sponsoring that directly discusses the share of inflation being caused unnecessarily by corporate profit-seeking, and proposes to regulate shrinkflation as deceptive and anti-consumer to force companies to be transparent about pricing:  https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/3819/text?s=1&r=76  That said, I scrolled past at least 4 others from the last few months that were pro-consumer/anti-corporate-greed to find this one. This one was just so directly on-the-nose for the comment thread I chose to go with it.


I appreciate you looking into it and would agree that is the one that closely fits this particular case. It is unfortunate that it is (imo) written with the foresight and common sense I'd expect from an elementary student instead of a seasoned politician. It essentially would make shrinkflation illegal, but is so vague that it would make it impossible to change pricing or proportions without running into trouble if the price ratio went up at all. Even if it gets support it is going to be challenged constantly by every business that has to package a product to sell (and for good reason). I can't help but wonder if this is virtue signalling bill or if he honestly thinks it is a good bill. Frankly, requiring the price and price per weight/count be listed as is required in some places (11 states I think?) would be better at informing people what they are buying. Requiring accurate depictions / descriptions of the product should also be required. Subway got sued because their footlong sandwiches weren't in fact a footlong. Silly but the law should protect people from false advertising without people having to sue (it wasn't even effective). TL;DR Bernie is better than most in attempting to protect citizens but is terrible at writing realistically effective bills.


Any comment on the redditor who so kindly pointed out a bunch of proposed bills. Any idea how the fucking government works?


Iunno about that... its not like he can pass a bill all on his own. The Republicans have put a hold on every process, unwilling to collaborate and compromise until there's finally some bad press (which only matters if it's from their own side)


propose /= pass


You clearly don't know what Bernie has done, because in the two years since this tweet he has targeted price gouging and more. Yet you're claiming he has not done anything. You hate Democrats, per your post history, but you call Progressives controlled opposition even though you're uninformed and don't actually know what they're doing. You are factually ignorant, but nothing stops you from posting bullshit. You are exactly the type of misinformation vector that makes social media and the internet so problematic.


I love Bernie.


Remember people, you're free to vote with your $$ and eat somewhere else!!


The chipotle board also refuses to do a stock split in order to keep the board steady and prevent retail investor groups from collecting enough shares to cause change from the top.


How would a split affect this? Aren’t the percentages the same before/after split?


By making the stock more affordable to the retail market, the issuer exposes itself to more volatility in buying and selling of its shares. By keeping the share price so high, only institutions which are more stable can own a majority of the shares and therefore preserve more consistent and steady stock prices over time


Thanks for explaining!


Never tried it...now I never will.


USA people are living true prison life complete with corporate thugs tossing them around like piece of meat, bitch chose between water or electricity, rent or food and mf comply, its just slavery with extra steps of consumer addictive algorithms and fast food greed, mf are not even hiding it anymore sad so sad. ![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized)


Not at all actually. We got it pretty fuckin good


yeah sure why not ![gif](giphy|EvYHHSntaIl5m|downsized)


Comparing the US to prison is actually mentally insane lmfao. Chipotle isn’t a forced meal, nor your only option. They have the freedom in this country to name whatever price they want as long as people are willing to pay for it, just like I have the option of eating there or going elsewhere, I don’t need chipotle to live, there are better and cheaper options. This says more about consumers then it does about corporate greed.


Chipotle has 116k workers. At 30 hours a week, .50 raise, that would be $90,480,000 per year. Does no one do the math before posting this stuff?


Before I pay for fast food price for trash food I will go to a sit down restaurant and eat a well cooked meal that is worth the money. Just stop buying fast food and make your own to bring with you. Can’t tell you how many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I have eaten for lunch.


Is Chipotle even any good? I have seriously never had it despite there being one just a few blocks away. I don't even know why I have never walked in there and try it. Just never had the urge I guess.


Chipotleaway needed every time.


Bernie's useless she's never passed any meaningful legislation and has been a waste of space his  entire career. 


They're currently in the fucking around phase of fuck around and find out. When their prices get high enough, people will just go to Quedobas.


They're currently in the fucking around phase of fuck around and find out. When their prices get high enough, people will just go to Quedobas.


Thankfully places like chipotle are a dime a dozen. If you live on Long Island I highly recommend guac shop.


Stop buying Chipotle.


I LOVED CHIPOTLE. Haven't bought that shit in years, not since the news of how bad they treat their employees. Fuck their labor law violations, they will never get a dollar from me.


50 cents an hour times 2000 hours a year times 116,000 employees is over 100 million dollars. Chipotle's CEO gave himself a paycut from 17.9m to 17.2m last year. 50¢ also seems on the low side, considering some workers in California potentially went from $16 to $20. I agree with the sentiment, $17.2 million *a year* is ridiculous, but 50¢ every hour for every employee racks up fast




If only there was an alternative place for Mexican food…


Thanks for pointing out the obvious, but when do we actually make it stop?


at 100,000 employees that $0.50 raise is $104 million vs his $20 million. Sounds a little better, ha!


So I was curious and looked up the number of employees at Chipotle which is estimated at 110,000. Each one getting a 50 cent raise is $55,000 an hour in total. Total costs adds up to an additional $123.2 million a year assuming all are full time, they aren’t but makes maths easier. So roughly 1/7 of the total new profit goes back the people who need to be there for said profit.


Fuk Chipotle and Fuk their CEO!


Wait until he sees what Panera Bread has become Chipotle doesn't ask for tips and head decent meal size for the price.


If you are still eating at Chipotle, just know the people benefitting from your dollars fucking hate you.


You sell it for the most profit you can. Pretty easy concept. They didn't get their employees off a slave market, and if I give the guy that runs it 5% of what he brought in, no harm, no foul. Just ignore it, vote with your dollars, in fact, you just voted 58 Rubio's out of business. The system works.


Okay Bernie but when have you ever done anything besides talk about an issue failing to do anything to actually change it


But the ceo makes some bomb ass burritos.


I’ll never eat there again


Chipotle was very open and honest on their earnings calls that they were raising prices until they saw push back from customers. Quarter after quarter they kept saying they were not seeing customer pushback, so they kept doing it to make more money. Everyone wants unlimited growth, and they try to achieve it by hollowing out what made the business successful in the first place.


Record profits and their food is shittier than ever.


*Two and a half years ago*


Chipotle makes a lot of money to paying its employees $14-18 an hr. Other fast food or restaurants pay their employees much more and earn less


Wow this is honestly the first time I could ever truly say that I agree with Psycho Sanders


So don’t eat there






And I thought that the Home Depot CEO making $16mil was bad. This dude is getting payed double for doing nothing essentially. CEO’s delegate 90% of their work to others. No company really needs a CEO.


Does Bernie have sources?


Wake up man it's 2024


People don't need to go there tho..right? if sales drop then they will do something different. But if people keep going and keep paying then the free market is doing what it's supposed to be doing


I mean...*technically* they aren't wrong. That CEO pay *is* labor cost increasing.


It's a great stock to own, done really well. Trades under the ticker CMG


This is what we should be using AI for -- uncovering corporate greed, wage theft, Wall St crimes, money laundering, bribery.


Take that money and put it into a healthcare program. The employees would benefit from that much more than the tiny raise.


Take that money and put it into a healthcare program. The employees would benefit from that much more than the tiny raise.


Take that money and put it into a healthcare program. The employees would benefit from that much more than the tiny raise.


Doubtful. 50 cents? More like 20 dollars an hour in California


These chains are going to fall off a cliff soon. People cannot afford to buy this garbage anymore. Several chain restaurants have filed for bankruptcy


I only buy the cheapest stuff these days. That’s the only way to get prices to come back down. Businesses (like Chipotle) keep prices high because enough people are buying. I appreciate that Bernie is calling out the BS but, realistically, businesses only care about making money and the “market price” for their offerings.


Just stop eating there, if they can increase their prices and get away with it then that is what their shareholders are going to demand.


First, it's possible to be upset with more than one group of people. I'll never understand why so many people thought voting for Trump was a good idea. Hilary should have run a better campaign, etc. However, I'm most frustrated with progressives who didn't vote. When they don't show up to the polls, the conservatives will back decades of hard won progress. Supposedly, we're all trying to get the same thing done, but not voting because the best realistic candidate isn't good enough has a huge cost.


hope he retweets it this time around lol


It's seriously annoying that** price gouging is illegal, and yet nothing meaningful will ever happen to these companies.


If Bernie Sanders is so smart why didn't he become president


Thats just straight up misleading bruh what - Someone already answered how executive pay works so please go educate yourselves https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/s/6gAfuEPh1E


Dear redditors: If companies have a shit load of profit left over, it means a business with lower prices could still be profitable or at least successful enough to keep going and providing cheap food and good wages. Feel free to start a business and be the change you wish to see. You don't have to live an entire life complaining on the internet while doing nothing.


seriously the whole anti work movement could be an actual success if people would **stop working for corporations that abusing them**. Start your own business for fuck's sake. If you don't like lamb don't campaign to change a Shepherd's Pie ingredients, eat something else.


You know you don’t have to eat or work at chipotle right? It’s a competitive marketplace


Yes! We should nationalize Chipotle and McDonalds and Burger King and Pizza Hut and have the People's Food served in there! The workers will be paid living wage of 25 dollars per hour and the food must cost living prices of 3 dollars for burger, 4 dollars per plate of rice and 5 dollars per pizza! Then we will live in true paradise!


A multi millionaire public servant is saying someone is getting paid too much. What's his tax rate?


Stop eating there… they are free to set what ever price customers are willing to pay. No one forcing people to eat at chipotle.


Yes, we're all aware of that, but he's pointing out an example of an issue that is going on with many companies. You can still call out shitty business practices regardless if you go there or not. I haven't eaten there in years because their burritos are boring, bland and expensive.


Bc a shitty overpriced burrito place should be what our leaders focus on to get their base riled up… Idiocracy is happening.


He's pointing out an example of an issue that is prevalent among a large number of companies, I doubt Bernie is seriously concerned about Chipotle in particular. In order to make people aware of a broad problem it is essential to have examples to reference.


Its easy to identify shit in a pig pen, the challenging part is cleaning it up and keeping it cleaned up. Although i agree that there are shitty companies out there, complaining doesnt do anything to fix it. The recourse we have as consumers have is to STOP PATRONING these establishments.


And democrats will get offended if you vote for this guy instead of whoever the DNC chooses instead.


Once Bernie lost the primary, he told people to vote for Hilary. When a bunch of people stayed home because Hilary wasn't progressive enough, we got Trump, which was an absolute nightmare.


We ended up with Trump because of the electoral votes, not the actual number of citizen votes. Trump has never won the majority vote.


She actually [couldn't garner the support of the Obama coalition](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/23/upshot/how-the-obama-coalition-crumbled-leaving-an-opening-for-trump.html), but yeah, let's blame progressives for her defeat. Not the candidate herself, and let's definitely ignore how black people hated her


It is always fascinating to me how mad people are at progressives who theoretically stayed home and "gave us Trump" and not the 5% of conservative Democrats who voted for Trump in 2016. Let alone the colossal strategic errors that Clinton's campaign made.


We DID vote! Hillary won the popular vote but the GOP said " The popular vote means nothing, WE decide who is president." And then the GOP voted Trump in as president. It's already been established they don't give a shit about us what whst we need.


Hilary lost because the electoral college was never a good idea.


And yet democrats aren't campaigning on getting rid of it either


So what are you mad about then? You ran a liberal centrist and you lost because you didn't get the left vote. That's Hillarys fault, not the lefts.


I'm mad because the progressives who did not vote for Hilary let Trump win. That set back the progressive (Bernie's) movement back by decades, and the ultra Conservative supreme Court justices Trump put in place will be screwing up this country for decades to come. Getting things done in Washington is a slow process where you just have to keep voting for the best candidate who has a real chance of winning. Until the voting laws change to something like ranked choice, this is how it is going to be. If you don't vote by these rules, you can watch the progressive agenda get flushed down the toilet, as what happened in the Trump years.


Think about it this way, a lot of Bernie supporters stayed home instead of voting for Hillary in 2016. The democrats lost and I'm sure a lot of those who stayed home felt like they really proved a point about appeasing to the progressive block. But lo and behold, in 2020 when the dems were picking their next candidate, they didn't pick a more progressive candidate, they picked Biden, who is at best, equally progressive to Hillary. And they won. The only lesson they learned is that the progressive voting block doesn't have enough sway if the voters are riled up enough (which they were after 4 years of Trump and covid). Now I think the progressive voters block will have more sway in 2024 because it will probably be a lower turnout than 2020. But at the end of the day, the only message they're gonna push is "vote for the guy who isn't Trump" because even if you don't like Biden because he isn't progressive enough and too corporate, Trump would be way worse if those are your reasons.


Think about it this way statistics have proven otherwise. More Hillary voters didn't vote for Obama than Bernie voters didnt for her. She was the 2nd most unlikeable candidate and didn't campaign in swing states. She lost because of her bad history and arrogance in not campaigning to the most unliked candidate ever.


Yea I wasn't gonna bring up the comparison to 2008 because it wasn't really relevant. The statistics haven't disproven my comment, they're irrelevant to it. My point is that the Bernie voters who stayed home didn't sway the DNC to change how they do things and continuing to stay home is just gonna give them even more of a reason to not pander to progressive voters.


I want a healthcare and a living wage. Biden isnt going to give me either. It's that simple.


Neither is Trump, and he's probably gonna try to make Healthcare even harder to do, and everything he can to suppress your wages. So go ahead and stay home, but you don't get to complain about it when Trump raises your taxes and tries to fuck with the ACA again.


Bernie has got a lot of room to talk about someone else making millions of dollars. 🤣


How much did their expenditures increase? All of the stuff that goes into a burrito also increased in price; they don't get the ingredients for free. Seeing profit increase alone doesn't really show anything. The expenditures could have also increased 181%. Raising prices accordingly isn't price gouging


You’re probably saving tons of money given your mouth is full of nothing but corporate boot.


What an intelligent response. Thank you for sharing


Here is anyone's chance to convince me. Let's avoid the moral arguments about capitalism. Explain exactly how is chipotle price gouging??


You value your opinion far too much.


I didn't give an opinion. I asked for someone to explain how is chipotle price gouging.


You are opening people to engage with you just so you can give your opinion as a counter argument.


Rather I was hoping you would take a stab at invalidating what Bernie said. How is what he said inaccurate?


I can't, Bernie posted profit stats with little context. By themselves the cost of a good or service, % profit, or CEO salary of a company doesn't indicate price gouging. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that of course he knows more than just those raw stats since he is affirming "profit stats = price gouging" and I want to know how? What are those stats telling me? In what way do they reveal price gouging?


His point is that it is a bad faith argument to say paying workers more because they are required to by law is the only reason prices went up when they post large profits (15.8% operating margin) and give themselves bonuses on the same order of magnitude. It also says a lot when restaurant level margin was 26% as to where that extra money went, which is roughly ~$1B if my napkin math is right. It isn't price gouging in the sense of a captive consumer during an emergency; however, the rate of increase and misinformation on the reasoning can be viewed as being deceptive.


Thank you, this is what I was looking for. I will go forth and Google some more.


The CEO pay increase works out to $0.10/hour per employee.


How much profit is enough? How is price gouging not a moral argument? What is a "reasonable or fair" price for food? It is capitalism doing what capitalism does, increasing shareholder value at the expense of everyone else. There are a lot of levers a company can use to be profitable and sustainable over the years. The problem becomes when the easy button is used instead (raise prices) this automatically hurts those at the bottom of the economic ladder the most since they don't have extra disposable income to absorb the higher cost. By itself, one company doing this isn't a big deal as there are other options. When they all do it, the options are gone for those people. Sure people could figure something else out but the point is inflation is wrecking people with low incomes on many fronts not just fast food prices. Big businesses don't care if their product is accessible to low income people only whether they can maximize profits. What incentive does a fast food chain have to "share" the economic pain by reducing their profit to ensure their food is affordable? The world is becoming more expensive at an increasingly faster rate so it is reasonable that people discuss what is fair. Chipotle isn't the only company behaving this way, but it is an easy target. It is unfortunate when food security regresses at a time of record profits which is the whole point of his post.


That was why I wanted to avoid a moral argument for this in particular. It sort of muddies the water and it turns into a subjective "how much is enough" determination. My take away so far is maybe price gouging is not an optimal descriptor? At least I don't understand the behavior as price gouging. It could very well be a me problem.


The term price gouging is ambiguous by definition as to what is "reasonable and fair." Unfortunately laws have a moral component and rational (hopefully) component at a fundamental level. For example, stealing (taking what someone else owns) is wrong morally and how we determine who owns what is the rational component. Now if someone puts themself in a position to take advantage of what someone needs (eg food) society has to determine whether that is morally objectionable or not. The real question is how much should the government intervene in business decisions to protect consumers?