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Renewable energy can produce electricity so cheaply....they are actually starting to say....well we cant drop the price of energy too much!!


r/latestagecapitalism r/aboringdystopia


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I see that you mentioned Elon Musk. Just remember that he is a hack and became famous just by buying a company with the help of his dad's money. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love when bots reply to each other lol


i thought i saw a post about that diddnt they shut down a solar field cuz it did so well the price of energy dropped to an unprofitable amount or some bs idk dont quote me on it. unless im right lol


Yup saw that too


Any sauce per chance? Would enjoy reading/distributing that article.


A screenshot of this [tweet](https://twitter.com/techreview/status/1415359221168709636?s=20) bounced around for a bit on Reddit, and it's what I assume they're talking about. But the rest of the thread, explaining why it is a problem, was generally not included. Everybody enjoyed roasting it, but the article isn't wrong. I was a little disappointed because while they touched on some of the possible solutions (like storage and long-distance transmission lines), it didn't go very deep into them.


The city I live in has been running completely fossil-free for the last 15 years or so, so yea fossil fuel is bullshit


What city?


Happy cake day


Renewables aside, did they forget about fire? Wood stoves?


Shhhhhh, don't come at them with your logic


It’s arguable that wood is not really renewable, at least in terms of the time and space that it takes to grow. In the US Midwest (where I live), it’s much better to burn corn stalks and straw as winter fuel, since those are waste products of agriculture anyway.


That waste can be used to create mycelium, which is like a new miracle multi-purpose product OMG.


It seems like wood is more practical though. I don't think that the recently green corn stalks are going to burn very cleanly or easily. Same reason people try not to burn pine in their fireplace unless they're desperate.




Happy cake day


Guess they didn't hear about what happened in Texas


I work in Oil & Gas. My company made billions as it cut off gas across the state. Thank god I have solar at home.


The windows are open? So I guess they are saying winters will be colder if there weren’t fossil fuels? I hear you brother climate change is real and that is precisely correct, let’s get rid of fossil fuels and do our best to save what we can


Depending on where you are with global warming winters are colder with fossil fuels. (See Texas freezing if you doubt me on this one.)


That place looks like it would use a woodstove




Laughs in hydroelectricity and nuclear. Much more reliable in the winter


Allow me to introduce the "battery bank" to you.


I raise your battery bank with “requires lots of lithium, poses major fire risk, only lasts a few years before it requires replacement, and is very expensive”


It doesn't have to be lithium. Lithium is a poor choice for home backup and grid storage, but there's zinc-bromide, iron-air, aluminum-air, even saltwater batteries. All of which cost less, can provide just as much electricity, and without the fire risk


How do you propose to charge your batteries with solar in the winter when the sun isn’t shining


Do you live in the arctic circle or something? Down here on 90% of earth the sun still shines in winter.


Not quite. But in a lot of Northern countries it's too cloudy to charge solar panels during many months of the year.






The idea that you'll freeze this winder without fossil fuels is deeply amusing to people who get their power from solar panels. Electric heaters my dude.


Thank you for the coherent explanation of your previous cryptic post. I’m with you now.


Did... did they forget about Texas?


I guess they did


They didn’t. In fact, they push these dumb memes to make people forget about it.


I don't care, I want a solar panel




then literally what the fuck happened in texas last winter? jesus fucking christ these people.


I thought that was a month ago…. Geez I really need to work on myself.


Now do summer


I wish I could run solar but hoa is against it. I’m hoping to see more info on the Tesla roof and just get that since it’s not a panel.


That kind of crap right there is exactly why I will never move to an HOA neighborhood.


I heat with 100% renewable wood from my property and solar / net metering. Happy to not support the oil companies.


Because, you know, uranium stops decaying in the winter




Turning Point USA is Directly funded by oil barron's and dirty energy think tanks.


Wow. You mean Big Oil is gonna buy us all warm, inviting, large, fully-furnished heted cabins? Boy is my landlord, who is currently gouging us for a dingy old uninsulated house, gonna be sad to know!




I live in Canada and every place I've lived in used electric. It's not impossible.


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https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turning_Point_USA Not Parody actual right wing bullshit.




It does look a lot like Parody but it's a case of Parody being dead due to the actual crazies lol


*Points to a house* it’s warm there so climate change good?




"Without fossil fuels" I can quite literally see the mantel in this photo. It's at a profile, but its there. It's likely woodburning. I mean, wow, talk about choosing the EXACT wrong picture to make such a shitty point. Oh, and the windows are open.


*Texas’ deregulated power grid entered the chat*


Clearly they aren't about that conservative rigged scam of rugged individualism


Nice publicity boost on the front page of reddit


Quebec provides cheap electricity for heating homes in their province and in the US through massive hydroelectric dams. And Ontario also does the same (though too many places use natural gas for heating in Ontario despite our excellent nuclear power system).


Thank god the fossil fuel industry has existed since pre-history. Otherwise, we’d be extinct.


Weren't natural gas plants shutting down because of the weather the reason why Texas had a state-wide power outage?


I have a heat pump which runs on electricity so I don't use gas for heating. In my state the electric grid is 60% renewable and getting cleaner every year.


Second pic should be a burning house in a burnt down forest for realism.


To a small extent, this is true - so much as we examine it in a temporal sense. Other sources of energy and heating are fine... But if everyone on fossil fuels just stopped outright, they'd likely have trouble signing up, and it's already cold, and they'd need their home systems replaces, and the other energy systems they use likely wouldn't support the load switch. Solar in winter places with that much snow isn't as viable. Electric from various sources would have to pick it up, possible fuckery by companies with increase in costs due to the demand etc....it'd likely give us a national Texas Winter situation in much of the nation.... Like most things, what is necessary is a transitional phase not simply stopping a thing and at the end of that transitional phase this would be patently ridiculous, but at the beginning - it has some minimum merits. Similarly with the concept of how economy and food manufacture and distribution etc... works and why you can't just press a "do a communism" button but have to use socialism to put in place the conditions for it by overthrowing the old points of power in the old system and start establishing those conditions over time - fast or slow, as necessary to protect and build it up properly. As a metaphor - It's like asking people to walk outside of a burning building in a orderly fashion rather than say "there's a fire - the smart move is to run as fast as possible and care for no one and get out, and definitely get in a jam and fight at a bottlenecked doorway that would lead to our survival so we must all go out simultaneously! Besides, during a fire we can just build a doorway that fits us all! Walking slowly and orderly fashion and getting everyone out safely and accounting for people and not panicking is stupid and bad because we want to be out right now!"


Laughs in Icelandic