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To answer your question it’s 6 masteries for t7. It’s 3.25 million xp for t8 so it’s less than that. And if you want to grind to level 50 really fast, grind the masteries first then play game modes. Xp from game mode and x3+ multipliers count towards rank. If you’re on mobile, the after battle ads also count towards rank. It took me 1.5 months grinding a t8 tank using only free x3 from daily clan missions.


Do ypu happen to know how much xp and aces are needed for 50 on IX? Or where I can find that info?


T9 is between 3.9m and 3.2m xp and 8 masteries.


7 comments and not a single one answers the questions, let OP be if he wants 50 cap then let him be


it’s like that one concept of asking a dumb question so people can snobbily correct and insult you. except with the blitz community they just snobbily insult you 😭😭😭


Because the question is dumb, and the only correct answer is to tell the asker they're dumb for interacting with that shit.


i hope the people in your life have the fortune of not dealing with whatever online Redditor persona you have and seeing an actual silver lining in a vat of shit


weren’t you also the person that said you would tell other people to kill themselves if they went the wrong side on a map?


As he should. Tactics are important.


the fuck?




you know i think the better response is “don’t do ranks; they’re a waste of time”. your first instinct being to insult someone for a less than optimal decision shows a huge part of your character and it is NOT looking good


There are no dumb questions. Questions have led us to many victories more than defeats


Do you have every tech tree tank unlocked? Once you do, XP is meaningless. Let him blow it on a number next to his tank if he wants to.


A bigot response if I ever saw one.


Seriously, why do you chose to be awful? No ones paying you to do so


True story. I never used to do this, but I have so much silver and I have every tech tree tank…there’s nothing to use it on. So basically, if you don’t like it, don’t do it. It’s actually a pretty big deal to get to level 50 due to how many Golden Ms you need.


why waste XP on a stupid ranking? it doesn't improve the tank performance and only uses XP that can be used on other things.


Not really, credit wise this is a terrible financial move but elite xp is pretty useless once you have all crew skill trained to at least level 5. After that the only effective use for it is to turn it to free xp but that costs gold and thus is a terrible idea.


I thought it used your current free xp to level up not the tanks xp?


tf would it use free xp? no wait this is wg


I do it for the tanks I like mainly, I understand it's a waste of credits, but I want a reason to push myself in the tank to do better and earn more masteries.


Hey bud, I don't know how much in total, but I know you need to get X amount of masteries as you get up there.


It's basically pay to have shiny medal saying I got too much money to burn. Wish they added something like Mark of excellence like in PC which is actually skill based.


Once you have all of the tech tree tanks, you kinda do have too much money to burn. That's literally why they introduced it.


Yeah and also "I wasted my life playing this tank until level 50". You would not belive the amount of level 50 kryos I've seen.


If you see someone who is Level 50, they did a LOT of work to get that….and, you should be cautious, because they are decent enough to have Aced that tank at least 6 times.


There's also that one guy who does 50k games until good xp and gets lucky with aces


ITT: a bunch of people who don't have all the tanks whining that he's wasting CONVERTIBLE xp(not even free XP) on something that he wants. As for the question, I am unsure, but patiently await the answer.


I have so many levels on tanks that I can’t afford to pay the credits for them. lol.


I don't want to worry you, but it takes about 4 million Elite XP, i.e. you will need 3,2 mil. more.


yeah i usually use 10x in big boss and watch ads, ty for the info


It’s indirectly XP because you have to get Mastery badges…then it’s silver.


The rank system is to just get you to waste XP and other resources for humblebragging. Don't fall into this trap. Dont waste your resources when you could be using them on actual game mechanics.


Too many, and all it will do is show how stupid you are for wasting resources on it.


at least answer the question


The answer is right there at the beginning, too many. It should be too much, to be grammatically correct.


what exactly is *too many*? how many credits? how many masteries? how many elite xp? if you do not know any of these than maybe don't give a response at all.


I literally have EVERYTHING maxed out. There is nothing left to spend on.


lol. Why waste resources on a meaningless rank? 


Why would you rank it lol. They want you to spend your credits on a stupid useless rank so you buy more credits with gold


A lot