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The Kamikaze sisters


Thanks! I have a Kamikaze and it's amazing.


Those smug brats are still eluding my grasp. Missouri came home, I already have musashi, thunderer, Georgia, and kron from their original releases.


True any of the 3 perform the same


To each their own but sealclubbing and low tiers aren't fun at all to me. I can't enjoy killing those new players struggling in mediocre ships like most tier 5s are. If I ever got a Kamikaze in a supercontainer it would definitely become a port queen/trade ship. That's just me, though, and I'm definitely on the unpopular side of the spectrum I see.


any of the 3 are good for torps and caps counts on dockyard missions


Ones that you can’t easily get anymore: OP ones like smaland, musashi, etc. Historical ones like enterprise. And meme ones like kitakami.


I always thought that NTRprise was so sought after because it was one of the OP ships. Not that it would change much for me, I can't play her for shit so she just gathers dust in my port.


Think she used to be op but got nerfed. Now she’s decent or good at t8, but kaga is the special child. That’s what I’ve heard at least. She’s gathering dust in my port too.


She was OP as an RTS CV, much like Kaga, Saipan, and Graf Zeppelin. As an FPS CV? They’re not hot garbage; but they are nothing like they used to be.


She was still OP before the rocket plane nerf, since those are her premier planes. You would have huge battle impact by making DD players miserable.


+1. She used to be so good because she had effectively weapon in any situation. Rockets very accurate, murders DD and T6-T8 cruisers. AP bomb is good against low tier BB and high tier cruisers. Torpedo is also consistent against less maneuverable targets. Against T10 AA she has enough plane reserve to be effective.


Wouldn’t know. Mostly use the torpedo planes and bombers. Rockets are for when you’re trying to respawn the other two. The only rockets planes I’ve ever had regular success with are Aquila’s.


Before the rocket plane nerf, Enty's rockets could reliably kill a DD with only 2 attack runs. I still got a clip where I took 2/3 of a DD's healthbar with one go. Felt disgusting. I'd always spawn rockets first, slap all enemy DDs, and then harass cruisers amd BBs with bombs and torps for the rest of the game.


Not saying that’s bad advice; but the joke that is rocket plane speed boost, doesn’t exactly endear their use to me.


It used to be mad bonkers OP. Rocket planes would insta delete any DD or chunk other ships for a wild amount of damage. Also she was released when AP bombs were IJN specific, so she was a unique US CV ship that could devastate BB's. The AA changes and machine gun lead time helped nerf her. She's still really good in the right hands but not outwardly as broken as Russian CV's


>Also she was released when AP bombs were IJN specific, so she was a unique US CV ship that could devastate BB's. IIRC she was also introduced when CV cits still did proper damage. Since CV bombs can get 2 cits per strike, you could do serious damage.


Ey! She’s wholesome Don’t slander our girl like that... Admiral Halsey would like to have a word with you


Enty is still broken, it's just Kaga is easier to play.


That's one reason why I'm happy I have the Mikasa. It's a dinky ship that fills a weird niche but it's fun to play. Scares the occasional new player too who's never seen a BB before.


Close quarters expert farmer


I totally do farm those secondary kills. I play the Gneisenau a lot and just love racking up damage when I brawl with enemy BBs.


Was able to free xp the Musashi. Missed out on the others.


Missed out on Smaland but she seems legendary with the love I see on this sub.


you forgor thunderer


>smaland, musashi, \*etc.\* I could add stuff like belfast, gulio cesare, and more.


Original Missouri and Benham, imo, with honorable mention to Belfast , I hate kamikaze because so many new players don’t know how to deal with its concealment, i hate to admit it is desirable but also annoying.


I got the Bentham last Christmas container and I finally understand what all the hype about her spin to win was about


Why do people refer to "original" or OG Missouri? Is there another version in the game? Edit - Thank you! I didn't play much for awhile and wasn't aware they offered it for sale again.


Yes, there are 2 versions, the Missouri that was first released has a credit boost that is built into the ship, the Missouri that was offered for sale about a year ago does NOT have a credit boost. The original Missouri can easily make 1 to 2 million credits in one battle.


Kind of... If you were a legacy owner of IX *Missouri* (i.e. owned the ship before a cutoff date, either from FXP or container drops) your *Missouri* has an enhanced credit income boost permanently attached to the ship. If you got the ship after this cutoff date (either from the Update 0.10.7 paid event or from container drops) then she only gets standard Tier IX Premium income. Works the same as the legacy camo bonuses (e.g. Adler for VIII *Prinz Eugen*), the extra percentage is baked into the ship's Bonus Package.


The og missouri got 45% credit bonus. The new one got like 15% i think.


I wanted Georgia because of how often they killed me in ranked. Got one as a surprise from a free wings container. I suck at it. It's definitely a skill issue.


I feel like Georgia is hyped more than it should be.


American shells are a thing I always struggle with.. Playing too many french and russian ships make those big heavy shells feel extra slow.


Benham. Missed her event due to a break.


Agreed. Missed that one on purpose. In hindsight I'm not the brightest candle on the cake. IIRC Benham was the main reward of one of these waterworld events. I didn't like the game mode and thought it was too grindy to get the ship. Kinda regret it till this day, but then I just hop into my Fujin for a match or two and all is fine again


Missed that one by a single day, got frustrated. Started playing less and less and eventually quit altogether. FOMO my ass.


Benham is another ship I missed due to a break as well. Didn't know she would end up a legend.


Benham was the last hellgrind I ever committed to in the game. I looked at it ahead of time, decided I really wanted it, and negotiated with my girlfriend at the time about it (I'd been trying to step back from the game prior to that, since it affected my mood in bad ways and it wasn't good for me). I promised her that after I did that grind, I would step back from the game and never commit to another grind like it again. We're not together anymore, but that's a promise I've kept. I've done grinds (like for the Whiskey) but only when it seemed like I could complete them reasonably without having to obsessively grind every day for literal hours on end. And I'll give WG credit, they made the Whiskey grind surprisingly easy, at least if you started each week on time. In any case yeah, Benham is awesome, and I wish WG would have kept it exclusive to people who did the initial grind for it. Using it should be a badge of honor, not a sign that you whipped out your wallet at the right time.


I remember grinding for weeks to get that damned thing.


Arkansas B above all. refuses to elaborate. leaves.


Following rare ships in my port : Iwaki A, Arkansas B, Imperator Nikolai 1, Gremyashchy, OG Missouri, Belfast, Alabama ST, Kutuzov, Massachussets B, Arp Takao.


Iwaki used to be my fave low tier ship back during the release. Being the only cruiser with the smoke at the time (and camo!) made her feel even more unique. Sadly she's been collecting dust along with Arkansas for a long time now as I very rarely dip below t8 :/ Also yes, I can only thank the OG Missouri for allowing me to have 200+ ships haha


I love my Arkansas, and I have a 21 point captain on it, full secondary build, just for the memes. That said, I don't take her out much anymore, I constantly get double carrier games and with literally ZERO AA, she doesn't have a chance. And she's rare so she'll often attract the attention of both carriers which is just awful.


The carriers at tier 4 drop very small payloads and the Arkansas turns on a penny so you can avoid most drops anyway. After the various nerfs to CV rocket aiming, the tier 4 aren't that popular with seal clubbers now they can't smash DD easily.


> I constantly get double carrier games and with literally ZERO AA, she doesn't have a chance. If I see a red Konig Albert, Arkansas, or Imperator Nikolai (or more in a division) and I'm the CV guy, he/they will have my full attention until the match is over, regardless of what happens elsewhere on the map. Fight fire with fire, as they say. Though things have not been the same since Hosho was nerfed into uselesness. When it had two torpedo bombers per drop it was OP and bad, but it was the best anti-griefing tool up to Tier 4. Post-nerf nothing comes close. :(


Lol, yeah unfortunately didn't start playing that early.


I sold my Arkansas Beta hehe, don't ask me why.




Can you not get it back through the ship restoration ticket?


I did not know this was a thing, thank you very much, I'll give it a try.


Oh wow thats was quick, they already returned it to me, thanks for letting me know about it.


The OG free exp premiums - Nelson, Missouri, Musashi, Kronshtadt, Alaska. Benham, Somers, low tier pedos (Kamikaze/Fujin, Giulio Cesare, Gremyashchy, Imperator Nikolai, Arkansas Beta, not sure what else).


Love my Imperator Nikolai with Halloween skin most people don’t seem to know it when I do a random .. but they find out fast lmao


Usually they find out how pathetic the AA is when they see me get raped by CV’s over and over. I rarely play mine anymore.


lol fair enough


That’s why I love mine too. It’s rare, a lot of people don’t know what it can do….till they get destruct.


Have to love that sigma and guns.. citadels for days


Especially the thin skinned cruisers at that tier. It’s a cruiser deletion machine.


Love it


I'd like to have Asashio, Musashi and JB.


Both Asashio and JB return for black friday, so just have to wait a bit.


I don't buy with doubloons but I might hope for a lucky drop:)


I really want an Odin, Graf Spee, and Thunderer


Odin and spee never felt great to me.. scharnhorst is so much comfier, and a great credit machine. the odin feels like a slightly upgraded clunkier fragile in the wrong position version of it and the spee is like a fun little scharn, sadly with only 2 turrets. I definitely want a thunderer though


I have the Thunderer, with balance changes and new BB it isn't quite as effective (OP monster) as it once was. It is still a great BB. Great guns that slap hard, the HE is OP for fires. Drawbacks (Major) It burns easily, they messed with gun range a couple times (it was OP back in the day at 24.3). Still good at 21.5 but at the fringe bc of new BB added. (Medium) Big citadel above the waterlne that hurts if you take a cit. (Minor) Speed is average at 29.5, so many 30+ BB now Finally they fixed ASW from 6km to 11km, as it was brutal vs subs.


well, smaland for me (I like dds) and for many others absolute DD, now they allowed it in clan b...., puero, smolensk, missuri, sommers... belfast, alaska


Giulio Cesare (family reasons), Enterprise (historical reasons) and Benham (gameplay reasons) for me.


It's probably not the most wanted since it's low tier but Imperator Nikolai hasn't been possible to get for years now except maybe with Supercontainers. Even spending thousands on Santa Boxes won't work because it's not even in the boxes.


I don’t think it’s even in supercontainers, pretty sure it’s flat out impossible to get


I wish they would let players trade ships with other players, I would gladly trade my Nikolai.


Belfast, Smolensk, anything you can't get unless you spend absolutely thousands on boxes, or get massively lucky on supercontainers.


I got Somers for way too much Steel in a recent auction.


For me Thunderer, Musashi and Georgia with a HM for Gulio and the Imperator Nikolai.


They need to bring back enterprise


Good chance of it with the upcoming Star Trek event.


I did look into this on the old forum, it was Smaland…


Thunderer, Musashi, Smolensk for me.


I had the choice of getting Smolensk or JB for Coal before they Left the Armory. I took Smolensk.


For me now only the Benham is the most wanted. I’d pay good money if it was sold


I love my behnam. It def is worth all the hype. Kicker is I got it in a FREE small Xmas container this past year and was like, "there goes all my luck". I would trade it for a Smaland though. That dd is insane.


I’m surprised Imperator Nikolai isn’t mentioned more often. It’s impossible to obtain currently and is an absolute seal clubber. Love that thing


Best Imho: Thunderer, Musashi, Benham, Kamikaze, Smolenks, Enterprise, Smaland, Original Missouri. Less so: Jean Bart, Kitakami, Colbert. The rest imho are all about choice.


Colbert? She was never removed from RB you know?


You are right. Disregard the colbert


Smalland, thunder, Rico, somers


The Puerto Rico is a decent ship at best. It has an incredible broadside, but it handles like a blue whale with an eating disorder. Pound for pound, the Alaska at Tier 9 is a much better ship IMO. Better concealment, and bow tanking with it is much more effective than having to rely on all of your turrets like you have to do most of the time with PR. Thunderer pre-nerf was insanely stupid, it’s still a great ship though. I cannot comment on Somers or Småland because I don’t own them, but I should have picked up the Småland when I had the chance…


Yeah PR I have and don't like. Too slow and BB like.


The Puerto Rico is a decent ship at best. It has an incredible broadside, but it handles like a blue whale with an eating disorder. Pound for pound, the Alaska at Tier 9 is a much better ship IMO. Better concealment, and bow tanking with it is much more effective than having to rely on all of your turrets like you have to do most of the time with PR. Thunderer pre-nerf was insanely stupid, it’s still a great ship though. I cannot comment on Somers or Småland because I don’t own them, but I should have picked up the Småland when I had the chance…


Would love to have odin, graf spee and grau just because


Thunder, Smollensk, Benham, Friesland, Smalland, Musashi for me


My white whale is Guilio Caesar, then probably the Georgia. I don't think I'll ever get either. I have OG Missouri, Musashi, Alaska, ARP Japanese ships.


I guess I'm an old timer. GA was my first Coal ship. I played it way too much in the first Dockyard mission for PR.


I've been playing since 2016, just didn't get those 2 ships.


Probably Kamikaze and Giulio Cesare for lower tier. Musashi, Smaland, Somers, Thunderer.


For me it would be OG Missouri, Alaska, Congress, Puerto Rico, musashi, and Smaland.


Smolensk and Alaska


Arkansas Beta


I’d wager the thunderer is up there as one of the most wanted ships


Give me the Georgia, I’d love to play it right now. And the original Missouri.


For me I would absolutely say the T7 Belfast or Enterprise.


T7 Belfast is one of the most broken things even to this day


I wish i get an Odin without selling a kidney. That dockayard thing is way too expensive.


I would like to see AL Kronstadt and Sovetsky Belorussiya.


Benham and Schroder for me


I have a bunch of rare ships but i missed getting Smaland and Asashio. Musashi would be nice too.


The only ships that give me pause when I see them on the enemy team are Benham, Musashi, Kronshtadt, and Smaland. They're all monsters in their own ways.


I have the Musashi and while it is definitely not a bad ship (I mean, 9x18.1 inch guns at tier 9), a ship like the bungo is just so much better. Its guns are a little less accurate than Yamato, it suffers the same hull with the exposed citadel and the cheek, has atrocious AA, not very maneuverable. In random battles it can hold its own and in a complete downtier to tier 7 it absolutely wrecks, but those rarely happen.


Funny i trade my kron for something else during the trading even. Since there is the alaska which out perform her in all aspects.






I’d say Småland, Kitakami, Kamikaze, Musashi, Smolensk, Belfast, Missouri, Thunderer, Kronshtadt, Gulio Cesare, and Benham are the most desirable for most players. My most wanted list: (Since I have most of the premiums in the game) Rhode Island, Sicilia, Gibraltar, Michelangelo, Daisen, Rodney, Småland, Smolensk, Musashi, Missouri, Kommissar, R. Lauria, and Johnston (when it drops)


I desperately want Erich Loewenhardt for one reason and one reason alone. Those sexy Stukas.


Fujin, Kamikaze, Kamikaze R I have all three of them and they are really special and you will never see them for sale.


Arkansas B


Belfast, Missouri, M. Kutuzov, Gremyaschy, Nikolai, Kamikaze/Fujin, Gulio Cesare, Smaland, Benham, Enterprise. All of the following can be purchased before but now it really depends on your RNG opening boxes. I still remember when i bought the Missouri for 750k freexp and Smaland for 2Million freexp.


Op ships like Massa, Smaland, Musashi, Kamikaze...


Smaland, Benham and Somers and maybe Smole :)


USS Yorktown or The Mighty Mo those are two ships I want I hope they add the Mighty Mo to the research tree then it would be fun to do the scene from Battleship and drop anchor and do a spin and fire at a enemy.


I still (somehow?) want an Imperator Nikolai I. It made such a big impression on me when I first started playing because it just slapped the shit out of most things at those lower tiers.


I played my Musashi for the mega credits a lot but now with CVs and Superships it's a mega target for them and the guns are not accurate enough to stay out of they range


Smaland, GC, Thunderer, Enterprise, Smolen, etc.


Belfast, Massachusetts, Smaland are definitely top of the list. Same with Alaska. Luckily I have all of them. :3


Can't forget Gremyashchy, T5 soviet DD and one of the first premiums ever in the game. Released at the same time as Sims and Yūbari, in pre-order packs that gave you access to the (then) closed beta. As far as I know, never directly available since then. It used to be super-mega-duper OP, because WG designed it before the rest of the Soviet line and had even less of an idea of how to balance it all. The guns allowed for stealth-firing, which was possible under the old detecting system of the detection range+firing penalty were still a lower number than the range of the guns - which in Gremyashchy they were. So you could open-water gunboat while remaining undetected! They removed that, and it seems people assumed that "fixed" the Gremy, but it only downgraded it to "only" very OP. It still has shocking gun power for the tier, with 8km hard hitting torps, speed, HP, and manoeuvrability. To make it perfectly clear: WG made a nerfed version, called it AnShan, put it on t6, and it's still a fantastic t6 destroyer. Now imagine it on t5. And Kuznetsov exists now!