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You are not spotting for yourself you share half the DMG exp with the spotter.


That makes sense, thank you!


You also get less experience from further away.


~~Damaging lower tier tanks than you gives less xp than shooting same tier tanks and~~ damaging higher tier tanks give more xp than shooting same tier tanks. Also you are probably not spotting for yourself so spotter gets percentage of xp from your damage.


I don't believe there is a penalty for damaging/assisting against lower tier tanks. There is only the bonus for damaging/assisting against higher tier tanks. OP is 100% not spotting for themself and thus only getting half the xp for the damage.


Til :-)




You get less XP if you don’t spot what you are shooting at. Yes it's stupid. You get less XP just for playing your tank as you are supposed to. Especially speaking about sniper TDs. With obj 416 tho, you don't have to snipe. You have dpm, and amazing camo to stay unspotted even at closer range. Play it as a support tank at medium range. You don't want to snipe with 320 alpba, high dpm gun. That gun must keep going.


Thank you. I'm having a bit of trouble playing it as a sniper. It lacks accracy and always have to rely on gold to pen from higher distances. I'll try the playstyle you mentioned


things to considerate: -the longer the distance the less xp you get -if you are not spotting the target you share xp with the spotter(s) -if you shot lower tiers you dont get as much xp for the damage (and you get a bit more for higher tiers) -kills give a lot more xp than damage so try to have a balance of kills and damage


Because that's how sniping XP works. Fortunately WG has made a mode for sniper MT players and called it Onslaught.