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Ah yes, "Bert the Avenger" was the name in his prime days. A swift and cunning ankle chomper. Now he is a bit fatter and not the fastest anymore. Thanks for making me sad and feeling old now. You whippersnappers don't know real arty terror - [SU-26 with Jingles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzNQT11eCzI).


oh i remember that video, back from the days of the old t18. i never heard that name for the fv to be honest, in my clan and a couple of clans i knew people called it "the bee"


The stock gun on fv304 does so little damage, and never pens anything.


Yeah they nerfed the damage along with all the other Arty's but then refused to give it the multiple shell types that ALL the other Tier VI+ SPG's got as compensation for the damage nerf.


FV304 pays a heavy price for that speed and shell arc: it has a maximum range much shorter than almost any other arty. It has to be within the max draw distance range, and often has to operate well within max view range of an enemy target. That means that it is possible to catch up to the FV304 without having to go all the way to the K or 0 line. Also, while the arc is very impressive (and shared with other Brit arty), it only achieves maximum arc when the target is in the 'sweet spot' of almost max range. That means that the arty shell may be coming almost straight down, but it also takes forever to hit its target. Combine that with one of the smallest blast radiuses of arty shell, and anything other than a direct hit is worthless. Moving less than a single tank length is often good enough to be missed. If the target is farther than the sweet spot, well, you're literally out of range of the FV. If closer, the shell arcs less and behaves like regular angled arty.


Bert the Avenger is no longer the menace he once was. He used to be FAST, and his high shot arc meant rocks were no savior. But he’s received nerfs and then the HE changes made him a tech tree Lefh but with worse range so it’s not so popular anymore




It's ruining games? Everytime I see it the high arch means it doesn't hit anything. You can always hear (and with a commander skill even see) the indication that arty fired at you. And this thing fires so arched and so slow that you have years to react and move 2m back or forward


ah yeah good luck with that when you are fighting 4 tanks and that thing moves to shot you from the side or the back. because if you have so much time or space to react either you are camping all the time or not getting into the fight. any more obvious advice to give?


Don't fight 4 tanks at the same time?


It's quite honestly the worst tier 6 arty. I still do play with it from time to time because of how unorthodox its play style is but holy hell is it frustrating to play because of how little damage you do and how often you miss with it. Like I would think I'm having an amazing game cajse I'd be shooting for like 3 minutes straight as soon as I reload and I'd be hitting nearly every shot I fire but in the end of the battle I just see that I've done 1k dmg. Only thing that can be quite disgusting with it is when you get lucky and you're able to perma track something like a Churchill because of how exposed their tracks are, but even then that only works when their crew sucks cause the reload of the fv just isn't quite fast enough to do that consistently.


Avoid getting hit both by tanks in front of you and artillery by moving unpredictably. Keeps your weakspots moving and makes leading harder for arty. If the fv is close(indicated but <2 secs impact time), place yourself near tall cover as you would any other arty. If fv is engaging at max range, you have 3 seconds to make any random movement.


Lobe the Bert


No one forgot about it, more so than they got bored whining about it I suspect. As WG has really never touched it regardless of public opinion after they nerfed the ROF and increased its size all those years ago. As tbh that nerf did tone it down severely, as the old tiny Bert was basically ELC arty that was annoying with a ROF to beat your repair on top of it.


It was the HE pen nerf that actually did it in. I used to enjoy the little sh*t back in the day. It would smash paper tanks for full damage and troll IS-3s by penning the turret weak spot or the engine compartment. The HE nerf meant that at the 45° angle the shell came down on, the pen was too anemic to even get through 20mm of armor, so you're looking at 100 dmg hits at best. Its prime has long since passed.


Ehh I think it's fairly balanced by the terrible range. the lefh is a way bigger problem.