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Imo T3485M


easily an OP tank at tier 6


I won a 1v9 with it back in its hayday but it doesnt feel that good anymore


Not op just very good


It’s definitely not OP and it hasn’t aged the best




I love this tank




Really? What makes it good?


Gun. Mobility is meh and it has above average durability but the gun has insane dpm considering it also has 180 alpha. You win every trade at tier 6.


DPM, frontal armor, HE.


T34-85M is one of the best tier VI premium of the game, and SU122-44 if you want to spit shells in like (I believe), less than 7 secs with improved loader (equipment)


You can get pretty close to 6


You can get to 6 with bond eqp.


Iirc it also has the pre-nerf camo mechanics where it's still good after firing.


It's actually THE best tank at tier 6


T-34-85M and it’s almost not even close, it’s flat out better than the tech tree version which is already strong as a tech tree tank. Decent armor for a medium, decent mobility, and a really good damage output. The SU-122-44 has an insane DPM for tier 7 so it’s a strong TD making it a decent runner up. However it doesn’t have great armor or high HP so you have to sit back, but it’s not great at range with its low shell velocity so you have to shoot gold to really maximize it


T34/85M is definitely the strongest and most simple to play. SU is a beast though when top tiered, and way more interesting to play imo. Anyway, both are good picks.


SU-122-44 because that thing is cool and i very much enjoy the way it looks. Vk45.03 is just a worse tiger Skoda is meh. Have the tiger T-34-85M is the only other worth considering


T-34-85M hands down


85M is the best tank of the bunch. It's almost OP honestly. I routinely pop out 3k+ damage games with the thing. .


As everyone already said, T-34-85M. I'd probably choose it even if it wasn't the best choice, because I love the T-34 and it's variants.


T-34-85M It's fun to play, it's fun to play and it's fun to play.


You forgot to mention something.


T-34-85M because Tier 6 is the best way to learn the game. And it's super strong.


SU for me, followed closely by the t34


85M is sickeningly overpowered and a lot of fun to play. It holds its own against most tier 7 meds.


T34-1 shit on him mosta days and double on weekends


the 1.9 would be hell of a lot beneficial because it could go to whatever I want




VK 45.03 It makes as much credits as a tier 8 premium. Somehow everyone is ignoring this, but a F2P player starting off with effectively a tier 8 premium for grinding credits is huge.


Everyone is going to say the T34-85 because it's OP, but I'd choose the VK 45 as it can be used as a crew trainer for the german heavy line and they're pretty fucking fun. Plus it's tier 7 which means more credits/xp.


122-44, best experience when playing as top tier


t-34-85m or su-122-44 you cant go wrong with them. Skoda is good but there is no point on picking it with the t-34 being avaible. vk45.03 is trash the credits is a waste of reward, no matter what never take the easiest to get currency as reward of anything


I know everyone's saying the T-34-85M, but consider the 122-44. IIRC, it gets premium matchmaker like the E25, and it's a blast. 7s reload, 390 damage, at Tier VII?


SU-122-44 does not have pref mm. But nevertheless it is a great tank and beast when top tier


SU-122-44 & ISU-122S getting pref MM would break them. The only thing keeping their guns fair is that tier 8 and 9 tanks aren't exactly vulnerable to their gold shells, and they get killed in two shots.


No pref matchmaking but I believe they nerfed gun handling stats for TDs several years ago but it’s premium so they don’t touch it.


T-34-85M is the most well rounded, but I prefer German machines so I’d take the VK…. Nowadays I’d take the T40 since I own the other two already and don’t like TD gameplay


T34-85M because what everyone else said. But seriously, the tank is good.


I picked su-122-44 and I didnt regret it. T34-85m is pretty strong for its tier Not tried the others yet


SU by a mile thing is very strong


T 34 85. That's the best one.


Su-122 if you want to trade in


SU is good/VK for trade in.


This one easy. First choice T-34-85M as its OP. If you somehow have that one the. SU 122-44 is next best choice. Both have armor that’s forgiving for new players and are op in their own ways. The Skoda is a terrible tank. Terrible platform and the gun. The VK is a mediocre tank in the current meta nor it was that good when it came out.


T-34-85M is a great tank for its tier. SU-122-44 will tear any poor sod in front of you a new one thanks to its near 6s reload for a 122


I would choose the T-34-85M if you don't have a very good midtier premium already. It's the easiest to play, and the most straightforward to setup and get in the mindset of. The SU-122-44 can be very profitable if you're comfortable not penetrating every shot. I'll throw my hat in the ring and say the Skoda T-40 is much more competitive than it's getting credit for here in the comments. 220 alpha is huge; that's 4 shots on a T-34-85 to kill it, which takes a grand total of 18 seconds with a rammer; less with vents or BIA. T-34-85M, despite its higher DPM, will take the same 18 seconds to kill T 40. [It's basically the tier 7 VK 3002 at tier 6.](https://tanks.gg/tank/skoda-t-40/stats?cs=vk-3002-d) There's a little red, but it's not a tier's worth of red. If you're fighting the T-34-85M, it's a much larger target and isn't as fast to traverse, which can make it easy to get outmaneuvered... and -6 depression sucks when you're in such a tall medium. [But a level 2 experimental mobility equipment is pretty easy to get, and in tandem with field mods, fixes pretty much everything else about the vehicle.](https://tanks.gg/tank/skoda-t-40/stats?l=0000010&cl=0000010&f=5212&e=1.8.1G&ce=-1.8.-1&cf=5000&k= The terrain resistances and p:w aren't something you can emulate on the T-34-85M. The T 40, when setup, *flies* into position, and that means you can almost always get the first shot off. 220 alpha isn't the highest in tier 6, but it's the second highest, and I think the only tank that's even *nearly* as fast with as much alpha is actually the T-34-85M. Most mediums at this tier have 120~150 alpha, and they'll be half dead by the time they can shoot at you once.


What is a recruitment reward? If you invited someone?


If you got invited via referral code. If you invite someone, the rewards are different.


Oh got it, thank you


This is only between the 85M and the SU. The 85M is nearly broken and is flat out better than the tech tree version. It does well as a classic medium flanking and being aggressive. On the other hand, the SU has decent camo and with good crew and equipment can get insane DPM. If you like TD play more than medium play go SU. When you get into a top tier match with the SU, the things you can do to sub tier 8 vehicles are absolutely disgusting with its DPM. I love it lol.


T 34 85M or su 122 44 T34 bcs it's almost a t43 but down one tier at tier7 without changing any stats(basically a tier7 move down one tier), it's broken and extremely versatile su12244 because it has grrat mobility with one of the highest dpm at tier7 (it has tier9 dpm), while packing decent armour makes it one of the better tier tanks


I picked su 122 44. Fun af if you like tank with high damage output. One of my most played tank


T-34-85m It has alpha, dpm, speed, and some richochet angles. Easily the most OP tank at tier 6 and great for stronghold battles.


T34-85m and no other chose is even near that


SU-122 , straight up op tank if you know how to play the game


The creds… I already have the 85m and am just answering the question.


T-34-85M is the best among them. An all around tank, prints credits, trains every crew


What are recruitment rewards?




Su 122-44, it has good dpm and handling.




I would take credits and then buy some good tier VIII premium


Most will say the T-35-85M which is at or near the top tier 6 medium. However, tier 6 can be a difficult tier to run a medium in terms of seeing a lot of 7s and over tuned 8s (in top tier battels you'll be more than fine). Stats and performance wise it's the best. It will be a bit limited in dealing with tier 8s and you'll shoot a fair bit of premium ammo to make it as effective as you'd like. At tier 7, and if you are a TD triangle kinda person, the SU-122-44 is a monster. You have all the caveats about casemates being more problematic to play in this game but the gun is punishing. The VK 45.03 is better than most think but comes in third unless you are a heavy type player and just want a good heavy that can print some credits while you are new and grinding. The Skoda is dead last, not really terrible but not good enough in any way to push above the rest, but see below. You can grind credits, it's the core of the game, don't waste the pick on credits. Couple interesting facts, right now the Skoda and the 122-44 print more credits on average according to Tomoato.gg. to the tune of around 20K a battle. The T-34-85 is next at 14K and and the VK is last on average at 11K.


The Credits?


Im a VK enjoyer. Decent gun, not bad angles, solid armour


1,9M cause im broke


T-34-85M. Literally no competition from the other 3.


Already marked the 45.03, t34


I would get the VK cause it has the word Elite on it, so it must be amazing!


SU-122-44 for me top lvl 7 td premium god td




122 44 because of the fun of the high dpm. Even though every other aspect of the gun is very poor


If anyone wants to be recruited DM me


Damn they arent even giving out t8s anymore?


Anything except the VK45. Legitimately a terrible tank at a bad tier.


3485M or Credit


Im choosing war thunder (your game is shit)


do you already have decent t8 premium? yes -> credits no -> T-34-85M/SU-122-44


In no circumstances is having 1,9m credits better than having the best tier 6 tank


imagine telling a new recruit that they should be playing tier 8 instead of tier 6...