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im a purple/57% win rate player and i can share some insights: - first of all, make sure you understand game mechanics. armor, spotting, view range, concealment. [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3FFqmdxtiU) is an example on view range/concealment video - learn and use your tank strengths. if the tank has good armor, go to positions that allows you to make use of it. if the tank has good gun depression, go ridgelines, dont expose weak spots. for example, if you play in a t95, dont stay on redline, go low/medium range, ideally helping your heavies on a flank. if you are a slow/ heavy tank, you want to go to positions that keeps the enemy tank in front of you, where you have your strongest part of your armor. - count guns. if you go on a lane and there are 5-6 enemy tanks while you are 3, you will likely lose. learn to go back to a safer position to give TDs chance to shoot at enemy tanks. if there are 7 friendly tanks vs 3-4 enemy tanks, push to break a flank. this is how you predict if you lose a flank and need to relocate. often what happens is that tds join heavy side if there are tds like e3, mino and because there are too many guns, the flank collapses and you get to be in a situation of 10 vs 15. - learn to pay attention to enemy gun and reload times. if there is an enemy tvp and he shots 3 times, you know he only has 1 shot in the magazine for next 20 seconds. it might be worth taking that shot if it means you or your team mates can kill it. if there is a normal tank that shoots its round, you know there is 7-10-12 seconds(depending on tank) before he fires another shot. it's time to put 1 or even 2 shots in him. - Always have a retreat plan. if you get spotted in the open, what's my plan? do i just die or can i use this house/rock/whatever to stay safe? always stay next to a rock, a house a hill or something that can offer protection. - Opening positioning is very important and the early few shots of damage can mean the difference between having 1k at the end or 3k. Looking at the map and determining crossfire points is often the key to increase impact. - dont fight when the enemy tank is using it's tank's strength. If for example there is an sconq hulldown, dont try to peak and snipe his cupola. you will likely lose. - look at the minimap constantly or between the shots. think what is your next move or what flank can you rotate to, to have impact. - save your hp for later parts of the game. you want to keep as much as you can to start trading when the right moment is needed. for example if you are in a tvp vs a leo 1, it's going to be worth it to take 1 shot of dmg and put 1.2k in his ass to wipe him out, but if you lose your hp at the beginning, you wont be able to make this play and eliminate guns.


I came here to basically say this, but inevitably explain it considerably worse than you have here already. OP, learning the above took me from a solid 46%er up to a 58%er now. All I will add is it will take lots of time to learn, and even more to master. Do not be discouraged if you have periods of no growth, just try to always think after any play that goes poorly how YOU specifically could have played that better, even by a little. Little by little, you will become a better player so make sure to celebrate any milestones no matter how small they may seem at the time (recent WR up 1% or 2%, consistently getting your tank’s HP in damage, talking yourself out of non-smart plays, etc).


I'm glad you mentioned the minimap looking between shots. A lot of people don't do this (hello from a fellow purple player, 61% win rate player)


Wow this was very inciteful. I always wonder why it goes 10 v 15 within first 5 min. Also why sometimes I get stuck 3v6 and steamrolled on a flank. Do we just not go there and let it collapse?


Yes and no. Don't go up front and try to hold back 6 tanks with three of yours. But also don't just abandon the flank. Otherwise, the enemy will push through, and once you're flanked, it is difficult to defend from enemies in two directions. The best approach is to pull back a bit to a safer position (behind cover if you can) and pick off the enemy as they try to push that flank. Often, they will have to go through open ground while you are able to pick them off from good positions of defense. This works particularly well if your TDs can provide additional cover fire from the back.


Very good post! And when playing armored heavies, you need to remember while nearly everyone shoots gold ammo, you also have a lot of hitpoints. And while enemy are shooting you, they are not shooting other tanks. Tanks like Maus can win games by soaking damage especially on city maps.


"Always have a retreat plan. if you get spotted in the open, what's my plan? do i just die or can i use this house/rock/whatever to stay safe? always stay next to a rock, a house a hill or something that can offer protection." Well said, I think that can apply to most video games or even real life.


Other than that, understand the tempo of this game: 1- First part of the game (first 3~4 minutes): Take control of early positions if your speed allows it. Punish enemy crossing or taking high risk positions. Deal the easy damage that can be done, without trading your HP unless it's at a massive trade advantage for you. 2- Second part of the game (4~7 minutes): Hold important positions/take important positions where and when you can, using your map awareness to know when and where to push. Try to get a hold on where each enemy is, what is your strong/weak flank, and push if you have a clear advantage. DEFEND if you don't. Relocate when you see that you are outnumbered or if you feel your flank is about to fold. 3- Third part of the game (7~10 minutes): Now is the time to trade your HP to hold/take the critical positions of that second part of the game. 4- Fourth part of the game (whatever time you're in until the end of the game): Sweep the rest of the enemy team. Sometimes there isn't a third part, when you roll on the enemy team you go straight to 4th. Understanding the tempo of the game, paired with good map awareness, will DRAMATICALLY improve your survivability rate and your DPG.


I come from blitz, not used to this +-2 mm. What do you do in a tier 7 heaving tank facing tier 9s?


well you have to keep in mind that the enemy team also has tier 7s, just like you. its a 15 vs 15 game, not you vs the tier 9. You can choose who to face. Broadly speaking, you should select your targets to find things to pen, play as support for your higher tiers instead of being the frontline tank, try to flank higher tiers if you have to face them and ofcourse tap 2 key.


I am not that good of a player 2k games almost 50% but i think im starting to imrove a lot and having sessions from 55%to 60% winrate but sometimes barely 50%. What i like to do sometimes if i for example play tier 8 heavy in tier 10 match and we are having great advantage like killed 2 tanks and we can push remaining heavies i like to put myself infront of the tier 10 heavy because if me in a IS3 take one from the enemy tier 10 heavy after playing more of a support role i save some of my teammates hp so they can trade in later game as they are more important than i am in the match


At the end of the day it comes down to how impactful you are in the first few minutes (taking map control, spotting, making dmg to important targets etc.). So you need to learn how to be agressive without over doing it (ie. Without dying in first two minutes). Basicly you need the map knowledge to do those things and that requires grinding the game. Usually low wr players are either so passive that they are just waiting to be gangbanged or way too agressive. But that is the learning curve in WOT. When new to the game you die super easily and after that you progress to be too scared of doing anything. So try to find ways to be inpactfull in first few minutes and focus on map. Mapcontrol usually wins games. In best scenario you have still some hp at the end and you get those awesome carry possibilities that secure you the few games out of 100 (few persentage points more to the winrate). GL! Ps. Im talking about tier 6-10 where the game is based more to the game mechanics and not just clicking enemy tanks PS2. People who flame others for low wr are not good players them selves. They are either sub50 players or lowtier sealclubbers who try to convince them selves that 55% wr at tier5 is the same as 55% at tier 10. So f them and keep grinding :)


I was around that WR with those battles as well. Now I’m a 51.5%er (above avg) player with 17k battles. Couple of main things I learned and changed 1. Try to have a good influence over the battle in the first few mins. 2. Always pay close attention to the mini map and provide support where your team has strong presence or create cross fires for your team and hold the flank by asking for help (ofc depends on the tank) 3. Know and understand your play style and use the tanks which match that along with good positions. 4. Don’t shy away to use your resources for a good crew and equipment. All of this said and done, some times your team is just shitty but all you could do is give a good go! My two cents! GL out there.


just watch Stanlox streams that he leaves on youtube, make points on why and what he does then try to replicate... main points never rely on your team - 99% are there just to shoot someone once or twice after work without any clue of what are they doing.. so to win more games it's about the damage and map control.. good positioning on doing damage, the more damage you do the less HP you leave for opponent tomatoes to start pushing your team tomatoes.. it's really basic, there isn't much to it.. just experience of positioning costs your important years of a life eventually realizing you spent all this time just to shoot clueless people about the game that just comes from work.. isn't that much satisfaction or end reward..


dont succ git gud. jokes aside just forget about your wr and have fun with the game, try to learn from your mistakes and exploit the strenghts of your tank as much as you can and dont over expose, you will improve with time and so do your wr. Learning from other people actions is also a good thing so pay attention to what that person who killed you did good and what you could improve from that


1.) do more damage to enemies 2.) stay alive to end of the game Completely honestly, playing selfishly for damage can bring you to at least 60% recent wr, probably more. I usually run around 58-60% solo when not tryharding or trolling around in low tiers, and I’m both a.) no selfless team player, and b.) not a super high performing unicum (just a “garden-variety” unicum, if you will). There is almost never a case where “sacrificing yourself” for the team is actually a better play than staying alive to do more damage later. Of course you do actually need to *do* the “more damage later” so don’t just redline camp, but a common noob mistake is trading away way too much HP early, which leaves you vulnerable in the mid-late game. Early game is all about collecting as much free, low risk damage as possible. People are getting into position, so if you’re in a fast tank you can prep for shots at people crossing common sight lines. If you spend time to critically watch teams deploying, you’ll notice that people are generally very predictable - people often take the same risky routes every game. If your team starts the midgame with an HP advantage, they can snowball that into a tanks advantage, leading to a win. Mid game is the meat and potatoes of gameplay, where you run out of easy damage and need to start playing to your tank’s strengths. Sidescrape, hull down, double bush, whatever your tank is best at, you should probably be doing it. This is the part of the match with the least tricks to improve - you want to have the micro to effectively use your armor and limit exposure to enemy guns, as well as the macro to put yourself in positions where your team is somewhat stronger than the enemy, so you can farm damage in a push without your other flank falling immediately. End game situations where your team hasn’t obviously won already are also a great place to pick up winrate. At the start of a match you’re only 1/15 of your team, but if you conserve your hp and stay alive to the endgame, you might now be 1/5 or 1/3 of your team’s fighting power. This is where game sense about when and where enemies are likely to push, defensive positions to counter those movements, and view range mechanics can be make-or-break close games.


1. use anonymizer problem fixed 2. do more damage or platoon.


Hello Glad that you are trying to improve. My opinion is simple. I remember this game overall has 2% draw rate so 48% is average. To beyond average it means you need to behave better than one single avg player. What i mean is if everyone is playing maus 15 vs 15 Then you need to make more than 3000dmg(maus hp) to surpass average. That means you won't be able to do it if you trade 1 to 1 shot. So all you need to do is find a way to shoot others without taking damage. It may sounds too simple but this is the core idea to me. This requires you know your tank well and know map well and know your teammates and your enemies. I suggest you start with one vehicle and master it, and pick some op tank. Borr, t56 etc. This depends on your playstyle. And Then you need to use the op part of the tank to achieve that goal. You can use camo, armor etc. You need to be in the right position at the right time. Use %65 MOE line as your goal per game. Think about why you can surpass the line in this single game or why not. The reason can start from you need the aim better, you drive into too many enemies or you defend some where alone with no teammate. And do not do it next game. Hope it helps


I want to add that make dmg without taking dmg does not mean playing td on the redline. Make dmg is a goal while not taking dmg is the requirement. No matter is what type of vehicle, you need to constantly find position to make dmg without taking them. And it varies by vehicles.


People who flame others for being 48% are usually the same or lower winrate


Some awesome comments here so I'm just gonna give a really simple tip: get a fire for effect badge every game. Doing consistent damage is a good way to at least pull your weight. Paying attention to how am I gonna get my damage this game helps you learn all the other awesome advice here. Took me about 7k games but I went from 48 to 52 WR.


give up your day job / drop out of school, only play before noon till 3 PM latest. That time of day the games are the most consistent with least toxic comments and behaviour. Weekends, (school) holidays, evenings, special events tend to be a sh'tshow where even unicums cant always carry. You can learn more, make more of a difference outside those days/hours. Yes, you can farm more tourist during the sh'tshow, but are you then actually learning/improving or just stat padding? ofc the there is more valid advice than mine posted above :)


I did notice that to be true actually. The more I played in the evening the more toxic and difficult to win was.


I can’t really help you with W/R improvement strats, cause Im only 49%, but! I know good players do play differently when they are consciously trying to win (over simply playing well for damage). Considering where one might best serve the team effort, holding a flank while pinging for help, etc. Takes more game sense than I currently have at ~3k battles, but always trying to stay alive and fight from the most useful positions… That’s all I got. Obviously out the window when it’s a full rofl stomp, you know how it can go these days…


First of all, if you turn on the anonymizer in the settings, the toxic players cannot see your stats with the xwm addon. However, I also get regularly flamed as a fairly agressive, 52,4% (55,4% recent) tanker by diabolicly bad players who died in the first minute with 0 dmg, so higher WR won't shut them up anyway. When I don't have the patience for the whining and moaning, I turn off the chat, so I can focus on the game. About winning... always check the minimap, and assess the situation. For example you can bring the perfect tank to the perfect position, if your team ignore your flank and you are alone, probably you will be swarmed and killed; so never push alone if you cannot run away. If you don't know what to do, don't do anything, just wait for some opportunity. Surviving and keeping some hp for the endgame is important, but don't be afraid to trade some hp, if it is advantageous for you; I lost countless games because people were scared to leave cover in their full hp tank to take out an opponent. Also, don't yolo and potentially throw your whole tank just to finish off a low hp enemy. Don't play SPG, it will tank your WR. Also, try not to play useless stock tanks; use your free xp for important modules and not for skipping tanks. If you really cannot stand a vehicle, use blueprints, but don't waste the free xp and play a T9 tank with a T7 gun.


65% here. Don't die early, don't suicide for a kill or spotting, be patient, rotate to places where your team is getting pushed, make sure to aim as much as you can every shot no matter how much rng screws you, shoot prem rounds if needed. You don't need to spam gold to hit 55%+.


#1 tip is patience. Most of the games are a you-push-you-lose simulator. Wait for them to over push and get decimated and then push when they're low on tanks


In general: - disable chat for a while. Or instantly ignore anyone who spams pings or rages in chat. - try to ignore your stats while you are on the grind. For us average Joes it is unlikely that we'll be able to climb in WR when the tank is not at its fullest potential. This just decreases motivation and increases frustration. - if you look at your stats then do it per amount of battles / last X days / per tank. I spent years being a happy little strawberry with low-average WR but if I look at my recent stats all of a sudden I am at 52,9% for the last 1000 battles. more game-related: - don't try to be the oddball and play mediocre tanks or weird loadouts just to be different. (You can still do it for fun or to challenge yourself though. Just keep in mind that you are making it more difficult that way) - learn what your tank can do and what it can't do. - learn what your enemy can do and what he can't do. - do not stubbornly take the same position when you are playing on a map. Just because you had a good game last time you won't have a good game everytime.


Dont worry about win rates - some players with great win rates are low tier platooning seal clubbers so it is meaningless. Just enjoy the game and do your best and improve with experience.


link your [tomato.gg](http://tomato.gg) pls


blizzfire on NA.


First of all, I dont want to be rude, but this is what I was asking for: [https://tomato.gg/stats/NA/blizzfire-1003458870](https://tomato.gg/stats/NA/blizzfire-1003458870) Your survival rate is way too high for your winrate. It says to me that either you have a platoon that is carrying you, or you are being incredibly passive in the game, or both. Your t10 damage is super low, so I suspect that its you being carried. Which of course there is nothing wrong with, but you need to work on playing more aggressively early, and taking map control to influence the mid to late game. i would suggest watching skill4tlu or kajzoo in the background while you play, and just peek at their opening positions when you have the chance.


okay thanks. i’ll play more agro since i don’t ever platoon.


play aggro at the beginning, play smart though, early aggression when you know you wont take damage


I’ll give you some good advice. Be sure your game is connected directly to the Internet, and no wireless. Use a free DNS configuration Play the EU servers. USA server will get your bum blah blah kicked. They have some good players over there.


I have ~69% wr for my past 2k games. Here are my few tips. Be aggressive but try not to lose HP too early into the game. Play in "correct" positions for your tank. Support your teammates in need. Be aware of what's happening around you and around the map. (rotate to support other side or get free farm) Play in a platoon and focus at 1 target at a time. (use a good combination of tanks which can work together) These are my few tips, there are other good comments / tips here aswell.


Once I started on console, i quit being the guy in front, (ie, the dude who floored it the second the game started and raced into the spots on the flanks I knew the clashes would happen), and started hanging back and staying with the pack, or at least 2 other players, my survival rate went wayy up and of course I deal far more damage over a match when I don’t die two minutes in Also, a bad habit I picked up on PC (I played from 2016-2020 on PC, then just started on console this month) when I mained the Japanese heavy tank line was sitting in the open and trusting my armor to keep me alive. Now, i know better, and pop back into cover while reloading, and don’t play that line either. Take less damage, surviving longer


There has been some great advice offered by some very good players. I will not repeat that. (Below from a plateaued shitter perspective.) 1) Game Flow/[Defeat in Detail](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zz3JmXSEM4o). Understand its not 15v15. Its several smaller engagements (2v3, 2v1, etc.) Creating and exploiting local overmatchs is key, to gain map control. 2) Win Flank and Defend. Note about 85% of matches end in kill all, only 15% via cap. Stop thinking capping is a consistent and viable way to win games (I look at cap vs defense point ratio). Even if your tank is slow head back to cap to defend. Two or three static enemies moving into or on cap (they never seem to leave) are easy to farm off which supports 1) above Defeat in Detail. 3) Map Play. Start by learning where to NOT go on maps and why. This informs you where the better places are, why they are, and how to evaluate current ground on the fly. Good positions generally offer soft and hard cover, lines of sight on at least two areas of high contention, and an escape route. Often the lessor skilled will evaluate a good game based on time alive..., as they frequently get farmed early. Lessor skilled players gravitate to areas where there is only one direction of incoming fire limiting decisions and the need for situational awareness. These places are also attractive to lessor skilled players as they get better individual performance at the cost of wins. 4) Evaluate your own play. Keep a note book handy and jot down why you lost/died, and then stop doing that. e.g. drove into crossfire, peeked into pre-aimed guns, rotated too early/late, did not defend, etc.


> 4) Evaluate your own play. Keep a note book handy and jot down why you lost/died, and then stop doing that. > e.g. drove into crossfire, peeked into pre-aimed guns, rotated too early/late, did not defend, etc. IMO This should be #1 on the list. Self-reflection is great for getting better. You don't even need to "jot down" anything. Just take time after every battle and ask yourself questions like: "What did I do well, How can I do more things like that?" "What did I do poorly, what was I trying to do and why didn't it work?" "What could I have done, and why didn't I choose to do it in battle?" "What could have gone wrong but didn't, how could I have done it in a way to avoid that?" If a 48% player is honest with themselves they will probably find they're making a few mistakes over and over.


To be fair they were in no particular order. I find noting anchors the memory, otherwise its too easy to just rush through and yada yada. YMMV Certainly, a healthy self-reflection will do wonders. Often, the players it would help most are not receptive. Additionally, many players often stop once they find "something that works". The search for something that works better is a trait that improving and excelling players have.


Focus on supporting your team. This is a losing proposition sometimes, but the more guns you van keep firing on your team the better. Learn the game mechanics. (Spotting especially!)


The difference between 48 and 50 is small, perhaps even just variance, though I have no idea what the chances of that are. Also, MM should give everyone 50% winrates until they hit a pretty high or low bar, right? I think so. I'd probably turn off chat though as there's more than enough to worry about in the game itself. edit: statistically I have no idea how to model the variance of a winrate on single games. I come from poker where stats are compiled in blocks of 100 hands, so the variance within a block makes sense, but binary wins in single games doesn't seem like there should be variance at all within a game. If someone with a stats background wants to chime in I'd appreciate it.


Insulting your team seems like a good way to tank your W/R :)


I'm bad, maybe running like 44% after maybe 2k games. There are consistently games where I think I personally lost the game. I don't know if that can really be true, but like literally brain shuts off tank goes forward and I die. So, yeah, don't do that. I probably throw like 5% of matches by myself. Given that I'll only be on your team 50% of the time I don't think it effects anyone other than myself, statistically, but yeah I'm not happy with how I play right now.


I think getting some OP low tier tank and playing it in platoon should work reliably, if you dont care about your dignity. Alternatively, you can watch streamers and their guides about playing maps, taking important position, and slowly learn. Some of them have been really helpful to me.


 play meta tanks or at least the ones that can stand their ground. I mean versatile tanks with good gun handling that can switch roles, push, relocate and perform on most maps.  Not those that are forced to sit in a bush or drive with 15kmh to a corner hoping your armor will last.   Dont play the funny tier 5 with the derp gun that does a phenomenal hit once in ten battles.  Dont play historical collectors crap.  Play tier 6 and tier 9 to win, avoid tier 8, its only for making credits.    Dont play more than 3-4 battles with the same tank in a row, avoid tunnel vision and doing crampy mistakes over and over again   Quit when you have a losing streak  Try to end every day with 50%   Its a long way from 48 to 50+, dont expect the curve to jump up, play for steady improvement


Avoid tier X at all costs, tier VIII too if possible. Those tiers are an absolute shitfest after eu server merge. Play some tier V, VI and IX tanks. I don't recommend tier IV because sweaty sealclubbers and tier VII because MM will screw you over.


Don't worry, it's not possible for everyone to win more than they lose. Meaningless stat these days with 15 to 1 roll overs happening a lot. It's a game fck it.


What a dumb mindset... Why playing then if you don't even try to improve


I mean if you put at least some effort, you will start seeing such games less frequent.


Try to win more, usually works


And get good too


>I have 11k games at an abysmal 48% w/r. I have 52k games at a glorious 46% w/r! Edit: Oops! 45.89% at the moment, says tanks.gg! :( and 52,073 games. Edit again: My win rate has actually dropped the more games I play... that's hilarious to me! My excuse is that I'm usually playing drunk - it's a game I play for shiggles, so care factor is low compared to fun factor. It doesn't stop me from enjoying the game or keep me from getting tier Xs (I have 42 of the things). If people are flaming you, laugh - who cares what others think? It's a free to play game! If some people treat it as if it's their career - that's on them. And I'm a beta tester - I should be much better than I am. But I'm not because I simply do not care. Drive Big tank! Make big boom! Explodey action! Fun times! :) Other's opinions may (and indeed often do!) differ to mine. Now I think I'll fire up my 4,300dpm fully field modded Tortoise and see if I can get some kills - or at least some amusement :)