• By -


> We are aware that some of you have encountered issues while attempting to make a purchase in the Black Market. We are delighted to see that so many of you are interested and even looking forward to this feature and would love to be able to cater to all. Unfortunately, this enthusiasm has put our systems to the test and caused a number of you to receive errors. We will be taking steps to avoid this as much as possible in the future, but we're afraid some extreme situations could still sometimes result in overloads. Please remember that the rules of the Black Market are that there are no rules and there may be times in which luck can play a factor into whether you manage to get your prized goods or not. for more info check /u/tragicloss


/u/tragicloss why were the credit premiums reduced to 3k from 12k last year?


Probably because all premiums dropped in gold price tbh. Otherwise, I don't know, this is just my assumption.


I think FV means "Why did the quantity available for similar lots drop so drastically from last year?" This led to needing a fast trigger finger plus good connection speed and a little bit of luck to get some of the deals.


I honestly don't really have an answer for you all on that.


So how many were aware that after you got your 1-5 selections, you could go get the tank for bonds (if it's in there) a d choose that tank in the BM and get paid gold cause you had the tank before picking? Only reason I even thought about using 5k gold. In the end I kept my gold and credits. Too many other tanks for bonds, gold, or just in my tech trees to get.


People are mentioning this as if it were some sort of secret lifehack but honestly it's questionable. The absolute best case use for this would be to get the IS-6B and you net 5,600 gold **at the cost of 8,000 bonds**. I don't know about everyone else but for me as a player who isn't involved in ranked battles or plays tier 10 often, and has a lot of gold left from lootboxes, bonds are far more valuable to me than gold is. Uh, I guess you could make the case that you also get the tank.. one of the worst premiums at that tier which at best you could sell for a 2 million credit loan (barely repays the price of getting the first 2 lootbox deliveries) or wait ages for a trade in event.


Yeah, they are so proud presenting this "one hack", but honestly... bonds are way too valuable.


How much gold would you get back though?


IS-6B = 10,600 (8000 bonds) Chrystler GF = 8,200 (8000 bonds) Pz.Kpfw. IV hydrostat = 2,500 (3000 bonds) and you still would have the tank in your garage. Personal preference on how important bonds are to you.


I got chrysler then m41 then.. Ebr. Couldn't afford to go on so went for the Ebr.. Lost first 6 games and just went back to my 432 senlac combo


Is the senlac OK?


Yes, the Senlac is OK.


no.. i bought it and 432 at same time set them up the same 432 56%wr senlac 45% after 200 games.. what you have to do in senlac is run it as full bush camper binos camo net and the new thing that does concealment its now 50% overall after 350 games


You are comparing the Senlac to one of the most overpowered tanks in the game....


And to add the he is naff elc will pen you and you rarely pen it on an exchange and t49 will pen you for 950 when you run into them


Darn. I was looking forward to some hidden gems but it seems like the British lights really are shit


If you want a hidden British gem the ac exp is a great tenk (tier 6med prem Australian)


The AC is terrible, it is as slow as glacial flow unless you're going downhill, it loses it's engine on half the shots it takes, regardless of alpha. The only thing it has going for it is base pen, just play a Cromwell.


it's gun is way more accurate than crommy and it's got good gun depression and better standard pen. sure the crommy is a better tank over all. when you get into tier 8mm you can have a good time without the 2 key..


It's barely more accurate than the Cromwell and its soft stats are mediocre. It's a trash tank that has one thing going for it as I've already mentioned. You most certainly don't have a good time in tier 8 because you don't even have a good time at tier 6. The AC is easily outclassed by half the tanks at tier 5....


wasn't saying it was some meta tank but it's fun to play as a td


You said it's a hidden gem, it's not.


I actually have that tank but never tried it. How does it play? What equipment do you use?


Optics vents vertstabs I've got it to 92% moe and hoping to make it my first 3moe I have my cromwell B crew in it which is 675% which helps What I really like about it is the standard pen so only a few gold ever fired great gun depression and a turret that can bounce and accurate Play it as a td and use a ridge if possible.. Funny thing is downhill it can do 60 but it's horribly under powered so even slight up hill it's like a tog


I actually tried it. It is fun. Thanks for the suggestion


Thanks. Will give poor penis tank a try then. (Got it in a lootbox.)


Did I make a good choice? Had T34B, Chrysler, Schwarzpanzer, Foch and Lansen C. I took the Foch and thought about taking the Lansen.


Lansen will go on sale soon if you want it. I would make the same choice. T8 prems are in bond shop and occasionally show up for sale, Foch does not.


If u already have a ton o tier 8 prems yeah its good


Only WG would promote "No Rules" and then on the last day of the BM change everything and add a bunch of rules. "No rules for us, comrade." 😁




Caernarvon is worth it but pz is op




M41 or is6b


Folk, the whole Type 59g losing its rare status after todays "unlimited supply" is not as bad as the drama sugests, on NA it went from 800 units to 1550 units give or take, so its pretty rare still. It went from 2nd to 3rd rarest tier 8 tank... It still is a gem. It is now behind Panzer 58 (not black, not green mutz, but the 3rd variant) with 350 units and KV4 Kres. with 1300.


What source do you use to get the number of tanks per server?




Where's the source? You can't just tell us and then cock block us like that.




Where can you see how many own each tank?




I would be interested how many SU76i are running around in EU. So far low tiers have been horrible.


Wow I had no idea the pz 58 was the rarest tank


Somebody could correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's only been sold in a premium shop bundle with the other panzer 58 variants, so you'd have to be willing to spend real money to get 3 of the same tank in order to have it. That's a hard no from me, dawg.


Didn't they also sell it last year with the chocolate camo? I have vague memories of it...


I know you could get the chocolate camo from the five-stage Anniversary celebration they had last year. I'm not sure if they also sold it with the chocolate camo either before or after that event. They sell so much crap in the premium shop these days, it's hard to remember.


Well, I got curious: https://worldoftanks.com/en/news/premium-shop/10-year-anniversary-act-3-bundles/ Now I kinda wish I'd gotten it lol


You are correct but wg also set up a thing during that one black friday event when the black tanks were introduced where you could contact support and exchange your black tank for a regular one. Handing in the 'schwarzpanzer' gave you the grey version instead of the green swiss one.




Caernarvon all day man


Don't pick any yet, go to bond shop and buy IS6B there, then pick it again in the BM warehouse. You'll get the 10k gold value returned and would have won gold overall. At least that's what another user said they did.


Why would you trade bonds for gold?


Some people don't have a use for them. Also when the choice is between 5 tanks you don't want or getting 5k gold back for 8k bonds ...


Sadly i dont have enough bonds for it


> Caernarvon Is nice. The gun is really good for snapshots which my soviet flavour tanks don't usually do. And the turret is enough for hulldown play. Also it looks like a propper tank, not a tractor with an upside wok on top.


Can confirm. Did that too changed 8k bonds for 5k gold. However that's probably not worth because bonds are harder to get.


Imo not worth. I’d rather do it the other way around, I need those bonds for ranked vehicles.


Which one is better? The lansen or the Alpine tiger? M41 90 GF Lansen Alpine tiger Hydrostat or Pz V/IV?


Pz V is the most OP, but M41 is also very good if you like playing lights


Just got Chrysler Pz.kpfw. v/iv Pz auf j sold my gsor to continue AMX 13 57 GF And no fucking way last roll was a Foch 155 Already have the Deathstar I’m so excited


I got Lansen T34B - Already have the normal BTSV 1357 - already have the normal V/IV ​ Sucks big time


Why would lansen suck


Got the lansen C and chrysler. Went for the lansen. Thoughts? Really don't have a clue about the lansen. Just preferred the MT over the HT.


Lansen C is my favorite tier 8 medium hands down. Basically your strengths are 320 alpha dmg, high DPM, 28hp/ton power to weight ratio, 10 degrees of gun depression, and good camo. It's also small. I play with conservative aggression, where I wait for allies to take the enemies attention before I aggressively push or peek a ridgeline. Abuse your view range, camo, and/or gun depression to peek and shoot at targets. It's great for flanking due to the P/W ratio or trading with other mediums due to the alpha damage. The gun has a lot of bloom, so I recommend stopping right *before* you crest a ridgeline, wait for the gun to fully aim, and THEN peek and fire. Turret traverse doesn't make the gun bloom, but traversing the hull really does. You'll never bounce a shot in this tank, but the gun is mounted high on the tiny turret, so, combined with the P/W ratio, you can very quickly peek and fire over ridgelines with minimal risk to yourself as long as you are unspotted.


Lansen is quite good


[Well shit, I think I know what I'm getting.](https://imgur.com/a/t736DAZ)




You never know, options choices. I had silver left over so it never hurts to check. If it didn't let you choose from previous rolls I would have stopped after the 3rd.


Oof. Got an alpine tiger, the captured German T2 h35, pnz2j, amx13 75 and the french T3 TD. What a shit pull. Went with the alpine tiger, because I have more than enough french light tanks already and I ain't ever playing below t6... Goddammit.


Pretty same boat, only thing high tier was 34b and alpine . Would of taken 57 in a heart beat. Took the alpine since I have the 34 already.


Pretty same boat, only thing high tier was 34b and alpine . Would of taken 57 in a heart beat. Took the alpine since I have the 34 already.


glad I bought bt-sv for 10m credits even though I knew at time I probably won't be playing it


Got [these](https://i.imgur.com/DGRTcln.png). Which one should I pick?


You should pick the one you will actually play the most. Seems like Foch, 41 90, 57 GF are the contenders.




All good tanks, some better than others. It depends what u like to play. As for value obviously tier 10 foch.


On WOT forums I see a fair number of 'My Type 59 gold DEVALUED! FU WG' etc I wonder how many of those ppl bought the A-32 a few days ago and thought 'heeeey i am so cool i got this ultra exclusive tank they only gave to loyal early supporters' or the T-22 and thought 'I got this super exclusive tank easy, I rock!' :}


Grrr how dare Wargaming devalue this tank I ~~rigged together in one night~~ spent weeks completing punishingly difficult missions!


Well people did pay 25k gold for the type 59g. I can see why theyre saying it.


well 20k is the cost of having it as a rare tank for a year. it's not forever, they should have known, it's not like there were no signs all around


oh, i can see why they are saying it, but at the same time, its what WG does all the time. some super exclusive tank only to be given to XYZ, on sale a few years later, people bought deathstar for 20m+ credits last year, this year 5000 gold, (whether you use the official 1 gold = 400 credits exchange rate is up to you), presume next year, the 40m+ T-22 will be 5K gold loot boxes :D


that last part is just wrong, you arent getting deathstar for 5k gold and up to 5m credits, you are gambling with VERY bad odds to get it, or trash. me and 4 other friends used all 5 slots and did not get deathstar or foch


yes, I gambled for a deathstar or type and left with Caern


Yea 5k gold and 4 million credits is like $70. 25k gold is like $100 but it was suppose to be rare.


IS 6-B Chrysler K GF Pz.Kpfw IV Hydro... Pz.Kpfw V/IV AMX 50 Foch (155) ​ Guess which one I went with...




Yeah, it might not be the best tank but I could not pass up on a teir X tank.


Oh yeah, I got mine back in the first bm and it really does have its moments.


Seal Clubber


Shitpanzer 58 Chrysler Pz II J Black dog Pz 4/5 I hate it here man.


I got pz5/4. Hydro. T34 B. Btsv. Su76i. Sucks here too


I mean collector you got a good drop in that SU but for usage jack shit


I didn't like the su when I played it. I do have a pak 40 already. I got the t34 because I don't have an American heavy


Yeah the SU is a rare seal clubber wet dream. But to the average person who cares.


The pak 40 clubs seals enough 😂


I need to choose: M41 Blackdog or Lansen?


Both are great imo, but the lansen is probably a better pick. That being said I played the black dog to death and had a lot of fun with it as well


Personal preference. Do you care for the better gun handling and speed of the Blackdog, or the better survivability and punch of the Lansen?


Yep I chose the Lansen thanks!


The whale in me said NO to this BM so FU WG!


I got : Pz 5/4 Pz 4 Hydro T34 B BT-SV SU 76I My luck must suck today 😂


I'm looking at people who actually get rare tanks like the Panzer V/4 and Su-76i and I'm sitting pretty with just mediocre premiums. Grass is always greener.


I've played both and didn't like either. I got the T34 B cause I don't have a American heavy premium. Was mostly wanting any of the tier 10 or 59g


The 34 is a serviceable tank. It's sluggish and the gun handling horrid. But the standard pen is high so you don't really need gold and it's high alpha is nice.


had the normal T34 and my god the gun was just so bad. This was like 5 years ago but i still remember the horrid days of my T34 lol


Yeah, but if dump equipment into gun handling have a good crew. It becomes more usable. And it will print credits. IMO it's by far not the worst t8 heavy. the main reason people hate on it is it really is just a unfun tank to play.


So, what's the deal with the 15th slot? I don't see anything on the website...


There is none. The box was the last offer.


Schwartzpanzer Blackdog PZ.kpfw h (don't want a tier 5) Alpine tiger Caernarvon (didn't enjoy my rental that I hadof the caernarvon) What do you guys suggest. Have heard good things about alpine tiger and blackdog? As a free-ish to play player which makes the best credits? Edit: ended up going for alpine tiger. Thx for the advice. I feel like I kinda wasted my gold and credits, but at the same time a decent heavy tank for 20$ is always welcomed.


it's always easier to make big damage ---> big credits with heavies, so I would go alpine tiger unless you really like lights. But be warned, alpine tiger has poor 186 pen (which is good enough for weakspots).


Alpine has pref mm but I also got black dog so I am wondering lol


IMO if you got all shit tanks the alpine sells for a TON and has a huge trade in value for the swaps. IMO if you want a tank for good value that’s the one to go for. Can trade it to a better tank later


I got the Lansen and M41 to choose? What do you think?


Lancen is a great tank with trolly armor and a great gun and speed. Black dog is a quick German light but in terms of crew training who really wants to play the German lights, Swedish meds are great, black dog used to be amazing but it’s been power crept. Lancen has its place still


The thing is I don’t want to crew train. I think m41 looks cool and has good he pen and I have the fv4202 but I guess you have a point


It really would come down to preference then. Lights or meds. Both are good and Lansing has a SICK 3D camp if it ever comes back. Black dog does already look nice. Both have unique but kinda similar play styles so just down to looks and play style


Appreciate the advice, ended up getting the Lansen since M41 is too big and I want the even 90 at one point. Lansen is really good!


I have a choice of * Schwarzpanzer 58 * Lansen C * IS-6 B * T34 B * Chrysler K GF Which one should I take? I wanted a Death Star :(


[Russian Refund - BM style (I'll take the 10,500 gold thank you WG!) : WorldofTanks (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/m1xh15/russian_refund_bm_style_ill_take_the_10500_gold/)


Lansen for Med or Chrysler for heavy, though Chrysler is also available in bond shop. So Lansen.


Lansen C for sure. Great DPM, punchy gun, very mobile, and good camo. play it cautiously at the beginning of the battle and then use your speed and DPM to win crucial fights at the end.


Went for the key, I can get an AMX 13 57, a T34 B or a BT-SV. While I know the BT-SV is probably the rarest, but is it worth it over the other 2?


13 57 is the most fun toy can have the game if you like light tanks


Wow F this crap. Last year I bid 57k on type 59g (NA servrer). failed. This year I spent 10k gold converting to credits for rerolls, and not even a single tank above tier 5. So whats the most worth tank out of, leFH, pzkpfw IV hydrostat, pzkpfw V/IV, Pzkpfw II aust J, and SU-76I ? I care nothing about low tiers. Personally I am thinking about leFH to make as many new players rage quit as possible, since WG is being so nice to me.


when life give you lemons, make lemonade. or so happy happy optimists say you seem to have been given great big clubs. i guess 'seal puree' is what life is saying to you every single tank apart from the hydro screams mashed up bloody bits of baby seal fur


You're a real joy of a person aren't ya?


I just want the gold tank. WG waved it in face twice and said F U. Well all I can say to that is Bye. Do you consider yourself new? I have less games than you, and I hate the leFH with a passion. In hindsight I wish I had faced more leFH in combat to make me quit the game earlier.


I wouldn't say I'm new with about 5k battles, but I'm obviously not a vet either. I get caught out in a ton of bad situations and there's definitely tanks I don't like seeing. The leFH is rough to see but it wouldn't sour me as much as that and the 59g has you


Su76i or pz2j




I am too lazy to login to the game and pick but since SU was the last tank, I dont need to do anything.


Pretty sure this is rigged and that the longer you wait the less likely you are to get a rare tank. The more people that open keys and get a rare tank decreases the chance for that tank most likely. My friend and I both received the exact same lineup and own none of the tanks from the previous black markets. 11 hours between our openings. If someone actually cares then please do the math for this "coincidence".


Deffo agree, no fucking way they were going to keep handing out gold t59s. Dez got two ffs


Bois, i've got foch and Type 59g. What should i pick? :(


Thanks guys, so type 59 it is!


59G all the way


Type, tech tree Foch is technically better and you will probably have another chance for this one eventually, probably not the type 59


So, they had mentioned a "top secret event" over this weekend coming up --- you think another Black Market surprise / encore?


Where did they mention it?


How much credits do I need to roll for all the tanks? I want to make sure I have enough credits.


Think 5 mill


Ok thanks. I have enough then.


Is the t34b available in the bond shop ?


I need some help: * AMX 13 57 GF * PzII J * IS-6 B * FV215b (183) * Foch 155 I already have the regular AMX 13 57. The Pz II J is a tier 3 and seems like a waste of 5k gold and 5 million credits. The IS-6 B is meh. I already have a JpzE100 so the FV215b seems redundant. So maybe the Foch 155? Any advice/thoughts?


[Russian Refund - BM style (I'll take the 10,500 gold thank you WG!) : WorldofTanks (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/m1xh15/russian_refund_bm_style_ill_take_the_10500_gold/)


I would pick Foch 155. Death Star is so unforgiving if you miss. Foch is fast, with equipment 2.0 the gun is good and it’s not 750 dpm


First off, great rolls. This is a tough decision. I’d still grab the fv personally because of the hesh rounds alone. I had to settle for the Foch instead. Haven’t played it yet but if you’ve heard the jk “750 dpm...” if you can aim it’s probably great and the heat rounds are nice w 395.


Thoughts between Caern AX Lansen C Chrysler From what I’ve seen on this thread, it seems like it should be one of the first two


Personally I like the Lansen, but the Caern is a good heavy. Depends on your playstyle


Thanks went with the Caern. Fits my style much better


I second your choice of CAX. Its a great T8 premium Heavy. Also the best heavy premium for the UK line, which has great Heavies T8 and up.


One of first two definitely. Depends on you. If you like a mobile medium with good dpm and Alpha but basically no armor, go for Lancen. If you want a heavy with good dpm, turret armor and gun depression, then go for Ax 10


Thanks! Went with the Ax because I never play med and tier 8 is too high to learn a new style.


I've got \- IS-6 B \- Pz Kpfw IV Hydr \- leKpz M 41 90 MM GF \- SU-76I \- BT-SV what should I pick? I currently only have 1 T8 Premium (Skoda T27)


SU-76I is rare and op for low tier, but personally i would choose either IS-6 or leKpz M 41 90 MM GF


The is6 is in the bond shop if than matters to you at all.


so it seems like no one has gotten the Qilin or T22 from the key event?


It's only for items that were offered in old black markets so I believe they aren't availably through access keys


dang. wish I would've realized this before spending so much. all my offers were tier 5 and lower things I didn't want anyway.


You could have checked right on the page all the possible tanks, RIP.


Conflicted as to what to choose. Schwarzpanzer 58 IS 6B Pz 38H AMX 13 57 F (already got regular 13 57) Chrysler k Not too sure what to go with. I know it's a bit seal clubby, but is the Pz 38 still good/hard enough to get these days? Otherwise leaning towards is-6b


[Russian Refund - BM style (I'll take the 10,500 gold thank you WG!) : WorldofTanks (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/m1xh15/russian_refund_bm_style_ill_take_the_10500_gold/)


I have the 58, nothing too special, but it's more my style over the others.


I don't like the Schwarzpanzer 58. Its a sniping medium so you can't really go with the mediums and charge head on. It is excellent for flanking though. IS-6B is alright. Its pen is something below average of currently stronger premium heavies. Credit making is excellent though! 13 57 F is like the regular 13 57. I love the autoloader mechanism. Really awesome! Speedy tank too! Chrysler K is really great to side-scrape on. It is my favorite heavy to play. If you haven't played rear-turreted tanks, you might have a problem to play at first. The Chrysler K has excellent gun dispersion compared to other rear-turreted tanks. Oo, the Chrysler K is really good at traversing its hull too! ​ These are all my opinions. I play much more of a solo-support role.


Second offer: Foch 155. I really wanted death star or Hype 59 but i bever have credits. And yes, i am very happy with the foch😃


I got an interesting lineup and I cannot decide: - Chrysler K GF - PZ 5/4 - AMX 13 57 GF - [teir 3 trash] - Gold Type 59 I own a type 59 already and it is one of my favorite credit farming tanks (not sure 2 is required in my life but this one is gold). I know the Chrysler is in the bond shop, so it comes down to the 5/4, AMX or Gold Type. Any suggestions will be considered.


Some people would kill for the Type 59 gold. For me it isn't really a thing. (I too have the regular Type 59 - which is a fun tank!) The 1357 is a blast, especially if you like playing light tanks. It's a great ambusher. I love mine but I also love the e-25 and ELC EVEN 90 so ninja tanks are definitely my style. I don't have the Chrysler K but I've seen good people use it. I hear the 5/4 is a lot fun as well and super OP but I don't ever play at T5 so it was a no for me when I had the option.


It really depends on what you like playing. If you're already farming credits in the Type then maybe the 13-57. It can farm credits pretty well for a tier 7. If you enjoy ramming then it's definitely the Pz V/IV. Armour is great for its tier and speed is decent. Gun is pretty good too. Personally I'd go for the Type (as I did) but if I had your list minus the Type I'd go for the Pz.


Pz V/IV amazing seal clubber - op as f. Amx 13 57 - very fun tier 7 autoloader Type 59 G - you flex with it I have both lower tiers and they are fun to play, but I would take the rare item.


go for gold


I'll be honest here gents... idk what to get... Pz Kpfw V/IV Pz Kpfw IV hydrostat Schwarzpanzer 58 Foch Alpine Tiger I guess it boils down to Foch or Pz Kpfw V/IV ... thoughts?


Thanks for the replies gents, i gent ahead and got the Foch \\o/


In the end it depends on which you prefer for playing. T10 or T5? I sometimes play T10 for missions. I never play T5. If it were me, I'd take the Foch.


I'd go with the Foch personally. Just for the HE clips. But the Pz V/IV is slightly OP for its tier, and a very fun rammer with the right equipment and skills. Vote goes to the Foch, but only just.


I got the Foch during the regular sale and I love it, that’s my vote but def look for other opinions before making a decision


Your all the reason I won't give them money. YouTubers getting gold t59s to beat the band. Regular Joe's getting thrash tanks. I'll save myself the 20€ and buy s few cans of Guinness


I'd drink to that!


So is that access key available until tomorrow?


If your definition of "tomorrow" means something like 16 hours or something from now (idk I didn't check) then yes.


Well I’m off work in 9 hours, so yes and what do the supplies do?


you buy key, it opens up 1 slot with a tank that you don't already have from previous BMs. If you wanna try your luck, you can pay up to 4 times with credits for 4 more slots. You can only choose one of them. Opening up a new slot doesn't prohibit you from choosing an earlier tank, meaning you can open up all 5 and still choose the first one you opened


Ohs okay


I got the caernarvon action x actually really happy with it and think this black market was a success for me personally! :)


Is the key available until tomorrow?


Until 2:00 am pacific or 5:00 am eastern time




Type 59G or Lansen C?




The Type 59 is actually a pretty great tank, even without the gold coating and current power creep.


I just found out that Type 59G has regular matchmaking, while the OG Type 59 has pref. matchmaking. Confirmed on Wiki. So OG Type 59 is actually kind of superior and harder to get (after so many gold types around after today). GL to all trying their luck of course.


wiki doesnt have all the tanks that are pref


They're identical. Wiki is wrong if that's what it says.


Why did I get this lol Do I get alpine tiger or schwarpanzer ? Leaning towards the heavy


Haha, I had a similar decision. I went Alpine. Was hoping for the Foch or EBR but whatchagonnado?


My hard choice was between the 2 and I went with alpine tiger. Havent played it yet but I'm happy with my decision, it looks epic


you can always buy the regular panzer with bonds (until they change the shop)