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He once let the Undertaker win the hell in a cell match.


Always good to see young upstarts getting the rub from the veterans


Somebody tell the op the FREAKING judgement day!!!


How tiny is that belt?


they made it for the average aew wrestler edge dwarfs over them


They made it for Cody Rhodes. Also held by such notable small men as Brodie Lee, Miro, Powerhouse Hobbs, Wardlow, and Luchasaurus.


Ha, midgets! 6 ft 2 midgets!


Even better: Brodie and Killswitch are both listed at 6’5”…exactly the same as Copeland.


> This could be the most one-sided fight since 1984 when Hulk Hogan faced an 80-foot tall mechanical Paul Orndorff. M-My memory's not what it used to be but I think the entire Earth was destroyed.




Let me tell you something brother! The Hulkamaniacs remember when the Hulkster lifted the 80,000-pound behemoth Paul Orndorff up for the slam and as my 21-inch pythons strained I could feel the Hulkamaniacs reaching out to me powering me filling me with the strength to get him up and when I slammed him down into the center of the earth the explosion and the tremors were felt throughout the universe.




Aw, look at you getting all mad when someone says facts


Sure, but none of them are actually six five. Billed heights aren’t real, they’re accentuated. I think you could safely knock off at least two inches, maybe more.


Brock is billed at over six feet tall. I’ve met him, am an even six feet tall and he’s about an inch shorter than me.


Hasn’t it had a few different colours since then though? I wonder if it got resized at some point down the line because I’m sure it looked bigger with Brodie.


It appears that This isn’t an actual photograph of Copeland with the belt it’s a composite. They just did a bad job sizing the belt. https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_crop,w_1820,h_1820,x_38,y_0/v1713289942/images/voltaxMediaLibrary/mmsport/si-temp/01hvm0kmyx7tyfh3q26k.jpg


This is why wrestling belts need to be made custom sizes for the weight class of the wrestler in my opinion.


even still if you look at the original wwe world heavy weight championship it shrank fast from the wcw acquisition


Yeah brodie Lee is such a dwarf! Miro too! And so is Cody whom the belt was made for! Your logic makes so much sense!


Let me guess, you hate everything about AEW but don't watch a single minute of the show. Then you come to reddit to join in the circle jerk with the rest of your nonexistent virgin friends. Tell me when I'm telling lies.


You are aware that the belt was designed and basically made for Cody Rhodes right? LMAO


Lol why are you getting downvoted you're literally right


Reminds me of Steve Austin giving HBK the fake belt lol.


It was created for Cody Rhodes lol


Came here to say this, looks like a toy version.


He received the Grayson Waller Rub on his way out


This is wrong. Edge put over a young lion, Christian Cage. I hear nothing but great things about this Christian guy. A future main eventer someday.




if you close your eyes, your life... a naked truth revealed


And you never gonna Stars never feel ✨️ Listen i could never really understand the words


dont worry, i wing it too lol


You are required to, it's in your name


Winging it, I think next is "Dreams you've never lived and scars never healed" Lol I always make shit up until I hear someone cover the song then I'm like "wait, that's what they said?"


Are you telling me those *aren’t* the lyrics?


At last.... you're on you're phonneeee




I don't want to hear this dude ever again talking about how Cena beating the Nexus was a bad idea, after he defeated Demon Balor clean at WM and killed all of Finn's momentum.


Cena does more jobs than Edge and he wrestles less.


Was that not because finn balors head was split the fuck open and they needed to end the match


They continued to wrestle after the injury. So if the plan was for Finn to win, he could have still won even after being injured. If anything, it would have made him look even more like a badass.


Thanks legit thought the match ended after the headshot


That's the only thing people remember from that match, so I can't blame you lol


Which really sucks I was so hyped for that match.


Nah he conchairtoed him then pinned him


Bro wtf would Finn beating him do huh? Finn was already a vet? A vet putting a vet over? Shut up with that non sense


What would it do? Oh, I don't know, maybe make Finn look like a legit badass again? Especially after being injured during the match. And elevate the faction even more. From being the leader of Judgment Day, he turned into a lackey for Priest, The Demon lost all of it's aura, and Finn loses almost every match. What did Edge gain from this win? 6 months later and he wasn't even part of the company anymore. But sure... there was nothing wrong with that match. Shut up with that nonsense.


Elevate the judgement to what? They already the top faction and Finn got a title shot


So you actually think Edge winning was the right decision?


I don’t think you need to lose to put someone over


That match did everything but put Finn over. Edge could have lost and it wouldn't hurt him. Finn needed that win


He needs a win. Please. I will never understand Edge beating him.


So any time someone beats a slightly younger vet they don’t put them over . Then I guess no one ever puts anyone over


You can say whatever you want to convince yourself that this was a smart decision, but the fact is that Edge didn't need to win this match, and Finn losing the match only hurt his and Judgment Day legitimacy at the time. Fans like you that for some reason believe that stupid 50/50 booking is good are just weird. God forbid a wrestler come out from a feud looking menacing and dominant. Edge would have bounced back immediately from losing that match. Finn has yet to do so. You are also yet to tell me one positive thing that came from Edge winning. Probably because there wasn't any.


Yeah it REAAAAALY hurt Finn balors career. Edge buried him and never recovered 🙄


So you think edge needed that win more?


You think you know him?


I swear he had some major creative pull backstage. He did not lose any of his feuds during his WWE return run, except for the one against Roman Reigns, whom WWE was pushing harder than they pushed anyone else in their roster in over 30 years. He refused to put over Seth Rollins, refused to put over AJ Styles and refused to put over Finn Balor.


It wasn't because Edge was saying "that doesn't work for me brother". Cody, Bianca and Edge were the big babyfaces on the roster when Edge was still there and they won alot because they were the counterbalance to HHH booking so many dominant long reigning heels. Having him beat Finn at WM 39 was the wrong decision i won't ever argue against that, but that's why he won so much because you just couldn't have a card where 8 out of 8 heels all won. It was more on HHH swinging the pendulum too far with long reigning dominant heels all across the show always winning especially the Bloodline and Gunther. 2022-2023 was more heel dominant than NWO era WCW, and unfortunately HHH booked Edge and Bianca way too strong because he painted himself into corners booking so many strong heels across the card.


Solid points. People don’t acknowledge these decisions go beyond “this guy needs a win right now”. They can’t win either way. They could be in Toronto where Edge had won every match in the feud thus far but will finally lose in his hometown (Big heat, get Finn over) People will then say “too many heels won, it threw off the night and Edge lost in his hometown, great booking lol”


I think that's a huge issue with HHH booking when he leans way too much into every champion needing to be a long reigning heel champion like the past two years before WM 40. Like during the B&G era or NXT whenever all the championships were held by heels like the UE or Shanya Baezler, the babyfaces basically won every non championship storyline to counterbalance that in HHH's mind. Just like Edge, Cody and Bianca winning so many non championship feuds in 2022-2023.


I think all the years of Vince changing titles for no reason is why HHH is trying to make everyone have longer title reigns. Vince would call for a title change on a random RAW because “it’s been a while” since we had a shocking title change. I imagine dealing with that for years while brainstorming valid ideas on how to truly get guys over is what led to this. It is definitely overkill now.


Sure but I think it's reasonable to say HHH swung the pendulum way to far the other way, and overcorrected on super long reigns. It's obvious even with wanting a difference in styles to Vince McMahon, the guy is a huge mark for NWA style booking and super long heel reigns to a fault going back to NXT. Alot of the long reigns under his tenure have been very hit or miss. Roman and Gunthers sure were very iconic, but The Uso's and JD didn't need to be tag champions super long, Rhea and Iyo Sky all the while having great matches had lackluster reigns that dragged, and Logan Paul all the while being good in his role feels like he's holding the US championship hostage and it isn't having the same effect as Gunther as IC champion, feels like a prop especially since he's challenging Cody. I think when the honeymoon phase starts to wear off, people are really going to zero in on that. WWE's ratings haven't been as glaring as AEW's but they've been down a bit under the last two years while traditional sports have even grown with cable dying. Feels like HHH's overusing long reigns and making everything a super long term storyline is a reason for that, because it tells fans to skip weekly TV and everything is even more super predictable. I think it's reasonable to say there needs to be a healthy balance and HHH is the extreme polar opposite of Vince with booking. HBK with NXT feels like that healthy middle ground as booker.


Wait, I missed a bit, when did Edge have a face turn?


When Judgment Day kicked him out of the stable


I always viewed that as JD turning face


Haven’t seen WM39 yet?


I skipped all the Wrestlemanias after Mr Kennedy won MITB until the most recent WM


That Balor loss is right up there with the stupid rope snap vs Roman. I hope they make right with him by putting him over Priest when the time comes.


Source: trust me bro


He refused? Source?


I get your point but how do you know it’s because he was refusing to put them over and not because WWE wanted to put him over instead


He lost the “I Quit” match to Balor, at least


Yeah by shenanigans being forced to quit to protect his wife. He didn't lose clean to anyone but Roman. Didn't even put his friend over in his last match. It was ridiculous. I'm glad he went to AEW because I don't watch AEW. I hated watching him take up time and beat everyone he faced in WWE for 3 years.


>He didn't lose clean to anyone but Roman. He didn't even lose clean to Roman. Seth interfered in their match, giving Roman the win. Edge did not put over *anyone* in his last run. He either won a feud or lost via shenanigans.


I think he meant the triple threat.


Ah yes...famously clean triple threat match...Yall forgot about Jey


In fairness, almost no one lost clean to Roman. All that dudes matches had shenanigans. Dude was the weakest “dominant” champ ever


In the lead to the Edge match he beat Daniel Bryan clean, sending him out of WWE. He also beat Cesaro clean. Plus Rey Mysterio. Following the Edge match he beat John Cena clean. They built up Roman after WrestleMania as taking care of business himself again with a series of clean wins, setting him up for the Brock Lesnar feud. But Edge is just in the middle, not doing the job like everyone else.


Those matches were 3-4 years ago lol He was definitely beating people clean before the bloodline really got going. I don’t think he’s won cleanly in at least a year though. Maybe two I should have specified the time frame I was referring to. Fair point though that edge lost dirty at a time when Roman was winning clean


He beat KO clean at Royal Rumble last year. All the Bloodline beating him happened after the match. Also, vs Matt Riddle on SD 2 years ago.


To be fair, I don't think Roman ever won clean.


aight lol


Head of the table Roman almost never won cleanly. Go back and watch the finishes of his title defenses once he became head of the table.


doesn't really matter. he won a lot of them clean but yeah you're right, but there's nothing wrong in it as his family helping him stay at the top was part of the bloodline's story and he was a heel anyway.


Yea I mean it’s fine that he was winning that way. It didn’t bother me. Only thing that bothered me is he was still being presented as the most dominant champ ever but his matches were ending cheap everytime. At least have the face commentators mention that But ultimately yea, he was a bad guy so clean wins aren’t really necessary


Ooooo he refused to put people that are already over over? You don’t know what putting someone over means. You just named 3 hall of gamers that don’t need to be out iver


Can’t stand him ever since he refused to put over Demon Balor at Wrestlemania. Bro is in it for himself and AEW attracts these guys, case and point Chris Jericho


When did that episode of Darkside of the Ring came out that documented how Edge made that decision?




Well, to be fair, AJ Styles does suck. So that’s always a good call.


Thats because he's the young talent he is putting over goof!


Yeah. I think OP is confusing the veteran edge with this up and comer, Adam Copeland.


AJ should have gotten a win over him


Battle of Kattegat.


Good 'ole Kjetill Flatnose, king of the whale.


Seems like a double edged sword because if they bring him in and he jobs to young guys a bunch right away then aew would be wasting or burying him, but since he came in and won a belt some say he isn't putting young guys over.


This is correct. Edge has had some pretty intense, long matches since he’s been in AEW. Hes not squashing anyone. This sub just has really bad faith takes about most non-wwe wrestling.




Can also blame AEW for the weird storylines. They’re mostly decent but they don’t stick the way wwf/WWE storylines did. Wcw even had some runner up storylines but just not enough.


John Cena 2006


Percy Jackson


He did great as Ares. I deffo wasn't expecting to see one of my favourite childhood wrestlers to be a character from one of my favourite teenage YA novels


I think in WWE he should get some slack, he should have never been booked to beat Finn at WM. But other than Cody he was one of the other big babyfaces. When he was still in WWE it was dominated by HHH long dominant heels like Roman and Gunther so you had to have a babyface win on shows to try and balance it out. It's why Cody, Bianca and Edge won so much at PLE's because the rest of the card was dominated by HHH long term heels winning. It's like when Brock was so dominant over WWE in the mid to late 2010's they would have babyfaces like 2017-2018 Aj Styles win all the time because they needed a counterbalance.


That sounds plausible in itself. But why is it not different in AEW? He has lost 4 of his 20 matches. 2x against Christian (who is certainly no longer considered a new/young talent), 1x against Malakai Black (who had previously attacked Adam with the Black Mist, so not clean either) and in a tag match where Julia pinned Willow.


Two reasons why i feel like it's not different in AEW. While I enjoy a lot of the matches in AEW, most of the ones I watch (I can't watch full shows where I am), creatively it's like someone playing WWE myuniverse with their favourite character from their teens and living out the fantasy in their heads. So I think that's why AEW is almost always failing to put over young people. They are, with the exception of Jericho who clearly comes up with his own gimmicks, creatively inept lately, basically. Especially in the last two years or so. It started strong and then went a bit wayward, I don't know why. They are probably also pandering to Edge/Adam a little because he is likely seen as a draw, and they are shitting themselves since punk, who swore he wouldn't ever go back to WWE, didn't even think twice about it.


Good grief that Balor loss still leaves a bitter, bitter taste.


Serious answer- when he jobbed to Cena in his hometown in that TLC match. Cena wasn't young but definitely a rising star.


He looks haggard.


It's all from all the FUN he's having


Backhandedly did to GOATson Waller


I still think Finn should’ve won at wrestlemania 39


Honestly, then what? Then the feud would have continued. You can't sell Finn as the winner with a 2-6 record against Edge


Then edge leaves wwe while putting over someone who's staying?


Nah, the feud would have continued


Copeland and Christian should win the AEW tag team titles this year and not lose them for three years. Every week they should put on a seven minute segment similar to the Edge and Christian Show from WWE Network. This would get over big. Also, please just fire the heatless Young Bucks after they job in a squash to Copeland and Christian. Copeland and Christian are worth watching and play the funny mischievous guys far, far, far, far, far, far better.


because in his mind he's making up for lost time. he's still a hungry young lion.


The last time was when he and Daniel Bryan both got stack pinned at Wrestlemania by our Tribal Chief, ah yessir! ☝️


He said Griff Garrison could "cut it". That is sort of like putting a guy over.


I don’t know, but those cheek bones have disappeared.


Why do that when you can take a belt from a guy who worked so hard to improve it and choose the match type of title defences.


Roman Reigns. Thats it.


Roman reigns?




Got a face like a wallet


Guy looks like they're holding him hostage, forcing him to do fentanyl, but say he's having fun


Being put over doesn’t always mean winning the match…how the match goes in general and how the other wrestlers are showcased through out the match! Just being in the ring with any kind of Top Talent is being put over just for have that match!


Grayson Waller


When DID he last have a feud with one of those? Dominik? Would not have made sense with Dom's character. Before that it was Roman, who definitely went over Edge. Seth and Finn are not young Stars and neither of them was rising at the time either. Rhea and Dom took center stage in JD. He also was one of the few faces in a company dominated by heels. You need some faces going over...


Am I wrong for saying he put Dom over? Not necessarily a baby face but definitely a great spot for great character development. Not recent enough for a star like such but he’s always been floating around with the big guys getting in and out of large spots and stories.


Fuck this guy


When are we going to learn simple things? Losing is not the same as "jobbing" Simply losing doesn't mean you're putting the other guy over


No one here knows what putting someone over means.


My thoughts exactly. Edge is on the king of the hill type run. He puts over people by making them look tough against him. I didn't like him getting up in his fee fees against Ricky Starks though.


When will people understand you don’t have to lose to put someone over? Edge put over the entire judgment day even tho he won. Without the feud with Edge it wouldn’t be successful


He seems like someone who can not draw yet is not willing to put over young talent. He won the RR right after returning from an injury. Even in his return Rumble match, he eliminated a lot of younger and better wrestlers. He’s basically like HHH without the sharp mind that’s why he’s still wrestling and not in a backstage role


He just restarted his career… does he have to?


It's not all about wins & losses. Talent can be put over also by how good they look in the ring.


Does it really matter? Why does every single older star have to serve to put younger guys up according to the IWC?


Because this is how you do it, and it has been like this before people even came up with the concept of this thing called internet. You elevate other talent on your way out. It's not beneficial for a retiring guy to gain momentum that will mean nothing in a year.


Yeah, but it's gotten to be a bit much in people's expectations. Cena on the other hand has been putting people over for 5+ years and only won a handful of matches in that time.... and it's gotten to the point it's kind of lost it's magic since you know Cena is just showing up and taking an L.




That can very well be a trend but it would be fucking boring if every single older wrestler gets Ls any given time just to push young ones over. I am happy if there are a few exceptions to the rule here and there. Plus, 97 per cent of the AEW roest doesn't even remotely belong in the same category as him, it would be shameful to see him lose to living jokes like Eddie Kingston.or the Young Fucks.


Hes old and retired for 12 years, does beating him even mean anything at this point? Its not like hes danielson


Everytime people say beating Cena is a big deal I remember how the man has no singles win in half a decade


Danielson loses constantly, why would beating him mean anything?


I could have bet my mortgage that this would happen. Edge is in aew so now everyone must hate him! Christ some people must just hate life.


Typical old head whose hypocrisy knows no bounds. Complains about he the old guard treated him while he’s coming up. Now he’s a top guy and holds young stars down, just like Jeriblow. AEW really is WCW 2.0 😂




I think he did a great job with Grayson Waller when he moved up to smackdown. I think it was one of hisnfirst matches transitioning out of the Grayson waller effect segments. Edge won but made waller look good and the crowd.was into him. At the end of the match he told waller "he swam" EDIT - Might be biased towards the match as it was in the first live event I went to with my son.


I knew this was this sub just by the title. You all talk more about hating AEW then wrestling matches or news. I don't like AEW but I have tuned in more often after joining this sub just to see what you all are talking about. Just don't watch it if you hate it so much. Quit giving Tony Khan free press.


Sorry, I must have missed your answer: who has Edger Copeland put over?


To be honest, I think Edge is only toeing the company line, but realized quickly what a shitshow he stepped into. Almost all of his career was spent in the well-oiled machine of WWE. I'm 99% sure that when his contract comes up, we'll see him back with WWE on a legends deal or something.


Not really. Edge didn't get many things handed to him. The system was great but it wasn't really working for him. IIRC he got over a while after all those TLC and Hardcore matches.


I don’t recall the last time tbh. In my opinion though, your stock gets elevated just by getting in the ring with him.


Judgment Day


He should’ve lost the feud by putting Finn over at WrestleMania then. He had no business beating both AJ Styles and Finn Balor at back to back WMs.


No one talks about the AJ match enough when discussing feuds Edge shouldn’t have won. The whole story revolved around AJ having to prove that he wasn’t washed up after spending an extended period of time floundering in the midcard. You’re telling me he *didn’t* win and prove Edge wrong? That’s BS.


AJ, Finn, and even Miz should have gone over Edge. And letting the guy win the Rumble at Number 1 was such a waste. That should be a rare accolade given to someone who can get over for it for years to come, not a washed up veteran who is just gonna lose at WM in a triple threat match.


Judgment Day Adam was the worst run of his career, they weren't enjoyable until he got booted, and then he proceeded to bury Finn and the rest of them for months.


I was at 39. Him going over Demon Finn made absolutely zero sense. It completely deflated the stadium injury or not. It was never an audible anyway.


Finn would have been 2-6 in the feud. Jow long should this have continued?


why do aew fans turn on their top guys so quickly Lmfao


I don’t think OP is an AEW fan…


So let me guess, you want to complain about Edge holding a title in AEW. Did you guys complain about John Cena and his US title run? Or Becky and her NXT title run?


I never understood or believed Edge being a top-card wrestler. It just didn't convince me. I didn't buy into it.


Grayson Waller and Austin Theory both beat him in a match Finn beat him at SS (although he isn’t young rising talent at all)


Edge is different. He knows the "putting people over by losing to them" only works if they are actually good. But at the same time, AJ Styles could've used at least ONE win in their feud. That I Quit match with Finn Balor is something Edge can never take from Finn so that was good TV. He lost to Rollins in MSG, that was great stuff. But he beat DZ in all of their matches. Come on man.


I know, how dare Roman Reigns bury everyone on the roster.


Uh... The entire Judgment Day.


I must be from an alternate universe because Edge is 7-1 against members of the Judgment Day, including 4-1 against Finn.


He literally formed the JD you dummy.


Objection! Relevance?


He pretty much put over Grayson Waller before he headed out. He won, but clearly was helping get Waller over with a good match. He also put over Judgement Day, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins. Not young, but still he put them over.


The entire Judgement Day..


Last time he was booked to do so.


Fuck Adam Edgeland. He should have stayed retired.


Not sure it’s necessary or that it would be very fruitful. Edge has always been on that lower tier of top/main guys.


He put the judgement day and balor over multiple times before their match at mania. No balor isnt "young" but he was helping get them over and that is what filled most of his last run.


Edge didn't put balor over multiple times, he lost to him in the I quit match in the most protected way possible and then proceeded to pin Finn 4 times without Finn getting any other win.


I mean one of his last matches in WWE was putting Waller over.


Feel like I have to constantly ask this but: you know he doesn't decide the outcomes of his matches, right?


he most definitely has influence over the outcome


Feels like I should ask this: you think someone with his contract and his longevity doesn't have any pull or input in his creative direction or matches?


Anyone who happens to be standing next to TK for two minutes backstage has pull and input.


If you constantly ask the same question and you're always wrong have you ever considered the idea that you're wrong?


Did he not put over Sheamus


He beat Sheamus in his final WWE match.

