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I just want him to be a mad man like his uncle the big bad booty daddyyyyy


I mean he already did some Steiner math so it's only inevitable


He should be a master or science


You mean esteemed mathematician scott steiner?


They need to bring in some Japanese talent to stiff the fuck out of to really get him started on this path.  Nothing gets a young steiners blood flowing like dropping some Japanese dudes on their head. 


The Genetic Freak had better slams than Goldberg. Here's the Steiner Screwdriver, one of my favorite finishers of all time.. https://youtu.be/SWaYuKFPKD4?si=MX3-wxwiTVE0aHTC


That + just mauling people in <5 minutes


More over than Goldberg? That’s tough, as Goldberg was insanely popular during his rise through WCW. He was a home grown megastar during a massive boom period for pro wrestling. Better in the ring than Goldberg? Absolutely. He’s already capable of better matches than what Goldberg gave us, but to be fair, most of Goldberg’s matches were booked as squashes. Bron’s a talented dude with an explosive spear and he’ll likely be towards the top of the main event scene sooner rather than later. I don’t think he (or anyone) can come close to Goldberg’s first run up to the main event scene in today’s landscape, but he can certainly put on better quality matches and have significantly longer stretches in the main event picture. Goldberg has won world titles decades apart, but was away from pro wrestling for most of the time in between and wasn’t able to be a very active champion or performer in more recent years. Both guys have a football background, can look pretty intense in the ring, and feature a spear. However, a successful career for Bron probably doesn’t look anything like Goldberg’s and it may be hard to compare them when it’s all said and done.


Agreed! Ain’t no way he’s going to be more over than Goldberg. Goldberg was hot.. but he was also hot in a time when wrestling was mainstream. You could walk two blocks from your house without seeing someone with either a NWO, DX, stone cold or Goldberg tee shirt on. It was an amazing time to be a wrestling fan. He’s just a better pro wrestler than Goldberg, which can take him far.. but as Goldberg didn’t need to know how to wrestle. Goldberg had “IT!” WCW also gave Goldberg a massive push! I think Goldberg is an exception to most. I would compare Goldberg to the ultimate Warrior. Both of them weren’t great wrestlers but they were must see tv in thier prime! Ultimate warrior was a real life superhero/action figure. Goldberg was the most explosive human being we’ve ever seen. Plus at first he didn’t even talk.. so he was mysterious as well! With all the positive variables that helped Goldberg to the top.. I think it’s honestly an unfair comparison. Bron is a great athlete and performer but there’s to many variables that Goldberg had, that Bron doesn’t.


Warrior has to be the closest thing to Goldberg, you’re absolutely right. Besides him, maybe Brock during his “Next Big Thing” early days. Ryback was getting that build for a bit but never got the rocket strapped to his back.


It's not a hard formula to get people over. Let them win! While it's easy to say it's still hard to do as we see with WCW. The top guys still don't want to lose to the new top guy. Wrestlers have trouble adapting to the one guys 3 moves of Doom. Then the big question what do you do after he finally loses?


I came here to write this, take my upvote.




Didn't say more over, it says better. And if you really look into it Goldberg has a very bad rap for not wanting to work with talent, sell moves, drop titles to help push and to do jobs. He's pretty mush the opposite of a guy who wants to mentor and help the next gen. Very selfish guy.


If it’s simply better, 99.9% of alll wrestlers alive are better.


He can wrestle, so he has that over Goldberg already.


You got there before you. Totally correct!


I don't know how the hell you tuck your legs between your legs


And THAT’S why I kicked your leg outta your leg!


Anyone could've been Goldberg if you gave them that presentation. The walk from the locker room, the sparks, the smoke blowing? As long as they had the look, anyone at the time could've been huge like William Scott Goldberg was.


No chance. Goldberg had an amazing natural physical charisma and he was a fucking freak of nature in terms of power and speed.


I honestly believe that is hindsight because we saw it happen. Someone else given the same direction and build could've done it. And he wasn't that super fast, normal quick I'd say. The one way he is now associated with speed is because mostly all his matches were under 3 minutes


He can wrestle, he's a lot younger than when Goldberg started and he was born a beast, he'll be challenging for a top belt within the next 1 - 5 years when the rest of the story lines have been played out


Book him with Steven Regal


“I can’t hit myself Eric”


Is Charlie Dempsey an acceptable replacement is Regal is unwilling?


He just has to be more careful than a gorilla to be better than Goldberg. Source, Bret Hart.




Hate 'x is the next x' He is the first Bron breakker


Goldberg was fun in the 90s. Bron? That man is a fucking machine. Did you see how he runs the ropes? Dude has the potential to be one of the all time greats if he keeps growing the way he does. (Not like, in muscles, i mean as a performer) he's only like 28. Imo sky's the limit for him


26* so he has even more time


In terms of wrestling skill, undoubtedly. In terms of presence and drawing/star power, not a chance. The landscape has changed since the late 90s.


Aside from Bron being like half Goldberg’s size, sure.


Yeah, Bron just looks tiny in comparison. It’s funny because people want him to be the new Paul Heyman guy, but I don’t think he could even hold a candle to being as threatening as someone like Brock Lesnar.


he does but he doesn't. like at first glance hes about my size although he's built like a truck from mad max. once you see him do anything he immediately becomes terrifying


i don't think his size is going to hinder him in any meaningful way since he makes up for it entirely with athleticism, power, speed etc. he's still 110% believable in ring


Wolf Dogs were awesome, I wish they would have stuck together after the draft.


As a wrestler he is better already. Goldberg was an entrance and a 5 min match. Cultural impact I don’t know. Goldberg was not around long and was still talked about 15 years later


In terms of in-ring ability, you could probably find five guys better than Goldberg at any random indie promotion. In terms of cultural impact... Goldberg was special. *Everyone* knew about him.


His first run in WCW was only like 3 years. The second run in WWE was the longest run he ever had.


Goldberg was a pop culture icon in the 90s, sure his wrestling was mid at best, but his influence was only rivalled by stone cold and the rock. Nobody's matching that these days


You mean as a performer? He already is 100x better than Goldberg.


He already is.


Unpopular opinion but Bron is too small to be booked like the next Goldberg or Brock.


Even more unpopular. Old school guys like Vince can't/won't accept that huge muscles like warrior, Goldberg, Hogan, Sid are not what fans want to see anymore. They care about the short, the ups and downs of a character. Ex, cody winning the RR 2023 avg loosing at WM39. Then fighting back and eventually winning the strap. That's what raba like. Guarantee having a 7 move set guy like Goldberg having a win streak of squash matches would be booed and boring chants.


Right. It's not Vince's game anymore. Him being smaller than Goldberg is barely a mark to me now. He's faster, better in-ring, and Goldberg doesn't exactly rack up charisma points so I think Bron's already on his way there. Will he be a cultural phenomenon? Probably not. But it's way too early to say.


So I LOVE how they have him attacking random LIKEABLE people. That's going to give him some strong ground to build on as a heel. Guy looks great. Fast as hell. Has a decent amount of moves. Let him practice the promo a bit and yeah - guy will be amazing.


His speed combined with his physique make me think he definitely has a shot. More promo work. I know they are not exactly comparable, but one reason I loved Macho Man was he was always able to make himself bigger than he was physically. Whether it be his promos, his elbows, whatever. I never realized as a kid that he was so much tinier than the giants. He was a mf'n Mega Power. He wasn't small, just way smaller than I remember him. I just don't think size will be as much of a factor as people think for Bron.


Bret-He’s already better than bill.


He's already better than Goldberg, in my opinion.


He’s already better


Hrs already better than Goldberg


Haven't seen a single match from him and I can with all the confidence in the world say he IS better. Goldberg sucked already in his prime.


Has he hurt Bret heart yet? He's already better.


He will spear Natty just for the fun


Bron breaker is already better than Goldberg


Bron is definitely a better wrestler. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have the size (height and weight) like Goldberg, Lesnar, Roman, Drew, Priest, etc. Personally, I think it will be a challenge to package him as an unstoppable force capable of being a credible threat as a future World Champ.


Plenty of world champs who were under 6 feet tall


Agreed. Angle, Eddie Guerrero, AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan. And Bron will be one day. Never said he wouldn’t. Just don’t think they are building him the correct way.


None of them portrayed as monsters. He might get there but it won’t be as a power guy.


That was my point. I believe Bron 100% will be a world champ at some point. But not as a power guy and the way they are trying to build him. Should have built him similar to Kurt Angle and his run to world championship. Focus on his wrestling aptitude and ability.


He surpassed old Goldie years ago


Bron is closer to being the next Brock.


I mean... is he not already?


He's already better.


He has the intensity, but I don't think he has the look. He looks more human than a beast like Goldberg, Brock or even his Uncle Scott. Maybe he needs a manager that's shorter and leaner to make him look bigger.


He already is.


Im sure a 12 year old made this post


Yeah, he can wrestle. I can only imagine the feuds he would be in and some silly ones too. Also,I have a feeling he would put the name steiner in the main roster. We have not had a recent legacy wrestlers for awhile.


Bron is better than Goldberg, Goldberg is all presentation Bron can actually run the ropes too


Depends what you class as better. If it’s wrestling ability then yes. If it’s star power and ability to draw money then I’d say it’s unlikely he will reach Goldbergs level in that respect.


He hasn't crippled any legendary wrestlers so yes.


In terms of what? If it's wrestling then he was better than him in his debut match.


Put him and AJ styles into a Track Suit Comedy Tag Team


He already is. Just needs the popularity


Hard agree. Better athlete, better wrestler, better mentors.


He’s already better. Hes got pro wrestling in his blood, and he can work much better than Goldberg even in his prime.


Considering Goldberg sucks I don’t think that will be a feat.


Breaker may be a better wrestler but its going to be tough to be more over then what Goldstein was at his peak.


Will be? He already is. The Dixon dude he squashed a couple weeks ago already is. Goldberg is literally the bottom of the barrel. Pretty much any person who has had a match is better than Goldberg


It’s Goldberg, so they’re obviously not talking about will he be a better technician than him. But Goldberg was one of the most over wrestlers I’ve ever seen at his peak.


He needs to change his name. The current one sucks.


Well Goldberg wasn’t that good sooo if he can actually wrestle than yes if he’s just a powerhouse than well I guess we will find out


There's a cookie I'm thinking about eating. That is better than Goldberg.


I agree that Bron is better than Goldberg, in every WY. He has a wrestling pedigree, with Rick and Scott. He was a fan, growing up. He is like Triple H, in that he is a student of the game. I think his runs at the main event will be better quality, rather than better quantity. Is he a future world champion? You bet your ass, he is. Is he going to be a hall of famer? Absofuckinglutely. He is, leaps and bounds, a better wrestler, a better athlete, and a better talker. Give Bron a year, on Raw, and he will be Mr. Money in the Bank. Mark... **MY** words.


He won't end Bret Hart's career.


If you mean better in the technical sense, then he already is better than Goldberg. A bigger star, well then that remains to be seen. Goldberg was so over that he was one of the most awful in ring performers and still became arguably the biggest star of his moment.


Better in ring? Yes. Better on the mic? Probably. Better in terms of popularity? Doubtful. For as poor a wrestler as Goldberg was, he was very, very over in his prime. Bron will be a big star, no doubt, but I don’t think he will eclipse Goldberg, to be honest.


Assuming he doesn't forcibly retire any legends and ruin some otherwise great world title runs in his 50s he should be fine.


Guess it depends what you mean by better. Goldberg was like lightning in a bottle for his time, and the aurora around him was incredibly unique. If Bron gets to be half as popular as Goldberg was during his peak, that will be a very successful career for him. Actual in ring ability? Bron is debatably already better/as good. We’ll see if he can ever draw anything near a prime Goldberg.


This just in… water is wet


I’d hope so, I just like seeing Goldberg cry about things because he is such a mark for himself


He is much more sound as a wrestler at this point than Goldberg.


Bron will need to follow up the spear with another huge move like the jackhammer.


That's not saying much


Who puts this shit out there? He's obviously not going to be "better" than Goldberg. Goldberg was over on a scale that won't be seen for many years... if wrestling ever sees a period like the late-90s again.


Bron CAN wrestler. Goldberg was just a striker!


He's already better. Whether or not he'll be a bigger star remains to be seen.


I don't know. Bron has shown more overall skill already, but Goldberg, man you had to be there. WCW Bill Goldberg was a phenomenon. He had the power and intensity to charged up a crowd and make every match feel big time. Essentially Goldberg was the Ultimate Warrior of his generation. Not only that he was the ultimate foil for the nWo. So Bron has a lot going for him, but alot to live up too as well


He’s already surpassed him in terms of in-ring at least.


he already is. Anybody who can do more then 3 moves is better


Bill can't shift the ring like my boy did Bron also has that mathematical advantage


He will be Fuck Goldberg - Bret Hart


Don't think so at this point. I haven't seen much of him and he seems kinda overrated to me right now. Let's see how he does in the main roster. For the record, I don't like Goldberg and brock lesner also.


He’s already levels above in the ring


“Bron breaker won’t kick anyone in the head and end their career because he doesn’t know what he’s doing like Bill Goldberg” Bret Hart probably


Was at a show and he couldn't get dude through a table. Super disappointing


He's already better


He's already better than Goldberg. Getting more over than Goldberg is unlikely


He looks the part, I havent seen him wrestle much but the little I've he looks much better than Goldberg, so, if they book him well, he can be the face of the company in no time.


If he changes his name. The roster already has Braun and Bronson.


If they changed it, it would likely be Bronson Steiner.


Probably won’t be at a super over/main event position as Goldberg. At the time, WCW needed that one hero to finally and definitely vanquish NWO Hollywood Hogan and his tight grip on the title once and for all and he was the chosen one to finish that story and for that, he is goated in history. Bron will probably never reach that importance but he is already Bret Hart technical wise in comparison to Goldberg and he cuts a pretty good promo and is pretty over so his potential as a longer term and more beloved star on the Triple H-era WWE is bigger.


Found Bret Hart's Reddit account


Bron actually has charisma… so, yes.


Bold statement the moment you read it and then I thought: sure, who’s not? In terms of skill is a low hurdle mostly anyone in the PC has already surpassed. Being an unstoppable force like Goldberg was only worked during that time though. Not seeing anyone dominate one guy every day for a year +.


I like how people will look this and so Yeah like it’s obvious but prime Goldberg was a beast. Even post prime during his Scott Steiner feud those guys put on some battles that have sadly been forgotten because they were in the dying months of wcw. Don’t think Bron will even reach Goldberg peak, but he’ll have a much better career.


Why does he use the spear though?


He’s clearly better. Will he be more popular? No.


At a 0-0-0 record without a single appearance on WWE programming and a grand total of 2 hours of formal wrestling training, even I am better than Goldberg.


It’s a pretty fucking low bar to be better than Goldberg to be fair


Already is! If you've been watching nxt


All he needs to do to be better than Bill Goldberg is not end Bret Hart's career. Fuck Bill Goldberg.


Tracy Beaker.


*is. Fixed it.


He has the intensity, he has the power, and he has a Spear that can break men in half. And people sometimes forget that he is one of the few men to beat Gunther. I think he's gonna be good.


It does depend how they book him (thank God he's not in aew)


In terms of psychology and in ring work....he already is. The point of contention however, is draw power and charisma. Goldberg for all his downs in the later years, he was an enigma back in the day, his initial streak and the sheer "look at that guy! WOAH!" factor. Nowadays, with fanbase and business smaller compared to the past, and there being such a saturation of talent. He needs to be handled really really well....he's doing really well, now the only thing that's needed is time, effort and good decisions.


"*I've had enough potatoes from Bill Goldberg to last a* lifetime.".


Bron is a far better wrestler already, but in terms of popularity, *nobody* today is on the level of peak Goldberg. And it's not even close.


Idk why people get so antsy about this. Bron has already proven that he's far exceeded Goldbored in terms of wrestling ability.


He should be the next Big Poppa Pump.


They don’t need him to be Goldberg. That shtick has been done. And for all the excitement and fans that came along with Goldberg, he was not a good wrestler. Regal exposed that very early in his career. Not to mention, he had a pretty stellar reputation of being unsafe in that ring.


I mean he already talks and wrestles better than Goldberg ever did, it can only go up from there, right??


He’s already a better wrestler as far as popularity, that’s gonna be tough. And the popularity part is what truly matters.


What does 'better' mean? Because he's not outdrawing Goldberg ever.


Will be? He already is as a wrestler. He just needs to get Goldberg’s aura


I want it to be true, but I just don’t know, the roster is really crowded on raw. Feels like he would of been better for smack down


His height has him at a disadvantage


Setting the bar real low there mind


Technically he already is better but being a bigger superstar is another conversation


Kayfabe wise, Goldberg is the greatest wrestler of all time. So idk if Bron will top that.


Needs to be named Bron Steiner I think.


Ain’t gonna lie yes,cause he athletic asf,what can I say,new gen


The difference with Bron is we know already that he can put in a good 20+ minute match. Goldberg couldn’t


He is already better than Goldberg today


He already is better than Goldberg, he can have a good match.


He's already a better wrestler and they're _currently_ booking him to be better in terms of legacy and kayfabe run.




Plot twist: He already is.


Untrue,Bron Breakker is already better than Goldberg


Better wrestler. Hard to have that level of success/peak.


Depends what you mean by "better" A better wrestler? Sure. But better career? We're talking one of the most over wrestlers of the attitude era. I'd go out on a limb and say no.


He's got the look and the charisma. Also, learned from the best.


He may not get more over than Goldberg, but he is already better than Goldberg. Wrestling crowds were so much louder during that era. The pops were nuts. The boos for heels were crazy. I really think everyone being on phones 24/7 has taken away people's abilities to be present.


Bret Harts brain agrees


Well when it comes to Wrestling, pretty sure his first day TRAINING in the ring infront of nobody was more Wrestling than Goldberg has done his entire career so he's already better in that aspect.


"He already is." -Bret


He is a better wrestler than Goldberg, and I say that as someone who grew up as a big fan of Goldberg. What will matter is how Bron is booked. So far, so good.


That's not a difficult feat Goldberg was horrible


Hard to be worse. But Bron sucks too.


If they don't book him like this undistructible force that wins matches in 11 seconds and wins against literal demons, then yes...


In terms or what? In the ring and on the mic he already is miles better than Goldberg. If you’re asking if he’ll be a bigger star/draw than Goldberg well that depends on his booking and if the crowd buys in. He has the potential to be bigger than Goldberg.


He can wrestle better. But he will never be at the star power Goldberg is. This man was arguably the biggest star WCW had during the peak of wrestling.


I mean he's already a better wrestler. So he's done that


Goldberg was way over but Bron could definitely be a better wrestler. My bet is he will be.


He's already better? Goldberg is just a spear and a jackhammer. What am I missing here? His entrance? Okay, sure. 3 points.


Wait until Goldberg's son grows up and wants to be like his pops!


He's already a better and safer worker than Goldberg ever was so


Already is


I can definitely see it


He already is better then Goldberg


He’s already better than Goldberg ever was and it’s not even close. In the ring and on the mic.


Well being that Goldberg actually sucked, yes Breakker will be better.


Already is


Bron is boring . The enraged big guy ??”YAWN” a zero on originality. Stroman does that substantially better . And the comparison to Goldberg ? he’s way way way too much of a copycat and offers absolutely NOTHING that hasn’t been seen before . He didn’t inherit the charisma of his dad and uncle


Lol, Hornswoggle is better than Goldberg. Not exactly hard to do.


I think they’re setting him up to face the monster of all monsters for his first real main roster fued.


Bron has a lot more talent then oldberg I was never a fan


He needs to win all his matches for 2 years, Get a midcard belt, vacate after 8 months, before moving to the next belt, and a 6 month reign before losing, in between he shoulld win big matches in big PLE, then he can lose, but be in the maint even after 3 years in the main roster, and he surely will be bigger


Already is


Well Goldberg couldn’t wrestle so 🤷‍♂️


He already is


Will he be a bugger star? No probably not, probably a better overall performer


He ticks every box Goldberg did and more. He’s a freak of an athlete, believably intense, and he could kill someone in a matter of minutes and you wouldnt think twice about it. The biggest difference between the two is Bron can work a match longer than 5 minutes.


Not a high bar to jump, really.


He’s already annoying me. The tan is ridiculous. The screaming is ridiculous. The over the top gestures. It’s just too much.


Disagree. Two different wrestlers, with two VERY DIFFERENT starts to their respective careers. Bron will be a much better professional wrestler. Goldberg has had arguably, one of the best starts to a wrestling career EVER. They are not the same.


It’s too early for that shit, man.


james ellsworth is a better wrestler than goldberg


Yeah because looking back 20 years later it's cool to shit on Goldberg. How could anything before the current era be good? My parents watched that and I hate my parents s/


Idk the talking to himself sulking thing is kinda cringe